Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, July 26, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    Social and Personal
Tbe old reliable Albany Nunories.
X have the largest atock of fruit tree
ud the Pacific coaat. Pears, apple,
peacb, plums, apricots, nectarines, cher
ries, English walnuts, shade and orna
mental trees, berries, rose and shrubs,
all of which I offer at lowest prices
cousistent with first-class nursery stock.
Having been with this nursery 15 years,
I can guarantee all stock to be true to
name and free from disease. 1 handle
nothing but Oregon grown trees.
MM ford, Or
lion. J. W. Perkins haa returned from
a visit to Portland.
District Attorney' If nlkey has been
making UrauM I'ass' an ufficiul iit.
Frank Wilson, who ha been seriously
ill, i$ much improved. .
Rev. M. J. Goodlieart of AHhland has
left for California on an extended visit.
Mrs. Grace Pope of Gold Hill pre
cinct was a Medford viuitor Monday.
M. H. Rountrne of Jacksonville was
in Med ford Monday morning.
0. A. Hubbard is down from Big
Butte, but will not stay long.
L. Bergen of Phoenix was in Med
ford Bat unlay tnintiaetiug buinen.
Bert Anderaou made a busint-a trip
south a few day ag.
Dr. G. JI. Carter wan among tbe many
who ape nt Hunilay at t'oleutin.
Jesse AppU-gate, deputy county a
sensor, was at Aahland Sunday viftiting
his family.
F. W. Streets was down from Ward 'a
Creek district, near Woodville, where be
ifi getting out a large ore hard iu com
pany with Mr, Bagley.
John Hair of Fools creek district was
among tlie many in Med ford it tiring the
past week.
8. J. BouBHiitn, who Uvea near Jack
sonville, tra unacted busiuesa In Med
ford Monday.
3. J. Pankev was in Medford Mnlnv. The fololwlng quotations are an im
Ho is raising a large quantity of fine partial report of tbe prises paid by Med-
Notioe is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to tbe City Council
of the City of Medford, Oregon, at the
neit meeting for a license to tell apirit
ous, vinous and malt liquors in quan
tities less than a gallon, for the period
of six mouths, at his pi are of busines
at lot 14, in block 20, in the City of
Medford, Oregon.
Dated July 16, 1908.
Three miles south of Medford and 2 Mr
milesr west of Phoenix, is now cut up
in small tracts to suit the purchaser.
One fourth cash, balaneo in three pay
ments. This fa a rare opportunity for
men of small means. Listed with all
the agent.
X ....t..!.!, ....... T.A,.
Mihb Maymo Ragwlale haa returned
t from Han Francisco and is officiating as
day clerk in the office of the Hotel
v Charles Pankey aud his family of
if Klamath county ia making this valley
? a visit. .
,i Mrs. S. A, Foudray of Phoenix ia at
Ashland receiving -treatment at the
Southern Oregon honpltnl.
Mm. T. J. Kenney of .lackKonville in
f visiting her sister, Mra. L. L. Havage,
of Dunsmuir, Cal.
; Oliver Dews and his family of AhIi
land havo been viniting relativea living
in Jacksonvillo.
It Mm. Howard Morton, after a viit in
Jacksonville, haa returned to tho Wil
W lametto valley.
j L. Niednrmeyer whh over from Jaek-
Houville But unlay. To ri'porta that the
tl grannliopp(;rH are doing considerable
damage in his iifigliborhood.
Editor Lynn Piirdiu of the UuM Hill
ft News ia eampiug 'and hunting in the ,
& mountains. !
J. Mil renin and M. M. Welch, the min (
cm, who are located In Jacksonville, I
& woro rucont 'visitors in Medford. I
jv Goorgo :McClellau of Gold Hill was
iu Medfu'rd a few days Him-eon gv
)' emmeiit laud litiai nrHH.
u Georgo KppH, thi eli'clrieiau, h a
member of tho great council of the Tin-
proved Order of Uednien, now in hchhiuu
Medford.' Jio repreannta 8t. Johns
George Mima, the horliculturust, who
ia pro)agating an oxteimive orchard nut
far from ( mitral Point, ih viaiting in
MesHrn. Cliamplin, Thompson und
Hiunmeraley formed nn automobile- par
ty from Gold Hill to Medfurd Monday
;.' Peter Deisch, Ino lawyer, in niHlinit
4ng ot tho ranch of F. Mongoz in Big
' Applegate.
Mia Daisy McFarlnnd of Albany in
tho guest of Mr. K. Chapman of Jack
sonville. Misa Daisy I luff i.t. trained norm-.
who has been visiting in Medford and
ford dealers:
Wheat $1 per bushel.
Wheat HZc per bushel.
Flour $L'.75 per cwt.
Whole barley $3 per ton.
Hay $12 per ton.
Alfalfa $10 per ton.
New potatoes $1.25 per ewt. r
Butter 40c per roH.
Lard 10c per pound.
Beans 6c per pound.
Eggs 22ic per dozen.
Hugar $0.00 per cwt.
Turkeys 13c per pound.
Poultry Spring, $2 to $3; hens, $3.50
to $4 per dozen.
