Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 07, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined
The Weather
Fnir weather is promised for t'onight
unil Saturday; continued warm; north
west winds.
By fat the largest and best news report
ef any paper in Southern Oregon.
No. 120.
Railroad Magnate Would
Become Famed as Nim
rod and All Around
gust 7. I'M ward H. Harrimiiii,
railroad king and limineial Ti
tan, played a very poor tliird
part today in n whirlwind at
tack on the sporting -goods es
tablishments of this city, led by
his young sons, Averilt and Ro
land. The fUot;itiou of Union
Paeifie in the New York ex
change was a matter of small
signif ieance compared with the
gigantic problem of finding par
ticular green-fly that is attrac
tive to the fish in Klamath lake,
nr the replacing of tackle losl
since last outing in Oregon.
Tn big automobiles the boys
dashed about Market street and
visited first one store and then
another. "We've got n lot of
shopping to do," said the mag
nate. "We didn't bring any
camping supplies with us from
the east and we have to stock
up today."
f SAN FRANCISCO, Cab. August 7.
Edward H. llarrimau, the railroad king,
is resting here today after a rapid
transcontinental journey, preparatory to
proceeding to his hunting lodge at Pel
ican Ray, Klamath lake, Oregon, with
his two sons, Averill and Rolna Ifarri
man. He will leave for the north where
he will be joined by Mrs. llarrimau and
his two daughters, who are now stop
ping at Pel Monte Hotel, Monterey.
During the month the magnate will
spend on his northern preserves he ex
perts tn establish a record as a nimrod
and all-round sportsman. Karri man
bo. id he did not advocate a general in
crease in all freight rates. As to the
general topic of railroad legislation he
"We have had a maximum of public
ity and a minimum of legal and proper
No Sale to Japanese.
He denied that he has intentions of
seling his Pacific Mail steamship line
to the Japanese. Authoritative assur
ance was also given that the projected
Sierra tunnel to shorten the route from
Tmckee to Sacramento will be com
menced soon.
Will Use Electric Power.
The report today that Harriman will J
use electric power on the Sierra divi-
sion of the Southern Pacific railroad
over the Truekee mountains has creat
ed considerable discussion among engi- I
neers who are familiar with the power
sites of the mountains in that region
and eaused nn lettle speculation on the
outcome of the reported move. The
proposed development of William V.
Bourne's power mid water supply prop
erty in Nevada enmity is taken to be
the bais of the new seheme. but all
parties concerned are silent as to the
rumors of the use to which the new
power is to be put.
Surveying Parties Busy.
Bourne's holdings arc on the Yuba
river half way between the Southern
Pacific nnd Western Pacific lines and
it is point i-d out by enginers that the
power developed there cannot be sold
in San Francisco as the rost of main
taining the line to this section is too
heavy. That the power is not needed
in the mines of the region which are
already amply supplied is admitted.
Surveying parties have been biiy for
Home time laying out linen on the prop
erty. The company doing the work is
known as "the Water and Power com
pany of California.'
John W. Kelsoe aud Etta Richardson.
Casts Lone Vote Against
Appropriation for Better
Fire Equipment in the
Councilman Wort man cast a lonely
vote at this morning's session of the
city council, when the matter of In
creasing the fire apparatus in the city
came up for action. Five of t lit eoun
cilmen voted ui support of the appro
priation. llet'ure the measure was acted upon
Councilman Wort man managed to beat
tlx appropriation down from $1000 to
J.000. "The watchdog of the city
treasury" stated that then was not
money enough tn meet such bills and
t lint he for one thought that the mon
ey should not be expended.
As passed, the resolution provides for
Ihe establishing of three sub-fire sta
tions in the eitv. One will be near the
N'oitli school, one near the West school
and one on I he Kasl Side of the city.
The exact location of each sub-station
will be decided upon later.
There are to be -ID gallon chemical
wagons ordered, one new hose cart and
l.'ilM) feet of li'..-inrh hose. The city
will be better protected in the future
than it ever has been in the past.
Tin fire boys" committee recommend ,
t-d that the i-ity be divided into dis
l nets and I hat cards be printed and
attached lo each telephone throughout
Ihe city sn that there will be no diffi
culty in the future in locating a fire
when reported by telephone. This rec
ommendation was acted upon favorably
bv t he council.
LOS AXCEUvS. Cnl., August 7
After shooting and killing W. P. Heal-,
a weall hy rancher of Walnut 'enter,
near Covina, Ollie O. t'oitey, son of
a state senator of Oklahoma, is in jail
today awaiting an investigation of the
shooting and quarrels between Ihe two
men, in which lloalc is said to have
been the aggressor. According to Cor
ley's statement, he and several others'
became arrayed against lieale last
April, when the latter exhibited great
cruelty lo a horse. .Since then lienle
is alleged to have made several threats
against ( 'orley s life.
