The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By far the largest and brat news report of any paper in Southern Oregon. edfercfl Daly Critame. TheWeather Fair in I ho south tonight cd Wed nesday; showery in the north tonight; westerly windg. . i . j ; ir. s THIRD YEAR. MED FORI), OR EDO if, TUESDAY, .1 ULY 14. UMW. No. 99. TRY TO OUST OLWEIL FROM COUNCIL BY RECALL PETITION! COMMERCIAL CLUB TO PASS UPON CITY'S WATER SUPPLY GALLAGHER DYNAMITER BHD n PAPER FOR SIGNATURES 10 SECURE REMOVAL FROM OFF CE Probability Procedure Against Olwell Is Illegal, as It Is'Impossible to Segregate Votes of First Ward From Those of North Medford in Last Election as Required The first recall pel it ion in t trefoil under the new amendment to the eon slit ut ion adopted at the June election is being circulated, in the r'irsi ward hy prohibitionists for the recall of John D. Olwell, councilman. The alleged cuuHtt of the recall is that Mr. Olwell iIoch not now reside in tho ward. The real cause is that he voted to license the Hotel Nash bar, it ml it is hoped by getting Olwell out to elect a prohihi tijuist in his place ami make the city dry. .Mr. Olwell is one of the inosl popu lar business men in t he eily and no fompluini was ever filed regarding his removal tit another ward until Conn e ilma n Wort man challenged his vote last Tuesday because he voted to keep the Hotel Nash in operation. Mr. Wort mini threatened an injunction against tho license at the the time, but abau doned his intention. Mr. Olwell Kin ted ("day: "1 am in. I aware that the interests of the I'irsl ward have suffered any at my hands. I h"e always looked after every peti tion given me and done every I hiug any resident nf the ward requested of me. In a small city like Medford the interest of one ward is the interest of all." The petition is being circulated by a Mr. Robinson, who lives in North Med ford, but he does not state at whose in atigation. Number of Signatures. The recall law provides that "there limy be required Ji per cent, but not more" of the voter of the district who voted at the nreeeditiir election I'ur supreme court .justice to sign the recall j petition. As the state elect i lid not recognize the ward boundaries as pre I ciuets. it is impossible to segregate the j votes and determine wno in noun .yen ford precinct voted from the I'irst ward, and tun prnnamuiy is uirinmi that the recall will be ineffective in this instance, The recall law reads as follow: Section 1. Kvery public officer in Oregon is subject, as herein provided, to recall by ihe legal vulers of the state or of the 'electoral district from which he in elected. There may be retpiired t!fi p-r cent, but not more, of the num ber of electors who voted in his district at the preceding election for justice of the supreme court to file their petition demanding his recall by the people. They shall set forth in said petition the reasons for said demand. If he . i ... . - ;i ..1...U I... sua on or uis rcsign;n t,h.... i ... . . .. i uvvr,...:. .. ...e e...,. , is offered, and the vacancy filled as uiav be pruviib-d bv law. 1 1' tie shall not resign within five 'days 1 nfter the petition is filed, a special i lection shall he ordered to be held with in 2H davs in his said electoral district to determine whether the people will recall said officer. Print Reasons for Recall. On Ihe sninplo ballot, at mii.I,.. "ball be printM n n..t ni..n- Iban 2M words, tlie r.'.n..n- f..r .bn,aU,ln,K II,.- reoal! of sai.l ..ffi.-or a I forlli .., ine rc'ai. i i.M..ii. i,. ...... 'JIMI w.jr.lH II Itlr.T h pim iraiinn 1.1 , () hit f.iursi. iu offirc. He shall rntiniii to perform the duties of his office until the result of said s ial election shall be officially declared. Other candidates, for the office may be nominated t. b.' ' voted for nt said special el.'