THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEPVOKI). OREGON, MONDAY. JULY 20, 1008. dford Daily Tribune A Live Paper ix a Live Town. sPublished every evening except Sunday. bFORD PUHLISUINO COMPANY George Pi tvam, Editor aud Manager. bitted as Secoud-Olass Matter in the Postoffiee at Medford, Oregon. To 1 itU, by SUBSCRIPTION RATES. mail or carrier fi.Stl year, by wail. . $5.uu .1 m -v . . . .1.... Afuira HDIlkr aAnt. tO I ; city auaresB uua uiu .uiigiu u. uun .rfrfr... on rtnnilun. nleuae notify office In order tnat service may ba promptly resumed. fty nubscrlbere who desire The Tribune mailed to tliem at aumiuer i"' v.... win i.iuioi) nutltv the al flee. aiv ii v or OUiWI uuirvi wwhm ww. j.. frttv uidreae and the lenKtli of time tliey dealro paper aent U . iyV'ij; carrier may t ROUVK It IV E It' Til AIL. S f trail a,nv" 1(,tfne nv('1' 1,1 '"Wl'"1110 a,l(l Curry '"Hies will iMi to tin; world what is probably the wild id roughest country in the United States, a country A 5 ''tie known beeause of its inaccessibility as any other An XT., ,A iu ut iu. 1,1,. Ill t'iuitrrl Tt IS it , f (-Ml pail, in wn-fcin i.-j ii iv'iu - ' ' roman's imi'fid ise. speaking of the trail, the Pacific Outlook says: I A large portion of the path along the precipitous can- -if the river has been blasted out of solid rock, and in places the progress has necessarily been very slow, and ires no little engineering skill. With the completion Ids stretch and the construction of a bridge over Mule the balance of the trail-building will be compara- ly simple. 'The work thus far done opens up Curry county to linlerior and gives access to a large number of mining kpects, as well as a large section of fruit, grazing and her lands. The trail will serve present purposes very I, but we predict that a few more years of development bring an imperative demand for a standard wagon II, and this trail will be the natural basis of that road, this is the onlv feasible route from the interior to the There is a good deal of prospecting going on along ;ue river, and some promising ledges are being opened I" The Morning Mail is a great believer in optimism," Itates editorially. Only an optoniist would attempt its plication. I'Pray that the mantle of the martyr may fall on the ct president, says the Med lord Mail, winch is a mosl lodthirsty prayer for a great religious editor. W. II. Mradshaw wants the recall put upon Councilman Iwell. Mr. Brawshad evidently wants company, fur he is only mayor Medford ever had on whom the recall was .rked. The Mail attacks socialism as follows: " lie (the social ) dreams rather than reasons. Mis mind is subject to Lllucinations and is not. of the practicaly type," which Iight also be said of the man who started a second daily r 1 a l I a ' .1 1 .1 . . .i . . tfi .... 1 .... . mer in iviearora, it ih nuu'en hucji hluii ;in uitiihin are L'ide of. LoB AMEN TO DISTRICT BHIPPINl BAKTLETTS I'KOMOTINU RAILROAD FROM PAHS TO THU COAST H he movemtiul of California dfcidiimm I tits in the pant week is reported by Califoruiu Fruit Pint ribulorn iih Hows: I Peaclip, 4.' curi. As a-lvineil IunI ek, we aro just net ling Hturtod on lirlv Crawford mid Fosters. The ship- I.lh f,.w i Ii n -m ii i tvunV tt I linan via ' 11 " i i...,i.t ..i i : e .1.. flies will b quite, lib. 'ml. With lliMiville A. Oullliiri, ilu euliii'tT mid prumolor, whom it wns utt'titiuned in I lime t'oliiiiins 1ft fit work was iu Uie i'ity with a view to building an electric I iih) botwiu'ii Grants I'iihs tind I ho lilt imiih vulley, lut n lietn htokinj; over the propuHed line nud in a brief interview with a Courier reporter yenterdy after noon t'lMiCidrutlv utalrd t tint Dure wiih tter part of the week, nnd the be nniUK of nxt week, tlwy will be in i height of the season. 1 he shipment r the next seven days will be eontd bly grcativr on puaoh tiinuiiH than e have had before this year id any nnr Plums nnilftjirunt, Ml ears. Tlic idiii icnt of pluinft aud prunes has held up p)1 and the ipmlity has been all riKht he shipment for the next seven days ill remain Mendv with probably a lifcfhi deeren-tr in the total volume. -Pears. 