Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, July 20, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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.botte falls items.
rf .
J. C. Kineriek, wife, daughter and sou
took breakfast with us Friduy mora
and and journeyed on towards the Big
Spring, where they will tamp. mt. tm
Wick expressed himself as more than
pleased with our section, with the fine
water privilege and thought here was
the place from which Mod ford should
draw its water supply.
John Cadzow opened his dry goods
department in the atoro of Clasp. II &
Wheeler and is oft'eriug inducements
to the public.
J. P. Hughes has stocked up his store
with a fine assortment of gvuernl goods
and is liberally patronised and enjoys
a good trade from the traveling and lo
cal public.
Bntte Falls is well advertised by the
Atiany visitors passing through and camp
ing near, as all pronounce it n beauti
ful place aud very desirable for a I
resort and predict with the advent of
the railroad the introduction of busi- ,
liens and people who will advauce it to
tht station where it belongs, t
Mr. Harris is improving rapidly aud
will soon be able to be about. Dr. Holt
aays it was almost a miraculous escape
from a horrible death. ,
Inspector Spanlding has gone over
nearly all the homesteads, and t here
are one or two iuslunces in which mat
ter are unsatisfactory. The people
have treated him courteously aud he has
learned their grievances uud has stright-
ened them out so that hereafter a bet
ter feeling will exist all around.
In all small villages, when in optim
istic state, more or less clashing fre
quently occurs, but us time advances
aud conditions chauge new interests
take control. The general welfare is
promoted. Such will be the history of
Butte Falls, and the future is bright
with promise. The incoming of intelli
gent, broad minds, which know uo petty
jealousies, and are not governed by pre
judice, soon displace unfavorable sur
roundings. It bids our people to be
broad-minded and to welcome all fac
tors making for the moral and material
uplifting of our town.
Mr. .Noe aud family of Med ford came
in from Medford Friday and pitched
tents a short distnuce away.
Mr. Cutter aud wife of Michigan are
among us prospecting and are, apparent
ly, well pleased.
Camp "Nick" is full of Medl'ordiles
und all aro greatly enjoying themselves.
John Butler and family drove up from
the ford Saturday and will spend some
time rusticating in the hills.
Miss Ada Lewis of Kagle I'oiut is
visiting Mrs. Ueckathorn.
Lorenz I)amou, street commissioner of
Medford, aud family are enjoying the
cool breezes of the mountains.
Will Cadetin of Eagle Point has been
. interviewing our school architect about
V. E. Kntrop is down iu the valley
on business.
, X, Doubleday is chaperoning Inspector
.Sj'jiilding around. Jack will do it well.
j is reported that Bert Woodruff,
C'hrft Beale and others havo gone to
the coast to take up homesteads. These
men had ample opportunity to have
' the best iu this section, but, like many
others, they let opportunity slip und
did not feel kindiy towards others who
improved theirs. We hope they may
change some.
" Among the noted and deservedly men
tioned hostelrics between Medford anil
Butte Falls is the "Ohenchain" house,
situated at a commanding site surround
ed by the hills and trees, and having
abundance of luscious spring water nud
pleasant shade. The weary traveler is
refreshed when he finds himself at home
here. Mrs. Obenchain presides over the
table, and it is literally loaded with
most tempting viands from Held aud
farm and the fruits of the season. The
cooking is worthy of a chef from any
hotel. The clean, neat, iuvitng table
lures the appetite und when one has
taken his fill of the delicious coffee,
tea or milk and sat is tied himself upon
the other many goods, he rises with a
debt of gratitude to the hostess and
pronounces the meal fit for a king. We
but do justice to this famous stopping
place and heartily recommend this kind
family to the wayfarer for food or rest.
Miss Marie Miles, a nurse of the
Southern Oregon hospital at Ashland,
is making Mrs. B. II. Hauey u visit.
Miss Elizabeth Reuter spent a few
hours in Medford Sunday afternoon.
