Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 06, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined
The Weather
Fair weather is promised for tonight
nnii Friday; north to west windn.
By fat the largest and best news report
of papac In Southern Oregon.
No. 119.
Electric Car Loaded With 'vigorous Search Is Being
Workmen , Gets Beyond
Control-Workmen Are
SAX FRANCISCO, fnl.. August 6.
Ten people were hurt, throo seriously,
when n heavy electric our loaded to the
steps with workmen on their way down
town, run away down a steep grade on
Connecticut street early today, and
dashed around a sharp curve with such
velocity that the passengers were
thrown in the street.
The most seriously wounded are:
Frank Down, San Francisco, severely
bruised, internal injuries.
Mrs. M. Allen, San Francisco, possi
ble fracture of the skull.
A. A. Fredericks, llanford, Cnl.. se
verely bruistsl.
Motnrman Tillsner started down the
hill at a high rate of speed, thinking
he could check the car with the air
brakes. They refused to work and the
crowd became pnnicsinc.iion wnou incj
MnHn Pnllnurinn Qtatf
cnJLatc- Candidate Opens a
ment by a Woman For! . .v ;
u , ! Campaign in Los Angeles
Three Lumbermen ; , .
n Address
WATSOXV1U-K, fill., August .
Southern Pacific railroad detectives are
making a vigorous search in this vicin
ity today for three lumbermen fol
lowing a statement made by Anne Rich-
l.OS ANtlRI.KS, Cal., August G.
hulge Alton B. Parker, democratic eiui-liiiliili-
for president in 1004, opened the
i-umnntL'ii tor llrvan ami rvern acre
urdsnn. a notorious woman, implicating;,. hj(;h wih nll" ni(rPHH to 2000 pop
three men in na attempt to wreck tin
I Pie.
Snnta Cruz flyer last Sunday night at
the Pajnro river linage, 'either man on the tickel, he
The Kicnimlson woman was urresicu
on suspicion of having knowledge of
Ihe plot. Subjected to a severe swenl-
ing ity the detectives, she finally made
a partial confessioa lo Ihe effeett hat
Ihe plan lo wreck the train was concoct
ed in her house during a drunken orgy
in which a number of woodsmen partic
ipated. The suspecions of Ihe detectives was
aroused by the sudden and mysterious
disappearance of Ihe woman immediate-
wreck. It was
Ml hough the democratic speaker
names ol
lliem both.
"There is one great question of all
May Bo Two Days Boforo It Call Be
Determined Who Is the Low Man
Companies From All Farts ef tho
Coast Aro Rnprosonted.
Coming Election Makes No
Difference to the Nation
Says E. II. Harriman
Thirteen bids for the construction of
the pipeline for the gravity water sup
ply for this city will be opened this
evening by tho city council. The bids
will then probably be referred to i h -f
Kneinccr Roberts for reporl. II will
reouire, in He
FOR 14,000
Candidate Says There Is Fire Committee to Pur-
no Cause for Anxiety
Though Present System
Is Far From Perfed
estimation o'- the i e a.
gineer, at least ten hours oi nam worn i
before it will be possible to tell from I
realize, inar cr ,,., ,.. sm. ,VPHt , Sim Francisco
control. Some lumped before the tool ... :n
of Ihe hill was reached, others crowded
to Ihe outside, and when the heavy car
struck the sharp curve, were thrown
far into the street. The weight of the
ear kept it on the rails and prevented
further disaster.
Soa, August 4. Wireless to Suva, then
by cable to Vancouver.) Albert E.
lieisel, an ordinary seaman on board
the battleship Wisconsin was the first
man to lose his life on the voyage of
the Atlantic fleet, and he died of love
and not of war. He flung himself into
the sea.
lieisel received a letter al Honolulu
from his sweetheart in the "states."
His friends say thai he immediately be
came morose and wrote a long reply,
which he mailed the day Ihe fleet
steamed away.
Faeh day of the voyage his melan
choly increased, but he curried his se
cret locked up tightly in his heavy
heart and never told of disappointment
or Ihe secret of his sorrow, further than
to say the leller was from a girl and
that it was "all wrong."
The fleet is now loud miles from
Auckland, pro 'ding without incident
further than the daily maneuvers.
and later started naca io n arsonum-.
