Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 07, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Involved Broker Has Dis-appcared-WatGhing
to keep him in U. S.
SAN FItANCJSiO, Cul., Augutit ".
Chief of l'oliec Uiggy has been unable
today to find Frederick Dorr, the in
volved San Francisco, Chicago aud New
York broker, for whose arrest on a
charge of felony embezzlement a war
rant was issued yesterday afternoon.
Dorr left on the coast line train for
Loa' Angeles four minutes after the war
rant was issued, and when Mil' train was
searched at San Jose the man was not
nbonrd. The warrant was sworn te
by Captain II. II. Norwood, a mining
broker, who alleges that Dorr sold and
appropriated to his own use ou shares
of Chicago, Milwaukee & St. 1'aul rail
road stock valued nt $14,000.
Chief ftiggy said today that Dorr had
not been found hy any of his men, who
are looking for the missing financier.
Friend Defends Him.
F. II. Lathrop, one of the business
associates of Frederick Dorr, the miss
ing broker, today said:
"There is no rcr.soa whatever to
think Mr. Dorr is trying to avoid service
under the warrant issued yesterday. He
fore he left yesterday he called tip
Chief of Police. Iliggy and a Muni if then
would be any complications which would
interfere with his departure. That was
hefore the warrant was issued, ami the
chief told him there would not bo. it
was my understanding that he was go
iug directly to Los Angeles to work on
his books, and if he has not arrived in
that city I am sure he will turn up
soon. There would be no renmui for
him to try to hide, and 1 am certain
that he was merely stopped somewhere
on private business.'
Office in Los Angeles.
LOS ANUI'XKS, Cal., Angus! 7 No
word has been received here of the
whereabouts of Frederick Dorr, Ihe
missing broker, by either members of
his family or business associates. His
office in the Ilradbnry block was be
sieged today by excited clients, who
allege that the broker owes them large
sums of money and who threaten to in
Htitnte proceedings against him as soon
as he is located by the police.
Detectives Hoosick and Ziegler have
been haunting the railroad stations here
on the lookout for Dorr and say they
are certain that he has not entered the
city. The police believe that he is in
hiding somewhere near San Francisco
nnd that he will not attempt to come
to I.os Angeles.
VIENNA, August 7. Military cir
cles are startled today by the results
of an investigation following a report
from Major Sturdza, the premier's son.
charging shocking immorality, drunk
enness, reckless extravagance and gam
bling aaiong the officers of the Rou
manian army and utter inetliciency
throughout the rank and file. When
the young major made these astounding
declarations some time ago the minis
try immediately ordered a general in
spection and the findings of the com
mittee delegated to investigate found
evidence to amply bear out the charges.
Discipline in the army to be
entirely lacking. There are practically
no regulations and the accounts of the
eommisariat reveal extensive frauds,
the officers in command having filled
their pockets with public funds.
As a consequence of his remarkable
disclosures, Major Sturdza had been
called upon hy a score of prominent
army officers to fight duels. He has
already met and vanquished seven of
his antanoiiHta.
MSHON, August 7. The cannibal
population of Portuguese Cuinea is on
the verge of another insurrection, ac
cording to news brought here today by
a vessel from the southwest coast of
The reports indicate t hat Pissoa is
now practically in a stnte of siege, as ;
the manoaters have mnn haled a threat-1
ening force outr.ide the walls awaiting
the governor 's decision. It is feared
the authorities finally will be forced
to yield, although the governor had
steadfastly stood out against Hie en
raged natives for several week-.
Should the natives take the town, pil
lagelagf and bloodshed would inevitably
result. Every preparation has been
made to resist the impending on slaught
of the black hordes, but the situation is
admitted to be s-riotit.
Detailed rppori of the nsciie of Ku
roean inhabitants of Hissoa by the
French cruiser Canard are beginning
to drift in.
The two has been sorely beset by the
warriuc natives for many days, am inn
nitinn was running low, civilians and
even women were fighting alongside the
small garrison of Portuguese sol
diers. .lust at this crisis the Cas-ard
happened to tp at the port, and un
der her gun the natives were forced
to fall back.
The natives have recovered from
their fright at the guns of the wi rsluj
and are again -urmunditig the city.
K.M TrtMIW, m Pit moiU.
The Beavers were blanked in the firt
game pmyed with the Seals on the
grounds of the latter on Tnelav.
The reonrd game for length was
pluyoil at Portland Sunday, when t ho
lleavrrs and Seals plnvM 20 iuuiues.
The (jnmo finally wont to Hie visitors,
thorugh the error of Ryan, by a score
of G to 5. Granev and Sntor were
the opposing pitchers.
Tho great work of the Detroit team
has been a surprise, as few predicted
the Tigers making such a fight for the
pennant after falling before the Cubs
last fall.
Helen Norte, tho speedv little mare
owned by Judge Hrents of Walla Wal
la, Wash., died at Hnshville, Ind., Sat
urday from aa attack of bowel trouble.
