i- rm; meim'ori auhv tkihunk, mkhkorh, ouKiiox. 'riinKSDAV. .iuly Medford Daily Tribune 7 ' " A Live Paper ix Published ovcrv cveninti c.M'ppt Sunday. MEDFORD ll;nLlSIIlN(i COMPANY. Oeokok Pr i'N AM, Editor and Manager. Admitted a. tWond-Ct.- !" in SUBSCRIPTION' RATES: One month, by mail or eerrier. . .0.S0 One year, by wi... OUTGROWING VILLAGE CUSTOMS. M...lf..r,l i mi.'ullv ..uinrowitiL' il mill survive, retained by Ihe imemiHciiuis People no longer go I" bed y ''!'" lamp-but not many. N.'nrly rveryowe houses witlK.nl city water connection., but w.i.mc,,,!.. .in. heiue huilt. street, u new Imuw without both t wire laid all mark the dcvoji.pineiit of the matter of per.on.il pride with everyone U.. ....!., ill, mill iTliOait llllilll modern fronts in tlmir Mare. Attractive whidmvM und entrance npeak hiu-, far h" pronoun and pn.RWrilvei.eHs ol tho pbw-e to 11m piuwiiiu Htrfliitfff lb "y W Ifcinjf. KverV person can see In hlN own hiisinowt, fusion )edi till aitrvlve. ... .J... ..h..My.trv under modern iviudittoiiM, Habit sinvive lmiu uftor I bo need ha i:iH.d away. An an Instauc. lh- dodger bul.it m become firmly fixed in the mimh. of many. If they have iinyflnng tbsy Wfinl madi known, llti-y ihHiie n dodtfor, which is sohh.ni rend, dirties the twl, is it nui sunt on dnorHtops nud in yards, and lacked on telephone posts becomea uu evosorc to the community. Tbe comrT.K i,t the daily newspaper rendered the dndtii-r unneooNmiry. A medium wan reached in a IcK'timuto manner, lit nearly all eummfirnj ' M w reenKiii7.ed and the dmlai-r has Jihiu nime paed away, forbidd.-u by laws an a iiuinanee. Another anachronimu ift lh fuuoral nbtainH in New OrleaiiH, where il wan vivt' among the Creole population, but When there were no daily papom, it wan .if liittins the public learn of deathn and eard. Hut with two daily newnpaperH for mirvival, a needleHH ox pen no upon ThiH paper ia in the printing buincfm and hoIm tl lost artistic dndeis . and the n out out funeral oiirdn in the eounlry, and i lad to get the work, hut even though it lone bunnon, it advocator modem in.-lliO.U in plme of .hs.,.-tr village euNtoniH. If everynm would do tin Mann-, Iho rlcvelnpaieiit of Mod ford into a municipality would he hastened. OREGON WHEAT CROP SHORTEST IN YEARS I'OKTIiANI, Or.. July 2. Joseph Scott, manager of the Jonen. Scott com pany of Walla Wiilla, Wah., which buy the major portion of the wheal rained in the Walla Walla valley every year, ttuys report from all over eurdoru WtiHhingtou and Oregon hIiow that the orop in tho lightcHt it Iiuh been for mix year. In many Hection of the country the grain will not even bo headed. At tho leant calculation the hrinhage will ho per cent. Dry weather iu May und Juno if) Iho cuuho of thin. Mr. Mcott, and hi agent have, been in touch with the wheat eountry for the pant three month, find hi Htalement i extremely eoiiriervatve. Mo nid: "There ha been little rainfall in tho great wheat belt of tbe Inland Kmpiro ttincn tho first of tho year and practi cally nono since tho find of May. The proMHtt tiro that only three fourths of the normal crop will b harvoMted. The dry weather ha boon opecially uotice able in It effect on Iho Walla Walla valloy and in the Cmatilla wheat belt ucro tho mountain. In tho Too hot country the yield will not oxceed fiO per cent of tho normal. In Homo part of thin section the grain will not ho cut at all. It 1 thlM Hoetion that cut down tho crop to mich n low average. "In the Kuroka Klat country land w h ich lat voar prod need 2.1 bushel will thin voar fell flhnrt of 2 biihelH. Most of the farm will not produce Ifi ImflhelM. Parmer of foothill land will have tho uminl largo crop, but' th fu,ot hill are only n npeek in tho great grain hell." GRANTS PARS TO BE "SPOTLESS TOWN' lilt A NTS PAHS, Or.. July !!.