.'ti..n. The j candidate who shall recile the highest ! number of voles shall lie deemed elect I'd i for the remainder of the term, whether! ' it be the person against whom tin- re call petition was filed or another. The r ill petition shall l- filed willi' the off r with whom a petition f.o nomination to such office jdii.uld lie' filed, and the same officer -ball order the special election when it i rennir.-d. No such petition shall 1 ir.ulated uga'nist any officer until he ha" actually held his office six months, save and except that it may be tiled againil a senator or representative in the leg.s lative asseiisfty t any time after file days from the bciriiiniiii: f tl"' first session of his election. No Double Recall. After one such petition and special election, no further recall petition h.ii: be filed nyainst tin' same officer dur ing the term lor which be wan elected unless sik-Ii further pt't i I ionors sdmll fir si jim v into tin1 public treasury which lists paid such special election expenses, tho whole amount nl' Us expenses for tho preceding special election. Such addi tional legislation us may a ill the oper ation i( this section shall ho provided hy the legislative assembly. including provision- for payment by I lie public treasury of the reasonable special elec t inn campaign expenses of slich oTfi cr. Hut the words "the legislative as sembly shall provide" or any similar or ciiuivaletit words in I his const it u I ion or any amendment t hereto, shall not be construed to grant to the legis la the assembly any exclnnsive power of law making nor in auy way to limit the initiative and referendum powers reserved by the people. NATIONAL COMMITTEE VISITS BRYAN AND KEKN j LINCOLN. Neb.. .Inly 11. The na , tioual democratic committee are on it visit to lirvan and Kern here today, and decided to hold the.ltryau m'til'i I cation lit Tairview farm, Angimt I . ; The committee, adopted n resolution i under the provisions of which no pledge J more than ' win oe n The notification of John W r.ei HI. I Kern , uf his nomination fur the vice presi dency will be held in Indianapolis, his I home city, at a dale to be fixed biter. RUN VUMPS NIGHTS TO SUPPLY YREKA yitKKA. Juv l-l.- The city in j,,.,,,.,, , U.vt t..-t ri- pump ( (.orit((r.l(i(m Works running night )av .( nnor ,0 Hll,fly wnt.-r for the VHt.TH f uater for irrigating pur ' . , Jf n(llifil.(1 ,iiat ,0y will ..11. ...... I ... tit.. i-..t.- l.lll I Wll hours and half during the day. The ' 'oiith side of town is restricted to the! ..i- r ('fun Ii ii tn to H-.'Mi o. Ill f I.. ti n IVulIl Vlll in) i ne iiui i ii i.ti p. in. 1 causes I' While the restriction Mini in pin mi aim mciinr u'ence, it is a case of "have to, ami t tit patrons of the municipal water v.orks are conforming to the rules with ni.,11' or less cheerfulness. UOOO PROSPECTS FOR WINNING BALL TEAM l.uvers uf baseball in Medford ill .... . , i . -.t mi i imht be interested to know that . . f ..,vm a I WlUlllllg I cam ill ine iiem iii r this city. K'.'orgunizatiun w.rK is rap idlv progressing under a new munage n'l au" ,r,,,n l'r,",, ,u "" j w'" " :i !,,,,," 'Kr.-Kaiion in ' dulging in the national pastime t.. I he j complete atisfaction of tlmse who at ' U:iui T,",r;; wiU lM! V-"" " T,,rB,,lv ,.u.;,mx ,,rl,l,ly fl.-a au th.-r- nr.' still lit.. vacni.,-i( ,(( hi, (i lL(isi. ,,,,,;,. f ,.,,,;,, ,. Mi h.ivi. ft , ,, , . jf ,,,ov ,.,, ,,,. ,.,,.,.;.,, a, evening p. iu. uud show the required am. .lint of skill. A game with the strong tcaiii Ooni Lagle I'oinl will be played here next ISun.lav. I'.AP.F. DIES HORRIBLE DEATH EATING MATCHES Sl:.l"l'l.l:. Wash.. .Inly 14. -Mrs. I hallos K. Dole is mil in danger of losing her niiiol from worry over the terrible death of her baby. Olive, 17 in. .mils ..Id. ul... is dead as the result of eating the heads off matches after ie had .lll'p'd th.