' i ' r- ! O i "wl ; i u a I i UU i 1 o i JJO TJ T I J I; V o i i J i Medford Daily Tribune A Livf. I'ahek ix a Live Toww u-illi.T 14 -SilJ Published everr pvfniu:r ewept nintav. MEDFORD DI;BLISllli COMPANY. 1 iKoKiK'i 'i v t. Editor a ii.Platirusvr. -" r". Admitted B Sr, !:ilt-r in sUMSflfll'TION HATES : Uue month, hv iiiail or nrr!-r. . .iM ttuf y-nr. bv until . . . !" . ' :' FLEASISaqTlli: I'KOl'LE. h A si 1 1 ;)' brr, wliii reT-oni ly 'an ifiptivl to say .hh nii-e things nl li.nit jifOilj jd prijit i-vileiijly ffaiUs his clToj-is nil. appreciated. I'm- lie writes as follows to the editor nf this paper: WiiiilTni i'if f' fVhy it is f)iVfi4;t i..MtjiVj I he t km i)l e Ti'HM.ilf. pen i)le ?n.liilf.M lp the which shallji)"t! -;A IhHrj sonic thus far has hej-y J hat to speak with j-i-jt t-j iiin-t-yit of Jin-iil fciiiijlii.uil'iij J jifii l-i ini-ii-Mic jis(3(?;i-tir-;i)r very iii;rii j rs"iis lii-j rl. "j l.t' -l;iiiiis t-j d hili eejiif Cliris J'asisiJ' iholUthl-altd conduct. -jOlj UliKither llMJid, ,ve dis- ;-('f I'-fhlif fnr;,i3'Vrs.in of an iiiAijilsi J,i sri.iiJatUVfie tem i ' ' i -i i i - t i t ' in itiont to, or write mj m-msnvortlif Injinuer of ;nir pevsoti, or nl sin-h limits as deserve ircoiiit ion and eoiiiii'enil;.1. ion. is 1 nit to make enemies of those persons for and ( f whom such words have Keen sioken or written. : : Vm 'b.iillli,.! slobrt A M4u-$'Stf'itoM iViveiiai l ily -;iiniieheiultal, MJ'ih - u lslnjullt4 atl eilltyre its rieiitlylv loiil;' to a 'p'-i'iiTe' lia vinfj'V-iSiiiiniiiSity' liiforesl 'ad yueilly it, thilittuo (if.liolilitt; f-ha,riur; JO thy e(.d thai ea--h iiiemlier of the eoiiiumnity ha'e charity, syiii .i.(Jjv!;.;ii! Hiiifi'idM'fl1i!!! fur t liV ?ilicr'.'"i J " )i'h!.'; Tie' londition t!i-(t Snhsi-rilier portrays has Keen no tii -ii hv any -not aioiie hy those who dahhle in printer's ink, hot hy .'iiivomc in almost any line who attempts to do ;riyi hiiif.'. No t. latter what the attempt is, a ecrtain clenn-iit of the ii'iomunity at oni-e arrays itself aainsi liiose making, the i.Mempt from force of habit, if tlu-re is no other reason. It is this unreasonable and mulish opposition to process of any kind that has caused tin application i.l' the word moshack, coined to fit the nnrr generate. Living in a small town makes people small. An iso lated and solitary existence seems to be favorable to tin- development ot peculiarities. reliance that isolation brings, ranee ol Hie world and its wax's, and to tins ignorance is due much of the opposition to Oregon cities - less in Medford than in any oilier. Medford is as yet but in the beginning-- in many things it is still crude, xcry crude. Hut every day sees it nearer the finished product, and it is less raw than its rivals. Still, many citizens cannot see its (-rudeness, which they are walking evidences of. and sincerely disbelieve it. I Seen use of this crudeiit'ss, this -narrowness of vision, this lack of breadth, this