THE MEDFORT) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDPORD, OREGON, SATURDAY, JULY 25. IflOS. REGULATIONS FOR SHIPPERS Rates No Longer Imposed by Carrier but by Law--Recourse to Commission malt mmmtTce rotnrniHMiiii An imrfrtaut ntljntf lm W )y the liiti-mtnt iu tbe caw of A. .1. Poor Oniin com paiiy vs. C. ft. k Hail way rniiiiuiy, which affertH nil nhiil"r"- Tin- rul ing 1i a fnllowH: l.'Tlic published rnl governing trutmjiorUitiou .nHwreu two given "jmi1h iw long at it n-uiuiiiH uncanceled i an fiawl and unalt'raMt" i.llnr by tin Bbij.piT or by tbft carriiT as if that par titular rate had fofen eHtablinlii'l by a special act of congreni. Wb-a regular ly published it is Co lunger the rate impottM by the carrier, but tUn rate imported by law. B. BogardleM of the rate qu.-tcd, or inserted In a bill of lading, tlifi pub lished rate must be paid by the tthipper uod' actuully collected by the carrier, tb failure on the part of the nliipper to pay or the carrier to collect th full freight charge based upon the law fully publiHhed rate for the particular movement between two given points tfontitutiiig a breach of tho law and will nubjct either one or the other and Hornet linen both to itH penalties. -Vol even a court may interfere with a pub li.l:f l rate or authorize a departure jmiii it when it ha been voluntarily eHl'il ;:.-.;! by the carrier. .1. WIuti the shipper largely relie upon the raten ijuoteil by freight ageul and billing clerkn, the liiw chareH them with a knowledge of the lawful rare, and they will not be heard before thi eoimniftfiion to claim the benefit of a lower rate on the ground that the rail road clerk ban made a mistake in qimt iirg a lower rate for a particular tdiip meni. to permit shipper to impute neg ligence to earriera iu (putting rat eft and on that ground to enjoy the rate fjtiot ei in-twi.l of paying the lawfully pub limbed rat would open a way for tlie payment of rebates and mibt in prac tical result work fl repeal of the law. 4. If a carrier, contrary to shipper instruction, forwards earn by a more expenwive infttend of a ehrupi-r rmite or without any iiiHtruitioiis sendft the cam by the more expensive route, huHi act ion in prima facie without ji.stifi cation and coulitute() a fair baton for repnrutioit, but if the nliip(-er given d f iuit. iiiHtructiiniM Ui move enra by tin more expensive route the carrier in relic vi-d of the obligntion to forward by the cheaper route. I'aiikey vn. It. & I. 31 p. X't, cited and approved. Sue ui for bargains We have farnm for ale,well improved; good orcaardH; riuh soil; $20 to $00 per acre. 1'cara A Pirtle, HrowiiBville Laud & Investment Co., HrowjiBville. Oregon. tf Social and Personal Fred II. Hopkins left Friday for New port. Court leportr F. M. Culkius and wife are visiting Newport. , Mis KM ii a Neil of Ahland visiting Marsbficld. K. V. Carter of Anhlawl was a Med ford riHitor Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Telfer have re turned from fiig Bntte after an ab u nci- of a few mouths. Mra. C. A. Moore of Baker City and M i hh Mary Fcter of Jackftonville are onrning at Coleatin. Mm. I). II. Jack Hf m of Jaeksouville and her daughter left for Newport on Friday evening's train. E. C. Welch, C. It. Brock and J. O. Wnlker of Meadowii precinct were in Med ford Friday on land business. W. If. St-ars, who iiv-s near Central I'oint, was a Miilford visitor a few days since. F. F. Itexford ha bought .. E. Day's new residence on Jackson s' reel ; con sideration, $"500, Mrs. J. IK Fay and luly are mov ing today from her huuhe on C street opposite the post office to the next north, the residence recent ly vacated bv W. I. Vnwter. I'rofuHsor Henry F. Schafer, the new reMtdei)t of the Southern Oregon state normal school, has arrived at Aihland. He was for five years president of the Washington state normal school at Che ney and comes well recommended. MED FORD BASH ft DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixture! and all klndi of planing mill work, Including turned work and fancy grUla, F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH 8TS. 7 HONE 63. Specials :: Today Peach Ice Cream Vanilla Ice Cream Oregonian Special Peach Melba Orange Sherbet Pineapple Sherbet Cocoanut Parfait Mount Pitt Dream We don't offer rewards wilh our Ice Cream-we don't have to-it sells itself Mixed by expert-served to perfection Follow : the : Crowd : to : King's SAVING 1ST Welche'a drupe .luict', per quart $ ."