THE MEDFORD DAILY T7UBUNE, MEDPORD. ORECiON. TUESDAY, JULY 21, 1908. PR PAR E FUR I Social and Personal mm m m j FRUIT EXHIBIT State Horticultural Society Asks Display From All Sections for the Event The Oregon Hutt' Hurl inilfmul ho cietv will meet in I'urllnuil, Or., i-ember I iu i.jhiuhI m-wniiMi. It will likewise iiitn.ilini' On Mill, itiuiiifil in hi voDtiou of t lie N'nrthwi'Mt Fruit (Irow ftra' rtHflociution, which urxuiii.iitiun will deliberate during lite three following days. This ' horticiilturitl week " in Port lund will bo the bijt'Mt midwinter fruit growers', puckers' ninl HliijiprH ' inert ing ever hold on the eofcut. Hi'iireHontn five liortimlltirintB from all parts of the Pacific nor) hweHt wilt be in tit tendance, while eminent len'ber, ex poriinenteri and uuthom from vurioiiM HOctioiiH of the continent will fuvur th fonventiou with tiddruMOH, leeturen and deiuuiiut rations. Display of Pears. Ao CKpeciully attractive feature of the occoHion will be thft very lurge display of deeiduoiiH fruits, including pears, upU-nt pruneH and nuts in both eumniereial pack and plute dinpluy. The Oregon Htute Mortieulturul society will offur an exeeptionally fine seleetion of cups for befit diNplnys eoinmerciat park This iu itself will bring out a lively conteHt and -many up leu did oxhihitu, braid there will be several most ex cellent umi-eonipetitive riinpluyn from the leading orehanl UlNtriets. Thero are a dozen firHt-ebiHH fruit growing sections iu the northwest eueh one of which in u uh good, or better, than the other. At (his meeting Jhenc sectioiiH promine to outdo all former displays uf winter fruits, thus unnuriug n rare treat to our visitors from the oaHt aud over acroHH the Kens, for this h really an international event at which consumer, buyer and producer will meet fur conference, discussion uutl good fel lowship. Awards to Be Numerous. In a few weeks the hortieultunil and farm papers will have a full lint of awards lordlier with tho conditions of competition. Pu not lose sight of the I'll u I that this is one uf the very best places at which you enn do good work for your locality. Thousands will visit I he J'ruil ex hihit and will gather from it n far bet tei opinion of your products than it is possible to obtain from any amount of I prfntod matter. This year the asHOciation is a year older and in coiiKeipieuco must be big ger, better and entitled to greater re spect. This is the most comprehensive organljitiuu of its kiud on tho conti nent aud Portland is going to enter tain the visiting delegates iu a style befitting their rank and their glorious occupation. K. It. I.AKK, Secretary. Merchants lunch at Hotel Nuali. I Mf ssn, Thompson and mterhnhi- er were down from Anteloj Monday. 8. H. rent., the attorney, is down from Untie Fall. O. M. Nelbv is confined to his room with n severe attack nf fever. Mrs. HidiiiL'er of Jacksonville visited relatives living in Mcdfurd Mmidav. J. K. Anderson, who is in charge Dr. Piekel 'k farms in Mound district spent Monday in Medford. (leiirife II. Durham, the (Hants Pans attomev. made Medford and Jackson ville n professional visit Monday. Marion Trver and his family hav Xtm to Sikiyou county, California, on ;i vaciitiou of several weeks. H. Cantor and Mr. Mahoney of Big lint tee dmlriet transacted business f rd ford Monday. Joseidi Hibbiinl and Cnurlcs jiiv.h, the erocers, are mtikinti war on the fin ny tribe of the Applegate. John O. Phelgar, manager of Hmith & Molonv's shoe store, in Jacksonville IrnnnHctcd business in Medford Monday K. and Oeorge TT, Kads and their fnmilies left Monday for hn hills on a camping trip of several