Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper ix a Live Town. TITTC MEDFORD THE HALL OF FAME. Published evcrv evening except Sunday. MEDFORD PUBLISH1XH COMPANY George Putnam, Editor and Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Matter in the Postofficc at Medford, Oregon. DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDEORP, OREGON, WEDNESDAY. JULY 22. 1008. business cabds. Classified Advertisemeots SUBSCRIPTION KATES. On. mouth, by mail or carrier. . . .u.50 tn.. year, by ina.l.. .5.00 t Oltv subscribers who desire The Tribune mailed to them at summer X or ofher outof town place, will plea, noUfy the "".J"a t dty addls arid the length of time they deslr. paper sent to iTwadrea. On returning, pl.aae notify of floe In order that sarvlc. by carrier may be promptly resumed. f WHY IS THE LAW SOT US'FOh'CIW? TWn ia n hw unoii 1 1 h citv slatule liooks, passed last December, which h not enforced, never has lieen en forced, i i : ..((..,.( n..u ilium iii:iil( tii enlorce. 11 is and vni( n no iSi i n'iiri i i it'i i- tin" , the ordinance requiring Ihe numbering of houses. I lie stat ute reads as follows: "It shall le the duty of Ihe owner, or ienant of every 'voHi,l,.,.,.r or nbice of business or other structure opening i.o.,;,w- owuuu tn 1 In- st reels of the cit v of Med ford, noon in m "ig 1 "" Oregon, to cause to be placed in a conspicuous place upon the main entrance or at the principal place of ingress to such premises a number, such number to be ascertained as hereinafter provided. "It shall be the duty of each property owner or tenant, as provided in section one hereof, to ascertain from the said eitv engineer the number so assigned to his, or her, resnective nreinises, and to cause such nunilx to be E. D. Libia-', a prominent Toledo (O.) manufacturer, has given $1"3,C00 to the Toledo Art museum. "Five bears In six minute that'a my record," said Buckskin Sam re cently. 8am la a Kaugelley guide liv ing In Mechanic Falls. Me. He baa fought In four warn. William A. Held, secretary of the Bolivian legation In Washington, has been appointed uy lieotge Washington university a Its special representative at the first pau-Ainerlcuu scieutinc congress In Suutlago, Chile, next December. William Connors of Bangor, Me., has probably rafted more logs tbuu any other man In the country. Hluce looo. with tbe exception of one season, he bad charge of tbe Bangor boom and In that time has probably liauuieu 3,000,000,000 feet of logs. George II. WurUilngton of Cleveland. . O., has a stamp collection that experts estimate la worth $311,000. It In Elated to be the fluesl In the United States. The next most valuable cullei.-tlun of stamps In this country 1 ov.nerl by Henry J. Duveen of New Yr!:. There are now living In C:a south western pttrt of Leuipster. N 11., sepa rated only by the lils'tiwtiy. two aged couples, who were Until m :rrled fifty years ago, Mr. and Mrs. C.ilvln Smith having been married May 1. 1 fT8. und Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Booth May 8 of the same year. William De Morgan lives In I.ondun in mi nhl world corner of t'hel.ieu, but be speuda most of hi time In Florence because be cau work better there, he says. His wife Is an artlt of success In England and In foreign cities. .Mr De Morgan's vocation Is ceramics, his avocation Inventing and bis diversion wrltiug. Charles It. Klchards, at present di rector of the department of manual training In teachers' college, Columbiu university, has been appointed director of the'Iustltutlon For the Advancement if Science and Art. New York city. He has long been Interested In Industrial education and has traveled extensively In India, C'bliui und .liipun. One Cent a Word - No singly Inser tions leu than 15 cents. Six Insertions for the price of four. Seventy-five cents a Hue per month. THE ODELL, Leading Rooming House of the city. tree baths, uver rosioi i ice. M. D. MOORE. FOB BENT. J. T. ANKBOM, WELL DI0UEB. MEDFORD, OB. Prices right. Pumps furnished when Wanted. FOU UK NT At mice, house and lo acres of fruit. Adrikss W. V., Tri hune. "IJ t'Olt KENT Modern 0 room new cot tage; electric lights, bulb, wiudow shades. Inquire Oseubrugge's residence. 