Arvm,m..n imr.v TIMnirww MliUWORO. OREGON. THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1908. : : r- rr . ... aMMa m m m m m TO SECURE GOOD ROADS Commercial Club Names Delegation to State Con vention Medford will be well represented :il the good rends conference at Portland next week by a goodsied li-l.-(ja . whoso busiuess it "ill lie to M I'"' r,",, of the slnto know that Medford iin.l Jackson county have taken the lend usual and that the rest of the Htae ea'i trail behind. The detection iinnicd lit the Commercial club to go north con sists of (!. It. Hay, .1. I). Olwell, lid Andrews, CI. I'unnam, jr. T. Findlcv, :. A. Welch, .1. F. lteddy, Dr. K. H. Pickol, Kdgnr Hafer and .1. K. Kuyart. In addition, all citizens wlin can spare the time are asked to become members of the delegation. A round lrii fare of one and one-third has been ohm i nod from the Southern Pacific. County .lodge Neil has named I he following delegation as representing the county: A. C. Allyen, .Medford; I'. II. Hopkins, Ceutrnl Point; K. T. Stu pies, Ashland, and .1. W. Perkins, Med ford. As Mr. Perkins is away, another appointment will be made. Tho Commercial club held its monthly meeting Wednesday evening and passed its regular budget of bills. A. C. Ran dall, purchaser of the Pellett orchard at Talent, was unanimously elected to membership. II. T. Findloy was appointed a com mitteo of one with full power to act for the club la securing legislation and taking steps needed to stop the sale of wormy fruit, the regular inspection of all fruit offered fur sale, Hie establish ment of a creditable fruit si and lit the Kxhibit building and prevent the sell ing of culls to Southern Pacific pnssen gere. LATH LOCAL NEW8. Henry L. Pegg, formerly of Prospect, was in Medford not long sincve. He is engaged In mining in Hungry Creek district, California. . Henry Pohlmalin of Orchard II ' has returned from a trip east and re norls Hint a large colony of (lerinaas from lnwn will come to Medford this autumn. Con n IV Siiiinrinlcndcnl Wells will hold the regular semi annual examin ation of applicants for teachers' cerlif ieatcs in Jacksonville next week, lie . ginning Wednesday, the C'lh. T. ,T. Devlin, receiver of the defuncl Oregon Trust 4- Savings bank, arrived in Medford Thursday oa business con neeted with the Pacific & Kaslern. whose purchase money is tied up in the bank. On good authority it is stilted thai tho gopher pest which is getting to be serious in this section, can bo tnitigal ed if not obliterated by planting the castor benn al random in the garden or on Inwns. Judge Dunn of Ashland has bought the (lilmore ranch, located in the south ern part of Josephine county, through tho Clrnnt, Hurdle & Staples Really company. There are lllio acreH in the tract and the price paid was $1,1,0(111. Tho trial at Urania Pass nf II. C. ' Ackormnufl, charged with conducting a "blind pig," failed to develop Monday At tho hour for trial the prosecuting attorney was present and the defend ant's legal adviser, but the defendant ' was not. Whereupon a bench warrant was issued for his return. It is bell that he has left the state. Twenty-five of Portland's business men passed through the valley Wed nesday en route to Klamath Falls to visit various points of interest in that " district. Arrangements have been made for n stop at Crater Lake. Tents have been erected near the lake, for the ac commodation of the party. Some will return