Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 03, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined
The Weather
Fair tonight; wnrmer south and east
portions. Tuesday, probably fair; west
erly winds.
ItifledMI Paly OUtauie.
By far the largest and best news report
of any paper iu Southern Oregon.
No. 116.
170 LOSE
h r
IS OVER S2600,I100
Supplies Are Being Rushed from Spokane
and Canadian Points Great Response
to Request for Assistances-Lumber
Towns Cut Off Inhabitants Perish.
VANCOUVER, 11. 0., August It, A spnnded to appeals for assistance. The
special to the World from Pernio says relief committee of Spokane is swamped
that various estimates are given of the i with contributions, which is only un
less of life in the awful disaster ill the 1 other instance of the generosity of the
Crow's ..est pass. Thomas Biggs, sec- ! American people in time of disaster,
votary of the Pernio Miners' union,! A dispatch received late tllis morn-
places the fatalities at lit! nnd the prop
erty loss at $8,000,000. The towns of
Hosmcr and Michel, for which great
anxiety was felt Sunday, are saved. In
Hosmer buildings were dynamited to
stun the flames. The Elk company's
lumber camp, No, !.', situated about five ISparwond are destroyed
miles from Pernio, was surrounded by population of 1X00,
mg says that not more man 10" are
dead, 7.1 in Pernio and 2.1 in neighbor
ing territory. The fire has swept an
area of loo miles square.
Keports received here say that the
towns of Hosmer, Michel, Olson and
Michel had a
Attorney Golvig Is Back
From Salem-Hear Case
in OGtober Term
Commissioner Bllton Says
He Does Not Know It'
He Is in Office at the
Present Time or Not
AGENTHERE? destruction
An Electric Storm Breaks Guarded With Secrecy the
The hearing of the appeal from the
opinion of Circuit Judge II. K. Hannn
ill the matter of J. C. Hall vs. George
V. Dunn ot al.ll, a petition for an in
junction to enjoin the county court from
declaring prohibition within the corpo
rate limits of the city of Med ford; has
been set on the calendar of the supreme
court for October 7, according to Attor
ney t'olvig, who relumed Sunday from
Salem, where he went in the interests
of the Anti Saloon league.
Attorney Colvig states that it was
impossible to have the hearing put on
nleniiar for the present session oi
('onnnuiiicutinn hasm,,. court, ns much busiucss is ahead of
fire oml all roads of escape were cur
off. Sixty men and four women were
in the camp. They have undoubtedly
burned to death. Not a single person
Food for Sufferers.
In Pernio the Western Canadian
vVholcsnlo House, occupying the con
crele building which was saved from
the flames, has stored within its walls
some $110,000 worth orf groceries nnd
provisions, which proved to be u great
lilcssing to the community, and the
wholesale house has been transformed
into a retail grocery store anil groceries
are being delivered to all parties who
are entitled to them.
Hundreds are sleeping in the open.
without blankllets or covering of any
sort, ltclicf committees have been or
ganized nnd food is being supplied to
been completely interrupted anil It is
difficult to obtain definite figures, but
it is known that the loss to life and
property is appalling.
Flames Still Roaring.
WINNIPEG, Man., August I!. Tte
norts received over railroad wires from
points nearest the great Crow's Nest
valley fire today iiulicate mat ine
flames are still roaring over the conn
irv. and the evtent of damage will
probably be greater thaa was expected.
It is estimated here that the full amount
of the loss in the whole burned ar"ii
will be about $25,000,0110. The loss of
life is variously estimated from 400
to 740. The suffering and destitution
is horrible. Hundreds are without food
or shelter and many are said to have
been cut off from points of aid.
Flans for Belief.
Acting Mayor Harvey culled a meet
ing of the board of control tllis morn?
ing, and already plans for relief are
being made nnd subscriptions are roll
ing ill. liepurts from all the cities in
this section sny that relief funds nre
being raised and that subscriptions are
coming in rapidly.
The countrv wus thicklv settled by
campers nnd lumbermen, with their
wives and families. These people, liv
Ini in outlving sections, were cut off
by the swift moving wall of fire, and
there is practically no nope tii.'ii nicy
8lir ived.
NPI.SllN. P.. '-. August 3 A thou
sand refugees, the overflow from Cran-
brnok. lirrived here tins morula. .Most
of them lire destitute' and although sup
plies are being rushed into the stricken
country from evi ry arnuanie point
there is great difficulty iu getting pro
visions within the zone destroyed by
the fire. All large Ciimidinn cities hnv
wired monev. but nrovisions. nut cash
is what is most urgently needed.