She was taken into custody on her re
turn here. When confronted with Ihe
damaging evidence in possession of Ihe
sheriff Ihe woman broke down anil told
of the plot.
She will be subjected to a further
examination today lo secure from her.
if possible, a complete story of Ihe al
leged crime.
In carrying out their designs, the
train wreckers had fastened a number
if fish plates to Ihe track on the high
Pajnro bridge in such a manner thai
the train would have been thrown into
the river.
If the -obstruction had not been oh-
quostious to be solved by Ihe electorate
in Ihe coining election," said Judge
Parker. "Many years ago a small black
cloud appeared on the horizon of this
country. A tariff was imposed for
the ostensible protection of infant in
dustries, which has been extended and
enlarged until under it has grown up
a system which now has the country
completely in its grasp. How is it that
against the interests of Ihe people, a
party in power for inoret han 50 years
has been able to shut its eyes to the
fad thai the people have been sys
tematically robbed by means of a stat
ute which this party enacted, but which
it has until ad the courage to change!
The republican party is in alliance
with the protected interests. These in
terests have furnished money to the
' republican party at the recpiesl of its
i national committee upon the nociuui oc
ensiou. Fverybody knows that for yeur
the leaders of this party have been fry
in i In- fin out of manufacturers. "
..ri-...l ;,, limn Itv the cmriiiocr. a thou-
1 li.. ,....,,1.1 ,.rel.hH- tin re been SPOKAN . Wash., Angus! u.n
lost, as the train was crowded with re I message received early today says that
tnr.iim. Snndav pleasure seekers, lleid Sloan and Rice, the Orotmo out-
Maws, who
hoi Rancher Han Carr five
times in making Ihoir escape iroin wio
fine officer
Ihe bids submitted which man is the
lowest and what his price fordoing the
entire work will amount to; This is
due lo Ihe manv different matters con
neeted wilh Ihe construction of such a 4.
line thai linve to he Inn on. 11 inuv pes- 1
sibly be Ihe end of the week before !
the lowest bidder is known. ! 4
There uro ill the 'city at the present
time IK representatives from as many iimtii 1 itHtH
companies, who are here to tender nuts j
the work. These men have eomplet otlllKX. I'tuli.. August 0. " The com
Kl.AM ATI1 FAId.S, dr., Au
gust II. Klamalh Fulls is pul
ling on her best dross to receive
E. 11. Ilnrrimaa and parly, who
are expected here next Sunday.
Steamboats and launches are al
ready being held in readiness to
convey the visitors nnd their
baggage to Pelican Lake, where
the Harriman lodge is located.
chase Equipment for Sub
stations to Be Placed
About the City
ed their figuring and their bids will be
luod with Ihe cilv record bolero II
HOT SPR1NOS, Va., August ft. Wil
liam II. Tuft todav delivered an address
before the Virginia Par association, in
which he declared t lint while the present
ourt system is not. perfect, thero is no
ause for great anxiety. A large guth
ering of members of the bar from all
parts of Ihe slate were attracted Ivy
the presence of the candidate and lie
was given an enthusiustic reception. He
said in part:
"The chief reason that the state de
voles so much time to the administra
tion of justice between individuals in
private litigation and persons charged
with crime in public litigation is that
they promote the pece nnd tranquility
of fommuuit ies.
To Secure Exact Justice.
"Theoretically, nbstrnctly of course,
our aim is 10 secure eipiai aim exact
justice between individuals and between
stall's. With manv, we properly felic
itate ourselves on this function of the
courts, which enables 11s to nvoid the
less peaceable methods allowed us to
settle political questions.
"Have we the right lo say that the
present administration of justice, gen-
SANIlPOlXT, Idaho, August II.
"Ilig" Ceorge Fitzsinitnons is today
being hailed as a brave man by his
friends for putting a bullet through a
lone holdup man who attempted lo hold
un four customers of the Horseshoe 1
The robber had been hanging abou!
the place all evening, playing cards,
and as soon as the place had only four
men in it he pulled out two guns nnd
commanded Ihi-in lo stick up their
hands or he would shoo) lln-ir lo'iols
Fitzsiminons, who was standing in
front of the bar. sneaked up. grabbed
his gun and. looking around the cigar
case, shot at ihe desperado and killed
him. The bullet penetrated the heart
and death was instantaneous.
