Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, July 29, 1908, Page 2, Image 2

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Medford Daily Tribune
A Live Paper ix a Live Town.
Published every evening except Sunday.
Geokqs Putnam, Editor and Manager.
Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postoff ice at
Medford, Oregon.
On. montfa, by mail or carrier. . . .0.S .. year, by mail. ..
Olty subscriber, who dln The Tribun. mailed t. i tbtm t u"
iworta or other ouVof-towu place will pleas, notify to. offic, glT-
STdty .ddrew and th. length of tin., they dealr. paper stmt to
wwWldr.ii. On returning, pleaae notify office 1 order that rvlc
y oarrler may be promptly resumed.
The independence party, holding n "national conven
tion" in Chicago this week, is a travesty on independence.
It lias no independence of any kind, hut. in dependent in
nvoi'i- wnv nnon the nockclhook of W. R, Hearst, its ere-
ator'and inspiration. Were
would lie no more "independence party."
'Phis nersonallv conducted organization is an open
houffe nolitica! party. It is
satire upon American politics mid politicians and should
have the same effect upon political parties that, Don
Quixote had upon medieval chivalry destroy them by
showing their absurdity.
The independence party has been incorporated by W.
R. Hearst and his hired men the same as any other corpo
ration. It is controlled absolutely by him and can be de
livered body, soul and breeches to anyone who pays the
price. He delivered it to Tammany when he ran for gov
ernor, he sold it to the republicans in the following elec
tion, add is today in league with the republicans with the
sole idea of defeating Bryan.
Every organizer of the independence party draws a
salary from Hearst. Most
ployes or lawyers on the Hearst
to the "national convent ion
no sentiment or popular support behind any one of them.
Organization is effected in various states, as it, was m Ore
gon, by the arrival of a paid agent, who advertises for
members and by promises of free advertising and publicity
in the Hearst papers, by providing special cars and hotel
accommodations, rounds up enough to be called a "dele
gation." I?nt they represent no one except Hearst and
Hearst; is a discredited demagogue, whose power for
good or evil has long been on the wane. He has no morals
of any kind nothing but a clamorous pretense. He keeps
beating his yellow journal tom-tom, crying against known
evils, that lie may delude, mislead and betray sincere fol
lowers. Wherever he is known, his insincerity is despised;
and he is weakest where best, known. He denounces both
old parties as rotten but neither are as rotten as his -own
third party, which represents himself and therefore ran
have no principle.
Shouting against, the Southern Pacific in California,
Hearst stopped his warfare for .$1000 a month "advertis
ing." Clamoring against corruption in politics, Hearst de
feated .Franklin K. Lane and Theodore Bell for governor
in the (1 olden State to insure llarriman's control. Posing
as champion of honesty, Hearst supported Sclnnitz and
Rucf in three campaigns and is now fighting the graft
prosecution. Advocating purity in politics, Hearst spent
a fortune buying votes to nominate- himself in the national
democratic convention four years ago, and because some
one bought it ahead of him, he repudiates democracy. Pic
turing himself the defender of the people from corrupt
bosses, Hearst leagued himself with Murphy of Tammany
or Piatt and Odell as occasion offered, lie fought Roose
velt's every reform. And now he lends his fake third party
in an effort, to block these reforms by defeating Hryan as
he defeated ISell in California.
Hearst says that Hryan is "a knight in motley." On
a relative basis. Hearst himself wears the livery of lhat
class of night animals known as the genus Mephitis (the
The Portland Oregonian has renewed its policy of dis
rupting the republican party just before a political cam
paign, so that factional strife thereby engendered will
make possible democratic success. It is now demanding
the removal of W. M. Cake as state chairman because
is a believer in (Statement Xo. 1. It says:
"Jt will be impossible to
in Oregon under the leadership
tion of a democrat (Chamberlain) to the senate. Repub
licans have no confidence m
low it. Mr. Cake and others, who are pledged to the elec
tion of Mr. Chamberlain, will not be permitted to lead
the republican party further, to its final betrayal and un
doing." "The only chance is to repudiate such leadership. Oth
erwise the, state will g l.r Bryan with a rush. Xcw or
ganisation of the republican party in indispensable, if
hopeful ef rort. is to he made for the republican candidate
for the presidency in the state."