147 ears. We are now well me the Bartlett shipping sminon from he Sacrameitr river dittrii't, with oth t places shipping a few. Ah befnrt' ut lined, the pears are rteau, smnnth ind bice; no ritttit, scab or suriaee dam tfe to iu.jitre their quality or appear nee. They are also very free of worms. fhtpineute for the next week will be rnnteriatlr larirer Ihao lant week. They 3.ire having a very wido distribution ami -J!vve do not look for an accumulation of bnnchinif of supplies in any one mar ket. The demand for them has thus ''far been big and entire satisfaction has U Grape" More erat es of Foil n t a i n 1 V bleau have gone forward in a net ion ears, but not enough, whtn speaking of i' tonnage, to amount tu auythiug. Thump son Seedless will hegin to gu out it) .larger lota very shortly. All varieties , of grapes nre reported us doing nici ly and promising a good supply of fine ' , quality of fruit. , i AIXEOP.D DVNAMmiR DISAPPEARS TN NEVADA lim. Ouring (hi) week Mr. ('oil tun, in com pnuy with Klmor Hhank, th rcul t'Htiiti man, vhited Tnltilnm, Althouse, Swetb Hjihiii, Hrltiia and Waldo and Mr. Col litis is imiiu-asurubly plfiimd with the sontimriit of the people whom he hun met, and the general outlook for X road. Though a young mini, lie has had I'xct'ptiuiml t'xprneni'e in railroad u ineeriug. He is exceptionally frank in his Htatemeiits and one feature of his preliminary oltNervnliniiM which seems to impreHH the people of (irnuts Pass is the fuel that, in spite of Inn own nit hum iihiu in the new mini, he his dtRpenwd none or the "hot air species of promo lion- he asks no bonus uor is he promi ing anything in the way of construction which in beyond the scope of physics posNihihty. Courier. OH IK ION 8LEUTHS SEARCH TOR PORTLAND CHILDWlFr ..y RENO, Niv.t July 20. Peter I'lamti ttuen, wanttnl in San Francisco for al bgt'd rompllciiy in the dvimmtting of x ; the Unliegber propnrtv in Oakland, Cal : has disappeared. It is thought Hint he has goue to the hill of the White ri' Horse district. ''I When he hnrius) that he was wanted, Claudianes got a horse and buggy at fe 8parks, with the aid of a man known ;J? as Hitter. He left Sparks at 5 o'clock ; nd has not been leen since. HAKKh CITY, Or,, .Inly Hope .minorities of the atate of Oreuou are icekiug Mrs. (loldie It. Ellis, the ehild wife, a deteetive having arrived here today with a warrant for her arrest Mrs. Kllin, who is Hi years of aue. through her guardian, Mrs, Kennedy. recently Drought suit to tinuul her mar riage. H was alleged that she was logged into the marriage when he was I years old by Joseph F.tlm. far the Oregon deteetivese have een unable to locat- Mrs. Kllis. either here or ut her former home iu I.os iiKeies HOPK ABANDONED TOR RECOVERY Or AERONAUT HAKI'.U HTY. tir . ,;?VUlP very ;f.,f hks. who wn injro,, prw ';g a balloon sm-en.t.u,, w J.i". irom his position. tu An African Prevtr. The savugs of Afiiea seek wisdom from their proverbs. Here la one of them: "Cue head Impaled ou the gate pout la more valuable than six on the shoulders of enemies. " Solomon's Ttmpls. The Jewish temple Id Jeru salem, built by Soluuiou 1000 B C, was destroyed by Nebucaaduezeur B. C: built by Zerubbabi W4 B. C; partlully dttro,VHl by PojupejOo B. tX; rebuilt by Herod 21 B. C. and finally deatroyed by Tltua 70 A. U. A Brg Jump. . There la one recorded performance at aQcleiit Greece wuioft. If It is to ba credited, probably no one llviiig could approacb tbat auaxUig jump of Hbayl lus, who. wltb ti aid o weights and a springboard, la aald Uj have cleared fifty are feet. Bedford Tribut., 50 per bosUl The Bna The Bettgalese. says a writer, are not B warlike people. 