Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 01, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Medford Daily Tribune
A Live Paper ix a Live Town.
Published every evening except Sunday.
Geokqb Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoffiw at
Medford, Oregon.
On. aoiiti, by mail or currier. . . .$0.50 Omm war, by mail..
Oltl inbssribera who dealre The Tribune mailed to Uieui at summer
.,.. ,...f.inw.i nlaces wUl please notify the office, glv-
laa city addreu and the length of time they desire paper sent to
mw addreie. On returning, please notify office In order that service
by carrier may he promptly resumed.
There are none so blind as those who will not sec, who
will not hear, who will not learn.
At the very top of this class of blind men is the little
bunch of republican machine ring rule politicians whose
open defiance and contempt for the people has placed the
party in the predicament it is in tday. At the very apex of
this pyramid of the bnnglesonie blind is Senator Kulton,
whose defeat at the hands of the people, whose rebuke at
the primaries, has taught nothing.
Senator Fulton is personally popular. People like
him because of an agreeable personality, because he was
true to his friends under duress of federal persecution,
because he refused an immunity bath and is not afraid of
a fight. But these same people do not trust him, because
of his distrust of them. . He has no faith in the people, ad
mits it, and because of proven faithlessness to their cause,
they will have none of him.
That Senator Fulton places partisanship above honor
is shown by his open advice to republican legislators to
repudiate the written pledges upon which they were elect
ed. That he is not. t rue to himself and without honor him
self when the bauble of office may be in reach, is proved
by his own announced willingness to be a candidate before
the legislature, after having pledged, himself beiore the
campaign in his Corvallis speech, thai if defeated he would
not be a candidate before the legislature.
Senator Fulton now states: "As far as mv Corvallis
speech is concerned, nothing that I have said then or that
1 nave said at any time would preclude me I mm hemg a
candidate if 1 saw fit to become one."
There is nothing but the senator's own public pledge
to prevent it, and nothing but the expressed will of the
people to override but what is personal dishonor and
defiance of he people when an office is in sight? Nothing
to such men as C. AV. Fulton.
In his Mud ford speech last; spring, Mr. Fulton ex
pressed himself in favor of popular election of senators.
"I thank God that the old method has been done away with
in Oregon forever," he said. Vet here he is a few months
later seeking to restore the old days of legislative corrup
tion that he himself may profit by it.
Those legislators who contemplate repudiating their
pledges to the people had better make the price of their
Judas Iscariotisin high enough to move out of the state
afterwards, for an indignant constituency will make short
work of them on their return. They will then have com
pleted the wreck of the republican parly in Oregon, by
destroying the tailh ot the people in its promises and
pledges, as well as in its leaders and its public servants.
in America. Yet it will only be a few years until there are
no more fish in the river if the present conditions are per
mitted to exist, and the exyerniination of fish at Grants
Pass continues.
From one to three tons of salmon mid stcelheail arc
shipped daily from Grants Pass. In .Josephine county,
fishing by seines is permitted, and the channel is virtually
blocked by seines, which extend Ihree-cpinrters of the way
across the stream from each side. The ascent of the fish
is blocked by the worse than useless Golden Drift dam,
with its apology for a fishway, and the greedy fishermen
ply their trade clear to the toe of the dam. It is against the
law, but no attempt is made to enforce the law.
Very few fish this year have reached the Gold Rav
dam, thuogh hundreds are being caught daily below the
Golden Drift dam, all of which proves conclusively what is
the matter with fishing. Defective fish ways and rapacious
fishermen, seining and non-enforcement of laws, are fast
destroying one or tlie Kogue Ifiver valley s greatest assets
game fishing.
ticlore adjourning, the great council of Rodinen passed
a vote of thanks to both The Tribune and Mail for reports
ot convention. A word ot appreciation is so unusual to
the Mail that it is still talking about it.
There are more midsummer visitors in Medford todav
than in any August since time began and they are but
the advance guard of the throng that is headed this wav.
Evidently the effect of tlie iinmunitv bath is wearing
What Papers Say
It is to be hoped that the water committee will give the
Applegate water proposition the closest investigation. In
both quality and quantity no fault can be found with the
supply, which is fed directly by inciting snows from the
peaks of the Siskiyous.
The great advantage resultant from the acceptance
wi ovf.iiv; ourii juojiomi ion as mat maoe lor mis water, is
the fact that it would render possible the irrigation of a
large section of the valley and hence materially aid in tin
development of both city and count rv.