Yesterday, while Corh y was at work
in a lield, lleale ran across the roadway
with an open knife in his hand and Cor
ley. fearing he meant violence, fired,
killing him instantly.
The following are to go to the Port-
la ml as delegates from t lie Ashland
Commercial clnbg to tie- Oregon State
goorl roads conference to be held at tin
Port land 'ommerciay club August 1 1 :
C. W. Hoot, Hen ton Powers, Uoorge
X. Kramer and F. M. Ihiliois. It is de
sired tn have a large delegation from
Ashland. A special railroad fare of
one and one third fares will be granted
bv the Southern Pacific railroad.
PEKIX, August 7. The viceroy of
the province of Chili has notified the
home government that he is in posses
sion of positive evidence that the rev
olutionists in southern Chi an are re
ceiving arms and ammunition from the
Philippine islands.
The government has been aked to
ref r the matter to Wimhington for im
mediate action. The com mini lent inn
jit a ted that the .Japanese and the na
tives of the Philippine are in league
to aid the revolutionists nnd are fitting
out expeditions daily to the south coast
of China, carrying arms and ammuni
tion for tin revolutionists.
There in a likelihood that the matter
may become the subject of a diplomatic
cent roversv.
The New Directoire Gown
Displayed in Windows
Shocks Modest Town
SPOKANE, Wash., August 7. Spo
kane is today recovering from tho sen
sation created yesterday afternoon bv
the spectacle of living models attired
in new directoire gowns and pacing to
and fro in a display window of a big
downtown store.
Perspiring policemen in squads of not.
less than a dozen were kept busy in
preventing the excited crowds from
breaking in the windows. Finallv the
mob been mo so big that, someone turned
in a riot call and more policemen nr
nveo in a patrol wagon. Persons
perched themselves in second story win
dows across the street, on hydrants
wagons and automobiles in their anxie
ty tn get a glimpse. At length the pro
prietor of the store was compelled In
withdraw ihe models and put in their
places a placard announcing police
t erferenee.
TOKOXTO, Out.. August 7. Conser
vative figures of the scene fix the total
value of the property destroyed by the
IVniio fire at'(0in00.
J. L. Lindsay, president of the Crow's
.Vest Coal company, one of the heavy
losers, is one of the business men who
j is authority for the statement that the
losses will not exceed that figure. The
fire burned an area HO miles long and
, from two to lli milis wide. In some
places the fire is still bnrain, but all
danger of il spreading has passed. Ilos-
nier, M ichel and on I "reek are now
beyond Ihe reach of 1 lie flames.
The losses that have been definitely
fixed are:
City of Ferilie, .l,OOIt,Ol)0; Crow's
Xest Coal company. $1,0011.1)00; Lumber
companions, $ 1 ,000,0(10; coat mines' at
Coal Creek, Ferilie and Michel, $200,
"fin ; Canadian Pacific railroad, J0(l,
onu: i;reat Northern railroad, $L'"0,000.
LOXlM)X. August ;. Agents of the
Mritish department of agriculture in a
report made public today announced
t hat ( hey have unearthed a plan by
which the American meat trust has al
most succeeded in cornering the Smith
field market, the largest of the kind in
the world.
Thet report declares 1 hat noat at
present is wit hiu a cent charged dur
ing the recent famine ami deevlares
that it will be no do-nper until some
mean is found for dealing eff.-etivelv
wit li the t rust.
It is suggested that the market be
opened to ranadiaii and South Alneri
can cattle asa retaliatory nieiisnre. The
report further urges that the trust be
com pel leit lo kill bullocks within 4S
hours after their arrival in England,
and in this way increase the supply
and make coiiML'unients more freipient.
CIM' AO, August 7 Tlw arms and
right foot of Tuffs Slii-hein ihe Syrian
boy who was murdered and cut to pieces
laft month, were found today in a clay
hole n half mile from wh'T" the hear
was found yesterday and a unlc from
where Ihe toro was found the day be
No clue has bf en obtained yet as
to the whereabouts or the hoarder who
disappeared from the Shifhein home the
same i;y that the lad dropped nut of
$ 269, 656. 50
Council Rejocts All Bids With tlio. Ex
ception of One Tendered by American
Light nnd Water Company of T.os
Three hundred nnd one thousand, six
hundred aud fifty six dollars and fifty
Thati s what it will cost to build the
pipeline for the water gravitv svsiem
if the lowest bid tendered the eitv coun
cil is accepted as tendered by the Amer
ican Light & Water company of Los
Angeles, Cnl. However, a number of
the quotations were askea for eomparu
live purposes only, so that the bid may
be reduced by $:t2.000, making the cost
of the system $'2ti!l,(i.iti.;10.
