MKJtFOUn DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREOOX, MOXDAV. AUCi'UST 3, 1008. Social and Personal Frank Tracy was over from ,1iu-kon-villc u few days sinto. Victor I'lymnW- and kin wife left fur Coos Bay Sunday to locate. Ward Whiteside of Central 1'oiut spent Sunday iu Medford. E. F. Raymond of liriffin t"reek made our city a business visit Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. C. II. I'wia wen in from the Hear Creek orchard Saturday. I. Thoiimson of Centra, loini m cini't transacted Inisincss Saturday. frn. Ilaskina Huh returned from ii visit with friends living WiukIviIIi jirecinet. H. ('. Keiitner and his wife lefi i.'m.h I'rnck Snnrtnv to Mhtit :it I In- ranch awhile. (leort;e Alford of Phoenix preeiiiet wiih nmonf! liin Med ford frienda Sntur day morning. O. (irimcH, the grangor-miner, waei in Medford Saturday fur the first time in jievornl weeliH. 0. C Wilson of Hams Valley was in Medford Saturday looking after his Imis in ens interests. Frank Zell, the miner, enme down from the rojtjMT liell a few days sime j'eir a short stay. Herbert Kent ner 'a vimiIh to .laeksun villc nre more iuimeronn Hum ever, if that were possible. (irant Sloae, superintendent of Ike Jfurrell orchard, was anion;,' hi Med ford friends Sunday. It. .1. Cameron of Applejjate, the .ien eer, was the guest of his duuhter, Mrs. I. U Jacohs, Saturday. ,T. .1. I trophy and his family, who have I a residing at Ashland, nre res iderttn of Medford again. T. W. Mil! of Wagner Creek district, the well known miner, trammeled tmsi ness iu Medford Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. (ieurge (iarretl. who ' live northeast of Mm! ford, spent a few hours in the city Saturday. I C. Garrett, the railroader, came dowa from Ashland Saturday for a idiort visit with relatives. Kiley Hammorsloy of (lold Hill, min er anil operator iu government, lands, lifts gone to Port Kupcrt, Alaska. A. C. Allen and his. family of Holly wood orehard has returned from a trip through California in their touring car. John Owens of Wittier and J. T. Mil ler of Sardine Creek spent Saturday night in seeing the sight of Medford. Cieorge F. Merriniau. Joseph It. Fay and Claude Miles, accompanied the Mid ford hall tossers tn Hold Hill Sunday. Joseph h'.lie has sold his lamale busi ness to It. K. Gray and will leave soon for Walla Walla, Wash., areompnnied by his family. Jasper N. Miller, a sehnol tearher at But In Falls, lost a number of school hooks near Jacksonville recent! v. If found, address his at Rulte Falls. ffcorgc Hammond of Klamath county wan on Hie nort h bound t rain Sunday morning en route to Cottage drove, where, his father inlaw, Irwin Aubrey, and his family is located, lie has in vested in considerable laml lying in 1 hat. vicinity, Cards are out announcing the ap pronching wedding of J. I-1. 1cnthcrioiiii and Miss Amy Fllison, but h formerly of Medford. The happy event will take place nt I he residence of t he onng lady's parents at Wilbur, Honglas conn ty, next Sunday. Congratulations and best wishes are iu order. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. Chris KiMiaey spout Sunday at Cole stia. Ii. H. I low and Kov I'lirieh were fish ing at liogue river Sunday. J. H. Hoc in an of Hold Hill was a Jacksonville visitor Sat nrday. (Icorge L. Davis and Miss 1 1 a .el Ma is spent Sunday with Medford friends. Dr. T. W. Hester and family have gone to Crescent City. Cnl.. fur a mouth's vacation. Mrs. Fan lino H tines and sop are spending a few weeks with relative: li itig in Forest tirnve. '. C. I'ursi'll was in from Itoiiconi Saturday t rad ing with our merchants, as wns also John Matncv. Recorder li. T. Hunu tt, Mrs. Scars, n nd M i ss F:t y Sears spent Sa t u rd a v night and S lay with hiend-. in st Wilbur A. Jones, our pttritl ln-i iff. has invested iu a new en:, nt the Km make, so all law lir.