MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, PRKOOX. THURSDAY. AU(iUST ti, UH)S. SHOWSGROWTH .WILL AID IN BUILDING ROADS FOR FORESTS OF MEDFORD Superintendent Far rar;s Report Indicates Number of New Buildings Tho progress that Mini ford lias madn (luring the quarter ending Juno 30, 1908, is in no way more cleiirly sliowu than by the following report made by F. If. Turrar, the superintendent of the city water works, ami inspector of wir ing, showing new houses wired: "The the Honorable Mayor and City Council: "I am sending you u list of business houses nud private residences inspect ed for electric wiring fur the quarter ending June 30, 1!0S. . "Bert Audersun, West Seventh street, bungalow. "Big Bend Milling company, Xorth C street, reconstruction work. "Barnnm's new depot building. West Seventh street. " Mr. Biggins' residence, Kast Side. "Kufus Cox residence, Xorth C, street, rewired. "V. H. Canon, new residence, East; Side. "A. A. Davis, annex to the residence! West Tenth street. "I-'red S. Day, new residence. Eighth1 st reet. j "fins Flak, new cottage, Sontli ) , street. ! ' ' Mr. (lood, rtew residence, West Tenth street. "Mrs. C. A. Hubbard, new residence, South Hiverside avenue. ".I. L. Hooker, new buildiug, North Medford. "Rev. Howard, new residence, Oak dale avenue. " I. L. Hamilton, new residence, Xorth C street. "Hubbard building, rewired, East Seventh street. "Mr. Hallowuy, new residence. West Third street. "K. A. Kapp, new residence. South D street. ' Medford rooming house, second floor, Seventh and Ninth streets. "Medford Athletic club, rewired and ropnired, East Seventh street. "P. E. Merrick, new residence, East Side. "F, Dseubrngge, new ten-room house, Itivorsido avenue. "The Catholic parish building, Oak- dale avenue. "T. ,T. Quigley, new residence, "Dmilup & Hitter, building rewired. "(1, i, Schermerhorn, new residence, South I street. "P. W. Streets, residence, West Elev enth street, rewired. "Miss Bessie Shoppnrd, new resi dence, West Tenth street. "G. h. Schermerhorn, new residence. South II street. "Mr. SI a ley, new residence, South P street, "A. P. Tallant, new residence, South II Btreet. 14 Kay Toft, tea room house, Xorlh A street. "Medford Hotel building, rooms see ond floor, West Seventh street. "T. W. Thomas, ten room house, Ninth and I street. "T. J. Williamson, new residence. North II street. "J. E. Watts, new residence. "1. W. Thomas, second floor Medford rooming house. "Mr. York, ten-room house. South N street." "New Itomnn Catholic school build ing, South I street. " Respect full v submitted, "P. H. PARK AH, "City Inspector of Electric Wiring.' The office of public roads of the de partment of agriculture is to co-oper ate witn the torest service in drr.wing up plans tor comprehensive systems of roads and trails on national forests.! For the last two years congress has provided funds ior permanent improve ments ou national forests, nud a large part of the mouey thus made available has been uud is being used for road nud trail building. The umouut is too small, however, in comparison with the total area of the forests to make pos sible more thau a very smalt beginning. With thicker settlement nud increasing use of the forests, good roads will be come more and more u crying necessity. The object of securing the help of the office of good metis is to make the work take the line that will not merely serve temporary convenience, but also count for most iu the end. By build ing each year with reference to a care fully worked out plan the danger of indirected effort will be escaped. During the present summer an en gineer of the office of roads will go over the ground on several of the for ests and draw up plans, which will be submitted to the forester, and will servo to guide subsequent work. Where the roads planned for cannot be built, trails will, so far as possible, be made to follow the courses laid out, with the expectation that later they will he con verted into roads. The roads, trails, telephone lines and lire lines already constructed on na tional forests are proviug of great val- both in the work of fire protection and in serving the convenience of the public. The further this work can be carried the greater will be the useful ness of the forests to the surrounding re gions. CHINESE SEE V ANT SAVES AGED COUPLE FROM DEATH SACRAMENTO, Cal., August (i. John Tufts, a veteran of the civil war, is in a serious condition tomiy irom burns received in a. fire yesterday, when his wife lost her life and he had a nar row escape from death. That is is ilive is due to the bravery ot Ah Lum, a Chinese servant, who crawled through the flames to rescue the old people. The two old people lived on a ranch few miles east of TiOomis. Tufts was asissting his wife in the house, when they upset a kerosene lamp, the wom an was in hert night dress and was burned from head to foot. The Chinese heard the screams of the old people and rushed into the house and dragged them forth. Mrs. Tufts died a few hours afterwards. The house was completely destroyed. OakPark Addition On railroad on the West Side, north of depot grounds and conveniently located for business men seeking home sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale cheap, on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer building inducements to anyone wishing to make the right kind of improvements. "Why go out to the faraway suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at prices ranging from $200 to $350 per Lot situated where an