A THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEnPOKD, OREOOX. TUESDAY. JULY 14, 1008. Social and Personal Mii Klltt (iauDyau has vititiiiy friends living' at Ashland. .Miss Kmuia Wolf uf Jacksonville Lu been visiting at Grants Pas., John TaJeut and A. W. ,,lt fo Tultiit Monday morning. 0- Mr. K. B. Fi'kel and Mit AilHr Pukl were Aulilund vinitoi Monday. W.'A. M:iuu was among the many CVntrul IJuiiitrn in -Medford during tli weok. Harry Cullwtaob, jf-o?nii yuiilraitur and builder, cemi ot work a iHHalty. Medford, Or. ' A. L. Hascltuii of Kagle Point was in Med ford a tw day? hIiic ou bin way to Portland, - Johq-.W. , itn NWbiiry nd H. it. Dox ,f ",lu'kHuu illi- Tf tAslilimd viaitort .Monday. ' Misa f.'dilli Ouul'ill, who has U-vu viuiting Mitts Marii Vmmsh of Pit land, ia at liomv again. George lJanit'la wa.s down from Pros peeCtho flrHt of the wnek on land busi MiRia " " MWEHu who haw been idling her aiatv, Mirn Myrtle Lea of MVdl'onl, retiinu-L t Yreka Monday. Merriraiitrt " luurb at Hutcd Nunb. It can-'t bo boat t bat Hotel Nuab uierebants' liiurhtfou. Try it. O. Kadau of Woodvillo, tin- .ioini-r miner, was a lecent visitor in Mud ford. Fletcher Pent baa gone north to lake ft- position in the ifirculat ion dfpart mont of tbu Portland Kveuing Journal. -lt bi'miieh rbeapor to order that tai .r made suit now. July 10 to 18 Kifurl 1h rutting the 'price 25 per cent. Hn J. A. Mortjy. salesman for K, N. War ucr, and his wife are occupying their neat new ri'Midence in East Medford. - M. Bond arrived from Cleveland, 0., "Monday and will engage in buaiaeas wilb hiM brother in luw, H. II. Lorliner. , Miner Hicks of the Oregon Granite company ban gone to Yrttka, Cab, on a husinesK visit. Thomarf Carney, I he .stone mason, is uo'liirnted at Prineville for Ihe pnw Put. ; t W. Knnipbt U and J. J. Pankey of Tolo "weie cent biiHiiieos visitors in Mrtffor'd. M rs. V. I'ox has rot urned from a vinit with relatives and friends living nt .Olendftle. J. B. (leer mid his wife have returned f to Jiifiksmi eotinty after an exlemleil abHj'jnM anil nro slopping with t ludr Son, t, J. (leer of Medford. Perry Coiuin, tin? well known cducn -tor, is 'teaching a three month' term of school in Josephine county, lie will 'fill the position of principal of the Hose liurg Hcbool when it resume studies. K. J. Hemynrd, Uillon Hill, A. Tur fJpin und .1. D. Buchanan were among the many who heard John Sharp Williams' lec.tnro at ( 'hunt ampin Aloud uy after Ouon. -t MiHH Kdna Kifert, wlio has been nt Roseburg, the guest of her sister, Mrs. Warren: Bodije, returned Monday. Mrs. i Charles King, Miss Sncdicoi and Mrs. H, , Oray went to Ashland Monday to visit friends and nlleiitl C'hiuitauiput. i Arms ha 11 Bros.; who live near Ceu Hal i'oiut, are turuishiu the market with fine loganberries at $1 per ernte. John. Sharp Williams, will not vinit ( rater lake, will not speak nt Medford, or do other things Hie Medford Mail announced. He stated nt Ashland that bo bad never contemplated doing either and whs .t-urprised to hear Hie news. Mrs. J. W. Itohinpon of Jacksonville aad her' daughter IWland heard John Sharp Willitins nt ( 'nautaiupia Monday. During the lecture Miss Robinson drew i.u oxeelleiit, rejilistic picture of the M isKiHippi statesman as he appeared on I he rostrum. Vance Colvig has received a postal photo of the junk shop receutly taken from Ihe tdoinnch of Prank Hurga of , Morth Bend, as described in The Tri hune receutly. Among the articles are three jackknives, four keyw, 17, horse r