THE MEDFORD DA.ILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON, THURSDAY, JULY 23, ViOR. - Medford Daily Tribune A Live Pa rat ix a Live Towx. Published every cvninfj wept Sunday. MEDFORD P V B L 1 S H I X 0 C O M P A N Y Georue PrTXAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Mattel' in the Post office at Medford, Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One month, by mail or cmr 0.50 linn tsar, by mail. .. City subscribers who desire The Tribune mailed to them at summer resorts or other outof town places will please notify the office, glv In, city address aud Uio length of time they desire paper sent to new address. On returning-, please notify office In order that service by carrier may be promptly resumed. CHOP llOTATIOX SEEPRD. Soils of Hie Rogue River valley are famous for their fertility. Almost anything can lie grown with the proper attention, and because this is the case, farmers do not farm scientifically and are fas! robbing the land of its strength. Year after year, for 120 and even :!0 years, the same crop has been grown on the same ground. There has been no attempt at rotation of crops, no effort made to keep the soil from exhaustion, and season after season the earth grows poorer, robbed of the elements tint make it a profit producer. There are fields that have grown corn for ten consecu tive years. There is land that for still longer has never failed to yield a good return in wheat. There are thou sands of acres that for a score of years have produced from three to five cuttings of alfalfa, though the yield per acre is yearly lessening perceptibly. Because of its wonderful fertility, farmers seem to think Rogue River valley land cannot Tie injured by this crop exhaustion. It, can be, and is being, and if kept up, the land will eventually I me as barren as the abandoned farms of the east, which have been allowed to go back to brush and forest because farming was no longer profitable upon an exhausted land. In horticulture, this section leads the world. No region can show such commercial orchards so scientifically cared for. But in agriculture, it is way in the rear, and unskilled farming will soon make all farming unprofitable. To conserve the strength of the soil, so that each year it crows a more nrolitable the lesson farmers must learn keep their farms in an up - yearly increase in value as The federal circuit court's reversal of Judge Landis" decision is a disappointment, though not a surprise. There is no case on record where American courts ever materially hurt, a criminal corporation engaged in robbing the people. There is always some technicality that saves the wealthy lawbreaker from the consequences of crime. It was hoped that for once a trust was to be adequately punished, but Rockefeller knew what, be was talking about when he said the fine would never be paid. The Grants Pass Observer takes exception to the state ment, that the Golden Drift dam is the cause of the pool' fishing iu the Rogue. The dam is the cause because Grants Pass fishermen are allowed to string nets three-quarters of the way across the stream on each side, just below the dam, making it almost, impossible for fish to get by. An other thing is that there is no attempt to enforce the and fishing is carried on right at the base of the dam. complaint regarding' poor fishing comes from those have fished the stream for many years. WILL PARDON SOLDIER WHO DID NO WHO NO HAN FKANt'lSt'O, ( nl., July 1!3. -Privuto William Huwnldii, company A First battaliou of engineers, who is serving a three year scnteuce in penal servitude iu the military prisoii on Al cstraz island for having shaken hands with Ktiimn Uoldmau, the anarchist, nt a meeting here twu month ago, will soon be a free man. (leneral Frederick r'uiiiton, cntiiinnud iug general of the department of Cal iforuia, stated to the Tinted Press to lav thnt he hud written to the war partment nt Washington recommending thnt the man 's sentence be remitted nud that be hud received un unofficial an swer stating that clemcucv would be shown within a few weeks. Jluwalda had served 1.1 years iu the army and was regarded as a good sol dier. The episode of his shaking hands with Kmma Ooldinaii ami the subse quent courtmnrtia! creuted a seusation id every part of the I'nited States, ilis case attracted attention iu all parts of the world. SOOTTV AGAIN BRAOOINU Or HIS GREAT WEALTH SAN FIIAM ISCO, ('ul., July I'll. "I have mure bullion now tliuu 1 ever have had." said Death Valley Seotty at the St. l'raucis. Scully says that he is preparing to go to Kurope. He says thai he will ruu down to his mine in Death Valley aud gel a few mote dollars and then "beat It for the eld country.' The miner stilL itnn it... i.i.... and red .w,Dg . ,u ,)olK,w h wardrobe. The bellboy. .i, .... vantary believe that he means what t,. euys wuen lie talks about money. Tbey are iu ciaver. Med lord Tribune, 50c per month. .