MEIKOK VAVIA TRIBUNE. MEM-FORD, ORKOOX, AV KDN'T'.SDAV, AUGUST 5, 1008. TRY HERMANN Social and Personal IN NOVEMBER Seven Fending Land Fraid Indictments Dismissed Albany Man Fined 'Si-vm of the pi-udiiiK taiiil fraud in dirtinciitH have been disinin-d in whole or iu urt in tho United StntcB court on motion of Tracy C. iwki-r, special usHinlant attorney (jeni'iul, and on tile rocoinmendntinn of FraneiH .1. Ileney himKelf. The trial of IlitiK'-r Hernia in tho famous "Hlne Mountain" case, nan net fur November 11. Tho other cases were continued until the October term. Dr. William II. Davis and Clark K. l.noinis. an ex siiecial nurnt, who were indicted jointly in December, 1WU, with Salmon II. Oinisliy on ft chure ot con-inu-v. vesterdav withdrew their for mer pleas of not (,'nilty and pleaded (ruilty. Mr. Davis was tmeci if.ioo, inn I he sentence of Iioomis, who is expect ed to be n witness for the prosecution in the Hermann trial, was suspended. Another indictment against Dr. Davis, nlleniii(! perjury, was dismissed. Thayor Indictment Dismissed. In the sumo indictment tlin conspir acy charge was dismissed as ainiiist Kl'bert K. Ilrown and Mrs. Nellie Drown on motion of Mr., who said he u-iin satisfied from the facts in the case that tho connection of thoso do fondants with tho allowed conspiracy was only slight and involved no crnn iunl intent on their part. After nulling a letter from Ileney, in which tho K"'ft prosecutor confessed that ho believed tho iillognl conspiracy was barred nailer the statute of limita 1 inns. Mr. JWker cnum-d the diMmitum! of Mm iiulirtimtiil in whirl. C'lnmlf Tlmy vr nml ntliern were clmrired with it vmi mimicy to iienuire Hevrrul thmmuni. tw.rvH of Tillnmnok cotitity timber IiuhIh finiMhilfMillv. Mr. Honey lUreetoil this fliHooHition of tin indictment. Ani(lc from Thjiver, the other ilefenilnnlN in eluded in the imlictimnt wiuo: (lurk K. Ilndlev, Miniriee l.eiich, Wnller .1 Smith (how deeeiiHed), ThonuiH ('onto, .rutin 'I'ii! He nml (J. O. Nnltiu. Ijovy Stipp Cleared. Iiidictment Nn. I'ltl'J, tOirirKiiiK lh'nry Mfddmm and oIIhth willi roiiMpirney ley malt in l' fnnidnlent mirveyintf contraets, was dimnifHeil oh itirainul Lew Htiitii. At the time the indielment whh returned Htipp wa jiiNlieo of the ponce at Ore von City, where he now linhln the office uf di'iiitty dintriet iitlmney. In n.(inj( for (lie diHiniHHal of the indiclmenl against Stipp, Mr. Hecker explained to the court Hint Htipp was not an active participant in tin' alleged conspiracy and did only what he did n n imtiirr public, without n knowledge of the crimimil intention and opiTatioiiH of (he oriinntorH of the conspiracy. A not her ind ict ment d isminsed was Mint iiJiiiiHt JoHeph lUack and oilier in what in known aH the " Wiscoimin " case. These men were indicted for conspiracy to defraud Ihe government of timber land in this Htiile, but the prosecution was defeiited in an nttempt lo cause ho removal of the defendants from Wisconsin to Oregon for t rial. Knther than have the docket further encumbered bv the case, Mr. Meeker caused it to be dismissed, as to all of the defendants. Los Augclos Indictment. Mr. Itecker also had indictment No. 4S-ISI, known as the "Los Angeles" case, dismissed as against the defend ants Warren (iitlelea, Holier! W. Ken ii y, .IiU'oh ('. ( 'ross and (Ici.rge L. Ml earns. This is the case in which (lie officers of the I'acif ic l-'urnilurc & Lumber company and their agents wen indicted for seeking to rob tho govern ment of nearly lnou acres of t i tuber bind in Curry comity. The grind of the land fraud onsen will In- resumed Monday, October 1", when Mr. Hecker has