weeks; S. ( and flit Collins of Vancouver, Wriwh., nod their families are paying Medford a short visit. Prank Brown, the Kaglo Point iner chant, is paying Portlnnd n visit, pom biniug business with pleasure. . ('. K. Textor and Eugene Thompson were over from Jacksonville Mundnv uitcrnoon. Best hogs are bringing from to y0.7i1 in the Portland market; China fata fi t 4fif'.. f. r. In . Vi Mr. nnd Mrs. II. f. Tnrpin of Mound dist net, well k nown pioneers, were amoni! Medford relatives and friends during the week. MNh T.elah Williams of Portland, who is visiting her former homo at. Cen tral Point, was in Medford Mondav, the guest of Mrs. James Bates, Ca pt a i ii Verd in a nd Ma rt i a 'ougc have returned to (Iranls Pass from Cal ifornin, where they have been engaged in the timber land business. Mr. and Mrs. (luy Moore have moved to Wondvitlc, near which place the former will engage in farming and fruit raising. Art Nichols of Lake creek district representing Eagle Point lodge of the A. O. V, W. which is in session at orlland this week. Mitchell & Roeck, who have n fine orciiarii located northeast or Metlrurd an1 furnishing this market with chnii apricots. Pred Williams of Leola, Iu., arrive In Medford a few days since to join his wi fe nee Jen nie Wood f ord ) , who has been visiting here during tho past several weeks. . . T. liiiiidreii Ih prermring to build several neat cohiLres in the llolumii htition to Jacksonville. Fred Kicke will have charge of building opera tions. TO PLANT FRUIT IN WOLF CREEK D1HTRICTS Kev. W. CI. Hunt Ii, owner of Wolf creek and promoter of "Oregon's Ideal Colony," has thade n tour of inspection of the best orchards of the Kugun Kiv er valley. Expecting to mt from til) to 100 acres to fruit this fall, and be ing somewhat confused by the varying opinions of different fruit men, he de eided to visit the best orchards, note the shipex and noils and interview the owners tout his beginning here might be an fron from mistakes as experience I'flii make It. Many of the best orchards visited bavo changed hands recently at almost fabulous though not fictitious prices, and most of the sellers are already ex pressing regret that they parted with uch unbelievable revenue producers. NO UOOD riSHINO FOR THREE YEARH YET oM Work has been btirnn nn itm storage plant being put iu at Port Or lord liy If. d, Hume, The Cuiitrncluin are Manters & McLnhi enmpanv of Marshtleld. The fishing has been ery liht all season, but is improved moiic at pies ent. No big catches are looked for. however, before Hill, wh(, tt iH vx ected that the young fish turned out last season will return. 'boiutdhiug which hi uf considerable uieivwi iu tut puonc generally aud which is perhaps not generally knowc iucr Bairm or piepaiu order now ia r"i uuiwioo imiioui or tun Southern Pacific com pan aud all points iu the rrf.. o... -. .... vuiti oinin. oy means or iota system oimy n purchased at Medford from any place in the Cnited HtatM and nianru or lewgrapiiou dtreel to the party wishing to come here. Hleeper accommodations ami email amounts of caio in conuectmn with tbeee ticket! oiay ale be furnished at the earn time M It is now I he open scunou for male decrK which are snid to be more numer ous than for several years past, There is also an ample supply of female dears, I lie season tor limiting which is open the year round. James Kit gibbons, I he expert mill er, mid his family b'fl for Sau Fran ciseo Tuesday, but will rrluru to Med ford before long and occupy a cottage that will be buill for them in lueen Anne addition. Mr. 