Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 04, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of OregonSouth of Salem Combined
The Weather
Fair weather is promised for tonight
nml WViliioHilny; uorthwewterly winds.
By far tlie largest and best news report
of an; paper in Southern Oregon.
No. 117.
- , i
i "
TragiG Death Reported! Mechanics Went on Strike
From Fernie - Smoke1 Today and Road is Now
and Embers Still Flying
Over Destroyed Town
FF.RXIE, B. ('., August 4. Smoke
anl embers ore still flying over the site
of tho destroyed town, making it ex
tremely disagreeable for the homeless
Paralyzed -10,000 Men
Involved in the Strike
VANCOUVER. H. (.'.. Auttt 4.
Tho Canadian Pacific milruiul niechnii
ics lit Winnipeg wont out on strike ut
noim toduv. I lie wlioie sysrem irum
Zepplins Monster Balloon
Makes Ascent and is
Justice of the Poaco Has Anothor Of
ficeAppointment Gives Unlvorsal
Satisfaction Held Similar Position
in Wisconsin nml Was Land Agent.
nconlo but tlicre is m. danger unless i Vancouver to .Montreal win no
1 ' ' 1.- 1......... ..n.rili.o-rs ' IIIIIIIIIS
another gali' nrisi's. -" "'" . "
Thct bodies of the victims have been 1 have promised their support. ten
placed in the lmsement of the nffiee nf thousand men lire involved,
the Crow's Nest. Pass Coal company, a. The trouble between the Canadian
oon t building, iiiul one of the 'two Pacific officials and the mechanics em-
buildings standing, where those which ployed by the road have been brewing
are unknown await identification. The j for several days. .The dispute is the
bodv of Robert Kern, an need man who ' outgrowth of the new schedule of wages
chore,! about the Wanlrop mill, which 'and hours put into elteet by the com
was naked on the railroad track, does! puny. The men offered strenuous oppo
not account for anv of the missing i sition to them, th rout cuing to call the
' 'strike, wich went into effect today, it
j ... rn in,.. schedule was not withdrawn. The
JOUr J3UII1CU tu "en. ,
One of the most tragic fatalities of eo any officials turned a ileal car to
the fire and one which shows the ex-1 their demand. On Saturday tin -
trenies to which people were driven tochanics sent an ultimatum to the man
escape the heat, was the finding of the agement of the road, declaring a strike
bodies of a familv of four in a well, a would be called today it the act ion they
miner, his wife nnd his two children, j sought was not taken betore then.
where thev had tried to gain refuge j ,-,
,',,,, the terrific he.,,. The head of COSS BOUND OVER TO
the man, whose name was William Ford. ! AWAIT OBAND JURY
was badly humeri, while his wile and
children, a boy of 2 and n girl of 8
years, had all died of suffocation. There
was only a little water in the well,
which was curbed with wood, and after
climbing into it the miner and his wife
.....1 ..1.11.1...... -.., nei.lontlf tinsltlp to
get out again and the curbing burned j Georg.
down almost to the waters edge, suf- "is
fecating them. Owing to the n is,
The preliminary hearing of II. M.
Coss, charged with a statutory offense,
by Clara Stuggs, was held before Jus
tice Dox in Jacksonville Monday. Coss
was bound over to the grand .jury and
held in iMll'l'l bail. Mrs. Coss ami
llev are upon the bond tnr-
e of District. Al
ius! ice unpointed
Awful Death ol Agcu woman. . -
- - ,. , .' Ke v to ni'poar lor t 0 state.
Even more pathehc is the iiwtnl man I- " 111 "II'-"
' . i'1'l... ,t,.fon. butt was renresented hv V.
ner n which -Mrs. A. die lurner. tin 1 , .
god Invalid woman who lived with her M. Colvig. Clara Slnggs. the complain
n in Pernio annex, .net death. When , an, SteMa S.aggs ";'',,;
it was seen that the house was going to "m,--.