arranged for the trial of the Piicifie Furniture & Lumber company case. Tin' trial of this case in expected to occupy fully four week, at the government lias approximately iODO letters relating to the alleged conspir acy and which pruhably will lie offered as exhibits.. Fnllmviiig this case, tin trial of Ibuger lleniimiii will be takci up, n postponement of this trial from the October term fur which it had beet set having been agreed to by the gov eminent at the request of A. N, Worth ington, chief counsel for Hermann, who lias gone for a trip abroiol and will not return until fall. Miller Med- Classified Advertisements OKLAHOMA BANK LAW CHAMPIONED BY BRYAN KAIKVIHW, Lincoln, Xeh., Angustri, In vfew of the Homiparte opinion that national baitksl cannot comply with Oklahoma's state law with respect to the tfiinranty of deposits, a oihjeet ii which Mr. Ilrviin is vitally interested it is to be presumed that he will make it one of the lending issues of the cam pflign. Already he has decided to make it tho feature of his Topeka speech, the latter part of the present month. Contrary to expectation:, the speech of acceptance of Jtryan will be a short one. Me Muted today that by actual count it contained Wii) words. While the issues of the campaign will bo ilis cussed, it is . understood t hey will not be gone into nt any length, his views being reserved for more elaborate treat in en I in the special speeches he intends lo mnke. It Ewhanfes. jc cash fur egft. Miller We pay 22-jc t-ah fyr eggs. Ewbanks. Andrew Baker of Koxy transacted business in Mod ford Monday. John Carnev of Central Point was ong his Med ford friends Tuesday. T. W. Beckett went to Talent Titos Inv morning. Jesse Hunch of Fort Klamath is mak ing a visit iu Medford, his former home. District Attorney Mulkey was in Med ford Tuesduy morning. U'n imv "L":.c ea;:h for egg::. Miller Kwba nks. 1 IV Williams and J. A. Obcnehain were in Medium .mimihh " IICSS. Miss J'av Sears of Jaeksonville hau been visiting relatives living ford. trm I1..1-V Unf'fer is the LMU'st of Iter sisler, Mrs. W. c. lleagan, i .m-h ford. J. K. lihoten of !old Hill district the miner, soeut Mommy anernoon in Medf.ird. p.Jlf Hull of (iriffin Creek district h;is been iu Mcdfonl Hcverai nines one ly. Adolph Schult., one if Jacksonville'! nergetic business men. was iu our citj I'nesday. W II. Host wick, A. Throckmorton ind K. Smith were over from Appb gate uesday morning. .1. H. (iriffin of Josephine county was u the southbound train Tuesday on his way lo Ashland. I'obert Taylor, the painter, has re turned from rnruano ami remim.-.i ...m, ness. (' W. Couklin. the undertaker, went . i-.-Lu,.i.ville Toesdav on ond'essional business. Miss Sabrev Hooker of Woodville pro mctw as among her Medford friends ihe fore part f the week. .It din A. Milb r of Lake Creek district liansncted business in Medium lues lay. Mr. and Mrs. C. IL Pierce left on th northbound train 'J uesday evening to pass a fow weeks at Newport. udge Dunn relumed to Ashland Sunday from a short business visit at (i rants Pass. tieorge K. Young, operator in tim ber lands, has returned from a short stay lit Colestin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Alford of Talent l.uve been visitim J. N. MniishVliL who lives near Tolo. A. K. Kenincs, former district atlor iM-v, has returned from a professional visit at Portland. (leorge MeDuiiough and I. '. Wilson w-ro over from Hums alley I Ii part of the week, Mr. Xoe rind his t'amilv, who have been camping in the Hig Hullo seetion, mo at home again. (leorge P. King and family have re turned to northwestern California after short visit here. Harry