hoe nails, t hree ti cent pieces, l.ri .tlimett, one tiHh hook and 274T pieces of glane. MARIUHD. Bid h KS I 1,I VKK In Jackson ville, July lo, by Jule Neil, ( 'buries S Brooks and Km nm Oliver. OtK'KKHI.INK MKCHoPTln Med ford, on July 7, by Itev. W. T. Coulder, Loren t '. t'ockerlini- and Kdith Be croft. Buy Tickets oy Wire 'bouictbing whirh s ot vousidrrablc lutei But to the public geue rally aui) .which ii perhup not geiierally kuuwt is tbt ttitem itf pitpuid order Uow is effect but weft: itatlou of the Houlhero I'scific roiiipan .nid nil points iu tbr I'nited HtHtei By thrhiii of this SVSleUl tirket may be purrhnsi-d at Medford from suv pi Jtre in tbo I'litttd Stutt-n sud mailed or teUrnpla-d dim't to tb pnrty winhiiiK to rm- u-rr. Slt-vpel crumniiMliitioufl and timll HUiuunts of rb in con nee lieu with thes ticktt uiy ! lit furniilifd at the sanif tim " Buig.ilna for Hale. Se us for bjrHim We fame fanns for l?,Wtdl unproved; good orcbsrdv rich soil; to $oU per acre. Pears A ' PlrtJe, Bronimvillf Lund i luvestuient V, Brownsville. Oregon. tf Every Fifteen Minutes. AutoA will be going from oflice of Pierre dr Son to great sale of Ave and ten acre tracts Tuenday and Wed lies da v. W Every Fifteen Minutes. AlitoB Will be going from otli.'e of Fierce & Son to great sale of llv and ten acre tracts Tuedav and Wrdut-s da v. Wit WANTF.H- i.. rem, u go.M modem bom; will pity good rrtilttl for the right kind uf n houe. J. V. tVrkin. Phone ur write. lot WAN'IKI) - To rent, purt of nn nfflrc on HrvFiitn strrs't. Addrrnn M, enre of Tribune. 0l covnrt Jck-t. Apply Tribunn ol ( n. 1 JACKSONVILLB ITEMS. XKDA ---- , MM A f . fA T fi Hp. , r.. tr- f Wfirl Hinfs have re turned to Forest Grove after a few weeks' visit with the latter' parents. .Mr. nnl Mrs. Jonn ievnn i Mr i I. Reames. Miss Nell Keaines and MristiT Joe Ever spent Sunday at t ol.-ii in. i.n:i M'irtine has returned from Portland, where she has been visiting frie ui:s lor the past month. Hon. H. K. Ilatiua una insinci ac tornev B. P. Mnlkey left tor i. ranis Pass Sunday evening to attend circuit court. lta 1 1 '! I in vim nrrivetl from Port land Saiurday to spend the summer with her father, Ueorge L. Davis of the Bank of Jacksonville. Airs. iuvi win follow later. Mrs. J. W. Kobinson and daughter Borland are sending a few das at Ashland taking in the Chautamjua. Mrs. JoM-phine Hudsell spent the da in Medford Alonday. Mrs. Howard Jtilbutu ana cciium-h ,t Pi.rihui.l nrrived Snnduv inortiiiiL' to spend the Hummer at th h-une of Air K. J. Kubli. If rd.r H. T. Burnett left for Pu gene Saturday on a short trip. ( Ivde Shaw, wno is empioveu ui i ir ka, ('al., is home on a short visit to his parents, Air. and Mrs. T. T. Shaw. l-'r.iit lc (Vrkiiot of Al ford war- a business caller Monday afternoon. MANY BUYERS ATTEND SALE OF PIERCE TBACTM Many people having been taking ad vantage uf the great sale of small tracts at the Pierce place two miles east of town going on today to go out and have luncheon on this pretty spot and many purchatM-s wer made. .Number less carriages and several autot were pressed into service and all day long, bearing large placards that announced their errand, they passed down Hev eutb street loaded with eager buyers. Mr. Pierce was too busy to be inter viewed, but judging from the hosts who flocked to his snle must be well pleased with the results of the advertising cam puign which be has been carrying on. He promises that these tracts offer unusual opportunity to those who wish to buy a small place close