, . ,, fl,.: ,i.v i ,l,p cede brother; Mrs. Coss nnd Miss Helen I oss
Turner, a miner', prepared his wife and testified .luring the hearing
clii (iron lur i i" it. j iiircw uimin .
e ll not walk, and she pleaded with BRYAN TO WRITE I A
them to leave her and save themselves.
Finally, when the house was caught by
the flames. Turner wrapped the old
woman in a wet blanket, carried her
out of th' house and laid her on the
ground. He then scei.ed his wile and
children and fled. Nothing but the
blackened bones of the old woman were
found by Ho searching party. Turner
ami his family esciprd.
nninlrq Are Burned.
It is iiilioved that several lives were
in the Waldorf hotel in tho out
town.' Thr last persons to leave the
. I i- it was iii flames sav that
ir four drunken men were left
Iving on the floor, and it is believed
they perched.
Robert l.ane, whose body was found
in West Fernie near the Lumber
company's boom, was a young miner,
who had been married only a f.-w
Anderson, the stationary engineer at
the Pacific Coal & Coke company, be
came separate.) from the rest of the
crowd and wandered into the air tun
ne, where the inrush of smoke siiffoent
ed him.
HKIiLlN, August 4. Zeppelin, in Iris
monster dirigible balloon, was sightoi)
over Strasslnirg today, five hours after
he left Lake Constance m nil attempt
to remain in the air -4 hours.
Tin. niaiiimiuh shin made a perlcc,
asceii,, sweeping gracefully into the air
under perfect control. The count, waved
to the crowd below us he steered the
balloon into its course northwnrd. It
was his in, en, ion ,o follow the lint-
t'.i ,s,.i.l'.:i:lli. i-iOII'SO alone the llhine.
The test of flying -4 hours is being
made under re.piirenients of the gov
ernment which may buy the balloons.
Imperial coniinissiollers and military ex
perls were present to see the ascension.
Zeppelin intimated that he will start
on a time endurance trip as soon as he
onipletes the -4 hour voyage ir u is
illrcessful. ,
Count Zeppelin's bollnan passed over
Muvoiieo ut - o'clock this uflernooii.
sailing bountifully. The count dropped
a note saving everything was going wen
and , he machinery was wonting snioo.n
The balloon had maintained Hi I miles
per hour during the nine iioui-s nigm
nml was pro ding at ahoii, inun tool
fl the curtil.
From Mavence. Zeppelin pointed his
ship toward Mel, where he expects to
ross ever In S'uUgart, then he will re
urn to Fiieilichalen. where he hopes
o arrive later than li o'clock to-
morrow morning. 1 he tneinls ol the
'mil are overjoyed at his great, sue
'ess so far. .
The National Encampment
Greeted by Governor
Guild of Massachusetts
Woman Held Captive Until Free Public Library Con
ner Millionaire Husband ! tains About 700 Volumes
Increases Reward For
Judge W. II. Canon has been appoint
I'uited States commissioner for Med
ford, vice A. S. Illiton, resigned, by
Federal District. Judge Wolv. "ton.
Judge Canon was elect.'., . isli.r oi
.1... ! t the June electa nc s
a lawyer by profession, thniti.. he in '
conducts a t iiisurnuce uv... . ti
formerly practiced law in Wisconsin lit
Merle, where he left an excellent rec
ord, having served in various capacities
fur ninny years as a public servant.
This is not the first time Judge Can
on has held the United States eomnlis
siouership. In ion he was state
land commissioner for Wisconsin under
tlovernor Peek, nml United Stules nun
doit for tho wost Wisconsin district,
with lii'udiiiurioi'N at Madison, under
lliover CSlevchind. lie has been may
or of his Inline town mid occupied n
seat on tho bench.
Judge Canon was indorsed for the
pnsitioii by ninny of the prominent cit
izens of Me.lfor.l. and his appoint inenl
.gives universal satisfaction.
Much surprise has lieen express.'. i re
garding Mr. Hlitou's resignation and
various are the conjectures lliereoll.
Her Return
IIOSTON, Muss., August. 4. The del
egates lo the national eneilinpinutit of
ho Kuights of Pythias worn welcomed
v tlovernor (iuihl for the stnte, Mayor
ibliard for the cilv and llrand Chan
cellor tieorge W. Peniiimau on behalf
of the grand lodge of Mnssnchusetts.