The robber was a man of about 40
years and rather tall. II.' seemed to
have plenty of money.
ATI.AXTIC CITY, X. X. August, li.
Although he I'iiilcil in a desperate at
tempt, iniule in the presence of hundreds
of persons, to save Frank W. Brown.
a N'ew York detective, from drowning,
Frank lirowu, a newsboy, is today the
hero of the hoard walk strollers. The
detective swam beyond the breakers
and was caught in the treacherous cur
rent. The newsboy saw the plight (if
the swimmer, threw down his papers
ami leaped into the water. With a life
buoy he swam .to where ltrown was
struggling and put it under him. The
crowd on the beach stood motionless as
the boy's strength began to fail him.
The detective slipped from the I y
and young Brown barely reached shore
with his own life.
. , , ..
are now surrounuen 10 1
posses within six miles of (Iroliuo, ( l,,rln
jit is believed their capture will be ef
fected at any hour.
I Til nut ry where the outlaws are
j hiding has been filled wilh officers anil
Idepupties and il seems there is little
ji-hance for Ihe fugitives to escape. It
is believed that Sloane is tho least
I wounded of the two and Unit demands
for medical Irealinent within the uoxi
IS hours will compel the fuen to sur
render or lo make n dash for liberty.
Ranchers from various sections have
ioiued in the chase and al lensl ',n men
uro in the man hunt.
ing presidential election is of no .great
iinoortiiuce. Il inukes no difference
111. today, at which time Ihe lasl 1ml H,,er Brian or Tuft is elected," said
will be accepted. Kdwurd II. Harriin who is on his
Some of the best firms 011 Ihe Pa ' vay tmKy fn,, this city to his enmp
cific enasta re represented. I'ortbniil ilt '),.,.,,.
leads ill number, but Los Angeles, Sail j "'hc republican policies are t he same
Francisco, Seattle, Tacoma and Olyni- j ,M1S1, , n, ,i.n.n,. We will
pia are represent eif. 1 plnnt Ihe soil anil harvest the crop and Lmllv insures continued popular satis
The lirms represenleil are: 1 ranc ; .rHMrily will be Ihe same under either ! ,,., iim in H results?
Co.. Portland: McMahon & Harris, . .-,,) ruiriiHt r:it ion. The natural resources j ',. , h j ,, )( ,,, llt ,0 present time,
little; .lacol.sen Hade Co., Portland: Pa- !r 1 1- country are loo great to permit , .,,,, r institutions are being sub
ei I ic Construction company, nun i i.ui- n1 ,,(.,. ,,, t,, nil,.,.) the general eoiull
cisco; American l.ighl & Water com- I , ilins . .
pauy, I.os Angeles: rncilic llralge com 1 Mrrim.m mi, the
p.iny, Portland; Puget Sound Bridge & ! f,.,,.r censorship of
lircdging company. Seattle; Fish Lake . , lornorations.
Hitch company, Medt'ord; Robert Wake j ,,A es.npors nre unfair lo
lield. Portland; Kxcelsior Pipe company, imeresls," said the railroad king.
San Francisco; Pacific Const Pipe coin u,, wli( H ta, f ,jH fnl,jn(, ,,,.
pany. Porllnnd; Wnshinglon Pipe & ; liiuntiou with llonld was foolish, liar-
Foundry company, lacoinn; Milional , ,. C,;H i am worn. He realizes
this condition and thai he needs rest,
I which he intends lo tke. Including
:the interview, he said:
I "I believe II lint ry 's approaching
i :i normal condition, but the railroads
! i 1-4 making no improvements."
Wood Pipe company, Olytnpin.
In the meantime the water committee
refuse lo stale whether they have defi
nitely decided upon a source or not. The
options upon the properly in Ihe nigh
1 of Wussoa canyon expire with
in Ihe next few days and some move:
must In- made. As near as can be de- ;
lermilied the committee will obtuin their
wnter from the Hlinger ranch, Ihe water!
from there lo be supplemented by wa -
..- 1 1 f Pil, I..1I0 fliti-li
' 'As she was being rus
COIII,I( 11, .