advance in price is assured, and where the first benefit will be derived from the completion of the railroad to the timber ? It pavs to figure on such investments in a live town like Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two hence. For full particulars apply to the Rogue River Land Comp'y Exhibit Building We have eEMENT and will noil you a nark, a barrel or a carload. We hnudlo several grades and will give you I lie testa oC nil. Cement sidewalks aro going iu all over towu ami what looks so cheap or thriftless as an olil loose board walk in front of your property4 Consult a comont contractor anil you'll fiuil his price right. The big iloinnuil now ou for cement in going to make it hard to got and naturally at au inereaso in price. Qra ter Lake Lumber (Bo. NO TRACE FOUND BY POSSE OF MURDERERS IIISIIOP, Cal., August It. X posse which has been searching the high Si- rrus ulmvo tins cuy since nisi .tmuhui night, hail found no trace early today if the murderers of Mrs. Tannic riny- wife of I'etcr Snyder, contractor in the emplov of Hie evada-l alitornia 'ower company. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder were reding along a lonely irau, mien they were fired upon from nnilmsh. The first bullet killed Snyder's horse and tho second pierced Mrs. Snyder's body. Snvder drew his revolver and began firing. The robbers fled. Snyder, who paid the men employed in the camps, had a large Hum of money, the rohhery is supposed to have been the motive of Ihi' attack. CATTLE FROM KLAMATH OO TO CALIFORNIA PROMINENT SEA CAPTAIN OOES TO LAST REWARD SAN FRANC 1HCO, Cal., August . Keen rep-ret was expressed in local ship i.init circles todnv over the sudden death of Captain (iustav Nieliaum, pros- idenl of the Alaska Ciiiumorcinl com nnnv. who exnirod of heart failure at his home in this city last night. Captain Niebaum lias been a pronii nent figure in 1'aeifie trade for many vears. In the carlv davs of Alaska's development he spent most of his time there perfecting the remarkable ostnb lishmcnt of supply posts nlnng the Yukon ond on the coast from St. Mi chael northward, which aided the early irold seekeks and packers. 1'nlil the Klondike rush began the Alaska Com mercial company had a practical mo noHilv of the trade in the north. Long before the company was organ iwd Niebaum had developed extensive interests in Alaska, and was this that. led the organizer of the company to seek his partnership. Captain Niebaum was 06 years age and a native of Finland. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resoi t The Place to Go for Perfect. Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Kecreation ITS FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Rate From Medford SEASON SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Our elaborate new summer book givos a concise description of Newport. iueludiug a list of hotels, thoir capacity and rates. Call on, telephone or write A. S. ROSENBAl'M, WM. McMURRAY, Local Agent, Modford General Passenger Agent, Portland Kl.AMATH FALLS, Or., August It. Several cattle huvers are now in I In eounlv buviug beef cattle for the Cali fornia markets. Most of the Mninalli stock is shinned either to Sacramento ir Oakland, where it brings the high est market price, mock is in very iood condition in this county and al ready several large shipments nave neon made. Heretofore practically all ol in stock was driven to Montague, ( al.. where it was loaded on cars, but this vear several of the buyers are shipping from Mount Hebron, a point ou the California Northeastern just across the state line. One of the largest veal sliiioiii-nts ever made from the Klamath section was sent to Oakland a few days i. One hundred and fifty calves were driven to Mount Hebron to be put the cars. The range is very go in this county for this time of the year. and buvers who have visited all sec tions of the county say that taken as a whole the beef cattle are in good con lition. it is up to You What Will You Do? If you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking down your system day by day, then you may reflect for a moment, if it would not be wise to drink tin; strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack age of Do not put off having pictures taken until the rainy season, when the clouds are dark and lowering and the sun is weak. The woather is rather warm, hut the light iH good, especially for children. You will want holiday pic tures. Hotter have lliem mnde now. Ite- member, thero is but one higli grade fin- isli, and that is platinum; it costs more, but it's ever so much hotter. A Good Pointer to the man who isn't (acquainted with an artist iu tailor who can give him tho rm'httrche style und swell appear unco Bought by many who don't know whom to find thorn. Co mo to our rooms and exnmino our handsome styles in now f;ibricn, and have a Hint made for vour own individual form . J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTERS AND TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE. L. A. GREGORY UP-TO-DATE PHOTOGRAPHER. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. THIRTY PER CENT CUT ON TYPEWRITERS NEW YOHK, August n. Typewriter prices are expected to be cut :in per cent In a war to be started on the "trust" makers of the $100 standard machines, by the support "f a multimil lionaire. Thomas II van is president of a new company and has put his machine on the market nt van will gather to his ranks the Support of all the typewriter concerns 0d in the trust. It is0cxpcetod that ii. an will l. ,a-ickid henvilv in the (leorgc Aicer to V. A. Springlord. 