'J he climate, damp aud warm, has produced a met of peo pie who are uot tuuacular. Tliry have deab, but are small buued, hm 1 Luvaria bly bare smulj wrlata unJ auk lea. Ibese pbysleal attribute L.i e tended to make them other tliati wtirie In uu lure. Cut Ftowsrs. A good way to s?uU a few choice cut dowei S to u dlaUue'e U to cut allts In potatoes uud luuett the jluwer sleuth, taking care that they are ttruily fasteu ed In. Au ordinary potato will keep most tlowers fresh for two weeks lu a moderate temperature. Mercury. Mercury can be used ouly for tem perature beiweeu 40 aud U75. sluce It freezes at 40 and bolls ut 07o. For lower temperatures ulrubol U used, aud for higher temperature ulr thermome ters are employed. Priyanini. Duiiug I ue revolution in Italy Pa gaiilul wu seized as u suspect aud throwu Into priso'i. where be was cou dtied for soinc t-jrs. Having u viol la M ltb oue hti iij i only, by luceSdunt pruc ike he u.tpiiiuil uu e.veL-utluu so mas terful that he was able to pluy upon the oue stitu- mre vvoudcrtully tbau utheru t'OiiiU upon four. Eels. The driest of uil tHhetj Is perhaps the river eel. yet, uivordlug to uu anal ysts by il tjeiiimii ibeinlsl, UU pel ten I uf Us huljsltiijie U water. Salmon voujf next, with til. I per cent. Lob Mt-VH uiid osL('i.s are four -tlrtbs water Wallid Citias of China. The wulteil cltle-i ol' Chili;) ure well iiuuieJ, for (he muj-iiity ure surrouiij c'd by w u 1 irt thirty to for t y Tee t lu '.tetglit UUtl houi liUteeu to thllfV feet it ItiL'jdiii I he i lty of Hdluiifu Ih ' 1 ly a wuli bUl:eu miles lu .'llvillUleieUee. New York'u Chamber of Cjminurce. Tin oldest rouiuieiclal t'urpol ii t Inn .u the I'ulled StutiH Is in New York II Is i lie chamber of commerce, jrguuUed May ii. I "iUH. In the historic I r'lHUiues' tuveru. The weultht Itiu.ium uie ?iuld to be r itieiucl.v piouiuble lu hole) uud nUo Li'e)i'iM hi the Itiiultj In'h they ure Luvrllu. A Hulss uuilturlly insists -UU liUiluus will hpviid uiuie u ti uiuuih than I .Mm Kugil-h muu uutt isuuieu foi t!n-' tuuie peilud uf tluie. V'ubd EfiyiAvinjj The tlcsi Lugllsb engravers on wood woithy ol n-iihe weie IMward KliU oil. bom lu Illl't .litlitl .liu-Uooti, who died In I. lint the art h.ul lio leal Vlllillly Ih i:iig!iuut Ull the Molh i'iH lievwch, about the cUme of the 'l.;!itccuUi iculury. tuuuded the hlug Ibh school, whkb bus niuce attalued :i pultlou triuiiJ to no other. Smoking Competitions. SUiiiLlug ci'tnpetUUius are extremely popular lu (Jermaiiy. itnd uot long ago a prime winner nuoLcd a cigur tor sev iMity foul' aud a half mluutcs without letting It go out None ( the otber coiiipetltora' records was over uu hour India. You may wander for days tb lough India without seeing a Kuropeau There are white cuhiules lu each or the capita h, but outside of these ouly a few planters, liudeis aud mlsslouuiles ure scattered over the laud lu a city like Hi u urea, the Yeulce of ludla. a inau might live a year without seeing a white face ButUr And. The French chef Uisldta that the very foiiudutlou of all good cooklug Is but ter aud oulou married lu the pot. The Italian cuclulere prefers butter aud garlic The Spuuiah cocluero seasous his dishes wltb butter uud leeks. Ths Zulu. If be Is properly led the Zulu does uot uudeistaud the me suing of the word "surrender." Old Iron Work, lu a dark corner near the west en trance of Winchester cathedral L a door composed of four pieces of tiou grUI work, which have the distinction of being the oldest apecliueus of their kind lu Kuglaud. AmbiP, ' Amber Is fuuud all along the Prus slau shores uf the Baltic, but pilucl- pally In the peulusuln of Sauilaud. All auitter found everywhere la atate prop t-rty. but the state cntinot mlue amber without the penuls4toi of the owner f the ground. The old reliable Albany Nurseries. I hava the larfe! stock uf fruit tret u the Paoific coast. Pears, apples. peach, plumi, apricots, nectarioes, cber r tea, Kuglish waluuts, ahade and orua meutal trees, berries, rotes aud shrubs, all of which I offer at lowest prices consisteut with first class nursery stock. Having been with this nursery 15 years, 1 1 can guarantee all stock to ba true to luaut Kod frvs from disease, t handle laothiftj Oregon grown lrt. 1 L. B. WARNER, atesiford, Or Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No slngU loser tlons less than 16 cents. Six lniartiona for ths prica of four. SeTonty-fiTS centi a liuo per month. FOB RENT. b'UU RKNT .Modern 0 room new cot tago; electric lights, bath, window shades. Inquire Onenbrugge 's resi KOK RENT Huite of three rooms, fur uiahed for light honsnkceping, 4.SU per week or $1 per mouth; uice cot tage; good neighborhood; quiet uud re tired. See