MUST LABEL ALL WHISKY If Blended, or Imitation, the Fact Must Be Burned Upon the Barrel Under Pure Food Law, in Accord ance With New Rules WASHINGTON', July Resinning July 1 all hrands of booze sold within t lie eont'ine nf tin1 I'liititl Stated must Li' r-orreotly labeled, in ai'eordnni'e with mien anil specifications promulgated by the internal revenue department. Thesf rt'ulatiuiis have been harmonized with tin- provisions of the pure fond ami ilniK with the re-mlt that distillers ami blenders all over the country are up in arms jrnd declare that they will auiiciil to tin courts for relief from the obnoxious rulings. So far nn the trade is concerned, the most important feature of ihi' ruling in this connection is the fact that here after lnlls must appt'ar withoiit the addition of any adjective nr descifptive word. " This eliminates " rye" ami "Bourbon." whij-h heretofore have been used tn describe tin kind of whisky. Blends Must Be Labeled. Heretofore all whisky, whether blond I'd, artificially colored or njed nr mixed with other spirits, has been marked "whisky" on the barrels as they have been filled and shipped from the distil lilies and places of reetifcatinn. Hereafter what is known as "straight whisky.' that is, an article that has been aged by time and not mixed with other spirits, will be marked "whis ky" and only that. Blended or com pounded whisky will be marked on the barrel in letters at least one inch long burned into the barrel "blended whis ky. " A mixture of whisky with alcohol, provided there is enough potable spirits to make a rral compound and not the semblance of such spirits, with the dis lillant with which it is mixed. Alcohol, commercial alcohol or high wines, which have been manipulated by the aid of artificial flavors, colors or extracts, or otherwise, so as to resem ble sprits, will be marked with thename of such spirit?, preceded with the word " imitation. What a revolution this will make in the business of rectifying or blending whisky may be imagined when it is re called that most of the whisky now sold is compounded, blended or imitated within the meaning of the pure food act and that herenfter none of these pro ducts can leave tho place of manufac ture without carrying a mark which will indicate to the average mind that the spirits are some inferior article. There is no explicit language in the law to regulate the quantities nf in tfredietits which shall distinguish n "compound.' The most poisonous "min gling" of "high wines."' red pepper, burnt sugar and any other trash, which in the spirit of the ruling should be designated an "imitation'' may be con verted into a "compound by adding a quart or a pint even of actual whis kv. The dishonest maker may stamp it as "whisky, compounded with grain distillate'' and put the stuff on the market in defiance of the spirit of the law and to the disgust of decent distil b-ri and blenders. Tew laws have ever been more open ly defied than the pure food and drug act in its attempt to regulate the man ufacture of "spirits" of whatever kind. 8. P. RAILROAD MAY FORFEIT MILLIONS OF ACRES IH N'VKR. "o1.. July 1 - The Time. lib'ithos he following: Thousands of acres of valuable iipn iril land in Nevada. Wyoming and I ',!(. -i'do. alleged to have been frnnd r"' i fly taken by the Central Pneific F.'nilioad company, the Southern Pa litii company and the I'li'ion Trus. to'Dpaiiy of New York, are demanded b ick bv the Government or evidence preHenlod bv Jidge M. P.uines and Asilant Alton ev (Imenil Frank Mali i if' the i' n I'll States department of 'ju-'tjfo in ' Vm'er. Trt.t suits . i re filed in the federal . nt ; i ;iivhii. N'ev.. today, in whin Tin; char:.-" i made lhat the corpora tion no nt nd forfeited patents for . nl ii ,e.