A party composed of Harry, Ray
Sexton, Pat Donegan, Lewis Ulrica,
Iiarr Helms and Fred Lewis spent
Sunday fishing in Little Applegate and
report tine luck.
Adam Schmidt left Saturday eve
ning to attend thn A. 1). U. V grand
lodge, which convenes at Portland this
Mrs. V. it. oarnum went over to
Medford Saturday afternoon to join a
crowd of young people from Medford
to spend Sunday picnicking at Ashland
- MARSHFIKIjP, Or., July J0 Mis
taken for a deer, J. A. Helming, well
known dealer in hides, of Marshfield
was shot and instantly killed while
hunting. News of his tragic death was
received here today. Helming was ae
rompanied on bin trip by his wife and
four friends, one of whom made the
fatal mistake.
. Perry at Belle Isle.
L NEW YORK, .Inly 20. Steaming
-"Through the straits of Belle Isle today,
f The steamer Roosevelt, with Commander
I Peary und his crew in search of the
north pole aboard, is making remarka-
4 ble progress. A wireless dispatvh from
Pearv savs all are well and confident.
- Hut, milu loutk at Ueituti aud Sli,
milcf r,t ot Pkueoix, it low cut up
In imall tricti to luit th purcBtitr.
On-fbrtb calk, bitlaute ia thrao pr-
aiaBta. Tsia i, a rata upportuaitj (or
Ktn of amall maDi. Luted with all
tat aetata.
"any CulbtrUaL, (aatral IHUUM
ana DaUatr, ctmeot work a tpioLaltj,
Madfonl, Or. '
Htdiord TriBuaa, S0 par Bsstk.
PORT . WD, Or., July 2d. A report I
vr of a .sow iork newsjiuner aud not
the secret service men of the govern-
ment furnished the information which
resulted in the arrest iu Baker City,
Or., of Henrv E. 0. Cooke, accused of
hind fraud through the Oregon Ranch-l.tweeii
ing and Timber company, according to
a report received here today from New
It is said that the reporter worked the
ase without telliug the government au
thorities aud his plan of evidence
suited in Cooke's arrest. The latter is
now iu the Multnomah county jail in
default of $5000 bonds.
ST. PAUL, Minn., July 20. St. Paul
gas is held responsible for the inter
national balloon race, whicu start el
from here Sunday afternoon, result iu
A. Loe Stevt-us, director of the event,
declared today that the Minnesota gas
was too weak to carry the balloons fur,
and for that reason 1 Mil lest sufficient
to carry them for a long distance could
not be carried. Not a single record
was broken. The Chicago; the biggest
balloon in the race, wonvhe contest,
having traveled u distance oK70 miles
in und air line.
Notice is hereby given that the under
signed wjll apply to the city council of
the city of Medford, Oregon, at the
mooting to be held on August 3, J it IKS,
for a license to sell spiritous, ciuous
anil malt liquors in quantities less than
x gallon, at his place of business, ar
lots 10 aud 11, in block 21, in suid city,
for a period of six mouths.
Dated July 20, 1908.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the eity council
of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the
aext meeting for a license to sell spir
itous, vinous aud malt liquors in quau
titles less than u ballon for the period
oi six mouths, ut his place of busiuesH
at lot 13, in block 0, iu the city of
Medford, Oregon.
Dated Julv 15, 1008.
ia1 I x si T- .1..U- Tli Elks'
reunion of 190S closed Saturday, the
grand lodge adjourning to meet in Los
Angeles July 11, IWV. rue lasi siaHy Bond Svndi-
siou saw various minor euanges maue ",,()ver n(.L,0,i
the constitution. The per capita tax wa
, , . f on . T"'!
reduced from 2: cents to 20 cents pf
annum, ns recommended by the retirii; ',0ftnI 1,1 Justice
grand exalted ruler, John K. Teneicrday afternoon be-
the proposition to establish a home to f)
the orphans of Elks was defeated nnd
Texas for their hospitality.