tiilson of Sterling precinct I made Medford and Jacksonville a bust ness visit Tuesday. John W. Jacobs, clerk of Central Point precinct, was in Med lord audi litcksonville Monday. Miss Prances Humes of Portland, t In' well known educator, is in Jacksonville paying her former home n visit. Hon. William A. Carter of Portland nml Prank Hughes of Salem are iu this section an timber laud business. I1'. II. Pamir, superintendent of the Medford water plant, and his wife visit ed at Cold Kay the first of the week. M rs. Taylor of Harden City, Kan., who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. I". W. Mollis, efi for her home Mou day evening. W. J. Iean and James Purv is of T;il ent preeinet left for Newport Monday evening to spend a t'e sounding sea, Hon. W. I. Vtiwtcr has been making a business visit to Ma veil port, Wash.. :-nd also spent a couple of days at Port I And. Mrs. W. L Pinnoy of Jacksonville was iu Medlord I ucsdav en route to 'cntial Point for a visit with friends living there. Han Watson, the Portland restaurant ear and politician, was on the north bound train Tuesday on his return from He liver. P. Lundahl and L'rickson Hro. were over from the Western Oregon liixcst ment company orchard during the week. Mrs. Ii. V. Uni 1 1 of Ceutial Point preeinet visited iu Medford Monday aft ernoon and was tho guest of her daugh ler. Mrs. Charles Strang. ( 'on nt y Treasurer Crotupuiller ha sold the bond issue of Central Point srhool district, amounting to $ 10,000, to Morris Brothers of Portland at par, .1. I. Peari-e, t he genial woodsman, came down front Klk Creek Monday and has since gone to Weed, Cal., where he will be employed on a big sawmill Professor W. T. Van Neoy of the fat uity of f hi southern Oregon slate nor ma I school and his wife are visit nig Medford, guests of their daughter. Mrs. I. It. Kiissell. Patrick J. Kyan diet! Monday morn ing, after a protracted Illness, from He was one of the earliest soul hern ( regon, coming and 71 vears of age. Hon. II. von dor Itellen came over from Wellen Monday, accompanied by his wife, son and gianddaugohter. Mrs. V. and the little girl left on the north bound train that evening for a sojourn at Newport. Oua Cent Word No tingle Inser tions leu than 16 cenu. 4lx Insertions for the price of four. Bovmtjtlv cents ft Hue per motnh. F0& BT. F0 eENT Puroiead r5, tfectnc light and baths. Mrs. R. L. Hale, D street uebf 1Mb. if POK SALP Large grade Jersey cow; will be fresh in about two weeks. In quire of Kd AndrewH. 1 H POK SALK vass. 1. K. streets. -Now 12x14 tent, 8 oz. can Mc(iinnis, Cottage and C 1 IK POK SALK 100 fine Angora goats. Ail dress Charles Shillingford, Crescent City, Or. POK HA LP Store und lot on North C struet aud (J-room residonco property, D and Seventh street, 100x100. Ad drone W. K. Page, Medford. 120 H10 HAKHA1N Owing to rovorscH iu business, I must sell my home at once; 2 bedrooms, I dining room, 1 parlor, 1 kitchen, 1 hall room, J pantry, 1 large summer kitchen, 2 porches, chick cu house and yard, garden and fruit, apples, puarti, plums and grapes, fine weel, walking distance, 2 IoIb, each 50x140; price $irf.0, $750 cash will bundle. Add mm P. O. Box 272, Med ford. 13 POK SALK A Barred Plymouth roost or, thoroughbred, lo months old. Ad dress P. O. Box .172, Medford. POR SALE Leading rooming house iu Mud ford, location uusurpussed, genu ine burguin to right party, cash prop oBition only. Write C, Box 508. 