THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 22. 1008. 63 IN DANGER ON STRANDED Social and Personal 1 tNER ANUB1AS No Word Received From Vessel Pounding to Pieces Of! Santa Barbara SANTA HAKJiAltA, July flo word has bei'ii rwivi'd ihiH (on; noon from the worn of tin- wreck of the German liner AnubiftH, which nt IhhI ot cuunt was pnuwliiitf to pi paps agfiinnt thft jagg' r'ffH ni'iir Han Migiu-I i laud. Of the lot"' of the tilt iiu-ii who were left iibonrd of freighter noth iug definite ih known. Tji tit the time the Unit and neeond of the Ami bias left the wreck with nine ineinnern of the. erew in a lifeboat, no lives had been lout, but the big steamer was rap idly breaking up, her after deck being awatdi and the waves that rolled over her hammering her hull on the rocks. The vtMHel at the time was in a moat perilous position, and the rising of the wind might cause her to dimiitegrulc before the force of the heavy Hens and render the escape of the pussengera and members of the crew difficult if nut im possible. Tugs from severul ports along the coast ar hurrying to the ussiHtauee of the doomed steamer, and word is ex pected from the scene of the disaster before night. Karly the launch Charm, with Cup tain Pillsburg, head of the marine tin derwriters uf Han Francisco, on board, left for the wrecs from the oil port of (laviol. The tug Itedmulo of the Jc dondo Ituilway compiiny departed from Heiloado lust night and should be at the side of the disabled stt-ainer this morning. MEDFORD APRICOTS BE8T IN THE MARKET Farmer Medynski is down from his homestead near Untie Falls. Sheriff Joaes was in Med ford again TupmIiu- on official business. Fred M". Drake, formerly u merchant of Ashland, has recently married at Portland Miss Fetitt. John Listy, who resides near Central Point, made Med ford a bnsinrss visit I uewlay. V. 1). Trvor. one of the b ailing dairy intra of Del Norto county, California, is paying this valley a visit. U. C. (lleason of the Toggery and his family are rusticating in the Buite Creek section. P. Hale, the Brownsboro merchant, spent a lew hours m Mt'dlord I Ues- tay. lilaijif Kium, the artist, is spending a few days ut Cob-Htin, southern Ore goii 's favorite summer resort. I. F. M alloy, a proiuini'iit stockman of Lake county, is making our valh-y visit while on his way to Portland. Hon. ft. d. Smith of Grants Pass was in Medford Tuesday on professional bus in ess. Mr. and Mrs, H. P. Hunter of Cole ma n 'reck were n imy ig t he ma a v in Medford during the week. I,. C. Hill of Haiim Hosa, Cal., the wi'll known Bohemian, is visiting Ash land and Medford. K, T. Staples anfl It. I Itur-lir, thr Asldamt lniillordHr were aiuoag t lo-ii Medford friends Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. I.'. Coleman was in Medford Tuesday en route to Jacksonville from Phot nix. H. McKereher ut Ashland, an exteu Hive operator in government binds, trans acted business in Medford Tuesday. Oakland defeated Portland in I In- first game ot the Oregon metropolis this week by a score of N to 2. Mrs, N. J. Wiley, wife of I he well ..iinft'ii contractor and builder, and theii children have left, for their former home in Indiana for a visit of we vera 1 weeks. 10, W, Tildeu, who is making a litri' fruit farm near Woodville, was in Med ford Tuesday and bought several thou sand fruit I ree while here. Mrs. F. Mee of Siskiyou county, Cal ifontia, is slopping at Ashland, while Frank is putting up a mill at his mine in Klamath river district, ( Jperal ions have been suspended at Uoaring (limlet mine, Katies (.'reek SWIMMER INJURED AT OLYMPIC GAMES! GABFIELD REVERSES LAND COMMISSIONER That tlie laii'l iuc'luilM in tin' famous m j ".'17-10" territory in duomed tit start- LONDON, Julv -Striking the wa- K " to respective ,w thn l-WIUh -wim.!1- KaiD "'.denced by the de nier, was seriously injured today while making a high dive at the Olympic games. This is the