Special Car With Food.
SPOKANE. Wash.. August X lni. k
relief in the foim of bread, bolter and
other provisions and clothing is being
given the destitute people of Pernio.
A special car of supplies sent yester
day from Spokane was to.lov
by a shipment of 3000 loaves of bread.
The mnyor and members of the cham
ber of commerce have instantlv re-
NEW YOliK. August :t. On a cot in
the Manhattan eye, ear and throat hos
pital is a patient suffering from an
extraordinary form of blindness. He
is a young man and in all other re
spects is not only healthy and vigor
tins, but a traineu ainieie. ,unc iM-
is standing or sitting in an upright po
sition he is almost totally blind, but;
while lying down he sees objects dis
tinctly nnd with his normal visual pow
ers. That he been his strange condition
for about six months and for that period
lie has remained for the most of the
lime ill a recumbent position. Tllis
patient, whose name the hospital phy j
sicians decline to reveal, was a mem
ber last winter of n well known bas
ketball taem. Ill the course of one
of the match games the ball struck him
sharply in the eye, causing a' brief sus
pension of play, but the blow seemed
neilher serious nor painful.
The voung athlete made light of his
mishap, and for a time appeared to
suffer no ill effects. Later his eye
sight begiin to trouble him and wen
this peculiar condition ilevelopeil, 'srnioii
made hull sightless except w lien
it. Then Attorney It. O. Smith tor the
petitioner has 20 days as yet to file h,s
brief ill the matter.
The hearing of tllis appeal will be
one, of the first matters to have the
attention of the supreme court when it
convenes for the October term. It has
been placed for October 7. ahead of
many civil cases, where the interest is
not so great.
Has Medford a Hailed Stales land
commissioner .'
A. S. Bliton stated tllis morning that
he does not know. Ho stilted, however,
tout his resignation had been tendered
to take effect immediately. It is re
ported on good authority that it has
been accepted. In the meantime Mr.
Hliton continues to hold down the desk.
Por. some time it has been known
that Commissioner Illiton has been
Ihiuking of resigning. This morning
e was asked:
"Has vour resigiial ion been accept
1" "I am sure I do not know whether
1 mil I'uited Stales laud commissioner
or not at the present time."
"'Ihcil your resignation has been ten
" Yes, to take I'l'fect immediately or
as soon as mv successor lias lieeu
'Who is to be your successor"
'I do not know. ' '
Over Nevada-Five Lose
Lives in Deluge
Medford Team Loses.
Aa aggregation of nllege.l ball play
PORTLAND. Or., August :i. Enthii
siasin prevailed throughout the Bryan
f. ,.! Ki.rn ratification meeting at the
Halter thealear Saturday night. Not tin
enthusiasm of the ephemeral kind, but
enthusiasm that showed the deep-rooted
sentiment of the speakers and crowd
in the issues that are at stake iu the
coming cmnpaigii. At no time inn ine
large crowd that filled nearly every seat
in the tl ter show signs of impatience
or a desire to leave before they had
heard the last speaker elucidate the
principles that both parties have em
bodied ill their platforms.
There was cheering and hand clap
ping, but far more impressive than
ither of these was the conviction ex
pressed mid felt by those attending the
meeting. Hrynn s name was cneereu,
the speakers were cheered, but the most
heering was heard when Senator .lonii
M. (ieiirin scathingly denounced the pol
icv of delay and evasion of the repub
lican party' in the last 12 years, the as
similation of democratic doctrines by
KENO. Nov., August II. A terrific
electric storm Hint broke over Washoe
county last night has left death and
destruction in its wuke, and efforts
arc being made to cominuniento with
si.veral portions of t ho country which
have b cut off from nil coniniiinicn
tion with lieuii. The exact daiungo is
not nscerlainable here, but it is known
that at least five iieoplu were kill
Several more are reported missing.
In I bur vallev the water came down
iu a torrent. A cloudburst let the rain
down from the heavens ns though it
hud been poured through a slil in the
clouds. Miss Etta Pixley, a ilaiigllier
of Tom Pixley, owner of a big logging
n , iu Dog vallev, was killed almost
iustuutlv bv the rush of the waler
Her boiiv was found at the bottom of a
With her was u young lady whose
name has not yet been learned. Her
bodv was locked up a few feet from
Miss Pixloy's body. Miss Pixloy was
in school teacher and was returning from
'school when the flood overlook her nni
her companion.
