MFPFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEPFORD, 'ORKtiONRIAXVlT.UST 7, 1!)08. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper in a Lira Towx. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY GeomjB Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted 4 Second-Class Matter in the Post office at Bedford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. n.. hv mail or carrier. . . .iu.f.0 0 war, by mail r' " Olty lubseriherB whe ifcalre Tlie Tribune mailed to them at summer resorts or oher outoftown places will please notify the office, glv- tai olty address and the length of time they desire paper sent to t new addre. On returning, please notify office In order that service by carrier may he promptly rosumed. , .1 CITY OF HOMES. Thnre is liardlv a dav passes bu thai sonic strangei within our cates comments incidences that are bcintr built in each and every section of our citv. Recenlly a gcntlcnian ventured the belief that Medford has more new tion than any city in Oregon av i.,.,.n m.r the slightest was entirely correct in his .. Mrwll',.i.1 will cate yourself wherever you may at any point withm the city, and your eyes will behold new roofs rising into view in every direction. Nothing could be more encouraging than this condi tion, for it is homes that we desire above all things. Some times there are persons given to a false course of reason ing, who regard the rapid increase of homes in a m- nity as a calamity, on (lie ground that it. is hetter llian fewer homes and more factories should be built. Thevfail to grasp the fact that homes demand factories. In other words, the people who are locating in this valley in such large numbers are not (lie kind of people who are in the habit of sitting around and "eating their heads off." They are Americans of the best do. They will themselves by their necessities. A count rv whose evei-v will produce a living for an average family can never be a country of idleness or want. Land and water are the two requisites of prosperity. We have the land the best that lies out of doors and the mountains about this valley have all the water we shall ever need and which is to be had for the taking, as we are told it is soon to be taken from some source in the heart of the great hills. It, is, therefore, with a sense of exaltat ion and vast con tent that, we should look upon the new roofs that are li fled, as from a touch of magic, to the sun of each shining morn ing that leaps across the mother mountains upon the "Cream of Creation." It means more happy people to share with us the best country on earth. It means that here, where once the nioeeasined feel of the Indians fol lowed on the tracks of the deer; where the ox carts of the early settlers creaked their way along the paths of dream, we shall build the metropolis of Southern Oregon, fair in its desfinv and unrivaled in ASK PARDON FOR MAN WHO ROBBED U. 8. MINT SAN PHANf'ISCO, lab, Angus! 7. A plea for the pardon of Waller N. Oimmick, who in serving a sentence in Nan Calient in penitentiary for (lie at lefjed theft of over im.noit from the San Prnneisco mint in 1 ! , was to day forwarded to Washington in a lei tor written by President ltcnjf.inin Ide Wheeler of the I'niversity of (:ilifor nia. The h-tter is addicted to Secre tary I.neb, requesting him to take the matter up with the president, l'resi dent Wheeler writes: "The interests of justice will be erved by his pardon It is doubtful if hn was guilty at all -at least of any in tire than participating in lux methods commonly in vogue. P.ighly frien.U of Iimmick have signed a petition v.hich will rtlsn he sent lo Washington. The signers express the fin tuvietion thai he in innocent of the charge against him. Dimmit k was chief eh-tk of the mint under former Superintend ent Prank Leach. Muring the anniml inventory in July, 111 six sacks of gold double eagles, amounting lo :M, 000, disappeared ami Piminick whs nc cused of the theft. Jfe wan arrested, convicted am) given throe sentence Aggregating nine years, Dimim'ck has already spent six years in prison. DELAYED REPORT OF A HIGHWAY ROBBERY YREKA, Cal., August 7. In a letter received by