first serious acci dent that has marred the games this year. Cane's foot slipped as he was leav iug the platform, and although he tried to riirht himself in the air, he was not successful, and Btruck the water with such terrific force that he was rea dered unconscious. Hpnnberg of Swedeu realized what had happened and, plung ing into the tank, rescued the drown ing Fnglishmau, Cane was removed to a hospital, where be is being exam 1 for internal injuries. Running Jump Record. T. C. irons uf America made a new Olympic record in the running broad .tump today, his mark being iM leei 3 inches. Prinstein, who held the rec ord, made only -M feet 7 I - inches at the Olympic games at Alliens in llo. Irons made his juuip while competing in combined seelions five aird six in I lie preliminaries to I he lii.a! event. In sections one and tv.n uf the run ning broad jump, R. T. Cook of Amer ica won first place, his jump being H2 feet, 10 1-2 inches. In sections three and four Imniiel J, Kelly of America ivoii first jilace by jumping 211 feet 1 I I inches, and in ncetions seven and eight Pricker of Canada won first with a mark of 2'A feet 3 inches. Good Time Is Made. Kerr of Canada won first place in the first heat in the semifinals of the 20i meter dash, his time being the best of the winners of the first four heats. Kerr look his heat in 22 2-.r) seconds. cision of the secretary of the interior in the case of Mason 0. Meservey vs. William F. Byrne, just r. ceived by C. j F. Stone, attorney for .Meservey. i tie commissioner of the general land office under date of January 2. JitS, re versed the decision ut the register of the Klamath Falls land office and the contest dceided in favor of the home steader, Mr. Hyme. An appeal was taken to the secretary of ilie interior and that official has reversed the de cision of the commissioner, ordered the homestead entry canceled and allows Mr. Meservey the privilege of filing on the laud. The contest involves homestead en try for lot I, section 2, in town ship 37 south of range in h. . M., and is one of the most valuable claims included in the "37 10" territory. The commissioner found from the evidence that the elaim contained between threr and four million feet of merchantable timber, and that while the contest ee had not done all that the law required in the way of cultivation, that he had done the bent he could under the cir cumstances and that he was entitled to the homestead, The secretary holds that the residence ami cultivation were not sufficient to comply with the law and that the coutestee's home on the land wus merelv nominal. NOT J (JR. Notice is hereby given lhat the under signed will apply to the city council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the meeting to be held on Angiifd :i. 1H0.S, for a license to sell Hpirilous, cinous und malt liquors in quantities less than ii trillion fit. Ii in nlitce. ttf lnisine-H. ur Heat two was won by Carlmel of Amer- l,utf( u, Hai x ju b,w,k h) H!lil, ica in 22 3-fl seconds; heat three was ! M:Y i,m.itlm won by Cloughen of America in 22 3 5 seconds, and heat four was won by Hawkins of Kngland in 22 3-." seconds. Dole of America made a frood showing in the first rounds of the featherweight catch as-catch-can wrestling bouts to day. In the first round ho defeated Con kin ami in the second round suc ceeded in getting the decision over Webster of Fuglund. JACKSONVILLE ITEMtf. Haled July 20, 1'lOS. JOHN HAKKINOTOM. THE JULY CLEARANCE The one opportunity for people of Southern Oregon M,n- t . this month. It shows that people a.iate n genuine lu, v -mil now conic otli-nuj,' me Mini" We are very grateful to the people of .ontliero Orrvim for their liberal patrnuat;.