1'OH BENT Two frout office looms aud one lame room oox-lil in Miles building. Inquire at p remises or Tribune office. 1 FOR RENT Furnished moms, electric linht and baths. Mrs. 1:. I.. Hale, D street near 11th. tf Q. M. JONES, City Scavenger. Garbage of all kinds removed on short notice. Leave orders with chief or police. FOB SALE. FOU SALE Leading rooming house in Medford, location unsurpassed, genu, iue bargain to right party, cash prop osition only. Write C, Mux, Wis, lis FOR SALE Team of ponies, tlioruugli ly broke for sartde or driving, niiiglr or double; ulso hack ami harness; snap. Apply L. R. F., Tribune office FOR SALE Half interest in the beat Inisiness nrouosition in Medford. Ad dress Box 27, Medford. FOR SALE Oood youug driving mare V. T. Welch, Central I'omt, Or. lo.l FOR SALE Two horse covered express wagon, in good conditiou, with double harness, cheap. See l.awtoii or nun bard Bros. lui FOR SALE One auto, or trade for irood lltld. Address Box ---I. Med ford. fixed thereto forthwith in figures not less llian three inches high, such figures to be so placed as to be easily legible from the adjoining sidewalk or street. "Ti 1imII lw Ibe diit - of the chief of pi dice and of tin street commissioner of the city of Medford to cause writ ten notice to be given to either the owner, agent or npant of each residence and place of business within said city which shall not have been numbered as herein provided, which said hoi ice shall designate the proper number to be affixed to said premises and shall reipiire the same to he affixed within ten days from the date of service of such notice upon such owner, agent or occupant, and upon the failure of such owner, agent or occupant to so affix said number within said ten days the city council of said city mav cause the same to be so affixed, and the costs thereof shall be declared a lien upon the particular lot or parcel of land upon which said costs are so expended, which lien shall be r rded upon the city lien docket and thereafter enforced against the property therein described in all re. spects in like manner and with like effect as a lien for the improvement of any street." I'robably two-thirds of the houses of Medford are with out numbers, those in them having failed to comply with the law. This failure results in endless confusion to per sons trying to find addresses. Medford has outgrown the village stage, where everyone knows where others live by instinct, and as two-thirds of the residents nre compara tively new comers, it is necessary that, the houses be num bered. Until the houses are numbered the government will not consider a carrier delivery for mail. Most of the other conditions demanded by Uncle Sam have been complied with, but free delivery will not be forthcoming until the residences are numbered. It is the duty of the chief of police and street commis sioner to see that this law is enforced. No effort has been made by them to enforce it. The city council should set that it. is enforced, and carry out the compulsory number ing on refusal of occupants, as provided by the ordinance English Etchings. The Holy Well of St. Anne nt Caver sham, England, has been dedicated In perpetuity to the public use, its waters in tbe middle ages being renowned fur their heullug quulltles. Stiffening uf tbe brulu, a rare dis ease, was given at tbe Inquest uf one of the cuuses of deutb of u boy seven teen mouths old on whom an opera tion was uerfuruicd at St. Tbuuias hospital, London. The London Express mentions case of u private who, for falling to recognlie aud salute bis ottleer, was condemned to march pust and suluic a barrack pump for two hours each day fur a week. In Loudon the luxlcalis