Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, July 12, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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State Convention to Im
prove Highways Called
for Portlond August 13
1'ORTLAND, Or., July 13. "Iioo4
roails" seems to havo become iu re
cent months the uultjet't of nlmoHt every
conservation when a group of citizens
get together. Duriug the lust two
weeka there ha leeu mora dinem-sion
of good romla among iDemherH of the
Portland ('oiuuierciul flub thmi theru
ban about the great political campaign
that. t!i before mh. When duiryiueit get
together they disc una good roads; it is
tbe same with fruitgrowers, while au
tomobile owners have become veritable
cranks on the subject.
Au insistent demand, coming from
every section of the state, has bei'ii
made upon tho Portland Commercial
club to call some character of represen
tative meeting to discuss a practical
plan whereby all Oregon may have
better highways. President W. K. New
ell of I lie slate board of horticulture
has written to the club asking that
action be takeu without delay. A sim
ilar request also comes from Hon. .1. W.
Bailey, state dairy and food commis
sioner, on behalf of the dairy inter
eats, aud the bankers of Portland and
other cities nud towns of the state are
of one mind mi the subject. Many of
the cities .throughout Oregou ure build
ing high class hard surface pavements
and everywhere you gu you find men
talking "good roads."
To Hold Conference.
As a result of all this it has been de
tormiued to hold an "Oregon good
roads conference" iu the convention
hall, Hixth floor, of the Portland Coin
mercial club, Tuesday, August 11, with
morning, afternoon uud evening ses
sions. Xo interest in the state seems
t be more anxious to have a part in
developing the good roads sentiment
into a realization -than the railroads,
and as a result a rate of a fare aud a
third has been made for this meeting.
Tickets will bo good the day before
utfd the day after the meeting, so that
it may be extended over the second
day if necessary.
An interesting program will be pre
pared, hut there will be no lonk-winded
theoretical speeches. Practical men will
be secured and practical questions dis
ciiBsed. Tho flood Roads associations
of Oregon and Washington will be
asked to co operate in making the meet
ing a success. The basis of representa
tion will be nil nou need within a few
days, but all commercial nad industrial
bodies, county judges, county commis
sioners, editors and mayors will be au
thorized to appoint delegates and urged
to have a good representation present.
Colonist Rates Again.
Oiegon communities as represented
through their commercial bodies aud
other agencies for advertising should
commence at once to take advantage of
the one way colonist rates, which will
be in eft'ect from September 1 to Oc
tober SI. No state in tho Pnioii has
received greater benefit through these
colonist rates than Oregon and at iw
time in the history of the state were
more people expressing a determination
to eome here to make their permanent
' LONDON, Julv 111. Hritisb mannfae
turers are taking steps to combine with
the Scotch and Wales prmlueers to
fight the threatened invasion of n great
international trust composed or Amer
ican, Russian, Helgian and Herman com
The British market is in u Btate of
unrest caused bv the vast quantity of
steel dumped into the market by outside
concerns, that have been able to plnce
the product on the market ut a price
below the actual cost here.
According to Iron and Steel Trades
Journal, the uew internatioupl trust
will be composed of the Carnegie trust
three Russian concerns, four German
and one BZelinn company. Clever
agents will be put into the field and a
thorough campaign for business com
RAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July lit.
It was made public today that the man
agers of the principal hotels in the
United States havo formulated plans
whereby the main raravansarrics in the
city and country are soon to be connect
ed bv wireless telegraphy. If the plan
is a success, guests will not only be
able to communicate with others by
wireless, but people will be able to
gage rooms while they are at sea.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will apply to the city council
of the city of Medford, Oregon, at the
next meeting for a license to sell spir
itous, vinous and malt liquors in quau
tities less than a gallon for the period
of six months, at his place of business
at lot 11, in block 20, in the city of
Medford, Oregon.
Dated Julv lo, 1908.
The Hotel Nash is serving the beat
merchants' lunch in Oregon daily from
1130 until 1:30 oYloek. Price 5 cents,
with your favorite drink.
Yon can have n tailor made suit made
to fit you for three quarters the regular
price. Sale July 10 to 18 at Eifert's. lm
Vegetables, berries and bakery for
hot weather meals. Phone 373. Allen
A Reagan. 100
1 I
J oil n C'adzow of Michigan has ro-
reived his stoek of dry goods and will I
mstal them in Claspill & Wueler's store
nh)m r I
n . ... , , I
h. A. Hfldifter ana wife have gone
to Ashland to attend the Chautauqua
Illt'CUUgS. - ,
Scott Claspill brought in a large load
of ice, sale for which was at oace found.
