THE MED FORI) DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREOOK FRTDAV. JULY 17, 190S. AROUS GREAT BRITAIN Feeling ol Unfriendliness Growing Between land and Japan LONDON, .Inly . 17. Kvi.l.-i "I growing uiifri,nilliiiMis lii'iwwn Kiir land and .Inpan iippi'sml IikImv In lli unnoiim'unii-ut Hint tl I'"""1' "r inons nliurlly will Ink'' forum! tii of the cliurgiN Hint .liipwi in (jmil.l ually crowding Hrilmli -ihjii4T.-i- I mm Koron HB(1 Manchuria. The MiKgi-sliun that t ! Unili'.l Sluli-n and Hngland form an iiKruitim-iit in ri' Kurd lo thu urliuii In lie IiiIimi in ori entnl affairs ha lipi-n fri(ui'iitly If. Tho action of tho .lapanOMc ill en deavoriiig to monopolize tin entire com mercial interests as cliarM in tin com plaints made hire repeatedly is miplcns ant to bi(? Hritisli interests ruguunt in oriental trade. Thin in the llrst time that I he ov eminent hi8 taken notivo of the Nit ik tttion, though mueh has been published ronrrruiiiK it in th Prilish newspapers. In Japan the situation is looked upon as being of tremendous importance. Japan has thn hitter ill-will of liina Russia hns not forgotten the wnr. It is intimated that Kntjlaiid 's nation night lead lo a weakening of the Brit -ish-Japtinosc alliance on the ground that Japan's methods in Munehuriii and Ko rea are unfriendly to Kngliuid. riNE OAME OF BALL PROMISED I'OR SUNDAY Social and Personal Thero's K"'1 " 11 ''K K""' biiHolmll ftnudtty ufternoon (lint yon enn 'I very well nfford to m imk. You will bo HiirpriHhil to Hee wliut a fine tiuncb of "sphere urtistH" there in in l he now t-m. Tin rim imfjiH'ut hiis (tut forth every effort lu secure tin best playorn tmiilnhlo to wear the Medford uniform, mid they liave 8iiihmJI ad nimbly. Now, it h hi to tin "fiiuw" to support t hem i r t hoy wit lit In nee good Kiimt'H tlif bnltinco of tin itousnii. Do you realize that thore is not liinu that hits u router tendency lo miikc this city a "live one" on Sunday than a good biisobnll game? lo you reulizi that at present there is no Inducement for a traveler lo spend Mundny in Med I'ordT These things ranti'd,- in It not t the. advatitiiK' of I lie citizens an well an tht kid Unit 4,i'ooln" from tin1 blench em, to mi p port, tho team? (lo out and got iiequuinled tvilh the boys Monday afternoon, ft. 's worth while, and besides you cjiii keep ennl and en jny yonrHiM' qui to as well as going to the inountiiiiiH, if not better. MMK. MULhA JBAL0U8; WILL 00 TO AUSTRALIA NKW YoltK, July l7.HiIiouKb s car llaiumcrslein in going to make a aperiHl trip to Europe to effect a r conciliation, word wan received I'rutn London thai Mine. Melhu declared she would never make poaro with Mudunic 'lVtrnz.ini. Undaunted by the dotcrmiii at ion of tho diva to cuutimio tho war 1'aro with hor rival, tho Amorifiui man ngr will Hail for Kugland very hodii, confident that lt tan Htraihten mat torn out. Tho rofuHal of Totraiui tu tako part in Molba h eniicttrt Htartod llio t'cml, which Iiuh buciiint) very hitler. Tho two divan Mi UK oxaetjy the Hauio repertoire aud Mollm decltiroM Iino will not allow any other Hoprauo to appear in any ol her operaH. Him wuutH Loeia, llildn and Violotla oxelimively for hnraelf. M"ll.:t txplaiuH that nIm will go ti AiiHtratiu, an hIio Iihh a conrcrt iMiutrael to r ttl fall aud her "dear old daddy" wantH her there. VICTIM OF ASSAULT BY HIMSELF OR UY OTIIL'RS HAN .KHK. I al . July 17. The hrt iff 'a otlli'iTH are Irving Inday to n- (ffrtHiu wheiher Hradfoid Van Vrank int a raueher, ii the victim of murderous (hiovrH or he (tied lu commit miieid by nlardiiug Ihh naked btdy time and limn again with a kuifo. Tho man whs t'uund lying in a noul ut blood ou the floor of lit home with hiH little hatiy girl, unliarmed, lying ioe Liiooii itt'Hiile uim. lie wan nuked nd there was a