in ami set it to fruit. The price is low and tbu t ruiM easy, and he assures all that it is bound to rapidly Appreciate in value. PKAZER RIVER IN WASHINGTON ON RAMPAGE IHXUNtHIAM, Wash., July 11. The Pra.er river is again on a ram pae, and according to present indica lions Ihe disastrous results of the in (nidation of the Human prairie a mouth :'i;o will bo repeated, this time with even g renter severity. Ureal anxiety is felt here for the ; i'cly of homes. It seems u foregone conclusion that the flood will enter the dwellings of farmers in tin1 next "4 hours. The cause of the present swelling of the river in the same us iu the first Mood a month ago the melting of moun lain snows duo to warm wtiather. PHOENIX COUPLE OO TO CRATER FOR HONEYMOON 1 Sunday afternoon at 2:30, at the home oi N C, Purkerson, near Phoenix, Mist Lota Purkersou and William T. Wildei of Phoenix, wore married, M. P. Horn. pastor of Medford Christian Church, otliciuttng. The bride wore a beaulitul blue silk mull suit, and the groom the 'ouvenlional black. Following the brief ceremony, all sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. Several guests were in attendance, and presented the happy couple with beau tiful presents. After speuding n month at Crater Lake, they will reside at Phoenix. .STRUCK BY LIGHTNING AND INSTANTLY KILLED ItOlSl-:, Idaho, July 14. In one of. the most severe electrical storms that has visited this part of the country for several years, John Daly, Jr., a ranch man, was killed today, having been Uruck by lightning. Death was in dantnnooua. The flashes of lightning illuminated (he dky uearly nil night and kept the .-ilizeiiH of Boise and villages near by in a slate of excitement. K very body was ready to fight fire in case the lightning struck. It is not thought that .inv givut damage was done. INDIANA PEOPLE TO SETTLE ROGUE VALLEY "A a result of u recent trip to the Itogue Itiver valley by Forreest Kd uieudes from Hreeimburg, lnd., as noted in The Tribune a few weks ago, sev t ral families will reach Medford from i irerntburg about September 1. They will make investments after locating hern and looking over the towu and sllev, MARRIAGE LICENSES Fl.-d M lii Boih and F.vit F. Stotev. Holal Nssh Arrivals. J. II Mm, in, Portland; H II Hen. S. u Frau Inco; Tom Pnrhtnd, S 1 ; Miua Wnll, eitv ; C L. Monou, Port laud; K Loekwood, Portland; H. D Bvus, Snu Francisco; I. A. Kubirt, Kogue River; ti. Fibs ami wife, San PianciMCo, C O. Hntes, A. F. Kellogg. Portland; Kiigene Savage, (ilendale; Kobert Buohnell, Parkersburg; II. A Mansfield, ludinnupoli; A. C. Smith. I San hrancisco; F. K Palmer, St. Paul; i J. W. Keyea, C. F. Loekyer, Kennett; I!. C. Ie Meisa, Philadelphia; Henry K. M ... I l.i.M.L.,- II N U.t.ll., r1f l l),l)...p San Francisco. Fd win Kuowles, W. S. Zi miner man. I W Fr.-nch, S. D. Fox, Portland; K StorkenuytT, Koteburg; H. T. Find lay. citv; tl B. Watsoii. Jacksonville: ,1. W Keyes, t '. F. Ijtkver, Kennett; W. D. Dilworth. Pasadena: Ira Gren. Mrhall; J. F. tnick, Ihiklund; J. K Hitler, New York; F. G. Dukebach Subm; H. H. HMiguinsn, Mil wank r I Prount. I taint Mnrtha Ann ... houlit not ba old. INDIANAPOLIS, lnd.. July 14 Mayor Bftokwalter. the republiran local leader, will take a leading part in we coming John W. Kern to his home city. The mayor said: 'Kern will not be s load for Bryan, as 1 have seen charged. He r-ill help Bryan carry the load. In Han he inn :ihead ol Parker in Indiana, while the, rrpublieau candidate who opposed him ran o00 behind Roosevelt. 