-d:' on the ground thni they were obtained falsely nnd wiony t'llllv. It is stated that the laud win alleged to be uon -in) neral. but it will be shown that the property contains deposits of ore said to be worth mr! lions of dollars. The (rial is set fo: August .1. TAYLOR REFUSES TO SIGN PRINTING CONTRACT ft AN FHANCISro. (al.. July 1. Charging that there was collusion be twven the companv awarded contracts for the city printing. Mayor Taylor ha refused to sign the nerentarv documents and if the municipal officer are fur nished stationery ami books during the coming fiscal year new awards nuiM be made. It has been discovered that the City Commercial companv. to which one award was made. i nwm-d jointly bv the Phillips and Van Orden company rind the Hrown and Power comprint. The mayor deelnres this is n fictitious part ncrshtp, because under the luw it i il legal for corporations to form a part nf rship. Oyster Trust Pleads Onilty. clllCACO HI., Jlv 1. nflipem A. Booth & Co.. known as the "FMi Trut." have pleaded guilty to a charge uf accepting rebates from rnilmad com panics. An indictment was voted against the concern a year to. BUTTE FALLS ITEMS. Mrs. Frank Netherl.uid and childreu lia e returned from a visit to Kagle Point. hir boarding houses are regaling their boarders ujhui (Jtrawlwrry short c".ke and other delicacies. The contract for the uew school house will be let on Wednesday and the build in; is to be one of the finest out side of the valley cities., Judge Peats has returned from his homestead and reports conditions as exceptionally g'id and that all the homesteaders are actively improving their homes. Itohert L. Wilson has purchased a fine business lot on the west side and will start a new store. Messrs. Hartshorn and Broadbent. cap italists of Salt hake, arrived here Sat unlay. They are seeking investments. Will Penny and wife drove in to the Kalis Sunday nil visited among their many friends awhile. Edmunson of Derby has gone to Kaucheria for some building mate rial. Charlev Kdmunson and familv have i-oine down from their homestead and will make a trip to Medford. John Allen and wife of Derby have been visiting in the Falls. Mr. Allen reports crops good and matters quiet in his section. The sawmills are not running more than half of the time, being afraid that no sale will bp found for the oufcpnt. Already the demand is in excess of the supply. I r. Fmcrson nnd family have gone to the valley and will bring back ft load of supplies. Mr. Ford, who has a shingle mill near t he u nsurvey ed , took a load of fine sugar pine shingles to the valley on Monday. Mr. Downs nnd mother aro making a visit to the valley. Will Chambers and family left on Tuesday for the Sprngue River country, where Mr. Chambers will contract hay ing for the season. In the survey nf the unsurveyed sec tion many ludicrous changes occurred. The settlers who squatted on their laims from the old line built their aldns ami made their improvements auo rested minor t he henei that thev were O. K. When the government, sur veyors began their work they ran their tines from an old line of 20 years' stand ing and which was directly opposite to t he settlers ' line. The result was that some settlers found themselves possessed of as many as eight cabins ami other improvements, while others tound themselves without either cabins or land or a half of a en Win. Many of them have begun to build other cabins. Of course the govern mont will allow these hard working, worthy svt.tlers (lit for what they have done and not hold them f or unavoidable mis- lakes. FIGHT ON RAILROAD LANDS WILL BEGIN SOON POirriiAXD. Or.. July 2. P.. D. Townseud, special assistant to the at torney-general, yesterday tebigraphed fudge llecker from Spokane that he will arrive in Portland this morning. The purpose of M r. Townsend s visit to the Pacific coast at this time is to nstitute suit against the Oregon & Cal itornia railroad company in the famous land grant case. In this important lit igation, which the attorney-general was authorized to bring. Mr. Townseud will be associated with Judge Reeker in proseeul ing till1 case for t he govrrn llieut. Mr. Townsend visited Oregon over a ear ago and gathered much