MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD," OREGON, TUESDAY, AUGUST 4. 1008. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper ix a Lira Town. Published every evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISHING COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postof f ice at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. On uiontli, 1 mail or carrier. . . .$0.80 One year, by mail . . ,5.00 City subscribers who desire Tbe Tribune mailed to taeru at summer resorts or other out-of-town places will please notify the office, glv- ta city address and the length of time they desire paper sent to new addreM. On returning, pleaae notify office in order that service by carrier may be promptly resumed. nnciEXK am) rim water i no Med lord is not the only city that is struggling with the water problem. Eugene is in Hie same boat, but making far less progress. Three years ago Eugene voted s( )(),(.)( bonds for a water system. The city has just acquired the old city dis tributing system, paying a goodly sum to escape private ownership. The council has now authorized the issue of I lie remaining KiO.OOO bonds to begin work on a gravity system, which it is feared may cost $." )(),)( HI, ami then not prove adequate. Tile Eugene Register comments as follows upon the water situation : "Members of the council, headed by the mayor, are determined to give us a gravity system with Ritchey creek as the source of supply, regardless of (tost or adaptability of the source of supply and without giving the taxpayers the privilege of saying whether or not the Ritchey creek proposition is sat isfactory to them. "The idea of a city like Eugene taking its water supply from a little stream like Ritchey creek in the foothills, that gathers its waters from the seepage of the hills, is not over two miles long, and varies in supply with the seasons, from a little over a million gallons to about five millions of gal lons, and has been known to be practically dry; a stream whose watershed cannot be controlled by the city unless all the hundreds of millions of feet of timber within the confines of the watershed are bought and paid for by the city at. a good stiff price in order to prevent contamination from logging, campers, slock and other methods of filth production. .Eugene better a thousand I hues drink filtered water direct from the Willamette than to risk such an un certain supply at Ritchey creek, or any other of the little mountain branches tributary thereto." This has a familiar ring, and sounds like street talk about; W'asson canyon. But, Medford has the choice of several sources, and while the people of Eugene are squab bling over the project as I hey have for three years, Med ford will have its system actually constructed". 77 V BOOTH ACQUITTAL everyone who has Jollowed the land fraud trials was prepared for the acquittal of the Booths on the charge oi conspiracy. I hoy were indicted on well grounded sus picion, iis many others were, in the hope that indictments would scare confessions and. that a free use of the iiiinm nity bath would further cinch the rase against them. I la. tffHi' fi-iulu I, ,.:..i: . .I.. i.i ' u, l uiniriiimn iiugiu a iso nave hcen secured, but the government, permitted it to end, as proba bly all other land cases now pending will cud, in a fizzle. 1 hat the government has "cold feet " in the land fraud prosecutions has long been evident. If not, whv was Mo ney, who conducted the prosecutions and knew all tin evidence, pulled off 7 Why was Bristol, who was familial K i 1... :.. I : i . . . . .m i in- inuiemicius ami urcw up many of th oinoved t Why was Burns, who unearthed the swindles, transferred? -And why was .Neuhauson, who lias had charge ofgatherin cMoence iiisciiargeil ! ,y ,;,Vo funds to conduct trials lieeu withheld lor years, prosecutors changed, and evideuc scattered, except with the ulterior inolivi those accused f I hose who secured I are losing their the i n in in n it - hath WHY RIDDER IS FOR BRYAFf Edit States H has no CoxfidetGe in Repeal Tariff RevislM. HAS FItANClSCO, (Jul., August 4. Herman Kidder, editor of the New York Hunts Zmtuntf, who in in this city on a tour of the Pacific count, gives his rea son for pledging his support to William .1. itryan after having vuinly tried to disHunde the latter from running in opposition to Governor Johnson