This is a sample of w rule or ruin noliev r ,11.1,,.,,....
pursued by the Oregonian, whose ,.lH..r Ktin'oherishoH the
delusion that were btatenient
. .5.00
the pocket book to close, there
a tremendous joke, a huge
ot them are newspaper em
payroll. Every "delegate
is paid tor going. I Here is
carrv on a campaign for Taft
of men pledged to the ele
such leadership; will not fol
No. J out of tho wuy, he
might' buy the senator.ship, aud because it is not out of
the way, and those elected will not violate their solemn
pledges, he endeavors to create friction enough to help
carry the state for Bryan.
Cake's removal or attempted removal will stir up such
a rumpus that it will completely wreck the G. O. P. cam
paign, and then the Oregonian will point to Statement
No. 1 as the cause of disaster, when it will not be Statement
Xo. 1 at all, but the feuds st irred up by the paper.
What the people of Oregon think of forcing legislators
to vote for popular choice for senator was shown by the
tremendous majority given the proposed amendment at
the .June election, when only a few thousand votes could
be mustered in favor of the old system.'
There was K man three feet nnm'iil
Went HwitiKiiine in u rink.
Ill) hired a (dim mini's bulbing unit,
(if course hi did nut think.
It took ii ii hour to get it mi;
It (lid lit rather tight,
Then ho strolled the sandy lmnk.
Wiin he- nut a night ?
" : I
A friend f bin stopped np behind,
And whispered in bin ear:
"Ymir suit in split cleiin up Hie biiek,"
The rent he did not heiir.
A dive iliiwn, down lie went;
He hit the bottom hlird;
Hie mouth wild filled with water;
The cement floor was marred.
A fellow quickly pulled him out.
A hero iirave was lie,
The fat guy squealed: "Iion't pull me
Don't let the ladies Hce."
He wrote at once to Carnegie,
For n mednl of pure tin,
For the mniden coy who saved him
With a handy safety pin.
Tess Miirslinll.
(IudiannpoliH News, Kep.)
Whatever may bo said by our dis
appointed eastern friends, ltryan was
freely chosen. He represents the, rank
and file rather than the organization of
liis party. It is idle to deny his
strength. A man that could maintain
himself thus for 1'J years, lifter two
crushing defeats, and could again carry
iff the honor almost without ll contest,
is a strong man. There is only one
possible explanation of tho phenomenon
that does not consist with this view, nud
Ihnt is that many democrats bellcvod
that their party would bo defeated any
how, and that they preferred Hint it
should be defeated under Bryan feel
ing that auollier defeat would end him
rather than under nnyouo else. Un
doubtedly there was sometliiug of this.
Hut it is not of itself enough to account
for what has happened. Wo believe
I hat if will have to lie e.dmilted Hint
Hryan was the fair choice, of his party
that he was nominated simply because
Ihe democratic parly wanted him to be
We think farther as we have ninnv
times said that Mr. Hryan is stronger
with the people than he ever was be
fore, and that the republicans will make
, great mistake if they assume that he
an easily be defeated. For the mini
in iuite as popular as lie ever was, has
inte as sluing a hold on the affections
of Ihe people, and yet he has grown in
wiNiloin, ami is. we believe, less rail-
No wiso student of events will be
deceived by the enl husiasin of tho hour,
lint neither will such u man shut his
eyes to it, or refuse lo sea in il a source
of encouragement for the demociiils. It
is no holiday campaign on which the
republicans are entering. 'I'hey will have
to fight for every foot of ground. It is
possible lhat, in the light of delibern
tiou, the out husiasin for llrviAi inav
wane, nml Hint enthusiasm for Taft
of which there is now little mnv de
velop. It may be, ton, us it has been in
Hie past, lhat the people will content
(heniselves with shouting for Hryan,
and then go quietly ,,nd vote the other
ticket. As to this, it is impossible now
to know anything. All that we can
say. all Hint anyone can sav, is that
Mr. Hryan 's nomination has roused
great enthusiasm, Hint he is the freo
choice of his party; Hint that party
is united as it has not beeu for HI years;
Hint Hryan is stronger than he ever was
before. ( ml Hint people are no longer
afraid of him at least to the extent
thai they once were. The situation
has changed in many wavs, nud every
change is favorable lo Hrvnn.