'P. experts to be iu Nevada much of his time, being in the employ nf a company that will op erate iu that slate on an extensive scale ft HUNTING IiAWD ABBREVIATED Deer Open on bucks from July to to October III. Not more than faive shall be killed by one man in season. Does may be killed only between Septem her 1 ami October Ml. In Coos and Curry counties the season closes October 1ft, and is closed per pel iially on female tb-er or does. Elk May be killed from Hep leinber l.i to October lft( but it is inteuded to clos( mi t tiin species perpetually. Only one may be killed during seuton. Beaver nnd spotted fan us- Closed perpetually. Violations of the game laws are punished by u severe penal ty and it is planned to make the statutes more rigid. NO PANIC IF TAFT FAILS TO WIN OUT NOTK'K. Nuticf it hfr.'liy givni ll.kl Ihr uu dr.lgBed will ,,,,ly th,. (Uly ( of lb. Clljf of Mlfor,l, Or(,o, tt tl. fr llr.n.. t ,ul,,t " " "'ion, for tu iM.ri.ul lot cii,1!1rr:(",.b"-- vmQ July 18, lH)t IHiT NIMilNOM, Va .Inl.v ill. Mt-I illf. K. Ilivfill.. I'hnirninn nf (In. of (lirivlitrM nf Ih llio- foir ruilrmiil iliHiioiTHtii' mndiilnlo for iimvnr of ( in i-immti, in lilii.1, ami roniilri'il ono of llio Hhrowilt'Ml lltinni'it.rtt ill tin. ontilrv llllt a ullit'lllil Oil .IIIIIO nf III., lliirim of thf ilail(i'r of i.lnii' followiii); III.' pro-iiiii'iiliiil rlivlion in an inliTviow lo I nay. --ir Jirvan i HitI.iI. ho mill, "Ihoro will bi an off liiiic in Wall ilrool for ahout a mnnih. Imi nfi..r iimi it will ijuiot down. "Ilie olivlion nf Tafi irobahly noul.l not I'annf auv flnrrv nl all ii. linaticial rirrlra. Iu Oltlli'r tviMlt. I lie r..itll will I... iil.oiit tin- aamo afii-r tlio i'l..'tii.n m ovir. . Ilmalla li..iivia Ihn ,ir nii.l that thcrr ii no dang. of a rrpr " wililir i air tiffonrv. 8POBT. ! J Portland ft-ll down hnrd iu ita final f gaiiu ul tin metropolis with the Loo; l.nna. With the onti'Ht at good aw 1 iuchi-d, a j-umhinatiou of rrora on ! tli.. ili-avera part let in aeven runs, the final aeore atandint; II to 3 in favor ot Loa AliKelea, Kifleen pninta now se I arute Ilie Jeadera, Snn being I a cdloae third with a prrrrlitnKe of r.MU and Oakland iu the eeilar wilu 4L'3 piin!s. to ita eredit. Phil Hroek knocked out Vrauk 1,'ariu.y al Angelea Friday night in the 2lth round after the men had put up the u.-rrefct exhibition ever aeen there. Ilroi k wauls to meet Paeky -Mcf'arlaud uow. 'I lie Iteavera will meet the Oaklaudera ul Portland ull week. The former have not done nearly ao well aa expected, ulihmiKh strengthened by Pitehir (Jra ney, lale of (Cleveland. NOTICE. Notice ii hereby (iven that the un -tsnined will apply to the city council f the city of iledford, Oregon, at the neit meeting for a liceuae to sell spir 'loui, vinous and malt liquors iu quan tities less than a gallon for the period ..f six months, at his place of businesa it lot 11, in block 2u, in the city of Medford, Oregon. Dated Julv 10, 1U08. W. M. KENNEUV. Minor Heir, It reen pacer, al Terre llniile, Ind., on Friday, Net u new worlda r nd when lie reeled off the two firal Inula of n S.-W pace in 2:0112 nnd : 11 1 , tue fnalest two heuta ever pacod iu ft race. The Eel won the thud bent in 2:03 1-2 and forced Minor Heir to finish the nice nnd ait anoilier record of the fasten! five heala ever paced in a race. The Eel won the fourth heat in 2:S ami .Minor Heir took the fifth in 2:0". The Auj-elea club has six pilch ers. Thin incllulea George Wheeler, who haa been pluying first baae diiriut; the al.Heiice of Dillon. The others are Thor sin, Nuifle, llosp, Gray and Koeatner. All of them arc reliable box artists. Hob Fitzsiminonn aud .Stanley Ketch II will fiKht at aome point near Suo. k.ine for the middleweight champion ship of the world, winner to take ull the Knle reeeipta. The two men will i t nl l.'