-in ill ink. The yriei ot It..- mother is intensified l.v h.-r iinaoinat ioii that she is resp.m sil.le for the death ..f lor baby. She ! is now under the care of a doctor, and j today it is reported that h.-r condition i has improved -lightly. It is Imped that i her nlal ileralicment will prow but j temporary. 'ihe child was drinking milk wh.n l ... me matches fell from a shelf n.-nr her i She picked the. II op. softened the heads ,in the milk and ale them. She lued ' about SU hours, dying Sunday. o in BROKEN BY NEW YORKER John J. Flanagan, Police man on Manhattan Force, , p. it ' f Tin detective force of this city is to LdplUrtHl rlllUlj III lllbiday searchiug every possible corner of Hammerthrow Today LONDON, July 11. Breaking the Olympic record and the professional and amateur records of ltrituin, John J. Flanagan, a New York police man, captured the finals in the hammer throw today with a mark of 170 feet and 4 1-2 inches. Ham yesterday put l he Olympic Meld in fine shape today and it is predicted that it number of records will be broken. I'. Walsh of Canada was second in the hammer throw finals, with a mark of IliO feet and half an inch. This whs an' inch below his mark in the preliminary tty out of his sect ion. Martin J. Met. rath, a New York po licemnu, took third in the tlual hammer throw, his mark being lit" feet and II inches, the same that he made in the preliminaries when he was first in his sect ion. The first heal in the lid kilometers bicycle race wan won by L. Meredith )lt- Kngland in Xi minutes, seconds. stM.0 n(ii,t W!1H captured by C. H. Kingsbury of Kngland in ."li minute, ;; ( rt S(,e(,,(s. , Weinze of the cj((., stales team won third heat in ;t; minnles. .'t!l -l "! seconds. T. Ii. .Jones nr Kngland won the fourth heat in :2 minutes. 111 seconds. C. Cameron, an American, finished second. ill lie iiiPU-iiiei IT innrii" litre, tiie following men won in their respective sections and will race in the linal: J. P.. Jones. Kuglnud, ."!! seconds; W. J. Dailey, Luglaud, .14 seconds; W. J. Kingsbury, Kngland. "J seconds; Cam eron, American, 1 Ti seconds; Kdmen dele. Prance, ;"." -t-.ri seconds; J. Van speiieu, Holland, oK I -.ri seconds; W. All drews. Cnnada, .r"i -1 i seconds; John stone, Kngland, "el I ;"i seconds; Wexu ter, Prance, o"i :t seconds; P. Venter, South Africa, .Vt -1 " seconds; Neiimer, (iermany, M 15 seconds; K. Payne, Kng land, I " seconds', D. K. Plynu, Kng laud, .".') seconds; Danggeray, Prance, - secouus. ami i,. eu n '" won Ins section, nut was nisipiainieu Oil aci'OUIII OI HIS SlOtV I Mile t .f i.:.. ; ii.. ..,..! the dun meters iu a minute and teu sen onds. In a continual ion of ttie -IOmeter swimming event, three heats of which were swam yesterday, K. E. Beau re pa ire of Australia took Ihe fourth heat. Pradmilovic of Kngland the fifth and II. Taylor of Kngland the sixth. O. W, Oietlztk of America won the first heat iu the fancy diving contest Hud A. Searner of (Iermany won tho sec ure) heat. HAN FRANCISCO WOMAN UNCONSCIOUS IN HOTEL SAN I'll AS'l lSi'O, rnl.. .Inly 11. The police are today investigating a poisoning' in which n woman known l re only ns Mrs II. K. lingers is the victim. Mrs. It. .gers regisiereu lasi IliL'ht at the Hotel Hall: and was found unconscious in the room. Th doctors at the Central emergency hos nital staled todav that she is suffer ing from some kind of poisoning. but thev cannot ascertain its nature. . Mrs. Rogers look a room at the hotel last night, registering simply from Man I'lancisio. She carried no baggage. Karlv this morning a bellboy heard groans from the room and notified the proprietor. He opened the do.,r Willi a skeleiil.ui key and f id Mrs Rogers lying fully dressed across the bed in an iiiK-oiis.