iuiH)itauf videiice pertaining to the case which was submitted to Attorney-Grnernl Ilonn parte. That official took the mat ter up with cnigreNs, which directed him to bring such proceedings as might be deenicd necessary to secure' for the government its full rights. It cannot be learned what sort of suit will be brought; whether an attempt will be made to force tho railroad corporation to dispose of all the lands at $2.50 an icre as required under the terms of the jrniit, or whethei the government will lemand that the grant be declared can eled by reason of a violation mi the part of the railroad. NEWSPAPER REPORTERS COOK UP FAKE INTERVIEW Al.ltAW. July 2. Albert F. Hovt, lit or of tin Argus, received from car is today the following cablegram from Coverimr Dnid II. Hill, referring to an interview which was published widely as coining from Mr. Hill on the day he sailed for Kurope. In this interview Mr. Hill was quoted as re ferriiin to Coventor Johnson as t he "pooihoue candidate." criticising Mr. Mryan and saying t hat "there is no democratic party. " "Attention just called to alleged po litical interviews in American newspa pers published after my departure. They are fictitious. I authorize you to deny same through the Associated Press and otherwise. ' ' HARRY ORCHARD'S SENTENCE TO BE COMMVTGD HOISK. binho, July 2. Harry Or hard, sr nieinf., t he hanged next Fri I..,. .i... i . ..... " munier or ei (iovernor St.'i.neub. Tg. will be considered bv the itale board of pardons ut it regular session. The petition of In attorney lor commutation of sentence, together with the recommendation nf Judge W I. made at the time sentence was .iilii'iilir-d. Will be presented to tliP hoard. In pite of the fart that Or chard anxious that sentence he car ried out. it is believed the board will commute the sentence to life imprison incut. (ieorge Aitkeii w:f a Medford visitor Ttudav on his return front upfr Kogue er and ltig tut te. J. 11. Kuwell. who live? on the Med ford .lar-kxon illr road, was in Medford Tuetd.'iy trading with our merchant. John A ml too, the fniml blacksmith, bus returned from the Barrel! orchard and t e Sip toyed is a local ibop. THE MKDFORD DAILY TRIHUN15, MEDFORD. ORKOOX, TU URXDAY. ."JULY f MA LED BOMB 18 EXPLODED Stamping Machine Causes Ex plosion in Missive Sent Either by a Fool or Anarchist at Reno RKNO, N'ev.. July 2. The federal authorities are here today investigating the explosioit of the contents of a letter while it was being run through u stamp ing machine in the local postottice last night. It is thought that a bomb was placed in the letter by either a fool or anarchist. The letter boro the imprint of a local ti nil, but the authorities are keepiug the name a secret. The explosion caught tire to the mail and burned several letters before it could be stamped out. None of the secret service men will talk, but il was intimated today that the bomb had been mailed to a prominent mining promoter of tbddtiehl by a man who had lost money ill ininng speculation. LOCAL MARKET. The fololwing quotations are an im partial report of the prices paid by Med ford dealers: Wheat $1 per bushel. Flour $2.70 per cwt. Whole barley $2(1 per ton. Hay $12 per ton. Alfalfa $1(1 per ton. Xew potatoes $1.25 per cwt. Butler 10c per roll. Lard 10c per pound. ileans 5c. per pouud. Eggs 22ic. per dozen. Sugar $ii.8 per cwt. Turkeys i;Je per pound. Poultry Spring. $2 to $.'l; hens, $li.50 to $4 per dozen. Hams 12e per pound. Shoulders 10c per pound. Hogs Hie. to tie per pound. Cattle 2 to 3c per pouud. A WOMAN OF QUICK WIT. Susan B. Anthony Never Lacked a Ready Reply. Few lives so lend themselves to dra matic narration a a Susan It. Autltouy's. says the IMhietitor. It ran get I from tragedy to comedy, with scattered bits of iiieliHlrnimi, she ever hi the center of the stage. With her everything was always intensely realistic not uctlng. Miss Anthony bail a peculiar faculty uf condensing u whole speech Into a single sentence. For instance, when