MKDFORD rAlLV TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREOON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1908. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper ix a Live Town. Published everv evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUHLISIIIXU COMPANY Gkokoe Pitxam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Muss Matter in tin- P..s(..ffi.-e at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION JfATES. On month, by mail or carrier 01 mkicrltati who desire The Tribune tuUed to them l """" oEz oat-rf town p.ace, U1 pfw nouly the .; dtr addM and the length of time Uwy paper sent to HLu Oc Imia,, V...e notify office in order that by carrier may be promptly resumed. "DOX'T WW UK OS lather u uni.iue ll.inu' is ,.f ,,.,,t.-:-is for nines the oitv with water at a .-,,st without anyone in Medford. xv;ifer committee and ,lw..., iho of Water is mm, ,-onnnittee has in seereev clear to the spending of over a .jiiarter million of taxpayer nionev. Those j.-e in the are not to have itnd whether the water is to eome iron, n assou ran on r from the North Fork of Little liutlc, or from other source, is known only to these eomniitteemen, who might he styled wet nurses to the public Protest is useless the stony stare is the I.V answer. Requests for information are equally futile. Criticism is wasted, it doesn't fen.c;" Hie committee. It knows bpst is bevond the pale of publicily and complete master of the situation, and pays n than the council paid to the Seventh street, made by those paying the bills. On one thing the committee is to he congratulatcd is actually doing things. Right or wrong it is accompli u,..,,.vttinii- results. Haste may mean waste, but. results are what count, ....14,. .,11 nvmicn illlli t'f ITPIICI II 1T( Iffil 111'C iW SWcllcil MUllt ill" ' " - heads. Water is what Medford must have. The committee has been clothed with lull power anil a full pocket book to gel a full supply of water, and will be held to a full accounting. Jt is to be hoped that the itract for the pipe will he let tonight and that work may uneiice at once, we know not where, but to some mysterious plac e where sparkle in unbounded supply, the sweetest and purest of crystal waters that are to make the sun-kissed hills blossom as the roHt ad transform Medford into "a cup of brimming June." WHAT MEDFOItl SEEDS. Free mail delivery. Nvunbers placed on houses. New sidewalks coustrurted and More inaeaniainied and paved Improved telephone system. Another city park and the han A railroad to the tinihcr hell. A railroad to the mines. A trolley through Rogne River valley. Greenhouses that can supply Portland with flower the vear around. A tfood I'm it stand, so thai it will he possible for visitors to see and purchase the famous apples ami pears rown here without ninj- to New York or London. More modern store fronts on Seventh street and more up-to-date stores. A score of new hrick huildims -all could before construction started. Several hundred eottau Kale on the instalment plan a dollar is invested. A few funerals for mosshacks and several thousand live immigrants. Afore merchants with brains enoiiiih to advertise and sense enough to show appreciation for what a newspaper does for a coinmunitv bv supplvimr patronage that will enable it to exist. CHICAGO STRUGGLES WITH NEW MURDER MYSTERY CHICAGO, August (I. Discovery of two human leg, evidently those of n woman, from the Illinois and Michi (fan canal yesterday hnn given the police A murder mystery to solve that promises bard work. Coroner Hoffman said that he was convinced that it was a case of murder of the most brutal sort. Dr. Hunter, the coroner's physician, t-splol P-d tho theory that the legs had been thrown into the canal from a niedie.-tl clinic. " No surgeon would have am putated the legs in such a bungling manner' said Dr. Hunter. "It is Fy opinion that they were chopped oft t5 a meat cleaver." .j.0U t THE W AY." s.