.S pouuda, rinuside. nud the bnltle will take plnce aa soon us nr. r.iiiijeiiienta can be made for incidental a Ifaira. Facts Worth Considering To stop and think of the advantages i to be derived by placing your orders for tailoring work with a reliable tai lor means to favor us with your patron age. Satisfaction or your money back is how strong our guarantee is. We still huve a few summer suiting left at u greatly reduced price. Keep your money at home. (.'leaning and repairing mally done. FREE COFFEE In order to more I horoiighly iiitro dnce to the public our leader, the justly celebrated "fiohleu flale, High (iuide Coffer," we will furnish it in any .desired ipiantily, from 10 to 1 00 pounds, absolutely free of cost for all lodge mip j.ers or church socials. Thin offer lioldp jfuod for HO days, July to Uetubei Sir, jhos. W. W. EIFERT CITY TAILOR. MF.DFORD, OR. Tlw flrat "try" In any Hue of effort ; Is not usually enough. "Try again" is j a alogan as uld as experience of liu- man affairs. ' Allen & Reagan The llrocerv on the ('orner. Frank llotch, chuinpion wreatler of ihe world, has uuiionnced that after the xliibition iu liulveaton Fridav niul,i with Herman llena, he will retire from the mat. lack l.eybnrn, L':IIS I 2, established o World ' records al Terre It luly 17, ia the 2:0!) I rot. One mark was 2:01 II I, the faster third heat iu a nice, and th her was the three fastest heata ever trolled by a ijeldinjr. 1'rnu.n lor tile t,ri. ..llH .., I ml.. 'Ihn .:. I Ins is one third of a second slow r than Ihe world'a mark set by Alix. I'.UII.UINO FI8IIWAY BEAR (JREUK DAM Sinall boys in ihe lialiit. of fisliinir for little trout around the Hear creek dam Mlierc the city obtains its water supply must quit it or suffer arrest for viola lion uf state fishini' laws. The cinr s building a lislnvay over the daf upon list ructions fi i Deputy Came War leii Mesaler, anil no fishini ia allowed ivithin tiiio feet of Ilie fish way. Mr. nessier slates that lie will arrest Ihe irst persons he catches within the for nldeu territory. . REPORT OF TIIE CONDITION OF Medford National Bank at Medford, iu tho State or Oregon, at the close of business, July luth, 1008. Resources. Loans nnd Discounts $1S1,271.1:1 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured 1 3,4fi(i.7ii I'. S. Bonds lo secure circulation lil.SOO.00 Premiums on V. S. Houds 1,7115. S7 Securities, etc 2!l,llli.H Bunking House, Furniture and Fixtures !t.'i,07l.l-l Hold Dust on hand ir.rt.Hl Due from National Itauks (not reserve atreuts) . . . . 2SI1.S.1 Due from Slate Hanks and Hankers I.1SI.H Due from approved reserve airents li;i,oH0.-l4 t becks nnd other cash items -1(12.1)7 Notes of other National Hanks 2IO.0U Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 22."i.ll"i Lawful Money in Reserve in Hank, viz.: Specie !,r27.i0 21.ri27.SO lledeuipt ion fund with lr. S. Treasurer (5 per cent of circulation).. 2,4'IO.UO Total. .!floil,.-,! NOTIOF.. Nolicn is hereby uiveu thai the under inned will lipply lo the city council of ho cily of Medford, Oreirun. at Ihe neeiini; to be held on August .'I, UMW, lor II llceasa to He I sniril.oiu ..i u ind mall liituors iu iiuanlilies less than a K'l"ul1. al. his iilaco of business, ni Is 10 mid II, in block 21, iu said cily, nr a period of six mouths. Duted July 20, Hills. .HHIN IIAKId.NdTilN. Liabilities. t 'uphill sto.-k paid iu ; '. Surplus fund .'. I'lldivided profits, less expense and taxes paid National Hank notes outstanding. Due to State Hunks and Hankers Due to Trust Companies and Savings Hanks ... Individual deposits subject lo check Demand certificates of deposit Time certificates of deposit fill, 11110,00 10.000.00 (lltl.7(! W.MIIIl.OO l,2.