Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, July 20, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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    20. 1908.
TT7TPTTX7ri "ffnttn. OREflOX. MOXDVVlillLg
Social and Personal
"t'olestln" for'coolneM. 10
Merchant! ' lunch t Hutel Ntb. j
8v "Colc.tin" wiU K wllL
W,' v. Woods made a business trip
to Qlendale Hunday.
Mrs. L. U. Jacobs spent several lorn
'at the courthouse Saturday.
Dr D'Armoiid made a prori-sioual
trip to Jacksouville Saturday.
Mr and Mrs. H. I. Pelton of Sam.
Vllev were iu Med ford Friday.
j V Annstroug of Hums Valley was
.book the many in Medford Saturday
District Attorney Mulkey was in Med
ford Saturday on official business.
F M. McKinnii: f Talent precinct
transacted 'business in Medford Sutur
j .
ui liel.l. v has returned from
a visit at her former home iu Hi. I'aul.
Minn. .. ... ...i
I). Andortou, A. . l urry
Colvor were up from Phoenix Saturday
evening. ... . ,
Ray Childers has gom. l ' '
locate noi,g the Mormons for a while
t least. . , , , .,
Ooorge. I.. Iavis, president of the
Jacksonville hank, was u Medford visi
tor Hunday. '
Mrs U C. Hiseiiiore has returned lo
Port Klamath after a few weeks' visit
in this valley.
Miss Mury Davidson, who hus been
teaching school in Klamath county. i
. at home again.
Mr. and Mrs. (loorge Lindley have re
lurned from 1'ortlnnd nud will remain
a, while longer.
A. L. (Jail, who is employed at the
Osgood place, near Jacksonville, was in
Medford Saturday.
Misses Zetu White, Hand Kiiyart and
lone Flyuu were among the muny in
Aaiihmd last week.
Hon. II. von der llelleu anil one of
Ins sons were in Medford Saturday
tr,.Ttui.itiiiir business.
J. V. Hitter is being visited by his
half brother and his family, who are
led nt MeCloud. Oal.
Mr mid Mrs. Charles Hamilton of
Applogfito were in Medford Saturday
Trading with our merchants.
James Fitzgilibon, "l0 miner, who has
been a,t the Hluo IMge for some time
past, has gone to Nevada.
.1. W. Ingram, who is located on Kvnns
crook, was on Hie southbound train Hat
urdav en roulu to Ashland.
R, K; Donne lllld K. I', l-ittle, the colli
experts, went south ll few days since,
but returned the next day.
J. (J. Hiirnurd nud K. K. Winkler, who
uro stopping at Ashland, were among
thnir Medford friends Monday.
Miss Kntlierino t'linpmnn, the .luck
sonvllle milliner, visited at (lranls Pass
the fore part of the week.
Hurry Childers left Saturday for New
port, whero he will disport himself in
the brinv deen for a few weeks and
then (to to Albany.
Qoorgo II. Smith, who is engaged in
the wholesale produce business ul r.u
gone, hn been In Medford looking for
supplies in his line.
Airs. Helen llaskiiis uml her dailgli
ter, Miss 1'linnie, have been entertain
ing Mrs. I'ool and her daughter, Miss
Alice, of Klamath Tails.
Miss Anohel Oilgers of Berkeley, Oil.,
who has been visiting in Medford, the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Ii. li. Has
kins, left for lioine Sunday.
Mrs. Laura flnrdner has leased W.
Ewbnnk 's building nt the corner of
Tenth mid V. streets nud will open a
hospital hero Iu u short time.
David IMymnle arrived from Yrekn,
('!., Sunday. He suvs that his brother
Frank is now in the employ of (he His
don iron works at San Francisco.
PI I). Scott made ll short trip south
during the past week, lie recently trad
ed a small piece ol land for a house and
lot in Hisbee, Ariz., and other property
Messrs. Bruce ami Norton has re
turned from the copper bell, where they
have been asl limiting the Southern Pa
eific eoinpnny's timber huldiligs ill that
Kov 1 1. Cooper, deputy mineral sur
veyor, has returned from an official
trip to the Hluo Ledge.
Mrs. J. II. Messier, who was operated
on bv Dr. It. ('. Kelaey of Hold Hill, is
Messrs. Hawkins and llpp, th" mine
were over from Jacksonville Snlurday.
Mr. Wilson, secretary of the Woods
Lumber company, returned Saturday
from a successful limiting trip (o th
South I'mpqua district, lie reports deer
more numerous than last yenr.
The remains of the late H. W. Collins
; arrived from Vancouver, Wash., Satur
day and were buried in the Jackson
ville cemetery the next day under tin
' auspices of Medford lodge of Masons.
The deceased was a native of (luerney
county, Ohio, and in his 7M year.
man of rutin v excellent traits of char
actor. His dentil is regretted by all who
knew him.
Mr. Payne of Helta, Cal., has bought
Alfred (tordon's place on Ifoguc riv
containing 'J4II acres, for T.Min. White
A Trowbridge negotiated the stile.
The grand luodger of the A. O. U. W
and Degree of Honor meet at Porttand
this week. Robert 'J'avlor and his wife
represent the local lodges.