T. J. Xolton from Prank f'urtifl, who liven down on the Klamath river, the latter stales that while com iug up A trail nt nn isolated spot on Beaver ereek nlmut Till miles from hen near the boundary line between ( ali fornin nnd Oregon, he was stopped by a highwayman nnd relieve! of uboui $10 in enh. The letter was tinted July ti9, and states that he highwnymnn was masked nnd nrmed. So much time lias elapsed that it is entirely improbable that the robber eun be captured, espec ially since no clue has been furnished, the sheriff. to ing upon Hie large number of new houses in the course ol ere. in proportion to its size. doubt but thai the gentleman belief. Certainly no one vh lie me ine to ( ollbt II. IjO- class, who will find things to build the factories demanded sinele acre of fertile ground its beaut v. YOUTHFUL BURGLAR IS SHOT BY POLICEMAN SAN PKANUSro, Cal.. Angus! 7. Scnll Tountls, aged II' years, who live at H;i 2 pighih street. South Se-ittl was shot ami iustanlly killed early terdav bv Ptdiceinnu M. T. A rev. Kav ( '. Itiiird, aged I s, v. ho claims to be Hie son o the Standard Oil agent at Si'iilile, a companion of the dead vculli, is under arrest for bungalow. The killing and the arrest w.-re ll ciibiiiii:! ion ol ;mi ex it-it ig chase lor Hirer- blocks all-r the two boys., I In police charge, had been discovered ii the act of robbing a aloon at Pi ft I and M isNiou nt rcct . A rev hen rd ti noise in die saloon and entered througl a door in w In. li t h: glass had I ti smashed. As he did :o t'le tu,. v. nil: ilashed out of tin' door and ran. The policeman gave eh ate aid outer e.t the bovs lo Mop. I'll V lefuse-l ami he fired al Toll'ld-. Tie --ho, pj.-n hei slouiiich. The bnighir hid behind a barrel, where lie wis found Inter. He (old the police :'.at he ami the dead you'll came from NcnMle so lime ugo and could not find work. or A BOY FOUND IN t'LAY BANK CHICAGO, August ;.-The head of a hov whose dismembered hodv was taken from the drainage canal hei Tuesday was found bv the police lerdav near I he spot where t he iopo was found. The head was slicking in a hole in the clay near the edge of the canal. It was at first thought that the legs toiithl vesterdav were (hose ol a worn but the invest igat ion showed that they fitted a loio"of a hov found laf er last night. The find iug of I lie head wil h long hair completed the corpse 9Mlt tl cop! ion of (he arms, which have not vet I n located. It is difficult to ;ay whether the head was mutilated owing tls decomposition. f Anybody wishing to Itvtst u) ol of ! The police are holding a man who isMhe iieutf't, most 'det to lueist-f Creek whom the police suspect of be led the head padrone system here. P. MANUFACTURE ' PATENT DEVICES Trow&ridgf Lines Per East to Acqiire Klglls to Patented Devices A deal has just been consummated whereby C. ). Mug taken a Ini'K' in terest in tic Medford Iron WorltH, nnd lust evening K. II. Trowbridge, who has managed I In- t:int t or a nntnbi r ol years, left for tin- rust, where he will (n ri )i:i a large amount of machinery with which to rtjniji t lit' dnnt and make it thoroughly up-to-date in every 10--tjMM-t. It tin intention of Mr. Trow bridge to acquire, before li ih return, a right to inn n u f :i ft n r :i number of pat ented devireu so that he can keep u Torre uf nine or ten nine h i 11 it h nt work rontinoiisly in the plr.nt. While most of the time miic-Ii a foree in n-puired t here occasioitly comes it slack period in I lie business when a number of tin men have to he laid off. My placing the concern on a manufacturing basis these mm can he kept st-ndily at work. It in the intention of the owners to construct a two story sleel building where tin- present shops are located find e(iiip lliein with nil of the tale tn:chin .rv fur tlx luindling of all kind of iron work. A brans foundry was lately in stalled in addition to the iron foundry.; I (olii of these are to lie enlarged. It has been known for some lime ; 1 hat M r. K i ng was eont emplii t ing t he purchase of an interest in the Iron; hut the deal was not dosed until yes terdny. Mr. Trowbridge left imme diately for Chicago so as to have the maeliim ry here ami