-hcduled for l-niglit. the fur a gravity system to supply of approximately :!Hl,HK' outside ot tliree men on uu- liossihlv their engineer, Knowing to eome from seen fit to shroud its actions who are putting up me malter, or even a looic-in, re attention to taxpayers protest against narrowing and if the committee gets re- wants, water is what the city old ones repaired, streets. iks id Hear creek parked rented lot rent and still more disposed d" be for ore All can RICHARD HARDINO DAVIS APPOINTED DEPUTY SHERIFF NKW VOKK. Angu-t (I. "It may (interest you to learn that I, myself. fam Richard Harding Davis, deputy j sheriff of Westchester county, New I Vork. " This formula imiv be used bv the noted author and plavwright in in t reducing himself in I he future, for today he is sporting really and truly of ficer badge. I a i recent ly Ion It a bungalow in Notth ( in e tit iv ili- ami . 1 i 1 for appoint l.'puty shoril'f, Ktutini: thatltlio poliro aro soriM-hing for Ilia a-wail lalto Itlli.-ktialxl lillthllt illfrttril tho ph,,0. t iO ro. i iii In ppointinont lie 00 OT OcM ton V oil 08M til OiiO'l CO to, 0lM(wDilr o HARRIMAN'S SMALL BOY DELAYS SPECIAL TRAIN OMAHA, Neb., Angnst 6. Averill Harriman, the little eon or f.uwarn n. Ilnrriman. hue demonstrated to the full sarisfnrtiou i.f everybody, ineludiug the railroad magnate himself that lie tun d.-liiy hin father 'a apeciiil train any time he takes u notion to do no. When the sp'-i'iu train liiarinu the famiy to Kamalli rouuty, Oregon, was ready to pull out for the west Tueri day yoiini; Averill wa missing. An :lriiy'if employee started in seared of his and there was mueh excitement nun! the Imiv was found four blocks the station inspecting railroad Hiiipnont. The train was delayed 4H minutes on his arfolllll. VOMAN ELOPES WITH HEB NEGRO CHAUFFEUR I'll M rn. ILAMXI'JIIA, I'a.. August . K. Vmm1, will' uf a wealthy phy sician .f Magnolia. N. J.. ' under nrri'l here an n rcnult of her c-lopomcnt willi Hernnnf .Ioim-k, Ikt netfro chauf feur. The woimin, who is 2.1 years old iiutl koo.I looking, was captured yester day in ft house occupied by negroes at the iiiftitiiri of her titepfat her, ,T. W. Tiley, a wealthy resilient of St. (ieore, Staten Island. When she was arrested the woman mated a seine, denying her identity and pleading for secrecy. Afterward she became ilefiant, admitted that she had spent on the negro and doclared that officer could do what they pleased with her. Tho negro wan also nrrosted and had a number of pawn ticke(n calling lor jewelry and silverware alleged to have been taken from the Wood mansion, upon which mure than $10im had been borrowed, SAYS WILSON WOULD DEFEAT PURE FOOD LAW .MACKINAC ISLAND, Mieh., August (!. Discussion was rife over tho sensa tional charges made before the state nutional fond nnd dairy commission by Prufessiir E. Lndd, in which hi; de clared that Ihn secretary of ngrieultnrc and referee, board aro parties to a plot to defeat tho pure food legislation in the I'nited Htutes. Ladd, who Is pres ident of the rommiHHlon, asserted that must of thi good already dono by Roose veil and lr. II. W. Wiley of the bu reau of chemistry has been nullified. The referee board wan roeently ap pointed to adjust nil disputes between the manufacturers of foods and the Ihiurd of drug iiiHpeetors of which Dr. Wiley is the head. I.add went into details of what he describes as a plot to nullify the pure fund laws. FORM POLICE TRUST TO SUPPRESS CRIME LOS ANdKLKS, Cal., August 0. ( "hief of Detectives Paul Flamer of l his city today started for a tour of the eon-t with the purpose of organiz ing the secret service departments of all the large cities into a combine against crooks, particularly those that come from the easl. San Frnncisco, Portland, Seattle, Vancouver and even the Alaskan cities will be visited. IMamei's plan is to have an under Handing with all police departments in these cities by which the movements of every known crook who visits the const will be constantly watched and report ed. Ity concerted action of this char ;icltT lie thinks the coast cities may lie rid of iimiiv bad men. CHOP 8UEY VOTE GOES TO W. J. BRYAN LOS ANOKLKS, Cal., August fl. llryau claims the chop suey vote, ac cording to the announcement made to day by "Tony' Schwamm, fire com uussinuer and prominent poitliciau, who .