she heard men lanientint; that the pro fession of teacher was not respected as much as the other professions, "Oo you not see that so long as society suys woman has not brains enough to be a doctor, lawyer or minister, bui has plenty to In a teacher, every man of you who c'Uidrsivnds to teach tacitly admits be! ore all Israel and the sun that be lias no inoiv brains than a wo man':" Ami when Horace titeetey said to lief nt Albany. "You know the bal lot and bullet go iogether-lf you vote, are you ready to HhiV" instantly she reloned, "Yes. Mr. Otveley. Just as you fought lu the late war at the point f a goose ttlll!" Again, wbeu she was talking on divorce and the Kev. A. 1. Mayo, thinking to annihilate her, said. "You are not married; you have no business to be discussing marriage,'" "Well, Mr. Mayo," she answered, '"you are not a slave: suppose you yult lec turing ou slavery!" An Opium Farm. Not far from Macao, at the mouth of the. Canton river. China. Is au opium "farm." Standing lu i courtyard Is the great wooden building devoted to opium manufactures, and in lis vesti bules are heaps of brown balls, not-iin-llke ciK-uaiiuts. Two coolies, seated, cut them open and remove the black. Jain like siihsianer ttiey tain the compressed poppy. Tl uler covering Is a thick iaer of dried leaves. In side the buiUli.ig the whole place Is full of smoke, arising lrin u hundred charcoal lire in "pen cut then wuj e "chuitls." placed in a row around the walls. Over eu h lire ivsis a shallow brass pitu 111 which buliblcs u inli. tine of poppy and water. This ml l hire Is strained through paper and passes on to be more eareiiilly bolied In the next room, w I tele I to- protest Is exactly similar. From there Ii oes to another room, where the sirup I. reduced t(he consistency of t reach over slow lires. In uuotber hiiildiiitt iho opium Is pack ed i:i th ;i':-Mi!iil ! -laced In i;ims and scaled Willi the go eminent seal. A Banker'! Generotity. One day It I 'ld l was dining with MendelsMdin. Hie hanker, and. all tin UMial thing for him. was vt-n Hlleiit. Ili bo-it. remaikiiiy it. ol-..-t ed to HumboMi that he w is sure lie mn-t be ill. "No." -.lid Humboldt, "hut I am in great trouble. mly ten minuies lie fore lea vim: m.v apartment to come here I received ft'olu m luihliol d a nod Infoi-mimr me that he h id oid Hie Iioiihh lu which I reside and Hint 1 must move. I tie very thought drives tlie. lo iecMlr. 1 re;ill i uuiiot lic.if to move again." Mendelssohn gradually h-d Humboldt Into con wrsjlioii. dining whih he found time to write a note mid r.seh tin aiiitwer to It. He then took Hum Ix'Idt asiilc ami said: ' Hv 'his note I learn that I am now Hie mr of the bouse III which yoll reside. The 400.1; tfoit, ho v ever. tioi which I have U come Its poseittr Is rtiat yon continue ( occupy .fun- up:ii tijifiii in it .11. long nt you live." Her Odd Way. O Ilea My wife is a ijuerr woman. MUM - Indeed: IHIetl - Yes. Why, when ftbe ban occasion to drive a tack he umi a UuuiUier 1 intend of a balr bru 1 a. Obion so wr M'llluid Tnbuop, Sue per month. I Medford Time Table SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY Northbound ! Xo. It! Oregon Kxpress. ..." .V.N p. in. No. H Porituud Kxpress...) 9:49a.m. J Southbound No. 1 'California Kxpress No. I ;t Sa ii Fra in- isco K.x p N o. "i ! V rom lira tits Pass No. L'o For Ashland I10:;Wa. m. j 3 : 'JO p. m. fMfi p. m. I0:1" p. m. PACIFIC b EASTERN RAILWAY Xo. I Leaves Medford... No. ;t Leaves Medford. . . .o. 2 Arrives .Medford . . . No. 4 Arrives Medford. . . I S: lb a. m. j 2:"t0 p. in. !H:2Sa. in. j o:08 p. m. ROGUE RIVER T ALLEY RAILWAY Xo. 2 Leav. No. -I Leav. Motor Leavi Motor Leavi Xo. I Liav. X'o. :t Leavi Moiorl.ea Medford IH:4.'i aTm Med foul j .".::tr p. in. Medford j 2:00p in. Medford j !:00 p. m. J:icksonviile.. U;00 a. tu. Jacksonville., :t:.'tlip. n. Jacksonville. . I I :I10 u. 111. Motor Leaves Jacksonville...! 7:30 p m- MAIL CLOSES. " IA"."M'.!P.M. Fagle l'oiut Xorthbonuil Southbound Jacksonville . 