THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDF OKI), OREO OX. FRIDAY, JULY 17, 1008. Medford Daily Tribune A Live Paheii in a Live Town. Published even evening ewept Sunday. M E D F 0 t(D 1' I' !i LISllINd 0 O M P A N Y GkohubPitkam. Editor imd Manager. Admitted as Second-Class Maltcr in the Post office at .Medford, Oregon. SUBSORI l'TJON RATES. One nioulb, by mail or carrier JD.SH Out? var, bv mail. . . City subscribers who desire The Tribune timllud to them at summer rMorta or otber out-of town plucen will ulease uotlfy the office, lv- lug city address and the length of time Uiey desire paper Heut to t new address. On returning, please notify olllce In order that aervlce by carrier may be promptly resumed. 77 A' M' AT lilt I'ltOliLliM . v The leading Imsiness men and i-apilalists of Medford liave at last awakened to the necessity of paying some at tention to the water problem and are now doing what should have been done months ago, looking into the various proposals. It is proposed to call a mass meeting next week at. the opera house, when the whole subject will be gone into publicly. There has developed a strong opposition to the Wasson canyon project, due largely to the doubt that exists in the minds of many as to sufficiency of the supply. This doubt has been great ly increased by the mystery and secrecy with which the water committee has shrouded its acts, and its refusal to take the public into its confidence. There is a public protest over the. selling of the city's water bonds by the council at a sacrilice of'iO, when if there is any security offered by the city worth while, it should be Cor income producing property, such as water works. Yet the market; for bonds is very poor at the pres ent time, and the council was obliged to accept the only offer made or run the risk of losing even it. Opposition in the city is increasing to the piling up of a debt, of !(",( 0l, which will of necessity increase taxes until the expansion of the city creates sufficient water revenue to pay expenses, and many who first shouted for the bonds arc now advocating some expedient until the growth materializes sufficiently to just il'y the expenditure. But upon Hit; securing of water rests the city's develop merit and it, is doubtful if rapid growth can be made until a satisfactory solution is reached. Everyone in Medlord should watch this water quest ion carefully, for the present as well as the future value of his property depends upon its satisfactory settlement, am everyone interested should 1urn out to the mass meeting when it is called. CIIIUllibiN MA It HAM) COSdliltT. Had President Roosevelt been present at the band con cert in Medford last evening it is more than likely he would modify his views regarding race suicide. The pleasure of many music-lovers was painfully marred by the noisy antics of the many children present. That, the need is for better-trained children, and not more of them, is evident. The average parent seems to think their duty done to their children when they arc fed anil clothed. It is not deemed necessary to teach decorum and regard for the rights of others. The children at. tin ncert were helped out in making it disagreeable for others by the rowdy tactics .of boys large enough to know better. Aledford's hand is most excellent and the concerts will prove of vast benefit, in building up the city, though the bandstand should be so arranged that the music will be heard at a distance better. But the musicians should not be compelled to compete with children who are not trained to keep still at the proper time. Your professional prohibitionist is hard In please. Bryan, who is a teetotaler, is censured at the national pro hibition ('(invention because he does not believe in const i tutional prohibition. Taft, most temperate of men, is cen sured because of his friendliness tft "the great brewer boss politician of 'iucinnati, familiarly known as Boss dux," In themselves, these men are shining examples of all that prohibition could make men, yet both are unsat isfactorv. The drys evidently believe that pretensions rather than results count. 