Prohibition in Curry County.
(Weddeibiiin Hiidium.)
The success of the prohibition move
voting ,rv n largo u.rtion of
the stale of Oregon has not made good
for the cause of t pernnce, for the
reason that the "jug behind the door"
nud the bottle mid demijohn in the
brush is lending the tender' youths from
the nge of El upwards in paths which
will terminate iu social and moral des-
iiuiioii. eiiiue lurry went drv the
lemi.iolins linve been coming to the dif
ferent parts of t lie county in great mini
bers, and upon each ocension when
.I,......,., 1... .... 1 , .
"'' " nail III the various
minuets mere lias been more drunken
ness than was eiistomnrv when the sn
loons existed. Xot onl'v more drunk
eness. but different drunkards. Tin
place of the older .hunks hss been Ink
in youtlis trom 1,1 upwards. This
I'omiition is brought nhout bv certain
Kiiormii una vicious vouno- men l,
iniiiK it n smart thing to debnuch the
lender youth and by some unprincipled
ones who desire to degrade the youth
fill ones thnt they mnv have unifit in
Hie operation of n bliiol nin (1 1. ..i
lent that the effort of Hie prohibition
ils has not provided a to siu
press the evil they desired, nor can such
nn end be achieved bv the methods
lopted, and unless the moral tone of
(he various communities mi be im.
proved all efforts for the suppression
of the drinking habit will be fruitless.
. Bee us for bargains We have farms
for sale, well improved; good orchards;
risk toll; t0 to tod per acre. Pearl
Write. Brownsville l.arol Investment
Co., SrewatTtUa, Orafaa. tf
Classified Advertisements
One Cent a Word No tingle Inset.
tlous less than 15 cents, Six insertions
for the prlee of four. Seventy flvo
cents a line per month.
FOR RENT Furnished
board. 221 I street.
- with
FOR RENT' Largo dwelling house, nice
shady grounds, near business center;
suitable or dwelling or lodging house.
Call Gold Ray Realty Co., 208 West
Seventh at. 112
FOR BENT Modem 0 room new cot
tage; electric lights, bath, window
shades. luquire Oscnbruggn 's resi
dence, FOR RENT Two frout office rooms
and one large room !)6i40 in Miles
building. Inquire at premises or at
Tribune office.
FOR RENT Furnished rooms, electric
light and baths. Mrs. R. L. Hale, D
street near 11th. tf
FOR SAI.K House lent, 14x111, 4.5
wninscoting, matted floor; bargain. E.
B. Sawyer, 30.1 O street. 112
FOR SALE Choice building lot, very
close in, sightly location, in fine res
idence section; price reasonable, terms
easy. Address M, llox fiOS, Mod
foril, FOR SALE A Barred Plymouth roost
or, thoroughbred, 15 mouths old. Ad
dress P. O. liox B72. Medford.
FOR SALE Leading rooming house iu
Medford, location unsurpassed, genu
ine bargain to right party, cash prop
osition only. Wrilo 0, Box 80S. 1 IS
FOR SALE Team of ponies, thorough
ly broke for sadde or driving, single
or double; also hack and harness; a
nap. Apply L. R. F., Tribune office
FOR SALE Half interest In Hie best
business proposition in Medford. Ad
dress Box 27, Medford.
FOR SALE Residence property; 7
rooms and bath, city water, electric
lights, sewer connection. F. C. Page.
FOR SALE 15 choice lots, five min
utes from depot, near school; easy
terms. F. C. Page.
FOR SALE Sevou lb street business
property, two-story brick, 50x140; also
2:io feet on Seventh street by 50 feet
on Riverside avenue. F. C. Page.
FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the
market now; choice ten-acre tracts,
best location in the valley, L. Nee
demever, Jacksonville. "
WANTF.I) Washing and ironing done,
also one furnished room to rent. Itlti
Ninth street. Mrs. Dnrliug. 115
WANTED To rent, Oregon hotel or
resort or properly suitable for same;
purchase privilege; givo price and full
particultirs. Deutsche, 458 Newport nv.,
Chicago. 118
WAITRESS WANTED None but first
class need apply. Addresa Hotel Ore
gon, Ashlund, Or. 113
W ANTED-T-Five acres bearing orchard,
apples and pears, reasonable dislunco.
Cash. J., E. Payette, Medford. 112
WANTED bids on 14 by 20 by 22 foot
corrugated iron building with concrete
floor. Plaus aud specifications cau be
seen at our office, 200 West Seventh
street. Rogue River Electric Co. lit)
WANTED Young man who is .good
stenographer und typewriter, who can
also act as warehouse aud shipping
clerk; good salary aud good prospects
of advancement to the right man. Ad
dress P. ((. Box 418, Medford, Or. 110
WANTED To buy from 100 to"auO
head of stock sheep. Write Box 1M,
Medford, Or.
WANTED A span of good horses,
geldings or mares, whick oan be driven
or worked, sevtn or eight years old,
sound and gentle, weight 1100 or 1200
pounds. Addresa Tribune, Medford.
Tho Double-Action Rocall.
( Wciblcrhuru Itailium.)
The advantages nnd beauties of the
new recall law recently passed bv ini
tiative vote are being exemplified in
the city of Medford. where the prohibi
tionists are asking Councilman John D.
Olwell to vacate his office because lie
voted to license snloous. No doubt llie
innn who drafted this law had greater
things in view hen lie foisted it on
the people of the state, and was plan
ning to reduce senators and congress
men to the ranks, rather than raise
petty municipal cmhroglios nud come
pient endless local quarrel. Happilv
Hie law will work both wavs, and when
.me side is beaten, it can turn around
:iml invoke the recall on nnv man in
public against whom they have n
grudge. .Vnd then the other side can
get busy. And so no nil finitum. ad
unuseum. trouble without intermission.
and everybody joyously impaling his
enemy with a recnll petition. Yes. the
r.H-ll is n ami inatitutinn. Ii i.
wonder nobody ever thought of It be
tor. '
When otbera fail, call cm
Eye Specialist.
Office in the Grand Theater bldg.
Phone 35. Seventh auil Main.
Leading Rooming Uouso of the city.
Free bathe. Over Postof fiee.
Prlcca right. Pumpe 1'nrnUhed when
Contractors and Builders.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office with O. H. Pierce & Sou.
Phone 053. P. O. Box 771.
City Scavenger.
Garbage of all kinds removed on short
notice. Leave orders with chief of
Physician and Surgaon.
Office at Residence.
Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or.
Wm M. Oolvig, Medford, Or.
House Painting, Paper Hanging aud
1 Tinting. All work guaranteed.
Phone 229. Lockbox 125, Medford, Or.
Medferd Furniture Co., Undertakers
Day phone .163; Night Phones: C. W.
ConUlin 36; J. H. Butler 14S.
Lock Box 808. Medford, On.
E. R. BEELYTlarix
Physician and Surgeon
Modern Equipped Operating Rooms.
X-Raj. Oftice Hours, 10-12, 2-4 P. M.
Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg.
Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse,
"He Has No Other Business."
Will be made this season by
Linen in Oregon
as follows:
Both Ways Quo Way
Through Via
TO Portland. California.
Chicago $82.40 $87,50
St. Louis 77.40 82.50
St. Paul 68.90 81.75
Omaha 69.90 75.00
Kansas City .. G9.90 75.00
Tickets will be on sale
.Tune 19, 20.
July , 7, 22, 23.
August 6, 7, 21, 22.
Wood for return in 90 days
with stopover privileges at
pleasure within limits.