$210,000 Available.
I he bul ol the American Light &
Water company was taken under ad
visemeut by the city council this mom
ing. nnd three other bids rejected, after
a session of the special water commit
tee which lasted into the Into hours ol
last night and an hour's discussion this
morning. About tomorrow at noon it
will be known whether this bid will be
accepted or not whether the water
committee with $210,01)11 available will
find a way to accept a $270, uno hid or
notand until thai time the bidder
will simply be in suspense as to wheth
er his bid will finally be accepted or
Four Companies Bid.
Last evening thc ltedwood Manufac
turers company, the Pacific Construc
tion company, .lacobsea-Made company
and the American Ligt & Water com
pany submitted bids to Ihe city coun
cil for Ihe construction of the gravity
water supply. The bids were opened,
read and submitted to tin- water com
mittee and the engineer for report. The
eon nc i) then adjourned to meel at 8
o'clock this morning to hear a report
on I he mat (er.
Three Rejected.
When the council convened this morn
ing Chairman Merrick of the water com
mittee moved that the hiils of all the
competitors with (he exception of that
of the American Water & Light i
pany be rejected ami the latter bid be
taken under advisement. This was done
the council adjourning after attending
to some minor business.
The hid of the Itedwood Mauufactur
rs' eompanay totaled $:tl!t,022.7o; that
f the Pacific Construction com pun v
otaled $:i:;.',OI2, an. I that of the Jacob
tcn-ltadc company $:tL':i, Noli. ."ill.
Bids in Detail.
The bids were dividnl into four di
visions head works, pipeline, reservoir
ami distribution the latter, in addi
tion to the distribution system at pres
ent installed. The bid on these bv the
om panics were as follows:
bed wood Manufacturers ' company - I
l!t:io, $nuo,o.-i;i, $;!2,7Mt i;i,ii."i.i.7.v
t'acilic i (instruction company --
$20.-,2.;.o, $2M.-s. $:;.Vk, Pi.7s7.on.
American Light A Water company
$20i:t, $2o.".0!:i, $:u.)!i2, $P2,-t.-is.r,o.
Jacobsen -Made company l.TIo, $2sof-
o.-,:i, $2s,7it.', $P2.i;7:t.."in.
In quotations asked lor in the mat
r of comparative bids ihe committee
I igures when- a redact ion of $.'i2,0i)0
can be made. This will put the bid in
i place where it is nut prohibitive, al
though al the present time there in but
about J (.1,11111 available to build the'
system. j
It is probable that the committee will .
know where it stands by noon tomor !
row in regard to the bid of the Ameri
can Lie, ht A Water company. I
Looked at Site. j
This morning t he representative of
the firm bid wa taken under j
advisement, together with members of i
the committee and Assmtant Engineer
Ciitniniiigs, looked over tie- different res j
er oj r sites a bout the city. What de j
cisioe lli' i caiiie to could Hot be deter
Less Bids Then Expected.
The number of lod submitted were
not as iiilOi'Toim as wax expected, us
many of the firms represented decided
Dot to hid on the proposition. The rep
Farrar Reports to Coun
cil that Water in Bear
Creek is Nearly Gone
Superintendent F. 11. Farrar last eve
ning notified the city council that the
present visible supply of water in Hear
creek so far fell short of the consump
tion that every indication pointed to
the fact, thnt within the next few days
Medford will be facing n water famine
similar lo what has been experienced
several previous summers. The melting
snows, which feed liear creek at its
source are alt gone, aud the stream
is rapidly drying up. During Ihe last
IS hours Ihe level above the dam has
fallen very materially, and the water
in the well in the power house i
proaehing the low point, which
necessitate a suspension of the pump
ing until it gradually fills up again.
Last year a heavy rainfall in Ihe moiin
tains about this time was all that pulled
the city through a similar situation. It
is unlikely that the supply will cease
entirely, but it will be ho limited as to
be pract ically not hing as far as I he
people are concerned. In the event of
the pumping having to stop, Superin
tendent Farrar stated today it would
be absolutely necessary to shut off all
the water from the residence district in
order to maintain auv sort of fire pro
tion. .
Owing to tlio searrity of water sup
ply, it is ordered Unit no eily water lie
used for irrigation or sprinkling ex
i-pt between the hours of 7 and K
'eloek n. m. and betvreeli 7 r.llil S
Yltiek p. 111. until otherwise ordered bv
the water eeuiuiillee. Vinlat ions of this
order by tiny eousuiner will result in
said enusttmer s suiutlv being forthwith
hut off.