Miss Clara Grieves lias gone to Hi
dlntf, Cal., to accept a position in the
telephone office there.
Crack Jockey Kills Himself.
liillcrest orchard company to
V. 1. Vawter, power of at
torney John C. Stephenson to Helen E.
Hneilieoi-, property in Park ad
dition io Medford II. ..ol: to F. II. Clary,
land iu 1) L C 40, township
3, rang - 1 K
II. O. Under, lo F. D. Swiuglo,
proiperiy iu block O, Kailroau
additiou to Ashland
Arthur Hidden to Isaac C. Moore
K0 acres in section 23, township
.'11!, ruuge 1 h'
L'uited Stales tu Klmcr Oraut
Deuison, 1C0 acres iu section
14. township .'til, range 2 E. . patent
licorgc N. Lewis to Arthur Lewis,
lot 7, block M, Jane McCully
addition to Jacksonville ...
lieorge X. Lewis to Nettie Thomp
son, lots .1 and 0, 11 aud 12,
block !!.', McCully addition to
luliette Ferguson lo John Danish,
.IS77 acre in 1' L C I;!, town
ship .'17, range 1 W
It. L. Hnrdie to ( oru Lay, lot
II and X, block Ml, Mcdlord ...
S. Brooks el ul. to Mollie
Hale, lot ii, block 7, Kendall's
addition to Medford
.1. A. Lvon to James Kent, lots
!l and HI, block 1, I'rnitdale
addition to Medford
Allen M. Short to H. (lildner,
N K Vi section :i'l, towusliip
'?,?, range 2 W
Jom-s Hriscoe to I). Oilduer,
lti.i acres iu section town
ship 33, range 2 W . .
Peail Cates to 11. F. Carter.
land iu section lo, townsnip
30, range 4 V
V. J. Tryor to Arglee r . l.reeu,
.', acres in Kagle Point . . .
Bank of Ashland to ,1. V. uii-
more, 20 acres in towu-.Ulp .l'J,
range 1 K
II. Clary to E. M. Taylor,
land in D L C 40, township 3U,
range 1 E
, M. Fowler to Margaret Kes
wick. .110 acres in Ashland . . .
William H. Hurley to Edward E.
Foss, laud iu township la,
range 1 W
F. K. Deuel lo J. F. Kelly, lot
IK, block 21, Medford
Miller Davis to J. E. Nichols,
land iu township range 2
.1. E. Nichols 'o Millie Davis, acres in section 11, town
ship 3d, range 1 W
Jacob Stone to Millie Davis,
land in township 3U, range 2 W
U A. Hriner to .James H. Hens
li y, 10 acres in section 2, town
shiu 3!), range I W
KHATTLK. Wash.. Jlllv 20. Vt lllie
Holmes, who was a crack jockey sev
eral years ago and who has been fol
lowing the ponies on the coast for the
past two yearB, put a bullet in his brain
near the Meadows track Sunday after
noon. Despondency on account of ill-
health was the cause.
..... r- 7 .
Torn in Sawmill. .
KV BRETT, Wash., July 20. lersch
ell Higelow, 12 years of ago, was torn
00 to pieces in the Klwood sawmill when
his elotliing caught in a belt and ho was
'dragged throng a pulley.
No Discrimination
In Prices
Are you going to have pictures made!
If to, watch these picture talks. I have
had years of experience iu one of the
largest cities. 1 nl going to tell you j
something about modem, up to date
photography iu this space. The subject
will be changed each time. The first
subject will be "Child Portraiture, " j
I develop kodak work, make all kinds
of views, take interiors, take your order
for a cut, and can made you a first-
class, up to date portrait. 1
100 NOTICE 100
Just received, out; hundred now patterns and styles in
Rings, direct from the factory. Come in and look
them over.
The Jeweler Near PoBtottlce
Flue Watch and Jswelry Repairing a Specialty.
aii.vthiuu' liui Hit' Ix'st, 11' it is meat, yon are
sure to get the tiest here, with tin; price no more
than elsewhere.
Medford Meat Company
Next Hotel Nash.
Medford, Or.
ULATED, $6.50
Over Model Clothing Store
In order to more thoroughly i lit ro-
doee to the public our leader, tile justly
celebrated "Golden fillle, High finnle
Coffee, " we will furnish it in any i
desirid ipianlily, from 10 lo 100 pounds,
absolutely free of cost for all lodge sup
pers or church socials. This offer holds !
guod for !I0 duys, July 25 to October j
'2.1. 190S. I
- Max Zimmerman, the market day pro
Dialer, is in Medford arranging with
local merchants to pull off a market
day In Medford on August 1. tlrants
Ps' market day, Saturday, he pro
uouuees a great success.
Notic is hersby given that ttie uu
dcrsigned will apply to the city couucil
of the city of Medford, Orrgou, at the
uut mtnf for a license to sell spir
ttous, vinous aud malt liuuors iu mi an-
Its than a gallon tor th. period
. ... mourns, u bis plus 0f
" V ' Woo' . th. oil, ot
Dated July 10, Ivua.