Chancellor Charles A. Humes of Jack
souville, III., responded for tell dele
'I'l... rt of the irrnllil secr.ltarv
I showed that, there has been nil illcrense
l.OS ANOI-XFS, Cal August I.
Officers at Ventura are today hunting
for bamlilH who, they believe, are hold
ing Mrs. James Iturloril cuplive, wan
ing for her millionaire hiisbniul to in-.-reuse
the ifo'ii' reward he lias offered
for her return.
The first clue to her whereabouts oh
tained since she disappeared Sunday
was a telephone message received by
lliirl'or.l yeslerdny.
A mull, snying he wus it it officer
niinie.l Smith, called Harford on the tel
ephone and said that ho had Mrs. Hur
i ford in custody n ml would bring her
.., in,. Il.illelilieck hotel nt 7 o'clock.
Will be Open 2 Days
in Each Week
t l vi ill. V N'eli.. Auiriisl 4. F.lgai
I!. Schmidt of Davton. O.. representing
Harvey Curlier, national coinaiitteeinuii
from Ohio, today consulted Hryan con
corning Harbor's plan for Hryan to
write a personal letter to every voter
ill every doubtful state.
Hryan said he is willing tu write the
letters, providing the inntiagers of the
campaign fund will provide the post
age. After tho conference Schmidt
seemed optimistic, over the prospect of
the proposition and he started for Chi
cago at once lo interview -u.
Committee Chairman Norman K. Mack
on 111.- subject.
'i'l... i 'mil in i mi'i' is elad to hour that
Taft is using a phonograph for cam
paigu purposes, as he thinks it will re
lieve him of criticism ny repuini. .m
papers for doing so.
;.i nieiiiborsliiii from I'mO.K!! on Decern
her I. liitio. to tl71,t,-U in I'JUti, and 0ll,-
-t-!l I.. I.1IIT 'i'lie iriiln in this first six -.ii: .....II...1 ,,l ll, li..te, nil
' - i. I I lie ill iiiiiiiiu ii "
months nf llhlM is estimated at 14,(1,11). ; ,,,.,,,,1,, but his wile failed to up
Sinco Hie iimalgamalion of the Hath- i p(.ul. While he was waiting. Hurfoid
bone Sisters with the l'ythian sister- m(,, ( Venlura man, whose name he ru-
hood. the membership of the letter or- ,-,lu,.u .,, ,ri.-e. whom he nccused of be-
ler has iiicrense.t iriii.iillli. (.onunecled with tho disappearance
Hut two policemen lire guarding the (f nil) wf. The nccused man denied
lent eilv. where Mlillll delcgales are en- .. . ,la, ini.w nnvth'mg of her whoro-
citiuped. The delegates nro practically , aMIs ,i aled thai he was en route
defenseless against thieves, and so ninny ' (1 ;riziln.
robberies have been reported that they iB jfj,.), Mining Man.
threaten to iibainlon the camp unless iurlor.l, who is u rich mining inan
the cilv provides some protection lor .
.M anv o t he i elegaies are ui.-i
The cilv council will meet, this
nil,. iii reiml.-ir session and. aside from
i-.instilerilli' III.' r.'LMllar routine linsiaess
providing for (lie payment of the July
bills, there is iniiel. of an important
nature to be considered. i
Four applications for sal i licenses (
are lo be considered, thus.' of John Har j
riiigloii. W. M. Kennedy. II. O. Wilkeu (
v.. ,..( Hiii-rv Caniiiliell. I
The ri'signn, ion of Kugene Ainann as j
fire chief is to he acted upon. George I
Itoar.lman is the most prominent can-j
delate lor Ilie place.
The resolution .ailing for nit election; the voting of ln.iols lo provide fur
tl i li.m el' on incinerator is to be I
It cannot be delernii I whether (he
waler .-..mniillee is lo make n report ol
mil. lint d.oil.tlesslv the waler question
e its full share of discussion.