-i.ins condition. MEMORY BEGINS TO FAIL "BIO JIM" GALLAGHER MAN' 1'RA SI IS! 1 1. Cal . .Inly 14. The memory of " liig Jim" liallagher, former snl.ervisor and chief witness in .... , lilt- eiltll Case-, fc. every time lie goes on the stand, was quest i. .ned at length in the p I. lie cunt today in Ihe case l.r..ughl agsiioo Assistant District Attorney Honey to perpetuate his tcstino.nv. mid every re plv he used the W' "(.III of the opinion. ' thought " - Ever, F.fteen Minutes. Ant... will be o,g fioin ..nice ,. day V) CONFESSES DEMOCRATS TO ii i ir mini m Man Who Blew Up Former Supervisor's Home Con fesses Guilt-Police are Searching Confederate SAN l-'HANClSCO, C;,l., July H. the city for Peter Claudinnes, u (Jreek, aged 21 years, who has been implicat ed in the dynamiting of tho houses of .lames (lallughor, the chief witness in the graft prosecution by u remarkable confession made by his brother, John Claudianes, who says that he himself actually exploded the charges of dyna mite. Not icon have been gout to the chiefs of police iu every city in the country, and men have been sent from here to t'hiro, Cal., where it is thought that some truce of Cluudinnea can be found. Jo hu Cluudinues, the confessed dyuamiter, is in jail here and is being closely confined. Didn't Get Blood Money, lobii Claudiunes made his confession to District Attorney Langdou between midnight, and fi o 'clock last Sunday morning and the information had been carefully guarded in the hope that the police may locate I'etcr ( 'laudianes, whom, says his brother, made a deal with other persoiH to kill liallagher for money. The confessed fiend refused to divulge the names of tho people who paid for the attempt on tho life of (hillnghor. lie said that he was to receive :t(i00 as his share of the blood money, and he didn't gel it, which is Ihe rcasuii he is ready to confess his crime. The confession uf John ('laudianes clears a mystery that has bafflttd the police of t he bay city for over two mouths. The dynamiter was able to substantiate his story by going over It with Lnngdon and the authorities be lieve that he is telling the truth. His brother, Peter, who he says plnuued the crime and who made the deal with per suns who desired tin death nf tialla gher, may be able Iu implicate others iu the crime if he can be found. The man under arrest refuses now to admit even that he did the dynamiting, ap parently regretting his confession. Confession Dramatic. Thiconl'cssioii was dramatic. A lei ter written by John Claudia nes address e.l In his brother Peter nt Chico, Cat., threatening to expose the plot, was responsible for the arrent of the con fessed dynamiter. Tho letter says that iiulesH-inoney is forwarded the plot will be given away. Although the letter wns not signed, it wan endorsed on the en velope, "return to it, Claude, 1(1 Hyng .ii avenue, ' and it was here I hat ( laudianes was arrested by detectives. District Attorney Lnngdon question ed (.'laudianes closely and nt first the man refused to give auy information. He was finally forced inlu u corner and admitted that he himself did the dy inmiting. Lnngdon was skeptical anil clanudianeK ottered to take him over to Oakland and go over tin- whole scene ..f the crime wilh hitn. Carefully guard d, the man was taken to Oakland and whisked away in an automobile to the Nineteenth av uue home of (lallagher, fthere the ei supervisor, his wife and si others so narrowly escaped death April 22. Watch House Three Weeks. (.'laudianes told l.ungdon that he had watched the house for three weeks, gain ing knowledge of lis surroundings l.v pi.sing as n potato peddler. He gol I'M a night nnd 10 a day for watch iug the house, he said, nnd made three attempts to blow it up mid he himself actually succeeded. He got the dyna mite from Arizona, he said, and checked it as baggage in a valise to Oakland. "I used four feet of fuse," said i 'la ltd ia lies, "arid had eight minutes in which to g.