THE MED FORD DATLY TRIBUNE, ME DP OR D. OREfiON. WEDNESDAY. JULY 15. W08. 1 VIEW PLANK Social and Personal GOVERNMENT BOYCOTTS PACIFIC COAST DEALERS Huy Ticket oy Wtvo. ' Huiut'lUiiitf wli irh 1a at eonitiderable lute teat to tlie puh lie (feiieruM v and which is per Into uot gouerally kiiowf. is the vetcm of prepaid oidom now in effect between ilutioim of tlm Southern Pacific oomjmn ami all point ill Un united HtUti'H. liV IlieUIIB of til if NVMteil) ticket may be pu relumed ut Medford from anr place iu thu United Mlatefl and iiiu i led or telegraphed (1 i reel to t lit party winning to come In-re. Hloeper accoinmodiitiouii and hiiihII aiuouuta of t'Hdli in connection with tlieae tir-kcti ma? ula tm fiirniahed Hi the ihiiw time. ' NuhIi Hotel Arrivals. John M. Neott, W. . Jenkins, Port land ; ,1. V. iVlcmoti, Sun Francisco; . J. Hudson, Portland; l M HofVr. Nalcm; .1. t Carlton, I Point; t 'hurli-H ltedmond, I'm 1 1n ml ; Thoman Harhoni, H. N ltinhop, Nun Pnim'ittro; V. (J. Spiiidler, i '. A. t Wper, l. A Woiielson, SllH PriltliMHCo; J II. Mauin, Portland; .1. P. Until , I, K Tidbull. Kuki'iio; M. 1.. MiiiiNliold, Portlund; Max h'nrraml, St unfold ; A. Paukev. Ashluml; Mi, f. It. Wright, Colesim; Miss Anna Heeson, Talent; L. .1. Wnt eon, Portlund; .1. A, Maak, llaakuood The old reliable Albany Norm-hen I buve the 1 argent stock of fruit trees ou the Pun fie coast. Pears, apples, curb, plum, apricota. tiectitriueH, eher rit-s, Kutflisb walnut, shade and orna menial trees, berries, rosea ami shrub, all of which I offer at lowest price consistent with first olats nursery stork navtuf oeeu n un mis nursery la vcars, i ran guarantee all stock to be tmo to name ami free from disease. I handle nothing but Orfjfou grown trees. I. H. WARNKH, Medford, Ur NOTICE. Notice in hereby given Ihal the mi deiNipned will Hpply to tlie city council of the ritv of Medford, tlieirnii. til the next meeting for a license to sell ipir itoim, vinous and malt liiiiorn in ipian lities less lh;in ft ballon r the period l six month', at lii pluce of liusiius at lot PI, iu block 'jo. in the citv of Medford, reKim. Oated July lo,' lims, H. O. Wlt.K KNMON Merchant:! lunch at Holwl N'asL. V.. :i. DuKcnbury of Gold Hill was a i'. ut visitor in Medford. Vri I Ktlly has returned from a visit .Uhland. Dr. r. It. Hay m buck irmn a tew. Iuvm ' at Aslilaml. ' ,1. K. i:ii.vnrt is siiffcrnia never-- nut an atlack of tonsilitis. ; Mrs J l hVddv uud (Illllllv ut ! Unon Democrats and 7iZ:v:iL ; iVIMIIDK iro-iiMfi " I Wielt I'ox ih employed at tlold Huy. jlliH wife went down Tuesday evening to visit him. ! V.-etal.ies, boiries aud baktiy for 'hoi wutlor meals. Phone :t?.'i. Allen I & It.-atjun. M. Shi ley wuh down from I-alu- creek Tuesday afternoon en route to .luea vonville. J. II. liay of Central Poinl ivik in Medford Tuesday visit in, hi- son Cliurlo. I. I,. Ton Velle, js. Pieliardson, (Juy CliilderH anil II. Deuel have ntarted on u trip to Crater lake. S. A. Pa it isoii and ,1 nines (irieve of Central Point were Medford vi-itorn Tuesday al'ternoou. (ieorue If. llads has sold his sto.-k of oods lit the second hand store on th- West Side to Mordntf Wmdr. John l.ijjliam. I. A. aud It. II. Pruett. three of our thriflie-,1 fanners, were iu Medford Tuesday. S. Ii. Simn.ons of Sterling precinei interviewed oi:r iiien-hantM Tuesday aft moon. Harry Cullx rtson, jfoneral contractor and builder, imueut work a specialty. M.dford, Or. . Miss Anna Peeson of Klunmth Palls ami Taleiil spent Wednesday in Med ford. I. A. Uriak of Kuakwood, Mieh., is visiting his son, K. Haak, who owns ram-h at l.ak' Point. Joe II. Hauiii, the popular represen lalive of l leisi her, Meyer i. o., is iitfjiin in Mi dfonl. .Mrs. Ueaynn arrived from lexas this ek for a visit with her son, W. C Heaguu, the genial merchant. 1 1 arry 1 1 elms has rel urned to Jue.k sonvilje tiom a lew weens visn in California. Mrs. James I'aughl of Juekson Creel-, list rii'l has rel urned from n visit to her sons, who live in Multnomah count v. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Perkins will take p I heir residence in Medford as soon thev en ii find a miilablr house. William ltinslie of Phoenix, the car uler, transacted busineHs in Medford Sut nrdav. John Devlin of Port land has been pending few day a among relatives and friends living in Jackson count v. Mrs. . F. Winkler of Ashland made her former home in Medford a visit miring Iho week. It is much cheaper to order Unit tai lor made suit now. July 10 to IS Kifert is cutting the price "-r per cent. IPU I j, K. Itllglies of KI'MI, I'llioil eoilli ly, is in the valley looking for a stock ranch. Mrs. If. Norton of Benton county is Jacksonville visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Duiiuiiiglon. Air. and Mrs. John Norris were amoue the many who went to Ashlnnd during I lie past week. M r. and Mrs. (ienrge Til own of Itrowusboro district were in Medford Tuesday on their way to Ashland to attend Chiuitampia. Mr. and Mrs. C, Luathermuu and Misi Kllisou left for Wilbur, I oiiglas eoun ty, Tuesday evening to be gone some t line, C. Ij. Moiihou of the Pacific Paper 'omiuuy and I.. K. Tnlliall of ltlake, Me Pal I & Co., are on tlp'ir regular trips lo Meilford. J. J. Johnson, stale lecturer of the t regon grange, enlei lam-'d 'entral Point grangers wit h a splendid talk Inst Saturday. Dr. J. P. Iteddy returned Mouda Mdin a business trip to Port land and left ou a flying visit to Ciauts P;is Tuesday. Dr. ( 'hui les II i lies and his family. who have been visiting iu Jacksonville tnd Applegale, left for their home ut I'orest ( i rove Wed neda v. Mrs. M. K. Yockey has sold her resi lence property on 1 street to Mr. Itev nobis of Din u count v for litnO, M Melliuger negotiated the sale. M i'h. Howard Kilhuiu and her chit dren eauie down from Porlluud Satur day to spend the summer and are tin ',niesi ,,f Mrs. K. J. Knbli of Jackson ville.. W. C. Spimllei and C. A. Co.iper of ;in I'lanciseo are ou a fishing trip .mi the Kitgne. Tin v mine all the way fiom the bay cily l. tiy their luck with the steelh'Mids. They were taken out to the river by (ny Childers. I.. Vim Vleil, who ruived some of tin finest fruit ever giown in Jackson -ouuty, has pold his little farm iu Wtl low Springs precinct, containing about tu Here-., to two Kunsuiis for ll..'iit He will look for a location in the Wil laniette valley. Jo.- M. Kinlev f the Palace hotel :ii fi rants Pass was m Medfio;d Moiidux d .idle.t a bouiil bill of A. MHrshall of the firm of Marshall Pros , the Port land contractors who recently went into bankruptcy. The men had a wordv encounter when they met. Judge Jewell was on the northbound uain Monday en route from Ashland lo Grants Pass. He was on the lookout lor smooth stranger, who exhibited testimonials as a bookkeeper ami claim I to be a relative of tienernl Header -on of Georgia, The Kugeiie Itegisler, the leading re publican newspaper of Lane county, says: "We all appreciate It. U. Smith of ('rants Pass, an orator, but Pn ;:-ne haidly expe.-ted biui to make a nohtiiul speech instead of ii patriotic! "i n J illy Pou rt h, as the orator of the day " ' Another attempt will be made soon I i o'i(ne ;iil recover tin rin-iire .ti. ll'onrd thn steamer Brother Jonathun A Iwreeked off 1',,in H it,ra,t i-,. y Anna It, Ur HrHnw Ipartie, lmVe (.ut mMr, ,im n 1 ""rcnmn lor Hi hull Demands of Union Leaders!'" Democrats and, What They Secured The following is n confidential bulb tiu of labor news from the Denver con veutiou issued by Marshall 'nulling, secretary of the national joint commit tee aud shows how labor regurds t in democratic platform: President aud executive committee American J-'edoration of Labor present ed to resolutions committee, certain de. iiiauds (which appear to have been mod lfied considerably for platform) chiefly as followa: I. Demanded guarantee lo wage earn ers. birricull urists and hol t it-nit m ists "that such associutionii or their mem bers shall uot be regarded us illegul combinations;" got it for labor organ iatious und their members. Iu) miction Prohibition. 