KLAMATH I'Al.l.S. Or.. August I
It now develops thul. the land owners
i the upper plo.jecl are not nt all in
'avor of bringing soil for the cancclla
ion of the contracts wilh the govern
moot for irrigation. There nro I nose
who believe the institution of a suit for
tliis purpose would only complicate unit
..I- iiii.l cniiseiiiient V nil o. i . ne inn.
when water can be secured for Ilie hinds
in that pari of the project.
They argue that I here is nothing to
gain 'by Hie cancellation of the con
micls. and the only thing that will
make the laud valuable will be water irrigation. They do not believe
that the water can lie provided by a
, rival pnratioii. nnd, while they
ure .lis. aged with the dilatory nieth
.ids of the government, and are ilissalis
I'ied with tl xisting conditions, they
are still willing to get into the harliesv
lo do everything ill their power to as
sis, the I hlllialioll service III tile I oil
striielion of the upper proj
, which nr.- already crowd-
t In-ill.
ing for hoteb
Tl lit'orined rank participated in n
i in nster pai-iule today.
Ai'inliii, I. rough! his wife he
YHKKA, Cal., August -I. I'liy'sicians
f Yrckn were kept busy for nearly
three hours yesterday afternoon caring
f,.r hvstericiil wives both brides of a
month whose husbands were put in
jail. One of them, Mis. Willium Glenn,
is in a very precarious comtitioii so
alarming, in fuel, that bail was provid
ed for her husband so I hat lie could
g,i ,o her bedside and console her.
William Glean, who inarrie.l only a
few weeks ago one of the belles i'f
S.'iill Valley, was for a time hostler ami
agent at Fort Jones tor a stage ciiul
pauv. Owing to indiscretions or care
lessness, he ran behind 1 1 I ill his He
counts wilh the company. He and his
I...;, I.. ,.iii in Jacksonville. ' Ir.. to live.
some time ngo, the couple stopping ut
Hie llollelibeek hotel. Heeelilly I hey
rented a house and last Sunday Har
ford wen, ,o I heir new homo lo put
things in readiness for their occupancy.
After spending several hours at his
new home, tho millionaire returned to
his hotel nnd Ion mod that. Mrs. Iturfor.l
had disappeared. No one about, the
hotel had seen her nnd nothing more
was heard from her until her husband
recoiled the telephone message yesler
Promised Hor Return.
" I'.lirl'or.l," inquired a strange voice.
..will l. , l,, ten mi the 7 o'clock train
with vour wife, safe ami sound."
. "Who is this?" deliuindeil tl lill
i ing mail.
"My Hume is Smith, a.i.l I 'ill f
ficer. "
1 "Mrs. Hurford has commit ted no
' er'u mil you have no right lo hold
her in cust'oily," shouted II xi-il.-J
i husband.
"Well, thai 's all right ; I II bring I
ei... i- , lii.mrv. which has been nr-
'ranged by tin- ladies of tho Greater
! Meill'onl club, will be open to tho public
! Wednesday afternoon lit 2:30 o'clock.
There will be no formal opening to
nuirrutv. as those having tun manor in
harge have decided to wait until the
weather grows cooler betore attempt
ing a social afternoon ill tho library
room in the city mm. l.nter a lornmi
opening will bo held, at which time the
lilirarv will he presented i.o uiu puuuc.
At that time they will endeavor to
convev to those who have aided the
library their appreciation.
Tin! library will open with about 70,1
volumes, which may lie used by the
public. There will be no charge for us
ing the library, as tho library wns es
li.l.lisheil by the ditlereilt civic, nnd
oseial organizations of the city, nnd
bv private contributions. Among the
notable contributions made to the li
hv Mnvor lieddv. ono by
Judge Colvig, a number by different
orgaii'milioiiH. such us the former sub
script iuii Library asmiciatinu of this
The books upon Hie shelves or the 11-
lirarv coutai alter covering scientll-
lilerarv. economic and many other
Molds aside from fiction.
m.s ii c sioihlanl. who has been
appoialed librarian by Hie ladies nf the
Greater Med ford club uiul will bo in
I he libiui v mi Wednesdays and Satur
ilavs from JSUI to .":J0 p. m., and ou
Saluidav evenings from 7:1111 to V
Rulos for Librnvy.