The emblem as described consists ut
a combination ot tne ami, slowing
I III OOlir Ol 1 I, n il II U ivnu- uivr uuu
red Roman nuniernlr, circumscribed by
blue circle containing the initials
P. O. F., which dial and eircb
shall rest nn elk's head and antlers,
wiiich shall be surmounted by u red five-
pointed star." The elk's head and ant
lers are to be in gold, the dial, star and
border in enamel.
Whitney, L. P.uise, prominent as pol
itician. lawyer and elubman, was nr
rested at :.'10 o'clock Saturday at Port
land on charge of larceny by embezzle
meat from the liawlhorne estate. There
ire five separate charges, involving u
tola! of $7 117. Il is said by those in
i position to know, however, that the
shortage of estate funds really attribut-
I to Mr. Boise exceeds $lfiO,000 and
may run as high us $200,000. The defoli
ations cover a period ol ten year., uur
ing which he handled the money of Ihe
Mrs. Catherine Hawthorne Heck Col
lins, s'lster-iuhiw H'ie and one of
t..e Hawthorne neirs, appears as the
omplaiuiug wilness on the complaints.
She signed the documents at the Dis
trict Attorney 's office shortly before
noon yesterday calling for Boise s ar
rest. Warrants were at once placid iu
tho hands of the police. The accused
furnished bond in the sum of $1!0,000
and escaped going to jail pending trial.
Special trains have been chartered and
final preparations are being made to
day by Chairman Hugh J. Me Isaac of
the Htute central committee for the jour
ney to the Chicago convention of the
western delegations of the Independence
party. The California delegation will
leave next Wednesday night. At Reno
the Nevada delegates will join the Cal-
ifornians. At Henver the New Mexico
delegation will join the train.
The Washington dch-gfiles will join
tho Oregon delegation at Portland Wed
nesday, taking their departure for Chi
cago on a specinl train ut 6 o 'clock
in the evening. Idaho delegates will
join too Oregon and Washington trails
The Colorado and I. tab delegation will
iittn tin train when the. two trains are
combined. They expect to arrive at
Chicago July i!7.
Mrs. .l.isoihiii.- Iu!s.ll ami Churln
Nun.'iii U'f I for Nfwirt Thurwloy eve
ning to join their mother, who bin a
.ntt!ii;e there.
Mi. William M. 'olvi(; of Me.lford
M nt Fri.lay afternoon wit b friemls liv
injr here.
Mm. V. L. Heani.1 left for North
Men.l thi wek in be wilh her lifter ,lnr '
in :in uper.'it itli. I
.1. Niinan. who h.n been K ielin( the
lat month ni Xewporl, ia home n(9
Mm. Klla Cook relurnerl from Anh
land Friilay evening after a two week
Mcdfori Trlbnno,, 50c par month.
F. C. Duucan was iu Keunett the for '
part ot the week from his claims on the ;
j Russian creek aud aays that the great-,
jest bonanza of that corn-try was struck
several weeks ago on the Wintering
'aud Osgood property on the divide be
South Russia u and Apple Sauce
reeks. Mr. Duncan 'brought a sample
of ore taken from the pay shoot in the
croppiugs which is liberally sprinkled
with free gold and very conservative
estimates of t lie free values ou the pay
re-Uhoot are $"0 a ton
The ore body lies on a purphvrttic
aud state contact and is 150 feet waide
us measured by A. P. Anderson of the
Mammoth mine, and at places the crop
piugs extend to a vertical height of 175
feet above the surface of the ground.
The pay shoot lies diagoually across the
vein and averages 2 fi'et, says the Ken
nett Outlook.
A beautiful toying cup has just been
presented to Chuili-s Barber as an
expression of t-steem by the Cincinnati
organization of the Remington Typo-
writer company, says the Cincinnati
Commercial Tribune.
