THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIRTTNE, MEDVORD. ORF.P.ON". TTirRSPAY. JULY 23. WW. 3UEER FOSSILS I Social and Personal FOUND IN HILLS ur-.-l "I cine Strange Animals ol Ancient. America Dis covered in black Hills g JfAWV,T.,.N-, Jl, S.-Tk- W- B, ,., and tU .!.iM 9, b ft-itd fiaJn-IC '' Bt.ul of tra.jj anm.a! f an'i-n' M' ' TLruagaeut tbi r- K"" a,ia tk (. rrta-ou pnl. " H 3m.. ai.l .,f w W1"r avlH) by a ntiK-rk of ' "'- aj wr- r.-inia"'ly r'if H. ilit't'VFniliJ I'"'". "'' lij.l.ily nl""- jlll BU Tf(.ll'-.,jgb Ilia "K'"" '""! "?' (ti wkiiu lion e iwrt ami tb'-re ,M - ll" ' b"0"" a r.H-k, prtwrvcl to ll g.olojut 1-idb ar- iriur"l "i tnany 1110 t.. Ii61i' Hi" wr l.'lln, iff of ii-'itiliaa irnlurn wbitli art i'l.ubjw'l " l:himl dtarnjiliuli i volume joi ubliihJ by tbr I'mt Hlati-a (M)l.((ir4.1 aum-jr. ?L (,ratia enBijiriiKsl it' " : ami nriin, but tbe m't "il irhX w til' (!'""' 'al1'"' Tr' -il..i, a lbr't horin-il amnnil ut buif j uuw ri-jiri'iit'il iu tlii- I'liilHl Nfiliiiiuil iliuiN-iiin at Wasliiii by a kfltn nearly bi tbat u flejiliaul. An iiiiiui-iis liiiliy frill 'overt th op-r iart of Ihn o- k. air of biii-na like thou of an 01, llrr naaal linrn like tliat of a rlii i'-roa, an'l a anHit like tbat of a ' Kivi? '' '''a Trit-er:ilnis a ,ne anil ulrikiui; a.-aranie. M OralooVia fminil lli-ir fo-w! in i vrgi-latlua of 'lie waii fi-giita I inkabitnl, ami It" agim-iis by b ibey brt-ani- fitinrt are nit ft ly knowo. '4 Vaa I'vte n.a,ie a tr-.f. t.i Wed cellar. 7 haiev. ek II. ii.'t. fer. .t t .rarni i-'nt -i---lay J H I!l!'U"i j . f v kort fi-k-f trip oa tke '.." .1 F. WiikinvB kJ "ne ! Klaaiark rOMtty t- r-i.!irate a wt,dr. Mr K B I" ' Jacksonville a .!. r--" M H5!'", w'",," lay. t.t -iui.:f traL't-J Mel.'.,rl V.e.ii.-v!iy after II. M. t'i't-tin Jut ret.irue.1 from at r '.. K.-k like i-k V T. JH ray ! iir. A- K. I-avii k:l. titei kv j t r m'.:?;"r, Ufi. tore -f M i(.t-ajii. ; fi-.-i;.an tl i'fl tor aii-r ; a. J. ex;-: i. t, i3te IB tc jTrie;a ;-;-rt t't taat :Ale. Mit. . FI. Ksy at-1 tr fatnJiy tav-: ..ije to .Vewj-'n to j-et.i tte suntiser j 1 i Seawall for Frlieo. imxi lo" 'l. ' J'jly 23. A J-rp-.ti' in kirk tte ei 'j-a-iil lire -f U.1".,"' ib ike improvement of an ra3': tarte-r t.i aeswall ::!v r.l ,1 fkorvy be ;.reetitei 10 tt. cisi--or aft r-.'-nril. The p:aa w-fr dravb fr Mr. Wagner, wfc' rca4e a loiir of tte fori of tie bartevr aai rwcmitflji tte eijjetiture. .1 I.ylei bvii.a- it n. '.V I: i J (e k e eBiby. Jin a!kit; at-1 t.n .l .oifLtev. M V al w ko ka b frilOll br.ie4 i ..i.t clerk. ;-rB! ,( ,a MeJfrl We.Uljy ,(r Tkurt-iay f .r HtUk4. f..f s-Miie eot of la . 11: 1. tim. -al J..I.I. t'ik .-a-ui'-r ..f tbe Mntfofl j. ! I.ii,;.. ki fliiii.'-t from hi. ara' o.o. -1-HI AH'liJ"- ,. -ei. r.