provincialism, persons are con stantly taking offense where none was intended. It is im possible to say anything that will not rasp somebody's tender and supersensitive feelings. And if they don't see anything themselves, some kind neighbor, who borrows their paper to save a subscription, x ill imagine it for them. N'o. Subscriber, there is no wax to keep in print and not offend someone. You can lake Milton's "I'aradi-e Lost." run it in sections, with a new name, and half Un people xxill call you crazy to print such stuff, xvhich they will declare isn't even poelrx. because it doesn't rhyme, and some of the other half will have rasped feelings because ihex xxill think you are lulling at them or some of their friends. You cannot please the people iii xxriting matter for publication anv more than the man in Esop's fable could please them by carrying his jackass instead of riding it. and, gentle Subscriber, after you have tried it for axxhile you will do as all successful editors do xxrile to please yourself and if you are an average man with axeraue tastes and axeraue courage and average honesty, yon will suit the average person, whet her he agrees with you or not. With the growth of the city xx ill come the accomplishments, the culture and the' a ppieci.il ion. ihc ripened product of the crildeliess of tmhlX'. Mcl I'ni-il li-lt-i i-ry iM.iici 1'iiiirtli uf .Inly l t li liiat imi .1 Mt'llfl'l'liltO' tllitl'jllt t-Ni-llr-ili'll Vil'Jll ill ;illl. ;illll i-lil'fVjthl I s; Jitii'l r-M- i-.il iifal .! tilt' M-ifil!'ll iairl U.lf lliCll' .-"Jiai-f frilly tn JlynJl ( eci-rntiiiii. aini in many oiiht v that mly lt m m J will rxiM l'T' tw;uU 1 1'' it'i j III spitr (f litis, the Ashf-iJirl i'olTMi1.!.i-it if IV eil'. nl s f i It ol IfllS. (lie . Corllaml 'IVIei-ain says dial l.irfe imiiiliers nf .aeksnii ille ainl (ir.iiils I 'ass jn'oiilc atlended, ami inner even llielil imieil tlmsr I'lnlll Mi'tl I'm ,1, ull llii'lsi'il the lilllk nf ihr visiltirs. I mli iilnals like tliis enrresiiiinleiil arc llie eanse nf the frii-ti'Mi thai has existt'il lietu'een t In towns in tin- .tsl, lull Hie lime liii iiiie liy when trifles ilne In small ieiiile inn ni-,e1 tin- cnlilial rel.-i I imis now ill 'il'iieess nf I'u in i-Kl.iUi .Inm-iit . Whiil linn l,i-, ,,i, ,,f ( ,,v i, pn-fir1eiitl.il ..i' vde pvidemii'il liyuicil lai'i'Iy iim a pniKpertive 1 M i:.m im ,eeli infWinneil. ri tli.- l'..!..ff.-- :it M-.lf..r.i. tifk'-'ii iii;it let- osiiiiV -.nfii fllilifc feelings ulic !.iy icli(.C 'of ltli the ailmiraMc sell there is often a truss iim progress experienced in atl - t. - iH' in i twi k i iiu A'slilaiiil'.-s iii-i-i-. Thii tti'ii liuinlit il lliki'lw illnl IIUHlV iillHTS i In- final usr.l in the I'nl'I In .-lilalnl I'm- I In- j i.-i t;i i-; u.i .ieiiiniii ( 1 1 i us .snnrei slifiijifl t'uT(Ks . l'',,! ,,f Missiiiiri n.-t tiuiliei T A vear at'u In- 1 cini.lulaU', hut sinee Uim i 1 ... 1 ! ''' ; AJKUrnWI. IMJf.V Tlf I HIS K. 