Preparatory to inking up his resi
dence on the Pacific coast, where he
willengagCln a fruit enterprise, Mr.
Barber lias resigned as manager, a po
sit ion he has held for nearly nine years,
having been for nearly 24 years in the
st-rvieo of the house.
Barber's new home will be in Med
ford, in the famous Rogue River valley,
sniithcrii Oregon, where he will tuke his
family about September 1.
Confesses to Murder.
MISSOULA, Mont.. July 20. James
Hayes, who fought in the Boer war,
has just confessed that eight years ago
he killed a comrade in the British army.
The man was examined and found to
be Mine. The Cuuadiau authorities will
be informed of the confession.
HONOLULU, July 20. The schoon
er yacht Lurline, entered from Los An
geles, won the trans-Pacific yacht race
which was started from San Pedro just
two weeks ago today. Tho Lurline,
which was a favorite hero in spite of
the fait that the Hawaii is a local,
vessel, was given a great reception
-moo I
when she arrr. im-r rf .vk HJ
.iitSK Klsie K
icu made the nex
lime being I ft of u
'".., ....e '"
lhat of the Canadian
and still later
In Ihe (irjtoeo-ltoni:ufyt,J!''' athool-t to each 'J75 InhubltuuU
wrestling matches, today 'he ity .
Russia defeated II nmi 'he oldest liouian Catholic college 111
land, and Jensen of -ffenh J Hited States Is ileorgelowu col
lated bv Wei hsu of Iluin-i ' ieoi u'eiowu. l. t
fr her services
' I'reliminary heats in
f t or nooning to
... X " t h.tu run, rae coji
ing for the finals: II
Kugloml first in 2'.i'.U
' iinit- ..r a ,.,r. t-;
a agre
d to dis-
.H.ds; heat three, Ulj
k whether or nut
first in -1-5 second
ed bv J. A. Hurh'
iiiiI1 'of America first
pacity or acting
heal five, limioozy of
L'A !-"( seconds; heat A
America first in ii'.l 24
i:'ven, Mall'rat of Prau
is: it ,iL,h.. n
(t that from the
t'r to come here
Ing "there was
ilea first in 1M H-.ri h
Hurdsville of Kuglami
she understood
seconds; heat ten, H
or Mr. Bothwell,
not mention him,
ica tirst iu "J- ;j secol
Kerr of (Canada first
nvat twelve, Sherman
N. Mitchell, for
iu L'.'t ;i-5 seconds; hell
usly done some
of Knglaud first in 2',
fonr:een, CiiittorHtneii
losi-d for tiaus-
The Hotel Nash is serving the best
uiorchunts' lunch iu Oregon daily from
U:30 until 1:30 o'clock. Price 25 n-nts,
your favorite drink.
Kifert the Tailor's aale is proving
very popular.
Notice is hereby given th:it (he un
dersigned will apply to Ihe City Council
of the City of Medford, Oregon, at the
next meeting for it license to sell spirit
ous, vinous and malt liquors iu quan
tities less tli a a a gallon, for the period
of six mouths, at his place of business
at lot H, iu block 20, in tho City of
Medford, Oregon.
Dated July HI, 1908.
New Cases.
John Cox vs. James T. Tucker; appli
(rttiou to register title.
(us Newbury vs. Edgar E. Lee; suit
to quiet title, tins Newbury, attorney
lur plaint 1 1T.
W. E. Phipps vs. B. P. Theiss; suit
! ("'! If- J. Hmilh, and W.