-l .1. AMUBEMENTB 'ouounceil by all tbe bi( rrowil tbat ei to the Ilijou lat i(bt an the iuovidk picture of the year, "The (liriK Heauly," a film over liKK) ' ia lenfftb ami ull bau, oloreil, ej a b. Hra win K ear.l. ni(lit' ale contain-! a fine comic pic ! "'The Merry Wnlow Waltr ." Mr. t lyile'a fobk, "'erkai." na&ibg a treiueailouii bit. Alto ri, an exci'ptiniiafly fine nkow i f Ifiven tkire tkia week. The tame on toaibt. a(,,i mai.v fi-h. a. in Me.l(r. SV. I ne!ay af',ru.-.n Me ka lie. n -;-ii,i a few w.el,, in A..!enat.- ili-tnet !,ulitiii; aii'l fi-kilij? k. r"an-eIJ. i),-..ity county a'-'. or. i. fllll-lilli Ike a--inieol of M"i for.l b j;'m by I: H lion tow uiul-r soeriff. A. T. I.iin.lreii Hat ov,-r fr.,rn Jack rnvill- Wl.l,e-l.lV. lie ll.. . HiM k . mining intere-tn in In- c.,,j-r lelt ai;'l eajfct to rloe tke tranw-'ivB il-intg the corning niontu. Mm Marian I! Towne. ,. ,ty county e.erk, an'l her Bister, Mow Anna Towne .,f 1'l'ioenii. hsa utarte.l f.,r the Yellow .tone park ami will be jone eter:il week. I)r ami Mm. U. A. 'orl- of Talent will b-ae for tke e.-mt in a short time, wkere the former will lake a .t grail iiate coiir-e. They Will to. Ill Me.lfoM ,r the jireaent. II. T. Pankey, tbe nerielie ilieriri teuileul of the ciliowy Bulte ori-har,l. ws in Jackmiliville a few il:i,v nin-e no business inter-stinif to bim-lf an. I a certain youn larly. Mr-. I.. Ilenton has sol.l her fun- resi .linie ir,iierty lmatnl on Itiversi.le avi-nue ami contuininK five acre, to L. fi Acklev, well to, lo farmer, laic ot Tillamook county. The sal' was male hy M. Illmi;t-r. .1. K. mi'l Mrs. Knyart an. I ll. W. Kiiik of Mali r'rar.ciM-o. the well known crack marksman, comprise,! a fmhiiiK party to the l:i,(ue Weilneilay ee imiiK. Mr Knyart . Ian, le. a si I ami a half ioiin.l sticlhea.l. ami a two pyo I cutthroat, while the other. eai;ht a fine niess of smaller fiah. I Mclainc, lila Xnrcr f l elitrnlj ' I'o, nt. I.ily I'.-rkins of lirnnts I'a-s. I :n ! Ir.e Winkler o? Ashlaail. I'onna Tailor !of Me.for,l. I.irie Htmll.e-k of Klani ' 'afh falls, K.lith l-oftns ami Minnie Wil : lit. of Lakeview ami Viola Nail of lil n I ,lale are airionjr (he repriw-nlaf ivi-s to I 'ike rami ImlKe of llione of Honor j tnoW in session at 1'ortlnn,!. karla J. Niitaa "f Jacksonville n 1. ;... rt.r. k.rr....f .a ta- siiei 1b ye , r.ei. itiBtri,:. . i'.. reavo-.B has Mur&el frora a tr,. to il.- i.fro.B river tt.ii.e in Sly iiy..ii coory. t aiifomia. Ur iii'i Mrs. Jonn H. butler axe speb-liti; a ft weeks ib tke kig B'Jtte sect. on. '.If M 11. .Jeniaa of Tlleat pre : cnet lss t-.-B a: Jaeksoavillt? riaitib , r .n. 'o'ji-ty i J-rk t.'olen.aa. Iir. Sily ka rltirbeij from a short i y.j..un. at .V.'Wp.rt. b-avib bis anally ! fkere. Harry llouar.l, the ejpert miner, was ; Iili...-r l.'rei-k ili.rict Wcl , iievl ay ; Mr, l.iara M ,c-I Ijalloway. who Ita. ; t.i .