-akn i I., ware. Itichatd (iaskin left tor t ".dorado ..ue day last week in hopes of finding relief for rheumatism, with which In- luw hern troubled lately. Jay C. Sexton went up to Little . plegate Sunday to spend the day with his wife, who is camped there with It. 0, Cage nnd family. I. It. Grant was down from AsMand Saturday iu his new automobile. M r. firant is at present engpge.l in the real I'fttnte business .'it Adilatid. Air. F. F. Moors nnd child a,id Miss Hanks arrived from Detroit. Mich,, our day last week and are visiting with their relative, Aim. Grant. Minn Kmmn Wrndt left for Colestin Sunday morning to spend the next few wrvKR wiin ner sister and the .Misses i'rirn, who are camped (here. Charles Frim and Mis;; Hen ha I'rini left for Hybee Spring Sunday to he gone ii week. Mrs. Frim a:id son I'harles who have been there tor -he Inst month, will return with them. C. I,, (cauies, Nell Ueaims and ('ha-. Kennies, who have been camped nt Me 4'allUtor Spring for a number of weeks ifltnrnM Friday evening. Charles h it immmlintfly for llorlieley, CM., to at tend school, hut bin sinter will remain fnw wka longer. A MAN'S ESTIMATE OF WOMAN. A party of ladies and j.-nt lpii:eu vert' at dinner, "1 understand.' said Autlii llaui uiuiid, "that Ned IJaranives lias be- engaged while I uuv been Out ue away." "Yes," said one of the Indies, "uud heV throwing himself away." "In the opinion of the men or the women':" "I never speak in praise or i omlem- nntlon of another," replied me luuy. "esetpt for myself alone." "And, without referring to you at all i imut miiv that I never take a wy uian'H opinion of another woman "Whv so'" asked several ladies nt once. 4 woman is liiHuciii'cd by her likes hikI dislikes. She has no sene of leal jimtlee." "And would you rely on a man s opinion of a wuiuuuT" "A man of matum iifce." "Youi-Heir. for inslaiiL-e'' "1 am forty; too old to be caught by fenlluient, too young to In: fooled ns an old man. 'Jills bit of conversation took phoe n-hAo tto Indies nt dinners were :htuh- tinned to leave the men t smoke with their coffee, and the hostess led them to the drawing room, whero llu-y spent fin hour conversing on tint Ionic of the relative value of n iiiuu'h and a wo man's opinion of women. It whs about a week later that Aim tin Jlnmmond received an Invitation from one of the party Informally for a game of whlsl. lie nun Hiera a widow, Mrs. Cheever, somewhere between twenty-two and I wen I y live years old. Khe wiih motlesl and shy almost to tluihlily. Nevertheless there was Home thing about her that M'ew upon Ham mond. It was not her converMttlon, for ahe wiim not a talker. H might have been her eyes, set In a hiiiiiII oval ahaped head. At any rate, there was fioincthing awny down In those eyes to exette. a man's fancy nnd set him wondering. About what? Iliitu inond at least didn't know, but he won dered all the Hinne. IIumuiondnHkcil permission local! and beenmu a freipient visitor at her home, a hii It of apartment iu which she lived with a Hernial. Un look her out oc casionally either to drive, or to places of amusement, nnd It was not long be fore his friends began to specula te upon n probable engagement. One morning he was Htirprlsed to receive a note from the lady who Introduced him to Mr. Cheever in which she said sub Htanllnlly that, having hoard of his in tentions, she wished to disclaim any Intent ion to recommend the lady she had Introduced as a suitable person for him to marry. If he made a nialch with Mrs. Cheever he must do so on his own responsibility. Hammond was Biirprlsed. Later mi he received a second note from another of (he ladles he had met at the dinner party. This note was a posit I vo warning against Mrs. 