to Portland after a few days al Crater Lake, while others intend to stay in camp there several weeks. MRS. SPIES, OLD MEDFORD RESIDENT, PASSES AWAY Mrs. Mullie A. Spies, an old Medford resident, passed away Wednesday morn ing at the home of James Jones, Fourth and A streets. Mrs. Sines was il years old. The funeral services were held Thursday nt 4 p. in., the Itev. Horn of fieialing. DIED. SPKAH In Medford, August fl, Mrs. . Hpens, widow of the late William Spons, aged 70 years. BYAN In Jacksonville, August .'I. Patrick J. itvnn, a native of Ireland, aged 78 years. PECK At Cnlexlco, Oil., July infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Peek (the latter ne Miss Mnyme Mo Williams of Ashland), aged one dny. COCHRANF. At (Irnnts Pass, July 29, of typhoid fever, W. K. Cochrane, formerly of Fresno, Cnl., ngisl .1.1 years, M 'ARTHUR At Kerbv. July 2. of apoplexy, Rose, wife of W. II. Mi-Arthur, latelv of Portland, nged M years. BORii. CAMF.IION At Oold Hill, .Inly 17. to the wife of John Cameron, a sn. WHITK At Hnndpoint, Idaho, July 88, to the wife of A. H. White, a ion. i . . i I r r 1 1 I ri r 1 1 ill i bocial and Persona Mrs. Frank McMhn and s..n have left for Spokane. ,1. A. Ilothwcll aud family left Thins day for Nebraska. F. II. Page, the Portland commission niaii, is lore buying fruit. . Preil llainlili was among the many in Medford during the week. Lesmeister's photo gallery is open Sunday from 1 to "i o'clock. 121 II. 11. Nve, the miner, wan down from Fool's Creek the lirst of the week. Mrs. Fred Hopkins and family have returned from an outing at Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Jordan lirown have rc lurncd from a short visit at Ashland. Judge Prim has returned from n limping trip at Dead Indian Springs. Wj U. Pearson and Miss Bessie Kirk ,f Cold Hill s I Wednesday in Med ford. Charles Skeoters, the miner, and li i Inuiilv are visiting relatives in .Ylcil ford. I). II. Jackson of Jacksonville was Medl'ord several times during the week. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis t'lrich of Jack sonville visited in .Mcllonl cmiei.... evening. Miss Isuhelle Culciner, a popular em ployo of the Motel .misii. lias Portland. I). II. Jackson has engaged in the real stale business al Jacksonville with W. V. Irving. Morse, the successful liorticnl- M...IP I tnrisl, spent a sliori inn Wednesday. M isses Laura Neither a ml I- ranees ,1 Med Kcimcv of Jacksonville wen ford Tuesday. M. W. Wheeler of Phoenix precinct and Ins son nitve g n short visit. Charles F. Swigcrt, a prominent bus ess man of Portland, is making Med ford a short visit. S. S. Aiken mid Frank Manning of tipper Hague river were in .u one day this week. Mrs. Mabel llullou, daughter of Frank Wilson, left Thursuny lor ncr Inline in Sncrlunenlo. A. Drake of Phoenix precinct was inning the ninny wh lid business in Medford Wednesday ,. Jeldliess, w ho is interested in t he Siskiyou copper belt, arrived in .iion ford Thnrsdny evening. L. II. Hughes and M. Calhoun of Phoe nix precinct transacted business in Med ford one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. F.llis (lull of Mound district were in Medford Tuesday trad ing willi ' men-limits. Portland barbers have reduced the price of haircuts to 2.T cents. This lax was never rnlsed in Medford. W. F.. Darling and D. II. Horn of Cold Hill precinct, were nmong Hie many Midl'ord during the week. Mrs. S. I-:. Redden and her son Frank have