-b v,.i!,i: ,ii MeilorJ for aoRte lime I-ft l,.r I'ortlab'i We-lnewlay. M. SI W. 1.1,. ll.e Well known oe-c 1 t-,r i ti mill.!. rai over from Jackyno 111. -lay. Mr.. 1'. li I'cwer.i of A.hlan.l was B the iirhl,.,ii.-l train Vie.lues.lay eve : nili)f. ; A. ll. Suiler, Constable ,.f Me. If.. r.l . !i-lrirt. tsa. a l.nir.ia Visitor iu A.k aii'l "A ll,e..Jey. j . Mr A old-, KV of -San i ranciseu is in, ike -jitt-y lu rhe interest of tbe Whiter --Airii; ri.-iiiue ennipany. I M,.. I' If'rkenyoa has goue to! ' eritrai 1'otbl ,.n a visit to friends re j 4l.lllii? there. 1 K Ih, :,,.( bis taiuilv, also J A I Hubhar.l, an- on a camping trip to AppleKate. l.-lob'-l aii'l Mrs. frank liay. who linve hcen ...,.inu at HoM Hay iluriutr ike past several Weeks, are on their way i.i tio-ir in New York. Mr. aiel Mi.. Jacob Stone were iu Ut.lfor-1 Wc.lri.-i.lay. They Kill siem remove lo Ylm.-al.a. lloli(las eoiinty, for ! j-ermanebt re.i.lence. 1 I II. liiibert, the freuial repres--nla liw- of Wa'lkams. k I'o., was among ; hi. many en. Joiners in the valley ,ltirinK the week. Ileore II. Iiurham of firants Pass lias gone to I'-.rtlarul to atteud tbe an titial fiieetini; of the (rami lodge of the A. II. V. V. Mr ami Mr. K. Hafer left for I'ort ; Ian, I We-lnclay evening. The tatter will continue ,.u the way tu l.'ounril Itluffs. la., lo be join.,1 later by Mr. Ilnfer. J. I, llannio-rslev. recent candidate !,,r the l.-gi.i.'iiiire of Hold Hill, made Ins fir.t VI. .1 to Meilford since eb-c tion Wc.lries.iav. The Hon. If. I). Kubli h.i. Hot been --iti -tlliee. New Hinoer. s-JH; new Itavis, drop Inn. I, fL'H; .Vev. lioyal, seiou.l ,aml Sing.-r. s; ond haml llavis, Js; neconil hand Vi-vr Hume, $0; second hand Kelp Male, 111; second hand Sing ,-r "i. fur s.ile nil this week St the M.dford I'barmacy. NiTICE. N'otica ia keraby fivea that tke un dersiaed will apply to tbe City CouBnj vf tier Cay wf kleafnrd, Oregon, at the aext meetiEg for a lieeaae to sell p r.t oa, VibOaa and snalt liquor ia uan t.tiea lesa taaa a (alloa, for tke ps-rio-i of aia awatba, a bia place of basinrn a: lot 1, ia bloek ia tke i.'itv ot Medfto-d,, Oregon. Datt) July ia, lvua. HAftHY CAMHbKl.l. t-i1 A pair of child broken gla- .r. a rate, ffefuro to Hotel Soil , .-il.'.- reward. lo7 t ui: SALE A l-.arrci Myrtoutn roost ei, -.orongkbrid, lo months old. Ad . K . Box S'ii, Meslford. TKh-To tra-le, lull ia Mclford I r Hutte falls lots. Address .. J t' Medford. Or. I'i7 . ANTKLi five aerea bearing orchard, apples au.1 e?ars, reasr,nab!e distan.