The following rules have been nr
ranged: I. Nun residents may take books from
library upon furnishing proper refer-
I He failed I like
Hie SI
HOT SPRINGS, Vn., August 4. A
enmmitt f the Virginia Har asso
ciatioil today Judge Taft to
nttend a dinner to be given by the as
sociation Wednesday. Taft accepted
the invitation and will deliver an ad
dress at the dinner.
After spending the morning III his
usual work, going over his mail and at
tending to campaign business, the can
didate played with Senator Jonathan ('.
Bourne of Oregon, who says he came
here to give Taft exercise on the links
to keep him in condition.
HOT SPRINGS, Vn., August 4. Tail
is practicing up on his voice pnpaia
lory to delivering several spec-lu-s into
a phonograph for reproduction in those
parts of the country which will not have
an opportunity ..) hear the runuui.tio
himself during I In campaign.
He finds it considerably different
from talking t rnwd from the rear
platform of a train, and several times
today discovered Mrs. Taft laughing at
his elaborate distinctness of enuncia
.:.... T..r. i;u.,.,,i..l to several Hrvan
records mid then started in at his task. 'lavs
I nun
I, is apparent that the land owners
of thii, district are divided, for there
are those who are determined to ter
minute all relalions wilh the govern
inenl. and will bring the suit for the
,. Ilation of the contracts. Tl lit
come ennnot be foreseen at this time.
This h:ii be o on ideal y. ar lo eon
ill fanners that in order to feel
sure of raising a crop it is necessary
to have irrigation. Mosl of Ihe dry
laud fanners- will harvest a short crop
this season, but those having lands un
,er the canal will harvest an -iverage
vi, ,. It is ibis fact that is making
nmny oi i. " i . .... .,..,..,
lit do well in Ihe future they must have ' ,.
M'mr'i loll III II . or ill twuii ,w. i
i. i..l,...t...l his wife with a view of
gaining a larger reward than offered.
1 "'""'"K" loi ,.r,Ijr( believes son who knows
lire coliipaiiv, woien as 11 ih-m
sort caused his arrest nnd return to
Siskivou c. Iv. lie had hin prelim
iiinry exainina.'ion yesterday aftc-mmm j F1RE8
;,, was held' under l'-'"" bonds n un j u" JN KLAMAT1I TIMBER
Not being able lo give ds. ho was, ,
take y ja.i. a. th., : ' ,ir,A,lv ,..
1 ;ui..f Wl l"'"' --
1 hilili
Booth Brothers Acquitted.
Separate verdicts of acquittal were in the i'uited States court Sun
day against each of the three defend
ants in the Hooth Singleton conspiracy
case. Robert A. Hooth, ex-Stnto Sena
tor; James Henry Hooth. ex receiver of
th lloseburg laud office, and their
F.. Singleton.
UOSi:i:n:0. dr.. August. 4. Mary
H.-ll. the girl holm, who was a. ii pa
nied bv three knights of the road on
lo-r trip lure from Portland, says she
has no ex. use lo offer for her mode of
irnvoliiiir other than that slut had no
money ami was on, of employment and
had started to Sail Francisco to look
for a i"li. Nathan Gage and Jack Good
.-II. lu r two young no li companions from
Portland, were each sentili I to five
labor on tin- eilv slre.;t. nu
llum, who had joined tin
here, was i.lea-e.l and departed
he eilv.
Coles, became very hysterical,
wept and wnile-l in an iiiiconl rol
mnmicr. Mrs. I "lae-i, however,
,, regained eoiilrol of her emotions
and devilled her lilleiilioli to courailing
Mrs. Glenn. When Glean was locked
up his bride of u few ks buret out
d to n privutc
.. . s.nvma A T
CAPTURED BY INSPECTORS ut other in law. Thorn
CHICAGO. III.. August 4.-T. rruriz ..,..,
ing tho postmaster, of northern Michi , Nash Hotel Arrivals.
gat, for Hi vears and stealing n ! ' McCarthy. San I-rancsco;
th-in .-.'HK"i frob the government. I H. I'nvi. Portland: A. P. Ilnynes. 1
,. r . , . it, t. ..... A r '. tut - I I . rvie, .s. .1 acoitansK v. '
.Genroe Ross .1 ml Iriillk bolteh a re nil r la an , ....... ..