'J El'K l D. I.T..PV TIKSJiAV. -M'1 A" 7 IW- TV TJJDJG 'Jill 12' Automobilmf. Bubble bubble tut.b. t p (ii'W't tr hill. Tbrv-K.i in MTr.int v!t Vx !!-r tiit i! mr- lia. fejbb -r. bwt.l!. bl- ftuin'nrr (line rfr.u. fcubL-r oubb't, bllbbV VNt a u-ve ttvu tit ory iijj nur biibljJf barf -iJiniuiiri.aifi Agt-.HcriM- ' Hit Chann. Hr wss Luoj..rUl wbo lacktd op punuDit.i XX lien It iuir to Liui bt wldr Ke mi pn-pniMl. , It t iuit t liliu recwjil) at tit board- liig Uou-w Im lite. r " -l bt sauil duat H mt im l'U- kii.lou.' be nald to Ui- landli-il.v. . "And whj not, Mr Knot-VIr ;bi" ' " '-Ttiere fyiuo iBm u In 1t. Mr Pllktn tun. 1 U-Iuijk lu tbi- Aloue club." ' And he iinUunl .liia d.liUcr w itji reuened ra.-itt t ' vt-it.nl" PUh: lllril r. ' ' ' : i ' I ,r. . - T - .' I J- f. Hfr hTt-tl nfl hlh Hit, S He si: iv UuUt 1 1 .ifht --. IK BittUl til r J I -S' J p a ) i (Ha liui. ; j I'tla) U VQC Willi Itttr Stl.gir in-U b i t --i riiwubiuri Putt f 1 1 ' - i r i '-, Not fluy Season. Tt,t Jtu;n- c.7ic-s ltn torrid test. AUiiu-.ttt bf 0-.-aii i ii-f it On th Way. A traveler KuileU At, 4 (rtaiu Eufr llfcb .rj iij itl toma lu Hiiu tor 4h uiueb overdue traiu on the branch liue. Agiu be . MpurouiHieit T il htiry btep.v 'jnukiiiK porlef ADA Itililiretl 'foi tbe (weutietb time. "Iu I I be train )OUllU mo 'f j ; tbar IIMMIitUt ijilokt ctiue irottli.K up I Ue liue. mid a tf'rttt nOiiJe UJutuiuuitU ihv , ollii inl' t'f 'AU(!.Tt bir." rujilieii tUo jonr.! 1t'll be gettlutf wear now. Here i-uiuei lbt dkIul driver' ilug " Humdrum. The longest tank of life are mudd Of Hill UiitiKs "lo Jo" The teVxii,(j al Die bullous or KwptacmK luvk anJ tettw. Tin? wiiiiiK of dry liii.ge u,d Thr o J i-.olhea lUTlird lo IicW Uut Vtitrn it.eae bxjiiiaruriu Juil iH L-jiiit- 1 lov thfin sit. font ou? -WuOinn'i Hume Cumpiiiluii. Against tho Cubtom. Irate Pede-irliiu 'lake off thetn flaxen, you s.nundreJ. uuU 1 II tuin'b yer face fer you "Uut. ut) deur Air, 1 bat Is tjulie aaiuiil tbe -utolil Wbo ever beul'd uT (rdeniin: ..ti Hie gitt-.- !efui l tie puurb J.i ervt e?r York Kife. Sho Knowi. The nialj.-ri primiiing ut her kiu - 19 ul:tu iflj V. Irr ilV .U'. 1, afHli 11.(1 sIlxAl HT n-"it Ii.-it tne u;n-oir.c JdalktS l-l-ill H,f (kit IJijl Btif. lou Kriuk,, ll pi lu iilVrl tltr - lJlt."aJfO KfL'tl d-Hrlaild Ht.jin, Hint OH. Retrpv- 8- K1. TliX d';i I . I ibtlil. 1 abail ii i; itu: i i .iiilttnl -rti. k.-t Id Ibe i'lttiht- m lbr leei" Sl( Mllil 1 Uol "; MKi l.tli.t-., o r-: M abuuld Out bt Louit (' -I I 'l-,.tlI b A Chilly. "Yoi I i !.. ii ,o!uti .1 tt I i,. . f .1 e 1.I-.I .... rt V tin: mIi -he ,1.- Sh DiJ tt. -.1 I ' J t;t r UkiJ A b'.. MtJu.ui t.ij,ny. ' I" ..tu .. v .ip..iiuU n fi-d-itI3t Hie '' "Well j iijiia If. e.-pt tl.it 1 ( ttU I gel out ion. Ii U btlr 1 Uj o; k ili( " - Hallllliote nfil. i,u Her. t.. ttoxnrilue- . '. us lo k ri- k. b.i u..i..r, lie wr it k- o. t l.e I'j. k Qoita Natural. i Ji lit I - tier cm t oil ptop lie Is suli.i.iiuir eierv one s !ol-!it rti!i miso N -:i vni el sre. Le Is Trusti Ibat r...i wltb hl I tic r the tiittli-r ot tlir pis v ud.