-e. a.k. J. E. Payette, Me.lfor.1. ll j Not Surprising Tlit rapi'lly iiit-n-asiii ilf lfiund for (' O L E S T I X X A T U J Al, M I X li li A L V A T E R lias sor(-h' taxfil tlie fjipai-it y nl' tin inoilcl liottliu plant i It tin sjiriii";. This lias in- j issitat'(l frf(iiciit cnlarse liicnt.s and tlif -in)li)yiiiciit of a larger fni t. Wliili tin i linsiiifss lias I'ccn (Iuiililiii,'i t-ai-li siift-cciliiig year, tluj saint i-ritiral attt-nt ion is giv- en the I'liUling as t-vor. Tlu-rc ; is a rf-asnii tor this evfr-m-frcasing Miiularity. If you liavc (-VC1- drank this piTfct-t talilc water, von know win. THE JULY CLEARANCE The one opportunity for people of Southern Oregon e ,,4 , flBe,terd,y and every day previonstbi- H ...ows that f narins. We bave al-.y. offered .be be. go,l. ,s.b.e to boy . d - ' f ,. redaetkia, that all can aee and know to be genuine We a very t'" dw,, ii-rn Oregon for their liberal patronage and assure yon that e will make good any a i... pro.e Jilsfacuirv. Buv your .upplic during the-elearance sale where all but f.w eoutratt Ell IX PRICK FROM !' TO W PER I EXT - - COOL READY-TO-WEARS XuW is the time to wear 'em ami the time to save tin Vni. Wash Jacket Suits Wash Skirts REDUCED 1& PER CENT. Princess and Wash Kimonas and Dresses Sacqn;s REDUCED 15 PER CENT. All of our waists Summer Wash Goods REDUCED 15 TO fu PER CENT REDUCED 25 TO Go PER CENT MELifuKli S I P 'I'M llA'I'l: STOKr' BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. (' Strvt NorlJi of Jarkson County Bank. notice. ; Nulirr is hfrfly given that the iinler- ! s.,)c;iit-ii will tttply to the rity r.nineil uf ritv of Mr-tJiiir.i, Ort-gtui. ut th. tittr-ctin-j; tu In LliJ oQ August .", IWS.i for u Iirr ii- tu tpirituus, cinuus ; ao-l malt liuji.jT in quantities It-s than u gullttii. at his place or hn-iiness, ar f..u hi aii-1 11. in hit-ek I'l, iu -ciiJ rity, for a jr-rio! u( six inooih-., Iut1 .Inly 19S. .HlHX IIAKKIXOT.lX. MelfurI Tribune, 50V per uitiutti. Not in the MEDFORD Combine on BUTTER Why? Because we are satisfied with a small pro fit. But our COMPETITORS are not, therefore we are forced to buy butter elsewhere. Ve believe in one price to all. One customer's Jolfar looks as 1310 to us as another's. VtlLLER & EWBANK resh Bread, Good Bread and Better Bread IN TKE MOUNTAINS. rniiiitry or at I he Ht-u -shore you want in ) tiiitnlily ami iontfortally lnsmil it" y.u wi-sb to tu' au fait with tL fair m-x. ;ui'l to u- pnnid of yourself at all tifii'. We will make your cluthiiig botn perfeit fitting, fanbiooable and runifortablc, uml in the moat exclu Htvf ntyl-vs tjefor I.-aviti( uu vuur vara tiun. When you want sat iaf action, come to J.A.KREUZER&CO. IMPORTER! AND TAILORS. PALM BUILDINO, MXDFORD. ORE. Which Will It Be? I'lNKAI'l'LK SMKKKKT, OKdANOE SHEK 15KT. STKAW HKKHV K 'K CREAM, VAX I LEA K'E ( 'HE AM ORMEK'S DELIVERED 'I'O ANY PART )F THE CITY. Itl'TTERM ILK AND SWEET CREAM AL- WAYS ON TA IV ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY Oak Park Addition On railrnad on the A Vest Side, north of depot grounds a?ul convfiiiently loratcd for liiisincss men seeking home sites elose in. These fine lots are offered for Hale eheap, on good