Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 03, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Medford Daily Tribune
A Livk Paper ix .a Live Town.
Published every evening except Sunday.
George Putnam, Editor and Manager.
What Papers Say
Admitted as Second-Class Matte.- in the Postoffic at
Medford, Oregon.
Od. muntufby or currier. . . .o.r,u O- .r, hy a.l
by carrier may be promptly reimmfd.
4. 4- fffTTTT-r-rTT
,4 4.4
1'inijjc i .u run ykm ksts ksskxti a ..
i: ;;..., u..iiii hum i-tffS 1" lTlllilll
Tiiere is a iusi.-"i " " i . .
the expense enlailed for public,vi'iiii-iitrt--.l..'- i.jiis
miulo to water, to paving, to sewers, etc Kvery dollar
spent, along these lines adds five dollars to the value ol
propertv Make Me.lf-.rd habitable, up-to-date
and beautiful, and with the enterprise already shown,
1 here can be no fpiest i.m of the future.
How much more attractive as a reden.v city Me.llord
will b( me with paved streets, good sidewalks, good water
md a sewer svsleni. It is the first of the southern cities
1 ,,v,.,l'Ktr..,.1s. It, will have the best school system
It must rapidly
amized pavements through the residence
construct, permanent sidewalks aim in
Uvct.i nimsililc. It must lead in a
tain its lead and become the largest city between Portland
and Sacramento.
(Jnekiiouville Post.)
Tin- .laeksonville Medford jerkwater
met Willi the usual illay Thursday j
nilfht, caly ll "'" "'"re ,,fluul w,""
tho engineer fireman lirakoman prem
.lent iiiiicliinist i-oinlnctor seetion bos
.d'fie.' lioy offi.-inl rdnrted out with a
jjnlliin of water ami n few atk-ka ol
wood to make Hi'' round trip to .Veil
ford, ho found that tho HoutliCTn l'a
rifle pasHenjrer from Portland was late
and there was mil snl't'ieient water in
the hoiler.lo make tin- round trip and
wait on a lale Snnllinrn I'neifie train.
I, ill nevellhelosH the alnrt was attempt
,.,1 from Medford, After traveling about
a mile the engineer noticed lhat the
water wan very low in hip nonet
a, tempted to start the in.jeelor, but the
ld faithful injector worked as II ha
,,1'teli done, before (worked the entfi
The divine, was narked down, by
jravil.v, to a rcd'denc", Ih" fire pulled
and tiio boiler filled by buckets. Hy
this time the boiler was cold and sev
eral Ioiik minutes passed before the
Hteain was raised. When the beautiful
iron horse and palace car colored the
itv another nnexciisable slop was made
n front of Ihe courthouse, and there
the Kokuo Hiver fast mail stopped for
lie i, ii, lil for want of steam. Several
asseners beenlne disgusted with tin
tiling and walked to tins city.
extend its niacad-
scctioii. It must
,11 the best sewer
things if it is to main-
,ast vein
At, the rate Med ford's postol'fice receipts are
inn- llir. i-ncoi-d for the vear will exceed !ri.",0l. 1
tliev exceeded $10,00(1, which is the limit the postoffire dc
parlnient places for free delivery. Medford has been en
titled to mail deliverv since, but has it not, simply because
.1 ..I hi p.iihImI iniiM iii rciiard to nuiiibcrinti' houses
l lie I If HI i i ii i i " i i ' ""
and Imildimr sidewalks hav. 1 been complied with.
Last vear the citv council passed a law re.uiring tin
,.,,, 1. imi'h r ,i" ln,iis.. 'I'be statute has not been enforced
and no attempt has been made to enforce il. The cily i
eiimowereil to do the numbering itself and the expense l.i
ii lion muni the i iroi iert v. This should be done at
once, for citizens a re en! it led to receive mail at their homes
New sidewalks are being laid as rapidly as owners can
secure grades in many parts of the city, but some of the
old walks need repairing, and some property owners should
be forced to build the walks at once.