2d acres of mining property in section 2'-', township :io. range 2 W W. A. Jones, sheriff, to H. C Stock, lots 1 and 2 block 0, Talent II. !:. Graves to William Geo, property in Ashland .Tames Young to It. H. Robinson, property in MeCulty addition to Jacksonville I-'red II. Peters to A. W. Sturgis. lot I, block 3, Harr's addition to Mfslford Charles M. Lanning to O. C. Wright, K '-j of S W ', of sec tion It", township .Is. rnnge 2 K George V. Lewis to James Young, property in McCullr addition to Jacksonville Golden Gram Granules Xo man can consume bis strength and retain it at the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount daily. fiOLDI'iN OR ATX GRANULES is far super ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had in any grocery store for 25c. Order a package today. All grocery sell it. a. M. JONES, City Scavenger. Garbage of all kinds removed oa short notice. Leave orders with chief uf police. BALL OLOSOOCK, Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Offlcs with O. H. Pierce ft Sou. Pboue 853. P. O. Hoi 771. NOTICE. Notiue is hereby given that the un ilorsigued will apply to the City Council of the City of Medford, Oregon, at the next meeting for a license to sell spirit ous, vinous and malt liquors in quan titles less than a gallon, for the period of six months, at his place of business at lot 14, ia block 2", in the City of Medford, Oregon. Dated Julv 10, IHOH. HAKHY CA.MI'IIKI.L. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS M slford, Oreguu, July 21, 1IW8. The eily of Medford, Oregon, will receive bids at the office of Henj. M. Collins, recorder, until p. m. Thursday August 01 b, IHiiH, for all materials and labor necessary to construct a twenty mile gravity pipeline, diversion works, reservoir, etc. A certified check for Sin.OiVI. i.avable to the recorde r of the city nt Medford, will be required as a Too I guarantee of good faith. Approximate quantities: i,."o,o..u im hoard measure, staves; l,0"il,"IH) pounds steel bands; 40,nno cubic yards exi-avn- Innii lion; Sou barrels cement. HHN.T. M. COLLI NH, Recorder. Sli W. J. KUHKKTS, Consulting Kegmeer. NOTICE. NOTICE. Nulice is hereby given that the uu lersigoed will apply to the city council -if the city of Medford, Oregon, at 1 tie next meeting for a license to sell spir nous, viuous and malt liquors iu quan tities less than a gallon for the periud of six molil-hi, at hiu pluce of business ai lot II, in block 2u, ill I lie eily of Medford, Oregon. Dated July 10, 1908. W. M. KKNNKDY. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Notice is hereby given that the under signed will apply to the city coiiucil of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the meeting to be held on August 3, 1908, for a license to sell spiritous, cinous i Three miles south of M-edford and 2V? and malt liipiors in quantities less than miles west of Phoenix, is now cut up it gallon, at his placo of business, nt j amall tracts to suit the purchaser, loin II) and II, in block 21, in said city, ' (jue fourth cash, balance in three pay JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. it does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices our sched ule. We pay the freight. The Tribune 21 Central Ave. MEDFORD ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Kmest H. lib-. ''. J. Cole, .Lie Crane. I II Dunbar. Mrs. Krendia. .lame. Jones, pls-ter. r. I'. II. "hn.on. Mi. and Mrs W. I'. Martin. William Medford. i-'red Miller. K. C Milbarth. i. T. Me Namar, C A. Shaw, S. A. Te.her (2). ir a H-riod or six months. Dated July 20, 11I0S. .If ill N IIAKIUNOTON. The first "try" in any line of effort is not u s n a 1 1 y enough. "Try again" is a slo gan as ohtas extwi'ieiH of ulnuffirt. 'Something which Is ol considerable interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now in effect between stations of the Soothers Pacific rompnn .ind all points in the United States. Hy means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States aad milled or tehirranlied direct to ts party wishing t'r come iere. ct nerommodntiotis and smsll aosts of rnt coonectio witk taMM " ay ak W fuiWi4 " tio" mrnts. This is a rare opportunity for men of small means. Listed with all the agents. Medford Tribuu, 80c per month. NOTIOB. Notice is hereby glveo that the un dersigned will apply to the city council of Die city of Medford, Oregon, at Ihe next meeting for a license to sell spir itous, vinous nsd malt liquors in quan tities leas taas a hallo for the period ni six aiontss, at his plae of business st lot 1.1, it bloel 50, i tfe ity of Nxifor. iit juf is, loos er a wasjsa Nature's Grace When wirni, drink "C'ole stin" to make yu cool. When cool, drink "(!olc slin" to keep you well. ANDERSON & JUUIDGE I Agents for Medford. ! Anybody wishing to Invest in one of ; the neatest, most niodern and best locat jed homes in Medford, should adrdess C O, Ilox 448. Our circulation Is legitimate and Urge , for a city of this tlxa larger than any other paper In Oregon can show for pop , nlatlon. I At the, Modford Ton Coffee House. I See us for bargains. We have farms I for sale.wcll improved; good orchards; ! rich soil; to (!0 per acre, Pears ti Cirtte, Brownsville Land k Investment Co., Brownsville. Oregon. xt The tint "try" In any Una of effort is not usually enough. "Try acatn" ti a slogan at old aa axptrlenea at Ba tman affaire. JMrs. O. W. Wheeler. war to pull down prices O 0 o o o o o