of Minnesota for the Democratic nominn I ion, as follows: "The Republicans have admitted that the tariff needs reforming, but I have no confidence in the sincerity of the irnrtv to reform it. We can hope for nothing from the group of leaders in congress headed by Speaker Cannon, Dal'.el of Pennsylvania nnd Payne of New York. Jielieving that Pryan will ho more effective than a Republican president in meeting this situation, I will do my best to elect him, although 1 was opposed to his nomination, be muse of his financial ties. 1 did not regard him ns th most available candi date. "Since Bryan has been nominated I shall support him vigorously ami will lake the stump for him in September." "I do not believe that the new Inde pendence party, of which W. Ft. Hearst is the inspiration will cut uny important llgitre in the election. Hearst's prac tically disappeared as a political factor when he was defeated for the governor ship of New York in an election in which every other important nominee of the party wihch which ho was then identified was successful. " nptpiht mn- ii t.. ..... . i . .1 inin n nr r v ' I It'll1 e nvi "K even in Medford. and Ilw ivi.m n is nvpr. What Papers Say NEWSPAPEB ADVERTISING. (nnlliiiKirn Amcrii'iin.) Lust ,vwir Hi,' liuri'nu of rmviij.iiioii Nnmi A.rf)nfifl i.. -.1 ..- 1 "'iwriiHiiiir 10 get ...III... .1 .. ........ .. ,,. itiui-. iii'iuni riwntinp -I" .iin.-iii mm vi'iir mi iimntiirn in of mulls , ,,,.,,1,.. A ,0Illl, tH.-iir,. ,,, our,.,,,, ., ,rpf,or ....... ,i money , ,,, ,,,,, )M,r, In HiviiiKiiiK l.iu-h to ilw ii.,ws,;ipr If-m-rnl ii,lvi.rliMn in mrrh- ,i,J "lint il li, ,,1,,-n.vM ,,, ,,, -m country ami in K,,,,,,,,, ,,. hi ,llvr l, v.. Iri,l ,.vry , of ,, '"'.v .f..r all n-ir ,.X.llsiv ',,. Trill,- 1'h" """I"'!'"' with n I... "' On1 tamilv u,m it, not oiifi u week or onee ti inontli, luil dull v. Kven llip niUKilzini'i net lli.'ir i-iri'iilntiiiii lv ail i-rtiwiny iti tin- io-WNaiirH. Tin' ncwi piipiTH liavo lii'ca mi kinil liH to gi 1 11, -in thoiiHamlH of ilollars worth of fret' notii'en, ainl tliev have nIiowii their Kratitnilo liy the nronsest alone ninl mii reiri'Hentation ot I lie uennaneni ami liy HHNiimiiiK a holier than tliou littitialc that maki'd lliein rnlher lihsiml. Hut i lime no (unrrel with them. Tiling! I'oiiie out all rijfht in the eail, anil the Ifi'iioral uilvertiHeni are finiliug that fine stationery mill a Nolicitor 'n elouueneo to not provide an uiulienee. So the men n lio pay for the lulvertisini; are I W"'r into Ho' nen-Hpapftrn, where they will i;ot what they pay for the ntten- ion ol intellnjent people who read nml huv. It in very inenihiir FINE WATER PLANT FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOL All the advantages of I lie most up-1 o date city water system, installed nay whore at u nominal cost, which operates automatically, at a mero fractional cost of operation, is what may be rightfully claimed for the Burton water plant, such nfi has just been put in the new Catholic school by Howes & (.'o. of Port land. The city pressure vas not great enough to put water in the third story of the new building, and it wns this fact that first caused the Sistern to look about to secure a private of their owa. Tin system they adopted is pronounced by experts to bo the finest domestic water system in existence. It si'cures tho three essentials of a good water supply plenty of wate., ub.m tule purity and really adoquate fire protection. These advantages aro ob tained at a low first cotit, tlio very min imum cxpciiHetj of operation, and abso lutely no cure, as the entire system works automat icaHy. The plant has a capacity of f00 gal lons an hour, It is estimated, however, that no more than 'MMO gallons a day will be used at the new school. In ad ditiou to the usual plumbing, two U -ineh pipes arc run from the basement to the top of the building, fitted with fire hose on every floor and providing the very best fire protection obtainable. In an exhibition test yesterday after noon, at which the architect, engineer and Mr. K. K, Howes, member of the I'ort land firm who installed t he sys tem, the hose on the third floor was turned on and it threw n powerful two inch si ream over lfiU feet out of tin window, continuing for more thnn 1T minutes without the slightest apparent diminution in the pressure. At this t ime t he pressure on the 10i-0gallon