$5.00 croii than the vear lielore, is and practice if they would to - date way, so that they will well as in profits. law, The who CALIFORNIA DEMOCRATS TO RATIFY NOMINATIONS MAN FHA.WISCO, l'al., July mi ll was tiuuoilllced thai the tirst gelierul ratification of lite nomination of Hryati ami Kern would be held ut Dreamland pavilion here Friday night by the dem ueruta of California. The program, which was prepared yes lenlay, iucludes speeches by Theodore Hell, Jiiuies tl. Mnguire, James D. I'ho Ian, Walter MeArlhiir, Frank 11. Oould. .loscidt F. Valentine, president of the International Ship Kuilders uud iron Workers; W. A. Cole, president of the district council of carpenters; John W. Sweeney, president of the Labor Conn il and Supervisor (liauiani. FOUKTl'.KNTH HUSBAND SEEKING A DIVORCE OMAHA, Neb., July 23.- Mis. Phoebe Townsend of Oorge, Neb., is being sued lor divorce by her I4lli husband. An thoiiv Townsend, to whom she was mar ried last Januarv. lownscud. who is a wenllhv fanner. secured Ilis wife through the ndvertis ing columns of a uewspuper. .Mrs. Townsend is M years old. She had been a wife, mother and widow at 13. Of her husbands, uine are living Townsend, her present husband, is the only one of the 14 who sued, for di vorce. RECOUNT PROHI VOTES I IN HILLHBORO DISTRICT HU.I.SHoito, or.. July aa. ,lndg, T, . McBride tint grantfd a recount of the wet and dry voti-s for South HilU boro precinct, nniek . ... f ti! iikhium setting l,uor Ht xU tIl)l The ctctWutnu, . . . .. ue uecined .. . da, 0, , ,u, deciding that a reeouul be granted. ' ill be decided in a day or (be court MAKING MATCHES NOW A MAMMOTH INDUSTRY WASHINGTON, July 23. Did you over Ihiuk of the part the lowly match plays in tint progress of tin' world Did vou ever look upou ihe little phosphor his stick us mi agent of civilization? En rvwlicrc throughout the world i flic ever-present match. That old myth of savages starting fires by rubbing wo sticks together is well nigh u lost rt these days. Tuke down iu Brazil for instance, Consul Genernl Anderson, writing from ltio, declares that even In lie almost inaccessible portions of the interior, where the semi-civilized people are deprived of everything iu the way of civilized supplies, vet there are mutches to light the iniquitous cigur- te or kindle the cnmpxirc. There are, of course, some peoples yet iiiineijuuintcd with the match, but (bey uro of the lowest stratum of civ ilization. Glolie trotters have found (lie match go hand in baud with the t'irst evidence of civilization. Aud the world's output of matches is i-l'ggering n its enormous aggregate. Piouaands i ml thousands of acres of forest go lown before the axiiii-u each year to be iiiiniifuctiired into malclicH. Iu sov- rul countries match making (of the wood kindling variety) is u govern incut monopoly; a great many more uu lions reap a gooillv revenue income ach year from tuxes on their iniiuu taetlire. Just for example, Brazil's output of mutches was 02,041,400 boxes iu l!Mi7, i'ioiii which the government derived a cveniie of $1,218,384 in taxes. That lax alone amounts to over $1.50 for aeh man, woman and child in the eouu- irv. MILLIONS MADE IN MARKETING RABBITS WASHINGTON, .July !i.t. A few an itttu '"'Kill rviu of the tTOHrifo f rabbits in tin Wi'Morii slalca :in ijM'reusing horde uf bunnifH that en viiged t he run nl ry, at h up al) t lie -rrt'eii lliinuH, ami nmde life miserable Tor thy st'Uler. Tlit department ut trifiiltiiri not mi many years ago Lied ft bulletin, with some HPientifii hints uh to rabbit extermination, ami told graph. rally of the rabbit hunts, 01 riMinduiiN, wherein the citizen of per hapH Hcvoral fonnticH got together, built ;t big trap, and then chased Hr'r Halt tut in a fast enclosing circle, until he ran into the corral, where he was slaugh tered by the thousands with clubs, HrVr Rabbit wan a destroyer and a lia bility not nn nHset. Itut in these progressive days, Tas iniinin, one of the Itritish colonies, ban t'ou ml a way t o mah u hu u ny a good .ash asset, lie in trapped, split open friizi-n and shipped all the way to Kng laad, where his fur is not unacceptable la l!H)ti, tLVUM, in frozen rabbits were exported to Kngluml, together with $'V!