Editor of Sunset Leaves
for San Francisco After
Gathering Data
For Those Tired
Aching Feel
use our 'oot Powder, absolutely guaranteed.
Medford Pharmacy
The Big Drug Store will) Little Prices.
Near Postof t'ice.
(Albany llonilil, Hep.)
'he republican party of Oregon re
puniateii i mines vi . riuuui Him u...
His federal pup suckers, known as the
Pulton organization, being organize. i
throughout the slate along Ihe old po
litical grafting line of a Into deceased
-nalor, captured and packed llie Btate
(invent inn with their linieworn con
i-nlion methods nnd set up the senator
from Clalsnp as the idol of Ihe republi
nns in Oregon. Mr. Tntt i:nd his man
llgers pernntterl llieinseives in iiiinii
Kiillon really represcnled Ihe people ol
is state.
The fact of the matter is that Sena-
I in- Pillion is a political dead goslin. Hi-
wns ilefeated fairly and sipiarely by an
elder man last April, who is a friend
nf the people. These people are de
li-rinineil lo throw off Ihe yoke of this
"old lilui-hiue" bunch.
Willi the "dago" policy of knifing
Cake in the Juno eleilion by Ihe Pol
ton ailherenls. Covernor ( 'liamberlain
was given Ihe S'-natorship by a sma
tiiai-Lnn. Xow, these same l-'nlton men
are making u big hullabaloo because
Mr. Cake has accepted I heir treachery
gracefully and is advocating the organ
iznlion of Ihe legisll.tlire so lis to in
sore the ratification of Ihe volea lasl
.1 line.
II 's a merry game, and .Mr. Cak
in it bv a very big mn.iorily.
Charles Kedgtvick Aiken, the edilor
of Sunset Magazine, .who has been in
this city si Thursday getting male
rial for a story for his magazine, left
this ruing fur San Prancisco, after
Ihoionghly covering the valley and ob
tainiiiL' ni.-inv photographs and much
data for a wrileup on this valley. The
slorv will appear in the October num
ber of the magazine.
"Vou have a most remarkable val
ley," said Mr. Aiken, "and on all sides
on innol help but see the many signs
o, wonderful development. The ninny
resources nbout Medford are such that
Ihe city will some duy be the leading
city lietwi Pnrllaiiii and San I'rnii
cisco, unless something unforeseen de
velops. "I would suggest that Medford es
tablish a fair for every year during
the height of I lie fruit season to be
known by sonic appropriale mi , as
New Oilcans has its Mardi liras, Pnsa
deiia its tournament of roses, nnd Porl
I: nil ils rose festival. Hales would be
grunted to Medford nnd much would be
dime in an advertising way.
I would further suggest thai iniuiii-
lltre pear boxes lie mnoe, laoeo-u an .m
ihe regular shipping boxes, and a large
pear placed in ench small box, the same
to be sold on Ihe trains passing i ug"
this city. In this manner .Mnllonl
would b ie known as the place where
Ihe large pears grow.
1 have had many conversation!! Willi
Secrelary Miller ot the 1 m n-ini i-iui.
anil with others ill this valley. I am
il.i.i. ,,l,.iisiil with what I saw of
your fruit, your scenery, your mineiui
vour timber', in fact, with all Ihe mar
....i.... ....ui.ii s nf the count rv stir
i oiling Medford."
llolneslcaders in the timber belt in this
section grow more shaky every nine
a decision in a content is rendered. In
several cases where the settlers fell
they had complied with the law and
had nothing lo fear from the decision,
the officials at Lakeview have decided
in favor of the conteiitiinls.
Pour decisions have just been receiv
ed here. Two of them involve sage
brush lands on Ihe California Oregon
line. In both of these ruses Ihe evi
dence Hhowcd lhat Ihe In .-slenders
hnd resided upon the lands, as in pre
scribtsl by law, but I hey had not im
proved nnd cnltivntisl the lands. The
improvements and cultivation were held
as a mere pretense, and the entries for
ordered canceled.