idoudy I mil all (1.r tin botie No knife with wl u l i u- uouiid might have been made wS,h fiiutul about the plaeo, Tho man (old nn wuohereni tory when be wsh revived at thn b pitid. NOT It1 K. iNutiia it hereby given that the drraigued will apply to the City t'uniu'il or to iJHy of Med ford, Oregon, at tin irat meeting following the regular meet lag July 7t nni tor a Jieeuw to .dl piritou, vinous and malt liquora in juantiM0 Jess than a gallon, for the periuJ of aix months, at bia place of busineaa at lot 14, in block i.'", in the City of AUdfonl, Oregon. Dated July 3, 1909. V. M. OJPHON. I Plot Agaliiflt Life of Czar. HKRMN. July 17. A . new pbd uuinut tho life of Vr:r Niehnlna hiih boon dincuvered, aeeitrding to a diapateh from Hoiiniiwieo, KiiiHian INdnnd, and l0 men siulwnuni have loen nrrotiltd and charged with being iumliratod in tha plot. "t'olettin" for couluesi. l'.'i Merehnnta' lunch at Hotel Sanh. ,T:is. Itriacoo of Meadows preeinet wan in our city WodiiOHda.v. Mm. J. H. MeHaler liai been visiting in iold Hill, her former home. Mrs. S. T. Sundry of Tolo iipent Thurwlay afternoon in Medford. When thinking of tho dry question, remember "r'oleHtin. " H'-t K. Lung ley of Jaeksonvilli wa a buainesH visitor tn Medford Tbursday. It can't be beat that' Hotel Nadb u.eivliauia' loucLtou. Try It. Mi-ii Aamalia Hrilt and Mrs. Lewi- i Iruh Hfitf over from Jackrionville the part of the week. Say "('oh'Mliu aud all vill go v.ell. Anderhoii & Hurbitlge are the agent-i "t'oliHtiu." ItM Mrs. T. W. (..nrnuhau of lllne Leilge being visited by htrr mother, Mth. S. K. Oeorgt of Rng6U0, Colonel Frank liny Iiiim returned trom a busiue.sH trip to Sun Francisco, and again Hojmirtiing at (lolil Itny. Mrtt. JoHophiuo Itioou'll left Fridny for Newport, lo join the Nunnn fiunily it Hit.'ir siiniiiier home, Dr. It. T. Hurnett, county reeonler. and bin fa mi I v were in Medford Ihiirs lay evening. 1'olk Hull, F.. K. MorriMon and A. An IreWH wore it own from (iriflin t'roek luring the week. J. O. Cochran, the inmiriince agent. hun returned from a business 1 1 i lo Douglas county. on in Adams, the Fileeu mercli;iul. h:is returned from a busmen trip lo 1'ortlaud and the slate of WaHhiiiglou. W. F. Futrup, Mr. Malmney und O. A. Mubbnrd were down from Hig Hutte luring the week. I. J. FhIi'm and W. A. Munu of Cen tral Point spent tt few houra In Mod ford Wednesday. Jhhho Hamilton and A. Throekinorloii f Aiplegate did IntHinesH in Medford a few dayn Bince. , Mrs. It. M. CollniH has ,oined her Uua band tit Vanconvor, Wash., who is lit tending his sick father. ('lark Nickorrtoti, u well kut.vvu citizen f (Irnnls I'ass, niado fed l'nl a hied iiess visit Wednesday. J oh a I a ley wiim over from Fay le I'oint the fore purt of the week, lie in assisting ut his father's store, Ceo. F. Xeubcr, Itoseiie Thonuis und Win. l'uhl of aJcksonville visited their Medford friends Witlnesdny evening. M rs. H. F. Anderson is still at I In Mont hern Iregon hospital in Ashlund. it lining neci'KHtiry to undergo auothei operat ioa. Carlleld White, who Iiiim been at I'ort laud ii nd in I he Stale of Washington during the past several inont lis, ha returned to Medford. Mr. and Mrs. Henry I'rovo of Ash luud aud the Rev. J. A. Levisquo, rector of I ho Ash land 'atliolic church, were visitors in Medford Thursday. Miss Kiln (tunyiiw. the popular sten ographer, with olllces in the I'alin build tug, has relumed from u visit to AkIi laud. If. V. Mnnibliu of Itig Unite, nue ol the proprietors of (he Koiiudtop saw mill, which was burned last, week, was in Medford Thursday on land business. I. K. Ruiniuell, Lane Wvlund, A. F Moore und his sou have returned from trip east of the iiiouulaius. They may repent it in the near future. Mrs. C. H. Stut of JaeknoiiviHe was Med fori) visitor one day this