1 believe I Kern will be eight or ten thouuand ' stronger than bis ticket in this suite.! lie is just the finest fellow I know. "It is gratifying to see a man like Kern, who has no money, nomiuated for office becoming of his ability and without regard for financial reasons, ft bich st em to have so much weight in political sessions these day. " The democratic leaders are jubilant and say that nothing ran keep them from sweeping the state, which usually is doubtful up to the very day of elee tioU. The local committees are planning an i-laboraie reception for Kern. The old reliable Albany Xorserios. I have the largest stock of f nit trees .a the Pacific coast. P-f apples. eacb, plums, apricots, nect.v'ues, eber- t rics, Kngbsb walnuts, sh ui- aod orua- mental trees, berries, rotr-d and shrubs, all of wbih 1 offer at lowest prices consistent with first class nursery stock. J Having been with this nursery K years, I tan guarantee all stock to be true to name and free from disease. I handle Lotting but Ofegou grown tiers. L. B. WARNER, Medford, Or NASH INAUGURATES MERCHANTS' LUNCHEON 1 The Hotel Nusli today inaugurittrd mo iunovjition iu Medford a ehnh-e limcb ioup, two meats, vegetables, yuur favorite beveruge aud v.u(ft) all for -5 i-eDts. Just bits tbe spot ou a bot day. Is uot surpassed iu Hun Fruu Cisco, Portlaud or other cities. Try it, fur it will be u regular lustltutiou if tbe patronage justifies it. IU1 Every Fifteen Minutes. Autos will bo going from otHee of I'ierce & Son to great silln of five aud ii'li-uere trai'tH Tuendav and Wedues duv. B9 August itehkopf of Appligate, one of southern Oregon's pioneers, ,p.ut Mondav in Medford. Kifert, Ihe tailor's big sale, duly III to IX. One- quarter uff tailor -made suits. I"" Don't Bother to ook It's too hot. Get what you want alret tv prepared; we have .t. We cater to those who want the best. THE DELICATESSEN (! STREET, N EAR EIGHTH '.fl'ib'ty rs !. ;jl v jt I j in i f W rt I "3 Ml I 'UII I I J VI I. Pfll " 1 Oak Park Addition! On railroad on the West Side, north of depot grounds i and conveniently located for business men seeking home-; sites close in. These fine lots arc offered for sale cheap, on good terms, and the owners are in position to offer, building inducements to anyone wishing to make the right j kind id" improvements. Why go out to the farawa ! suburbs when such fine residence lots can be obtained at prices ranging from I $200 to $350 per Lot ! situated where an advance iu price is assured, and where j the first benefit will be derived from the coinplet ion of the! railroad to the timber? i It pavs to figure on such investments in a live town like' Medford, and the present prices for these lots will look like!'''"' summery, ivrfuimt m.d i.,i,t a veritable gift to the buver in a vcar or two hence. For! .V"'1''" "f '!, ki,'"K iu;"l";l'" N" , i , ' i Home Ni wiiii MatbiiH'S.at tb (nil paWicnliirs annlv to M:t 1 Rogue River lixhibit i UEDI-ORD BASH DOOR CO. j Window and Door Screens, Block Wood omc. ttnum ut hi kud of Biuiu tutu oik. lududm. uru.a 0ik ud f tTUU. r. BBTWEBM 8TH AJiD 7TH ST8. 1 HOrfB b. I i i n II , I SOUTHERN' PACIFIC RAILW AT I II H H II TIC T" ' 1 ! 1 "'Northbound f I M U II II Northbound ItilOrctfou Fxnress. . . No. 14 Portland Express. . Southbound No. l.VCaliforuia Express. No. L! Sau Francisco Exp. No. 22"IFrom Grunts Pass. No.225(I',or Ashland . i 10:3r a. nt. ,j 3:20 p. ui. , :lo p. m. 110:15 p. m. PACIFIC EASTERN RAILWAY NoiLeaves Medford .". ... .1 8: lUa.'ni No.3Leav Medford I 2:.'U p iu. 10:3 a. in. fi.US p. 111. No.SIArrives Medford. No. 4 Arrivee Medford. EOOUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2Leavrs Medford 4. a.'u.. No. 4;Laves Aledford j :3.r p. ui. MotorLeave.a Medford 1 2:(op nt. MotorLeaves Medford H:0Up. m. N'. PLeavea Jacksonville.. 