-)i.S!) 2,128.81 .'.-7,21!).7r, B7.E17.2S 2,0.'i0.00 Total .floii..-)!)l.iu Stale of Orejjou, County of Jackson, ss: I. J. K. Knyarl, president of Ilie above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best' of my .klio-TVlcd-rc und belief. .1. B. KNYAKT, I'residenl. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Istb day of July, 1008. IN'"'' I) J. E. RARKDri.L, .Notary Fiiblic. l.'orrect Attest: . WM. M. COI.VHi, " ' .1. D. OI.WKLL, J. A. I-KHHV. Directors. NOTICE. Notice Ia hereby iriveu that !. .... .leraigned will apply lo the city couucil f the city of Medford. Oreoun i.i il,. next meeting for a license to sell apir itous, vinous and malt liquors iu quau lilies leas thau a ballon for the period oi aix mouths, at bis ulaca of ho. in.... at lot 13. In block 20 in ir... ..I Medford, OrtiH-ou. Dated July 15, IMOS. H. O. WU.KKNMON. The uld reliable Albany Nurseries, have the largest stuck of fruit trees l the Pacific coast. Pears, applea. peach, plums, apricots, nectarines, char rica, Kngliali waluuta, ahade aud orna mental treea, berries, roaea aud .toil,. all uf which I offer at li.We.l iri..u. onaisteut with firat claaa nuraerv .I....L Having been with this nursery 15 years, . can guarantee all stuck tu be true to uaiua and free from diaeaaa I k.,,11. uuthing but Oregun growu treea. I., b. WARNHH, Medford, Or Which Will It Be? I'l N HA I'l'l.K S1IKKUKT, OKCJAXUK SHKR HKT, STKAWBKItltY I OK CRKAM, VAMLLA olv'DKWS UKI.lVKHKl) TO ANY PART OF T11K CITY. lU'lTKHMll.K AND SW'KKT i'UKAM AL WAYS ON TA1 ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY Medford Time Table SOUTHERN HAOiriO RAILWAY Northbound lUt)regou Kxpreas.' . . Mil'ortlaud Kxpreas. . Southbeuud 15Califoruia Kxpreas. 13Su Francisco Kin. No. 225Prom tlrauta Pass No. 225 For Ashland No. No. .1 VM p. in 9 4 a in I .10.;tr, a in .j .1:20 p. m . 1115 p iu ,10:15 p. in. PA0ITIO EASTERN RAILWAY No. l t.eavea Medford. No. S l.eavea Mtdfurd. No. 2Arrires Medford. No. 4Arriv Medford. . 8:10 a. in I :Mp iu I0:28 a. ill. 5:08 p. iu. ROOUE RIVER T ALLEY No. tlLeaves .Medford llitkep Int. ... . . .. 1 . ' rtormeen. rt. II . HARRY CAMPBELL. l.TiJZ "" No. 4il,avea Medford. MotorlI.eaves Medford Motor Leaves Medford.... No. 1 'Leaves Jacksonville. No 3Lvea Jackaonrllle. Motor Laavaa .lackaonvllle MotorL.vea Jacksonville. . MAO. CLOSES. KaaJa Poiat. Northbound Souteboumd JaoksoavtlU RAILWAY ! (10:45 a. in .1 3.35 p.m. . 8: (HI p in. : H.UOp ui. , j :00a. m I 3:30 p. ui. I 1:30 p. ui. 7:30 p.m. 1 A. M.P.'M . I T:80 8:00 ' I :1 4:4 10:08 t:80i . .10:0 8:80 it is up to You What Will You Do? If vmi tin a lot of thinking, if your brain is active una nie strain is wearing tint your nerves and breaking down your system day by day, then you may reflect for a moment, tf it would not lie wise to drink the strength of roasted grams, to buy at your grocery store a pack age of Golden Grain Granules No man can consume his strength and retain it at the same time: he ought to replenish an emia! amount daily. UOI.DKX ORA1X GRANULES is far super ior to Coffee, although it looks like coffee, tastes like of fee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had in any grocery store for 2.V. Order a package today. All grocery sell it. The July Clearance Sale The Dry Goods Economist Tin vvurlii h lnrnnt ami ffrcai tst irxtilt publication, Hays that nil up ln ilali shirrs all owr the I'liitt'.l Slatt-.s art' m.iniiitf Huriin.'e huIi'M )ul iii'W itiul that thene stores are (lie only otifH that wilt mu'et'i'd iu kwpiiin Choir Hfocks clean ami now. Tho articles k0,h on to state that the shut' Mi.'it does not rnu a clearance salo at loasl onco a yoar will sii.iti.T nr later ftiul its shelves entttainin inure or less of those joints uliicli are puHSe a)nl unsalable. 