Helen had been working on the grand
circuit and had a record of 2:094, al
though she lowered this mark in Cleve
land in 190(1 by going it in 2:0nA.
Judge Hrents recently refused A.'iimo for
the animal, who was a granddaughter of
the noted Altamont.
jos Angeles is playing winning ball
right along and is nearly 40 points
'i head ot Portland. San Francisco is
third, w hile Oakland is still in posses
sion of tho cellar.
In the American league has arisen a
new star one that will be shining
brightly when that of the mighty Wag
tier has set. Today it is a question
which is the more brilliant Wagner
or Cobb of Pittsburg. Cobb, demon
batsmna, demon base runner and won-
lerful fielder, of the Detroit Americans.
is only 22 years old. He is the fastest
man in the American league. He is
hitting at a terrific clip. He is as grace
ful as a deer and as strong as a lion.
He was a sensation last year, he is a
marvel now. Det ween Hans and Ty
( 'obb t here is little to choose. Their
hitting, their base running their field
ing are about even, .Inst, two draw
backs has Cobb a quick temper and
tendency to ' swelled head, ' '
VANCOUVER. B. C. August 7.
WRilliam Whyte, second vice-president
of the Canadian Pacific Railroad com
pany, wheu asked today if he had hiiw
thing to say concerning the rate war,
shook his head and said that the mat
ter is in the hands of the local offi
cials. When further questioned, as to
whether he cared to comment on tho
strike situation, he slightly relaxed aft
er a moment of reflection, and said:
' We really have not li iug to say
about it. It is not our plan to talk
or act in the matter. When the concil
ia t ion commit tee made its rulings I
telegraphed lo Ottawa from Winnipeg
and tidd them that their findings were
not, from onr point, of view, satisfac
tory, but that, in order to keep tho
spirit of the conciliation act, we would
agree lo them. "
The plain inference from Mr. Whyte's
comment seemed to be that, inasmuch
the coucilation committee had given
muling, and the men had gone oat on
strike, it was up to the commission lo
took after the enforcement of its own
The situation here is quiet today-
WASHINGTON, Augusl 7. -Captain
Lucien Young is to be the new com
maudaiit at Mare Island navy yard, San
Francisco, according to ail vices given
out by the navy department. He will
succeed ( apiain .i. n. -miiioh, nun
been transferred to command of the re
cniiting ship Independence, now nt Mare
Commodore J. M. Robinson, whit has
been in command of the Independence,
is relieved and has returned to his home.
NEW YORK, August 7. Surgeon at
the Harli-m hospital today are holding
an autopsy over the remains of William
Bienz, a Hi year-old boy, who died of
anthrax, a sheep disease, last night.
This is the first case of the kind ever
reported in Harlem, and the doctors
are studying its singular phases.
At first it was thought that a urns
quito had bitten the boy, but as the
disease developed, it was discovered
that he was suffering from the sting of
insect which is usually found on the
sheep in Russia.
The new Turkish cabinet was named to
day by the sultan, acting under the
direction of Kinmil Pahn. There is not
a single react ioiiurv in the cabinet,
which is composed of men wholly out
of sympathy with the old regime.
This is considered as a guarantee that
the new constitution will be observed
to the letter nnd there is great rejoic
ing among the member of the Young
Turks party.
ItoMK, Anoint 7. Crinlinril OiMMins
h:is entin-lv n-fnvT'l f mm the :itt:iek
nf inifi inril trouble thnt ni.-ulf it no
oo.:irv for him tn go lit bed yonterday,
a.-n.rdmi; to r.port r ivi-.l hen- to
i.iv. The i r iving
liti'nin lo th- .oniiratnlnt ion of
his friend" on the "liort duration of hi
Ho expects to appear at t h 'ii'.in
The secret 's out
ACT 11.
lilTY TT.
! When warm, drink "Cole
jstin" to make you cool.
When cool, drink "Cole
jstin" to keep you well.
anderson &
i Agents for Medfoi!.
Is Next to
ACT I 11 A. M.
Tired housewife to Xeat Neighbor: Why, the idea,
you have your washing all done and on the line! I low
white it looks! You must use some magical prepara
tion to accomplish sueh miracles.
Neat Neighbor: I do, Jennie. Listen. You can
buy five bars of "Swift's Pride. Laundry Soap" and
one bar of Fairy Soap all for 2")c; or you can buy 10
bars of Swift's "Sua)" Laundry Soap for 2"c, if
you know where to buy. 1 t's foresight. You can buy
it from the big cash paying, cash saving store
We have
and will sell you a sack, ft barrel or it carload. We handle several gradcH uud
will give you the tests of all. Cement sidewalks are going in ull over town
and what looks s.i cheap or thrift lens a an old loose board sidewalk in front
of your property? Consul- u cement contractor uud you'll find hia price
right. The big ilemaud now on for rmrieut is going to make it hard to get
and naturally at an increase in prieo.