-e Uoit Ilia H.vtrg. mot t ctr sit.) rr TLe ti.l Wl. . 1 rl.al H. HJn't Shaved. --.-ii I t on heal I. llll.C, lie I. Iblng s.- It ' I -aid, I ICJess. deal : g,t itt1f."c Change. j t .s S". i W hi tt.r. .im if . mP.j!, ft im i.ikc i.i. ,i .I, i Rlonriif ill. KM. ltr What ili.t t I., w '.cn nl' f your tlivj liiicr' j M k,r I i-f-l hull of tho l.i:r-a of j h.' p:if tv V.-- ni sun j I li... M .I..11K of ivmral I'uiiit, I', ll, Ii. M ..f till- I. I) (I. I' nil M.illillU . .'iiiiii.' iiilitllitl tin- tn' ly i-lii't' d nftii" t "l Mt .11". .i.l I.m.Ik.. N". In ml' V. Ii.. 1. l l.M.i,.; V Ii.. W C. Wils.ni; ll.v. .1. V, l..,AtVU; Trias., : r. liii.l.lin, I m. is,.,.., 11. llarvov; War.. I', t'.. lli.l.l. i,- 1. ll , w. 11. Hil. k: l). v- l'v; U. s N. ii., it.,ira SIi.t - n i . u w n.mn r,t K. S ''Hv of NW-dford. Or. i'.iu " - ! i lt.su T HoIt. Hyle w not le.iy ibe lurentor of j u.u &liboi:gli ofieu u uted to be. i but he wjs iiit- tir-t bu iutrKlucd fH-.eLt!n.iirlit to iue public A rtK-ent ! ftittLrlii fty iial. terj tittle i-i k&wwo ; trf llorf'a kdaI u-i'CT ei'-ept tbat J 1j a ft L-tJTiJter by prufeaioti anJ i U-)A tbe poi .J rrtflsirar of the pro native in ireJuijil He ra' uoru in ItiTu and died lu t awndisb juare In 17o7 ftl tu advait.ed age f uiueiy-eT- tn years. He re.eived tb sum of L.- Uirt frwui Uim irtIM.er f-r lil" trefttioe wu UUt, wbk-fa rau tbrougb five lions in one year and was estehilvely i.t-ctwi H..vi .. ten. irivM Due of bis great i.iiiw w.4 tin- r-a.-u-UiIul bf pr&babliltieo ttt .jrio i auseo uf tb rubber. TIJ dr-r wa deem ed o lu,-rUui h, .r.v.nr ;la.-: that ft -ttiau&u jbaUieutiiciaT. to frv- queut tiie CoOe bu ube o.d sub irltuLe fwr tlie Uimlwii ciubm and ulv hl.anlfiinn mi thi. iinr ..f tl.H uliU 81 ft&v ttatfe in a viii of w b; 1ft iVfQiil for a auiail fee.ft iiu tbe iiLiver. Croating tho Ocean. The followlijg bUft of conversation hjay ue ix-ard aeeral rlijoaijd tliuev acb day; jr I -r - e I . ; i?'t tflllftk Ib'jfte people d(wo iu tbe tearajg. Hi:iTe a uiuf b tnej tloie (bub We do. Hut doli t tbe look Just like many auiuiuU?" "I'oij't tbofce iloiidn over tbere look jiiNt llk laudVV - j n " ' - '"t "Some1.o4.v uil aren't it'r frtvm au ketKjjg ibuf lo4't;ti'0' btitaer U' ao ot iJf ' T4 v b r -u uuxu' ulaf reports on shipboard " Hare'yot:fiiie"nlie aptaiu yet? I hope uu cUdu't -k bint any foolsh queaUuut pour did j : I J ;) M "Woi I aave&'t -n-'a hole yer.--Lut theie were !oti tf porpoises around the tP Iftibat jhaveii't seen duu iiopi i ue muse nave toad Burtiiif lUe flitfbf."Alwu owe on uys fuu- ny. "I'id tbe pi t ui.i u briug you auy Ihiug tbbi uioruiug:" (Sure of a bowl.) "In tbU your bit trip lo Europe f My, but you time u tteat Ui store !