; A while man employed at the camp
and two Chinese cooks were swept away
lies have not
t been r iveil1
A. O. Allen and family have returned
from on uiitoinobile excursion to San
Prancisco and return. Colonel L. O.
Allen, father of Mr. Allen, who has
just retired from the nrinv. and L. C. j
All Ir., brother of A.' C. Allen, re '
""" 1 !""'' ",r " ,IS" !" i,v the flood and their I
.M.uior.i. .wr. .Mien ...... ine r v.,,-,,1
trom San I- ranciscvo in three anil a nail
days u-ill I trying to hurry. Very
hot weather was encountered iu the
.Sacriimeiito valley, where the thermom
eter registered 111 Hi the slinlr. At
Ked liluff it stood His ib-gi s in the
hotel nil night, so Hint the compara
tively cool weather of Medford is prov
ing a refreshing change.
Hon. I!. G. Smi
a novel wnv of dealing with the grass
hopper plague, which is worse in south
ern Oregon this season than for many
years. He ussetts that grasshoppers
climb up the tree and nilvi-es all or
i-harilisls In secure some of the sticky
tanglefoot., preparation which makes
such fine flypaper, nod paint the bark
of the tree so that the hopper will stick
fast and cannot git past the prepared
Magnate and Party Pro
ceeding to Pelican Bay-
Inspect Source of Supply
in Latest Proposal-Contractors
Ascertain Cost
CHICAGO, August 3. Guarded with
tho utmost secrecy the Hnrriman special
is lying today lit EvniiBtou. Officials
of the llarriinaii and Gould lines have
been ci von orders not to give out liny
infortunium as to tho movements or ine
special train which bears the great rail
nnd nuignute nun lus party.
Edward II. llariiiiian remained in the
train all nlgllt. so as 10 hvoiii iiuer
viewers. He was driven lo the general
heaibpiarters of the 1 In rrimli n lines this
morning and held tl long conference
ith Traffic Manager .1. c. siuiuis iinu
lulius Knillschnitt, superintendent or
maintenance lor all tho llarrimun rouus,
Nolhim' could bo learned ol the out
come of tho conference today.
This is not tl business trip," said
llarriinan, "but a vacation, I going to
in V much in Oregon and nlong the I'll
fie. where I have large interests.'
This in nil the mil wnv magnate would
the republican administration inul i t J Mtrip,
er, from Merit 'Hi wont to OoM Mill
Snmlnv :mri, with tin- aid of the um
pire mm! n dozen or so enstly orrnrs on
their own part, lost the game ny a score
of s to i. The Merit'onl hoys pot. oft'
wrong to start with, ami allowed their
opponents to score three time in the
first two siiasm. Fro mthnt time on
there was nothing doing until the sixth,
when two more talri Miller dent"! the
rubber. Merit'onl scored once in the
nth nml tthnnlri have hnri two, hnt
"his amps" ealled Rudy Scholtz out
at the plate, when he w:m safe hv a
mile. Two more enme in in the eighth,
and three in the ninth, hut meantime
the Cold Hill-Central Point-Coos Bay
hnri made three more. There whs o
whole lot of fun and some noise about
the game, however, and the spectators
got their money's worth. Bog Telfer
distinguished himself hv taking every
thing that enme In way, and the di
m in ut tve Medford serond baseman.
Pchulta, wan there with the good at
i'erv stage of the game. The? seore:
n. h. k.
Medford a
dotd Hiii : :
punitive eftorts to compel a corporation
congress to enarT laws in w -n-?i
of the people whteh the nlminis!nttinn
had stolen from the democrats.
Braden Mine Closed.
The Itrarie ine. near (iolri Hill, he-
ing oM-rateri by .1. W. Op. elowri down
for an indefinite eriori Tuesriay. This
mine has operated for the past
11 years and has always been a good
uiveHtiiwnt gr the owners, and the reu
sain for closing down is not known.
Iiolri Hill News.