I iected to a close scrutiny with a view
j to determining whether radical changes
nntry Is 11 1 sdonKi inde. The chief attack in
ewspaper art i- 1 ,.,.,., j,,,, wjt, private property, based
upon any inequulilies in incii isiiuin
lion of wealth and human happiness
that are apparent in Ihe present sys
tem. "The present system, while not per
fect, is so far from producing improper
results that it calls for no nnxiely. The
.lodges, both state and nnlioliil, are
011 the average good and great men,
" Venilitv in our judges is rare.
"The provisions for review and for
free anil imparl iul heurings are such us
generally give ,ust final .iiidgmenls.
Irregularity in Systom.
"An ineoualitv that exists in our
present administration ot .pislice 111111
SAX FRANCISCO. Cnl.. August . ihat sooner or later is certain to rise
I to I lie hospital sad trouble us and call for popular
arly today, after taking a dendly dose condemnation and reform is Hie uneipiai
if strychnine poison, wilh suicidal In- burden which the delays nnd expenses
nt. prettv Clnire Parage, u maul em- ! ot litigation unrier me presem ssi.-o
cl.KVKI.AXI). o., August II.- lohn
D. Rockefeller can call at Andrew Car
negie's front door today and justly de
mand a medal for saving lives, if 11
story told the watchman stationed at a
railroad crossing near the oil king's
home is true.
A party of automol.ilists were cross
ing the tracks of the Cleveland Hi Pitts
burg yesterday, when the gatetuan start
ed lo lower the gales to allow a train
lo pass. One of the heavy arms was
about lo fall on the party, when Rock
efeller, according to the watchman,
leaped from his automobile and cniighl
il. otherwise, it is said, the gate might
have killed one or Iwoo f thf it-
SAX FRANCISCO. Cal.. August (i.
His wife's refusal to cook dinner on
Ihe (irst Sunday after their marriage
caused Charles Cltoa to file suit fro
divorce, which is in court today. Be
lieving that Hie very climax of mat
riinouial bliss would be a Sunday spent
entirely at home, with no restaurant
menu staring him in the face, Colton
suggested 1 11:11 ins wiw p" i
BY DEMONS: SUICIDES ! 1, loved at a fashionable apart lit imposes 111 thei r.
j house, told a pitiful lale of liaving been " know Hint ncm.vs nine 1 11.1
SAX FRANCISCO, Oil., August (1 : l. rayed by Policeman M. II. Howell, merchants and commercial men lo avoid
Believing that he was pursued by de jand as a result tin' poli omniission Hie courts altogether nnd socio their
minis, William Lctiorin, an I.S-yenr old ; ,,,-c today making an investibatiou 1 controversies by arbitration.
youth, drank carbolic acid in a vacant !!,, Howell's action. 1 "Such arbitration is only possible be
it at Harrison and Fremont streets, 1 The girl declared that Ho' officer I ween litigants who are members of
where his dead body was found early, ,.ame to her room mid insulted her. Slo'lthe com rcial body and in a sense
,...l,- II,. lefl several rntllblillir II ilt cs. i :i ill that lie threatened to reveal secrets ' are associated. Boards of arbitration
One was addressed to his mother, and ,,f
after bidding her goodbye he described ,.
an allacli made on him by evil spirits. 1 story, the girl lost scionsness and
lie knew he was going to be killeil nuit . nnw lies on a cot at the hospital iinuhlc
lo add further details to the story.
I'olii-euiau Ilowell declares thai he and lie
was sent bv his superior officer lo In
vestigate the girl, and that he entered
her n lo put her under arrest. When
seied the poiion
couit p-i ent her.
The fire committee of tho city coun
cil will this evening ask the council for
an appropriation of $41100 with which
to equip the sub-stutinus of the fire dc
pnrtment nbout the city. This action
wus decided upon iit n meeting of tho
committee of the council with ouo ap
pointed by the fire company last eve
ning. Those present this morning wore
Kdgar llafer, W. W. Eifert, .1. 11. But
ler and Chief Annum.
It is planned to build four Bubstli
lions in the city and place in each a
10 gallon chemical wngon, a hose cart
and a few minor necessities, such as
usxes, ladders ami scaling hooks. One
of these stations will lie near the North
school, one near the West school, one
on South Central avenuo and tho other
itcroiss tho crock 011 tho East Side.
'About 2000 feet of extra hose will bo
needed to equip the new enrts nnd place
olio feet on the wngon.