Hy order of Ihe Waler I'oinmitt
the Citv Couneil of Medford, Or.
Hated August 7, I'.IOX.
WASHINGTON, August 7. Hugh S.
(iibson of I, os Angeles, just appoint
d secretary to the Tailed Stales lega-
tinii ia llondiirns, will h-nvc Wmhiug
ton tomorrow to take op his new duties
at Tcgucigalpi, the I louiliir.'iu capital.
Gibson is the son of the late l-'rauk
Gibson, formerly cashier of tho First
National bank of Los Angeles. Gibson
was recomnieuded for Iiih new appoint
incut bv Senator l-'lvnt.
K L'NNITT , i 'ii I A o gust 7.-l-'rniik
l.illlefi. hl, nx deputy constable, who
"lint Constable Tim l-'oley on May 111,
iv.-is orili red on r t, the custody of Sher
iff Moiitgiiiiii-i v of Shasta county today.
I. nil, fi, -1,1 wns under if.'tnlMI bonds ami
this action was brought about by his
bomlsiio ii on lie, -mint of his drinking
ami carousing.
rcseiitnlivcs, how
el the me, -ting I:
vcr, were all present
st evening and again
this morning.
Last eienitig Ihe four bids were read,
the council referring Ihcm to the waler
committee and Chief Kngilner Huberts,
and He n adjourning. Then began sev
oral honis' hard work gelting Ihe bids
in shape for reporl, which was ordered
for s o'clock this uioinilig.
It was known from tin- lirst thet the
two loliesl bids Wi re thoe of Ho- Allier
icon l.iht A Walir rompuiiv of Los
Angeles anil Ihe .Taiobsell Had Ill
paiiv of I'nt I land. It was lo decide
b.-filii-ll tie-'- two Ih.'it He- coliilliitlee.
loo,-iher with the Migiio-, r. work'il hard
nod at Ii ug'h.
Ureal iuteievt was displayed through
out tin' proce, dings. Die council room
oeing i-rowtb d dining both sessions.
Manv engineer wire present, as were
a large iiunile'r of local people.
Nipponese Make
Criticisms of Hobson
Very Artistically, Ac
cording to Reports
WASHINGTON', August 7. Ailrii'ca
iwpivvil nl th stall' loiurtiiioiit from
ToUiii Ktiitu Hint tho .lapiini'sp proim lias
lliuilly iiwnlnncd to llu' win- apluiw
ii'i'i'iitlv' in I Ins roiinlrv liy Ttt--ri'siMitnlivo
IjU'liNiiiiiil lViirmm ijnlunn.
Tin Niiipuni'so iiiunuilistM huvii
their eriteisins in very artistic fashion,
neenliiig lo the reporls.
The .lapau Chroniele, for example, aft
' k " i" me ini'i iniu
Ilobsou was ouie very friendly In the
.lupanoso, dales the beginning of his
present nnlipathy from the time when
he leelured before the members of the
Kobe young Men's Christian ae.soein.
tion on the duly of loving one 'a ei lies
and his iiu. lile rs nil went to sleep dur
ing the progress of his nddress.
"'an it be possible," ipieries Ihe
.lupanoso seribe, "that Ihe estimable,
honored gentleman si I, I have heroine
iliry wannie at so llloiiohl-
less behavior by Nippon's sonsf" I any view of his own."
'I'l' original order for the dishonor
HELD OFF THE POLICE able discharge of Ihe lirownsville troops
FOR MANY HOURS, promulgated under the president 'u in-
' slriirliuns was issued bv Acting Seere-
SAN I-' HA NT I SCO, August 7. John tary of War Oliver, while Tal't was in
l.aiighiiin was arresled early today by 'he wesl oa a tour of inspection.
i sipuiiiii oi policemen i rein l tic Harbor
station, ufler he had held off tho of
ficers of the law for Hoveral hours in
ii barricaded room in Ihe lluiliiin ipiar
ter and then Iried to kill himself with
a revolver after the room was entered.
I.aiigliam wns boisterous nnd neigh
liors sent lor Ihe police lo iniiet h
ii lieu i oncemaii Ijolmes prosunlod him
self at the door he was met with a huge
revolver in laingl 's hiiiid nnd lobl
to go about his own business. '
He relrenlcd for reinforcements, nnd
when Ihe sipui.l arrived at the room he i ed lo a tree for several I rs by an
had barricaded II with furniture and i Auburn constable, who took no chances
culled oul: "C e in timl get me." : with his prisoner.