I . . ... . .
ju some ways an open ditch with a steep gradient is
10 ne preterred to a pipeline. It is more permanent and
wui carry lar more water. I f the ditch carries L'oOO inches,
5(H) of which is used by the city, it means that the balance
will be used for extracting gold from the earth, either by
hydraulic mining or by irrigating land and making two
glades of grass and two boxes of pears grow where one oi
none grow now.
It would not be a business proposition at present for
Oiilifol i, fnnn. 4 ......4- ......1. ... I j i .
'T'""1 n'linn uci, Mini 11 CONUU1I UllU'SS NO.H NUt'll Hr-
inanent ousfoinor as tho vity wns seniml. hmco tho bring
ing in oi huh wntov would tul nmtoruuly in npbnihlinu (!)
An abundance of water would render if possible (o sur
round Medford as North Yakima is surrounded by five
acre irrigated tracts, each of which supports a familv.
(Oregon .lournul.)
One. I'cndleton Imnk in it recent slate
nu'iit hIiows it. linn of cash on liuiul $li:t
(M1..71 and due from other luniks $.'t"l,
:tsl.M4, or over Ml 1,1)00, while ciirryin
in total doponitn of $t,2!s,9S2.l. This
in nn a vera go showing of tho hanks in
all pari 8 of Oregon, a plethora of i-anh
and oonsprvntivencHH, nn inactivity on
the pint of thono who have money in
the hunk, n disposition to keep from do
in).; something wherein Ihore is any risk.
In the. city of Pendleton, when! then
are three hunks, all entrusted with lib
ernl fund ft by their depositors, a well ud
vertised woolen milt is closed for want
of someone with ft little energy, en
terprise n ml money to run it, and there
is talk of tenring this mill down anil
moving it to somo place where tho
requisite resonreos of operation nud sue.
rem, fill conduct, can ho aNsemhlcd. White
this hikes phieo n goodly nmnher of
I'endleton people who possess these de !
posits in their homo hanks, will yawn first
S. S. Stevens trniisarted hiisiness
Medford I'riday.
Adolph Lucke was up from Central
Point it few days since.
Prederiek Pratt delivered hemes and
Ih'Iiiih to Medford Priday morning.
Mrs. Walter Moore and children have
left for linker City, their old home.
M I'm. (.feorge Morse and children ar
visiting relatives living in Ashland.
.M iss Made Anderloti was up from
Mfdt'ord Sunday to see her mot tier.
Miss Ktta Sotilrh of the upper Morse
ranch spent Thursday al'ternonn in town
Henry Wise of Agard, Cat., is visit
ing relatives here. Henry used to he a
mail messenger.
P. K. Pnrrv and familv left Thursday
'evening for I heir Dead Indian ranch
!lo hunt and fist).
i John Mast's residence is well under
way under the supervision of Contrac
tor K. (. I.eese of Ashland. ;
John Calhoun is quite s'wk at his
home. Ir. County of Medford w:;s in
attendance twice Wednesday.
W. II. Taylor and family and Master;
Theodore and .Miss Sihvl Pish left the
f the week for Crater lake.
and wearily wonder whore- they will
i Me to loan a little more money at u
high rate of interest with least risk,
ami with no need of alertness, energy or
uterprise on their part to keep it em
And here one has a clear idea of :i
community disease known as "dry
rot," brought about by accumulation of
money or wealth by u few individuals
through growth of population ami ri
nig land values, rather than throngli
the mora legitimate avenues of hard
work and industry, coupled with enter
prise and pride in tho homo placo to
Keep it in the forefront of progress.
Those persons who drift into the con
tenteil zone of living off of ground
rent and interest soon contract the mat
ady of "indol once Hint lmi 't care,'
aim mi more unit more burdens In
llic rest of the community Incltinir in
i-ivii' virtues nml Hint public spirit which
strengthens tlio Inline, builds up the
town nml spreads the fame of coiintv
nud Htuti. hi short, tho interest and
ground rent caters, ho long as they are
Willlimt OrlllT "visible IMI'llllR Of Slip
port," are "deadheads" on tho vol
ume of earthly oxiste i, :iu,l make Un
lives of any number of other people
hanli'i ami more barron ill i-otiKOiint-nro.