-l away after 1 put the dy iinniite on the porch. Au automobile was watting for me and 1 was in anoth -r part of the city wheu the explosion ... curr.-d. ' ' rbiudiaues took the attorney over the grounds and pointed out the caches wh.-re he had hidden before the explo si. 111. "I used :tL' H.nnds of dynamite on this job." Ihe (Ireek SHld. "It Was reli rted that I place.l u acre, unn ne I ' Used Thirty Pounds He n..i.i with the atlornev to the ,.,. I the secoud explosioli ill 1'er bins and lb streets, where three I. .... .a l,M.,ll,it.f I,. Cnllaoher 1 T. were blown up. lie user. un... on the second job. II. said that when he ,., except on an or.ier oi msiuc. failed to kill Gallsgher he decided to ,r, y Lgd and the attorney wropW , Gallagher's property. Clan fused tr t",""- ,hl, mney for the dynamiting. " I won't1 handling th, detective work. CONTRIBUTIONS National Committee Meets With Bryan at Farm and Organizes Work-A Full Statement ol Expenses PAIRVIKW PA KM, Lincoln, Neb., July 14. Th national democratic com tnitteo today adopted the suggestion of William J. Bryan that the ceremo uies attending his notification of the presidential nomination be held ut Pair view farm on August 12. It was de termined that the notification of John W. em for the vice presidential nomin atiou shall take place in Indianapolis at a date yet. to bo fixed. The question of the selection of offi cers for Ih" iia'lonnl committee upon motiou of Hall, Nebraska, was left to a subcommittee In be composed of the following members: Taggart, Hall, Muck, Osboru, Oreeue, Ityau, Daniels, Wade nnd Tomlinson. Upon motion of Cummins it was de cided that a full statement of the cam paign expenditures shall be published within a reasonable time after the elec tion, not to exceeo .'to days. After this the committee adjourned for luncheon. Eighteenth session of bill posters in session DKTIttilT, Mit'h., duly 14. Wilh Thomas H. H. Varney of Han Francisco in the chair, the ISth annual convention of the AtiOHciuted Hill Porters uud Din tributors of the United Htutes and Can ada convened here today. A deputation of master brush wield ers from all over the United States and ( 'a nnd a are here. FIFTEKN THOUSAND COST OF LAST ELECTION SAI.IIM, Or., July 1-1. In addition to the expenses it cost Oregon ir,,.r.OO to poll Ihe election under iuitinlivc and referendum last month. This fig ure dues not include the time of the election or Ihe expenso of counting bal lots. Mosl of it was spent for printing pamphlets and olher matter instructing 1 lie voters. LOS ANOF.LEH PRISONER SUDDENLY BECOMES INSANE l.i is .(li:i,i:s, Oil., July 14. I'rob ably fatal injuries were sustained by M. Alker, a prisoner in ihe' city jail cnain gang, today, when he was beaten over the hend with u wagon stake hi ll fellow prisoner, Walker Myers, who had become suddenly insane. Walker is in the police hospital, where tittle hope is entertained for his recovery. The men hud had wnrds and the iiliuck on Walker was entirely tin expected, u.-cordiug to officers in charge of the men. After knocking Walker unconscious, Myers attacked three policemen, who rushed toward him, and fought like a fiend until he was overpowered and handcuffed. tell y. u Unit, was the only admission whi.