the steel building erected before 1 he coming of winter. The building is to be modern in t il re pects. MUST SECURE PERMITS TO BURN SLASHINGS The legislature nt Ms last session passed a law whereby the old law au thorizing county clerks to issue fire per mits was repealed and creating a state hoard of forestry, which has supervision over matters of thiu kind. Many peo ,de do n t I'now that count clorka de not I.mvc power to isnuo permits an of old, hs llvv are ' aware of the law. as iH attested by be appliiiitious .u?e for fire permltw. The slate board 'if forestry is coin posed of I he governor, secretary f slate, linn and game wardens ami the member of the Oregon agricultural col lege having charge of the forestry work ind three electors ol the state, who are ippoi nt by the governor from and upon the recommendation of the iuiu her Manufacturers' associations of Ore gon, Oregon roreslry association find i he 1'nited States forest service, each select tine of such electors, The board of forest rv appoints t he Icputy fire wardens throughout the tntc upon recommendation of the prop rt v owners in the different sections. Expenses incurred by deputy fire war dens are borne by the sections over which t hey have jurisdicl ion. Heforc i he present board was created, count v lerks had authority to issue fire per tn its, ii ml as a result condil mas were v nasal isf nc lory. I n many cast's i he clerk did not know the conditions when he granted a fire permit, and in a number of cases permission lo build fires vveie allowed ill advised. The dosed seanoii for setting files is from lunc I to October I. ALL OREGON COUNTIES AT GOOD ROADS MEET Neaily every county iu Oregon will be represented al the good road:: con lYreuce lo he held in Portland, August 1 1 . Among t he most distant will be Lake county, which will send delegates lo counsel wit 1 1 (lie men from eastern and western Oregmi on I lie best reme dies for existing load conditions. 'on lily .1 udge II. Daly of La lie v iew has written to the 1'nrtlaml Commercial club assuring the management that his county will he represented. He said: "We have not been saving much, but nc have been up and doing until we now have m.ies of as good roada in Lake county as can he touud in auv county in Ongon. L"ke county, with its ooon ni-ret of laud to every voter, h:ii alreadv a per capita income of over k'J.'i'i per man from the livestock in Inilry alone. When we get railroad fa -ilities to ship to the markets, tin1 splcn hd pi oil nc Is of our orchards, farms. mines and forests, then watch Lake unity grow. ' PtRES RAGING IN RILLS AT PRUITVALE VALLEY Scv. ral fores! fires have been raging in (In1 hills along the Jackson Joseph boundary, started by carelessness of campers. Purest rangers were sent nil last w eek t'i A It house to protect the res-TV v. where a fire recently broke ut. Another fire started Sunday near the stage road to Williams creek and mi rued over t he drv foot hills to the Pruitdale valley, wh re it threatened to destroy several farmhouses and burn up several miles of fence. The resi dents of that district, after fighting it all night, were so exhausted that they were ccinpelled to telephone to Grants Pass for help. homes in 4ftfofff, ttstiM atrMfe) O. Hkf M I err? w mn 0RlnNCE XO. 9 ordiHft ;. 4 tr ii trict Ni.flirr mm i t cit of ford, Oitf , m h bouftle The kity of t-dfui doi ordiu as lullows; That the district included ithiu the following b(,'ricH, in the city of Medford, Oregon, is hereby established as and declared to he in Seer District u ruber Six, to wit: Hf giiiniiig at I he section corner be tween sections 'Ml and 31, iu towaBhij, :u south, range east of Willamette meridian, and sections 2 and 'M, town shijt '.17 south, range I west of Willam tie meridian, and running thence west erly along tho corporation bouudary of the city of Medford to the west side of Hamilton street south, thence north. along saiil street to the north line of Kighth street, west; thence east along said north lino to the east lino of Oak dale avenue, south; thence in a north westerly direction to a point where tho north line of Kighth street. West extended, meets the saio west