Wnko up; KiM'p a ffoin 'I
William Hons to O. K. I'unlili,
lot block 'J, Koss addition to
It. Itcn.h to Ida Avii llillearv,
property in Ashland It
Ida Aria llilb-ary to Annie (IumIi.
property in Ashland
Kiln I', l'erry to Charles II. Oeier
lein, M acres in township :I7,
ranno i! V I si
IMirnr forlholl I.. V. M. Abbott,
lot 'J.'t, Mntlhews' addition to
Klirn .1. Oilmen In .lames Oal
braith, 'JO acres in township Itlt.
raii;e 1 K
Charles 11. Deierlein to II. V.
lluntinjjer, et nl .l n.-r.-s in
township :t-', rniiiie L' W
l'erry I). Scott to l.onise (lien
son, N V of lot L'. block
I, llarr's nddition to Medford
1. II. Soliss to William A. Wit
elier, I'll acres in section 11,
township :l"t, taxxgv W :l:
An enthusiastic angler of New York city has journeyed
all the way across the continent to fish in the Kogue river,
lured by the fame of that stream us the best fishing ground
Xutic ii hereby given that (lie un
ilersitfned will apply to tht Citv Council
of the ity of Medford, Oregon, at the
neit meeting for a license to cell spirit
oua, vinoua and inn It liquoni in quNii
titlea lend than a gallon, for the period
of six niontbs, lit his place of Innings
at tot 14, ia block 2o, in the City of
Medford, Orrtfon.
lUted Julv 10, 1908.
!. , Mills, president of tho Hank
of Ash la ml, and wife spent Tuesday
here with (i. A. Morse and family.
Professor (i. A. Standard and family
d Miss Mabel Ubhy left for their
homcMtead lo-ar Mt. Pitt Thursdnv
(leorge Kpps, one of our old resi
dents, but now of St. Johns, Or., was
up on a visit this week. Mr. Kpps was
a delegate for t he I'edmcn from St.
A parly cnmposi-d of Mr. and Mrs.
A. 1 1 oust on, M r. and M rs. A. Koborls
and ( leorge Roberts left Tuesday for
Pelican Kay, where they will rusticate
for some weeks.
S. P. Reynolds, our contractor and
builder, has just completed a fine res
idence for A. A. Davis on his ranch
east of Medford and is at home to fin
ish one for ti. A. Morse,
Thtose who visited Colestin from here
Sunday were A. II. Pisher ami wife.
Jon v and I in v Kishop, William Karl
Moore, M isses Ida and Ada K l) and
the Tribune correspondent, all say they
t-n joyeil t hemselves.
Notice is hereby glveu that the nu
dersigued will apply to the city council
of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the
next meeting for u liceimtf to sell apir
itous, vinous and malt liquors in quan
tities less thau a gallon for the period
of six itionriis, at his place of business
at lot II, iu block in the city of
Medford, Oregon,
Dated July 10, 1H08.
Notice is hureby gheu that the uudor
signed will apply to the city council of
the city of Medford, Oregou, at the
meeting to be held nu August ;t, 1103,
for a license to sell spiritous, cinous
ami malt liquors in quantities less than
a gHllou, at Ins place of business, at
lots 10 and 11, iu block 1M, in said city,
for a ihtuhI of six months.
Kated July 20, 1!0S.
A Word
to the Wise
You would feel light footed, too, if
yon had un opportunity to get a well
made, attractive suit at n money-saving
price. Wo offer you such a chance.
Kitert 's Pall and Winter Goods are
here over "iHi different st yles iu all
the late shades. Coinn and leave your
order early.
Our Summer Suits go at a great re
ductior A fit guaranteed.
Patronize home industry. Keep your
money at home. French Dry Cleaning
and Repairing Neatly Done.
A Boost and
A Boom
We take pleasure in calling to your
notice t he following words of pruiso
rom iinn who has lately visited Cole
stin: "Mr. II. 13. Cole Dear Sir: To quote
a much used phrase, L am pleasantly
surprised. 1 have been drinking your
Natural Mineral Water for a long time
because 1 fouud it was the very best on
the market, but 1 hud no idea that you
used the extreme sanitary measures that
you do to insure a perfectly pure and
clean drink. When I saw your model
bottling plant, I was amazed, and it is
small wonder that your business is in
creasing by leaps and bounds. Alt of us
old settlers an; familiar with the supe
rior medicinal qualities of the spring,
but it has remained for you to demon
strate that it is possible to bring it to
our very doors iu all its natural pur
ity. ' ' Signed Mr
Thank you.
August. 1" we will bo reiuly
to sell tiered nud sonsoued
in any .quantity at $3.00 per
tier, deliver!, or $2.00 per
tier at (he ranch.
Good Rail Wood
Sonic cedar, sawod into tier
wood, at $1.50 per tier at
the ranch or $2.50 per tier
l-'or all necessary informa
tion apply to
Medford, Oregon.
'Something which is of couiiderable
luteiett to the public generally and
M-Mford. Oregon, July 24, 1908.
The tfity of Medford, Oregon, will
receive bids at the office of Renj. M.
