THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDPORT). OREOOX. TUESDAY. JFLY 21. 1908. VISIT TO BRYAN N HIS HOM E Editor Describes Falrview and Distinguished Host -Simplicity of Bryan f.'harlcs K. MrClatehley, editor of the Saerumento Bee, writes as follows of his visit to William J. Bryan at the Fairview farm: Bryan has a charming home, a beau tiful home. It stands on a knoll, and is certainly well named ' Fairview." Prom the lawn you enu sou the spires and homes of Unoulu, the attractive farms and country residences round about, the mountains inMhe distance, and all over that rich pervading green from foliage and from grass a green that preaches rest and content to the eye and seems to promise them to the heart. Bryan has ItiO acres here, and he cer tainly has made, of it a beauty spot Ho man could grumble at farm life had he a farm like Bryan's. It has every eonvenience known to modern neces sity, and even luxury. Practically every thing the Bryan eat they grow or raise on this fair farm. And everything about it everywhere is as clean as a pin, as swet as the oveuing air breathing tin its own vast carpet of undulating green. Bryan's Den Evokes Bapture. And the house itself. Well, the house is certainly ft home! Its broad ap proaches, its sweeping entrances, its spacions rooms, every one seemingly is suiug a friendly invitation to its neigh bor to get in and be sociable- every thing about the house breathers an air of open-handed ami open hearted hns pitality. And Bryan's private den! He insisted upon us seeing that afterward, nnd sit ting thereiu and chatting for a few minutes. Talk about all tho comforts of home! Why, to a newspaper man who knows how to appreciate such a haven of rest, that den has nil tho comforts of hea ven. And it was in delightful, delicious, delirious disorder, too that disorder which is daily torture to the soul of the good housewiie, but to the worker breathes forth nn almost living em bodiment of heaven's first law. Nobody but Bryan could tell where anything on earth could be found in that room and I venture that Bryan never could find a single paper after anyone started to clean it up and "ar range things neatly. " No Veneer About Bryan. But to return to the story: When Bryan and Mrs. Brynn were through with the Virginia delegation, having 'had their pictures took," several of the thirsty delegates found there was no water left in tho crock by the front porch. Hearing of it, Bryan escorted the crowd to the side of the house by the windmill. He personally turned on the fauset from a deep driven well, ami handed to each iu turn as splendid a glaBS of "Adams' ale" as ever came from the bosom of Mother Karth pure, sweet, soft and cold. Many another mail would have scut a servant out to, wait upon the crowd. Many another man would simply have told the crowd where the water was and Jet them help themselves. Not so with America's great Commoner. He stood there smiling and hatless, filling each glass in turn to the accompaniment of kindly, happy remarks. Simple and Unaffected, It was certainly very democratic on bis part but it was not affected de inoeracy. It was the simple, unaffected, outward act uf his own simple, unaf fected, inward nature. His every day iife. is made up of just such little simple uets as was shown all through that pleasant nfternoon of Friday. Whatever else some people may think .Bryan is anil it will ever be impossible for the world to agree with any man no one who knows him will say that hi is aught but a simple, honest, unaf feeted, sterling American you could scrape him nil day and you could not find the faintest trace of veneer. Von don't have to fathom the man. What he is he is, hight out in the open sunshine. He is as simple and unaf fected as a child. There is ubsolutely no "style" about him, no make-believe, no veneer no sham. He is "straight goods" from tho skin to the heart, and from the heart out again. All His Neighbors Love Him. That is why all his neighbors love him. Thati s why, republican and demo erat alike, they have been flocking to his home to shake him by the hand. That is why they speak to him and of him as " William." Thati s why, even in the presence of the honor that has been showered upon this man, they find time to ask him homely questions about homely neighborhood topics topics that breathe of the life of the soil, of the marvelous miracles of reproduction, of the thousand nnd one liitle things that neighbors, especially if farmers, think to talk about. And in the midst of it