gone to Dead Indian Nprings to join the balance of the fuuiily. Frank Slnde, who has been in Alaska for some years, is III .vslillino n-nii'H Ins former home in litis section. J. ('. (lodlove, who has II fine I'ann on the Medford Jacksonville road, dot business in our city Wednesday. W. II. Canon, the new United Slates oiiiluissioiicr, has been sp ling his vacation hi r.vuns in-h iihmi. I)r, C. It. Hay has relumed from a trip to Newport, where Mrs. Hay ami family are staying lit the Irwin noiei. (I. II. Riley ii ml .1. Conley, two of Die subsluntiiil farmers of Sams Valley, Iransactod business in Medford Tiles day. Fd Trowbridge, iiianagi-ro f the Med ford iron works, has gone east to buy the latest machinery for that iieditn tion. Miss Marion White, the school tench or. has none to Tho Dalles lo visit rel alivos. She will teach ill Medford again. lion. W. I. Vnwler has relumed from a business trip to Davenport, Wash., in the interest of the Hig llelld Milling company. John Leo, 11 vpeit carpenter, was over from Fugle Point, whore he is building n hands. line bungalow fur Wil liam II. lirown, Don Cohig has enlisled in the stale ii l 1 1 1 in at Ashland lis bugler and is with the company on its nnmiiil mini euvers in Washington. W. F. Jefl'iies, representing Crime l o., is hero to sell Medford some mure pipe. Do sold the city the ensl iron distributing system. Jeff D. Heard, manager of the Stor ling mine, who oils been ill for eight weeks with rheumatism, paid his tirsl visit to Medford Wednesday. C. C. MeCleiidou of Cold Hill, the well known pioneer, was in Medford Tin-s day en route to Jacksonville to xisit William llvbee. who is confined to his room by sickness. K. A. Iloair. who formerly lived hero. and Mr. Ilhlokbnrn, his nephew, wore down from I heir orchard located near Talent with a load of fine peaches, which they soon disposed of. C. D, Vincent of Oakland, ('til., one of the principal stockholders of the Fish Lake and Jackson County Ini provomcn! oonipaaios, is looking alter his business interests in this section. Mr. Hominies and his son. who have been living in North .Medlord lor some i time past, sold their property to .Mr. Senlt. a newcomer, during the week, lor t'-'.'oiii. and will leave Tjislford soon. C. II. Wilhite of lleagle pent Thnrs day in Vedford. II limit! -a some tine Inoaiag at tort et immer ap b s nl a'tirt b ! ' lkn fine in Ct ttcte Aorte 'It wither. Al STEM Miss Gladys Heard, "The Nugget Queen," Unearths Two Large Ones . Miss flladys Heard, "the nugget piecii," Wednesday unearthed two large nuggets HI tne mening " , i Jackson count v s prize producer anil l lie. larirest placer mine in the world. One f these nuggets weighs I'M gilograms and the other 121. She now lias quite ;i collection of nuggets, probably the largest collection in uregon, some oi 1 In-ill three or four inches across, which linve been washed into the sluice boxes or picked up in pockets along the lie.l rock after the earth had a liyiirimi- ic.kod off. Miss Heard, pretty, charming and till in her teens, is probably the only -irl plneer miner ill the world. Her rather, Jeff D. Heard, who is part own r and iniinager of the Sterling, is away n great deal of the tune, ami iluring his absence Ins daughter runs nnairs, iiiannging a crew of :iu or -HI men, giv ing directions, attending to details slid overseeing the cleanups in a business like milliner thai well might excite mo envy of a forty