teri'ns, and the owners are in position to offer building indin-enieiits to anyone wishing to make the right kind of improvements. AVhy go out to the faraway suburbs when sm-h fine residt-nre lots can be obtained at prices ranging from $200 to $350 per Lot situated where an advance in price is assured, and where the first benefit will be derived from the completion of the railroad to the I imberf It pays to figure on such investmtuits iu a live town like Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two hence. For full particulars apply to the Rogue River Land Comp'y Exhibit Building it is up to You What Will You Do? If you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking down your system day by day, then you may reflect for a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack age of Golden Grain Granules No man can consume his strength and retain it at the same time; he ought to replenish au equal amount daily. GOLDEN OKA IN GRANULES is far super ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had in any grocery store for 2.V. Order a package today. All grocery sell it. , THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS RKAI. ESTATK Wkmntr Lteod LMitf mul Short Kornit btaiufan.t'11 at Hrtiw Trmnfr of Lien Pjwr ut Atlurriey M-Ktianic'i Lin Bond for Ud Wuitdaim-Dswd iurlruife Lm With Tax Firm-ant Provision Option tt buy Lml Agnft Cutitrmct UidCElXANEOUa tun of su Liquor Lu'Mm Forma Notice to TrrtimsHin Criltor Ctatuii A-raioat lb.-tat ('hkttal Uortmi Ai k now tcdt((&an t Confik)ii of Judgment L'ovra fur BU.i.k FOR KENT, FOR HALfc. FURN'ISHEU ROOUS MINING ETC. tun rmnibuau-dl. Plttctw l.o (w.n butui fur lmi MtnT' Lien ummotis K s-tTCutlun Jutlrrn.fiil Tnnarrtpt Commit innt for t riAl Suich Warrant Qurt IK-Atton Watr Riajht On-nuu ttiul U. Forma Contrct to Sail Prouf ul Ubur JusrtcE of Civil and Criminal SuLpvnat Attac'imvnt , . I ndtrtiktag- and Affl- l.arnbhnunt -Jatlor Attathmtn; Will Cummltmcnt lor r ai. NotirttoJuron Jury Ord-tr dv ildvmpkint Warrant lor ArrtM HRDBATR P-.tiitonfor L.ttn of Adminl-tration. Admin ttr-U.r'. Cirutor'i and Guardian't CoiihnulnK and IWds. Ordr Si-Uln Apyt PruPt Emjit frvm Ex.Utiun; Ord.r ult.K Saleof hl and Pr-orial iTof-ny t'tlatkm: Commi-uion to ADDraiatar- Lettvr of Adinlni-ittkltwn. In venturv and Auuniumar i. t. .. n-.n t ' T-Mtain-fntary. " " Attachmfnt Noticv f (tatmUhraant lirand Jury Sutip-apna litdtcinient 1 raH-Mrript uf Judgment CIRi UIT COI RT Cinlenakmr nd ArfidvM Sum mom fr Attactinn-nt Cvtt bill Crunlnai and ( ivil Subpoena- Ex-xutkin " Sar-h W arrant Nuticv to Jurort ."F'Jt Un" " V p- ANDOFFICF."C(MTNTY COITRT AND ti t. Kir r BLANKS. s JX. All printed after the latest mid best forms. Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. cj3 Qive us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFOHD OKKQON