!) J 1-2 gallon .jacket fine Table Syrup 'AA'i '2o pounds iMamroiii 1.50 SPECIAL. It pound can Hawaiian Pineapple, Ufie. 10 pound bag Rolled Oats ,;." ltd pounds guild Wolled Oals 1.0(1 H pounds new Dry Aprieols 1.00 Sl'FA'lAL. Our Jellies and Jams, 10c and l;"ic. ') pounds Wadcn Making Powder 1.00 Ann & Hammer Soda, per package Oii '21 liars good L-iundry Soap ?.") All (J0e Teas ( (lie leas that have cupping ((Utilities) I." Hest Lenions iu town, per dozen iTi We Still Have Butter and Bread Miller & Ewbank The One-Price Cash Store ii. Miller, the yroter, id on deck niu after short vacation. A. Me In tyre and H. Leinhton were : (wr from J;uk.uville Friday. VV. H. aiiJereon and family of Klaui- ; ath Fall Lave moved to Ashland. Ir. R. liay ban jlnf to Portland oil u business trip. 1 Mrs. Jluiupluey. Sr., of Kast Medfrd has gone to her former limue in Min nenota on a Vinit of some length. j (ieor(e Owing., the jilwtonijdier, ig ; taking a number of rxn Iknt view, i also pictures of hmiss 1ioliui. i Mr. and Mm. Hiilank arc Kend- ; ing a few weeka at the senium- at NVw port. Diedrich Lehaern of i'Iii: iiix tratisaet- , ed bn 8 in ess iu Mr.Kmd l-'riilay after- ; noon, V. T. Grieve, eom.ty :.Hess4ir eleet, , is making urrangeinen's to rvmuve to j .fackiwinvillc. f. Tow lie made Medfonl a visit one day thin week. lie wan formerly j eonneeted with the ( 'ndnhy Packing ; company. j Rev, father Leveiue of Anhland was I iu iledford (he fore part of the week in reepouae to a nick call. He wan accompanied by Pierre Provost. J. W. Sherwood, state commander of j the Knighta of the Maceabets, has been ! in the valley lately in the interests of I that order. ' Dr. P. K. HowerHox of Ashland under j went a Hurcessful 0)erutioii at an Ash- I laud hospital recently. He is now ho j jotirniug at Newport with hia family. Thomas MeAndrew and F. M. Stew i urt have returned from a two weeks' sojourn at- Ney's spring, loetite.l near! HiitHon, Cat. i Joseph J. Parker, freight elerk at the! Southern Pacific depot and bill family i have returned from their visit iu f.'al- ! iforuia. fleorg It. Lind ley, cash ier of t he lack sou County bank, and his family and Miss Lilt ie ('lric)i have returned from their outing in Klamath county. There will be a lecture oil Japan in the grove adjoining the Portland Kpis copal church this (Saturday) evening, which will bo illustrated by llini) feet of moving jrii'tnres. Walter S, King has returned from Jo sephine county, where he has bought a farm. He has sold his place in the northwestern part of Meilford to Mr. Crawford for 42500. Mr. and Mrs. U. F. King, who have been shipping iu Hnmbmllt and Meu dicino counties', California, during the past few years, arrivi-d iu the valley Friday. The latter came on to Med ford, while (leorge went on to Portland. See The Windows At the Clearance Sale Here are some of the reasons why Wh-n vou ure B.,i..K tt.r.mKh ll,, o My v.... ',.iy l.-miiifnl '.. '""'' lmliworlc. When yon visit H p,rL. v.. I he- Mirroiin-linus ....My t..r..l. an.l .ar. .,k...'h wnrk. VI..-n you visit ft t.v ..r ,itv.'vo r..j..v the i.i.-i h,.m,s will, .iu- l"m,tif, v-ll k,Tt lawn, ...1 lr....H. Wl.on you go to th l....ine, ..-ii,.n. v..u naturally li.iK.-r t.. l...,k at tho !,.. wiu-lows-pi.-tur,- n.a.l.- by .nan .....I l,a.,K,.,K it .von- in tl.r- frt of II..- Stu.. WHY S lhat Ihf fronts may .r.-.-nt th.- most .1.mihiiiB a.p..,.inn.-o ,,,,,1 that tl.H K Is v b.- hoW,. t.. a.lvanlas;.-. but tho main r.-uson i that von may an.l judKe for yourself wh,tl..-r on.- ston-'i, KivinB b.-tt.-r val.i.a than another. We think our Koo,1h ahow for th.-mwlvea. HER Till-: WINDOWS SUHK. Dresses for Street, Reception, or Outing Shown in Our South Window Street Suits t In the big south window we are showing three lines of Hummer wearing apparel that every woman is cer tainly more or less interested in just now on account jf the savings. Olltinil ItitC kniiiki cloth are very desirable. UULlliy kJUtlj They are nlmo'U indispensable to the lady who goes oa au outing trip. REDUCTIONS 15 PER CENT white and colored linen in- lied" duck are just the most de sirable suit out, because they can be washed. REDUCED 15 PER CENT. Reception Gowns zrtlZ either street, or home wear, are selling now at If. PER CENT REDUCTIONS Medford's Greatest Bargain Store BAKER- SON GO. C "Street, Just North of Jackson County Bank ASHLAND COAL COMPANY MAKES FINE SHOWINO The vein is improving in every way at the Aslilaml i oal company s property tour miles east of Ashland, us progress is made in sinking the shaft. The vein is now full seven feet in width, th Inigist seam of solid coal being H inches wide,. Work is being prosecuted in the upper or mam shaft, which ha been widened to eight feet, and which is now in about L'2U (Vet from the sur lace, i here is a very good equipment in hoisting engine, boilers and out pump, but unother pump is needed to lacilitate operations, and the company is in ue.