THE MEDF0RI1 DA I IT TRIBUNE, MBDVOltn, OREGON'. SATURDAY, JULY IS, MPS- Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paper ix a Live Town. Published eveiv oveiiini'; except Sunday. MEDFORD ITBLTS11IXO OOMl'AN'T Gkorcie Pitxam. Editor and Manager. Admitted as Seecnd-l'lass Medford, SUBSCRIPTION' RATES. Out rouutu, by mail 01 ulnar... tn . "ir. t J naJ......' j : City subscriber no desire The Tribune mailed to them at summer raaorte or other mtuMim places will pleas uoUfy the office, lv ux city addrtaa and Ui leiia;ih of time they desire paper aent to new addreaa. Oil returnm. please notify olfleo in order that aervice by carrier may be promptly resumed. tfttftt sot a 'h:r .xn mtv ficut. In a sislerlv anonymous eonininiiU-al ion in the Medford Mail on the .water iiieslion, that has Hie familiar ring of the Mail's editorials when written l.y the editor himself, the writer defends the seerecy with wliith the water eom veils its work, and savs: "1 honestly helieve that if this water eomniittee was in favor of liquor there would have l.een no opposition at j Gleanings, all about the way the eomniittee is handling the water' . ' ,, Geruaur feeda 000 head of question. This Statement is as false as the assertion that the; Tb- forestry service bas aduilularra- . . .1 . . f ,,,, :t ! tlou over u:4.iaUj0 aores of land. ,.rohil.itionists were not the ones tryni" to ( oiin. il- wU u (be man Olwell out he.'ause he voted to give the Nash hotel a name of the new white star iiuer to ,, , ' i i ... i:,...- be built nl lleltast. ulid It will be Wi license. The recall petition was drawn up ly a leading! 0Ui( n, a(,nilis, ltir ,.,,.., nrohihitioiiist. eiivulated lv im.iiihi'ioiiists, and generally j : feet . , . The I'ouitrvssloiia! Kecord does uot Signed lV prolllhltlolllStS. e.!.cur to ! imlderl cry valuable The tirohiliition tight does imt enter into the dtv water; t iol .c!ie.t. ro buudnd and 1 .... , ni'tv vu'iiuir KtuuJ iii half Russia, question in any way. I he eomniittee is not eoinposeil j sol Mu t i,ii..jri.hia re.-eutiy for of prohibitionists onlv one of its members is an avowed; oiuu,e. , , i A. .-.rdili).' to stHtistlm just issued. prohibitionist. Criticism of the water proposition is not lu1 Ulil,t. , ,,a,Mi uf St ivIrr,iirg eontined to tliose t.pposed to prohibition, either. i Z ll Z The tiist i-ritieism ot the assoii Canvon project was, i t-.t n. sho..ii, au increase of -sm. niade by Messrs. Whitehead, Atkins anil Bennett, who! "Z" " made a trip to the canvon and reported the water not there. I iue h-isIjus are the greatest driuk Dr. Atkins led the prohibition parade and Mr. Bennett is! - .. 1,,.. J'--iiromiiient as a drv town advocate. The-chief critics of' 1 1,- tuiit-ii inr.t i..o,iues r.u the water eomniittee are men who as far as the public is concerned are neutral. N"-: pronounced wet town advocate lias taken a prominent part j in the discussion. ; This is the wav the Albanv Imeks up : 'Y. V. dones. the that 110 decent man would ti) state that Mr. duties is it statement." The Medford Mail says: "A man may be a liar and still be charming. It is only the liar who calumniates his. neighbour that tlod casts into the outer