It was very timely, as sickness was in
mr midst, and this proved very help
ful to the patient in cooling food and
Mrs. Kate Faske bus sold her bus.
uess lot to X. B. Stodard of Butte
Mrs. Scott Claspill frequently enter
tains tho public with her instrumental
The waters of dinger Creek spring,
and there are at least a dozen of them,
he dammed and used to furuish
water for all purposes for the town of
Butte Falls. Your correspondent has
investigated them and finds them to be
of most excellent character as to purity
aud ub mutant in quantity. With water
to drink and for lawn and general pur
poses, Butte Falls, will soon be a place
of beauty and most inviting as a resort.
Will Lamb aud family of Lake Creek
seetiou spent the Fourth at the Falls
visiting their many friends.
1!. C. Mahonev is hauling the lumber
for the finishing of Attorney Pent?.
A new mercantile store building will
soon be erected by two of our enter-,
prising citizens.
The Castor mill is likely soon to
hauge hands and start running. This
is a good inonoy making proposition
tor experienced men with capital.
Mr. Dnprev is improcviug his proper
ly all around nnd his wife is excelling
in her hotel arrangements.
B. Rrouson, contractor for the
now sehoolhonso to be built ut Butte
''tills, is iu Mcdford and will purchase
M, C. Mahonev is in the valley haul
ing the liuto and cement materials for
f new schooolhouse.
Aurou Keek, who is iu charge of
Butte Fulls hotel, is in the' vallev.
Shorty" Dodge of Olson Mill sec-
inn has gone to Medford on a visit.
S. M. Clevenger, a prominent citizen
of Butte Falls, also Messrs. Hughes
and Wolverton, have gone to the valley
on business.
M r. U reen, who ma rried M iss Oep
trt, was taken suddenly ill at the
Hotel Beck and Dr. Holt was hastily
called. At this wrliug Mr. Oreen is
better nud has been able to be removed
to Mr. (lephart 's.
Dr. Bundy and familv, together with
Horace Nicholson and family, who have
been camping at "Nick" cump, have
returned to Medford.
Mr. C'adzow in in Modford arranging
from the transportation to the Falls
of his stock of dry goods for his new
AVana Parker has gone to Medford
upon business.
William II. Lvou to Clurk 11.
Rush, 10 aertb in section 14,
township .'in, range 1 E $
I'nited States to N. C. Willis, 40
acres in section 11, township 31,
range 1 E patetit
(Tuitcd States to Wood ford
Reames et al, 330.81 acres in
township 38, range I W patent
Mrs. Fannie B. Simmons , 9fi.l2
acres in section 23, township
3S. range 1 W
Tohn W. Howard to D. L. Day.
property in lot 7, block I, Park
addition to Medford
II. J. Booker to Florence K. Tay
lor, 5 acres in towuship .Hi,
range 4 W
Frank S. Norton to O. H. Day
ton, land iu miction town
ship 3"i, range 3 W
H. F. Pohland to Otilla D. Cald
well, lot 1, block B. Boulevard
Park addition
II. F. Pohland to T. W. Hudson,
lot 7, block B, Boulevard ad
dition lo Ashland
, .1. Smillie to A. C. Ratcliffe,
land in section 3n", township
3"i, range 1 W
The fololwing quotation are an im
partial report of tht prices paid by Mad-
ford dealers:
Wheat $1 per buhl.
Flour 2.70 per cwt.
Whole barley $28 per ton.
Hay 112 per tun.
Alfalfa per too.
New potatoes 1125 per cwt.
Butter 40c per roll.
Lard lUa per pound.
Beaut 5c per pound.
Eggs 22Hc per dozen.
Sugar $6 80 per cwt.
Turkeys 13c per pound.
Poultry Spring. $2 to $i; hem, $3.30
to $4 per down.
Hams Die per pound.
Shoulders 10c per pound.
Hog 4 He to 6c per pound.
Cattle 84 to 3H per pound.
Three miles south of Medford and 2t
miles west of Phoenix, it now cut up
m small tracts to suit tbe purchaser.
One fourth cash, balance in three pay
meats. Ton it a rare opportunity for
men of small means. Listed with all
the agents.