E. Phipps, attorneys for plaintiff.
W. E. Phipps vs. B. P. Theiss; sigt
to quiet title. R 0. Smith and W. K
Phipps, attorneys for plaintiff
('U.iriti.'iri Jnnn's V. (Vs, Hr., urdtT
iiuule g.ivii.K II. M. I'obs ti nipurury cmb
tnily until .fill v 2.1.
rniigementH have bi-en
.-mite central ommittee, aeting in eon
iunetioi, wilh loeal Den hold
a mate ratifiention meeting in Maera
inento next Welnendnv eveninij to an
jlirove of ihe netion of the Denver con-
leiumn and tart the eampaign. Theo
dore Hell..fdKe linker of Modoc and
lame, II. Harry of Sim Kranciaco will
be the i,rinei,a! speakers, and prominent
Democrula from all part, of the Hate
will attend.
" Pinafore ue.s plave
As olaved lu a crowded
house Friday niuht at Ashland and wi
Ineli pruisi- from alt side. It will be
repeau-d Monday evening. .Inlv 20, in
the i.'hautauipia building.
Medford Tribane, 30c par rnoxitn.
Fly Catches.
Alien StorLe. the Pittsburg third
baseiuuii. Is u in ember of the Harvard
Law school. - i
Addle Jois. tiie crack Cleveland
pitcher, says that base ruuulug Is the
bigyeat factor of all In a championship
C u tcher Sullivan of the Chicago
While Sou huvs Shortstop Oeorjiv ba
ils Uas uo egual at keeping base ruu
ttr hugging set'oud aud third buses.
Imagine a pluyers' dressing room
titled up as u clubhouse, with a bil
liard tlihle. dally papers, imtguziuea.
luunxluy chairs aud sofas! This Is
what Charlie tiboetts has glveu Brook
Ifu. i
College and School.
VfTlieiv Is one teacher Iu New York's
MeUf Utw buildings of the College of
gillie new UUIll
TfVltv of New
Jlglits. whk-h
eust $. 000,000. were
. 1ltwihlt,.11,.ll
Bryn Mrtwr relieve founded by
JPh W. liylor. who began the eree
tlou ot the -uIke buildings In 18(9
;Ue died In 1880 uud left uu endowment
of S&oo.iiuO for the contluuuiue of the
work he hud bejiuu -a cullege for wo
oA: o;ft:.,f,,,
Science Sittings.
The kaleidoscope wan Invented by
Sir Dafld Brewster of EdluliutgU In
A Dauhtu Bcleutlst uHuied I'oulsuu
bus perrecled hit uppufatus for wire
less telephony, so that be cull talk aud
be beard distinctly from Copenhagen
to Berllu, soujtf 'J4U uiilea.
A German biologist bus calculated
that tbe buuiau bralu contains yuO.UOO.-
UUO uerve iell9, S.O01MW0 of wblob die
aud are succeeded by new ones every
day. At this rate we get au eutuelj
new bralu every alxty days.
Wrestler'n Contests Over.
(ieorge Hnekenschniidt 'h wrestling iluys
are over. His physieiaus' assurances
that he will recover are given only
1 1, hi mug qualifications. For him ever
lo return to his former strength, endur
nice and activity is impossible, as Mb
dose friends admit.
Ei.r.cTS new orriutiBH
The foll(iwiii(! wrsorin went ploplrd
the (ififi'PH of the Snutheru Oregon
(.'Imutauquu aaaemhly at thn annual
(pttint; lu'ld at Ashhiud .Nituniay:
I'reHiilent. II. I'. Billings; vice priMi
ident, Kev. J. H. Sniilh; aecretnry, Pro
feasor II. E. f:armii'liai'l; tronauriT, P.
II. Carter; trustwa, D. R. Mills, .1. K.
Van Stint, II !.. White, u. w. Trerren,
I'.lini-r Patrick.
Tha Uulel Naah today inaugurated
a'a innovation iu Medford a choice
lunch auup, two mean, vegetables
your favurita beverage and coffe all
for 25 ceuU. Juat bit. the apot on a
hot day. la not lurpaased la San Fran
cisco, Portland or other cltiea. Try
it, for it will be a regular Institution
if the patronage justifies it. 101
When thinking of the dry question,
remember " C'olentiu. " 1"S
SEATTLE, Wash., July W Kev. M.