Two other cases, in which the parlies
had coiiimniited on llie lands siiine twn
years before the contest affidavits
were filed, lime been decided, and in
both instances the decisions have gone
lo the contestants. These claims were
valuable for Ihe timber growing on
Ihem, bill the parties had entered them
under the homestead act, nnd, nftet
an eights' months' residence, made com
mutation proof. The officials al Lake
view held that Ihe lands wcle filed iili
lo get Ihe timer, and IK't to lloike a
home; thai the parties del tml nc'nalh
reside upon and cultivate the lands,
but merely made a pielinse to do these
things. After summing up the evidence
Illl onitlion adverse to the Inunesl ea.lers
wns rendensl nnd the commutation
commutation prpoopfs ordered rejected
and llie entries held for cuucellal inn.
Several decisions rendered in tin
prist months hnvo been nliout the same
in effect, and it is becoming gcucialh
recognized by the settlers in Ihe woo-ln
tliAt it will bo ttnpossible tor them tn
make final proof on limbered hoin
ntPAd. In order lo neiiuin' Ihe lands
most of them are reliniiiisliing and
placing timber and sloae filings on the
4 t'EfrosB. omoos m.
It Assures Safety
Stat Depositary.
The financial strength of tho Jack
son County Bank assureB the safety of
every dollar of its depositors' funds.
lis management, equipment and facil
ities enable it to furnish a banking serv
ice that is unexceled for efficiency. Your
account, subject to your check, iB in
vited. Twenty years under same manage
ment. W. I. V AWT PR, President
0. H. LIXDLF.V, Cashier
Do not put off having pictures taken
until Ihe rainy season, when llie clouds
ire ilarlt ami lowering nun no- nm
weak. The weather is rather warm,
Inil Ihe light is good, especially lor
hihlren. You will want holiday pic
i. Heller have them made now. He-
member. Iliere 1 one lllgll grn
ish, nnd that is platinum; it cosls more.
but it 's ever so much better.
The Nash hols il merchants' luncheon
each noon from 11:30 to 1:311.
li'ilishes, soup, choice of Iwo meats,
vnlir favorite beverage nnd coffee, for
L'."i cools.
Nash Buffet
Window and Door Screens, Block Wood
Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and
fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. 1 HONE 53.
KLAMATH PALLS, nr., August X
l.ocal engineers of Ihe i eclalunt inn serv
ice have opened bids nil the seven mil
exteusieu nf the South Blanch calllll.
The work, as a matter of enliven
was divided into five schedules, and
Manev Brothers ,V Cn. who are now at
work on a inlillael on this same canal
bid mi the entile sev niles, a did
ills,, V. II. .Mason of this cllv. Tin'
bid nt Ihe former was - l.lllill.lin and of
Ihe loiter .L'J,To;l.lln. Captain .1. M
Mclnlire, Il wner of Ihe large freight
outfit thai haul nil of Ihe freight I
twi-en llniris nnd the bunt luinling. 1ml
on schedule four nlilv, and his bid was
i:ill .:iil. w hile 1 1 1,1 and .li'husi'ii bid
on schedule eie,lil only, their bid 1"
ing if train. oil.
The contrncts have not vet been
awarded, but It is vei v probable I lint
tho entire seven mile will go lo ,
II. l!loli. who is Ihe l.ittrit ri-Hpiinsiblc
l.i.l.l. r.
per tin- fif-t Inn.- in manv Mais
-.onth.-in Hn-goii hits eiii'ivc.l :i -'sinol.e
li-t" .liilv. A- a ii.-ii:iI thing the innii'i
laius ami all.s at this time nf i.u
;ire i.M'lhnng with s ,b in.,- oiill "f -
.llie to liigillg f -.1 lie-. Bill tli!-
eai- tlicr-' liiiM- lii-ei. ni f.-rcit fir.-s
and crtireipienl Iv no 'in.'ie. in.tiv.l'i
-.tali. I ing the libs. -n. nf lam dime;
Ihe o til an. I the I hill il hits
been il erv ill V s.-iis iii. The kc-piii-:
down of fill's is due lo the vigilance
Ihe army of fores! rangerse cui,l..e.l
by Ihe forest s,,t i.e. Iwoiv
i f Ihe woods is patrolc.l by tins.
eyed men and no fin".' are :illow
As an illustration of how well llie
Rogue Hiver valley is known nnd where
the center and business of the valley is
locntisl, n letter posted in Die province
(if Ontnrio, Canada, address. d "Coin
morcinl I'lnb, Kogne Hiver Valley, Ore
gon," was among ll:e mail of the Coin
lnercial clnb Sntiinluv.