118 POK 8ALK Team or ponies, thorough ly broke for aadde or driving, single or double; ulso back and lmrnesn; a snap. Apply L. K. P., Tribune office POK SALE Half interest in the best businesa proposition in Medford. Ad dreas Box 27, Medford. fon eks tit the POK HALE Sand and gravel; tho best grade of sand aud gravel for sale by J. T. Long, Riverside avenue, near Me Andrews' ford. FOR SALE Residence properly; 7 rooms aud bath, city water, electric lights, sewer connection. P. 0. Pugo. FOR SALE lfi choice lots, five min utes from depot, near school; oasy terms. P. 0. Page. POK SALE Seventh street business proporty, two story brick, 50x140; also 2:10 feet on Seventh street by 50 feet on Riverside avenue. P. C. Pftjo. POK SALE 8. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten acre tracts, best locution in the valley, L. Nee 1 1 em oyer, Jacksonville. POK SALE A first-cliiss pianola-pia- 10; a bargain. P. O. Box uT, Mod ford. WANTED. WANTED Two girls for general house work. Apply to Mrs. Pay, North ten tral avenue. camping Address 1 lt WANTED To hire a light wagon for two weeks' trip. A. S., Tribune office. WANT ED Teams of horses, about lono pounds each; suitable for light orchard work. Win. liainsl'onl, Hotel Moor,-. 1HI WANTED To rent, Oregon hotel or resort or property suitable for same; purchase privilege; give price and full particulars. Deutsche, 4T.S Newport aw, Chicago. US WANTED A span of good horses, geldings or mares, which can be driven or worked, seviu or eight years old. sound and gentle, weight 1100 or 1200 pounds. Address Tribune, Medford. WANTED To buy from 100 lo 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. o 9 Q Q g Q a q 0 o Watch our Windows 0 ii o o Medford's Low Price Makers BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. Central Avenue, Just North of the Jackson County Bank Our Annual August Clearance Sale NOW ON IN FULL BLAST TO M KK KOO.M l''R Ol'li WINTKI! (I(H)HS THAT WILL SOON AKHIVK W K OI'KKH Ol'lf KXTIHK STOCK OK Sl'MMKH COOllS AT TUB l''OL 1 OWI(i WUrl-'ti LOOK THEM OVER. COMPARE THEM WITH OTHERS. VK HAVE ALWAYS SOLD MoNKST (i O O I) S AT HON KST I'llllTK M WIIKN WK TKLL Vol' AXVTMlXli Vol' (AX DKl'KXD II'OX IT. VK KIOl'V COM I'KTITloX. TIIKSK I'Klt'KS TALK. TI1KSK coods' i;k ll this sim.mku s noons, wi: allow nothixi; to okt moi luv on oih shclvks. X S4 $4 P4 lic;iiliir I'rici Men's Nctilcton Patent Oxl' spli.OO Men's Nettleton Tan Oxl'ords $(.()() Men's Nettleton Viei Kid Oxfords !p.").."(l Men's Xetlleton (linunetal Oxfords ."j..")!! 1 ':l ( ent S .Till IS ;llll ( I llllllK't;! O.Xlol'dS, 1 ular price I.Olt, now selling at $ n,,nKli. Vii-i K hoes I va lies. al"..5o Men's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, regular tl.-'iO .tl'.OI) values, now Ladies' Patent Oxfords, .f4.00 values, at $2 Ladies' Patent and Kid Oxford, :!." values, at Sp2 Ladies' ..(Ml and .f:5..")0 Kid Hand Turned ?2 Low-Tleel Patent Oxfords. re.n .f ..")() vals.. at..!jl Ladies' Palent Hand Turned Shoes, regular ( lW. .75 50 25 25 .25 .25 ind .15 .95 .85 .60 .80 .-.0() values, at : $3.90 Ladies' Patent Button Welt, regular .-.00, now $3.90 Ladies' Kid l!uthn, Hand Turned Shoes, regular sfin.50, now .' $2.95 Ladies' Oanvas Shoes and Oxfords, and 2.00, now $1-00 and $1.60 KM) j mirs of lialiies' and Children's Oxfords and Slip pers, g'oinn' at, per pair 50 They cost us more than this. Fanners' Heavy Mountain Boots. Fanners' Light Shoes, just right for August and Sep tember, going' at &icciitl I'rirrs. Boys' and Misses' School Shoes, we will sell at Sprrinl l' vices tliat will astonish vou. Otioil I'arlur iu Ferry's Warebuiis SKVKNTH 8TRKET. rlii'iininlijtm. pilillCI'I'M ft( lii'rt' in I s.l', LOST AND FOUND. .OST All Kluiii wut.'h, No. llmilHH Kinili'r plciiHO lojivt' at Hum oft'ifo ftiul rtveivo rowiinl. 