'hce ver. Ilaiumond kept the note a secret for two days, then hhowed It to the woman It condemned. She looked troubled, but lolfl a very straight story which agreed especially with llaui uiond'a opinions In mat tors bet ween women. She said that she hud robbed the writer of a lover. Hammond at last found the ouug widow so necessary to him that he asked her to be his wife. She declined at first, giving ns a reason that she would bring him nothing; Indeed, could not make even a ropeetubU show at the wedding. Hammond told her that he could Kiipport her comfortably and jrave her a check for $1,000 to spend on a trousseau. This, after many prot estations, she finally consented to ac cept, and the matter was fettled. The llnal closing up of the arrangements occurred at 11 o'clock one night, ami Hammond left Ills llancee a happy man The next evening at S he went to the widow's apart meats to consult with bet as to her preference In the matter of an engagement ring. There was no reply to his ring at (he door. Convinced that there was no one within, he applied for Infoi-miHlon at the oillc, of the janitor. "The ludy moed out this morning nlr" Hammond caught at a haulMer for i upport. "1'ld she leave any message for for llU'f" "She left no message for any one, I sir. While her things was going hiio the van tdie went round to the bank. ' came back and paid three months' tent and went away " That was ttie lust of lri cheever fur 1 Hammond lie did not linpilivut his bank if hi-- M."X check had Kvn presented, but lie found It charged against him when his account was balanced, llo kept away from Ids friend- as mmh as possible nnd w hen rallied w ith queries as to when he was going to In- married turn ed away with a sickly expression, re plying that he might po-MMv marry a marble statue or a w ooden 1 ndian Hcjiiaw with a bundle of cigars hi her hand, but neer a womau. One morning ul breakfast he opened tt uote from the huly who Imd Intto dnced him to Mis Cheeer apoloL'ilic: for her pail In a plot dial had been concocted by the ladles of the dinner parly In which he had expressed hU view s of w onu n's test iuin with re gaid Iti women. One of the party s.iid she knew a Woman of twenty thrc.' who had dlvon-ed three hiishnmbi and had one or two left who would be a good subject for IL-iilHMoi d to leM the vmlue of his Judgment vf wniin upon The ladles weie all nglu.M ;.i the ser! ous resultroof their roicj Itni-y Kl'tiKM M XKY. 1 Mr. an. I Mrs. W. W. Cirorv of Mound distriet were iii M.df.iid Stlur duy trtidni)! with uur merchants. AN ADMIRABLE SERVANT. (Original ) Wlii-n on the 11 of July Henry AikLIuc1u88 left Ills husluesa to upend Ms vocation wllb Ills mother, lie was somewhat aurlous as to how he should tlnd her. 'Jhe old lady hod bien strug gling with the servant problem during the winter uud report had come to her son that she was on the verge of nervous prostration. What was his relief ou his nrrivul to Hud the house In prime condition uud his mother resting. This hud been ucconipllslied by a houseninld H ho hail been ciiKaged a fortnight before. -f'ornella looked so respectable." said .Mrs, Allihlniloss, "that 1 hesi tated about employing her. llut sin has kept her place, douo her work splendidly and never has any com pany." The sou was delighted and resolved to give the new maid sundry tips by! way of encouragement. She waited on ' the table, and at dinner on the even ing of his arrival be looked her over ' carefully. She occupied herself, her hands and her eyes Willi her work, and so far as Henry could see was Indif-1 fereut to nil else. ".Mother," said Henry one day nt din-' ner when speaking of Hie capital and labor ipicsiiou, "what was the name of Iho league organized In the eleventh ceniury against the robber barons?" .Mrs. Aui'hlucloss dldu I know, and Henry was about to go to Hie library to hunt for Information. "1 can give you the name of t':e league, Mr. Auchlucloss," saiil the maid demurely. ftoth mother and sou looked up nt her In ustouisliuieut. "Well, what is 11 V asked (letiry. "The Hanslatlc." There was n silence for some mo uients, when Henry looked