9:00 a. m. No. jjLeaves Jacksonville. j 3:3." p. m. MotorLaves Jacksonville, j I :'Mt p. m. MotorjLr&ve Jacksouvillo. .. 7:3u p. in. LADIES i will appreciate the convenience of hav ing the laundry work done away from . Inline, especially if we do the blunder iug, uh nur work is so fine. We do all kiuds i,r L.U'N'liHV WOliK. We are a Home In- Only White Help. Medford Domestic Laundry QLEN FABRICK, Prop. Medford. Oregon. Meilfmd 'I'ribuue, . :"itc per month. PLAY BALL It' $t inliMitl yttin ii now SnintiHT Suit it is tiim- vmi wen- nnli-riiig nor, nut) it Miiini! ))i-nit'it of it (nriiii tin summrr initl cnilv full. Kv arc n-ady t'tn iitt nt any lime with n cnmilti' lint t' nu oltit'ti in niiiiinitr fatiricn. w Ii irh we inukc iuto pertVot fitt iug, stylish clothing. J. A. KRtUZI R & CO. 1MI-OKTER8 AND TAILORS. l'AI.M BU1I.D1NO, MEUI'ORD, ORE. Land Comp'y Building Clearance ONLY A I'T.W NKW ( iOODS A I CONTK ( t noons 1,'KSKRVRIi ;llv , is K..iiiK t;il- i trip int.. tho interim- alm.it the last of August l,..al.s.-i,l IVon. M.-.li'onl fur about a y ear eanie in yesterday and figured on Iwr snpi-lics, .-..usislmg of kinds of goods, the l.ill amounting to .tuite a u.-at s.m.. and told us that she felt sure lhat she couhl save from S to per ,-vui l.y huying now instead of wailin g unl il later. One or two others are fig uring on doing the same. You save, too. l.y laying in your fall supplies. Hosiery, I'ndfrwear, Skirts and hundreds of oilier little needfuls eau ho purchased now at a saving of from IT. TO 50 PUK l.'KNT. All Hosiery on Sale All Skirts on. Sale Savings from 1.1 to 1-3 per rent. Save from 15 to 50 per cent. 98c for Millinery Ladies Suits for worth to $5.00 Half and Less A mnnher of pretty hats left in lot. Only a few, hut they are bargains. Sale of Underrauslins New Embroideries on Sale Save from 'J5 to -'.', per ecnt. Even sale prices are cut. All Rain Coats for Half Silk Petticoat Sale Now is your chance on a raincoat. Buy that Silk Skirl now and save. Parasols on Sale Fancy Ribbon Sale The reductions are very good. I'.uy llil.l s for gifts now. All Neckwear on Sale Sale of Wash Coods See the new styles on sale. I 'rices never attempted before. Suit Cases on Sale $18 Millinery for $4 Never will the price be so low'again. Certainly you want one of these. I Medford 's C Street, Just BAKER-H A COMPLETE STOCK EVE RYTHING OF THE FINEST Toilet Articles Fine Perfumes Stationery Proprietary Remedies And All Other Drug Store Goods "THE BEST IS NONE TOO COOP" OUR MOTTO Prescriptions Prepared by an Expert THE EAGLE PHARMACY A. E. WHITMAN, MANAGER :: PALM BLOCK, MEDFORD Ladies will find puirst DRUGS ntUtUKU rnAOALi, IOC. i The Big Drug Start with Little Prici" n,-ar tb I'ntuf f iff. ji'Uy Hillifrt rrwriitiuunt l '. k Burk Sfi-rrt The first "Irv" iu anv line ( f f , js ,,( s ;l , , y enough. -Try again" 'isasi..- gun as old as - experience of llUUUlll affairs. Sale Only Exclusive Ladies' Store UTCHASON CO. North of Jackson Which Will It Be? I'INKAl'I'l.K SI IKK MKT. )K'(i.N(lT: SHEK Kin', S Tb'AW liKRK'Y ICK T"RK..M. VANILLA ICE CI? HAM KI if US ih:i.ivi:rki) to Til H CITY. r.l'TTKKMII.K AMI WAYS ROGUE RIVER CREAMERY EVERY ARTICLE REDUCED County Bank ANY PART OF SWEET OX TAP. CKKAM AE