darkness." The immunity bath luay make a liar charming, but docs it make him the Lord's mouth piece, with power to qualify the ten commandments? The Mail's tlop into the ranks of those lighting Theo dore Roosevelt is further emphasized by an attack upon postal savings banks, one of Mr. liooseelt's favorite projects. Against this eommoiiseiise proposal for the ben etit of the jteople, the Mail shrieks wildly in tainted edit orials furnished free from Wall street sources to unscrupu lous papers who will lend discrediting the president and perpetuating the regime of machine politicians and corporation corruption. LIGHT TRU1T CROP IN KLAMATH COUNTY r'ruit luiclor O. A. Steam b.i. u.d a thoroimk ..vesligatioa ot the Yield i all ivart. of the c.unlv and be fist, tkat is a frn (aoitd hi thcr' arU) be a lair (roil fiiMi The trials a tW djtrv M nol o Ihc tc.l u I ,,isiii lW ;,t!J Oi t Lat.tol 1 a :Xt .r. ; .. (..e tCT- 4J.C KKr. (wir. J i ,1, .t ! k rjui a, -.1 ain, atj M.I..4. .tfc!i- at-t rt a.uc rkHjilmrrwi, w..t v is k "e- iilor: 'nut; VlU tlli' MYt I i j'l -i AlUI 11 tin HI VI-f 'I -i. vntt- i.ilor :h -iNi itf itortiiriin uif nfuu. ii m I l uiam: k-'-niiii 3n -tiis anir uh' iiu iu vf Hit -t a tfiTiiujj- OHt)Mrii:iMi ,i inu' znu i tlilti Hum "liui HirTllif 7rt' ii llfh i.Mjnr-u nu vuTinu m-U ii! in tHiuirr fcw it uo ntttr: :nui uh unp' hv.7 4'W uoc iu y-MuC i mi ta I lis aViiWfcf aVi,.' )!U1 it 1UH a TUXU 0j fte : CK4fetthJk WhM-h ia Mdtrai't )Ltrst to the public ifeaarwU ad whieb ia perfcar nut fnrmilr kbwL l th i)iua of prepaid rJrg ao ia tffeet UttTrnc tt,t.Lt of the iters PaatiX ta.paL bd all piu ia Ik t'aii4 Ivt b Baana f tk.t iitti ffa, yim u l'aiUs4 ,fca ""amuiM a4 ais aaavsau vt ar ae 4 lumua at ,4- r " ra.4a.. ,, Cn s Mailer in the Pnstuffiee at Oregon. mnipusod of men who were ; who are proinbitioinsts i j Herald is stirring the moss I veteran liarasite. 'tleclared read The Herald. . We wish! liar when he makes such a themselves to the project off ! NCAK BULK RKSOHTS OIT.N AT GRANT!) PASS 1 tlrauts Paa in not lo be an t-iilili'h ,,IV , ,.,,, ,.,,. . . . . . '. . ' " " .mum- tlvli..ii, lint iho li,iii, ri'lri'Dlinii'tits I aiw tu tic had. arc Mifl drinks, Miiiu .ill the fnon cold water to near s,, Such a ahar. la iii.initaiii b ,h, ,,reh ibit.en iH ' frc thai llsur u, h, mBfB m fri,B t,r,0 ,B a Mtl-'lMS Jark. c.mat s.Ki reaiaius aei. U T ttj IrvtK. -' lai" ii.r miC '.h A if .ftA-ti it, i. -lt"- i.ti. V u-ts ::. im an; ifi. bur It ,lrr I H 0I.'- -.1UTM HlH'U i,.e- n UN ft"' ;i(It UM .llY-t in hum in. in' tliii on iLnfes mr (Mts-ii ..hum- Ujnr iItihh mu i.r :iot. rm Tt.m ttiuit o -'on Win-- tu lutii"- tt: U V ' . T lu. v. imo. uin i, ui,i,i - nn ,. '-OUIIiMlt tllM UUl. bill' '! lit ,jj trxn k't..: li.'iit rn uttiHi: 70 htAPC'it v oli-i: Wfcv t- , nifct t Ai Mllt- lkr, ,1, ,tl,(i kiir. ftm.Lit ' S" arr-. tv.j unci''' 'ft 4 kt-m i i. tj rurL- im tLi .f it utrv Mr w rd-a pi-l tltK t -r ti- . t,;, g ,t n . nvi It j 'i!vl t, ftitl , IUtttm, l (f7 , t for it t kk tU .Bt.rt . . . V; r ' it tl f,, , eTT T 4""4 k ',.