In addition, a most effective treat
nient, states Mr. Smith, is that provided
by the department of agrienlt lire, which
on demand sends otit a riearily bacteria
that produces a contagious fatal dis
ease among the pests. It is only nee
essary to dip a few hoppers iu an at'
fee ted solution, ami they will spread
the disease among theirr datives nnd
the plague spreads nmotiy them and
works an effective extermination.
lOnirineer Collins, in charge of the pro
nosed new electric line to the Illinois
vallev. has ben about as busy this w
'as a bumblebee in red elnver. My tin
, use of an automobile nnd a party of
so ri'fVfil'H he finished' the preliminary
sorvevs as lar ns wiitiervuie aooiii m
middle of the week and is now w
along with the work of r iug levi
rf (irants Pass tins ilt ,,it H npli tic us lie is nc
tive anil assures us inai neiiim won,
will be begun upon its construction
in September, says the Pacific. Outlook.
We are mindful of the fact that nam
erons inilroad projects have loomed up
on our hnri.oii in the past, and all have
evaporated while in the preliminary
slages. In case of the lale lamented
Medford 4 Crater Lake road a stretch
of the line was actually laid before it
was abandoned. All of these events
I I to make the public anything but
sanguine over nay new project. Hut
ill the present iustlllire it will be noted
that Mr. Collins has not sprung any
stoek-iobbing schiine. He asks noth
ing from the city or county, but assures
'us that the syndicate to be orgnnized
, will have ample capital to carry the
project through to completion. Let us
indulge in hope once more.
I'liore are In the city at tin) presont
time five contractors who nro already
at work figuring on the specifications
prepared by Kngineer Roberts for the
pipelinn for a gravity water supply
from the fork ot 1.11110 nuiiu crc-n. u.
Wasson canyon. Theso contractors have
coiuo from various parts o tho Pacific
coast and moro -nro expected ana nrn ,
arriving by every train. At tho present
time l.on Angeles, Sail I rnncisco, in
coma, Portland and Seattle urn ropro
Tho specifications wore completed
yesterday and this morning the con
tructors took them and began going
over the ground to be crossed by tho
lino in order to have their bids ready
to submit to the water committee on
next Thursday evening. Tho bids may
be tendered until tl p. 111. August 6.
Inspoct Applognta Water.
The wilier committee, together with
their engineer, visited tho Applegate
country Sunday in order to look over
the proposition mado to tho council by
Prod .T. Illakcley, returning to this city
Sunday evening. Iu regnrd to tho prop
osition Chief Kngineer liobertH said:
"The water offered for B11I0 by trod
.1. Illakcley comes from tho oust fork
of the Little Applegate. The carrying
ciipaeily of the ditch is about 4oi") mill
its' inches, although the flumes will
carry slightly less. The ditch is about
21 miles in length from intake to res
orvoir at tho Sterling mine.
One of the tentative propositions
inude to Iho water ooinmittoo was to
construct a tunnel about ono mile in
length to reduce tho length of tho ditch
by about P! miles, and increase tho elo
cution ut the mine about 200 feet.
"Prom the Sterling mine tu Medford
it is thought tho distance by pipeline
would be about nine and one half miles,
involving a short tunnel nbout throe
eighths of n mile in length.
Dotalled Survey Needed.
"Some of the physical difficulties
to bo encountered in this direction are
so uncertain us to require a detailed
survey to uscerlniii the relative merits
llranls Pass has been much worked
up by the strange disappearance of n
JO year old girl oil Saturday morning,
who was registered at tho Western ho
tel. The young lady was found tllis
morning coming back to the city of her
own volition after searching parties had
been in the hills looking for her for
hours. The young woman is said to
have become mentally iinbulnnced.
On last Priduy Miss Anna Hansel, left
her home on IXer creek to visit her
sister in Portland. She arrived in
(Irants Pass Saturday and registered
at the Western hotel. She Mysteriously
lisuppenrerd lute Saturday afternoon,
leaving her trunk anil ft purse continu
ing lil in her room. Parlies at once
began to senrch for her, nnd on Sun
day morning her rather, .tlicon Hanson,
was summoned to join in tho search.
II .1.... Q..n.lnv und 3
A 1 1 II I LMII nilllirouV. H o 11 . uuuuur - ....un
Sunday night tho search was continued inpj,,, construction of a tunnel ono
without svnu, 1 nun "OHM"!. .1""' lnje j,, lonjjti, would primarily require
as preparation were being made to drag' a ypar., tilnl,.
the river. Miss llansett appeared on the j ii-pim comparative cost of a system
scene. She was lost ill the hills in ' nll11,i,,, frm tho Sterling Mining com
the neighborhood of Jerome prairie, j pjmy rights, would probably be nbout
Her father has her in charge nt the ". ,, n. siinger ranch . The
pn sent I line.