--V1" in rabbit skins. Consul Henry 0. Hakcr, speaking ol (he Tasmnniun rabbit industry, declares that the trapping gives employment to i very large number of men and that I'oiupleln freezing plants are in opera lion at llobart and Lauucestoii for pre paring bunny for export. HKNEY'S YREKA DAMAQE HUIT 8r.TTI.IID OUT OF COURT YKKKA. Cal., July The big G; 'Mill damage suit that was instituted against the Klnmnth Lake Itnilnmd company by Abel Adv. in the supreme court of Siskiyou county, on May 11, has been dismissed. Heney & Cobb, tho San Krancisco iraft prosecution lawyers, were nttur ueys lor i ue piaintitt. The suit was brought to recover damages iu the sum ( je.'i.tHH) fur injuries alleged to have bion received by the plaintiff while riding in the ears of tho defendant cor poration at Trail, the terminus of the road. It is not known iu what manner the ase was settled, but it is generallv supposed that a satisfactory adjust ment of the matter wux nrrived nt bv the respective parties. The document filed merely imtruets the clerk to dis miss the action, and is signed by all of uie utiornt'Vi in tue cast. WHAT LAW GOVERNS DIRECTOIRE OOWNH? SAN KRAXdsm. cal.. Jnlv ':t - How long must the slit at the side of woman s garment be in order th:.t the garment may be classed as diree toiref This is the all absorbing tonic of discussion among the smart matrons of the army set todnv. Mrs. P. W. Heck wife of Lieutenant Beck, at the Pre tidut punt, one of the hmli..r ..t that the slit must extend to the knee at least, nud that the irnwn ah- n,-..r.. t a recent hall at the army post can not therefore be classified as a dure loire. iui me oilier army matrons take issue with her on thin point, and this is ny there is so much goiNip over the teacups at Presidio Heights. Mrs. Heck said today that she went home from the ball earlv because her htiyl.-(.i ill. and thnt criticism nf l..-r nothing to do with her early depart are. She indignantly denied that pins had been called into nid to chete the "little slit" before the ball was over PROMISING LEDGES IN CURRY COUNTY BAXDO.V. Or, July tpert, H. C. Merrill, "'I. A mining j who has been j pntsptvtiiig in Curry county, has goto to .Man rrnncisco but will return to Bitmion about August I with a force of men to work on two veins of mtn r, one of which he discovered him self. He says the mineral itrosiievt of Curry county are extremely promising i and he expects it to develop into a great ! mining country. S us for bargalua VV hase farms ror sals.wsll Improved; good orchards: ran sun; s-ju to SOU usr acre. Hlt ,,, Co., BrownsTtlle. OrT". " Social and Personal D. O. Kuriies has been sojourning at Col est in. Misa Williams of Jacksonville was a .Medford visitor Wednesday. O. M. Selt-by, who has been ipiite sick, is able to be about again. K. Hofer, Jr., of Salem, a civil en gincer, la stopping at Jacksonville. It. H. 8. Uoualdson Stdby has been visit iug friends living iu Jacksonville. Miss Gladys Shaw of Jacksonville is visiting at her former home iu Salem. Mrs. Heard ami Miss (iladys Heard am iu from Sterling mint today. NuW Perfection nil stove, the best ever made, ut .1. A. Smith's, opnite Hotel Moore. Mrs. .f. V. Wiley i visiting her daughter, Mrs. (iny (iaiinyaw, of Mon tague, Cab Varhll & 'i. have open, d a incut market at Kagte 1'oiut, filling a hmg felt want there. Mrs. O. Q, Johnson uud familv have left for Colorado with the intention of -atiug in that fftate. K. 0. Trowbridge of the Medford fron works madft n business visit to Gold Hill Wednesday. Fred II. Hopkins has returned from i week 's visit to the seashore. 11 r nniH back to get warm. Civil Kngineer Perkins and his fam ily ure sojourning iu finite Creek dis trict. i. J, Trowbridge's team took u spin on their own account one day this week, making tho trip from Talent to Med ford iu a very short time. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett rtecsou of Wag u er t 'reek were among t hei r Med t ord friends Weduesduy afternoon, having come down in their auto. Ir. J. A. Heater came down from The )alles a few davs since, accumpa ni ed by his sisters, Misses Paulino aud Dorothy, on a visit to relat ives and friends residing in Jnrksonville. II e made the run from Portland iu his au tomobile in two days. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. W. If, Coleman was an Ashland visi tor Wednesday. Miss Leila Prim spent a few hours in Medford Wednesday morning. Mrs. Harry Luy and Leoua I'lrich spent Wednesday morning iu Medford. Miss Delia iJeuter, who is attending commercial school ut Ashland, is spend ing the week at home. Miss Hazel Davis relurned from Med ford Wednesday, where she has been visiting friends for the last few days. Miss Bertha Prim returned from Sa lem Wednesday morning, where she has been visiting Bertha Allen for the past month. The party composed of Jay Sexton, i. IX Cage, Kay U I rich and Charles Dnnford, who have been to Crater lake, Kaimath Palls, etc., returned Tuesday evening. LOCAL MARKET. The foloiwiug quotation! ar au iiu partial rsport of ths prices paid by Med ford dalon: Wkeat $1 per busa). Flour $2.71) per cwt. Whale barley per too. Hy $U par toa. Alfalfa $10 per ta. New potatoes $1.25 per cwt. butter 4Uc per roll. Lard 10c per puad. - be us 5c per puuad. Eggs 22Mtc per dezea. Sug ar--$0.St per cwt. Turkeys 13c per pauad. Poultry Spring, $ te $3; bene, $3 50 to $4 per duzeu. Hams per pound. yitouldora 10c per pouad. Hoge M;c t tie per pound. t battle 1. to 3Hc per pound. PIRE FIOHTER8 SAVE RESORT AFTER BATTLE WITH FLAMES MAKYSVILLK, Cal., July S3. H Is reported here today that a fire threat ued to destroy Cook's Springs In to Insa county and was extinguished last night for a force of several hundred men after hard work. Tho fire fighters succeeittM ui heading ott tae lores! lire bv back firing. 'bomuthing which is of considerable tutciest to the public generally aud fthich is perhaps uot generally knowL is the sy&tU) of prepaid orders mow ia effect between stations ef the Southern Pacific coupsu and al) points ia the I'nited States. By means ef thii system tickets may be purchased at Medford froai any place ia the United State and mailed or telegraphed direct to the oaity wishing to come here. Sleeper accomoiodatioae aud small amounts uf cash in conuectioa with these ticket may als be furnished at the iem time " Medford Tribune, 50c per month. Handy for Shoppers We have a model bakery depaitment in our grocery store; also the best nr laiigenients in town for a complete sup iilv of the season's choicest fruits and vegetables fresh from tho farms. We aim to keep our old customers :i tut make new ones by furnishing a complete supply for the dining table at Allen & ijReagan The Grocery o the Coraer. Classified Advertisements One Cant a Word No tingle inser tions lass than 15 cents. Six Insertions for the prico of four. Seventy-five cents a Uu Pr month. FOR BENT. FOH KENT Largo dwelling huuso, nice slimly grounds, near business router; suitable for dwelling or lodging house. ( all Hold Ray Realty Co., SiMi West Seventh st. 11-' l''Olt RKNT Modern 8 room new cot j tago; eleetrie lights, batli, window shuiles. Inquire IHeiiliruge 's resi deni'e. FoH WCNTTwo frout office rooms aud oue large room 30x40 iu Milt-s building, luijuire at premises or at Tribune office. FOR KFNT Furnished rooms, electric light aud baths. Mrs. R. 1,. Hale, u street near ljtb. tf FOB SALE. FOR SALE Leading rooming limine in Medford, location unsurpassed, g.-uu-iiie barguiu to right party, cash prop osition oulv. Write (,', Box "0S. US ! FUR HALE Team of pouies, thorough ly broke for sudde or driving, iiingli or double; ulso hiii-k mot baiiiess; a simp. Apply t. R. F., Tribune office " FOR SALE Half interest in the best business proposition iu Medford. Ad dress Box 27, Medford. FOK JSAI-E HeHidenee property; 7 rooms aud bath, city water, eleutric lights, sewer connect ion. K. C Page. VOH SALK 15 choice lots, Ave min utes from depot, near school ; euay terms. V. i Page. KOR .SALK Seventh street buaineiri property, two story brick, 50x140; also J30 feet ou Seventh street by 50 feet on Riverside avenue. P. C. PMge. FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten acre tracts, best lucatiou in the valley. L. Nee deiueyer, Jacksonville. " VOH SALE Small busiueas; fine loea tion. Inquire Tribune. WANTED. WANTED Hids on 14 by M by SS-tuul enrrugated iron buililing with eonerete floor, l'liins and speeifieiitiotm enn be seen ut our office, 20ti West Seveuth street. Hogue