n NtttDKOKl) DAILY 'I'lilBTINF. MEDFORD, OREGON", SATURDAY, AUOUST 1. 1008. Our Annual August CLEARANCE SALE Commencing, Monday August 3, 1908 TO MAKE ROOM FOR Ol'R WIXTEK OOODS THAT WILL SOON 'ARRIVE WE OFFER Ol'R ENTIRE STOCK OF OOODS AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES. LOOK THEM OVER. COMPARE THEM WITH OTHERS. WE IIAN'E ALWAYS SOLI) HONEST GOODS AT HONEST PRICES. AND AVHEN WE TELL YOF ANVTIIING YOU CAN DEFEND I'l'ON IT. WE DEFY COM PETITION. THESE PRICES TALK. Til ESE GOODS ARE ALL THIS SUMMER'S (iOOI)S. WE ALLOW NOTHING TO GET MOULD Y ON' Ol'R SHELVES. I Regular IVn-o. Now. Men's NeUlcton Patent Oxfords . . .(.()0 -154.75 Men's NeUlcton Tan Oxfords $(.()() $4.50 Men's Nettleton Viei Kid Oxfords. .'tO $1.25 Men's Nettleton Gut 4al Oxfords. . $")."() $4.25 Crawford's Patents, Tans and (Jtiiimotal Oxfords, regular priee $4.00, now soiling at $3.25 Full DoiiMe Sole Viei Shoes, regular $4.00 values, at $3.25 Ladies' Patent Oxfords, $4.00 values, at ,. . .$2.95 Ladies' Patent and Kill Oxfords, $:!..")0 values, at $2.85 Ladies' $:!.(!() and $:!..")() Kid Hand Turned $2.60 Low-Heel Patent Oxfords, reg. $i..")() vals., at.. $1.80 Tiadies' Patent Hand Turned Shoes, regular $.").()() values, at .$3.90 Ladies' Patent Button Welt, regular $.").0(), now $3.90 Ladies' Kid liutton. Hand Turned Shoes, regular $3.50, now $2.95 Ladies' Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, $1.f0 and $2.00, now $1.00 f,nd $1.60 I Men's Canvas Shoes and Oxfords, regular $1.50 and $2.00 values, now $1.15 100 pairs of Dallies' and Children's Oxfords and Slippers going at, per iair 50- They Post us more than this. Fanners' Heavy Mountain Hoots. Fanners' Light Shoes, just right for August and September, going at Sicrial J'rirex. Hoys' and Misses' School Shoes, we will sell at S'iri-inl Price that will astonish you. ' ' I I Don't Forget the Day and Date SMITH & MOLONY TT A DTjV ft A MT) T r A TV rn"i - Social and Personal ( II. HumpHuti, I he well k mnvn o I iimlujfiMt of' .Iimopliiiie en lit y, wan in Meil I'ord TlinrHfliiy on l.imim'HH rmintM-t- cil tvitli Inint.H I'.-ist I'liii'rin-rHi'ff In in 1 inl.'n'sti'.I in. Dr. SwHiMihurK nf AhIiIhihI wi.h in . A .j v(imviiuivntary , Mrs. I. IhiH city rrulny. , Amirim wiih rivi'ii nt lur n-niilrnro J. U. .Tnhnmin of Appletfiit' whh in tin' ,l:ilr nvcinii' by iiu'IiiImts of tlm city on hiiHinoHH Kriday. A. If. and W. K. one ovmiiiitf thin HAPrY CAMP ROAD TO blVERT TRAVEL ON KLAMATH John Millor of Kafilo Point whs in Mod ford on biiHim'HH tmlity. K. T. HtaploH, tin' AhIiIiuu! bonifiuM', Bpnnt n tVw lmun iii MiMfonl Kriday. Mm. J. Aahpob nf KhIi I'olnl in i" Mi'dford, tlio Kiii'Ht of Mi'H. Siimh Pit ry. Frank Nrwintin, the altorm-y, ha btton innkiiiK 'iirry county a busim-m visit. I j. E. Hoover ami hi family linv Iff t for thr hillH tn In nnc a f woohft. J, W. LoHhor whh up f roin Ashland Thuraduv. Hp was formerly n resident nf our city. 7 Wolgnmntt and A. U. Winter Talent wero in Mnlford Thursday land btininoM. E. L. .limcH, the genial miner, in ilow from the copper belt, wliieh ho is iih nmting to develop. Mm. W. Town send was timotig iIuihc rsidentH of Anhlnnd who visit ed Med ford