- uml awtui not l-rove Batisfaetorv. Huv your supplies ilnring the elearan.e KEDITED I.V I'RICE FROM 10 TO 0(1 PKR CENT. We ilid a fine business vester.l::y nnJ every ilay previous t hnrtrainii loiVB IllwaVS offi'TOil the llt'Sl KOUlK . . . .' u 1 I..., .ip ... Iii. trill nine. KOoiln at re.luctli.ns tna. n ' ... . d aov nrtid(1 tllllt ,loe sale where all lint five contriict lines utu Xt'lW COOL READY-TO-WEARS" uid 1lio tinio til is tlif time to wcai' cm save on 'em. Wash Jacket Suits Wash Skirts REDUCED 1.1 PKR CWC. Princess and Wash K?monas and Dresses Sacqu.s REDUCED If. PER CENT. All of our waists Summer Wash Goods REDUCED 15 TO f.0 PER CENT REDUCED 2.1 TO (10 PER CENT UEOI-'ulllir. CI TO DATE STOltl'' BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. (' Street, .lust Xuitli of Jackson ('ounty Bank. MEDFORD SASH ft DOOR 00. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fUtares and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. F, BETWEEN BTH AND 7TH 8T3. J HONE 53. Practically everything in fruit thai cimies tu IhiH market al any time of -:tlie year in now to lie luul, ami many of tlid offcriiiKH are now nt I heir Im-hI, xayn t he fortlinul Ti-lcram, I'eaclieH lire liecoiuiu plcnt i ful, lull thiiH fur the ImlK of the Hiniiiiy Ihih been from California. The nouthern crop in o heavy one and the fruit gen erally i HUnriivr tn f lint marketed here last year. For the preHenl the bent Cnl ifnriiiati net nt t In 8.r ccnt.i a box, and at thene (inceN tlicy are moving j ireeiy. ciinini NaimeuiH 01 hoik nern Oregon (Kid DiiIIch trit chert ure now , coming in find 11 week hence (he chances ! are that Oregon pcachc will dominate j -ie market. The homo crop this year' in eouMidertihly larger than lhat of a year ugo. Medford apricotH, the heal, neon here this eennou, are fairly plentiful and a ready seller nt $1 to $1. 'Jfi a crate. The Blip ply of green tipplt-H, and of applet! virtually matured, in Inrge in nil (piartern, and for the moid part they ure of fine quality. They ell ut $1.2.ri to l.Tii) u liox generally, and deiiliTH re purt the demand good at tliene pricett. Oregoim now onmpriHe a good pa rl of the apple nupply, V.xlra gunlitv I.hiiiIh rt cherricn Mold tiHluy at 11 to lu ccuib a pound, and No. 1 King nt 7 to 8 cents, whi goml Koyal AiiueB were quoted at .r to eentH. OfferiugH were fairly large in all linen and the trade was active. AMUHLMKNT8. A new line of exceptionally good pic tiiffii will he gli own at the Hijuu tonight. TliM illurit rated ong eat it " I'i r hap," Rung by Mr. Clytlc Mond:iy and 'iuesday utghlH, will tie repeated ti Hpeeial reqnedi tonight and tomorrow night. Miller Kwt'aiik have installed H ladies' itwt room in the front right hand corner of their store. Nicelv uplnd tterivl m-atn and pap rn and magnine. muke this little c rin-r a place that i fust finding favor with the ladies, who ure busy shopping and want a place to get a few minute' rest and i-hal. It is an innovation alumni wholly new t Medford and its cHlalli.hmciii j good Indication of the enterprise which I he store. district, the vein seeming to have pinched out. I). W. halh, lnle of the llilInhoro In dependent and a succeNHful journalist , spent Tuesday in Medford. lie is look iug aliout for a location for his son, mIho a newspaper ninn. Tim firm of Terri.i &: II nth of the l-.conoiiiy meat market has been sue i ted iy lliith brothers. Dclhcrl Ter rill, who retires, will continue t oreside in Medford. .). Stillwell Vilas of Mound district was in Medford Tuesday, accompanied by hix wife. He is transforming the inim lonneriy owned y freri IVU into land. Mrs. Iliun uml '' ,Im' ,'i,1"H' Jlm-eH in the valley, j taken a house in Portland ami lo be gone some time, as Mrs. and his family arc visiting at Ashlnud. i ri,Peiv,'K medieiil altentioii. I hey came (he whole wav from licit home in Han Diego, Cnl., in a III) horse power of auto of the Cadillac pattern. Miss Oru King, trained nurse, is vis it iug her parents, Mr, and Mrs. R. T. King of (Iriffin Creek district. She lias I ii employed in the hospital nl Iteddiug, Cal. A. Coleman and his family have ar rived from