( a. " V" fUkl- it. It dames and daughters. aire. SluvvesaD! Flab la said to be New York best woman bridge playta. Lady Graham Montgomery baa Le come a professional decorator lu Lon don. alls! Blanche B. McHale of St. Louis baa been appointed to succeed her brother aa assistant rlty weigher. .She la auld to be the first wouiau lu the country to bold audi an otfUv. aire. Catherine Ureantu of Cote brook, N. rJ., morea about her borne wltb remarkable activity, cuualdertug (be fact that ahe la 11)3 year old and uue of tbe oldest women lu her atate. A great-greut-grandinother ad tb head vf hie llilug (eiisratUms la airs. Mary Crow ulnahleld f North Ulna dale, V H . aged sixty elghu Mrs. Crowuliiahteld rxjarct to Uve to be the head of all generations. Mrs Theodore Botwerelt la greatly Interested In music and la"an excellent plauiat. Ube rs a counolaeeur of ple- turra and Is familiar wllh the litem tuie of the ill). Her "kill wltb the needle U remarkable. Mlsa Isabel Hagner, e.tvtary to Mra. Hoosevelt. la remark il V for tbe beauty of the gowns that '.:. weara at the White House 1hI eve..- .. in which In her cupaiity of I'.r ! i .neuabt to tbe prealdeut's wife ! . ften takes part. Her aalary $1 4 a year, but ahe Is ao clover about tle?iguiug her clothes that her appearau. e uever auf fera lu comparison trltu that of the wealthiest of the visitors to the eievu- me wauaiou ; to'ltel u.iinct H ".il seol to the Lult- nl States ahd 1.1"M to Oenoauy The Royal Box. TU.' oil! iLiium.-r of the ArilidoLe ' ' "'...i.n. at tu.- .ven I o. ia.- ."-i. it-. i ucuri m iiuii.i(ii. ! S.-4I0 s It the ou. uioudtvb 1,11 Lie- Itot -lo bis Ua:Ue to dvU ;!..! e.T.. t His Mfcli.dtlle I? sui.j. y Vo. ,-l il. " '1. the km:;" iit--.-ii :-.i.l t V.. .. is iu.m u, .:k vf lU-I II .tu.l ll.. U..L".r .1 S IJ .-lc.l J -e. of it in irve!rv .11 l-..t e nii. neiil for we.ld.u (tre I'lllS. IMili.e Kriie! August of Vlu.lKTUud, !lii' ..H.."i ot the I'uke ot l- U .11 l't 11 l l.'l'O. '.r.i. IS to . oliie uU .'llUfi Hi (lie l.i-lll:.ill al 1U If lli. S..-I. l ..ulU-ti .-ill I. Is l.r.tet-J lt;.i! it v i I ;u-itt. cl.-.H t.'o' v iv for a et:U-..c.t of u coittl!. 1 vner the suc ..'-:.:i l i ie kingdom "f ILiuuver tie tvitto tlic I'uiiili :an.U ji.,1 tbe tier uuai cui'iie Things Theatrical. KV.e I t-:.f a;.J .LllioU l.rtr r'tlitiev :11 eat 'if hi a kketvb l (. :d- Flu h Ht i,i v Hi.,.ai si.d k to) Hertv rt i.:e to rite lit m oix-ia for t iiin - i" - i lnitli" l Hi'nt.tJ to . iiU-ei ui.dtr tbe ( vlilvvtJi-ii . t lUe Sbul-eiti i Kiuine mm u bo & Quitted het -(ii) lu lite ul itie Kaii bo.' u ill peud ber uUsU4r a. at Ion tttU i.d Hi ik tie King is to star ueit seav ""drr tbe u.aoaxvmrut ot Joe Weber lu a nc allrd Tbe turrit ol lail Mlvcl Oiiue lerutt. uo baa Iweu play lug lu other .. tlou W heu KutgLtbood rttt In r lower' aud who bss tueu well spoken of tii-the role will be eo tu tbe i art t Mary 1 udor in Xe York Electric Sparks. ::. -tv-crv. tvpfrJA i.HllflsaV Z .lt 'fifcM fatr fit u xufU-tav uutwi vc "ire wmJi TiiU. LLt L.J 11. 