With the sub-stations and the new
quipment, the city will be ill much
belter condition Ihnn ever nororc to .
light fire in cnsii it should start.
I'ho school board will lie nskeu to
allow the construction of the sub-stn-
tious near the school upon school prop
erly. 'i'ho city is to be divided into five
wards, each ward to be nuinberoil, so
that Ihe location of a fire may bo de
termined more easily thuu is the ense
at the present time. The division will
pmhnhlv 1 inde bv the intersection
of Seventh street with tho Southern
Pacific trucks. The fifth district, or
ward, will bo oil the east sido of the
creek. Cards are to bo printed nnd dis
tributed to Ihe householders so that all
newcomers will know which firo dis
trict they are in. This plan wns sag
gested by Chief Annum and met with
the ununimous approval of tho com
The company elected thn following
officers for Ihe ensuing yenr: Charles
King, president; Frank Lindlay, vice
president; Frank Redden, secretary;
lack Uent, ussislnnt secretary, Harry -l.nne,
foreman; P. C. Bingham, assist
ant foreman; W. A. Rothertncl, second
assistant foreman; .lames Bates, treas
urer, ami .1. II. Butler, sorgonnt : nt-nrnis.
Fugcnu Annum wns elected chief by
acclamation and the company decided
to support Charles Roberts for the po
sit inn of driver for Hio department.
A committee composed of Amanu,
Butler and Bingham was appointed to
confer with the committee of the city
council regarding sub-fire stutioll
throughout Ihe city.
her past life and Ihat she was help nfrer no roller to llllganis wim woiuiu.i
,lv in his oower. Al ter telling her ' opponent s. Hence il ri'SltllH III Ihe cost
was afraid to go home. He wrote Ins
-ister. Klla l.i'tteria. that the demons
were going lo drown him in the bay
and to put his body in the lot where it '
was found, lie also appointed four of
his friends pallbearers. He signed a
past. Aieoiuiiig 10 ins 1 oiiq.i.iioi. 1 ., , identification, saving Ins nann
( niton replied that had -he thought xv jn;., , ,,.,ierin and his address
him s reasonable as lo make such a ,,., lirriM,n Blre,., for the benefit of
demand of her on Sunday she would I"" r,.r ,,ep, ies.
never have married horn. She is nllegeil i( ,,e, which had contained
to have further declared Ihat she did j i..iHini,. .,, fm,,) ,,v ,, ,dy.
not love him. bill married linn only be 1
f litigation to tho pom being greater
tl the rich, assuming that the poor 1
are more often interested in small cases )
rich in large ones.
Reasons for Delay.
"One reason for this delay in Ihe
lower courts is Ihe disposition of judges
irned of his purpose, he says, she ' ol await an undue lenglli 01 lime in
ml look il before he writing their opl ns or .luugmeins. i
soeak wilh confidence on this point, be-
NEWPORT, Or., August tl. Snme
anxiety is being felt by their friends
for (lie safely of the 14 passengers
aboard Ihe launch Rose, which is sev
eral hours overdue here.
It is hoped Hint nothing more serious
than losing their way in the denso fog
I have been one of Ihe sinners prevailing has nccurre.i in mem. 1 ne
The shnrteninif of lime will 1 launch wns due hero from the fishing
SAX FRANCISCO. Cal.. Augu-t ! I.OS AXCEI.KS. Cnl., August (i. It
After hnving a rest at Ocean Heach.;wa decided today to have a sanitav
the group of army officers who. tin minis-ion examine (I. H. lturbriilge.
der orders from Roosevelt, marched j a prominent broker, who ran amuck nl
miles to prove their fitness for serv , - duck farm here yesterday ami was
ice, again took up the trail early today. ' ,-apliired only after a hard fight.
Following n course along the ocean I Burbridge i-ha-ed Ihe Japanese labor
boulevard, thev reached a isdnf 011 tlo-Vr- about the place with a knife, and
coast near Ingiesi.le by noon. The par ' held up Ins family with 11 shotgun nnd
ty yesterday covered miles, drawing terrorized the "hole ranch for several
,1'1,'in ihe afternoon nl the hotel, where hour- before he was captured.
,!,.. ihe niolif. Their fill-mile1 He wa- arraigned on the charge of
her aunt suggested il.