Collins, recorder, until li p. in. Thursday
August iJth, IfOS, for nil materials and
labor necessary to construct a twenty
mile gravity pipeline, diversion works,
reservoir, ete. A certified check for
$10,000, payable to the recorder of the
city of Medford, will be required as a
guaranteo of gooo. fnith.
Approximate quantities; 1,200,000 feet
board measure, staves; 1,000,000 pounds
steel ban l; 40,000 cubic yards excava
tion; "H barrels cement.
i 'ousuKing Krgineer.
It Assures Safety
State Depositary.
The finauoial strength of the Jai-k-mn
County Hank assures the safety of
nvory dollar of its depositors' funds.
Its management, equipment and faeil-ilii-H
enable it to furnish a banking serv
ice that is unexceled for efficieney. Your
account, subject to your cheek, is in
vited. Twenty years under same manage
ment. W. I. VAWTKR, President
0. K. MNDLEV, Cashier
The Xash bets ;t merchants' luncheon
each noon from 1 1 : 3rt to 1:30.
lielislies, soup, choice of two meats,
your favorite beverage, and coffee, for
Nash Buffet
Window and Door Screens, Block Wood
Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and
fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. I HONE 63.
J. ENYART.Preaid eut.
.1. A. PERRY, Vice-President.
JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier.
W. B. JACKSON. Ass t Cashier.
The Medford National Bank
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS 10,000
Safety Poxes to Kent. A General Banking Business
Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage
inferior meats when you
can have the liest. for the
same money hy huying
here ! We sell better meats
heeause we liny better
meats, anil keep them in
our cold storage plant,
which makes them better
Chfcr iij) a liltlr
Ami don' I he .in dreur,
Lil'n till .in if we're glad
Thiil old siiuniier is here.
The good old summer time
is here. Pur pleasure, com
fort and genuine satisfaction
Von need cigars, and we're
the people to supply you
with the very best; brands.
Cheer up and try today our
Medford 5 Gent. R R V 10 cent
and Del Marca 15 cent Clpr
on siile everywhere.
R.R.V. Cigar Works
Medford. Or.
Not ire is hereby given that the un
lr rut titled will tumlv to the citv council
which i perhnnt not generally known .of the eitv of Medford, Oregon, at the delivered
ts tne ivwtem ot prepaid orders now in j next meeting for a license to soli spir-
effect between stations of the Southern 1 itou. vinous nud matt I i triors in quan j
Pacific rompan .ind all points in the!tities less than n ballon for tho period
I'nited States. By means of this system oi six month, nt his place of business ; s,,r,'w'",r
iickcii may ne purcnaseu at Aieurord i at lot !., in block ?a), iu the citv of
rrotn any place in tne i niteti stated and
mailed or telegraphed direct to th
party wishing to come here. Sleeper
accommodations and small amounts of
cash in connection with these tickets
mar alss be furnished at the samr
Hove We Arc hi HOT
A Money
i':tll up Phone Nn. v.'i.'i and liav
ii for .1 (lavs' frco trial
Mt'dfor.l, Orceini.
Palc.l .Tnlv li.
"'((liil.T Water Vower Co.
( ll't'i.-e Xl IVr.l Seventh St..
I (pp. .ute llii; Kleetrie Sign.
Wo fully realize that there is a ma
jority of people who always wish the
very he-it. These people are wise. Tim
liest is alwavs the cheapest in the. long
Especially is this true of our
ITHK W1IITK" FI.OCH. in so much
as any housewife who has tried it knows
lll.'ll II tn.'IKOS many rnuatw . .uo
'""I sack than ordinary flour. Don't be
penny wise and pound foolish, but buy
lite best flour, i. e., "Pure White." of
The lirst "try" iu any line
of o f fort is not u s u a 1 1 v
Three tjiles soutk of M-edford nd 2Mi
Allen & Reagan
TllK lilfiil'KltV (l TllK COK.VER
in sins tnicts to suit the purrnaser.
The flr "try" In injr lint of effort eiloUgll. " Tl'V again " is a sin- One fourth cb, balanee in three pay
Ii noi usually enouli. "Try Again" l'.r1 q ..1,1 .... pVii..i-im.... .f m""- ri" ' 0PPortc,,".T for
a as old at-ip.rienr of tm-l11 aS ' UI ,,S eXI'" 1,11,1 01 , men of tin.ll means. Luted with all
man affairs. UlUliaU Ultail'S. . the agents.
Anybody wishing to invest iu one 0
miles west of Phoenix, is now rut up j the neatest, most modern and best loeet-
ed homes in Medford,
P. O. Boi 44S.
should adrJess
Medford Tribune,
SOo Mot.
P. O. Bom 4t.