uru used by all clusses or people day aud night at the uniform rate of 111 cents a mile, aud they present a most attractive up ueurauce In chocolute, blue, yellow. red ana green hues, with chauffeurs in the brightest and smartest liveries. FOR SALE Residence property; rooms and bath, city water, electric lights, sewer connection. F. C. l'age. FOR SALE 15 choice lots, Ave mm llles from depot, near school: easy terms. F. C. Page. Flippant Flings. Science Is gradually catching up with Jules Verne. I'rovlileuce Journal. Authuuy Colustuck bus denounced the sheath skirt, as If any one ever suspected that Anthony would over look any bels.-lietrult Free cress. Big w llb liniuii turn f a new discov ery, a London preaeiier sa.vs, - .eei check the flowing tide of wouiuu s talk," We never heard of anybody who ever did. Chicago l'ost. J. I'lerpont Morgan has paid SSn.isMi for a bas-relief of Autlnous. Whether tills Is a high llgwe or not we are un able to stale, owing to the fact thai none of the local .shops are currylug any Autlnous bus reliefs tills season. Uichuiiind Times lUsputcli. Plays and Players. BALL & GLO80O0K, Contractors and Builders. All Work Ouaranteed. Office with 0. H. Fierce ft Sou. Phone 633. . P. O. Box 771. E. ENYART,Presid ent. A. PERRY, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asa t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFOBD, B. ' OAPITAT $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safetv Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage DB. A. B. SWEET Physician and fiurgaon. Office st Resideace. OOLVIO ft DURHAM, Attorneya-at-&aw. Oeo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or, Win M. Oolvlg, Medford, Or. OHISHOLM ft MABTIN House Painting, Paper Hanging anil Tinting. All work guaranteed. Phone 229. Lockbox 125, Medford, Or. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day phoae 353; Night Fhones: C. W. Conklin 38; J. H. Butler 148. PBIVATB DETECTIVE ANL OOL BEOTION AGENCY. Lock Box 808. Medford, Or E. B. SEELY. M. D. Physician aad Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X Ray. Office Hours, 1012, 2 4 P. M. Office In JackBon County Bank Bldg. 1 mim-obd. OEEOOH State Depositary. Established 18S8. CAPITAL AND SUBPLUS 8115,000.00 Are Y ur Valuables in Safety? Are your valuables protected against the c.ttacks of burglars or the sudden oitbreak of firef Do not be satisfied with doubtful p.-jiectiou, but secure the most positive kind uf safety by depos iting votir valuables in the fire and burglar proof vault of the Jacksoa Cou:itv Bank. Safe deposit boxes to rent, $4.00 and up per year. V. I. VAWTKR, President O. K. L1.ND1.EY, Cashier ms... GO TO DB. GOBLE FOB YOCB GLASSES. Optical Parlor in Perry's Warehouse, SEVENTH STREET. "He Has No Other Business.' FOR SALE Sevonth street business property, two story brick, 50x140; also 2.10 feet on Seventli Btreet by 50 feet ou Riverside avenue. F. C. Page. FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, best location in the valley. L. Nee demever, Jacksonville. FOR SALE Small busiaess; fine loca tion. Inquire Tribune. WANTED. WANTED Uood stenographer who can huuille some bookkeeping aud ware house accounts. Address P. O. box 571, Medford, Oregon. TyTNTED To buy'lroin100 to 1!0o head of stock sheep. Medford, Or. Write Box Ul Golden Grain Granules MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON Tin' Xasli hfls a mrn-lmnts ' luiielienn cadi iimtii from to 1:.H. lieliMltcs, soup, fhuife uf two meats, your favorite beverage and coffee, for 25 cents. Nash Gate WANTED A spun of good horses, goldiugs or mares, which caa be drivea ur worked, seviu or eight years old, souud and gentle, weight 1100 or 1200 pounds. Address Tribune, Medford. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. C. ' with t'liolloe Chase In bus in. ul,' a bit In SMALL WAT Kit HNTt! ItXS Asliland receives I'roin . 