during the week. D. Nmith Cook of Urn tits Pubs, th pioneer htnckHtnith, Hpeni 'riinridn with the Kedtnen in Medford. Mm. Ralph ('. Mulligan, who hat been ill for wvernl dnv, in fully reeuvi-red and in again able to be around. M. 1", Wisdom of Portland, prominent in Oregon exposition nftairs, hat bee doing bminess in Medford lately. Geortfe V. King, operator in limbr land, Arrived from Portland Thurndav Iliii family preeeded him to Medford .1. Konh Moore and F. K. Luwry, inent etixens of Lou Angelrn, pititn were ek Humes arriv d nioriiing for a fioni Mihn Kiaiii' rtluthi I'rulay with relatives and friends. hh 1 la r n nas ferinorlv a teaeher in our nehndf but in now employed in one nf the pul seliooh at I'ortlaiid. among th many In Medford this w U C. Hill of Rantn Horn, tin- jolly California, has betm entertaining friends and aequnintaneen in Medford H. E. Digglea, the well known coin mreia trnvrlrf, httn hn interviewing hit numerous eudtomeni In thin mvtion. , Profoiwor V. 0. Smith of Mendvilte Pa., the new nuperinfen.toitt of the MMford aeboola, arrive! In tlii eitv Friday. M. h, Alford, raahier of the Kirst National hank, haa wlrnrd from a two wooka' sojourn at thf aounding sea in Newport, diatriet. nan brnncnca bout Portltud in Fri ProbaUi, n kwih- ny n nmrr oi o io i. i,os KMnlr mm K loinliainmer; inventory Anpelea bent Oakland na rasily in San 'ami appraisement showing estate valiieil Franeiaeo on thn same day. j.nt :i!!J.'Jit, Hon. W. ir. Wehruiig of Washington county making tliis aeetiou a short iait. He is president of the rommla- amn that will have eharm of Oregon A MiKliMl ) KAMiLEln Mmtrord affaira at th flealMe Yukon tnrtnt.ion Jnlv bv liev If H..i. Wil 9 tion to ba held r.ejt rr. jliam T Anderson and Ada I.ycia Kandl.-. week. 1 1 was I horoutfhly en joyed by the parliripantH. tins I'M hind, who litis been dniuj; bus iness in California for :i long lime, will heroine a resident of Medford, having invented in property loealed in West MeiU'ortl. He Iiiih rerenlly relumed from a visit lo Hwedeii. A. ('. Walker, manager of the Settle nieier nursery, located near ( 'iut nil Point, y:ih in Med lord one day I his week. Me informs us that grasshoppers are unusually numerous and destructive in that part of the county this year, ajid are depredat ing the young orchardH a s well as gardens and fields. Medford has made great strides fur ward during I he past few years, but I1MJN will be the star in (he way of pub lie progress, The first of the year will see the cul mi nation of many subs tail tial improvements (hat. will put our city still further in advance of the tit her towns of southern regou JACKSONVILLE NEWS. Mrs. I. II. .lut'k.snn and duugliter Miiiuie are .sojourning at Newport. Miss Marie Miles has returned to Ashland after a week's visit with Mrs. It. 11. Nancy. Thursday Mr. and Mrs. Adam Schmidt entertained I I Ifedmen at dinner. Ned less lo say that they hint n royal time. I'. Hi iggs, post muster of Hul le l-'alle, came dou u from that place Kri day and is spending a week in town M ish Josephine Donegal), ft ho has been spending the hist few weeks nt I'olestin, re1urne heme Tliurdav eve mug. Mrs. Mary I'eter and