Rogue River hand cum pany. 103 FOR RENT Two' front office ruoms and en lurge room 36s40 iu MUeB building. Inquire at premitcs or at Tribune office. FOR RENT-Pornished rooms, nleetric light and baths. Mr. R. U. Hale, D street near 11th. tf FOB SALE. FOR SALE Half, interest in the bet business proposition In Medford. Ad dress Box 27, Medford. FOR SA1E Good young driving inure. W. T. Welch, Central Poiqt, Or. lo.t FOR SALE Two-horse covered express wagon, in good condition, with double harness, cheap. See Lawtoii or Hub bard Bros. H" FOR HALE New IlixU tent, S ox. can vasa. O. E. McUiunis, Cottage and C streets. K'- FOH SALE One anto, ..r trade for good land. Address Box "24, Med lord. FOR SALE Residence property; 7 rooms and bath, city water, electric lights, sewer connection. F. C. Page. FOR SALE 1.1 choice lots, five min utea from depot, ueur nchool; easy terms. F. C. Page. FOR HALE Seventh street business property, two-story brick, 50x140; a! no liliU fwet on Seventh street by 50 feet ou Riverside avenue. F. C. Page. FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is iu the market now; choice ten acre tracts, beat location io the valley. L. Nee demeyer, Jacksonville. " r'OR SALE Small business; fine loca tion. Inquire Tribune. WANTED. WANTEU Uoud stenographer who can handle Home bookkeeping uud ware house accouuts. Address P. O. box fj71, Medford, Oregon. tTTNTrTb To 'ltrAmiOQ toIoTJ head of Htock iheep. Write Box 11, Medford, Or. BUBINESS CARD5. WANTED A span of good horses, geldings or mares, which can be driven or worked, sevtu or eight years old, sound aad gentle, weight 1100 or JZOO pouudv. AddresH Tribune, Medford. RRTNG CHINA INTO CLOSER RELATIONSHIP WITH AMERICA I'EKIN, China, July It was an iiniuictut tiere toiiay tnai iu vnnieni government has decidtd to appoint Tang Shoa Yi, governor of Mukden province, high nmi!iinsioiier to the lluited .Stales to thank the American govern inent for remitting a part of the boxer lent of foreign aftuirs and is well ac iiiiiiited with American institutions. The government intends to send 100 utudeutH to the United Slates every ye.r for four years nul then 50 a year until the entire amount of the indemnity re mitted by the United Stnten has beeu expended. This is only part of a plan to bring China into doner relatioiiRhip with America. r.LlX'TRIO SHOVEL WORKING PLACER GROUNDS The ipieHtiou of a cheap method of working the rich grounds of southern Oregon hiia been found is proven by the siu'crssl'ul operation of the mammoth electric shovel at the Centennial mine tot Kane's creek. The big machine was started this week, and the trial run haw ouviuced the promoters that the ma chine will NuceesHfully do the work for wliu n it is installed. The machine has been in operation, since Monday and th tirt cleanup will be made tomorrow. I'p till Wednesday enough gold was shown upon the plates to show that the washer was doii.g its work in excellent shape and that the success of the veu tare was practically assured. Uold Hill News. THE ODELL, Leadiug Rooming House of the city. Free baths. Over Postoffice. M. D. MOORE. J. T. ANKBOM, WELL DIGGER. MEDFORD, OR. Prices right. Pumps Furnished when Wanted. Ball gloscock, Cootntatora and Builders. All Work Ouaranteed. Offica with 0. H. Pierce it Sou. Phone 653. P. O. Box 771. G. M. JONES, ' City Scavenger. Garbage of all kinds removed oo short notice. Leave orders with chief of police. j " DR. A. B. SWEET ! Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence, j ""oolvio aTdubham, 1 Attorneys-at haw. Geo. H. Durham, Gruuta Pass, Or. j Win M. CoWlg. Medford. Or. ! OHISHGLM & MARTIN House Painting, Paper Hanging and Tinting. All work guaranteed. Phone Lockbox 125, Medford, Or. ; J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice President. JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asa t ( Rahier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD. OB. OAPITAT 30,000 SURPLUS 1.00 - Safetv Boxes to Kent. A (leueral Baukiug Business Ti'ansacted. We Solioit Your Patronage i $ Medford Fumlturo Co., Undertkk Uny (jhoue Niglit Pbouua: H. W. Coiiklio 36; .1. U. ButUr 14. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AKU VOL SECTION AGENCY. Lock Bui 808. Medford, Or. E. B. SEELT. M. D. PbyticiMu aud .Surgeon .Modern Equipped Operating Rooma. .X Kay. Office Houre. 10 12, 2 4 P. M. Office lu Jackeou County Bank Bldg. OO TO DB. QOBLB FOE TOOB OLASSEa If Inrksun Are Y nr Valuable i in Safely? State Depositary. Ketablislied XS. CAP IT AIi AND SURPLUS 1115,000.00 An vaur valuublea protected aiialust tko ::ttauliS uf burglars or Hi euddeu uitbri-ak of l'iief Uo uot lie autiafied with doubtful p'o:.tiun, but acture tlie most poaitivi- kind of safety by ticpoa itiuK your valuable! iu the fire and burglar pru.if vault of tbe Jaokaon County Buul;.- Safe deposit buiee !o rent, $4 00 and up per year. W. I. VAWTKR. Preeidei.l ; II. K. LIM'LKV, Cashier Optical Parlor in Perry Warehouae, SKVENTH STREET. "He Hae No Otber Buiinesa.' MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON Tin1 Nash huts a HU'rchauts' luncheon euch noon from U::t0 to 1 : ItO. Rflihes, soup, choice of two meats, your favorite beverage aud coffee, for 1!5 centa. Nash Gate Golden Grain Granules ! ib'l' NO-' - 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. LOCAL MARKET. The fololwring qootatloua are mn iw partial report of the pricea paid by Med ford dealera: Wheat $1 per buelol. Flour $'J.70 per cwt. Whole barley fit per ten. Hay tin per ton. Alfalfa tlU per ton. New potatoea $1 ii par cwt. Butter 40c per roll. Lard loc per pound. Beanec per poaud Kgga t'-Vil per doteu. Sugar tl sO per cf t. Turkeys 13o per pouud. Poultry Hpriug. I'J to 13; heua. $3 50 lu (4 per doieu. llama lc per pouud. Shouldera-'IOc per pound. Huge a "no to tic per pound. I atlle to SVjc per pound. It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength aud an ar ticle wbicb young and old may drink morning, noon and night. (lolden Grain Granules is especially reennirnendt'd ti those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomac!! troubles. PLAY BALL If you intend getting a uew Summer Suit it is time you vtre ordering now, a uil gnt sornn hf'iiefit uf it during the summer uud etuly full. We are ready for you ut any time with a complete Hue of uovellies iu summer fabrics, which ww make iuto perfect fitting, stylish dothiug. J. A. KREUZfR & CO. IMPORTERS AND TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORG. NEWPORT YAQUINA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to Go for Perfect Rest and Nvery Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful- Recreation ITS PAG 1 1 .TIES ARK COMPLETE Best of food aud an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEW PORT is reached by way of the Southern Pacific to ' Albany or Corvallis, tlience ( 'orvallis & Kastern R. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Rate From Medford SfclASON SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Our elaborate uew auimner book givea a couciae description of Newport, iucluding a list- uf hotele. their capacity and ratea. Call ou, telephone or wrilv A. 8. ROSEN BAUM, WM. McMTJRRAY, Local Agent, Medford Oeueral Paaseuger Agent, Portland Xearly 2-pound package for 125c, all retail grocers, witi -.ut interest. TEN - RE3 r 1NE ORCHARD LAN D, CLEARED AND IN OULTIVA TION JHE MILE FROM EAOLE POI NT. MU DOWN AND $10 A MONTH Daily & McComb C'TIOE, ROOM 33, J ACKSON COUNTY BANK BUILD INO Wholesale bv MEDFORD BASH & DOOR CO. P. B. TheiSS & Co. 'Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Met! ford, Or. Office futures and all kinds of plantiif mill work, including turned work and I fancy grille. F, BETWEEN TH AND 7TH STS. J HONE 63. See ua for bargaina We have farina fur sale, well improved; good orcbarde; rich aoil; $-0 to 180 per acre. Heare Pirlle, Hrownaville Laud A Investment Co., browuaville. Oregon. tf Saturday niht the big opportunity lit.'; uri per eeut off the regular price of tailor made aoita till then. See Kiferl. 10.1 1 Walter Oavie. former m..,; ..r I'. K., spent Friday and Saturday via Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Wh MUADQUARTERS I -OR SASH AND DOORS ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co, KILNS AND MILLS AT OLKNDALK OREGON VARl) AND OFFICE AT MEDFORD, OREUON.