1 KM) to "J -100 a nionlli for water supplied consumers, (iranls Pjiss water receipts tola from $!) tn .tUiOO. Medford s water rentals run Irum $450 to $7(M), sejireelv a third nf tlmse of Asliland and halt' of those of (! rants I'nss. A count id' people will show that Medford leads in po( illation and that nearlv as much water is furnished as in tin other two cities. Why, then, this small yield of revenue (rants I 'ass' water system is under private ownership Ashland's under municipal ownership, as is Medford's Asliland makes the liest showing, indicating that puhl'u ownership, properly administered, is successful. (I rants Pass water is pumped from the Kogue, while Ashland has a tfravitv svsteni. Either puhlic or private ownership of water can he inadea success or failure, dependent solely upon those man aging the plant. There is no good reason why either should not he successful in Medford. .Medford people use a great deal id' water they do not pay for. In some cases the measuring apparatus is de fective, due in many instances to dclihcratc destruction and alterations of meters hy consumers supposed to he . reputable; in other cases water is said to lie supplied places tnut in not of record, and which pav no water rentals at n. Thorn h no k reason why Medford's water depnrt- ... .... mi...,,,, , v,e,(l .J,,,,,,,,. us ,.,.,,, i,,,.,,,,,,,. U ul have to oiiiiili'iii.ti. it ,..i.. u... . . , , '. . ;"" oropimeu in-UVUv svsteni ami a nusiness nuinmisi ration imKnt. W(u . installed ai once, u is up io uie mayor aim city eouneil to see that it is done. in 800 1175 I'eter I 'an. the 1 1 1 If rule I'll 1 11 Se.unorr III. ki nr.) Kll.illliic Teriiss re In ll-ll All, el I u III II 111111,111 "III l.v 11 l huh, ,iiii cl Mi ll llii'le will In live "I'nl.l III l ull" inliipilil,- i.n Ihe i,.,lil lie.! Alliid S.iti.i l.i lo write a new emu -l will li will be pli.Mil In Khtliuul ., incite Alt , i lul, l Hid li, llili,li:i Hi pii.uu. ed l Ch.ulcs I'l'.iliiiiau. It, ,' ll Man uelHe Clark Ulld Louise liiliuiiiu' will liiiul iin'le.lj iimpllil," Mil' ion, ilia seilsnn under (lie liiul.iiHeineiit uf tlie Sltuberts. Modes of the Moment. Ne:iil nil ibe iiutlug suits uie cut iMtnprr tii-l'liin Si:lll,:i li-s. mi. e so rl. Ill) pllllll are t-, ee.liliu'.x filiu lllll The lil:,. i mi. is helts are worn nlih ihe white llm-n suit" There Is a 'en. I. in . to keep belt and suit all one ,!nl The MiruUb.'.l leillller lies lire very IiimkiiIiiu l the runt. an. I with silk si.HkliiL's ihev ere 'i-inps Ihe most fcti'lillii! "f the i-eiiMili's r.wtgear. It Is Ik. I .nir.'i' .oiislilere.l smart to carry a tun bait wllli all one's gowns, nor a plitsklii with "lie's dink divssts Due must hae a ban thai uiat.les the uote of the gown. Itruoklyu Esle. Wright to Chirk 0. Hush, S. E. , of S. W. Vi of S. W. i, section 11, township Ml, range I (,; $ lOIIU I). C. Heed In II. L. Hurdic, S acres in lownsnip .., range . K l.neiinla L. Wilson to ,1a A. Anderson, lot 14, block L Wil like's ailililion In Meilfortl . . . I.ney K. I'avne lo William C. Criibli, lots ID anil section li), tovviisliip 111), iiiuge 1 K . . . Frederick C. Page lo Ki'lleHt W. Fi'ickNon, lot 15, block I, Page mill it ion to M.'ilfiml Mil iv i:. Dickey lo Ashland Iron Works, lol .;, block III, Ash land Siimuel II. Jackson lo W. E. Lane, bind in I) 1. I' -17, township .'III, range 1 W . F. limit lo II. F. Mathes, land in township :i, range 4 K Ul.oOn li. W. II. Albert lo Mary A. Al bert, half interest in lots 11 ami 1'.', block 7:i, Mcll'ord . . . ll. W. II. Albert lo Mary A. Al, bert half interest in block 'J4, Hint I addition to Unite Falls 3000 '.'01 1 00 LOCAL MARKET. 