A. Matthews of the Kirrt Presbyterian
church in his sermon Sunday night said
aht if lie could have his way exery
bachelor in the country would be taxed
a sufficient sum to pay for the support
,.f five children. Me claimed if the
press would K'VB more publicity lo so evils and conditions und hold up
to the public view thnso who entered
married life and ridiculed those who
refused t" marry the result would be
Tha first tor" In any Una of affort
la not usually enough. "Try again" li
a slogan as eld s expartanca of hu
man affalri.
Do You Realize
that lumber and cement are on the bargain counter; that
all building material is cheaper than it has been for years,
and that the services of competent builders can be secured
for wages lower than you will see again if Now, give this
a few moments' thought and you will act as do the prudent
business men build now, save money and avoid the rush
of coming good times.
Lumber Go.
Oak Park
On railroad on the West Side, north of depot grounds
and conveniently located for business men seeking home
sites close in. These fine lots are offered for sale cheap,
on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer
building inducements to anvone wishing to make the right
kind of improvements. "Why go out to the faraway
suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at
prices ranging from
$200 to $350 per Lot
situated where an advance in
the first benefit will be derived firoui the completion of the
railroad to the timber f
Jt pays to figure ou such iuvestnmuts in a live town like
Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like
a veritable gift to the buver in a vear or two hence. For
full particulars apply to the ,
Rogue River
Don't Bother to Cook
It's too hot. Get what you want aire iv
prepared; we have it.
We cater to those who want the best. '
All Kinds o Job Printing
dune on short notice.
It does't matter what it is
in Printing, we do it for you.
Our Office is now the best
equipped in Southern Oregon,
our workmen the most skilled
and output superior.
Only union Print Shop in
Rogue River Valley.
Portland prices our sched
ule. We pay the freight.
The Tribune
21 Ceutral Ave.
price is assured, aud where
Land Comp'y
To keep your temper
When the thermometer is'
108 in the shade, be Bure
that you smoke a good cigari
one that you will enjoy and
will make you forget the
matter. The" Medford 5-cenf
cigar; R. R. V.. 10-ceot
cigar, and Del Marca, 15
cent cigar are the best that
money can buy. Made by. a
home industry, union, hand
made not in tue trust.
R.R.V. Cigar Works
Medford. Or.' ,
August 15 we will, be ready
to sell tiered and seasoned
in any "quantity at $3.00fer
tier, delivered, or ?2.00 per
tier at the ranch. "
Good Rail Wood
.1. ... .. .,,,. .4 tt
Some cedar, sawed into tier
wood, at $1.50 per tier at
the ranch or $2.50 per tier
delivered. ' ' ' '
For all necessary informa
tion apply to - ' "
Medford, Oregon.
Will be made this season bv
Lilies in Oregon
as follows:
j3otuWaye One Way
Through Via.
TO Portland. California."
Chicago $82.40 $87.50
St.Louia 77.40 82.50
St. Paul 69.90 81.75
Omaha 69.90 75.00
Kansas City .. 69.90 75.00
Tickets will be on sale
June 19, 20.
July 6, 7, 22,23.
August 6, 7, 21, 22.
Good for return in 90 days
with stopover privileged 1 at
pleasure witliiu liimts.
For any further information
call on " ' " 11 ":"
Local Agent, or write to
WM. M 'MURRAY, General
Passenger Agent, Portland,
Tt.r, i t vrrnic
2b TP4 Ht'ITLE
Kurulshes bot
water tor ten on
very short notlco
It can be used
on tho (. ii taut
or in the Uklien
Atta-hes to any
Succeaaor to Condor
Water Poster Co. Of
Ilea 0d W. TU at.,'
opp. big aleetrl tg-
Vaon SS8.'
lltot a clW of t
Aoh pa U
t la Oregon omn f0