all, this siin pie, great mnn nil the greater because of his simplicity finds time to answer their homely inquiries and to ask iu return affectionate questions about their intimate farm and home life. The flimpls Man the Ore a test. 1 wish all young Americans could know and become well acquainted with William Jennings Bryan not as a candidate for president, not as a pub lie figure, particularly, but merely as s man. They would surely become better Americans therefor, better men. They would then learn that your true geu tlemau is known by the cut of his heart and the fit of his soul, aud not by the cut of l.'s coat and the fit of his trous ers. They would then become awure that iu order to bo really great, it is not uecesNiiry for a mau to embalm him self in diguitv's cold storage plant, to exile his heart in the ice house of snob bish culture, and to array his soul in the tuxedo of cxclusiveness. They would then become eertuiu that simplicity is really the truest budge of greatness; and that . the man natural, and uot the man veneered, is closer to tho great heart of the All-Seeing. LESLIE CARTER DECLARED INCOMPETENT IN COURT ANNOUNCES SOURCE OP "EXAM' QUERIES It is announced by Superintendent Ackeruian that the sources from which questions will be taken for state and comity papers will be as follows: Book keeping, office methods and practical bookkeeping, part 1; physiology, Hut chiusun; United Stutes history, Doub; civil government, Strong & Sliaefer; (henry and practice, White's Art of Touching; arithmetic, Smith; grammar, Bnehler; geography, Redwny & II in itial!, national school geography; psy chology, Buell; Kuglish literature; A, one half from Newcomer's Kuglish Lit erature; H one half from the following classes: i. Shakespeare Merchant of Venice; ed. by W. J. Kulfe. L. Scott lvnnhoe. (liiverside literary series.) 3. Irving Sketchbook, Hip Vim Winkle, Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Westminister Abbey, Stratford on A vou-t'hrisl mas. The Specter Bridegroom. Remaining sub jeers, state texts. Life diplomas nnd five-year certifi cates were issued from the superintend ent of public instruction's office yes terday as follows: Kllen Kllzuhoth John son, diploma, liilil Kerby street, Port land; .loselihille M. Loehor. iliiilmnii .mily l. Broun, diploma, Hills- Burns dale, If. 2; Klla .lenu Hays, certificate, lillamook, five years; l-.thel Uross, cer tificate, Oakland; Kinnm Knupp, certif icate, Aurora; Kcho Xnson, certificate, Wuodlawn; Louise, Putnam, certificate., Drain; liertrudo Brchinit, Condon, cer ticaole on papers from Prince Kilward island; Aubrey ti. Smith, Joseph, eer- lifieal i papers from Missouri; L. II. Puncher. Sniuptor, ceil iticulo on pa pers from .North Dakota. Medford Tribune, 50c per mouth. CHICAGO, July 21. Leslie Carter, former husband of tho famous actress, was tuduy declared mentally incupable of handling his own business affairs by a judge of tho probate. A guardian will be appointed to attend to Carter's timiucial matters. Judge Cutting's order was tho result of a petition filed in the court by Helen Leslie Carter, sister of the broken down linaucier. The filing of this petition disclosed that the Carter estate iu t lit) past few years has dwindled from more than ;!.noo,000 to $r.1,0tiil. Carter was formerly president of the South Side elevated railroad, and one of the foremost tinauciers iu Chicago. NASH INAUGURATES MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON The Hotel Nash today Inaugurated an innovation iu Medford a choice lunch suup, two meats, vegetables, your favorite beverage and cuffe all for 25 cents. Just bits the spot on a hot day. Is nut surpassed in San Fran cisco, Portland or other cities. Try it, for it will be a regular institution if the patrouuge justifies it. 101 THE OLD HOWARD HANOH Three miles south of Medford and i!U miles west of Phoeuix, is now cut up iu small tracts to suit the purchaser. Otis-fourth cash, balaneo in three pay ments. This is a rare opportunity for men of small meaus. Listed with all the agents. For Those Tired Aching Feet use our Foot Powder, absolutely guar an teed. Medford Pharmacy The Big Drug Store with Little Prices. Near Postoffiee. Oak Park Addition On railroad on the West Side, north of depot grounds and conveniently located i'oi- business men seeking home sites close m. These fine lots are offered for sale cheap, on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer building inducements to anvoiie wishing to make the right kind of improvements. Why