1MMENHE CROWDS BEE ELKS' BIO VAKAUi: HA I, LAS, Tea, July 17. Hmt 7r,, IHM) people wtilchi'd tln monster parade of the Elks. The slreelN were thronged with people long before the "best peo pie on earth" were si'hrdulrd lo start their profession. The Klks, iu eos tuuies of whit ami ferrying banners of their cities, made a column three mile long. Th'o members of the I Angeles ilelr gallon reported to the police that n thief had looted one of their party dm iug , the night. When the party re turned to Iheir apartments they fniiiid their spare cash anil three g,dd watches missing ONi; KILLED IN WRECK OF MOUNTAIN KXPHEHH WATTEESON TO OPERATE BRYAN'S CAMPAIGN BUREAU (Jlnltimore Sun, iJem.) Colonel Henry Watterson . will con stitute the heavy literary artillery of the eampaigu. He is expected to write all around the Taft jiress agents and put the Parker democrats out of busi ness. Here we have proof that t lie impend iug debate will live long in the history of American literature. Colonel Wat-t.-rsou, we believe, is. the greatest liv ing literary mun. Ilia vocnbulurv is illimitable; his style is electric; his figures of speech are ovorpowering. He is a mighty phrase-maker; an author, in ventor and originator of epigrams that will never dii no, nover. His compo sit inns bristle and glitter with all sorts of novel ami amazing personages, met aphors, trojH-B and image. "Tne star yed (loddeas of Reform," the "he goats of high nuance," 'patriotism mid a pension," "the loan wolves of plutocracy," "the hills of Vhadam, "troiu hell to breakfast," "the giasti cutis, whaugdoodlf and offdeguof, the gin ric.key and the bcdihla," "(he nig Klan," Ilo is a master of rhvO.ins anil cioisouances. " I lungs have come to a hull ,,f a pass When a man can t wullno his own jackass. ' ' He writes blank verse, too: " Kating huckleberries all day long And learning how to hive. " He is a sciential, a biologist, a zoo ilugist, a flemiinologist: "The wrnugiloodlfl, the gin rickey and the giustlL'UtiH Are of imagination all compact; One sees more devils than vast hell ean hold That , is Hie whangdoide. " He slings rhymes mid philosophy with oiagiiiriceiii lavislin.-Ks; lie is never at l loss for a word, clause, -sentence, pur- igrapli, cliaptci, hook, t , treatise ir library, lie has written more than KI.Oill) at'tielcs on the Hayes Tildon eon iroversy, n ml is still going at full speed lie lias supported Urviin, denounced Hryan, annihilated Hrynn, resurrected Mr.vun. His arguments against the Me liraskaa were final ami unanswerable; liia arguments in the Nebraskun'a favor will be impeachable and overwhelming His mind is divided into two halves being nil immovable bislv and tin other an irresistible force. He is III I'liampiou (Irneco Honuin ami catch as intcli ean author of II ivcrso. I'lain prose can never hope lo do Hist ten lo the colonel 'a powerful pen. 11 ia u II lerbnlt, a 1:1 inch rifled enniuin, a ruiiawav locomotive, an earth WiKo, a cataclysm. When he dins it into the ink it throws off a ripple which invades tae larthest limbii of lost worlds. When it scratches the paper the .omul ueateiis tlie II lilt bit II 11 1 H of the niraway .Malay archipelago. And the oloiiel himsclff Ah " lie is the seething slumber lie is the hi. ul uwako; He is the big ei mbur That gives us the stomach ache.' "Ho is the fir,, that quickens The company that insures; He is the ill that sickens, And he is the pill that cures." We await his fearful rush. We tr bio, we shake; we havi I,, mi, will Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single inser tion! less than 15 cents. Six insertions for tne price of tout. Seventy five cents a lint per month. BUSINESS CARDS. FOR BENT. KOK Kr'riT Suite of three rooms, fur nished for light housekeeping, 4.00 per week or $1 per month; nice cot tage; good neighborhood; quiet and re tired, ,Hee Rogue liivi-r Land cuiie pauy. : 10.1 FOB RENT Two trout office rooms snd one Urge room :t6jt4o in Miles building. Inquire at premises or at Tribune office. FOB RENT Furnished rooms, electric light and batha. Mrs. H. L. Hale, D street near 11th. tf THE ODELL, Lending Rooming House of the city. Kree baths. ' Over Postoffiee. M. D. MOOHK. jTt. AiSibM, I WELL DIGGER. MEDFORD, OR. Prices right. Pumps Furnished when Wanted. BALL OLOSCOCK, Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. 