Fresno. (!,, or permanent residence in Mcdfotd. Mr. C. recently bought property on West Seventh street from Captain A. M. Short, niivinu AUiiiin Miss Clmlys Shaw left for Salem recently, where she will visit relatives and fry'iids for the next few weeks. Dr. John lieuter and his two sisters arrived from The Dalles Monduy in his louring cur, making the trip in a litt le over I wo days. Miss Josephine .Douegnn is spending her vacation at Colostin. IV tor Dei sch left for Wat kins Tues day morning to see his unrle and broth ers, Mr. Dei sch will take his brothers to ( 'nliforuia, where t hey will enter school this year, A. K, Rea iocs rel urned from Utile Applegate, where he has been camped for the past two weeks. I-M Hiuu of the Jacksonville meat market is visiting his wife in J'orC have j Xpert j Don't Bother to Cook It's too hot. Get what you want alret iv prepared; we have .t. We cater to those who want the best. THE DELICATESSEN C STREET, NEAR EIGHTH . Hotol Nauli Arrivals. V. N. IJi.uili, II. VmiiiK, O. Iv Cmili, W. .lui'kii.u, K. I.. I'lir(;u, Julius Kre mlin. Mux 1-' i .-. I ii t liiil. I, N. Hlnrr, D. W. UiiIi'm, !..rl l:i nl ; H. II. While mill wilV, U. A. S,.,itl, l(. W. S.-ill, V:ill inn; .1. A. Hunk, lluiikwuml; V. .1 l''nnii'nwi.rtli, Hliickliin; V. A. I'ii'k.'iis, Mr. I'ivkl'IIH, M IHN I'il'lll'IIH, Mian Kliza I'ii'k.-iiN,!i; Ki-lix Calm, New Vnrk; Kre.l M. Kniiis. St. I.iiuIh; A. K. Hill, Wi'isi'i ; Jiinii-H l-'itililinii, city; I, (.illi.-rl, I'nriliiiiil; .Iiiiiii.h A. Mm'- Iln'ri' Iliiiri'. Sun rniiiiMwi.: W. M. I'urkrr anil wif... Oklahoma Ciiy; William .1. 'IViihhH... It l.'ir.. I'. .11'.... II 1. M.I Klflllllltll ' i. ' ..' ' tl I ' ."n. .iiiiini'v .MISS num 1 VI' 1. 1 ...L.I 1 . . I"' I i IUIttll.l. mi.i-iii-i i-i.iiiiitiiv iiihi yi-nr, ims rum ln.i.iiiH.'.i iim ai'imii uaiiiil llif I'urii Al.i'l, nltii n-ffivi'il ni-viti' jurim in mi ,-,-i,li-i, M. rnilrnail, nwiii-il liv lln. Wi-vc I .ak ! ruliiiii. (In mi,.(l fr tlir.oiiii , I. ronirl. I'rillli'ill ,1. Ilflicy. Ili.u. W. I. Vnwlir uml Inn famih nr.' uvi ti llnir I'li-iant now ri'si 'Irlli'i' mi Svi'lllll slr.'i-t ffli'ilij- till' I'itv park. Thin in nr nf tin. Iirtnd huiiii'M Itl.tlK't. ill tin. ivhllll' still.', l'i,VI'llil. an.l ti. tlutt. tiii.1 r.'fli'etii imii'ti ori'il "I"'" " iiitrai'lur aud liuilil-'r, Mr. Culliim. BORN. IIKllNMil'I'll M At D. rliy, .Inly 17, lo tin' wif nf Kd.lic lln'iiilioiliHin, an .-lirllt H.lllh soli. MntlliT Ulli) I'liild ilo in; iiii'i'ly. Auyhodv wlsblug tu Invest in one of ti. Dvatcst. most uuderu and beit loi'ut isl biinici in Mtklforii, ihouid adrdess O. Bui 44S. ' H. T Shield,. marriage i.ici:nhi:r I'auki.y nml Holla I'auliiir NOTICE. Nutiof is lioruby (Ivi-n I lint Hi un dcnlgned will pjilv lo Clio City (,'ouin'il uf tn City of Medforil, Ori.)fon, at the next meriting ror m liri'tisr to Hell spirit out, vinout and malt liquors In ijiiau titiua lens than a ifalluu, for (lie prrioJ of iii niontlii, at bin iliire of Imsiurss at lot 14, iu blook 20, in the City of Medfotd, Orfgon. Dated July It), IVVH HAHRV ('AMI'MKI.I,. BIJOU THEATRE "The Sleeping Beauty 9f Tin. rari'Hl ir...lurlimi in !h.. film w..r!.l A I ImiiHaml IV,. in linith iiikI all liaiid roli.rrd. "I'MK MKIUtY WIIMIW WA1.TZ I'KAZK" a ,,.,,,.. Oak Park Addition On railroad on tli West Side, north of depot grounds and conveniently located for business men seeking' home sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale cheap, on good terms, and 1 lit owners are in position to offer building inducements to anyone wishing to make the right kind of improvements. Why go out to the faraway suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at prices ranging from $200 to $350 per Lot situated where an advance in price is assured, and where the first benefit, will be derived prom the compilation of the railroad to the timber f It pays to figure on such investments in m live town like Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like a veritable gift to the buyer in a year or two hence. For full particulars apply to the Rogue River Land Comp'y Exhibit Building New Hinder, 'JS; urn- liavis, drop ! head, 2llj New llnynl, fir,- xemud ,:,, ': HillB.IT, K; srrnnrt iai,l Dana, S I eoiitid liaml N,,w Home, il; .i.,,,,,,,! i hand Help Mt,., ., ,,,, ,,,, w Milfonl I'hariuaey. . New 1'erteetion ,tVi,, n . ... ..,.,.., m ,,, A M.uni, llutel Moore, llI'Mt opjum'.te THE GRAND .N'e .Man.