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. The fololwing quotations are an im partial rsport of the prices paid by Med ford dealers: Wheat (1 per bushel. Flour 12.70 per ewt. Whuls barley 2 per ton. Hay- Hi per ton. Alfalfa 110 per ton. New potatoes 1.5 per cwt. Butter toe per roll. Lard 10c per pound. Heaas 5c per pound. Fggs 1'JHc per duien. Sugar $o.90 per cwt. Tarkevs 13e per pound. Poultry Spriug. fi to 3; hens, 13 50 to St per don. Haais ISO per pound. Shoulders 10c per pouud. Hogs (ic to oe par pouud. Cattle to S He per pound. It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. Golden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomach troubles. NEWPORT YAQU1NA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort I The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITS FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE Best of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEWPORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Rate From Medford SEASON SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Our elaborate new summer book gives a conciue description of Newport, iueluding a list of hotoU, their capacity and ratca. Call on, telepuuiie or write A. S. ROSENBAUM, WM. McMUERAY, Local A if e Lit, Modford General Passenger Agent, Portland Tribune Ads Bring Results FREE COFFEE la orJor to more t liorouglily iutro dure to tin- pulilir our liudi r, tin' justl.v .li'lirntnl "fl.ilili-u Oat.., II i K li Oran Cuff.'.'," wo will furnish it in nny Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACITIO RAILWAY Something which la ot considerable interest to lbs public vi'Dsrslly sua NOTICE. Xulic is horeby glvtu that His uu aerii(..e.l will apply lo th city council of the ritv of Medford, Oregon, at the Nearly 2-pound package for 25c, all retail grocers. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford. Or. I Northbound Xo. lolOrcgou Express. ... , 5:24 p.m. No. 14)Portlaad Express. . . 9:49 a. m. ) Southbound Xo. lojCaliforuia Express. .10:35 a. 01. Xo. lH:San VrH(i,.iflpn Kn..j a-fifl n m loHinil .puintity, from in to 100, I jj0. 225!Froin Grants Pass..! 9:15p.m. No. 2'J5;Kor Ashland 10:15p. m. iilisoliiti'lv fri'i' of cost for all l.ulgr huji pers or I'iiur.'li siu-ialfl. This ot'l'or Iioldn good for 0 days, July -5 to October 190S. Allen & Reagan Till' tlioi-orv oil lit," I nriit'r. PAOITIO 4 EASTERN RAILWAY No. 1 Leaves Medford 8:10 a. mT So. 3Leaves Medford 2:50p.m. Xo. 2jArrives Medford 10:83 a. m. No. 4 Arrives Medford 5:08 p.m. BOOUE RIVER TAI.T.rY RAII.WAV So. 2 L"eaves Medford. ... .10:45 a. mT Xo. 4 Leaves Medford 5:35 p.m. MotorJLeaves Medford 2:00 p m. .Motor Leaves Medford 9:00 p.m. Xo. 1 Leaves Jacksonville. . 9:00 a. m. Xo. 3,Leares Jacksonville. .J 3:30 p. m. Motor Leaves Jacksonville..! 1:30 p.m. X1otorLeaves Jacksonvills. .. 7:30 p.m. Mas far Tribune, 5nc per mosth. There is probably nothing else In which tho first try" is so often re i warded as ill WANT ADVERTISING. which is perhaps not generally knowL j 1(,lt ,,,,,,,'jug for a licease to sell spir- is the system of prepaid orders now I mh.ou and mall liquors in uuau effect between stations of the Southern ,. tUnU a balloa for the period raci.ic ruui,Bu, auu w,uw . u United States. Hv means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and .nailed or telegraphed direct to the ,artr wishing to corns here. Sleeper Accommodations and small amounts of cash In connection with these tickets may als bs furnished at the samr lime." 01 s.x mouths, at his placs of business at lot 1:1, In block 0, in th city of Medford, Oregon. Hated Julv 15, 1908. H. O. Wll.KE.NSON. New Cases. Kll'ivd Ilnryce vs. .I0I111 WintjVn; suit title, t 'harks I'rini, attorney tt. UI I'or plaiutiff. Horace Pelton vs. Cold Hill Canal .01.1pa.1v; action t.. recover money. Col vig uud lii.rlia.ii, attoti.eys for plain See us for bargains Wl have farms for sale,well Improved; goud orcbards: rich soil) m to ao p auI,. pn 4i,ff. Plttlt, Utownsvllle Land si lavvslmsutl . Co., BrowasvtUa, Orogoau tt ' K..l(tird Tribune, B0 fx asoat.s. Just Peceived- A Carload oS Extra Heavy Green Wh H liADQUARTHRS I:OR SASH AND DOORS ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co, KILN'S AND MILLS ATGLKNDALK OREGON YARD AND OFFICIO AT MFD FORD, OKKUON. "J