River Eleetrie Co. 1 111 WANTED Young man who is good stenographer and typewriter, who eau also net ns wureliouso and shipping elerk; good salary and good prospects of advancement to the right muii. Ad dress I. O. Box 41S, Medford, Or. 1 Ul WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock shuep. Write Boi 1.11, Medford, Or. WANTED A spau of good horses, geldiugs or mares, which cau be driven or worked, savtu or sight years old, souud aud geutle, weight 1100 or 1-U0 pounds. Address Tribune, Medford. BUSINESS CARDS. THE ODELL, l. lading Kuouiing House of the city. Fres baths. Over Fostol'I'iue. M. JJ. MOORE. J. T. ANKBOM, WELL DIOGEH. MEDFORD, OR. Prices right. Pumps Furnished when Wanted. BAXiL ft OLOSCOOK, Contractors aud Builders. AU Work Uuarautesd. Office with 0. H. Pierce 4 Sou. Phone 8S3. f. O. Bos 771. 0. M. JONES, Olty Scavenger. Garbage of all kiudB removed ou short X i.v. order, wi.h ehief of de7a" b7 SWEET Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence. COLVIO It DURHAM, Attorneys at-fcaw. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Wm M. OolTIg, Medford. Or. CHISHOLM ft MARTIN House Paiotiug, Paper Hanging aud Tinting. All work guaranteed. Phone "Kit. Lockbox 125, Medford, Or. Medferd Fnraltnre Co., Undertakers Day phono 353; Night Phones: ('. W. Couklia 36; J. H. Butler 143. j PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANU OOL ' BBOTION AGENCY. i Luck Boi 80S. Mnlford, Or. j B. B- 8EELT. M. D. j Physician aud Surgeon i Modern Equipped Operating Roouis. X Kay. Office Honrs, 10-18, 8 4 P. M. Office In Jackson Count Bask Bldg. GO TO DR. QOBLE FOR YOUR GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perry ' Warehouse, SEVENTH STREET. 'He Has No Other Business.' Medford Tribuue. 50c per mouth. Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Uth HliADQUARI HRS TOR SASH AND DOORS ANYTHING MADE PROM TREES Q,uotation promptly aud cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co, KILNS AND MILLS AT GLKNDALK ORKOON YAK I) AND OFKIOK AT MHDKOKD, OKKOON. J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice President. The Medford MEOFOBD. OB. OAPITAT '0,000 SURPLUS 30,000 Safetv Boxes to Kent. A (leneral Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage j MEoro&D, ortookJ State Depositary. Established 1SS8. CAPITAL AND SUBPLUS (115,000.00 NEWPORT YAQU1NA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to (lo for Purl'ert Rest and Every Conceiv able I'Vn'iu of Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITS VAtM.I'ilT.llfiS ARE (MMPLETE Best of food and nn abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. Ail modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. j NEW PORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure 'throughout. Rate From Medford SEASON SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 "" Our elaborate new summer book gives a eoueise deaeriptiou of Newport, iucludiug a list of hotels, their eapucity aud rates. Call en, telepkuue or writs A. S. R08ENBAUM, WM. McMURRAY, Local Ageut, Medford General Passenger Ageut, Portland MEDFORD SASH 6 DOOR CO. 1 Window and Door Screens, Block Wood I 0ffice ,iJ"ttre8 nd a" kinds of planing mill work. Including turned work and j fiUlcy g'8- F. BETWEEN flTH AND 7TH 8TS. 1 HONE 63. Tribune Ads THE GRAND New Management. New Kdison Perfection Moving Picture Machine. If Mm visit the (Irani! you will not be dixuppoiuti-d, but will see the best pictures I hat can be produced. Continuous performance starts ev ery evening at o'clock. Entire change uf program Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Admission Ten Cents Mutinee i-vciv Sattirdnv afternoon JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. National Bank Are Y or Valuable in Safety? ! Are your valuables protected against the Mlaeks of burglars or the sudden oLtbreak of ftref Uu not he satisfied i with doubtful pvutei'tiou, but seiiure the most positive kiud of safety by dupos i iting your valuablea in the lire and; burglar proof vault of the .luL-kaou t'ounty Bank. Safe dopostt boxes to vent, 44.00 aud up per year. V. I. VAYVTKK, President O. K. LIXUl.KV, Cnahier MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON " The nsh hdrt a ineri'lmntu ' luncheon each nuoli from 11:110 lo :.t0. ' " KclishcM, suiip, choice of two meats, your favorite bevemge and col't'ee, tor 115 cents. Nash Buffet T Bring Results at :i:30 o" cents. J