iron tank in the basement was but fit) pounds, nml its capacity is 100 pounds. One of the beauties of this system H its simplicity. A tank, located in the basement, ns in this case, or under ground, or anywhere, filled with air, is the primary feature of the plant. An electric pump forces the water from the widl into the tank. The pump works nutomnt ically. When the pressure reaches tiO pounds it stops. After enough water has been used to lower the pressure to :i- the pump starts up again without anything being done to it. 1 L. Ton Velle has completed his nttnge two miles south of Medford and has in cozy a home att huv orchards in the laud. The pressure on the c;ty mains here is about .'10 pounds. The constant pres sure under the Burton system is about Hit pounds. To equal its full capacity, 100 pounds pressure, by an elevated tank system, it would be necessary to raise the tank feet in the air, a practicable impossible. The air in the tank lasts for months wit limit being exhausted. It gradually goes out with the water, but there is a little attachment by which t lie supply is speedily replenished. This air pressure serves the further purpose ot always keeping the water very cool. I he whole system is air tight, nvd thejr in uo place from the web to the faucet where dirt or eernif J t'nn get in. Manv of the Burton svHteins have ieeu in use for years, and never wear nit or need repairing. They are installed in all sizes from I l."0 gallons to J.l.tKHI gallons. The plant here can be duplicated at a cost of about $N0O. At Regents park at Taeoma, there are two tanks with ft total capacity of US ,000 gallons, which havo been in per fect operation for several years, sup plying more than 1,100 people with tva ter. All who hav- seen the plant hero are enthusiastic ver its merits, and sev eral are contemplating installing them. Everyone should make u point to Bee the one at tba Catholic school and those who desire farther information will have it chenrfuily supplied by writing to Howes &, Jo., 310 Telford building, Portland, Or. Why Should You Eat Inferior moats when you can have the liest for the same money by buying here? W'e sell better meats because we buy bettor meats, and keep them in our cold storage plant, which makes theni better yet. The Medford Meat Company ABOUT August 15 we will be ready to sell tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD in any quantity at f 3.00 per tier, delivered, or Sj52.00 pet tier at the ranch. Good Rail Wood Some cedar, sawed into tier wood, at $1.50 per tier at the ranch or $2.50 per tier delivered. For all necessary informa tion apply to WESTERN OREGON ORCHARD CO. Medford, Oregon. 's iwri plain to srr f'm Ihr winning nominee. Of all the candidates nom inated, vote for Dun Cupid. The real advance agent of prosperity. To help him win, you must smoke cigars that have no disagreeable odor. A good smoke is assured if you trv our Medford Time Table SOUTHEEN PACIFIC RAILWAY 6:54 p. m. 9:49 a. ra. Northbound No. 16Oregon Expre.. No. 14Portland Express Hontubtuoa No. 15CalUorni ExpreM. .10:35 a. m. No. 13San Franciico Exp.. 3:20p.m. No. 225Froin Oranta Pasi. .( 9:15 p. m. No. 225For Alhland 10:15p. m. P ACETIC EASTERN RAILWAY 8:10 a. m. No. ljLeavea Medford . . . No. 3Lavea Medford . . . No. 2Arriva Medford... No. 4 Arrival Medford . . . 2:50 p. m. 10:28 a. m. 5:08 p. m. BOOUE RIVER T ALLEY RAILWAY No. "2Leaa MedfordTT id:'7ni: No. 4Leayes Medford 5:35 p.m. MotorLeavea Medford 2:00 p in. MotorLeave Medford 9:00 p.m. No. lLeaves Jaeluonville. . 9:00 a. m. No. 3Leava JaeliionviHe.. 3:30 p. in. MotorLeave Jacksonville.. j 1:30 p.m. MetorLeavei Jackionvillo. ,. 7:30 p.m. MAIL CLOSES.' M. Eagle Point , 7:20j 2:00 Northbound :1 :54 Southbound 10:05 2:50 JackionvilU ' (10:801 5:20 LOW RATES EAST Will be made this season by SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lines in Oregon FROM MEDFORD, ORE. as follows: Both Ways One Way Through Via TO Portland. California. Chicago $82.40 $87.50 St. Louis 77.40 82.50 St. Paul 69.90 81.75 Omaha 69.90 75.00 Kansas City .. 69.90 75.00 Tickets will be on sale J une 19, 20. July 6, 7, 22,23. August 6, 7, 2.1, 22. Good for return in 90 days with stopover privileges at pleasure within limits. REMEMBER THE DATES For any further information call on A. S. ROSEN BAUM, Local Agent, or write to WM. M 'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. WELL! Here We Are In HOT Old AUGUST AND YOU HAVEN'T GOT THAT PAN Cull up i'hone No. 8.15 and havo one delivered vou for ii days free trial. ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO. SiU'cesHer to Condor Water Power Co. Office 2WS West Seventh St., Opposite Hig Kliietric Sign. State Depositary. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $116,000.00 Banking Service Of the Highest Character. Liberality and uniform courtesy i extended to ALL depositors of this bank. If you appreciate banking serv ice of the highest character, you will find greut satisfaction in transacting vour banking business with the Jack son County Bunk. Confer with 'our officers at your convenience, if desir ous of opening a now account or mak ing a change in present banking rela tions. W. I. VAWTER, President f(. K. MNDLEY, Cashier MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON The Nash nets it merchants' luncheon ench noon from 11:30 to 1:30. Relishes, soup, choice of two meats, your favorite lievoiuge and coffee, for cents. V Nash Buffet MEDFORD SAS H 6 DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures and ull kinds of planing mill work, Including turned work tod fancy grills. ' F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH BTS. 1 HON! 63. ,T. 10. ENYART.Presitl ent. .1. A. PERRY, Vice President,. .JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier, The Medford National Bank MEDFORD, PR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Tour Patronage W. W. CUT V TAILOR A Timely Hint for tbe warm weather. You kuow a good thing you're reading about it in this ad. Don't cheat yourself but get a cool, comfortable Hummer suit at a grrat reduction. We make you a ityl ish Hummer suit at $20. Fall and winter goods are horf In all tho lute Hhudes. Patronize home indurttry. Keep your money at home. French Dry Cl&uiing and Pressing Neatly Done. A Perfect Fit Guaranteed. EIFERT MEDFORD A Money Saver We fully rt'jilit that there is a ma jority of people who always wish the very best. These people are wise. The best is always the cheapest in the long Medford 5 cent amf Del Morca 15 cent Cigar on sale tn ervwfaerv. run. Kspecially is this true of our ("ITKK WHITK" FUH'K. in so much R t V II cent! rw a iv hou'wie wko hut tried it knows jtbat it makes many moreloaves to the I sa-k than ordinary flour. Don 't be t penny wise aud pound fnolisli, but buy t- ta-st flour, i. Pure White." vt THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS HEAL KSTAT6 Wurronty Ocel Morttfutfti, Iajiik and Short Forma Kati.-Uui't'n of Mnrttfitvt Transfer of I,in I'owor f Attorney Mechanic'a Lien Water ltiht Quitclaim' Deed Bond for Dd Mortgage LtiMu With Tux Payment Provision Option to Buy Aknt'i Contracts MISCELbANKOUHi Bill of Sale Liquor License Forms Notice to TreapauaorH Creditor'ti Claim Airainat Estate Chattel Mortrare Acknowledgment Confession of Judgment Covers for Blanks FOR UK NT, FOR FURNISHED ROOMS. ETC. (on cardboard). MININC. I Infer Locution Bond fur Ded Miner' Lien Summons Execution Juiltfment Transcript t'ttmmitmnnt for Trial Search Warrant Quartz Location Water RUrht Oregon and U. S. Forms Contract to Sail Deed Proof wf libor JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil and Criminal Subpoena Attachment UnderUkintf and Affl (inrnUhment davitfor Attachment Cunt Hill Commitment for Fine Notice to Jurors Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant for Arrest PROUATE Petitlonsfor Letters of Administration, Administrator's. Executor's and Guardian's Honda and D'dn: Order Setting Apart Property Exempt from Execution; Order ConnrmiriE Sale of Keal and Personal Property Citation; Commission to Appraisers; Letters of Administration: Inventory and Appraisement; Proof of Will; Letters Testamentary. CIRCUIT COURT Attachment Undertaking and Affidavit Summons Notice of Garnishment for Attachment Coet Bill Grand Jury Subpnenn Criminal and Civil Subpoenas Execution Indictment Search Warrant Transcript of Judgment Notice to Jurors A complete, up-to-date line of U.S. LAND OFFICE.MCOt'NTY COURT AND MIRKIFK BLANKS. All printed after the latest and best forms. C?3 Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. c3 Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN KtDfOftD OftfiOON AIiford, Oj tu owxlky on the cokneri Tribune Ads Bring Result! o G3