- Prlnetou Tlfer. .Aa Arranged For Older Children! iiss Mary was ibe posseor of a tlUliluulIye au4 Iui ilia rure spetlni.'n of the Ovlii aire, a wool U-rintr ainl iu luiuuiit guadxujted. whbe litb is UiKb ly tHtHenied! hy eriorn to vrbOM1 gus tatory orgaus Its flavor is agreeable. Tbe 'suutfuy and agglomerated tilu tuebU eoustliutin lu their collective capacity It natural outer covering, lu teguuieul or garment presented to the hvlilou a surface absolutely etiolated and a I billed and rlvaliug in iiuujucu lateuess tbe lustrous mautle of crystal lUed vapor tbat i-oujinonly ebaracter Ize the winter laudscitpe. And to whatsoever UvaJlty. contigu ous or remote, whitber .Mary's vagrant fancy, the caij of duty or, i-ercbuure, the pn rei) ta ) ma nda t e 1 lit pel led her, w hrii n"t otherwise eilp:lg-(I. to I f I like herself, tills JuvineH.'em repreKentatlve of the (.'elius Uvl aires, with u Udeilty reUiurkable lu oue so immature and In eipel ieuivd. could he counted upon with absolute an.! ntlre certaiutv to accompany her.- t'hicago Tribuue. Fortune For Forgers. The last peioii to suffer death for forgery In Londou was a Thomas May uaid. wbo wart executed ou lec. 31. IS".".. It was nut. however, until l8."i that the death penally fur the crloie was replaced by tninpurtatlou. though eveu then au exception was made in the case of forging or altering a will. This exception was not removed from the statute book until IST. In the day of good Queeu Hess a forger ol deeth was i tfry severely dealt with. He had to stand lu the pillory: his cars were cut off. his nose slit, and he was branded with hot nous. If he survived thee ordeals he was doomed to im prisonment for the rei of his days, and everything he possessed in the world was forfeited to the crown. Surely death would have been far more merciful. Waifi Vho Became Famoua. 'ibe list uf waifs w lio have beeuuje fauioils. sas the lielluealor, la a luug sine, ll Includes Sir Henry Siauley. yut-i-u t'utbeiiue the tloocl. Alexander Huuilltoti. ICusa Bonbeur. Kdg.ir Allan Pue. Hut-bel. I.eouardo da Vlm-1 and dates back as far aa Moe.es All tbea sen- homeless cblldrvn-cblldivu wbo tf left to tbelr fate would undoubtedly bae drifted Into evil ways, lustead tbey bava lived to add glory to tuelr nauie-s aud bale t.-olitl1buted to tbe knowledge1 of tbe world at lartfd tbruugb Ibe frulta of tbelr geulua. Smartneat. Lh not be "amaxt." Wbeuever you see any of youi inatt-e sbotvbag elgiia of "eUiai-tlieajl ' iu but work, bbl talk ur bis play take bluj by tbe baud, or boib bauda. or 1.) tntt back, uf tbe ueok. If ue.-eaaary, . and lovlugl), playfully, but Urujlj. lead bUu lo a knowledge of bigber and inure lnlerestlug tbluga. lu these words .if Mr. Klpllug la present- cd the goiel of leal life, uf common i keuse and of universal elperieuca. Ne Volk Outlook i - Disease and Rerrtediss. It is aluioal a trulsiu uuiolig pliysl- ; 1 tutus tbat the inti-av tublllty of a dls- I r.ic iuhv If iiifttviiivil by the uuiuber of Infallible" reiucilU" for it which frui iluie to thut- hae lecu reaj tlieudcJ - Li-lJtloU Times. Sotiologlit Difintd. "t'LvIe Heury. ll;it N a Sox loiojTlstT "A o loloKiL Ika . I a ptroa who u Uinfieoi a etttfi ran nnd flnd biiouifh luaitflni In it for a lung lector M the n-da of wlrt,T ."