For auj' further information
rail on
Local Agent, or write to
WM. M 'MURRAY, General
Passenger Agent, Portland,
mjiiau i ii .j-im ji i juj'-J
A Word
to the Wise
You Would tYrl light - food "I. 1 4, if
ymi Imd nil opportunity to gi't n v
nia-li nttrnt'tm unit ttt n money iiv
ing prift. W ot'frr you mu h a elutrn'o
KitVrt ' Fall an.l Wintrr tio.MN ;,r.
lion1 over .nn liHVretit xfylen in nil
tin In t o lial'. t tut- aii'I have inr
oritur rarly.
Our Summer Suits go At A great re
ductior. A fit guarantt-l.
Patronize home industry. Ktwp your
money t home. French Dry ClcAning
nud Repairing Neatly Done.
Stat Depositary.
Window and Door Screens, Block Wood
Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and
fancy grills. F, BETWEBN 6TH AND 7TH STS. I HONE 63.
Don't Bother to Cook
It's too hot. Get what you want aire Iv
prepared; we have it.
We cater to those who want the best.
Copts iiiht
.1. K. KNYAHT.l'ri'sid cnt.
.1. A. PKHRY, Vice-President.
The Medford
CAPITAL $50,000
SURPLUS 10,000
Safety Poxes to Rent. A General Banking Business
Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage
anything but the host. TE it is meat, you are
sure to get the best here, with the price no more
than elsewhere.
Medford Meat Company
Next Hotel Xash. Medford, Or.
Notice is hereby gtvrn tlist the un
lersigned will apply to the pity council
.if the city of Medford, Oregon, at the
ni'xt meeting for a license to sell spir
?tons, vinous and malt liquors in quan
lities less than a gallon for the period
f six months, at bis place of business
ii lot 11, in block 2u, in the city of
.Uedford, Oregon.
Hated July 10. 1908.
Notice is hereby given that the usder
iiiutil will apply to the city council of
the city of Medford. Oregon, st the
meeting to be held on Augimt 3, IMS,
for a license to sell spiritous, cinous
and malt liiplors in quantities less than
a gallon, at his place of business, at
lot 10 nml 1 1, in block 21. in said city,
for a period of six months.
haled .Inly 20, 1!0S,
Office of City Trcnur.r, Medford,
Oregon, July 20, 1H0S. '
Notice is ber.-by given that there are
funds in the eity treasury fv the re
demption of light aud water fund war
rants No," to 1H.V2, inclusive, pro
tested IVecmhcr S, 1W7.
Interest on same will cease after Ihe
above date.
110 L. L. JACOBS, City Treasurer.
It Assures Safety
The financial strength of the Jack
son County Bank assures the safety of
t-very dollar of ita depositors' funds.
Its management, equipment and facil
ities enable it to furnish a banking serv
ice Hint is unexceled for efficiency. Your
account, subject to your check, 1b in
vited. Twenty years under same manage
ment. V. I. VAWTKR, Prtfsideut
G. R. L1NDLEY, Cashier
The Nash hots a merchants' luncheon
ea. h noon from 11:30 to 1:30.
lielishtt.-t, bo up, choice of two meats,
your favorite beverage and coffee, for
"ii cents.
Nash Buffet
you want n stylish aud comfortable suit
of clothing thnt will hang well and
not bag at the knees and wrinkle in
tho slightest dampness. "We have pro
vided the lightest woight serges and
tweeds for summer suits, and will make
them up to give you a perfect fit and
tho distingue air of a gentleman.
.10HN 8. ORTH, Cashier.
W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cnshier.
National Bank
Mxlford, Oregon, July 24, 190S.
The eity of Medford, Oregon, will
receive bids at the office of Benj. M.
Collius, recorder, until 0 p. m. Thursday
August 0th, llios, for all materials and
labor necessary to construct a twenty
mile gravity pipeline, diversion works,
reservoir, etc. A certified check for
10.000, payable to the recorder of the
city of Medford, will be required as a
guarantee of goon faith.
Approximate quantities: 1,200,000 feet
hoard measure, staves; 1,000,000 pounds
steel hands; 40,o0 cubic vards excava
tion; sno barrels cement.'
Consulting Kngioeer.
I 't orfe do not appreciate
something for nothingit is
human nature to value only
that which is paid for. The
Tribune's circulation $ paid.