-d of substantial encouragement I nun the public in the way of subscrii lions to its stock until it shall get on a paying liasis, which t.'. A. Simons,- the present foreman of operations, think will be in a short time, says the Tidings. Mr. Simons is quite enthusiastic over the prospects, and says that with $:!.V)u to prosecute development work with he is sure he can supply Ashland with all the coal l needs lor fuel ournoses. I he property is favorably situated as lar as liansportation is concerned and I -Mr. Siiimiiih thinks that with bunker fa eihncs provided it can be hauled to ! Ashland fnr cents per ton. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Three miles luutfc of Medfurd and 2 miles west of Phoeuix, is now cut up in small tracts to suit the purchaser. One fuarth cash, balaaee in three pay ments, 'ftis is a rare opportunity fur in un of small means. Listed with all the agent. Anybody wishing to Invest iu one of the neatest, most modern and best locat ed homes in Med ford, should adrdess P. O. Boa 448. Md ford Tribuus, SOe par inootb. Just Peceived- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Mb HUADQUARTERS FOR SASH AND DOORS ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co, KILNS AND MILLS AT GLENDALE OREGON YARD AND OFFICE AT M El.) FORD, OREGON. ..:.vr Wf 9y-,-..?. I'holograpliiug babies and small chil dren. The best time to get a good picture of a baby or smutl child is when it' s in tho " mood, " or feeling good. A good receipt: fiive Ihe child a good nap, feed well, dress quickly and tnke it to the photographer. It ought then to be feeling its best. Nine or 1 o'clock in the morning s a good time to pho tograph babies. lo not wait until late the afternoon, when the child is tired and warm and the light is poor; t ry the early forennnn. Platinum pa pers make absolutely the highest grade tnimh. 1 hev urn more expensive than the common finish, but the results are beyond comparison. L. A. GREGORY MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER Over Model Clothing Store Which W ill It Be? PINEAPPLE NlfEKB'ET, ORGANUE SHER BET, STRAWJiERRY K'E CREAM, VANILLA ICECREAM. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. Dl'TTERMlLK AND SWEET CREAM AL WAYS ON TAP. ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY U.dorJ Tribune, 50c per mouth Oak Park Addition On railroad on the West Side, north of depot grounds and conveniently lot-at ed for business men seeking home sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale cheap, on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer budding inducements to anyone wishing to make the right kind of improvements. Why go out to the faraway suburbs when such fine resid'ence lots can be obtained at prices ranging from $200 to $350 per Lot situated where an advance in price is assured, and where the first benefit will be derived from the completion of the railroad to the timber 1 It pays to figure on such investments in a live town like Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two hence. For full particulars apply to the i rf5f!fi'A IN THE MOUNTAINS, ronntrv or at the seashore you waot to lie suitably uml i-oinfortubly dressed if you wish to be an fait with the fair sej, ami to be proud of yourseh' at all tino-H. We will make jour clothing li"tii ierfivt fitting, fashionable and loinl'orliible. and iu the most en-lu sive styles before leaving on your vaca tion. Wheu you want satisfaction, I'liuie to J.A.KREUZCR4C0. IMPORTERS AND TALLORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE. Rogue River Land Comp'y Exhibit Building 0 THE GRAND Sahirdnv and Monday nitfht. Min iim iiit-tuti-, nliirh don 't hurt the t-ve. liaryiii ,i j r ini:nrt-nt man. The guilty one expoxt-d. TUB DEAR BOYS AP.E HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. Make life iiu-j.-raliU- for everyone. The eh. then line r-.blied and the burro dressed up. I'addeil. TROUBLES WITH CAB 23. The driver start, out for his .lay s vv.rk; .olleets all fares in advance and then disposes of his patrons the ipiiekesl way possjM, strews "slier w an's clothes on the street A conutrv 11,-ul.en delivered at the n r.-iitf plaee I'psets ean-lv pedl.T Sinmn-ltold.e.1 of his own cab The .liuuk- ii man The breakdown t at man ( ll ,ttm f rait i oiut-itian uiet oiiision witn .lrin-k w ith trn-'kiuan -The upset nl iail. wanon Arrested t..i;ethcr lllnsiial-sl s.on; Wait Me Where tin- l.ilar Hloom. -ee.