-tlili-aifo THl. uum oTIt K. Notu'i' is htT'-bv iVru lUat tin- un biMiod apply to lit- City 'outn'ij -f t J Citv ..I" Medford. nrt'k'ou. ; t lit- f i .t III i ft ili folio i n fc I tit Ti-gular inrel irm .luly tor .1 li.-.-ii-'c to s'l) pi i ilou", iuous aii l m;i!t lojuors tn uau' ii it-t lt'?oi ;h:ii! ;i Kalloti. for I he pf rto 1 of nit mouth, at hi iilaco of bulioHi at lt. H. in block J), in the Iknto.l 1 ll.,i. iaud July 3 Classified Advertisements One Cent Word No singli Ur uoa lew than 15 cent. Six Uxstrttnj foi tho pile of . fomr. Seventy cenw & line per BJontn- v . FOB BBNT. j yoH REST Two front office rowon j ,(B(. large rocin S6i4t in Milts I ,uujj0or, , JaiBir at i-rmiH-- or at f Tribunuffice. ' RFT-Fu..hl room. dtm I t uu tatL. M ra. K U Hft.e. U airf ft uf-ar 1 1th. FOB SAXE. - I -!: ;.s i.R it .leD. e prot-erty; 7-irt.-.nrV au.l t.:(tti. rfty watnr, flfetrif li'iith. .-ur eontit-etioD. F. Pap. I'"!.' SAl.K ! eli. lot . tivf in in . ":V tr im d--C ft- ar i ( -r!i. F. J'agn. i piH; SAT-F Sevci.tli-itrwt btiane V-j.rirrir, m.-tnTy hrick, ij'htH; also I I?. feet ou S'veiitli Mreot by :'r ieot iui rfi tziAi :.vru:ie F. C. Page. VOK 3AJ.K--Out liei.vy team, 2 '.', Jj aB'i n yt-ars 61'it tritt- reasonaMe; al j Vpttr't'-W A-" t'lurkpla. a. til-' mi). - nurrh i'f .l:n kTiville. I'OH SALE S. . Subdivitiun in in tbr , market Dun ; hoi c ten-acre tracts, , bent location in the valliy. ; 1. Kee Itineyer. .TafkaoOviHe. 1 ": . . ' Ki R SALE ae uf '3il!aP rmiabynt, ucwlv paiutt-'l. in lirat -'Ikss condition. Price WS'l ' W. J 'Van Setovr A ('., Portland, Or.. 7 J v - ! - ; FOR SAI-R-s-.maU -tnwia fitie In.-ft tiu, Inquire. TiilniD. ! ! i t I -LOST AND TOUNO.'; ! ! i" r T f - 1 - r.n.ST firtK-dfi-riT. "Ai diiy last week, a pair of g-nt 's lippTs. wrapid in a ni-w-;p:ipf-r. Vindi'r please leave al Triluuie office. LOSiTi-TValnnble gild )orkr, on llaio -iiVet.' .luly' .T Rrlura to Tuurty an. I rt-i-t-ive niit.tnle reward. 92 I.l 1ST- ilrA-n face Ifamilron gold wat.-li. lilsize. initials "M. K. E. " on lia.-k It Pindar iIk deliver to Tri tium- office. Suitalile reward will lie paid. WANTED. VVANTKl--To luiy from lull to 3i)0 head of ttock sheep. Write Bur. 1;--1. Medford. Or. WANTED A paii of gool horses, geldings or mares, which can be driven or worked, sev.n or eight years old, sound and gentie. weight 1 MHI or 12lu pounds. Address Tribune. Medford. BUSINESS CARDS. J. T. AN&E0M, WELL DIUUKK MEW-'ORD, OR Trices rigbl. Piiiups rarnished when Wanted. BAiA. & OLOttCOCE, t'outracturs aud Builders. Ail Work tiuranted. Offlca ar.lb C. H. Pierce at Sou. I'boae 033. 1. 