1 1 it Zilif :Um liil at Hal a a on jiri.ii ut""iuu. ii :- mau: Hutu i"i ii ..uuitui n- iu MM BVWtttU. UJiU HI uuttttrVtt. U MM tlUU. TWi UolITt: Ttoe ItntMe Uttt itwi ':oi""i'is,C m' a UerJiiv tf nuulntmtt tlit- tuiumi rat bewnrv tl 4tT'uiUi;iu.u. t-e fctrcic I Ve-i t kUieO ln UtrK.1 at'tt'la Iiuti0!d trw- !l T Jtuu. la- tfi tbe wit ii birr tefiia - ( uuii 1: aViud tlx ratlin i-aiLpav i a Tul ilt( aLiio4 C iui. I T-i tbuj !.: a lit vuje-L la f inj irt m ft.Vj K n Jet Net !t'i tie t.iJ trl ataW A.;Uui urwrr tit lartot atoxk f fri,t trrea tbe Pat.?" (oftit frere. aff.lrs. r.rt LarbU uliuti. tie ad aa t.l ina. Wir. m aaJ aSraba .11 .f ekKt I t(t.. I,.M Pm ""at ..-.a f.rn U. i.ikt etvek. H.ii. Wis .hi IU s.rkrt IS mn. 1 tee oaraalre .11 k to be lie t asM aa fm froaa 4 . I aaajl. aataiaf tnrt unfoa fnmm Im Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word Ko sisjU Inser tions less than 19 cents. Six Insertions for the pries of four. Serenty flTe cents a 11ns per month. FOR RENT. KOK UK XT Modern 6 room new tot tai:e: electric lie-tit, bath, window nhade. Inquire OH,',ibriiir;e 's reni dene. FOB KENT Suite of thiee moms, fur aiahed for lifiht lioiisel.eepiu, 4. .ID per week or $1 prr niontb: ui-e cot tage; good aeihborbood; i)tiiet and re tiled. Hee Rogue Kiver l.ainl com pany. 1U3 FUR REXT Two fruat office rooms and oue large room 3tx4U in Miles building. Inquire at premises or at Tribuue office. VoK RENT Furnished rooms, electric light aud baths. Mrs. R. I. Hale, D street soar 11th. tf TOR SAXE. FOR SALE Good young driving mare. W. T. Welch, Central Point. Or. 103 FOB SALE Two horse covered expros wagon, in good Condition, with double harness, cheap. See linton or Hub bard Bros. I"i FOR SALE New 1'JiM tent. S oz. can viua. D. E. Mcliibuis. Cottage an.l C streeta. 1"- FuK SALE Ouo auto, or trade for good land. Address B..I Med ford. FOB SALE Residence properly; 7 rooms snd bath, city water, electric lights, Sewer connection. F. C. Page. FOR SU.E IS ibuiee lots, five min UteS from Ural School; CSSy terms. F. C. )age. FOR SALE Seventh street busiueas property, two story brick, 5iU0; also -lu feet on Seventh street by f0 fest on Riverside avenue. F. C. Fage. . FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten acre tracts, j best location in tbe valley. L. Nee j demeyer, Jacksonville. j FOR SALE Small business: fine loca I tion. Inquire Tribune. j WANTED. WAXTKO IuhhI stenographer who ean bandit- soiiii' bookkeeping and ware- boil ai-i'oliUJn, Address 571, Mtslford, Oregon. O. box TTNtEV To bur from 100 to bead of stock sheep. Write Boi 151,! Medford, Or. W A X T E D A sp n of good horses, geldings or mares, which can be driven or worked, vn or eight ears old. sound aud geut.e, weight lloO or 1-U0 pounds. Add re Tribune, Medford. PHACTS FROM PHOENIX. Mit of ih. who went to Ashland to attend t'hautauiiua wt-n it eoni iiit-iti'l have returned. Jo-w-ph l!adr and wife were ovrr f rt.ui their Eajjit Point home Sunday ii. A. MoriM and family sjHat Sun day and Monday iu Ashland attending Chautauqua. M i Kdith Bsvroft and 1.. C. Vk rline. a painter of Medford. were mar ritsl at tb-1 M K ehureh. South, par nonage iu MiMtord la-t TueMlav. ion gratulations. .1. A. tliaffis W.V over from aerosn the ..Trek Vednt'!d;i v and purrhiiM ?om bi-me-a fur cm lining. Ves Ste ens delivers! garden stuff io Medford Wednesday. v.. A Monte has reeeivtM it e.irlad of ). maierial and is hauling aiiie to tut packing