I rio
f nun
NKW VliltK. August I.-To grnlify
lifelong wish, Thomas A. I-Mison, the
great inventor, lias deeid'd lo quii ii-io
pitrarilv his h.b.iral ory nt. I.lewllvn, o.
J.. nnd g" on a ruling coliinii'ouoti to
Hie Pacific const, where he will engage
in scientific research free from all com
inercialisin. I he change does inn menu
that lie will case work at all. but
he will devote himself purely to see
F.lisoll. aecolli, allied by his w-fe
will leave his home la,.- ill August fol
the journey.
arrest today. The bandits were cap
lured by Postal Inspectors Frn.ier and
Clark in a hunt in the wood near F.s
When captured they had tin,".) and
postal orders in their possession.
Vincent, Sa
Seattle: W.
I I lemon. I
p,a; II. P. (
Portland; I
l-'raiiciseo; P. F. Harris.
T. M.-Mahon. Seattle; .1.
I'attle; R. H. I.lovd. Olvm
.ale. , llvmpin ; C. H. King.
K. S'tckerson, San Fran
The petition for Hi" recall of Conn
.-ilmaii J. H. dwell, which is being
circulated in Hie First VMII'l. Iris l't the
presenl lino-, aeeoril ing to 1). T. Law
loll. Ofle of Hie leaders of Hie IllOVC
tnent. about so signal in es. I. stated
further thai at Hie present liifle Hie
poHtioti is in Hie charge of liev. I-'. ' '.
Williams. Mr. I.awtoii 'lid iml hn.iw
with what success Mr. Willianli w:.
iiieeling during (lie pasl ....I-, as lo
had not .ecu Ihiii to tslk Hie mntt.-i
over. Mr. Lawtoit savs that tie mat
ter will Hut be allowed to drop.
I hospital and plivM.-ians were culled. 1' or
I . , I ' .. I...H- li,.,.. Isbored ,11
I iv o iioui s it no -
quel lur. bill .1 seemed i 111 pie ' i I lie to
lo so. Il is feiired Hint lu r reason has
i. tt lo r forever.
The young men about the courthouse
,i i.i ; ....,,1.1 l.e imoil medicine for
the distracted woman to restore her
husband lo her presence. II was the
work of only a few minutes to get
bondsmen to go Glenn's security for
l-J'i". The jail doors were unlocked
,l, he W.'llt' to his Wife'., bedside. The
nervous shock was li great one for Mrs.
Glenn, and her condition is slill very
3.1 Feet of SCO Ore.
GKKKNVIKW. ( al.. Angus, I. lien
rv Kellev. ho has five quartz claims
't I'.ig lal.e. bet ween Mouth Fork and
ledum crook, below Happy Camp, is
in town I" confer with paiti-s who nr.
desirous ol purchasing tl," proper! v The
ledge liM-rag. s II". feel oil H,e e
:, ,,,, ,.rries free .allies in gold aboM-
i;i; per iml.
Tins ,. undo,,,,!. dlv oiu f Ho- lergesl
,l,,l,.. " e Icdos ill the
I'oniity c.-irryiiig free valii'-
oil t I
11.1 firm
about lo undertake what is said tu lie
lie- greatest I si ving task on roc
,, Tin operation ' " of Hi" clean
,,, p work on the sin- of Hie new
,i ..,;,t, f ,l' Nollh Western
i nlro.-ol A tm -'"iv brick and steel
building. f' . t wide by I-"'" f' el long.
i., 'lulling al, li, 'i tons, is to be niov
e.l a ,li-taioe uf al I half a block.
'4,.,,. ,,,l, will cost .o.oo't and will re
lime inolitl-. 'he I so IS lo
fteaford green niat ware.