week. Mr. Stunt is omplovcd on-the Sisters' building, now in course of construction. Mr. and Mrs. (Icnrge Hammond ol I'ort bunt, who have been visit ing M r. and Mrs. Could, left for their home on Thursday voning. I. riiiian of JaekiKoiii ille, (he pioneei merchant, has returned from Newport. when- he lias been enjoying a few wiiokn. Cast iht A I ford oT the First, National bank mid his wife, also 11. C. Kcntrin and his family, tire sojyupriiiiig on the bench at Newport. Portland won another game from Los Angeles Thursday by a ticore of -2 to it. The teami have broken even in the present sories, each having won two. F. N. Warner, the grocer, and Wort man i (tore, tho butchers, hae pooled issues and they will jointly occupy the double front nlore on Seventh sln-ei occupied by the former. Mr. and Mrs. .1. II. Crawford of C.I.I Hill, who have been attending Chnn tauqua, are in Mdford visiting then son. Oris Crawford. AsHi-dunl cashier f the FirM Na'lional bank. Mrs. Hunt Lewis and child arrived from Portland Friday, and were met h Mr Lewis, who came down in his auto hi two nud a half .lays The family will upend the summer at the Lewis orchard. Mr. nud Mrs. L. ,1 tiny of Health are visiting relative ami friend living m Jncksouville and Centrnl Point. Th ure Nurprised at the great progress that has lo'cn made in Rogue River vail during the past few years. Mrs. V. M Chestmore. MrV Joseph nnss, Mm, n. n. Tnttlo, Mihhca Nelli KvaiiH and Helen Wait and Mrs. Jones Were anions the many who attended the Chuutuuqoit iHseniblv at Anhland thit week. Duncan & Koontr. who have been conducting (he I'nion livery stable dor ing tho past IS months, are now estab lished at their now quartern on H street one I dock south of their former quar trrn. Irofewr I.'. (I. Smilli, the uew nu perintendent of tho Medford school. will noon arrive at the seene of his new duties. Ifo gained an enviable rep illation im Kiiporintondont of tho Men ville school which position he filled for eight yoora. Judge Heiison has decided that Khun ath i nty shall bo drv. With Jack nun. .Tosephine and Klamath giving pro hilntion majorities, it would be utterly I nonsensical, with his political future looming up n grnudly, for this astute pohiicuin to drop on tho losing side Jasper Co the new houno torat on hiB fur m nttt Itrowniibom on ! I SPOBTINO NEWS. ! ! ! Klomnth FulU' baseball team won i first place in the tournament at Luke- view and won the $000 purse. They lost but uno game during the meeting. Ce dar ville won second money. Detroit has taken tho lead iu the American league, with Clevehuui, and Chiruoo ve.rv near. Pittsburg l'-ada Chi- ago by a few points in the National : league, while New Yorkil in a close second. tt That the Pacific Coast league is lay ing its plans for an increase of ui least two dubs aud possibly four for the season of l!'y waa evidenced by the statemeiila of Henry Berry, owner of the Los Augeles club. Sacramento and a southern California city will probably be added. Portland coutiiiiies to fall behind Lom Angeles iu I he race for I he pennant, owing to the inefficiency of its pitching staff. (Jraiu-y, a southpaw lately ob tained from Cleveland by McCredie, made his initial appearance Sruday. He made a favorable impression, but lost his gniue by a score of to d. Stanley Ketehol and Hugo Kelly have been matched to box -U rounds in, Han Pruncisco for the middleweight chain pionship of the world on the night of Inly ;tl. hie above mutch has been substituted for the proposed Ketchel Flynu contest, which has been declared off. Kil Coer's famous Reinsmaii won the free for all trot with Highball at Peo ria, III., in tho fast time of L':Uti 4 and L'rO.'f.'tl. The latter time is a world h record for geldings and equals Sweet M a rio 's record for t ho second heat, made in JH07. Copa de Oro, a California horse which campaigned in Oregon and Washington last year, enp- turnd tho paco in L';0ii 14 and ;0ll I-4. Durfee also pulled down sec- iid with omiilla in ft 12:. 