line of o.ikdale avenue, South; thence northeasterly direction along said north line of Kighth street, Woi, to the Oregon & Oliforuia Railroad company's right of way; thence following said right of way to ita intersection with the south corporation boundary line; thence south westerly along said corporation boun dary lino, and continuing on said line to the place ol beginningand it is hereby by declared and ordered that trunk line sewers and laterals be constructed in said district, sufficient to care for the drainage thereof, and be forthwith con structcd, according a ltd pursuant to the charter and ordinances of the city of Medford, and the plans and specifica lions of the citv engineer, in his office on file. The foregoing ordinance was passed by the city council on the 4th day of August, HtOS, Trowbridge, Merrick, Ki fert, Olwell, Wort in a u and Hafer vot ing aye. Approved: .T. P. liKDHY, Mayor. Attest: li'U HKN.I. F. COLLINS, Iteeorde OIUMNANCK NO An ordinance providing for the exe cation of a contract with Robert King for making laps and connections with the newly installed distributing system of the water supply system of the city of Medford, ami providiug the terms thereof Tlu city of Medford doth ordain as follows; Sectio,; 1. The mayor and recorder of the city of Met! ford, Oregon, are hereby authorized and directed lo enter into a eontivt in writing with- Ifjbert King, in words and figures as follows", to wit: This Agreement, Made and entered into Utween tho iiity of Medford, Ore gun, hereinat ler called tho city, nun Robert King, hereinafter called tho eon I rnctor, Witnessed): That In consideration of (he premises, and of the pnyments here inafter provided to be made, the said on t rac t or hereby v x pressly agrees to make for the said city all taps nnd con nections with the water mains of said and connect tho same with the service pipes thereof and lav service pipes to t ho curb lino therein, accord iug to and subject to the plans nnd speeificut ions heretofore furnished by the city engineer and approved by the water committee of said city and now n file in the recorder's office of said city, at nnd for the agreed price of U.Td for each tap or connection, and in eonsidcrat ion of such service, the said city hereby expressly agrees to pav said contractor therefor the said sum of $(i.7ti for ench tup or connection so made by said contractor, according to the terms ami provisions of said speci fications. Section 2. It is hereby expressly or lend that all connections with the n w Iv insnllcd water distributing system hall be made only bv the said citv or its authorized agents, and only after applica t ion in writing duty filed with the city recorder of said city, and that meters shall bo placed nnd protected as directed by the city engineer, nnd any person, firm or corporation, making or causing to be made any connection wiih said system except as herein prov ided, shall, upon conviction thereof in the recorder's court of the city of Medford, Oregon, be fined not less than $-5 nor more than $lot) nnd the costs of prose cution, and iu default of paymeut of smh fine ami costs, shall be imprisoned iu the city jail one day for each $-.00 of sucit fine and costs remaining unpaid. The foregoing ordinance was passed by the city council (In the 4th day of August. Mtu. Trowbridge, Kifert, Wort man, Merrick, Olwell and Hafer voting aye. 12(1 Approved: .!. P. KKnrY Mayor. Attest: HKN.I. P. COLLINS, Recorder. LOCAL M ASSET. TL fololwiig quotatleas sr an im partial nport of the prices ptid br Med ford dealers: Wheat II per busts). Wheat- Sc per bushel. Ploutr 2.7 " per cwt. Whole barley $'23 per ton. Hay 112 per ton. Alfalfa $10 pr ton. New potatoes $1.25 per cwt. Butter lOe per roll. Lard 10c per pound. Beaut So. per pound. Kgjfs 22Ho per dozen. Sugar ffi.tiO per cwt. Turkeys 13c per pound. Poultry Sprint;, - to 3; hens. V 1H psr dezeo. Hust 12c per poisi. !s-10c p pHuttjl. a t l pm IIMF)- c AtM "ufc ffcfftrtTIneTiHe ftTtWl' FACI9I0 BILAr i Northbound No. lGJ0rt3D Express. . ... 5:94 p. m. No. 14Portlar ExpreM. . . 