Hams 12c per pound.
Shoulders 10c per pound.
Hogs 4c to 6c per pound.
Cattle 2 to 3 Vic per ponnd.
Anybody wishing to Invest iu one of
the neatest, most niodorn and beat locat
od homes ia Medford, should adrdess
P. O. Box 448.
Medford Tribune, 60s per month.
-. -! vi. !
r .).,,: v. t--
iMiutuxraiiliiliK ImbicB uutl hiiiiiII uhil
riMi. Thu btHt tiiuu tu K)t u guod
picturi! uf u haby nr Hiiuill rbild m wben
it'b in IIih "iiiuimI." ur IVuliitg iruud.
A 00(1 rocciit: Oivi tbe child a jood
niip, I'erd well, dfcmi (iiickly tuid tuko it
tu Hit iilmtuirrunliKr. It nuirlit Minn tu
.lucksonvillo, ri-tiifiipd to lllfiidiile thin ! h0 fueling it, best. NiiiH ur 10 oVluck
WPe'(' I in tbu iiiurnin ih a guud tiino tu pbo
Kcv. I!. K. Uiinlui, iroHiilinK elder uf i,KrHli babicH. Do nut wait until IuIh
tills dintrirt, Iiiih bwii liuldinu tho last jl,, ,0 aftiTnoua, when the child in
(iiartorly inwtinKH uf I lip cunfcrciicc and warm and Ihn lithl IB pour;
.vt'n'- 1 1 r.v I lie carlv fiircnuull. I'hlliliiilu )h
Charles 11. l'ii.rco, liri'sident uf Ihc i-ih inaku ,il,il,il,. v th. I,, ..I,.. -I .,r
A.. I. i ..t . "
risiuuiiu vanning I'uuijmny, wnu rup- tinmh
rusi'ntea the local lodxo of Klks at the
aniinal inoothi( of the. grand lodgo at
Dallas, Tux., is at homo again.
A. Bridguinn, chief accountant at the
Hllie Ledgu for sullle time, will soon
go doutli, probably as far as Mexico.
Clyde Mlinw of Vreka, Cal., is visiting
his parents, Dr. and Airs. T. T. Hliaw,
of Jacksonville.
H. M. Ilmvk of Dig Hutto ia in Med
ford. He owns a splendid water right
on Clark's creek, which he is willing tu
dispose of at a very low price. 'I'll in
would supply Medfurd with Will inches
ur mountain, water, pure and soft.
Game Warden Messier caused the ar i
rest of Tom Bihlerbnck, Charles and
Prank Itevuohls on a charge uf killing
deer out of season. A jury trial in
Justice Morelock's court at Hold Hill!
(Inclosed the fact that only Charles
Reynolds was guilty and he was fi 1
which sum he paid. !
Colonel Enimrtt Calahau of linker
City, Or., passed through on the snath
bound pansonger train for San I'nin
Cisco to argue a ease before the court
of appeals, the "Lost I'ine Mine," in
Idaho, iu which is interested the heirs
of Lord roiisouhy and Nir Charles Dil
lon. This case is so uld its whiskers
are simply mildewed, but, true to tholr
originality, John Hull never lets go nn-
til he has to. For L'4 years litigation!
has been the bone' of controversy in I
this cae, which means in all probabil- !
ity as far as the lawyers go, lo be case j
of God been kind to the orphan. '
Thi are mure expeusivo than
the common finish, but the results are
beyond couipnriaoii.
Over Model Clothing Storn
I'OII iSAI.K House lent, 14x1(1, 4..ri
wainscoting, matted flour; bargain. K. 1
H. Hnwyer, lloll C street. 112 I
' " ' ' - " t
Ev(!iy married woman in Jackson county knows that she is going to need more or less Muslin,
Sheeting, Print Cloth, Gingham,, Outin g, Crash, Calico, Percales, Shirtings, Table Padding,
AVlile Lawns, Table Linen and Napkin s, Notion's, "Waists and Underwear, Skirts, Waists and
Fancy Goods. Listen. Such things as you know you are going to need had best be bought before .
the store closes Saturday night. You can believe this or not just as you like, hut you will be the
loser hi not tilling advantage of the reduced prices we are making. We are making reductions
ranging from 15 to 60 per cent oil every article in the store except five lines of contract goods
that j'ou wouldn't buy over one dollar's worth taken altogether. If you wait you will pay more
whether you buy here or not. If you buy now and don't buy here now you are certainly paying
more, for you have been told so by our competitors themselves. You can save by buying now.