nt his L mother and said, smiling: foK KUNT-Modern 0 room new cot ".Mother, does It reulre a cyclopedia e,e(,tric ,: , hM wim)ow to run this house : .,,,' r i., rA.i. "What surprise me," replied Iho mother, "Is thai a cyclopedia can run It and run It ho well. 1 bupposed It required a domestic." "What is yqnr other name, CoroelluV" asked Henry. "Yale." ''Ait you Iho college of that name?" He Hpoko vllu a serfo-oouile tone and expression. "I am not." said the girl, si 111 main taining her servant's demeanor. "Very well, Miss Yale. Til not per- mil i.nn who knows inn id than 1 do to wait on mo any longer. It Is more lit- llnL' that I should wait on von." "And must I lose my place V lisked the frlghtoiiod girl. "Not at all," Ha hi Mrs. Auehlnclass. "ITeni-y, he ipilet!" "IMace! This Is uo place for you!") from Hcury. ! "1 tried to keep my month Hunt," said Miss Yale lugubriously, "but when X saw you about to take trouble for! information that 1 could give you I ' yielded. .Now 1 have spoiled It all." j "You've spoiled nothing." aald Mrs. j Auchlucloss. "Come, tell us what N Ihls mystery.'' . "Not without Joining lis at table," said Henry, rising and drawing a chair for her. Miss Yale declined until Mrs. Auelilneloss peremptorily ordered her to take Iho proffered seat. "Thero Is no mystery," Bald Corne llu- "I am simply a student of college. 1 had funds to carry mo through my Junior year, but no fur ther. Hearing of the high wages paid to Hervants, 1 thought that Held the best and those It In order lo raise money to help mo through my senior year." "And very wisely," remarked Mrs. Auchlucloss. "And If we hadn't got discussing the robber barons," said Henry, "you might have pulled through. Hut we are the worst sufferers. You have revolutionized this house and saved mother from collapse." "It Is nil my faint," suid the girl. "I should hnvo kept still." 'it Is no one's fault," said Mrs. Auchlucloss. "Nor Is there any ueces tdty for your giving up your situation. You shall stay here, do you work us formerly, but your mx lul i "sltlon shall be thai of a member of i.ur family." "That's not rli;hl," protested Mrs. Yale "It involves a false principle. Servants should not be, cannot be, so cial equals with their masters and mis tresses." "Nothing prevents," Henry put In, "except inequality of rctlnemeut, and that you have." "It is settled." added the mistress, I "that you are to stay." j "Mother." said Henry, "I think It' should he stipulated (hat no company : shall be received In the kitchen except myself." A laugh greeted this llnal sally, nnd the dinner was finished on the part of mother and sou with the knowledge that a new and Intel est Inn member had tecn added to their family chcle. Miss Yale remained nominally the servant and really did all the work, Th. kitchen was llu neatest Iihui lu the house not every kitchen should bel and was open to any of the family at any time. lMiry spent much of his time there while the conk was making Mvory dNhes After the eenlng woik was done theie was usually n faun'y discussion of some sort In the draw ing room When ihlober came Miss Yale went back to college, but so attached was she to her mistier f h;t l she sent n sis tor to take her place. Miss Cornelia has JuM been graduated, and Mrs. An-iiim loss N s homing for a match between her nnd Henry. She will hjve no dllhVnlty In cotnpVflr g It. MAffY i BOWKS. Our cirenl.Uiim fs lcltlin. aiul larno j fur a city of this Klr -?ir than any otht paper 111 Oreg. M for pop- ALL Regar Watch for Full Particulars Central Avenue, Classified Advertisements l One Cent a Word No single tuser ; tlona lesa than 15 cents. Six Insertions for the price of four. Seventy five 1 cents a Hue per month. I FOE BENT. tie nc i FOR KKN'T Two front office rooms and one largo mom .'Uix-tO in Miles building. Inquire ut preniiHeu or at Tribuno office. FOB RENT Furnished light and baths. Ms. rooms, electric