Every Fifteen Minutes
Autos will be going from office
Pierce a. Son to great sale of five an
ten acre traets Tuesday and Wednes
Tailor niade suit for the price i
' hand me downs." Julv H lo 1H. I
fen. the tailor, is uiven a i,prial redue
tion of 2" per cent. 100
I'h.iu ST.'I for fresh fruit nnd
talili-. eakrs. pirs. bread and groceries
1 1 iu
Mis .li-lllinrwe Mm, With her n
ut, Mm. Norton, ure ntuying at Cole
st in thin Keek.
Order Your bskery with your grocer
in of Allen 4 Reagan. HandyJ 100
An ordinance authorizing a contract'
with tbe Warren Cooftpuetion company
. ' ".. -
regarding the use by aaid company of
tht citv'i stone quarry and steam road
roJler n.d Pvding the form thereof.
The citv of Medford doth ordain as
That the mayor and city recorder be
and they are hereby authorized and
directed to make and execute a contract
on behalf of the city of Medford with
the Warren Construction company, a
corporation, which contract shall be in
words and figures, as follows, to wit:
This Agreement, Made and entered
into this day of ,
by and between the city of Medford,
party of the firat part, hereinafter call
ed the city, and the Warren Construe
turn company, the party of the second
part, hereinafter called the paving com
pany. Witnessetb: That, whereas, the city is
the owner of a steam road roller locat
ed in the city of Medford, and
Whereas: The City is installing a
sLone crushing plaut and is opening up
a quarry at Jacksonville, Oregon, to
gether with the installation of a rail
road siding to the quarry and a siding
and trestle for unloading purpose with
in the limits of the city of Medford,
and owns some laud that would be suit
able for a plant site near said trestle,
Whereas: The paving company will
require in the construction of the bitu
lithic pavement on Seventh street, Med
ford, the use of a quarry, crusher,
roller, trestle and strip of land adjoin
ing the trestle,
Now, therefore, in consideration of
oae dollar cash in hand paid, the re
ceipt for which is hereby acknowledged,
the city agrees:
First That the city will complete
their equipment at Jacksonville so that
the plant is completed and iu shape to
turn out and deliver crushed rock to
the trestle within the city limits with
as much dispatch as possible consistent
with the require nents, and upon com
pletion will turn the same over to the
paving company to operate andise for
period not to exceed two months from
the date the crusher is turned over to
the paving company ready to operate.
Second That the city will allow the
paviug company the use of the steam
roller in connection with the paving of
Seventh street.
Third That tbe city will allow the
paving company the use of a strip of
land not to exceed 7.ixlo0 feet on the
public land near the trestle to be erect
ed by the city. The exact location to
he selected by the city engineer.
In consideration of all of the above,
the paving compauy agrees:
First That the paving company will
use the city steam roller and will pay
for the same the sum of five dollars
$5.1)6) per day for each and every day
the roller is in use, and to maintain
the roller in good condition and return
same to the city upon the Completion
of the Seventh street paving contract
in as good condition, ordinary wear and
tear excepted, as when delivered .o
them bv the city.
Second That the paving company
will nse the city quarry, taking rock
where directed by the city engineer, and
pay for same the sum of five cents
($0.05) per cubic yard for each and
every yard of rock excavated, from the
quarry, and to clean up the quarry and
turn same over to the city upon com
pletion of the Seventh street paving
ontraet in good condition and satis
factory to the city engineer measure
meuts to be made on a basis satisfac
tory to the city engineer and said price
per cubic yard does uot include the
20 cents per ton cost of transportation,
Jacksonville to Medford, nor the cost
of electric power, which sums are to
ba paid to the railroad and the power
company by the paving company.
Third That the paving company will
use the city crusher aud other equip
ent necessary in connection therewith,
together with the trestle aud a space
5x150 feet adjoining same as required
by the Seventh street paving contract,
and will pay for the use of same the
sum of five ceuts ($0.0.i) per cubic
yard for each and every cubic yard
of rock crushed, and will clean up the
trestle and land adjoining, upon com
pletion of the contract aud leave it In
the same condition as when the paving
company assumed charge, and will re
turn the crusher and all otber equip
rueut used in connection therewith in
at good condition, ordinary wear and
tear and the acts of God excepted, at
when turned over to them
Fourth The paving rimpany further
aiirees to hold the mi elves responsible
for all accidents tnai may occur in io
use and operation of ny of the above
city property and to bdd the city harm-
leas from all liability in connection
In consideration f the above, the
oarties hereto have set their hands and
seals Ibis day of
first above written.