01 rice with C. B. Pierce Sou. Phone 653. P. O. Boi 771. DREADED PEAR BLIGHT SAID TO BE VANISHING BONI'H SUIT I'OR CUSTODY OP CHILDREN POSTPONED l'AKIS, July 17..--.liidK,. 0,11,. ,B, postponed until neit Weilnemlnv the suit brought by Count Itoui to retain the eusilMly of Ilia children ,v the Wince KANT NTAMFoKD, ' 'nun .. Julr 17. One person was killed ami several others injured, when the lust While Mountain Kipress nas ilitcli.,1 a few miles east of here today. Physicians and a wreck nig crew were rushed lo the seem nil a ipecial train. Dashing along at a rapid rale of speed the engine struck a defective rail and the Iraiu left the tracks. The injured passcnecrs will be V. S. Hallar.l, an expert o chard liaeases, connected with the depart ueut of agriculture, has I n making an Investigation of the pear orchards l the .Sacramento vnllev lo ascertain Hie effect of and blight on the trees this year. The conditions are very much improved over what they were last year, when the blieht caused an ii ense II mincial loss to the growers. By culling 'lit the diseased branches of the (rem. the blight has 1 held in .heel. I another year it is lil.nlv to disan pear altogether. a Hint of the seasonal conditions the pear crop will not be as larce this. Ill as II ouuhl to ,e. (Iwiu.f to the high norlli winds that prevailed for two or three weeks last month the ;,- -.. robbed of a large am of its moist ore, with the result Unit the fruit has not attained its usual size. PIERCE SALE BETTER THAN ANTICIPATED I'he sale of the P ierce tracts enst ,.r Medl'oid continues, and it is reported that several are already sold. Mr. Pierce staled yesterday that it was onlv question of time when thev will nil be oil the market, at their ureseul i.ri.... at least, and then many who have hesi laieil lo liuv wi w si. ll,..v I....1 'IM.:- Ile has been hugely advertised and many people have visited the l,,n, ,llr mg the past few days. Mr. l'i,.r,.t. ,,, pressed satisfaction considering the piesent financial situation at the m "cr ol tracts which had posed of. TOR SALE. Folt SALE-Oood young driving mare. W. T. Welch, Central Point, Or. KM Foil SALE Two horse covered express wagon, in good condition, with double harness, cheap. See Lawton or Hub bard Bros. Hill FOR SALE New H!xl4 teat, So., can vans. D. K. McUiunis, Cottage and (' SI reels. 102 FOIi SALE One auto, or trade for good land. Address Box 224, Med ford. FOR SALEDR EXCHANGE- By aast ern party, two biph-clus sautoaiobltes, practically new; 40-11. P Pope Tojedo, ;I5-H. P. Peerless, eush or real estate. C. F. Johnson, Roseburg, Or. Iu:l FOR SALE Residence property; 7 rooms and bath, city wuter, electric lights, sewer connection. F. (!. Page. FOR SALE 15 choice lots, five tain utes from depot, neur school; easy terms. F. ('. Page. FOR SALE Seveuth street business property, two story brick, fiOxHO; also LMU feet on Seventh street by 50 feet on Kiverside avenue. F. 0. Page. FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is iu the market now; chuice ten acre tracta, best location in the valley. . L. Nee demeyer, Jacksonville. FOR SALE Small business: fine loea tiou. Inquire Tribune. WANTED. WANTI-.'I) (inoil stenographer who can haiiille some bookkeeping and ware house accounts. Address P. (. box .171, ..Medford, Oregon. WANTED To jeut, u good modern home; will pay good rental for the right, kind of u house. J. W. Perkins. Phune or write. 101 WANTED To rent, part of au office on Seventh street. Address H, care of Tribune. 101 WANTED To buy fruui 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. O. M. JONES, City Scavenger. Garbage of all kinds removed on short notice. Leave orders with chief of police. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Burgeon. Office at Residence. COLVIQ & DURHAM, Attoroeys-at-feaw. Oeo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Win M. Oolvif, Medford, Or. OHI8HOLM ft MABTIN House Painting, Paper Hangiug and Tinting. All work guaranteed. Phone 22H. Lockbox 125, Medford, Or. J. E. EXYART.Presid eut. J. A. PERRY, Vice President. JOHN S. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asa t Cashier. The Medford National Bank MEDFORD. OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000. ,; Safetv Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage . .. , Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Day phone 353; Night Phones; C. W. Couklin 38; J. H. Butler MS. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANL' COL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 808. Medford, Or,. E. B. SEELT. 34. D. Physician aud Surgeou Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X -Hay. Office Hours, 10-12, 2 4 P. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. GO TO DB. GOBLE FOB YOUB GLASSES. State Depositary. Established 1SSS. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ; Are Y ur ValpableO in Safety? V" ' Are your valuables prutected against' the attacks of burglars or the sudden oitbre.ik of firef Do not be satisfied truth doubtful protection, but secure the most positive kind of safety, by depos iting your valuables iu the fire and burglar proof vault of the Jackson County Bunk, Sale deposit boxes lo rent, $-1.00 and up per year. W I. VAWTKR, President It. I.1NDI.KY, Cashier Optical pHrlor iu Perry 'a Warehuiiit MKVENTH STREET. 'He Has No Otber Buiineaa. " WANTED A aimu of tfood homes, tft'Iiiiuga or ut ares, which cuu be driven or worked, bdvu or eight years old, ttouud a ad geutle, eight 1 100 or 1200 pounds. Addrees Tribune, Medford. LOCAL MARKET. The fololwiug quotatloui are au im partial report of tht priceg paid by Med furd dealera: Wheat $1 per bushel. Flour $2.70 per uwt. Whole barley per tou. Hay $12 per tou. Alfalfa $10 per ton. Net? potatoes $l.li5 per cwt. butter 40c per roll. I.ard 10c per pound. Beans 5c per pouud. Kggs-22Vje per dozen. Sugar $6.80 per cwt. Turkeys 13c per pound. Poultry Bpring. 2 to $3; hens, $3 .50 to $4 pur dozen. liauis - lUc per pound. Shoulders 10c per pouud. Hogs 4fc to tic per pouud. Cattle- 24 to 3MiC per pound. been din RAIDfJ KOKOK CltlNBtU: TO MOVE TO IR1HCO Buy Tickets oy Jlre. 'Sonii'thitig which ia of considerable mteiest to the public generally and which is peruana not generally known is the system of prepaid orders now in -ffect between stations of the Southern Pacific ruiupau) aud all points io the United States. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford tram any place in the United States aud mailed or telfgrapbed direct to the rmrty wishing to rouie here. Sleeper AxromuHHlations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets nay ala be furnished at the samr time. ' Golden Grain Granules IF YOU MENTION THIS GATE your invitttuou to either a little bite ir nr. cluliorute meal will be iuatiiutly ni't'?ptiM. Ihnp in wifh the t'cinpauirjo to whom yon wtivd to be particularly pice. Wh scrv:i Hiipperfl so duiutily Hint ynit will hi've tlio (!cuble pleasure of enjoying the me; I yourself and of impressing your companion with your good judgment. Nash Gate WM':ii..V li'i 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. t I', llobb, ,1. F I'onper. W. II. Crop per, Win. s. lunii, Sarah Duniinc,. Mra l.izie lioriloil, A. II. llaiinlion, Mt. Ifa.hel Hill. :. K. llnaKland, M. B. .lack ion. Margaret and Frances Kimball, Ha el McKec, W. M. (Moral, Mrs. Cliyiitoii .1 HeynoliK Mm. llatlie ltidiuKer,' Hob eit Kobison, M A. Kudliiuu. V. Scott. I". W WVbh, Nellie Witt. iinoiKiii io una eiiy, aim it is believed " " ' " "am mat mere are that prompt ineilicnl attention will pre H eelentiala in the city to lit more ilcalliH, nllhoiiiili some of t he "' ' " "ere were morn tlinn :ti Ii,ti in.jnle.l arc said lo be in a precarious " Vl'"r "If- ,'ll, 'hinee are hastily oinlilion iieirriun lor Nm Krancisco ami Oak land, f.nvor restrictions r. 