-onlidcd in the public that the first liincse political organization in the Culted States was organized here last night. The new " I try nil and Kern" club has a membership of eight American bom i 'hincHe cit i.ens, who have announced i heir affiliation with the democratic partv nnd promised to persuade the rest uf t he t hinese voters in the state to follow their footsteps. "The anti Asiatic plank doesn't both er us at all," declared a member of the dug today. "Why should it f We are Americans." RISKED LIFE TO SAVE THAT Of FELLOW WORKER SAN l-'N ANCISi "O, Cal., August 6. -A narrow escape from death by A. H Solomon, a pipe fit ler, nnd a heroic act by .lames Mealy, a fellow worker, marked the Miller A Lux slaughtet house today at llntchertown. Solomon was working on the eotnpres tor. when a cylinder head blew out Fragment of the shattered metal snick him and rendered him unconscious. Hear ing t he explosion, llealv ran to the compressor room, only to find it filled with stifling nminama fumes. Putting his coat about his head, he plunged in and, grasping the unconscious Solomon. bore him out of the death chamber Moth men were overcome by the fumes, but recovered at the hospital. Solo mon s injuries are serious. PORTLAND WAIT IS ATTACKED BY BURLA I'OKTI.ANO. Or.. August tl SnflVr in; t'nun mi utfly s'nlp woiimi inflicti'il v ii luirlar. who rntt-nM lilt' fitter :iM n'-i, It'll. 't C. T. Fitrgt'niM i to ,.iv nn.lor tho ran' of a plivniri.iii, while ant, rin.lnit; the prowler in his home hil iiilit. Pit?i;onihl foi ((Si tilt In 111 until I ll.-.l I'v Mo and reg 10 4 ii.'ot ioi Ot fit it ajno fnnr ti im "toll fi'tured. CITY OF MEDFORD I ORDINANCE NO An ordinance establishing sewer dis trict Number Six in the city of Med ford, Oregon, add defining the bounda ries thereof. The city f Med turd doth ordain as follows: That the district included within the following boundaries, in the city of Medford, Oregon, is hereby established as and declared to be in Sewer District ! Number Six, to-wit: iiegijining at the section corner be tween ei-tions .In nnd it), in township 37 south, range 1 east of Willamette meridian, and sections 2't and 3tt, town shift .'17 south, range I west of Willam ette meridian, and running thence west erly along tho corporation boundary of the citv of Medford to the west able of Hamilton street south, thence north along said street to the ;iorth lino of Kighth street, west; thence, east along -aid north lino to the east line of Oak dale avenue, south; thence in u north westerly direction to a point where the north line of Eighth street, West, extended, meets the stiiu west line of Onkdnle avenu:', South; th.-uce in u imrtheastorly direction along said north line - of Eighth street, Wesl( to the Oregon & California Railroad company 's right of way; thence following said right of way to it: intersection with the south corporation boundary line; thence south westerly along said corporation boun dary lino, and continuing on said line to the placo of beginning and it is hereby by declared and ordered that trunk line sewers and laterals be constructed in said district, nuffieieut to care for the drainage thereof, and be forthwith con structcd, according ai.d pursuant to the charter and ordinances of the city of Medford, and the plans and specifica tions of the city engineer, in his office on file. The foregoing ordiuanco was passed by the city council on the 4th day of August, DHtS, Trowbridge, Merrick, Ei ftrt, Olwell, Wortman and Wafer vot ing