2, Demanded prohibition of injunc tions iu labor disputes "when such in junctions would not apply whou no la Imr disputes existed," and that no in junction shall bo issued "when there exists u remedy by the ordinary pro cess of law;" jrot reiteralion of pledges in platforms of IMHtl and U'Ui approv ing Hill bill (passed senate IHiHi) re ipiiriug jury triels in cases of iiulirect eonteuifit; nothing therein, therefore., with regard to injunctions; also got promise that injunctions shall not be issued "iu any caseti in which iiijunc turns would not issue if no iuduatrial disputes were involved. " (Demand probably based on theory that strikes do not interfere with prop erty rights, aud thus would nut be en joinable; conservatives ou resolitliuus committee deny this und regard auli injunction promise as vague and useless lo 1'Vderatiou of Labor.) II. Demamled extension of eight hour law to all government employes aud to employes of government eoiit no-tors or Hub contractors; got prom inc. of eight hour day "on all governuieut work." 4. Demanded of general employers' liability act aud depart iiieut of labor, und got them. Conflicting Opinions. Leading lawyer on resolutions dt cluii-s it to be opinion of conservatives ou committee that if busiueHS or good will bo held to be property, then labor gets nothing in anli iujuuei ion plunk, ami Ihal. if promise that labor organ izalions shall not bo regarded as illegal cuuibiual ions menus amend ineiit to Slier man taw, I lieu it gel a much ; couser va lives deny that promise inemiH Ihal, if it means legalizing the interstate boycott conspiracy. Labor leaders undoubtedly consulted step by top, aa labor plunk iu platform ussuiued shape; appear greatly pleased; conservatives believe planks mean si in ply ruiterntioii of previous promises. If the latter supposition be true, then pro visions of not ice aud hen ring in in junction enses, whether relating to lu for disputes or not, aud exemption of labor organi m lions from opera I ion of Sherman law were evidently not ac complished. WASHINGTON, July l-V Unlet word is received from Colonel Goethe les today to the contrary. Pacific coast dealers will not be considered iu the purchasing of supplies by the commis sary department of the cunul commis sion. Captain Geggs. purchasing agent for the Panama canal commission, in a statement given otu today f-uid that poor sfeumhip service on the Pacific coast is responsible for the decision. The Pacific mcrehatits have request id that Home of the supplies be pur chased there and shipped to La Boca. Captain Beggs says that if supplies were purchased on the Pacific coast and there should be a failure to ship on any vessel it would be i.'o days be fore another shipment could arrive. Ou the Atlantic const shipments can be made every four days. Twenty days is to long an interval for (lie shipment of fresh food, snya Captain Beggs, but pruiiea und dried pea.-hes might be pur based on the Pacific coast. NA8K INAUGURATES MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON The Hotel Nash today inaugurated an innovation iu Medford a choice lunch soup, two meats, vegetables, your favorite beverage aud coffe all for 25 cents. Just hits the spot ou a hot day. Is not surpassed in San Fran cisco, Portland or other cities. Try it, ft.r it will be a regular institution if Ine patronage justifies it. 101 ORKGON DELEGATION IS GRATIFIED WITH TICKET i ttioii of ng ronfi (iratified with the nt'iii Brvan mid Keru and profit deuce of their election in November, five members of Oregon's ! legation to the democratic national convention have turned from Denver to .Portland. The party included C. K. Henry, chairman oi i ne iieieganon; riaie r"nior m, n. Miller of Lebanon; J. . Booth of Grunts Pass; Dnn J. Pry of Salem and .1. D. Slater of La Grnude. John B. Ityan and some of the other delegates remained at the convention city for fl few days of sight seeing while 1 V. Ilolinnn, Ii. D. Jnman and D. M. Watson extended their trip to Eastern cities and will not return nuti Hater in the month. fMOh Mail ford Tribune, 50c per mouth. To keep your temper When the Ihcrnioiiictcr is HS! in 1 lie slia-le, he sure I hut you smoke n -food ei.-ir. one Hint von will en iov and will make vou forget the eiL'Ml-; If. If. Y.. ' 10-eOllt malter. The Mortford "-ecnt eiar, and Del .Marea. 