9:49 a. ra. , No. lfijCalifornia Expre. .jlO:3C a. m. No. 13jSao Francisco Exp.. 3:20 p.m.! No. 225!From Grafts Ps..j 9:15 p.m.' No.225IPor Aland 10:15p.m. "piciMO & iiwWt RAILWAY No. ljLeavei" Medford " "STTo a. m. No.3jLeava Medford 2:50p.m. No.2rriv Mlford 10:28 a. in. No, 4Arrivei Medford 5:08 p. in. BW1TB BIT SO TAIXSY RAILWAY No. 2fLeavea MedfordT. ,T.10:45 a. uj. No. 4jLea.ves Medford 2:35 p. m. MotorJLeavea Moter Leaves No. lJLeaveB No. 3 Leaves MedTord Z:UUp m. Medford 9:00 p. m. Jacksonville..! 9:00a.m. Jacksonville..! 3:30 p. m. Jacksonville.. I 1:30 p.m. MutorjLeaves MotorLeavei Jacksonville. 7:30 p.m. MAIL CLOSES. Kagle Point. Northbound . 7:201 2:00 .) 9:191 4:51 10:05l 2:50 10:201 5:20 Southbound , Jacksonville . LOW RATES EAST Will lie made tins season by SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lines iu Oregon FROM MEDFORD, ORE aa follows : Both Way One Way Through Via Portland. California, TO Chicago $82.40 St. Louis 77.40 St. Paul 69.90 $87.50 82.50 81 .70 Omaha G9.90 75.00 Kansas Citv .. 69.90 75.00 Tickets will be on sale June 19, 20. .July 6, 7,22, 23. August 6, 7, 21, 22. Good for return in 90 days with stopover privileges at pleasure within limits. REMEMBER THE DATES For any further information fall on A. S. ROSEN BAUM, Local Agent, or write to WM. M'M URRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. Why Should You Eat Inferior meats when you can have the Lest for Ihc ianie money by buying here i We sell better meats because we buy better meats, ami keep them in our cold storage plant, which makes them better vet. The Medford Meat Company Stata Depositary. CAPITAL AND SUEPLUS $115,000.00 MEDFORD SAS Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures aud all kinds of planing mill work, Including turned work and fancy grills. T, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH 8TS. 1 HONE 63. .1. E. ENVART.Presid ent. .1. A. PEKRY, Vice-President. The Medford MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage W. w. CITY TAILOR NEWPORT YAQUTNA Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The able I 'lace to Go for Perfect Rest and Every OonceiV Korm of Healthful ami Delightful Recreation ITS FACILITIES ARE C( )M PLET E Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict ipal sanitary regulations. N FW PORT is reached by way of ths Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis. thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Rate Prom Medford SEASON SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Our elaborate new summer book gives a concise description of Newport, including a list of uulels. their capacity and rates. Call on, telephone or write A. S. EOSENBAIW, WM. McMTJEEAY, Local Ageut, Medford General Passenger Aent, Portland 100 NOTICE 100 dust received, one hundred new patterns and styles in Rings, direct from the factory. Come in and look them over. MARTIN The Jeweler Fine Watch and Jewelry ALL Sfl$ New8 Banking; Storvice Of the Highest CharacUr. Liberality and uniform courtesy is extended to ALL depositors of this hank. If you appreciate banking serv ice of the highest character, you will t'iud great satisfaction in transacting your banking business with the Jack sou County Bank. Confer with our officers at your convenience, if desir ous if oeniug a new account or mak ing a change in present banking rela tions. W. I. VAWTRR, Presifieut ;. K. L1NDLEV, Cashier MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON The Nush hottt merchants' luucheon ouch noon from 1 1 :( to 1:30. Pelishes, soup, choice of two meats, your favorite beverage and coffee, for 'J't cents. Nash Buffet H & DOOR CO. .IOHN S. ORT1I, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cushier. National Bank A Timely Hint for the warm weather. You know a good thing you're road ing about it iu this ud. Don't cheat yourself but get a cool, eotnfortublo Hummer suit at a yruat reduction. We make you a styl ish summer suit at $20. F the ill and winter goods are here in all late shades. Patronize home Industry. Keep your money at home. Trench Dry Cleaning and . Pressing Neatly Done. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. EIFERT , MEDFORD BAY J. REDDY Naar Postofflc Beualriig a Specialty. 3y it tatpprag, o O 0 o o