1 1
he rolled along on
no a lis of hand Scks.
r, 1 r 1 iron by
curreil in (his county in the past few
weeks, but the most itest run ie o -
I i ragmg for several days in the
limber bell on the Klamalh Indian res
ervalioll. A huge acreage of valuable
pine limber has been burned over. The
loss will run into many thousands of
dollars, and unless ruins come il is no
telling when Ihe fires will be exlin
other fins have oicurri i nie iioui
nigs .., sunn- of Ihe large limber cm
panics and In one instance approximate
Iv "ion inns were burned over liefuro
Ho ,' ri' .'.as go, under control.
-I'l,,. i has I n no rain for a few-
i-ks. and even-thing is very dry, so
Hin, when a fire once gets starlod it is
a hard mullcr lo cl k it. It is sup
p.isnl that the fires start through the
carelessness of hunters and campers.
$1.1,000,000 A YEAR
S.M HAMKNTO. Cal.. August 4.
Light million, eight hundred and iiiiu
thousand, sixteen dollars aiul f.nv .'.'iii.
in the ninuiiiit of ii y made ny mo
Southern I'ai ifi mpauy in thin stale
during the year eiiiling on Ihe tirsl Mon
,av in .March last. I hat re.ret ins i in
gross net earnings of Hal -riiuaa s line
u California.
K. Hlark Ity: f Ho' Suiilhern Pa
eific r, polled the foregoing to Hie state
liuard of 0'ualiat ion Ihis niorniiig
He nl-o sul, milled a stateiiu-ti, show
iuj that Ho- Central Pacific, after pav
ink! all expenses, had a surplus on the
t...i l I..,. It, March nf Ci.,7 11 . 1 M t SO.
That makes Harriiuan's larnings from
the two totnl iri,.is-j,s.ii.,tu.
LI. All persons desiring to use books
ut t.,i, t a natron s curd. the
person in whose ua the card is issued
is responsible for all books drawn upon
il, and for all lines accruing upon the
i Cauls cannot l.e traf.stcrro.1.
X (inly one I k on fiction may be
li-nwn al a li though may bo kept
two weeks and renewed once.
I. l-'ii l inn of r. ol purclili'ie is limit-
ed to si'M'ii .lays and cannot be ro-
A fi f ."i cents a day will bo
charged for each 1 k kept out over-
tiine"allowe,l. No bcok will be issued
until nil fines are paid. Three dnys
ul'lur u I k is due. notice of delin
quency will be mailed to person to
eh it is charged; and ono week later,
if Hie book has not been returned, a
collector will be sent out to collect
,s nml lines up to dale and an ad
htional 1',-c of ITt cents will lie cniug'si
for such messenger service.
.1 MKSHNVILI.L. Or. August 4. .
The Jackson county court will lie nsked
lo provide ail at x I t the county jail .
for the care of women held to nwail.
the action of Hie grand jury. All irate
in, .band had his wife and a male of-
feiider h. Id iii H nunty jail. The pair:
I,,,,,. I i. separated only by iron bnrn
an inch, thick. They talked, playe
cards and while away the tiino so pious-,
!. that when Ihe repentant linshnM
secured bail his wife refused lo neeepV
it. The tase has caused the agitation
for a separate women's nnnox. i
HLIf LI N. August 4. According tiv
advices received from Heidelberg. FrnU;
Tnsselli. the divorced wife of the kin
of Savoiiv, has engaged a lawyer to
el f.-et Ihe dissolution of her present,'
. . . ..... TI..1.I
limiTingo Willi MgUOr losein, nie tuns
ii piani-i. I, is expected that paper
II be filed to lav. slating the ground
f ,r Hie a, -lien. ..Inch are supposed ta
I... discordant views of life arising
from the .1 itV- rence of ages of the Tos-:
ellis. 1
'I he couple have lived apart, for som
time, the husband having abandonc!
ihe concert singe ns n pianist and en
gaged in touching. Fran TosolK Vis
I asked her former royal busband I
sniiction her residence in Bava.'ia,