aye. Approved; J. F. RKIH)V, Mayor. Attest: lliit HKNJ. I' COhUINS, Recorder. OKDINANCK NO An ordinance providing for the exe cution of n contract with Robert King for making tups nnd connections with tho newly installed distributing system of the water supply system of the city of Medford, and providing the terms t hereof. The city of Medford ilolh ordain as follows: Section 1. Tho mayor and recorder of the city of Medford, Oregon, are hereby authorized nnd directed to enter into a contract in writing with Itobert King, in words nnd figures ns follows, to-wit: This Agreement, Made and entered into between the city of Medford, Ore go n, hereinafter called tne city, ana Robert King, hereinafter culled the con tractor, Witnessetb: That In consideration of the premises, and of the payments here inafter provided to be made, the said contractor hereby expressly agrees to make for the said city all tups nnd con nections with the water mains of said city, and connect the same with the ier vice pipes thereof and lay service pipes to the curb line therein, accord ing to nnd subject to the plans nnd specifications heretofore furnished by the city engineer and approved by the water committee of said city and now on file in the recorder's office of said city, at and for tho agreed price of $11.70 for each tap or connection, and in consideration of such service, the said city hereby expressly agrees to pay to said contractor therefor the an id sum of !."() for each tap or connection so made by said contractor, according to the terms and provisions of said speci fications. Section U. It is hereby expressly or dered that all connections with the uew ly insalled water distributing system shall be made only by the said city or its authorized n gents, and only at (er application in writing duly filed with the city recorder of said city, nnd that meters shall be placed Tlnd protected ns directed by the city engineer, nnd any person, firm or corporation, making or causing to be made any connection .vih said system except as herein pnn idod, ihall, upon convict ion thereof in the recorder's court of the city of Medford, Oregon, be tined not less than nor more than li0 nnd the costs of prose cut ion, and in default of payment of such fine and costs, shall be imprisoned in the city jail one day for each $2.trO of such fine and costs remaining unpaid The foregoing ordinance was passed bv the eitv council on the 4th dav of August, line, Trowbridge, Kifert, Wort man. Merrick, Olwell and Hafer Noting aye. LIO Approved: ,1. V. RKDDV. Mayor. Attest: HKNJ. l COLLINS, Recorder. LOCAL MABKET. Tb. fololivimr ouotatUoi art an im partial rort of tha pricti paid by Mad- Tom daalcra: Wheat II par buaaal. Wheat SSi- per buahtl. Flour ii.lH per ewt. Whole barley per ton. Har $12 par ton. Alfalfa 410 par Im. X fitatoa I BS par wt. Hattar (0c par roll. Ijira HV par fui. WmvSc fr pound. ' Kp par iamm. Sunr $ti.(IO per ewt. Turkevi 13c p pa and PoultrT Spriaa, i t f.: knn. J St1 t i $4 pr '. Ilaoi laa par pvutd ouli M pnr paaui Hefi 4S to uajtl (.' -Wit t k yt jatMUtl, O O 0 1 O n flJedfofd Tine TiMt COUTtBtf PACIFIC HrV.VT Novt)) i No. lolOregon Exprea 5:4 . m. No. HiPortland ExpreM... 9:49 a. m. 1 Soiflbbeiftid No. 15jCaliforni Exprew. . 10:35 a. m. No. 13jSan Francisco Kif . . j:-" p. No. 225From Grant! Pa.. 9:15p.m. No.225For Aland jiutiop. m. PACIFIC fc EASTERN RAILWAY No. l!Leaves Madford.. 8:10 a. ffl. 2:50 p. m. 10:28 a. m. 5:08 p. m. No. 3 Leava Mad ford No. 2ArriYaa Medford No. 4JAmvea Medford ROGUE RIVER Y ALLEY RAILWAY No. 2LeaveB " Medford "'. . .16:45 a. ui. No. 4Leaves Medford 5:35 p.m. MotorJLeavei Medford j 2:00p in. MotorjLeavei Medford :uup. m. No. ljLeavw Jacksonville. 9:00 a.m. No. SjLeavea Jacksonville.. 3:30 p.m. MotorLeavea Jacksonville.. 1:30 p. in. XotorLeaves Jacksonville... 7:30 p.m. MAIL CLOSE. A."M.P7M. KagJe Point...'