1 1 also Htates Ihal niost all women up prociale u clearance sale, wIuto they cau bnvy all linos uf gooils at a rcilni'l idit, Ihns saving on all the oreryil:iy neceHMitios. Lailies, thin mure ul'l'irs yon its entire stock, with but five exceptions, at reduc tions rniitfiiitf from lo TO GO V KU l 'ENT. Two Sensations Don't Miss Some of Them You wiMHlercd several timc-s no tloubt if wo advert isoil tho trulh, uml we have womb-red if you really cared lo nave money on your pur chases or preferred paying the full price. .Vow is a good time to teat our adveriising. Come and see i we io as we s,iv. 33c a pair f r;inv pair of Iluse in the slt.rf thai forinnly sold at MU; (V'm or 7."e. Thin offer iodds fjond fur Tuesday onlv, so t-omo i-ai !v Tl i:si),v. 63c each for any jjiiuz,! Vest, I'ants. Shirt, or Tuion Suit in tho storo that formerly sold at S.'ic, $1,00. $1.2. or .fl.-ln. This offer will bo good for Tuosdav only, so come. earl TI'KSDA y! Guaranteed Hosiery f V f L l,ir :i" s'z'! ''!.,i,!' uml I'liiMrcu I SI I 5) fl flY """ ri,''"''l lliwii-ry. Tin. duxi-n I'onluiii U 1 JJ U UUi six ,!'irs "' '",s'' ""' l!""rn'''l lo wear any . liild six (Ii) inuiitlis Willi ..ul ii hrwik in Hip lieils, lues or siiIcm. Kaih box ciiihhmis a writlon Kiiiiranli'.' tii-kot Willi full diroi'linns us Iu all osHiiingiH. Come uml liy n Imx nf jjiiaranliMil konicrr. All uf our Ilcmiory is giiaraulo.',! in L'iv. val isf'lU'l ion. .i:ll'()lil)'S ri'TO IIATK STOKK BAKER - HUTCHASON CO. (' Street, .lust; North of .Tnckson Coiinl v Hank. TO HOT TO EAT anything but the best.. If it is meat, you are sure to get the best here, with the price iio more than elsewhere. Medford Meat Company COLD STORAGE MEATS Next Hotel Nash. Medford, Or. THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian ia tho best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OK BLANKS REAL ESTATK Warranty Deed Mortgage. Ixmtt mid Short Formi Stltal'ftt.'l'll of MtalltfmKt- Trmnafrr of Lien Tower uf Attorney Mvclmnic's Lien Water Rlfht Bond fnr Ieed Quitcldini'Dem Wiih Tax Payment Provisioii Uption tu Boy Land Agent's Contrartii MISCELI.ANKOUR Hill of Sale l.iqiior LiL-ente Forms Notice to I'lvopaaMra i'reditor'n Claim AktainHt Eitar Chattel Murtiratre AcknoWledgmeitt Contesaion of Judgment ('oven for blank KOR RKNT. KOR HaLK. FURNISHED ROOMS. HIV. (on rard board). MIN1NCJ QuarU location Water Riht Oregon and 1 1. S Fonni lWia.-r lo Sell Proof wt I.ktbui JUSTICE OF PEACt Civil and Criminal Subpoena Attainment Undertikinjr and Afti davitor AtUchmtnt Cotniniliiieiit tor Fine Jury Order Warrant Arreat PROBATE .5 Admlnh,tw'.I Kaecutor',, a..d Uil.rdW, Letterof Admin UintLl i ,Zl? . Zi 1 T "t,w,: itnmiMWii to Apprau.ra; Testamentary. Placer Location bond for Ul Minm a Lien bum mom Fto-utlon Judgment Tranccript Commitment for Irial Mnarch Warrant tiarnlahmant Cost Bill Notice to Jurori Civil (Complaint CIRCUIT COURT Undertaking and Affidavit Mumniona fur Attachment CuHt Bill CrtTnlnal aivd Civil Hnhpoeni E m ill ion Saii-h Warrant wotive to Juror Attachment Notit-e of Gartiwhment (imndJiiry .Snnpuim Indii'tnient Traaitt-ript of Jialgment Rl?Vbl.ANK!5! f U S 'ANOOKF",K-,roi'NTY COURT AM All printed after the latest and best forms. cjj Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. ci Give us a trial. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MKDKORI) ORKOON- V