'I Ion
Mtdford Tribune, 50 ur uionlh.
I'a li'oberls to Mini rhi.holm.
lot .1. block X Print. lale
linn lo Medford 1
W. A. Ilolnies lo Hornet Holmes.
lots i and in, bloc! II. Hail
road addition to Ashland ....
Ilelberl T. -prill lo Charles .
flnth. L' acres in srclions 'l
and I'M. towiisltip :tr. range I
Paul Kiuller, to Hubert V. Scull
o.". a.'rvs in Mingos snlnlii
sion Me.lfor.l
Plia .1. tlilmor.- to ilhani lien
rv .lames, l'i a.ies in section
III, township I'.'.', range I p..
jl. ,1. I'owmug lo n. il. sit i ens,
jiroperly in Ashland
piigenn YV. Chafin, the prohibition
andidate for president, plans to speai.
l everv slate in the Pnioii before dec
I ion dav.
.lolin V. Criminins of New York, who
died Brviin and voted for Palmer
. .. . ' . r mm:
illlll IVncuner 111 IIO' cainpi,ii;ii i-
lias come out strong for the democratic
ticket this year.
John Mitchell. Hie wel known labor
lender, has promised lo slump Michigan
for the democinls ill the coining cam
jiaign, if health permits.
Thomns P. Watson, populist
date for president, will make some
speeches in the cast and some in tip-
west, bill he will devote his strong
efforts lo cany Ccorgia.
The ar.ti Imperialist league has is
sued a slalement recommending lhat
Ike friends of Ihe league withhold their
votes from William II. Taft for presi
.lent and support for Mr. Bryan.
Pive candidales are hustling for tin
.1 ....rati.' nomination for oovernor nf
Illinois, the selection lo bo made at the
llrsl general primary In that stale next
Present plans do not contemplate that
William II. Taft will make any political
so lies during II ampaign, excepl
lliose In be delivered in I 'incinmiti this
.lodge Amos V. Ibivis, who was re
I'i'iitly named for congress by the ilem
, u nits of the Tenth Kentucky district
won his n.nniiialion bv the narrow mar of one third nil
Tin- mi., .-do of William .1. Itl Viin
uln.h ui;i be heard in Ihe slot plum
oi'lal'hs aie entitled : :The Hnilron.l
i,io. st "The Labor Question.
"Swollen port ones. ' "The Trust tne
tioii I'lie Tariff Ouestinti" and " An
Ideal Hepnblic."
Pugeiie W. Chafin, win. leads tl
iiin Inl. ilion I'.'irtv this vear, is an at
tornev. lie is :i !latie ol allkesh
i-niintv. Wisconsin, and for several year
ora.-t i.-.-.l law there. He was al one
time candidate for governor of Wis
cousin on the prohibition ticket
John W. Kern, the democrat ic vice
'presidential ca ml nlal e. has accepted an
inviliition to I guest of the JefTer
...11 clnb of Chicago ill a rally to be h.'l.l
on September lo. nnd which iti s ex
pecle.l will mark the opening of Ihe
.l.'inncrittii' campaign in the middle
Prank S. Mnnett, formerly republic
an ill Inrnev general of Ohio, and later
was cniplove.l by the interstate com
merce commission to gather material
upon which lo base the government
Her Sunday Knitting.