H. U Hale, V tt street near 1 1th. FOR SlXE, ; ; KOR SAU'I- tin Angnni gitntx. Ad j dress 'hart t ' '. ,,r- Sliillinglnrd. ( 'n'-iMit .',n( SAI,K Store and let on North (J I SI I t'rt II llu O l oom nmitH'iiro pi ojtri i y , i) iuil Mi'Vi'iuu street, hhjx ioo. no dii-ss V. Tiige, Medford. M ItKi HAliliAIN Owing to rcverm-s iu business, 1 must nv', my home nl once; l! brdrooms, 1 diuing room, 1 parlor, I kitchen, 1 hull room, 1 pun try, 1 Inrge summer kilrhen, 2 porches, chiek eu house and yard, garden and fruit, applet, pours, plums and grapes, fine weel, walking distance, - lots, each -"ox 1 Hi; prico $1.1.10, $750 eatth will handle. Address I. O. pox Mod ford, m FOli BAI(K A Unrred Vlymoulh roost r, 1 horoughhrrd, 1" monthi old. Ad ihesH V. O. llox o7. Medford. FOR 8ALK - Leading rooming house in Modl'ord, locution uiisiirpassed, genu iue bargain lo right party, ciiah prop osition onlv. Write C, Box 50S. 1 H FOR 8AI.K Team uf ponies, thorough ly broke for sad do or driving, single or double; also back and harness; a snap. Apply l. R. F., Tribune office " FOR SAU: Half interest in the brst business proposition in Medford. Ad dress Box "7, Medford. FOR SAI.K Sand aad gravel; the best grade of sand and gravel for sale by .1. T. Long, Riverside aveune, near Mc Andrews' ford. FOR SALF. -Residence properly; 7 rooms and bath, city water, electric lights, sewrr connection. F. ('. Page. FOR SALF- lo choice lots, five min utes f rom depot, near srhool : t-asy terms. F. HatfO. FOR SAIjK Seventh btreet business property, two story brick, 50xHO; also S.M feet on Seventh street by 50 feet on Riverside avenue. F. C. Pnf FOR SALK-K. N. Subdivision is iu the market now ; choice ten acre tracts, best location in the valley, tj. Nee d erne ver. Jacksonville. For SVI.K Two lots. oOxlUO each, Seenth st.. fine location; cash; each; i- agents. 1. O. Box 11") FOR I -:. r f :i i v. o. ltn) !:. mm ford. WANTED. WA N TKI - Washing ami ironing dour, alno one 1'iir nifthett room to ri'iit. 1 iinh str.ot. Mm. Pari ing. I l.r V A N TCP To rout, Orrn liott'1 or rosort or property uitilili t'r paint'; pur.-liaso ).t iwli'iit-; ntv priot and full partitulatt. lVuttln 4" Newport av.. WANTED A apau of good horart, i t;eldiug8 or mares, whioh can be driven ur worked, mvu or ight years old, on nd and gout!, Height 1100 or 1200 pouidt. Addr Tnbunt, Medford. SUMMER to 1 a dl Medford's Low Price Makers BAKER-HUTCHASON Just WANTKl) Two yirls Cor pihm-mI house work. Apply tn Mrs. F:iy, nrlh tVu Irnl avetnn'. U'ANTKDTu buy from 100 to, 300 bead of stock shm'p. Write Uox 131, Medfurd, Or. " LOST AND FOUND. 4OST A number of school books, near Jacksonville. Finder please address Jasper X. Miller, Butte Falls. lid 7ostn" FJgin" wnVh." XoTl foiijsiff. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. 117 BUSINESS CARDS. THE ODELL, M-adiug Rooming Ifrnise of thu eily. Free hatha. Over FoHtomee. M. D. MOORE, J. T. ANKROM, WELL DIGGER. MKDFORD, OR. Prices right. Pumps Furnished when Wanted. DR. A. bTeVVEET Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence. COLVia & DURHAM, Attorneys-Rt-Baw. Oeo. II. Durham. Grants Pass, M. Colvig, Medford, Or. Will OHISIIOLM 8: MARTIN Huiiho Jaintrnj;. Paper Hauling ami 'J'inting. All work guaranteed. , I'borie 211. Lockbox 12.1, Medford, Or. ; Medford Furniture Co., Undertaker Day phono 353; Night rhone-a: V. Conklin :ifl; .T. II. Butler Hs. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANt 0OL EECTION AQENCY. Lock Box Medford E. R. SEELY. M. D. Physician and Burgeon Modern Equipped Operating RooniB. X -Raj. Office Honrs. Ill 12, 114 1'. M. Offico In Jackson County Bank Bldg. GO TO DR. GOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perry 'a Warehouse, SKVKNTII 8TREKT. "He Han No Other Buiiness. " When others fail, call on DR. E. J. BONNER, Eye Specialist. Office in tlie (Irand Tlieator Iddg. Phone .'