niner. Moreover, she is lucky, and the big strikes are made ami the nuggets found while she is boss of the mine. MARRIED. LONC PF.TKKSON At Diinsinuir, Cnl.. July 2!j, by Rev. Mr. Leak, Wal tor F. Long of Ashland and Miss F.mily Peterson of Delta, Cal. S W A N I F.H ST F. W A If D At Foresl drove, July 22, by Rev. W. L. Mellin ger, Rev. C. F. Swauder and Miss Mar garet Steward, formerly of Ashland. STDWAHT DOYLK At Ashland, on July (l, by Justice Milton Horry, Levi Slew-art and MrH. Orelin Doyle. M FSSI Nil JON KS At CI runts Pass, July 2, by Hov. F. C. Lovett, Lewis A. Messing nud Miss Dora .loaes. FL.MKR TOI'T At Portland, August Fruest F. Klmer, formerly ot Jack iville, and Miss Constance A. Tout. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Keinlinld A. Wtiselinu mid Florence Colo. Carnival Closos Tonight. Owiii' to (lie lii sin ms ot' Hie car nival conil'iiny, tliev "'ill close their iijrnjroiiiciit here tonight. The Dixie Lund will have an entire fluingc. ot pro (.rum, with a yrand irize enlte v:llli and eating contest. I he electric thea ter nil now pictures. I'lenly of tun nud ont'otli liattles. All the shows wjl lie pen and extra features tonight, .loin the crowd nod have a ood lime ttie last nilit. The shows huve nil proved tiood nud the pulilie have enjoyed them Ives. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the? best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OV BLANKS Warranty Dfl MortKit. Lou and Sliurl Forma Satir-fm-t'n of M.i trmi TrmnHfrr of I.U 1'owvr of Allnrm-v Mfhniiien l.nri Witn Kim lit Itill of Sab- LUpiur LUvnse Knnun Nuliet to 'l'reiMit'trH ('rmiitor'aUutiii AlTHHiSt KHtMte FOR HKNT. FOH SAI.K, KtMtNlSIlKIi KOOMM. FTC. (on canlUwrtU. MlNINli t'Uu'er l,ot'uttoii Hoiul for IhHt Mtmr'tt l.ifit Sum mou i Fx com Urn Juilumviit Trmneci iiil I'onimiimonl for Tril Kr'h Wurrint t.arniHtimriil Cost Kill Notice to Jurorn Civil Com 1 la i ii I I'HOB ATK IVtidon-ror .ttiratif AilmiinslratU.ii. Aomiiii-tratorV Kiwutor 9 ami l,uurtlia f lUimU mul DmU; Onlcr Sttinir Atrl rri,M-rty f tvtn Lxcutkii. Ontr CoiUtrmmB Salfof KmI and iVnnmal Frt.prrty Citation; Iwrniwhii. tji Aj.priwr; I rlttrnof Alinlnin(tntloii: Invi nlory ami Aiipraiiemnt; I'nwf of ft ill. l.wtler IVatamfntary. A I tarhmrnt Nolit-eof tiarnhnn'til lirantl Jury Nulmoeiia liiilit'tmvul Tra.iM-rit of Jmlnmrnt A cMnplM uti-to-Ul lin WI1KH1FF ULAN KS, of U S. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN UpDyOftD - OREGON Our Annual August Clearance Sale TO V IKK ROOM FOR OCR WIN'TI'R COODS THAT WILL SOON AHKIVF WK OF.'KR OUR ENTIRK STOCK OF- SUM M KR GOODS AT THE FOL lu HAhh Kii.M I nit hi a mi '-a """i " ill.,. . iv . va urn n u n v p a t nnnna iTtinvm LOWING PRICES. t,oo THEM PRICKS. AMI WHEN WE TELL GOODS ARE ALL THIS SUMMER Regular Price. Now. Men's Xettlcton Patent Oxfords $G.()0 $4.75 Men's Xetlleton Tan Oxfords $0.00 $4.50 Men's Xettleton Viei Kid Oxfords $5.50 $4.25 Men's Xellleton (iunniotal Oxfords $5.50 $4.25 Crawford's Patents, Tans and (iiininetal Oxfords, reg ular price $4.00, now selling at .'. $3.25 Villi Double Sole Viei Shoes, reg $4 values, at. .$3.25 Men's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, regular $1.50 and $2.00 values, now $1.15 Ladies' Patent Oxfords, $4.00 values, at $2.95 Ladies' Patent and Kid Oxford, $:5.5() values, at $2.85 Ladies' $:5.00 and $:S.50 Kid Hand Turned $2.60 Low-Ueel Patent Oxfords, reg. $2.50 vals., at. .