117 Kol'Nl) Itinct'li't. un c:irnivul mfiimls llliuiri Snutlu'.'ll I 'ill' i 1'if ul't'icf. lis BUSINESS CARDS. THE ODELL, t.r:ltlii; Kooining HollHO of Uiti fity Vrn Imlln. Over Posloffi.i'. M. I). MOOKK. J. T. ANEBOM, WELL D100EK. MKDr'ORl), OR Pricoa right. l'uin tirnitied wlion WanttHl. DR. A. B. SWEET rtivRit'ian ami Sur(rt.m. Office t Kvaiilonrr. COLVIO DURHAM, Attornejra-at kw. Oe. U. Durham, Omnia Pass, Or Wm M. Oalvig, Madfard. Or. 01IISH0LH MARTIN ll.itni I'aintinir. I'ainr UanKinir aa.l ' Tinting. All work unarantoeil. I'houc 229. Ijflrkboi 12.1, MfcforJ. Or. SMITH & MOLONY QO TO DR. OOBLE FOR YOUR OLASSE8. "He Uaa No Othor Buaineaa." Wuuu olliers fail, full on , DR. E. J. BONNER, lvc .Specialist. Ot'l'iio in liu' (Ininil Tliiattir lilclj;. I'lioui) ;t". Hovonth antl Main. w-m 7 s very jilniti In .ire I'm the wiun'nui nominee. f all ihe eandidales noiu inaled. vote for Han Cujiid. The real advance agent of prosperity. To help liini win. you must smoke cigars that have no disagreeable odor. A good smoke is assured if you try our Medford 5 cent. R R V 10 cent and Del Marca 15 cent Ciqiir on i-vr here. BIG CASH SALE OF GROCERIES! Vnlike other so-called sales, our sale lasts all llie time. My buying for cash and selling for cash we are able to cut out ma ny expenses incidental to the credit bus iness. We propose to give you the benefit of this saving by cutting the prices on our groceries. We cannot quote everything, but you will find we sell all standard goods, and sell them at a cheaper price than you pay if you buy on credit, or otherwise, elsewhere. W p:iy "'J & Kwbanka. raih ftir i'kk1'. Millor Ihkidferi Furotaure Ca., Untortatara Day phone 353 ; Ninbt Phonea: C. W Conklin .1(1; J. H. Butler M.S. WHIfATC BETBOYITB Mill VOL 0TI0V AAOV09. Utk to i i Wafonl, (Ik ft H. rHAT. M. B 1'byaician aJ Mlira equipped Operati X Hat. Ofaioa lloiira, 10 12, t 4 1". . Of flea in JacWon ComJKy Sajaat l&tf, R.R.V. Cigar Works Minlford. Or. I f you liave lost or found anyUiiiiat. nt'ed work, or have soinethiiiij; to sell, j) doesn't natter what you want is. try & Wjitt A J in The Tribune. 1 BREAKFAST FOOD. ETC. "('res j 10." a regular straight K)c seller, we sell 3 for 25c Dr. I 'rice's Hreiikfusl Food, a regular l.'ic or '2 for li.'ic seller, we sell for 10 straiglit (' renin of Wheal sells as you know for J0e: we sell it for 1"i lO-iiound sacks of " .)( f 'hi ire r" While Onls. regularlv selling for -H'c we sell for ..' 35 Wihh's (imic .Iniee. a quart regular ly selling for tillc. now 50r :c pints, now 30 Worcestershire Sauce in the if 1.00 size, we sell for S5e ( 'n rnnl ion Mill,', regularly selling for l.V or 'J for -J"c. we sell'lOo straight ( 'mi in J Toiiiitlni v, selling regularly as above, we sell for ,KV straight Ciiitut il Corn, same, i. e., 10c straight Xoritt iinn Sardines, selling every where for I V, we sell for 10c LUNCH GOODS. SOAP ETC. Cliipind liccf. in the regular i'oc glass jars, we sell for .' 30 The large sized bottles of Olive Oil, which vou have alwavs paid $1.00 for, we sell' for .' S0C And the small '.Vic size for 30 Vou have been used to buying Sunny Monday Soap at 4 cakes for i'oc. "We sell five bars of Sunny Monday, one of Crystal White for 25c AVe sell 2 bars of Fairbanks' "Mas cot" washing soap for 75C Assorted toilet soaps, including the standard brands, a dozen bars . .-10c ( 'nlliili ne. a regular fl.oO seller, now going, for cash, at $1.40 Sumilc (Jneeii Ollces. 7"c bottles,. . 60C SI nf fed Oli c,s. ::."c size 30c Toicnlu Cnlsiii. L'Oc for credit; now ( for cash 16c '. Iu mi lulu r. Mr. f 'nriiii r. ire id eri.sVi for ioiir jiroilnce. Miller & Ewbank IKU SK OF TKTK LCuNttMV.' o o o O O o o 0 0