-itjomeiit. ew Kilisou IVrCvt inn MnvinK Pieturo Marliiiu'. Modford Trlbuna, 6Uc par monts. If you visit the (Irani! ynn will unt he disappninti'il. but will see the pntures that run lie produred. I 'out iiiuous perl'.iriniinre starts ev iy eM'iiiiiK at S o'rlork. I'ntire rlianoe nf piniam Tuesday, Tliurs.lay and Siituidtiv. Admission Ten Cents Mat Iii... every Halurdny ufternoou ut IISU it is up to You What Will You Do? If you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active and the strain is wearing out your nerves and breaking down your system day by day, then you may reflect for a moment," if it would not be wise to drink the strength of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack age of Golden Grain Granules Xo man can consume his strength and retain it at the same time; he ought to replenish an equal amount daily. GOLDEN ORAIX GRANULES is far super ior to Coffee, although it Junks like coffee, tastes like coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had in any grocery store for '2"m Order a package today. All grocery sell it. 100 NOTICE 100 Just received, one hundred new patterns and styles in Rings, direct from the factory. Come in anil look them over. MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler Near Postofflce Fine Watch and Jewelry Repairing a Specialty. TO HOT TO EAT anything but the best. If it is meat, you are sure to get (lie best here, with the price no more than elsewhere. Medford Meat Company COLD STORAGE MEATS Next Hotel Nash. Med ford. Or. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is tho best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OF BLANKS KEAL KSTATK Warranty Ued Mortgage, Long und Short Kormi Sattsfai't'n of Mortjfitga Transfer of Lien Power of Attorney Mechanic 'a Lien Wr Kiht QuItclatnVDeAd Mortgaife Bond for Deed Lea an With Tax Payment Provision Option to Buy Lund Agent's Contract MISCELLANEOUS Bill of Sale Liquor License Forms Not Ica tu TreapMUBen Creditor 'a Claim Against Estate Chattel Mortjrag Acknowledgment Confession of Judgment Covers for Blank FOK KENT. FOK SALE, FURNISHED ROOMS MINING ETC. (on cardboard). Placer Location Bond for Dd Miner'a Lien Quartz Location Water Right Oregon and U. S. Forms Contract to Sell Deed proof of Labyr JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil and Criminal Subpoenal Attachment Underttkiag and Aftl Garntenment duVUfor Attachment Coat bill n Commiimeni for Fine Notice to Jurors Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant fur Arrest PROBATE Petitions for letters of Administration. Administrator's, Executor's and Guardian's Hunds and Leds; Order Setting Apart Pruuerty Exempt from Execution; Order Confirming Saleof Real and Personal Property Citation: CommUaion to Appraisers; Letters of Administration; inventory and Appraisement; Proof of Will; Letters TVntamentary, CIRCUIT COURT Summons Execution Judgment Tranrrtpt Commitment for Trial Search Warrant Undertaking and Affidavit Summons for Attachment Coat Bill Criminal and Civil Subpoenas Execution Search Warrant Notice to Jurors Attachment Notice of Garnishment Grand Jury Subpoena Indictment Traaacript of Judgment A complete, up-to-date line of U.S. LAND OFFICE.! COUNTY COURT AND SHERIFF BLANKS. 1 All printed after the latest and best forms, tp Orders promptly filled at Portland prices, cjj Give us a. trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDKORD OREGON