daughter Ituih and M is. New bury joined M rs. Mn.ir and Miss Peter at (Vlextlll this week and will ramp there for tie- ne in. .nth IIMOIii!IOK, Oil., Aug. Work luis been commenced on n new piece of road down the Klamath river, ami when completed will remove the last steep grade between II orubrook and Happy t'amp. A large force of men ia on the job, and it will be completed within :t) days. The road funds of this district were a little short, owing to the exten sive road work that has been done this year, so the people of the community hipped in and will add a donation of a few hundred dollars to help along the work. This new road wus u 1) I lm t whs I'sswry In liriuu nearly oil hp Klinn ! a 111 river Iravi'l In llnrnlmmk, anil il will he n liiK hi li l(. the liusinpsH f D lliin romniunit v. Tonight the Last Chance To Buy All Goods in This Store AT REDUCED PRICES Motliotlist Episcopal Church, B street. "(lunriliiiK Vnur (liealest TreiiHiire" wil ll.e hi- aalijeel next S:,l,l,alll at II a. III. At niejit I lie .,iiKrcK:ltiiil' will iill ill I hi- lliu.il m.'Cliiitf to lie hel.l at I lie Haplist elnireh. Sabbath whonl ami Spwiirtli league at tlie usual our. Ml are in viti'il. New Cusen. Aliinro Wimer et nx. vs. (ielierat Ma hinerv riiniKiny; suit to n irt title. MARRIED. THE EAGLE PHARMACY Wlli: vol- WAST TO HKT A I.I. KIN'llS or nui'd stouk coons, PHOI'UIKTAHY KKMK IHCH. I'liKSlltll'TIONS A i '"'lit VTKI.V I' It K i'Aiti:n. r i x k pki; n-Mi:s. STATIOXKI'V. I IliAltS AXIi COST A I. IAHIW We do exactly as we say EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED Excepting only the lines of contract goods such as thread, patterns and needles, also calicoes and Canvassing BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. C Street, Just North of Jackson County Bank Too Lato to Classify. WAN T Kl -Team for h'lit ,,r, linr,l work, Soil 1IMHI. pound lunges. Ad.lress V. II. li.. The Tribune. COLVIO & DURHAM, Attorueys-at-Iiaw. Oeo. II. Durham, Ornnts Pass, Oi. Win M. Colvii, Medford, Or. 0IU8H0LM ft MARTIN Himisp Pnintint;, Paper Hanging am) Tinting. All work guaranteed. I'hone J,.'!. I.oi'kbot lt'.'i, Medford. Or. Medford Fumituro Co., Undertaken Iay phone IIM; Night Phnnra: I". V. Conklin .1. II. Butler MS. NONE BETTER j TRIVATE DETECTIVE ANt COL EECTION AOENCT. i Look Hex SOS. ' Mod ford, Or. E. R. SEELY. M. D. I'liveiciaD and Surgeon MliIitu Kijuippril 0x'rating Rooms I X lin.v Ot'ti.e Hours, 10 12, 2 4 I'. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. OO TO DR. OOBLE FOR YOUR QLA8SE& AT KING'S TODAY Orange Sherbet Maple Mousa Vanilla Ice Cream Cantaloupe Sundae Woodland Sundae Our drinks are originated and put up by an expert We do no imitating Once they are tried, you will have no substitutes Olleal Parlor in IVrrv ' Warekou ' SKVKNTU STRKKT. When others fail. ,-hII on DR. E. J. BONNER. Kve Specialist. Ofl'ne ,n the Grand ThfitiW bids rh'"" 3"' Seventh nd MapoUc. O. M. JONES, City Scavenger, J Garbage of all kinds removed oa abort notice. ieve oraeri nun cmei oi BALL k OLOSCO0K, Contractors and Builder,. All Work Guaranteed. Offle with 0. U. PUre Baa. Phona J4. P. O. Box 77L t. 4 n 'He Uu Ho Other ButuiMa.' o o