Olrl Bitten by Dog.
eolge Noble of Sams Voile;
! committee has not as yet taken dofl-
nile action."
Point on .In v- '-'0. by l.'ev. H.
Prank Vaughn and Ktl
A. Bristol,
Mav Wise-
I i iriileriog the fact that this
ipiietest month of tin- year in th
Professor John Xorling, fhn well
known musician, is ntending the nnnual
encampmi iit of tin- Oregon and Wash
lUi'ton fate militia at Medical Lake,
lie is acting in the capacity of bugler
with Ashland's company. f
Kstate D. 1'olk Mathews; order made
continuing hivring en petition to sell
real property.
Arthur lirown and P.. C Crater fished
near Wnodville Son. lav.
Gold Hill wone a bae ball game from
Medford Sunday by n score of s lo H.
. ne game wns playis! nt Gold Hdl.
George S'eale, who has a patch n. ai
Central Point, says Hint the hot weath
er is injuring the melons very hub
He will have some in market soon.
is the
ing business our banks have more than
held their own with deposits, G. I..
Davis of the Hank of .Ineksoiiville said
that on the date of making the bank
statement lie- deposits were smaller
than they have ever been before. Th
next dnv the dc'4oitn jumped from 11.
mm to II. 1 1' t lie showing in the
iiext six months equals that of the past
'six months which is quite probable our
I iii.titutions will show an 111
equal t" that of any bank iu
ale. The P.e. km:in Hanking house
one of the oldest III the Stale. piUU ISIies
j,, first .lalemeel meter I he lo w in
this i f the Post. The stability
of our banks is not questioned 111 the
least, and are conducted conser
value and business lines.
his little daughter Georgia to the Gold
Hill hospital Wednesday afternoon of
this Week to have II wound on her face
treated ant isept leal ly. Tho little girl
was bitten by n savage dog. but it is
hoped the dog was not mad. The wound
was inflicted on the left cheek and is
ery painful. News.
11. M. l oss was arrested on last Snt
unlay evening on a statutory charge.
Ho was taken to Jacksonville, where
ti inlplnint was filed in the justice
court, and Inter released on a "ml bond,
which was prepared and nrranged for
by Mrs. Cobs. Preliminary hearing is
being held this afternoon iu .lack
villi-. Tl oii.plainiial is Clara Slaggs.
11 llvcnrold girl, formerly employed
as a domestic iu the Cobs family.
the sta
Jacksonville's Building Boom.
Jacksonville is oil tin- verge ol li
bttil'ling boom which proinisis to I f
mall proportions. Mrs. M. M. Tai
lor has started on her new reside!
M t four new residei s will go up
nil l.llllgren 's addition to Hie I'llV this
iner. Stella Levy has just finished
a nice riHi.1.1 near nn mi'"' j
P. A. Hicks. Charles Carney and It.
i.l Colder left Sunday for a week's
looting, on K1U creek.
Horticultural Society Meets.
The Itogiie Itiver Horticultural socle
V met on Saturday nnernoon
at the
LINCOLN. Neb.. August :!. William
,1. Hrynn is a member of the Lincoln
typographical union, having today been
voted an horonnry member by tho print
ers here yesterday.
There was some opposition when Bry
hh's name was suggested on tho ground
that his adoption by tho union might
11 nslrued as a political move.
T. K. Potteiig. r, with n party of ten.
re camped at the Indinn Springs.
ir. w V. Johnson has returned from
f the Comlnercinl dull, lint did , ., ... .....nil,, j Seattle. She
a great deal in the way of bnsi j Improved in health.
John Rogers, noted throughout tue
west ns a builder of rnilroads, nnd who
wns Corbin's right hand man ill build
ing the Spnkane-Internntioiial railroad,
is in this city nnd lias decided to To-
iinftin. Mr. Roger tins tor some iimo
1 been looking for a suitable location for
He has retired from ciwe
iiess, as iiian.v of llie memowrs wen- .on
of the city. A small amount of routine
1, .i!.. ens dns disoosid of and a few
i minor discussions were held.
li. G. Karnes left for Colestin Mon
.In v to join his family.
.1. A. Whitman nnd Francis Mien I a home,
piftied through Medford Sunday. 1 engineering work.
O . Q