Years nir.i." said ai: Auburn woman
lidilv years young, "it was coliut-
..I a sin aiming Hie good wives of the
illtle Malm- Invvii where 1 was burn lo
vvasle a eln.le moment of time. 1
Im i'n lioMi-il iiiv iM'illlllllliitlier tell the
story of out- dame who iniieli seundal-
Ized the elllirell people on o lever to
be I'org.illell occasion. People who
went early In church were surprised
one Sabbalh morning In see Ainu Bet
sy silting uway up In front, gray yarn
stockings in her builds nnd her knit
ting needles clicking: merrily nvvuy ns
she worked. The minister stopped In
surprise as he passisl her on bis way
lo Hie pulpit, but the old lady wns mil
one whil disturbed by bis disapprov
ing air. Smiling serenely, she said
iniplaeenlly: Thought id knit n
slilell while tile people nre gaiueriuK.
I never was one to waste a minute,
elder.' Ami Ihe good ilanle colli union
lick her needles, while jhc bncrllled
minister hastened lo Ins ilcsk. .Mil
till he began his sermon did Aunt Bel-
lay asiile her Sunday knitting
Work."- Kennebec Journal.
August. 15 we will be ready
to sell tiered and seasoned
in any iiiantity at $3.00 per
tier, deliveivli or $3.00 pet
tier at (lie ranch.
Good Rail Wood
Some cedar, sawed into tier
wood, a! $1.50 per tier at
tlie ranch or $2.50 per tier
I'Wall necessary informa
tion apply to
E. ENYART.Presid cut.
A. PERRY, Vice President.
JOHN S. OltTH, Cashier.
W. B. JACKSON, Asa t Pushier.
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS 10,000
Safetv Boxes to Kent. A General Banking Business
Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage
Medford, Oregon.
Carlyle Was a Terror.
The (Inmost ic Infelicity of the Cnr-
lyles is iiiuiiniiii know ledge, lull It Is
imt Inappropriate to give Mrs. I'arlylc't
view of her husband. "If lie would
lily be sal Islled:" she used In .some
times complain of Carlyle. "But I
have had In learn thai when he does
not Hnd fault he Is pleased, and t tin t
bus to eoulelll inc."
On one occasion when Carlyle was
awav from home Mrs. Carlyle busied
herself lo gel all In perfect older fm
her husband's arrival, and when nil
was cnnipleie-Ids dinner ready, hi
armchair In Its usual position, bis pipe
and tobacco prepared, all looking n
eotiiforlable as possible- Mrs. C. sal
down at hist to rest and to expect him
with a ipiiol mind, lie arrived, and
"after he bad greeted inc. whai do yon
think he did? lie walked lo llie win
dow and shook It and usked. 'Where's
the wedge of llie window V And until
we had found that blessed wedge both
ltig would content httn. He said the
window would rattle and spoil all."
11,1 ford, Oregon, July 24, 1!luS.
The eity of Medford, Oregon, will
receive bids at the office of Benj. M.
Collins, recorder, until Ii p. in. Thursday
August (Illl, Bios, for all materials and
labor necessary to cinstruct a twenty
mile gravity pipeline, diversion works,
reservoir, etc. A certified check for
$10,000, payable to the recorder of the
city of Medford. will be required as a
guarantee of gooo faith.
Approximate ipianl it ies: 1 .'JuO.Olill feel
board measure, staves; l.lllio.noo pounds
sleel bands; -In.lhlll cubic yards excava
tion; son barrels cciucin.
BKN.I. M. ( Old, INS,
Consulting Engineer.
inferior meats when you
can have the best for the
anie money hy Inlying
here ! We sell better meats
1 k 'cause
our (
and keep
ild sloragt
-in in
em better
suits. li:is ainioun.-e.t Ins purpose
jaitivelv support Mr Brvan in Ohio
the campaign
, Probate.
Estate .lame Elliott; order mad set
Hilling aside sale of real em.ite.
Hard and Soft.
"What," asked the teacher, "does an
thracite mean?"
"That's a kind of coal,'' said Utile
"Yea. Anthracite coal Is what we cull
hard coal. So 'Hiithruclte' must mean
hard.' Now, can you tell me what
-bituminous menus t
"That's coal, loo," Willie replied.