1") eent eisMf are tlie liest thai money can huy. .Made hy a luiiiic industry, union, liand maile not in the tnist. R.R.V. Cigar Works Afedfonl, Or. BIJOU THEATRE TON Ki I IT "The Easterner" A thrilling picture of western life. The hero, a young easterner in his autoniohile, wins a raee against the eowliuys on horsehaek. lie also wins in a fight with the western had man. ti ".W:-. PLAY BALL If you intend getting u new Summer Suit il is time vou were ordering- now, and gel some benefit of it during the summer and early fall. Wo aro ready for you at any time with a complete line of novelties iu summer fabricH, which we make into perfect fitting, stylish clothing, J.A.KREUZER&CO. IMVOKTUKS AND TAILORS. PAI.M BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE. Oak Park Addition ( H railroad on aud conveniently sites close iu. the West Side, north of depot ground located for husiness men seeking home i" i i 1. 1 in i i icse line lois are oiiereit lor sale ciiea on good terms, and the huilding inducements to kind id' improvements, suhurhs when such fine prices ranging from P. owners are iu position to offer itivono wishing to make the right go Whv residenci out to lots can the faraway he ohtuined at $200 to $350 per Lot situated where an advance in price is assured, the first henefil will he derived from the conipl railroad to the timher? It jiays to figure on such investments in a live town Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look a verilahle gift to the Iniyer in a year or two hence, full particulars apply to the and where tion of t he liue like Kor Rogue River Land Comp'y l:liibil Building JULY CLEARANCE SALE Now Going at Full Blast; Every Article Reduced Only ahout five arl ides, including plaid, calico, eanvas iug and a few new goods which arrived this month are ex cluded from the sale. All we ask is that the people of Medford compare values and prices. If we have the lowest prices on known hrands of standard goods, then we will gel your trade. If you are prejudiced against price reducing and insist on paying long credit store prices, we can't expect, your husiness. We helieve, however, that you want to save all you can. Discount Ranges from 15 to 60 per cent Buy Your Needed Supplies This Month BAKER-HUTCHA SON CO. C Street, Just North of Jackson County Bank IT PAYS YOU To'buyjyourGroceries from Miller & Ewbank Why? Because They Sell for Less Money 125 pounds 1'folled Oals $1.00 100 pounds W'ehfoot Flour SJta.SO H-poinid package Washing Powder 20 lli cans .Jelly tfl.IJli I ease Soap, L'O hars 7;"c LTi-poiind hox Maecaroni ..$1.50 1'-' cans Sliced Pineapple $l.SO 12 cans At Tomatoes $1.11 1 ipiarl Malt Vinegar UOe IL' packages Currants $1.20 1 quart CI rape Juice 4SC 1 gallon Pure Olive Oil $3.00 WE PAY YOU CASH FOR ALL PRODUCE Come in und (iet Our Prices on Groceries MARRIED. I.O'iHlil'.Y n .luly 1, l,v Itv w 100 NOTICE 100 J list received, one hlllldrei Kings, direct from tin them over. new patterns and si vies in factory. Come in and look MARTIN J. RI:I)l)Y The Jeweler Near Postottlce l'lito Watch mi U Jfwehy Repairing HpeoUlty. In Me Wn.Ill'H 1TIIKKHHON - Jitlv l. bv Itev. M P ll.M m l.u-. . mm bvrn, nud t n .aut ham T. Wilder nod Lola Purkeraon. uiuney. '""t nn no portion md ii mi id iaryo Ktnouut of .-; 'J 11- - MRDFORD SASH & DOOR CO. Window and Dour Screens, Block Wood Of ftca futuraa an J all of planti null work, lncludln tvraad work and j latocj rtUa. r, BBTWKBN tiTH AND 7TH BIB. J UONB M. I tttke tins nietluxl of unnotineiiii; to the people of Metlfonl and vieinity tlint I have piireh:i-ea the MKI'iKKI) S'lTlHo over the Mo.lel I'lothiti Store, formerU oh net) by IVWitt (iootlp:i!ttore. New lenity :in. :tp:i rutin will lr nJleil, itli tlie ;i i lit in i of fnrnihiii Mel fori! people an up to date vtmlto ami mmlern portraiture. 1 renpeetfully mlieit a shnre of your pntmnae. GOOD NEWS! tor tlie hungry uppiar this item: 'I'lie Kinerieli ret:iurinii provides a niont Hxeelleiit meal ;it reanntmljlc prire aol it i serviee ih exeell, nt pleaaiu ueree. ueie you van et Houp.-.. Nluk. ehops. roasts, t-uLrectt, punl eys. oystirs ami vroetablea in of deserts. One liili, I ry. reason meal eateu of man v. and all kih.U here will he the forerunner COPYOHJhT Lmepick Cfe W. II, Johnson, Prop. For men who have tender feet: Try a. pair of Kangaroo Shoes on our No. 3 Last You will wonder why yon ever had foot trouble l. A. grogory'C. M. KIDD, The Footfitter