15c LAWNS A number of SHORT WRAPS for ladies UMBRELLAS, only a small CORSETS, in the famous
very neat designs 7 and misses; black, tan and lot of regular $3.00 sellers, Redfern, known the world
SUMMER GOODS that for- light wool effect; now re- now going, for choice $1.50 over, the Sahliu Perfect,
merlv sold at 25c to 35c. duced 20 TO 50 .PER; - , - . Form, Warner's and W. B.
styles, now
mm iiij'Krrn rrtnanu ,ri. t h iu ii'
now X4C J.. . '
LINEN CRAS1I 22 inches BUST RUFFLES in large "'"fS
wide, formerly 17c and 20c, assortment oi styles and all ' LACES, in Valenciennes,
for 4 13 sizes, now reduced 15 PER APRONS, the Mary Jane Clunv, Oriental and Tor-
LINEN CRASH, 18 inches
brand; one is a regular Goc chon"; many just received;
value, to sell now for. .50 reduced 15 PER CENT.
wide. for:nerlv 12 l-2c and SWEATERS that were gen
15c, for 9? uine bargains at $1 5C (each, CORSET COVERS, over EMBROIDERIES, in very
CALICO, the best American 110W 011 saie 101' omy Jpx.i
brand, black, navy, light SILK SKIRTS in all colors,
and grays .' 5 just received in stock; the
G ING 1 1 AMS that sell every- regular $15 Sorosis brand,
where for 15c, during this lor Jfrl-.oO
sale 1 10? DRESS SKIRTS, in black,
HOSIERY for ladies and "iwn aua navy; guaran
children, both in tan and
black, the regular 17c grade,
now selling at ... .12 l-2
HOSIERY for misses, all
sizes; fine 'black lisle; b'
pairs, guaranteed to wear
dozen to snow you in
a new lot; marked very low
to start; now reduced 15
SILK SKIRTS, in black
and colors, which formerly
sold at $5.00; each now go
ing at $3.69
teed all wool; formerly $0
to $8 each; now .....$4.00
VOILE SKIRTS, in black NECKWEAR, that fornier-
:md colors; the best values ly sold up to 30c, now mark-
ever offered at $20.00 and
$22.50; now. only . .$12.98
six months, for only $1.50 LINEN SKIRTS, in white
HOSIERY in tan, black, '' natural; regular $3.50
. white and brown, for ladies sellers here; now on sale
and misses; best 25c and at $2.98
35e grades, for 21 RAINCOATS, in several
VESTS in low neck and neat patterns; the guaran-
good assortments ; also
beautiful Insertions ; reduc
ed 15 TO 50 PER CENT.
RIBBONS, in plain and
fancy styles; all widths;
now on sale; reductions 15
TO 33 1-3 PER CENT.
NOTIONS, all the little
things, like pins, hairpins,
tapes, curlers, hooks and
eyes, snappers, shoe strings,
darning cotton, etc, reduced
sleeveless, gauze, all sizes, a
very good 20c value for 15
V ftSTS, low neck and sleeve
less, gauze and silk fin
ished lisle, regular (i5;
grade, for 39
teed Kenvon coat; former
price $25, sale price $12.50
in black and all colors; a
regular $2.00 and $2.25 sell
er; now only ..... .Jbl.uO
ed at, choice 17
KAIIKI Skirts and Jackets
Al'll llAl W'Ct.'a t H1 1 111 ! T ! ll il
at $2.00, now selling at, NECKWEAR, and if you
choice $1.69 have beeu here lately you
know that it is for the most
ROMPERS, for babies and part new in the last ten
small children; the regular days, reduced 15 PER
50c sellers; now going CENT.
at , 42 ? BAGS, a goodly assortment,
TABLE FELT, a new piece a" "?w styles, now selling
of table felt, formerly sold "t;1r'51J'!,'tlolls ot 15 T0 1"2
at 50c a yard, now on sale '' N an extra large as-
at.... ..' .42 sortment of the newest
styles, now reduced 15 TO
UNDERWEAR in anything $2.98 WAS IT DRESSES $2.98 WASH DRESSES 50'' PER C ENt"'
vou mav desire in simmier had t im a- no v an o '
V..;.,,.t :...,.,....!.. t lulViJilul Pi-iFO 101 ao SIIRT.T. nnnna
- - - - ' ' meaning
a uig nne ot plain and fancy
weight and goodly lines of
w inter weigh t, r e -duced
15 PER ('ENT
SUITCASE, price $11.50
. now in clearance sale
at ,....$11.33
All cases at sale prices from
$1.05 AND UP.
TRUNKS, the best; made to
sell at the prices we ask
find out the price elsewhere,
I lien come here and save
the PRO KIT.
Medford's Greatest Bargain Store.
C Street, Just North of Jackson County Bank.
back combs, side combs, etc",
now on sale at retlncti mis
of 25 PER CENT.
size, bleached and cream,
regular 15c values, for
'ily 10
HUCK TOWELS, good size,
bleached linen and cotton;
regular 20c sellers, here
at 16
Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green lath
Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished
Woods Lumber Co,
Pocahontas Flip is a good thirst quencher.- Also try a Cantaloupe Snndae
Orange Sherbet Pearl Ice Cream Vanilla Ice Cream Frozen Phosphate
We have
aoJ will .ell you a barr,l nr a oar.o.,,1. W, handle ,veral grade, and
mil give , , ,MtI of .. ,,,, 8iil(,walkSi g .ng ,n m tQwn
and what luk s, oh,, r .hrif.l,s .,,d l0Se board sidewalk in front
of your properly, ,.,. a cement contraptur ad you,u finJ
ngn,. ine D,g demand now on for oement is going to raake it hir4 t0 gat
and naturallr at an increase
Grater Lake
Lumber Go.