CARRIES $1,000,000
NEW YORK, Angusl li - Il was made
.1 ... 1....1 M...,-.,(l;er
public loony inai n. ..,,.,.. -
of Philadelphia carries more ui-iu......
tinan miv other 1111111 111 the world. Wnn
..ntinker isi nsnred for l.nnn.nOn. Sla
tistics gathered by the insurance press
-how thai Philadelphia millionaires and
multimillionaires go in for life in-ur
ance mure heavily than those "f any
other cilv in the I'lllte.l Slate..
HUSTON. Mass.. Augu-t li Henry
I'. Brown of Clavbiirli. Tex., was In
dav elected supreme chancellor of the
Knights of I'ythis. Brown, who was
supremo vice chancellor, ' ( ''d
without opposition.
I.os ANiiKI.F.s, Cal., August li. In
lerest ill baseball circles here today
centers upon the meeting of the local
ignnles to be held nt the Hotel Krtss
I vii today, when a new team will tie
organized to be entered in Ihe reorgan
izntion of the Pacific Coast six team
league next season. It is a foregone
-In-ion Ihat III" new club will be
given the name of one of the coast
towns, probably Venice, mid il is con
sirlered probable that Mayor A. E. liar
per of I.os Angeles will be president.
Among Hie backers of the venture
are soon- of the widely known and in
flionlial men in southern California.
Nullum Cole will attend the meeting
ami others who figure prominently are:
.lii.i Jeffries. Chief of Police Kern nnd
'n,:fe noiif, " " l i'"1'"
rj ti t tr (rn
SAN JOSK. Cal.. August ,- Beri
P.eri, tin' dreaded and fatal Asiatic ilis
case, has lieten discovered in a colony
of Japanese fruit runners in the vi
cinity of Alviso, nenr here, and Health
Officer William Simpson, in company
with Professor W. F. Snow of Sinn
told university, who is an authority on
o ei.tal disea-' s. today will make an
,0 vest igllt ioll.
Ihe p-esenc- of the plague was re I bv the death of the wife of I,.
Bali, a Japanese, Hi roe days after he
hid purchased her and two children
1 f. t t-.-l"- The woman was found to be
a . o liiM "f Ihe .lisea-e. It is reported
hat then- are as ninny a- II cases of
1!, ri Beri in I he Japanese camp.
n,(, , xpense. grouiols nine mill's soma mi" ycnioruiij
"I believe a great reform might be I afternoon, but nu truce of it has been
effected will rtaintv in the federal I found.
courts, and I think, loo, in the state
courls, bv mandatory reduction of court g QUEEN PUTS HEK luui
costs and fees,
"Another method by which irrila
tion at Ihe inequality of our nduiinistrn
lion of justice oiny be reduced is by
the introduction of a system for set
lling damage suits brought by the cm
plove against the public service corpo
ration through official arbitration with
out resort lo jury trials."
I. (1ST
ssme at Vaj
PORTLAND, Or., August (1. " Pay
a- von enter" cars are in store for Port
land this fall. The innovation will be
inlrisluced by the local street car com
panv as soon as '.Vi new cars, which have
unbred, arrive. These cars will
Too Late to Classify.
At the carnival last night, a
u i.-n ra c one a ne which.
II, pins riuoer , poos, , , -- , , . ,...,... , K,.
Hike's store and receive platforms nun ine company imeiius mm v csi . i,K,.,. ...... -
experiment with them.
I'llMtl, Italy, August . Ensconced
in her palace near Stress 011 Ihe Ital
ian lakes, 1; 1 Marhgcruln put her
royal foot down very decidedly upon
the proposed marriage of the Duke
Du'Abrnzzi to Miss Katharine Elkius,
despite the preparations for the nup
tials. The intimates of Un 'Bruzzi said
if the young couple persists in their
preparations the quean will cut the
duke and Ins liride Iroin nor usi 01
The dowager declares she has no oh
jections to Miss Elkins, hut she firm
ly believes the duke should wed nn
European princess. She even goes fur
ther nnd suggests several who would
he desirahle wives nnd Senator F.ikins
pean royalty after all.
jaunt will be completed with final threats lo kill, but wa o incoher.
part of 15 miles tomorrow. that his trial had to be postponed.