. J 7:20) 2:00 Northbound I 9:IQ 4:54 Southbound 10:05 2:50 JacktonvilU 10:80 5:20 LOW RATES EAST Will be made this season by SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lines in Oregon FROM MEDFORD, ORE. as follows: Both Wayi One Wy Through Vi TO Portland. 1,'alifornis. Chicago $82.40 $87.50 St. Louis 77.40 82.50 St. Paul 69.90 81.75 Onmha 69.90 75.00 Kansas City .. 69.90 75.00 Tickets will be on sale .June 19, 20. July 6, 7, 22,23. August 6, 7, 21, 22. Good for return iu 90 days with stopover privileges at pleasure within limits. REMEMBER THE DATES For any further information call on A. S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent, or write to WM. M 'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland Oregon. Why Should You Eat Inferior meats when you can have the best, for the same iimuey by buying here I Wo sell belter meats because we buy better meats, and keep them in mir cold storage plant, which makes them better yet. The Medford Meat Company 15 County 1 MXDrO&D, 0BE00H . Stata Depositary. OAF IT AIj AND SURPLUS 1115,000.00 MEDFORD SAS Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, Including turned work and fancy grills. . F, BETWEEN GTH AND 7TH STS. 1 HOKE 63. J. E. ENYABT.Pxcaid eut. J. A. PERRY, Vice-President. The Medford MEDFOED, OS. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Tour Patronage W. W. CITY TAILOR Don't Bother to Cook It's too hot. Get what you want alrea .iv prepared; we have ;t. We cater to those who want the best. THE DELICATESSEN C STREET, N EAR EIG HTH For Those Tired Aching Feel use our Foot Powder, absolutely guar a u tied. Medford Pharmacy The Big Drug Store with Little Prices. Near ABOUT August lo we will be ready to sell tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD iu any quantity at Sj3.00 per tier, delivered." or '$2.00 per tier at the ranch. Good Rail Wood Some cedar, sawed into tie-r wood, at $1.50 per tier at the ranch or $2.50 per tier delivered. For all necessary informa tion apply to WESTERN OREGON ORCHARD CO. Banking Service Of tho Highest Character. Liberality and uniform courtesy is extended io ALL depositors of this bank. If you appreciate banking serv ice of the' highest character, you will find great satisfaction in transacting vour banking business with the Jack son County Bank. Confer with our officers at your convenience, if desir ous of opening a now account or mak ing a clinii in present banking rela tions. W. I. VAWTER, President 0. R. LINDLEV, Cashier MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON The Nash hots n merchants' luncheon eaeh noon from 11:30 to 1:30. Relishes, soup, elioice of two meals, your favorite beveraga and coffee, for -5 cents. Nash Buffet H It DOOR CO. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Ovshier. National Bank A Timely Hint for llie wurm weather. You know a good thing you're rending about it in this ad. Don't cheat yourself but get a cool, comfortable summer suit at a groat reduction. We make you a styl ish summer suit at $20. Kail ami winter goods are here iu all the lute shades. Patronize home industry. Keep your money at home. Trench Dry Cleaning and Pressing Neatly Done. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. EIFERT MEDFORD WELL! Here We Are In HOT Old AUGUST AND YOU HAVEN'T OOT THAT FAN Call np riione No. ami liavo one tlulivRrnl yon for 5 ilays' free trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. Siu'ct'SMor to Condor Water Power Co. Offiie 2uti West Seventh St., Opposite llig Electric Sign. A Money Saver We fully realize that there is a ma jority of people who always wish the very hvt. Thie people are wise. The bet is always the cheapest id the long run. Ksppi-ially is this true of our "PrKK WI1ITK" FLOUR, in so much as any housewife who has tried it knows tlmt it m:ikes many moreloaves to the sack than ordinary flour. Doi 't be penny to and pound fooliJi. bf by tke fc r flour, i. .. "Pve trkuir" ft ; Allen 6 Reagan T8& Qfca tB$ 58 tU ttJUJMD o o o cr o o o O o o o O