7:20j 2:00 I !:ltil 4:;it !10:0o 2:.0 0;2b 5:20 LOW RATES EAST Will he mailt1 lliis season by SOUTHERN PACIFIC Linos iu Oregon FROM MEDFORD, ORE. as follows: Both Wavs Ou vv Through Via TO I'nrtlnii.l. liiilifnrniii. Chicago $8:2.40 $S7.")0 St.. Louis 77.-10 St. Paul (!).f)0 81.7") Omaha 0!).!I0 7").0() Kansas Cily .. fii).!)0 7").(Hl Tirkcls will be on sale June 1!), 20. duly (i, 7,22,2:1. Aii.nusf. (, 7. 21. 22. (bind Cor i'c( urn in fit) days with stopover privileges at pleasure within limits. R KM KM B MR Till? D AT ICS Kor any further informal ion fall 01 i A. S. ROSKN'HAHM, l-ocal Agent,, or write to WM. M '.MURRAY, (leneral l'asseiiu'er Aftent. Cortland, Orer(in. "I'm going ' iiwuv to celvhrute tiw I'liurtli," ,iniil l'nt, il reused in Ins thick cunt mid new silk hut. A reat mnnv people all ov-r the count! v aret m:ikiiir preparations to eel-lrale the anniversary of the I lee a r a tioii of lmep-nlen-e. To make voir !!) rat ion pertVetl v en jovahle you slioohl nee that yon are w ell snppli -J with fignrs lhat are ma tin I'aet 111 () 1 v t Ii If. It. V. ritfar Works. Kvery pnIT is a pleasure. ; Something New ' In HuIiIiit Tin t Hint it will pny jrciti t" iiivPHliKnl. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, sali.ifactlon Hilar jnt" Mitchell St Foeck OF.NERAL WAO0NKR3. 1 I'.Hst 7tb Htroet, rtur of Mrrimn'i 8bop. UedJord, Or. Just Received- A Carload o! Extra Heavy, Green HEADQUARTERS POR SASH AND D00R3 , ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES 4 1 t Q,uotatioiia promptly and cheerfully furnished t Woods Lumber Co. KILXS AND MILLS AT OLKNDALIv ORKCOX YARD AN'I) OKKIOK AT MKOFORD, OREOON". MEDFORD Souvenir Spoons ALSO A NEW ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTY PINS, BLOUSE SETS AND BRACELETS MARTIN J. REDDY The Jeweler NEAR rOSTOFFTCE Flue Wutch mid Jwolry Repairing a Specialty. CLEAN COTTON RAGS WANTED FOUR CENTS I'ER FOUND PAID MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE OUR METHODS ARE THE BEST AND THE QUICKEST. WE SEND FOR AND DELIVER GOODS, AND CHARGE REASONABLE PRICES. We are a Home In dustry and Employ Only White Help. Medford Domestic Laundry GLEN FABRICK, Prop. Mertton', OruRon. ' The ELECTRIC fV5 1EA KETTLE (J I I'll rn i sll- lint svf "l, r l,,r ,rn "" . ii i. ..i ::"':,;i,!:;: :;: 1 'yXfe- Atij.- h.-s to hi V rH cl,-rlr..lirr Simple, Siif.'.rnn- Vi nieiit, durnl'le Water Power Co. Of fl.e 1!0 W. 7th it., bW '8 eUctfle tin ft- I'hon 855. j I U I ioUUE IV I C$A j ELECTAIC CO., 4 6t','lin'lJ xcjS)1 . liios. Quality is remembered vi when price is forgotten. CRATER LAKE LUMBER CO. I BIJOU THEATRE (RO(ilAM "The Airship" A ''noil coinic 011 a liiiiidrcd vein's lience. Sons-" Why Don't You Try?" sung hy Mr. Olydo ' Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Gity Property and Fruit Groves for Sale Fire mid Tcn-Arrr Orchards on the iiintnlhiicvl jilnti. Tho riiht hind of soil, lite rijlil kind of Iree.s and the r'njht prices, Tieenli years' erperienee in fruit raisin; bucks one jtulynicnt. We have said half the orchards in the valley find have, yet lo see it purchaser dis salisficil with his bargain. lie fore buying see Roue River Land (Bo. Exhibit Building mm whined LUNCH, DINNER OR SUPPER nerved nt nil Iiouik nf tho day. The Hod liver nlwuyn enine lieru liwen he wkjiIh Inn chupn, HlealiM, oy set era or tiny nt tlie uppeti'.iii;; diwlies th ut we 111 11 U t1 n upei'.iulfy ut euokinj; to please t Jio fiiNliiliniit). If you wibIi to enjoj .well rooked meal, that ran be prepared only liy an artintt vimt Nash Gate . TON KIT. Fourth of July Advice to thniie who deniro to he rnolt romfort- -utile nnd Htylinh at the name time wt ran jjive ynn. Have yonr unit of eloth in; nuide from a light weight utrga in Idiie.'hlai'k or Oxford gray, nud it wiU lie pnmfortntile and keep It shape per f eetly when it is e.wt nnd fitted hy . J. A.KREVJZER & CO i IMPORTERS AND TAILORS VKLH BUILDINO, USOfOBO, OU. 4 Medford Tribune, ioc per month. o