'in trot.. llat.tling Nelson, light weight, chain pioii of I he world, und .Ioe Cans, the lusky ex champion, who lost his tit le lo Nelson at Sun Francisco July 4, are to meet in the ring for the third time nt Fly, Nov., Labor day, September 7. This was decided ou with Tex Rick ard, the Nevada fight promoter. The purse for which I he boxers will fight is .;m,nno. Nelson is to receive $L'0,onn, win, lose or draw, and (Inns is to re ceivo $10,0011. Nelson is to receive two thirds interest iu the moving pictures and the club the other llnnl, uaus ne ing loft out on this proposition. Twelve years ugo July lit, IHiMi, Fd Delehanly, the oldest one of the five Delehnnty ' ' terrors ' estiiblished the world's slugging record, which has ncv or been touched since. It was iu t he palmy days of t he 12-team Nat iomil league, mid Delehanly was then playing with Philadelphia. It was ut Chicugo Delehanty touched up Pitcher Terry of tho ChicugoH for four successive home runs and a single in five times at bat. He scored and drove in all but one of llio eight runs his team mihle, and yet Chicago won by the ncorc of 0 to M. Virgil (birviu, who died recently, pilch I I tor the ' ' Quakers. wit h her babe, which was lying iu a rmllc iu the house Mrs. .1. W. Merrill of Central Point visited iu Medford Thursday afternoon. S. W. Mi'Cleudon ami S. II. Jackson of Cold Hill were in Medford Thurs day. F. (1. Htiiuson und Henry Orogory of Itig Sticky transacted business in Med ford Thursday afternoon. M rs. J. M . ( 'roucmillcr of Jack sun ville was i he guest of friends living iu Medford Thursday. William M. Hudson nud Charles Tone, accompanied by I heir families, have been camping at McAllister's Springs I. W. Itichntdsou of Peyton, the ex pert mechanic, is slopping in Medford again. i. D. Harris, superintendent of the Hoar Creek orchard, is inakjag ('alitor ma a business visit. (rnsshoppers are said to be thick and b st rucl ive iu port ions of Mound and Roxy precincts. Fred Klci u hammer and Hoi ace Me Larou were over from Applegate one dav this week. '1 Are you going to have pictures uindof If so, watcb these picture talks. I have had years of experience in one of the largest cities. I 'm going to tell you something about modem, up to date photography iu this space. The subject will be changed each time. The Hrst subject will be "Child Portraiture." I develop kodak work, make all kinds of views, take interiors, take your order for a cut, and can made you a first--lust, up-to-date pitrtrait. L. A. GRRGOKY MODERN PHOTOGRAPHER ' Over ".Model Clothing Slore Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIPIO RAILWAY .! .':'M p. in. I:HU a. in. I .1111: MS a. m. :t:20 p. m. Noi-thbound No. ltiOrrgou Express... No. MlPortlaud Kipress ) Southbound No. lf5 'aliforuia Kxpress Ni. 13 San Praui'iHto Kip No. SMIKrom Orauls Pass. . It: 15 p. No. 2J5Kor Ashland 1:13 p. in. PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILWAY No. 1I. eaves Medford .1 8:10a. (a. No, HILeaves Medford j 2:fi0 p. m. No. yj Arrives Medford 1 1 II: M a. in. No. -ij Arrives Aledford 5:08 p.m. UOOUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. '2I7bv" Medford. . 77. 10:45 a. in'. No. jl.ea.ves Medford . . . . . 5: Ho p. in. Molnrj Leaves Medfortl 2:U0p m. Motorll.eaves Medford St:UUp. m. N-i. 111. eaves Jacksonville..! 9:00 a. m. No. lijl.eaves Jacksonville.. 3:110 p. m. Motorjl.eaves Jacksonville. . 1:30 p.m. Motorl.eaves Jacksoavills. .. 