G rater Lake
Lumber go.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply tn the City Council
of the City of Medfunl, Oregon, at the
next meeting for a license to dell spirit
aim, vinoiiti and malt liquors in ipiun
titiea less than u gallon, for the period
of six mouths, at bin place of business
at lot 14, in liloeli 20, in the. City nf
Medford, Oregon.
Dated .lulv IB, 1H08.
Notica it hereby given that the nil
! lemigned will apply to the city council
I of tho city of Medford, Oregon, at the
next meeting for a liiemo to ell pir
1 iiAm, iiiom and malt liquora in qunli-
litiea li than a gillnn for the period
'of nil monHil, at hi place of huainei
u lot 11. in block 'in, in the city of
I Medford, Oregon.
Dated July 10, 11(08.
Notice in hereby given that the tinder'
HigiKx will apply to tho city council of
the city of Medford, Oregon, at tin1
meeting to lie held on Augllut 3,
for n licenite to Bell npjritmiK, cinotm
arid malt liquora in (piantitien Ichh than
a gallon, ut his placu of hiiflineHft, nt
Iota 10 and II, in block 21, in naid city,
for n period of Nix months.
Haled .Inly 20, III0S.
rhr rriili-B south of Metlfonl ml 2Vj
miles WfHt of Phot-nix, i now cut np
in hni11 tracts to sifi thr purr baser.
Onr fourth roan, haUnee in throi pay
miits. This is iar opportunity for
men of small mrnns. Kisteil with all
the aganti.
Mid ford Trtbunt, OOo psr tut nth,
Friday and Saturday
scene Raid ly the guerrilla band and the killing of
the father The Younger brothers organizing for re
venge The first, holdup The great Xorthfield bank
robbery The fight with the posse Capture of the
Younger brothers.
"Oil, WHAT l.UNOS" The best comic on market
Oak Park
On railroad on the West Side, north of depot grounds
and conveniently located for business men seeking home
sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale cheap,
on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer
building inducements to anyone wishing to make the right
kind iff improvements. Why go out to the faraway
suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at
prices ranging from
$200 to $350 per Lot
situated where an advance in price is assured, and where,
the first benefit will be derived from the completion of the
railroad to the timber?
It pays to figure on such in vestments in a live town like
Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like
a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two hence. For
full particulars apply to the
Rogue River
it is up to You
What Will You Do?
If you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active
and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking
down your system day by clay, then you may reflect for
a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the strength
of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack
age of
Golden Gram Granules
No man can consume his strength and. retain it at
the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount
daily. 0 OLD EN 0RA1N GRANULKS is'far super
ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like
coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can he had
in any grocery store for 2'n: Order a package today.
All grocery sell it.
A Money
We Fully rciilizc- that tlit-ro in u int.
jority of petipli' wlio alwiyn winli tlm
vnry ImihI. Thcue p'opl arc wine. The
hunt in always the rlicapufit in tin long
run. Imperially in this lrin uf onr
IM'UK WlllTK" I'M.OUK, in hu mui-h
an unv lii.ntvwilV wlm has tried it known
thai it tnaket many tuoreluavcH tu the
nick tlm u onlmurv flour. Don't be
.miiiy wino ami poiiml fuolirili, Iml Imy
tin- tn-Mt II. Mir, i. c, "Pure While," of
Allen & Reagan
Why Not Iron In Comfort?
Nn reiiHon to ho inif'oinl'nrtiihlt' in a
lint, Niiii'ly kitchen.
You ean take your Klecfrir Inm to
any pari of the hniixe h hi-re there is
a iicht ttoekel.
A a ex tension eonl from t lie kiti'ln-fi
liht will enable you to f it nn t he
Telephone M n in H'i5 unl have an
Klrct nr I ron "-nt ymi mi one week V
fier trial.
HucefNMor to Condor Water Power Co.
Of fie 'Jiift Went Seventh St.,
Opiioiitv Big Electric Sign.
Land Comp'y
August, la we will be ready
to sell tiered and seasoned;
in any quantity at $3.00 perf
tier, dcliverl, or $2.00 per.:
tier at Ihe ranch.
Good Rail Wood
Some cedar, sawed into ti&r,
wood, at $1.50 per tier at
the ranch or $2.50 per tier
delivered. ;
For all necessary in forma-
tii ni apply to
Medford, Oregon.
Notiee is hereby gvf-n tbo un
lenifrneil will apply to tbo city council
of the city of Moilforil, Oregon, nt t ho
next meeting for a hcenne to sell spir
i toils, vinous mill mnlt liniiorn in oimn
titieN lesH tint ri n bullon fur tho period
oi ftix month, nt bin pluce of bimiuesl
nt lot l.'l, in block l, in the city of
Meilfonl, Oregon. ;!
Ilnle.l .Inly in, IrtOS. .
At tho Mnlfnrtl Tea & Coffee House.
Soe us for bargains Wn have farmt
for tHle,weU improved; gooil orchards;
rich soil; 20 to per mere. Pears H
I'irlle, Brownsville Land k. Investment
Co., Brownsville, Oregon. tf