Tbe forrgoiiitf urdiimiu' w pl
by tbe -ity ocunoil on Juoe tSIti, 1W3,
Towbrid(e voting ye, Kifert y, Mer
rick aye, Wurtmau ye, Olwell ye,
Hfer ye.
Approved Juu Stf, !'
J. T. REDDY, ,Vyur.
BENJ. M. COIJ.IN3, Recorder. i'i
Notice it hereby giveo that the un
denized mil apply to the City Cocil
of the City of Medford, Oregon, at the
first mretiuo, folloifilii? the regular meet
ig July 7, Ikon; for a llceni to aell
lupiritoui, yIdoui aud malt liquor! iu
Iquautitiaa lee than a gallon, for the
I periol of six moothe, at hi place of
bunueii at lot 14, in block J, is 'he
I'itv of Medford, Oregon.
bated Julr 3, 1K
Medford Trlbn, BOo pT monttt.
HffiJ 11 1
1 1 IISE limit
Ever Offered in the Rogue River Valley
Time, Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14 and 15, 1908
Place, Two Miles East of Medford, the Metropolis of Southern Oregon
Thousands of people are wanting tracts like this aud this opportunity once passed will never return.
This tract consists of over 370 acres of mostly free sandy loam land high-grade fruit land, just rolling enough
to drain nicelv. Two hundred and seventy acres of this land is under plow. " " -''
The place 'has fine surroundings of nice groves for parks, schoolhouse on the land, spring water, good roadg
all contribute to make a pleasant place to liv and onlv two miles froni the beautiful, growing city of Medford.
Low Prices and Easy Terms
PRICE, $100 TO $150 PER ACRE
Arrangements can be made to have the tract planted to fruit and eared for by reliable parties
Tf vmi do not secure one of these tracts von will always wish you had.
Free transportation from the city to all prospective buyers. Free lunch at noon.
C. H.
VARIETY OK FRel.'IT Pears: Cornier, I '.aitlett.and d'Anjou. Apples: Newtown and
CONDITION--Trees are rttmiig I vigorous. Show splendid growth.
LOCATION One mile from town ami shipping point. Elevation, above frost line.
SOIL None better in Rogue River valley for fruit, or garden truck. In splendid culti
vation. VTER- Can irrigate if desired.. (Ireal sub irrigation.
PRICE--', i(i, 7.r), !, $!, $110, fJW. 'Jr0 per acre. 0
ipi'umc I.',..... Kiv ,...nt interest on deferred uavments. Eight per cent otr for cash
i r.n.M.-.--..-.. .
Twelve vears devoted to selling rcaiiy in in.s vanev u" "'""D"" '"'"y
tnd We'do not hesitate to recommend ever v tract of the. ALA V I S 1 A OK.,llAKD
,' .'. i i .;n
l.eillg a goon ou. ,,,:....,..,....-...- .
Auto every day.
Seventh Street
Let us tell you of its merits
(Brater Lake
Lumber Go.
;- . ... .', ...
i... show von these
,, - , , ,., f
tracts. Our time against yours. -
. Baigalna lot Stla.
August 15 we will be re4y
to sell tiered and seasoned
r -J-
in any quantity at 83.00 per
tier, delivered, or ?2.00 pej
tier at the ranch.
Good Rail Woocj
Some cedar, sawed into tier
wood, at SI. 50 per tier at
the ranch or $2.50 per je
delivered. ,
For all necessary informa
tion apply to
Medford, Oregon.
Furnishee hat
water for trm 6tt 1
tery abort ttk
It can b and
oo tbe tea tabt .
or in the kitcfaea
Atta'-liM to nj
Simple, ufe.coo
renient, durable
Successor to Condor
Water Cower Co. Of
Bie 08 W. 7l St., , .......
opp. big eleetrle sigo. ?AOOt J6$.
People do not appreeiatt
something for nothing it if
human nature to value only
that which is paid for. The
Tribune's circulation is paid.
Ha us tor bargains We ae,T tara
fur aaU.well Improved; aooor oetawros'.
rW.u aotli W to U pr aors. Peata
Pktt. Brownsville Land ft Invest merit
OKEAiON Co., BrowB'viUe. Oregon, M