Al'ler a light of several hours, a po ( The alleged offense for which the
'"'''"I1 rawled through a back win ' editor was arrested dales Ihreo years
dow, which I," had lift unguarded, aud ! back, when he was running ihe "Ha
gl.ipplcil with the iusiiue man. Lang vcn. " Louis King of this city, who
ham turned his revolver on himself; is res sible lor his arrest, saili that
when he realized that he was captured,! Lowe borrowed v, giving n 'chattel
bill the l,iill, l inflicted a flesh woiin, I. . mortgage on property Hint did not be
ll took the strenolh of several ooliee I, I,, I
iii'-a to get him to iirisrui
.lohli Oiniol, a stevedore, who was
running to Ihe fight, dropped dead on
the street from heart failure, due to ex
I.IIS A.NHLLL'S. Cnl., August 7.
Mnyor Harper of this city is being
made the butt of much g I natured
jest-ting today ov r the fact thai George
II. V.'o hcr. city pouiidmasler and dog
ralcher, receives annually -e than
Ihreo t i in.--, the amount of salary pre
"eiil. d to 1 1 hief executive.
This morning T. C. Ilevlin, the receiv
er of Ihe Oregon Savings A Trust pom
pany of I'ortland, wns taken in a spe
rial train over the lines of the Pacific
& Kastrru railroad, lie was accompli
iii.d by officials llafer and Keddy. The
Oregon Savings A Trust company hold
bonds of the railroad in an amount of
Mllil.oon. Mr. Devlin came down from
I'ortland to l,i,,k over Die pmposit ion.
John l Mangles left this morning
f,,r Train -isco after badly injuring last evening while doing his
,lie tor the A uierica n A iiiiisemeii t
iiiv on llo- carnival ground. Hi
ll false moi,- in starting and fell
s back, lie was assisted from the
oil hi
tank and wa much better this morning.
Ill leap i 7'l feet.
Brownsville Epi
sode Breeks Out Again
With Showing of Order
by Corbin
WASHINGTON, AiigiiHl 7. I,i,.t,.
.iiil CimutiiI 1 1 miry ('. C'oruhi, retired,
toihiv jriivii nut n hithnrlo unpublished
dir.pul.h from I'ri'mdi'iit Roosevelt or
dering the dismissal of the negro troops
at llroHimville, showing Unite order wns
direet from I lie president. The tele.
(,'rain is poremptorv, in its wording onil
I ami leaves no dnu'lit. that the responsi-
I hilily for the dismissal of the troops
iesis Willi Koosevolt.
the order was given out for tho pur
pose of relieving tho secretary of war
from eritieisni in .connection with the
ease and with the intention of savin
him from opposition by neirroea.
In giving out the ilispnlch, (ieneral
l.'orbiu said:
"No man, be he black or whi'e, in
fairness, can place any responsibility
on Tal't. ' '
As a loyal subordinate of tho urea.
lileut. lie i n i s dntv r,..-ir,ll..u f
: .
SAN JOHK, Cil., August 7. Theo
dore Lowe of Hoi'Kolcy, erstwhile edi
tor of "Haven," now extinct, real es
tate promoter ami malinger of several
bubble ( ill orprisos, is in jail hero today
awailing trial nn tl hurge of obtuin-
ing money under false pretenses. I.owo
j was brought here lust night from Lake
iTiihoe to. u i ..i...:..
lie heard Hint Ihe promoter had made
iiiiisidenible money nnd had him ar
LOS ANGKLKS, Cnl., August 7. In
lerest, was aroused here today by tho
astonishing declaration f M,H.' r
tense Cortial on the witness stand in
ler suit for divorce from Lewis I-'. Cor
Iml, when she swore that her husband
..d been drunk for '.'J years, the entire
period of their mat riuionial career. Mrs.
Cortial further averred that her hus
band continually referred to her as n
"cow," and when she tried to sober
him up, he threw her through a window,
culling her i k.
The much accused husband is contest
ing the suil, declining Ihe whole action
lo be a "mistake." Mrs. Cortial says
lie is frequently victim of "delirium
MoT STRINGS, '., August 7.
. lodge Tal't l.-fl hero for a week-end
trip I.. While Sulphur Spring with a
parlv, ex ling lo mnke the -bl-milo
trip iu a Din e sealed buckhonrd.
In the party were Mrs, Tal't, General
'larei l-.', chief of insular af
fairs; Coinoroa Torbcs. vice governor of
the Philippine, nnd Senator llourno of
They b-ft at 7::lil o'clock this morn
ing and expect tn arrive nt White Sul
phur Spring at It u'rlnelt this nf tor
noon. They will return Monday vy