go out to the faraway suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at prices ranging from $200 to $350 per Lot s uuaiea wnere an advance in price is assured, and whero me nrsi, Menem win he derived hi-oin the completion of the railroad to the timber 1 It pays to figure on such investments in a live Uwn like Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like a veritable gift lo the buyer in a vear or two hence. For tull particulars apply to the Rogue River Land Comp'y Exhibit Building JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. It does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices our sched ule. We pay the freight. The Tribune 21 Central Ave. MEDFORD Do You Realize that lumber and cement are on the bargain counter; that all building material is cheaper than it has been for years, and that the services of competent builders can be secured for wages lower than you will see again? Xow, give this a few moments' thought and you will act as do the prudent business men build now, save money and avoid the rush of coming good times. Grater Lake Lumber (Bo. '-or. w v sr j WHY IS IT? That each month in all the best homes in this country, on the library table, and in every club reading room, you find the METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE It is because it keeps you in touch willt those great public and human movements on which the American family depends. It is because ils stories are the best published anywhere. It is because its illustrations in color, and black and white, set the standard. It is because its articles are the most vital and interesting. It is because (here is something in each copy lor every member of every American family. A YEAR'S FEAST 1800 Beauliful Illustrations. 1560 Pages of Reading Matter. 85 Complete Stories. 75 Good Poems. 50 Timely and Important Articles. 1 000 Paragraphs presenting lite big news of the "World at Large." 120 I luminous Contributions. Wonderful Color Work, presented in frontispieces, inserts and covers. All Youra for One Yttur'at Subscription to THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE I'rlre SI. .It) it Yu:ir ur 1.1 t.'oiils u Ciipy TUe publishers of Uie SOUTHERN OEEUON1AN have wade a special arruugeiuent with THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE by which liiuy ate enabled to otter the followlug extra ordinary bargain: The cost or one year's subscription to THE METROPOLITAN It 1.60. The cost of 12 months' subscription to the SOUTHERN OREQONIAN Is 12.00. We offer both for 1:4.60. A COMPLETE STOCK EVERYTHING OF THE FINEST Toilet Articles Fine Perfumes Stationery Proprietary Remedies And All Other Drug Store Goods "THE BEST IS NONE TOO GOOD' OUR MOTTO Prescriptions Prepared by an Expert THE EAGLE PHARMACY A. E. WHITMAN, MANAGER :: PALM BLOCK, MEDFORD A LAUNDRY that is uuiuliuble is most uusatisfaetury. pride ourselves ou the fact that our work is iuvariably goo.l. We are a Home In dustry and Employ only White Help, Medford Domestic Laundry GLEN FABRIOK, Prop. Medford, Oregon. ABOUT AlllTUSt, 15 Wft will Via nurlv to sell tiered and seasoned OAK WOOD in any quantity at $3.00 per tier, delivered, or $2.00 pet tier at the ranch. Good Rail Wood Some cedar, sawed into tier wood, at $1.50 per tier at the ranch or $2.50 per tier delivered. For all necessary informa tion apply to WESTERN OREGON ORCHARD CO. Medford, Oregon. LOW RATES EAST Will lie made this season by SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lines In Oregon FROM MEDFORD, ORE. as follows: TO Both Ways One Way Through Via Portland. California. Chicago $82.40 $87.80 St. Louis 77.40 82.50 St. Paul 69.90 81.75 Omaha 69.90 75.00 Kansas City .. 69.90 " 75.00 Tickets will be on sale June 19, 20. .July 6, 7, 22, 23. August 6, 7, 21, 22. Good for return in 90 days with stopover privileges at pleasure within iinuts. REMEMBER THE DATES For auy further information call on A. S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent, or wrije to WM. M 'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. The ELECTRIC f2fo TEA KETTLE CL Furnishes hot -' water for tea on V verv short notice It enn be used on the tin tnnlo ur in thr kiti-hen-Attaches to any. electrolier duiablo WW ROUUB EIVBt ELECTRIC CO., Successor to Coadot Water Fewer Co. Ot dee !0t) W. 7th at.,' opp. big eleetrte alga I leutmswa Vhone VA. Shrewd Advertisers use "Tribune" spwe Out IToulaUon la legitimate and large tor a city ot Utla ilia larger than any othet paper In Oregon can show tor pop ulation.