$1.80 Ladies' Patent Hand Turned Shoes, regular Classified Advertisements; One Cent a Word No single lnser tioBi less tliaa 16 cents. Six Insertions for the price of four. Seveutyfiv cents a Hue pet month. FOB BENT. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, oleetric liubt and bntlis. Mrs. R. L. Hale, D street near 11th. tf FOB SA1E. FOR SALE Lingo radc Jersey cow; will lie fresh in nlioul Iwo weeks, lu ipiire of Ed Andrews. 1 IM I'OR SALE Inn fine Angora ijoiits. Ad- I dress Charles Sli i II i tinl'or.1 , Crescent City, Or. I'OR SALE Store and lot on North C street and li room resident-it properly, D and Seventh street, lllllx 11)11. Ad dress W. E. I'nge, Medford. 1-0 111(1 HAKIIAIN Owing to reverses in loisinoss, 1 must sell my home nt once; J lioilrooms. 1 dining room, 1 parlor, I kitchen, 1 lull I room, 1 pantry, 1 huge si r kitchen, 2 porches, chick on house nud yard, garden und fruit, apples, pours, plums and grapes, fine wool, walking distance, 2 lots, each .'iHxI-IO; price $lfn, $7"ill cash will liiinillo. Address 1". O. Hex U72, Mini ford. 1HS I'Ol! SALE A Burred Plymouth roost or, thoroughbred, lo mouths old. Ad dress 1". O. Mux o7L', Medford. " I'Ol! SALE Team oT ponies, thorough ly broke for suddu or driving, single or double; also hack aud harness; a simp. Apply L. R. V., Tribune office Quit o la tm l nl tni. for WithTx aytnenl rmvl-mn Oplion to lluy IaihI Aifenl! rniitrft( MISCKI.l.ANKOl'S f'hnttfl MirtKii' Afknuw imlKiiifin l'Ollf-!IOtl Of J lllllflllflll . I'ovein for Hlunkx Ore-tron mul II. S. Forma Conirifi to HtIL I(.h1 'roor of ljhor JV'STICK OF I'KACH Civil mid Crimitial SiiluMwtiim AttRiAmont I Imlfrt ikinir aim Alii- Uavttlur Atmrriiiiniii Comniitnitfiit for Km- Jury Oror Warrani for Arrel CIRCUIT COl'KT I'mlrrtakinR and Affidavit Summon' for Attachment Cot Hill Criminal and Civil Suluvna? Kswulioii Search Wnrrant Notice to Juror I.ANIHlFFICF.i'CDt'NTY COVHT ANO All printed after the latest and best forms. CgJ Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. CJ Give us a trial. NOW ON IN OVER. COMPARE THEM WITH UTtliJBO. r. tmir. auh.iio ownu YOU ANYTHING lOU UA. Ur.lT..iW I S GOODS. WE ALLOW NOTHING SMITH & CLEANING BAKER - Central Avenue, .'OU SA1,H llulf interest iu Hie best liusiuesH proposition in Mfilfortl. Ad dress Hnx 2", Hertford. f'Oli SAI.K Siiud nnd gnivo.l; tho bust jrr.-idi' of siiud nud grnvol for suli' by .1. 'I'. I.miK, liivi'rs'ulo aviMtui', ni'.ir Mu Amlri'ws' ford. FuiT SAI.K Dcsidi'iice property; 7 rooms nnd luilli, i'ity wator, eleotrio lights, sower connei tion. V. C. Page. FOR SAI.K IS clioifc lots, five min utis from di'pot, noar school; easy tcrnis. K. 0. Puge. " 1'OK SAI.K Seventh street business property, two story brick, RliiHO; also j:itl feel on Seventh Btreet by SO feet on Riverside avenue. V. C. Vn(e. FOB SAI.K S. N. Subdivision is iu the market now: choice ten acre tracts, best location in the valley. Ii. Nee demever, Jacksonville. " I'OR SAI.K A no; a tuirguiii. lord. first-cluss pianola-piii 1'. O. Hoi !), Med WANTED. WAN TKli - lo buy tvpewriter idl.'lip. Medford. a tood Remington Addres Hox -"US. V ANTKli Two gills for general house work. Apply to Mrs. Fay. North ( on- trill avenue. WANTKO Young girl to help in house work; mint be neat and cheerful. Mrs. 11. Sennit, North l' st. IJ'i WANTKO T.i hire a light ramping wugon f"r two weeks' t rip. Address . S.. Tribune office. U! W'.WTKl'- Teams of horses, about I0ii i-oiimU , :i, li: suitulde for light orei'r.rd w tirk . 