'OS ANIIKI.KS. ChI.. Julv 17. - ' llle 'J re,il'ul,' Albany Nurseries, on Ian tail Kanies, opiutn j,.iuls ainl bit i' '"IVe !rlfMt stock of fruit trees tones threaten lo k the fmtuiic "" Pacific coast. Pears, apples. of everv Chinese merchant in 1 . . ll"?ti,l,i plonis, apricots, nectariuea, cher MOTIIEK BAKEU EDDY EHtHTY SEVEN YEKS ol.D I placed upon their enjovtnent. IIUMI'UN, Mu , ,ly 17. Mrs. Mum Maker founder of Chiislinu Sei sler.luy eelilirat ed h,r 7lli la Sana,,, his former wlf , m, . " ' "V " " "". "".v r iv"'K alleuea In his comolnii, II "' ""ln"" Irlenda nli.l read do SuiHtn is not he i,r.,i...r .-1.". K'' "OKralnlation from bavit an a 1 vi .. . . ,,om 'pan. Mrs. v.d,t ,,,BI ,,,, (Uv al fc llixai an Aero for Uanlen Land. AI.H.XNY, nr., - uly 17. -William Peacock of this city, nh onus ua IH acre Harden Had across the river in Hcnlon couutv, has I i offered tl', '" for the bind. It said the Harden lands, are the best on ll. pnifi,. -.,., VI ,. . . -' nr. i caeneK is I den Sunday dinner served at after arrival of trains. Colestia, lu:t at Chestnut Ulll. one of II,,. vollriio ,r era of tlreuoi, 11., 1. ..... : It" sell. The price offered. Mini.,., siihu, at tor home an acre, is the linihcst ever or.,..l I tor farm land In ttua vioinity. urn, Kiikjbsh walnuts, nhsde aud orua ineutal trees, berries, roses aod shrubs, all of nbich I offer at lowest prices cousisteut with first class nurssry stock, llatiu beeo with this Dursery 1.1 years, 1 cau ifuarautee all stock to be true to name sad free from disease. I baudlr nothing but Dreyou irrowo trees. I.. B. W ARNKR, Madfurd, Or Hum Lewis, ucompunicd bv Captain Voorhies and lr. Lewis, arrived from Portland early yesterday afternoon, hav iiil come all the way by auto. They left Port laud Tuestlsy morning. It tastes like rciffee. It looks like eoffeo and it smells like coffee, but is pui'e roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night. 0 olden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomaeli troubles, Xearly 2-pound package fur 25c, all retail grocers. e r " .' 'i I : Ki Jj i . eg PLAY BALL If you intftid gt'tliug u new Summer Knit it is time you wero ordering now, and grt Honifl benefit of it during the -fiimim;) mid early full. Wo are ready for yuii at any time with u complete Hue of iiiiveltien in summer fabrics, which we make into perfect fitting, "Stylish clothing. J. A. KREUZPR & CO. IMPORTERS AND TAILORS. PALM BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE. NEWPORT yaqIjina BAY 'f Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort The. Place to Go for Perfect Pest and Kvery Conceiv able Form of Healthful and Delightful Recreation ITS FACILITIES A R K COM PLTOTK Pest of food and an abundance of it. Fresh water from springs. All modem necessities, such as telegraph, telephone, markets freshly provided every day. Fuel in abundance. Cottages partly furnished or unfurnished to be had cheaply. Strict municipal sanitary regulations. NEW POKT is readied by way of lh Southern Pacific io. Albany or Corvallis, thence Corvallis & Eastern K. R. Train service daily and the trip a pleasure throughout. Rate From Medford SEASOX SIX MONTHS' TICKET, $10.00 Our elaborate new summer book gives a concise description uf Newport, including a list uf hotels, their capacity'uud rates. Call on, telephone or write A. S. ROSENBAUM, WM. McMURRAY, Local Agent, Medford Geuei'al Passenger Agent, Portland Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. window Medford. Or. TEN - RES ilNE ORCHARD LAND, CLEARED AND IN CULTIVA TION JNE MILE FROM EAGLE POI NT, 1200 DOWN AND 110 A MONTH. WIT I .UT INTEREST. Daily & McComb CFIOE. ROOM 33. J ACKSON COUNTY BANK BUILDING MEDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, Including turned work and fancy Krilln. F, BETWEEN (iTH AND 7TH 8TS. J UONB 63. SatunUy night the nt opjmrtnnitv I'l.iieft; per vpnl off thp regular yrU f tulor nn.lf nut till thu. S Eifprt. 103 Just Received- A Carload o! Extra Heavy Green Wh ML3ADQUAR. KRS l:OR SASH AND DOORS ANYTHING MADI: l:ROM TREES Quotations promptly aud cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILN'S AXU MILLS AT (.LKN'DALK ORISON VAKD AND OKF1CK AT MKDKOKD, OUKOON.