"But II Isn't the name kind of coal
that anthracite Is, Is It? Bituminous
coal is whnt we commonly refer to as
soft coal. Now, Willie, let us see II
you cati form a seuteuee containing
the words anthracite and bituminous."
Willie thought the matter over for n
minute and then said:
- Here's cue: "This morning In-fore
im started downtown tun wauled fm
groccrlea nnd things, and she tried to
get It by saying bituminous words, but
pa gave her an anthracite look, and
when he disappeared around llie eoruei
she vvas weeping bitutllinously. M
Notice is hereby given that the. nil
dersigiied will apply lo Ihe cily council
of the citv of Medford. Oregon, al Ihe
next meeting f or ji license to sell spir i
itous, vinous and malt liquors in quail !
tilies less than a ballon for the period
M six months, at h'.s place of business I
at lot L'I. in block SO, in the city of
Medfoid. Oregon.
liale.l .Inlv lo, 100S.
'.s- vi rji jiliiin lo srr
I'm Ihe iriiuiinn nominee.
Of all the candidates nom
inated, vole for Dan Cupid.
The real advance agent of
prosperity. To help him win,
ymi must smoke cigars that
have no disagreeable odor. A
good smoke is assured if you
try our
Medford 5 cent. R R V 10 cent
and Dtil Marca 15 cent Cigar
nit null' uvcrvwliLTe.
R.R.V. Cigar Works
Medford. Or.
Ntitio it lierolSy jjivon tlmt. the mi
ilersiKUO-l will !'. y t thr City ('uuncil
of tho City of M.'.lf.tM. Onynn, :it 1 lie
nt'xt ttiti'ti!i for :i Iuviim- to spirit
ous, vinoiiH aii'l malt lienors iu quiiti I ,
titis Vd tli.ui a pillion, for tin- rio.1
of six month!!, nt In pla.-e f I'UJ-in"'
ttt lot W, iu Mock in tho City of
, M.Mlfonl. Oregon,
IHt.'.i Jnlv Itt. 1itS.
IKvc We Ave In HOT Old
A Money
I'lione No
vmi for S
mil huve oi
froi' trial.
V fully realize that there is a ma
jority of people wlio always wih the
vi' ry ho-it, TIh's people are wise. The
best is always tho cheapest in the long
run, Especially is this true of our
"PI'UK Wlirn:" KLOT U, in so mueh
as any housewife who lias trieil it knows
that it makes many morelottves to the
sack t lian onlinary flour. Don 't be
penny wi-o :uoi poinni foolish, but buy
t... e-vfir In l 'i'tiil..r Water I'.'Wer C
ilt't'.i e -2'' Went Seventh St.,
I liuiine llig Kleelrii' Sign.
! t lie Inii t'l.nir. i.
Pure White
Medford Trilinne, r.Oi- (ier nitinth.
Allen 6 Reagan
mi: oi;ori:iiv o thk cohnkk
Th Realistic Actor.
"IKk's he bvMie U reallsui?"
"Yes. Km Ue .antes it to cuess.
Iu the seeiitnl sreue be U severely
i.i i... i,..- u .i.b.(,. kni.1
VV'UUlini. Mini lit- Uii: f
buiMiiis u iween in acta "-iiuis- j gall as old as ex periciice or
The tirst "I ry" in any line
of e f fort is not u s u a 1 1 y
enough. "Trv again" is a slo-
rllle Courier Jourual.
human affairs.
lhree milen amitk nf Medford and
tO't-a t of l'hoenii. i i"r cut up
in Kinall trneta to auit the urrhaaer.
One fourth oanh, balanef in thret pay
menu. Thia,j a rare opportunity for
men of auiall nifana. Luted with all
tha agaota.
A liyluid v wilnnjj to invent in one of
the in utet, must modern and beat locat
ed home in Medford, ahould adrdeae
f O Urn 44S.
M-Jford Tribuaa, 50c per maatk.