1 I'l Win. l,';tiiwfor,l. Hotel Moor. - WANTKD A Sn of good horses, i geldings or mares, whiea can be driven f or worked, sev.n or eight yi'ars olJ.1 sound and gent. weight 1100 or 12i0 peunds. AdJroes Tribute, Medford. I WAN'TPn To bey froei 100 lo hI of etock riw III. W.ror t. .frTrd gTO. SUX o FULL BLAST i ii. , i. ii.i - TO GET MOULDY ON Ol K HIIfcLV $5.00 values, at $3.90 Ladies' Patent Button Velt, regular $5.00, now $3.90 Ladies' Kid Button, Hand Turned Shoes, regular $3.50, now $2-95 Ladies' Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, $1.50 and $2.00, now $1.00 and $1.00 100 pairs of Babies' and Children's Oxfords and Slip pers, going at, per pair "0 They cost us -more than this. Fanners' Heavy Mountain Boots. Fanners' Light' Shoes, just right for August and Sep tember, going at Sircial Prices. Boys' and .Misses' School Shoes, we will sell at Spcciitl Prices that, will astonish von. MOLONY OUT SUMMER LINES WATCH OUR WINDOWS FOR Although the linos arc somewhat broken and some sizes are missing, you can save more on Sunniier floods than at any oilier time of the year. We invite you to call and inspect the special values we are showing in all 8uniiiier floods. ALL KNIT UN DEU WEAK REDUCED 1-1 ALL WASH AND PRINCESS DRESSES RED'D.l- l ALL SUMMER LAWNS, ETC, HALE PRICE CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES REDUCED. .. .1-4 ALL L()N(1 AND SHORT KIMONAS REDUCED. .1-4 HUTCHASON CO. Just North Jackson County Bank I'OR K.XCH AN(IK Kruit limd for Med ford property; -III in to tract, quirtcr mile, nnd an Slluere tniet half mile from depot at -Merlin; red soil; Tukiiv Krnpe bind. Apply to .1. S. Windoll. eorner Sixth and Riverside nv. 121 BUSINESS CARDS. - 0DELL i.iadiui? Rooming House of tbo city. Fre baths. Over Postoffice. M. D. MOORE. J. T. ANKEOM, WELL D100KB. MKDFORD, OR. Prleei right. Pumpt r'nrnished when Wauted. DB. A" B. SWEET 1'hysiciun aud Surgeon. Office at Residence. COLVIO St DURHAM, Attorneys-at-Saw. Oeo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Win M. Colvlf, Medford. Or. 0HISH0LM 0 MARTIN House Painting, Paper Hanging aud Tinting. All work guaranteed. I'hone 223. lockbox 12.1, Medford, Or. Medford Furniture Co., Undertaken Dav phone 353; Night Phones: C. V. Conklin 36; .1. H. Butler 143. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANE 0OL EECTION AOENOY. Lock Boi 80S. Medford, On. E. R. 8EELT. M. D. Physiciau and 3urgeos Modern Kquipped Operating Rooms. X Ray. Office Hours, 10 12. 2 4 P. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. OO TO Dr7 OOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. . Optical Parlor in Perry ' Ware home, SKVKNTH STREKT. . 'He Has No Other Busmen.' When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER, Eye Specialist, of lice In tiie (Irani! Theater bldg. fhone .S. Seventh and Main. naMMeaviOT- v,, ,L'i,o ,(e for m. Miller v. . - - ts. BARGAINS reri jilniii lo see the iriuii'nu) nominee. Of all tho oanilidatos nom inatod. vote hv Dan Cupid. The real advance airont of prosporit y. To help him win, you must siuoko cigars that havo no disanrooablo odor. A good smoke is assured if you try our Medford 5 cent, R R V 10 cent and Del Marca 15 cent Cigar ou sale' uvurvnhert). R.R.V. Cigar Works Medford. Or. If you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what vou want is, trv a Want Ad ii The Tribune.' SJl 3m x It 's I'm i Xe&feri TrVbeaa, 00a pet monta.