7:30 p.m. MAIL" CLOSES. ' A. M.P. M. Kalu 1'oiut 7:ao 2:00 .Northbound I :19 4:54 Southbound I0:05 2:.Wj Jacksonville IO:20 5:S!0i JULY CLEARANCE SALE EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED F.XCEl'T TIIK A AM' (,'OOHS AX1 COSTh'Ai'T UOOUti. OSl.Y ABOUT FIVE ARTICLES Oft LIVES OF UX)l)S IS THIS STORE WHICH ARE XOT SELLISU ' AT VERY ATTRACTIVE Discounts Ranging From 15 to 60 per cent Medford's New Exclusive Ladies' Store BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. C Street, Just North of Jackson County Bank NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the tin will fittolv In the f.ilv council of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the next meeting lor a license 10 sen spir Hons, vinous and malt liquors in quun tilics loss t ban a ballon for tho period 01 six mouths, at his nlnee of business at lot l.'l, iu block 20, in the city of Medford, Oregon. Dated Julv 1.1, liiOS. 1L O. WILKKNSON. c, A. Malbeouf, division-freight agent of thn .Southern Pacific, spent Thtiisdny and I'Viday iu Medford, milking esti niiitc.H on the number of cars needed in the vallev for fruit. . NOT I CM. I Notico is hereby given that the uu j lersigued will apply to tho city council J of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the; next ineetiug for a license to sell spir I itous, vinous and malt liipiors iu quun- I titles less than a gallon for the period i of six mouths, at his place of business , at lot 11, Iu block III). i-tiMhe city .of : Medford, Oregon. t ! Dated Julv 10, 1908. 1 W. M". K ENN 10D Y. j QUP.HEO J'KHPARE.H TO WKLCOMB THU PRIN(?R VPKHKC, Jul 17. Hold and room ing houses here are already crowded lo their utmost Willi visitors, who lire us sembling to welcome tho prince of Wiilcs, who will Jirrive mi tho Indomit able next Wednesday. The prince's visit will In- ou the occasiuu of the tor ceutotiury celebnit ion. 'font cities are springing up all around Quebec, aiul il is estimated t lint thou-suiid-l of people Will be forced to sleep under canvas. Ask the particular limiscUccin'r who always buys her meat ami poultry at the Medford Meat Company the Reason and she will tell you it is because she always gels the best at the most reasonable prices. Ask any bod v Why we have the binest meat business in town, and voit will learn it's because we have the best. Medford Meat Company COLD STORAGE MEATS Next Hotel Nash. Medford, Or. For the Boys These hot summer days the boys should have some of our famous Toggery, of Course Neglige Shirts the kind that are made lo wear and si ill look well. They are cool ami comfortable, and stylish shades in tan and white, the prices right, $1.0Q to $1.75. Sizes VI 1-:! up. The Toggery IMOXKl'lR VAhUl-; (llVKh'S. ALL the News the day it happens 0.1 T1......1 ... .... ..... .,.., ,,..,,, n, nulla, nr was awnv rum n.imo, nntatlinii a f ,.v).r Bargains for 8al. us r barg.tus W. uavs (urn. fur sals.wrll Improvx); gu4 orchards- ricn soil; 'll lo no unr arr lrar a lit . . "vrrai Co . Browu.vill-. or,.. Tt ...J -' . '"H' M, ' ss wsohln. rlothoa it! Medford Tribius, 30c psr moult. tho tims anil bust) u u 650 Sacks Ntill they come? We have just re eeived another latge ciirloatl of "Pure White Klonr. " Vothing so eloquently tells I he esteem in which this model flour is held or tho rapid way in which the people liuv tt out, Allen & Reagan BIJOU THEATRE TONKiHT "The Night Riders A thrilling storv of the South. " N KM) II i'.OUIA' NKKlIIHOh'S," A good eoinic Illustrated Song bv ('has. Clvde. New Singer $28.00 New Davis, drop head $20.00 New Uoyal $25.00 Second haml Singer $8.00 Second hand Davis $8.00 Second hand New Home $0.00 Second hand Help Mate $0.00 Second hand Singer $.".00 For sale all this week at the MEDFORD PHARMACY JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. It does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices our sched ule. We pay the freight. The Tribune 21 Central Ave. MEDFORD