(.". Seventh and Main. O M. JONES, Ctty Scavenger, liarbngo of nil kinds removed ou short notice. Leave ordera with chief of police. BALL t GLOSCOCK, (.'outravtors and Builders. AH Work (tuarantettd. Office with C. H. Pierce ft Sou. Phone 853. P. O. Box 771. I f you have lost or found anything, need work, or have something to sell, it doesn't matter what you want is, try a Want Ad in The 'J'rilmne. Grand Theater. Tho hone of hiu'li fla's -lious. When I the titaii'l opeiie.! muter new innnae iiii-nt we (.roinwed t lu pu'iMt a stncliy U'mU ola-i moral enteitaimnent. Wheth er or not we hae il'Hie so thoxe of ynu who liat' "fen ovir of fi-rin in the past arc t In .iii'loe-. Trom the many expressions of approval t hat we have heard oti alt sides, we believe tliat we Iihvc siUM-oodi d, It is not onr i nf en t ion, liewr or. to. rtM upon our laureU or erave your fu lure patrouane upon llie serriiu'lli of our sueren in the p:ft. 'iir intention is t nlwavs eijiial, and. "ln-n wo run, tturpaf our previor. effrrie-i. Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. I ni. reeinet were amci Medford Satttrdav. of 1'ho tennv i See i for barali-a We lve inn- for aale.well improved ! orMrds; rieh soil; $-0 to '0 per t T'-g g Pirtle, Browuiville lnd Jt f() HC Co., Browmrillo. 0n $t be closed out ess of North of the Jackson County Bank BIJOU THEATRE Monday and Tuesday " A WOMAN'S DEVOTION " A very strong melodrama. Beautiful scenes and a strong cast of characters " BEG PARDON " A good comic " WHAT A BOY CAN DO " An extremely laughable comcdj- mlyt fife . I L til- "T V" , 1 1 j Or. COPYHIOKT THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS Warranty TVml Mm IKHKC. l.miR nnd Sliort Form Suiiafm t'n of Mmijriitr Transferor Men 1'nwer of Atlunu" Meihttitk''n U.-H Wittt-r HiKht Bill of Siile I .iii inn Nollee tn Creditor's Axuinst FOR RKNT, KOR SAl.K. FI'HNlSHKIl llOOMS. FTC. (nn ennll-ord). MIMIMl Plarer Icatio Bond for IVd Miner's Lien Quartz Location Oniron and V. Deed Summons Kxectition Judgment Traneriit Commitment for Trial Seareh Wiirranl PROHATK Petittonsfor Letters of Adminitration. AdminUtrator'a. Eieeutor and nuardian'a Bond and Dstiin; Older Sett in Apart Property F.xempt f rom Kxwutlon; Ordr i onlirnuHK "sale ol Keal and I'ersonal l.etienioi rturninitnuton; Testamentary. Inventmy Attm'hinent Sot ie of (tHrnihment tirandJury Suli(neiui Indicimeni Transcript of Judirmetit A r-inipleir. up-to-.lute line of U.S. SIIKRIFF HINKS. i m. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD GOOD'S Cost CO. WHILE TRAVELING ON A VACATION vou want a stylish and comfortable suit i'f cl"tliin Hint will hang well ami not lag nt the knees and wrinkle in Hie slightest dampness. Wo have pin vided the lightest weight serges aud tw Is for summer suits, nnd will make them nip lo give you a perfect fit and the distingue air of a gentleman. J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTERS AND TAILORS. PALM BUILDINO, MEDFORD. ORE. ItKAI. KSTATR (Jnilolaini Deed Bond for Deed MiiiltfiiKe leustj With Tax Puytuent Provision Oition to Buy Aiid Anent'e Contrncts MlSCKl.I.ANKOKS. Chattel Murttrafre Acknowjedginent Confession of JudKtnent Covers fur blanks Liecimc 'r"ni I i i'-pan-ern (!titiin K -state Water Riyht . Forms Contract to Sell Proof of IjtUir JL'STICF OF PF.ACK Civil and Oimiiutl Stiltpofnan Ai tac'iment L'udertikintr and Affl (ianiihnient davtlfor Attarhmanr Ctist Rill Commitment for Fine Notice to Jurors Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant fur Arre-tt rroperty titatmn; Conimis.tKn to Apprauera; and Appraisement: Proof of Will; La t tern ClllCl'IT COCRT I'ndertakinir and Affidavit Summons for Attachment Cot Bill Oiminal and Civil Subpoenas Kxeentkin S'reh Warrant Notice to Jurors LAND OFFICRi'COUNTY COI'RT AND All printed after the latest and best forms, cj Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. cJj Give us a trial. 0GQ0 4 o o