-l Id be gained from him. He said thai he had been to the gruft trial to watch. "To watch what or whoinf" asked District Alloriiev Lungdon. "Just to watch." snapped Ihe Greek. After the man had gone through his confession he was brought back to San Francisco and started to walk from Ine parly. Dislro! Attorney l.angdon I had him locked up. i ' You'll never "et any more mf I ..,...., r me. " he said, and so far 1 he has kept his nor.l. I lie now steadfastly denies that he 'ever confessed complicitv in the crimes. ! t hief Of I'olice Itiggy and Captain juf DelecliM'S Kellev l.slay denied an l.ilulely that they ever knew of Ihe i man's in.-arceialioii until they were I informed by newspaie r men that ne I had been arrested. Although unes' name is oil the retinue hook in jt ,. i t y prison, the police say that they tinevs nothim' about the ense. Chief - I ... . j. ... ,1... ,ggy ,e,...e '""--" "r"" COUNCIL COMMITTEE TO PRESEN T NEXT MEETING OF CLUB Fish Lake Ditch Company and Lost Lake! Proposals Received Amon Others--The Wasson Creek Proposition Also Under Consideration-Report Maybe Tomorrow The water eommitti'i of tho oity wuni.'il lia.t floi'idpd to submit tho va rious wator proposition those made by M. l' llanley for Wasson creek water, hy Colonel Frank Ray for Rogue river water, by I. L. llumiltoti for Kisb lake water, by Dick Sliuger for Littlo Bill to. the Lost lake nnd other proposals made the commitlon to the Medford Commer cial club at its regular lueutiug Wed nesday evening. .With the propositions will go a report on each made by th" city engineer. The assistance of the club will be asked In making a selec tion. Lost Iiuko Proposal. .Moa.iay the water committee and Kiigiui'cr Roberts made an inspection of Lost lake, a small lako containing ice euld water, tubutary to the Little itulte. The water was found to bo of excellent quality, but the quantity is probably not over 10(1 inches, although liill inches is claimed for the proposi tion. Mi. n. lav evening the commit tee held a session with M. V. llanley regarding . Wnison creek water he proposes to sell to the city. Mr. llanley guurnntees .100 inches for '.'0,1)00. lie was prom- OHANOF, OF MANAGEMENT IN GRAND THEATER Another change ia announced in the1 ownersnip in ine uranii tneater. a, I'. I'.dwar.ts having purcluisei: tnrr m lerest formerly owned by Mr. Kennedy. new machine has been ordered and will soon be iustullnd. Many other imprnvnnif ntti "are to bo made. Tho management promises that no patrons of the thenter will be disap pointed, but will see the hist motion pictures that can be produced. Tho changc iu management will cause no interruption in the daily performance, which continues us usual each evening MURDERER OF MRS. MARY MORRISON IDENTIFIED HI'XI.INUHAM, Wash., July 14. At the preliminary heuring of Jim Jen kins, who is accused of the murder of Mrs. Mary Morrison at Hnzelrnerc, H. ut, Vancouver the pnsonor was bound over lo the higher court for trial. All the evidence givcu was strongly against the prisoner. He was positive ly identified by Ihe little daughter of the dead woman and by the grandmnth- Nothing could shuka their Btale- meiits regarding the prisoner's identity. SIIVI'.N YEAR-OLD CHILD BURNED TO DEATH SIIATTI.l-:, Wash, July 14 Oranee Carver, 7 years of age, was burned to death at the home of her parent!, Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Carver, on u small farm near Bellevue. The child's clothing was nearly all burned from her body, and for four hours sho suffered, while parents and friends did everything in their power to save her. The accident occurred Mondny, while the child wns keeping houne for her mother, who was visiting a neighbor. SECURES DIVORCE ON GROUNDS OF CRUELTY I-: I II KM-.', Or., July 14 Mrs. Sarah Matlock, wife of J. f. Matlock, mayor ..f Kiigene, has been granted a divorce hy Circuit Judge Harris on the. ground of cruel and inhuman tr.