house. L. .1 Hetnbart ha couiuunted work iiu our new school house. Ha. ha! Mrs. t). A. Hover ha returnes.1 from I'oTtland liiut-h tmprovexl and will leave for Xi-w jhiii the firt of the week in company iih Mrs. Hertha Utsgley Mikmh Annie and ioltie Tnne hate l.irtol .'b a trip up through Washing U'U. rllon-'lone park, through t'oio I rad aiid s.uth and back through !v jihforn;a They eijuvt to b gvne it.e greater part of ht summer. ! Mixs Lit a Hailwsd of Winter i? here on a visit With relat:eA Mii ; Ua5e! formerly hvel hrre. i A. S i::nr and fanaiir are in from iteir lvad Indian raich for a few dys a t'dMin;-?. l n Al4 t ?il iv. v'e& Ivap l.V4 L irj i. ..ut .z. l.a.i. tetter .1 -irtil fVulti raf. .f sVJaVS , w- aa .it -ijr: taf ia .wat h Mad U't C'Msa(tLT V l.tiiWi -I. asB tsutsaVW. r'touT Ml i hh in w uJt lav txt i: v - -1 jmr iisv lSl llil'.fev.tJOa 4 - X. laV 11 bur.H m jitar LsW'O J iftar fiwuiiK aWlkaa - Ul pfl jaMaabd ta:fre - iii vt uvt ooutu. ?i4'w - i n. er il 7 u't e iUt r ittaatA t-uuiv arosf H U. y . tsva. i ti H -' iWaWk ear OUaVai t U 6aV- i at fa yajli fa Of 4t-t I W )J Maa4 v V u p fwai r us I.r taifk.u We aae :ar. saj ata iskktreit: efiards rxa si:. I - la aw r arrt rears a PirUt. frvaastilK Laai t Isvestateal i , br.aat.J).. urrs tf ssturJa sifkt ihf li's! uirtnaili "-'1 (.r rest -sT ike rrfalar r ,.f l,l..r a.jr suit, till ikea S K.frt BUSINESS CARDS. . THE ODELL, iea.liug Rooming House of the ciy. Free hatha. Over Poatoffice. M. D. MOORE. J. T. ANKBOM, WELL DIGGER. MEDFORD, OR. Prices right. Pumps (Varnished when Wanted. BALL k GLOSCOCK. Contractors and Bnilders. AU Work Ousranteed. Office wltk 0. H. Pierce st Sou. Phons 653. P. O. Boi 7T1. 0.MrjONE8, City Scavenger, fiatbage of all kinds removed oa short Uotice. Leave ordeta with chief of police. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician aud Surgeon. Office at Residence. COLVIO DURHAM. Attorneys at Saw. Geo. U. Durlum, Grants Paaa, Or. Win M ColTig. Medford. Or. OHIBBOLM MARTIN House Painting, Paper Hanging an.l Tiuting. All work guaranter-J. Phone.228. lockbox 12o, Medford. Or. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day phone 353; Nigbt Phones: '. W. Conklin 36; J. H. Butler MS. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL COL SECTION AGENCY, Lock Box i03. Medford Or. a B. SEELY. 1 D. Physician and Surgeon Modem Vquippwd Operating Rooms. X Ray. Office Hours, 10-12. 24 P. M. Offlc in Jackson County Bank Bldg. GO TO DR. COBLE FOR YOOB GLASSEa Optical Parlor in Perry's Warchuu . SEVKNTH STRFET. 'Be Has No Other Business." Golden Grain Granules 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. It tastes like coffee. It looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure tbe best flavor, tbe irreatest strength and an ar ticle which voung and old may drink and night. morning, noon Golden Grain Granules is especially recommended to , those suffering from heart, trouble, nervousness, eonsti-' ! atioil, indigestion, dvspeU- j . r r ! . . S'iarly 2-pound package ; 'ir 25e. all retail grocers, Wholesile bv P. B. TheiSS & CO. Medford. Or. Just Received- A Carload o! Extra Heavy Green lth MliADQUARTFRS FOR SASH AND DOORS ANYTHING MAM: FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT CLKNPALK OKKC.ON YAKD AND OFF1TK AT MKUKOHU. OKKUON. J. E. EXYART.Presid ent. J. A. PERRY, Vice President. The Medford MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAT 50,000 SUKPLUS 10,000 Safetv Boxes to Kent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We .Solicit Your Patronage State Dapositary. Established ISM. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 1115,000.00 j -j-.ii - - -- :T fsf-" hi - ' - aV- NEWPORT YAgUIXA BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The Place to (io fur Perfect Rest and Every Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITS FACILITIES ARE COMPLETE Best of food aud an abundance uf it. Fresh water from springs. All modern necessities, such as freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages . partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict j municipal sanitary regulations. j EV 1'oKT is reached bv Albany or Corvallis. thence Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Rate From Medford SEASON SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Cur elkborate new summer book gives a cou.-ie description of Newport. .ncludiLg a list of hotels, their eapaeitv and rates, t'&ll on, telephone or write A a ROSENBAUM, WM. McMURRAY, Local Ageut, Med foid Oeueral Passenger Agent, PorUtad TEN - RES 2XE OfiCHASD LAND. CLEARED AND IN CULT1VA TION JE MILE FROM EAGLE POI NT, 0 DOWN AND $10 A MONTH win lt interest. Daily & c-ricn. koom as. j MEDIORD SASH 4 DOOR CO. Window and Door O'fics fixtures anil ail kinds of plaruaf fao.-y tttU T. BETWEEN JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. National Bank Are Y or Valuables in Safety ? Are your valiibblea prutet ted against i In- :-.t tacks of hurUra or I lid auddtju oiU-tuk uf firef Do nol be satisfied with Joul.tful p: oCet'tioii, but aeoure the must positive kiud of safety by ucpu . itiLjj your valuablri iu tb lire and burglar proof VatuU of tbe Jackson ( 'oin;v Buk. Safe it bciee lo rent, 44 00 atid up per year. ' V. I. VAWTKR, Presi.W-Lt G. K. LINDLEV, C'asbier IF YOU MENTION THIS CAPB your" iuvitation to either a little bite or ai: elaborate meal wi!l be instanisy accrpteil. Irop in with the eciupauion to wLoiit you wai-t to be particularly pii p. We serv suppeii so dai&vity that you v. ill the kuble pleasure of eujoyiLg the uo?; l yourself ai.d ol impresiLg your companiQa with your good judgment. Nash Gate PLAY BALL If you intend getting a new Summer Suit it is tmie you were ordering now, and grt some biuefit of it during the summer and early full. We. are ready fur you at any time with a eoniplets line of no cities in hummer fabrics, wbmh we make into perfect fittitg, stylirb clothing. J. A. KREUZER & CO. IMPORTERS AND TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE. telegraph, telephone, markets' wav of the Southern Pacific to Coivallis &. Eastern R. R. McComb ackson eouxiy bank build rxo Screens. Block Wood mill vork. lnd&dmf, tamed work a&J 6TH AND TTH ST& 1 HONB 64 .k, J va t U li-(Ut ami MM U. BY WAKNlLSt iit 'aeru-uts luilwt. Ir; n. AJrr 4 hutsidsi are ta stoats MaaUora, Of for 'vieteetva.' C1