1). dloi 771. G.Mr JONES, City Scavenger. Oarbage of all kinds removed on Short notice. Leave orders with chief of police. DR. A. B. SWEET lb sit-ian and Surgeon. offioe at Residence COLVIO & DURHAM. Attorneys-at-Law. Oeo. U. Durham. O rants Pass, Or Wn M. Colvig, Medford. Or. CHISHOLM ft MARTIN Mouse Paiutiug, 1'iiier Hanging and Tinting. All work guaranteed. Hhuue -J'.-H. I.ocl,l.oi li'., Medford, Or. Medford Fnrnltiira Co., Undertakers Day phone 353; Night Thones- C. W Tonklin :tll; .1. II. Butler 14S privXte DETECTIVE anl- 0OL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Boi SOS. Medford, Or E. R. 8EELY. M. D. Physician and Surgeou Mo.1t.rn Equipped Operating Rooms. X Kay. Office Hours, 10 18, S-4 P. kl Office lu Jackson County Bank BMg au TO DR. GOBLE FOB YODB GLA8SE& i iptit al Parlor in Perry 'a Warclwua .SKVKNTU 8TKEKT. "He Has No Other Butinoas." Buy Tlckeu oy Wire. ' Suutfthiug which ia of rouiiderablr rutfteit ty i puhlii! Kenerally anil vhiili ii.ptrhant not geut'ratly kuowL is thf rsjstfm nf pit'paitl orUt'ra nun id -ffe. t helweei: ntatious uf the oulhnrD Pacifi,.' company .-.ud all points in the Tuiled States liy means of this system tickets may bp purcha-sed til. Medford from any place in the I'uitetl States aud mailed or telegraphe.l. direct to tbe (larty wishing to come here. Sleeper f coinuiodation ami small anioiints of t-ash in connection with these tickutl mav alas be furnillied it the saim limp. THE OLD HOWARD RANCH Three mile, south of M-edford aud 2'u j tllilr9 WrSt Ol fhoenil, IS DOW CUI Up in mnatl tracts to suit the purchaser, i tin- fourth t ab. balauo in three pay ri.t-nts. This is a rare opportunity for men of small mean.. Listed with all the agents. The old reliable Albany Nurseries I have thf largrM itock of fruit trees. ..n the Pacific ouatr. Pears, apples,! jea h, pUiiun. apricots, nectariue. cher ! m.'s, Knglih walnuts, shade aud orna- I nu'utal trees, btrriei, roses aud hrubtt, :ill of f hi. h I offer at lowrst price ! . uii9tent with first . lasn nursery stock. Having beeu with this nurerv vears. I .... - a ... - tl .V- i . i. - t . ! i vu juaiMirr an mori. in or our iu i uauiu aud fec from disease.. I handle 1 suthing but Oregon frruwn trees J. E. ESYART.Prctiii ent. J. A. PERRY, Vif-Prident. The Medford M EDF OID; OS. - OA PITA T AW SI'RPLrS .10,000., Safetv Boxes to Rent. A (ieiiernl Bauking Business Trausaittetl. Wo Solio.it Vgur: Patrouage ; State Deposiury. - KtaMmbil IMS, CAPIT.AL AKD SURPLUS $115,000.00 1842 V'' The Howard was the fir-t wat. li made iu America. 1M2. The How :ird factory ha? preserved its preotig and its ind-peiulen. a ever since. .'It hat m. connection with any other wai.-li faeljry! - In giwlmre rep ;n i-Bted liy the Ix-st people iu the world.. The Howard watch is the fin . L-i pitttSiil timepiece in the world. -It has a fiW prim that protects the huver. Sold bv MARTIN The Jeweler Fine Watch and Jewelry Have you tricj our iun'ial -rt- and jc itifrr, or our Pyra mid Tr yetf Tby are the best in tbe lami; alwava gud, al ways thd same. We are now shuvriii a uit-e line of Cut Glass a till Dinner War.'. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 2Ui WEST SEYKXTH STRF.RT. McQLASHAN k JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 1061. W. W. HIFERL The NEWPORT ; V-VQ171N A BAY Oregon's Matchless Beach Resort Tin- l'larc I., (in for IVi f.-. i Host ail l?i V ('..n.-.-iv aWe F.irn. nf .llwilrl.fjil ;nul D.-li-liI li l;(.i.T..ii Uou ,, ITS FAC1UT1KS AUK COMI'I.K'ri.) Hvh ut ( uiu an aliiin.laiii.' .f it. 1-Ycsli wiitrr rnuu siriiigs, All modern n.-.vsrmit's. sn.-li as li'lirnili, tdeiliun',' Muirkt'l.s freshly r i.h-.l t-vciy ilnv. l-'nrl in n I o 1 1 n 1: 1 10:0; CfiUagiS. partly furnished ur unfurnished tn ln had dieaply. Strict innniciial sanitary rei;iilat imiH. NEWPORT is reaclird hy way id' the Noulliern Paeifie In AltiaiK or ( 'urvallis, thrnee C.rvallis & Ilastern 1. tf. Train servi laily and the trip a pleasure throughout.. Rate Trom Medford SKASON s MONTHS' TK'KKT. $10.00 Our eliilior.-itr' 11,'n oiiinnir Imok 1 uiluiliLr a lit uf twlrlv lliinr rrii'iirttv A. S. E0SENBAUM. Local Annul. Mattiuni - - i- "- TEN RES I INE 0ACHARD LAND. CLEARED AND IN CULTIVA TI0N JTJE MILE FROM EAGLE POI NT. IKK) DOWN AND 10 A MONTH WIT '.UT INTEREST. Dally & ! I' ii i n i i i i M 1 -r JOHN' S. ORTH, f aihier. W. B. JAfKHOX, Asa t rninier. national Bank Are Y ur Valuable in -Safety?, .f , '. 'i your v:.lu:iMei pmti-rti 1 iitjiiusil (lu- i.liti-Vi. of lr.ugh.rs or th suddt-n 0 tl.r. ak .f firr-.' 1 not to w:Ufi- wj'th iloiilrtfiil fpotwinn. Imt ur tha m..l positivi- kind uf s:if.-1v liy I'.i'poK . iliiij. yotir :ilu--blc.i in the fire and linrgla'r pr.i ( vault uf tin- .Ini-ksiin , i ,in:' Hank. ; s.-if.- d -p.isit li..x.n t" ri-.it. tiMl and ' iij. per yr.ir. - - ' . I. VAWTKR. I'rp;di-i-t (.. I!. 1.1NIM.KV. raUi(T 1908 J. REDDY Near Poatoiilce Eepamntf a Specialty. IF YOU MENTION THIS CATE.- ymir ni it:ii iui. i 1'irinT a linh- lif. or ai: -):ih.r:in- mfr vi'! iit-itnn'ly :tct'ttf.i. fro in with the v, inp3Liuu io wht mi yon vrai.t to Ktriieui.iily ice. - n'tvi supper.-" so d:tir.i:ly tJiat you iv ill Ik-yi' ilu ('.uhlt' plr-asurt- of njyiiiM llit- mi-;. yourst'lf Ha1 ot" jfii(n"a-irvr .u.- -i.riipMrn-.-i. with your (."hhI j;itlni4'iit. Nash (2a fe Taking Steps to further ymir Wat interests s t.i fur ther unr own as wtli. W at-t-oDiplidh thi- nbje.-t tv giving you full value for your money. No matter where you mav -tint your footsteps for tailoring worK. Wr duul.t if you will l ablt to get anywliere n-ar us good fahrica and tai loting work as here. Our $-5.(H" auit-j arc going to t-e tbe "go." Why not pWe your ordr-r with its for such a fellit LoWf French Diy CUauiiig aud Pressing Neatly Done. A Pit UuwauWeU. Citv Tailor, Medford Hives a cout-isi1 tlsi'riijtiun of NVwimrl aud rates. Call on, l,-lfub,iue or wrile WM. McMURRAY. Oeusral Passenger Ageut, PJrtUiid McComb L B WARNER. ' 1 ' Ji"1' M" Moadous. O - o C. U- OiPSON. . Medford, Or OTIOE. ROOM J ACK80N C0U.VTT BANK BUHDDfa