-utment. Mrs. Matlock alleged iu her complaint that her husband was quarrelsome, especially over properly matters. The court also grunted her the property which she pus- sse.1 prior to her marriage. The prop erty is worth several thousand dollars. DERANGED SA1.LMITH CUTS THROAT WITH RA7.0R HAl.l-'.M,, Or., July 4. In the pr.s rhieflence nf the man who fought fiercely 1 . ........ l.ln. In. eonimllllnir ' i" " " " " "V . n. - rasn nei, neuuj.r. ........ ......... million feet of Ion owned re Uro, wi, P-ket k 71 J w 1'' M..y souar. mile. of . tally deranged and placed under guard. a count of a change of wind. PROPOSITION AT ised a definite anawer aa to the eom mittee 'a intention within n tew daA. Fish Lake Proposition. . I.. Hamilton, representing the Fisb Lake Ditch company, told the commit tee that his company had no idea of interfering with tho oity 'a plane and would assist the municallty in any way '. it could. Mr. Hamilton was asked to make a price on 150 inchee of water to supplement the Wasson canyon water. Mo made the extremely low price of $15,000 for 300 inches and stated also that ho would make the same ra.te da 150 inches, or $7500, though the com pany was not anxious to dispose of the water in this way, preferring to retail it.. The watnr under this offer can bo taken out from the Little .Butte any place between the company's point of diversion and Fish lake. . It could be ditched into Wasson canyon or could bo picked up from the atream. . f Tlio Hliuger ranch is said to carry an approximate water right of 150 ' inches aud could be used also to supple ment tho Wasson canyon water. It -ifi understood that Slinger wants 10,000 lor ranch and water. It is not known what price has been made an other proposition considered. -' HOLD DELMONTE FOB OARBAOE BIN OBOIB HAN FRANCISCO. Cel.. Julr 14. rinei Higgy today said that the evl ilonco gathered by the detectives against Augustine Deimonto, arrested on sus picion of having caused the death of Johnnie Buchinoff, victim of the incin erator mystory, lias uot developed as rapidly as detectives on the case led him to believe. The men however, will bo held at police station until the eo'r- I onor's jury returns a verdict on the case I tomorrow. If the jury charges Del- I monto with tho crime, he may be hehj The detectives say their evidence is convincing, and assert they will prove their contention. , , HERMAN RIDDEB WILL SUPPORT BRYAN TICKBT FAIR VIEW, Lincoln, Neb., July Is'. " You may roly on the sincere and earnest support of the New York Stiiata Zeituug. "HERMAN RIDDEB." This telegram, sent by the New York editor from some Kaunas town was received by Mr. Bryan at Fairview, and ult bough Mr. Bryan made no cont inent his pleasure was evident in the . buoyant tone in which he read the state- ' ment. PORTLAND FIREBUG SETS FIRE TO 8TOUS PORTLAND, Or., July H. Port laud's dotee.tlve force Is today looking around for some trace of the firebug who set fire to a two story frame build ing iu the down town district, caused the firemen a lot nf work and worry and attracted a large crowd. Two. attempts worn made Monday night to Are the building, but when the second was made tho blaze got a good start. SWEENEY HELLS BPOKANS BANK TO VANDHRLLT SPOKANE, Wash., July 14. One of he biggest deals in banking circles in this city will soon be closed, it is re ported, when F. A. Vao.lerlip, vice pres ident nf the City National Hunk of New ork, buys from (.'has. Sweeney, the xchango National Bank of Spokane for $500,01)0. Vanderlip has an. option n the atock of the Hpokane institution until August 1. WHATCOM FIRE DESTROY , IMMBNBB LOG BAFT ltFl.HNOHAM, Wash., .July Soores of men are fighting desperately Ihe I to extinguish the fire on the shore of Lake Whatcom which have already de- IS I