Citv Water will be cut oil
from all houses in Medford
on Julv 21 from 10 a. in. to
8 p. m., and on July 22 from
12 noon to 4 p. in.
BENJ. M. COLLINS, Recorder
Allen &
Tht .iruiM-rv uu tint CoriHT.
1 :-W
One Price to Everybody
Cash Grocery
Ail intcrod ing (rip through !
Song, "Perhaps," by Chas. C'l,
,t looks
f::iljM :'
a & Ewbank
lis like
Mia 1 'lace, to Uo
it is up to You
What Will You Do?
If you do a lot of thinking, if your brain is active
and the strain is wearing out your nerves ami breaking
down your system day by day, then you may reflect for
a moment, if it would not be wise to drink the. strength
of roasted grains, to buy at your grocery store a pack
age of
Golden Grain Granules
No man can consume his strength and retain it at
the same time; he ought to replenish an eiiial amount
laily. tlOLDHN 1.1 HA IN CIHAXULKS is far super
ior to Coffee, althounh it looks like coffee, tastes like
coffee and smells like coffee. A big package can be had
m any grocery store for '25e. Order a package today.
All grocery sell it.
Of the Southern Oregonian is the best
aud most complete south of Salem
. Wurimnty Uad
l.unu uml Short Formt
Stuutnet'n ol Mut tgRK
TrmnifM- of Lien
Vowvr ot Attorney
Wur Kwht
guttcUlm lhtl Bond 'urUd
With Tux l'ynient Provfeton
Opllun lo Buy lnd Atrnt't Contract!
Hill of Sal
Liquor Licence Karnn
Notice to Trespassers
Amtinet RaUit
I'hattrl MortMa
CunfMBton of Judrant
Cover for Blank
Plaor Location
Hotid for DW
Miner's Llan
Jutiviuent Tranirrlpt
Commtt mvnt for Trul
Stnli VVamut
Uuarti ..oration Water Kifht
Ortron anil U. S. Forma Conuact to Sail
l), Proof uf LAtwr
Civil and Crtmtnal Subpoanai Attor'iment
UntlrUklnn and Atn-
davtuur Attacbmant
Lat Hill
Notic to .lurora
Civil Coqiplaint
Commitment for Fine
Jury Ordr
Warrant for Arreit
PtitlonHfor ltleraof AilminUtration. AdmluWlrator'a. Kwoutor and guardian -hTuvJ-T
ami ld- OnW Sltinn Apart Property Exempt from Execution; Order
(onhrmlnl suf Real and Personal Property CiUtlon; Gotunm.ioii to AppraUern;
Ivniry nud Appraisement; Prf of Willi Letter-
Undertaker Atttdavlt Summom
for Altaohmeiii Coat Hill
Criminal and Civil Subptxnas Execution
Search W arrant
Notice to Jurori
Notu-e of (iarntshnirnt
liiaidJui Subpoena
Trua script of Judiiment
A c..mpWte up-to-date line f U S. l.ANH OFFTCF..MCOUNTY COURT AND
All printed after the latest
and best forms. j Orders
promptly filled at Portland
prices. c?J Give us a trial.
The July
The Dry Goods Economist
Tin ivorM's kirnesl uml jjri'iiti'sl ti'xtili- iulilh-;it inn. says that all up
loilutp stores all over the Unite'l Slates are rii.iniii i-learnnee sali-a
just now ami that these stores are the only onus that will sueeeed in
keeping their stocks elean ami new. The articles goes on to state that
the st. .re thai does not run a elearanie sale at least once a year will
sooner or laler find its shelves i-nnlainiilK more or less of those goods
which lire passo and unsalable. It also states that most all women up
predate a clearance sale, where thev can liuyy all lines of goods ut a
reduction, thus saving on all the everyday necessities. Ladies, this
store offer you its entire stock, wilh lint five exceptions, at reduc
tions rauginti' from lo TO 110 l'IMt CM NT.
Two Sensations
Don't Miss Some of Them
Vou wondered several times no
dittilit if we advertised the truth,
mid we hnve wondered if yon
reiillv i-ared to save money on
your purehaM'S or preferred pay
the full yir'wv. Now is a good
time lo test our advertising. Come
and see if we do a 4 we say.
33c a pair
for any gnaw Vest. I'ants, Shirt,
or Union Suit in the store thnt
former)..- sold at Mr, l.00, tl.2f.
or 1..10. This offer will be good
for Tuesday only, so come early
63c each
fo rany pair of Hone in the store
I hat formerlv sold al "ie,
or Trie. This offer holds good fur
Tuesday only, so eome early
Guaranteed Hosiery
$1.50 a box;
for nil sizes in misses' and ehildren's
'fine rilihed Hosiery. The boxes i-onUnu
six () pairs if hos) and nt- guaranteed
b to wear any rhild six (li) months with ,
nut a Itreak in the heels, toes or soles. Kaeh box contains a written
Ituaruntt'O ticket with full directions as to all exchanjfes. Come and
trv a Ihit f guaranteed hosiery. All of our Hosiery in guaranteed to
ifive tat 'oil.
C Street . .lust Ntirtli uf Jackson Count v Hank.
ALL th News the day It happens