- A la dies' auxiliary to tho (Irani Pan Com men ial cluh has been organized with a largo inomhorhtp for the purpose of oromotlntf clvle improvement. It has alroadv laid plan for beautifying th city. Mure shade tree, prettier yards, better fence, wider nidewalk. cleaner streets and more roses nud flower are ou the program. Tho recent success fid roso show nud flower festival was tho result of the women's work. The unsiffhtlv billboards of the town will be attacked. The womeu will also as sist the eouneil in getting the streets paved. COLONEL TUCKER SEES INTERIOR OF ABDOMEN MOUNT Cl.KMKNfl. Mi.-li.. July 2 -Colonel William P. Tucker, son in law of Mr. John A. Logan of Chicago, is probably the only living man who ever saw tho interior of his abdomen. He submitted yesterday to the uncommon und perilous operation known as omen toplexv. Tho nnesthMir w:i applied lo el!y and he remained ronseiou while surgeon slit hi nftdomon and sot thing lo right therein. The mieees of the operation Is pre dieted ht tho surgeons. Colonel W, F. Tucker is well known in Portland, a he was stationed for some time nf Vancouver hnrrneki. CUT OUT SI!RTHAYr TROM NARIflAL POWHC Af u mooting held in Salem Iho pre ident of Oregon state normal school decided to recommend to tho board of) regents tho olimnatinn of shorfssind and typewriting from tho course of . This witt Ti niovo what s)i hoe oa. of Watrous. 1 the strongest grounds for Vu;tt, ttat The other two members of tho dole tho normals nro local iMinis 4tojit)ih are alroadv i Divor. '! en president nlso rcron.sj.n 0 t , i,re dob it ion is intruded v-oiidi requirement lie MreraiM t to'ti.tllv for liy.. ..... nn. muse Wlf Hlv MKSJvi. the ninth grade. Tho d:nn has hUn been mite v the hnard of normal school visit n. Mrs. W. P. Holt, wife of Dr. Holt has returned mm a visit to Berkeley. a Live 'lows VmtttW t Medford, Oregon. fi.UO village eu.imns. Home uf tlu-iii, however. conwrmiisin IW nil'-" ' Oregouiaii K'","- Mwever, '" "" ,b" I""''""" a. i.iw elecrieity. Tb're '' "I111 not many. Su line think of building lire being paved, scwur. arc b"iiig end nnler pipe. village Into Hie illy. Il should In to keep pure with the profession. provided whereby I ho public eonld be eard. Tbe nl' i-ily wliero (hi eiutoia brought over from prance ;ind utill ur not In the American part of tlifi oity. of coiimo noeoxHnry. iu have hoiiio means funeraU. Monro tho printed monrning in Mod ford, thin enlorii ha no exne the afflicted. PRUNE GROWERS ORGANIZE TOR MUTUAL PROTECTION Prune packers of the Northwest have organized an association for mutual pro tection and promotion ot the interests of their business. The organizatimi is one that has long lii-en desired by soiuo of the puckers. but which could never hfl effected hen tofore for the reason that competition among packer has been too Kevere. It the season uow about to open, tho pack or will work together for their common interest. The association will con t ml all the Northwest prune pack. Among tbe packing house Iu the or ganlzntion are II, M. ((He k Co.. Willnm otto Valley I'ninn Amocbillon and W. C. Tillsoa & Co., all of 8:iem; the Hose burg Packing Monso, nwmd by (lilo A Co., and Tillson Jt Co.; Allen's Park ing House of Ktigene; l.nng & Co., Port land; Mason, Khrmau & Co., Portland; Preach Packing Company, Myrtle Crook, uu) the packing house at Vancouver. W n. Tho now association has formulated two form of contracts which all tin limn in tho combine will use. One con tract is that to be used In selling fruii to Kastern buyers, and the other iu buy ing from local growers. The packers have determined Ihat t hey will no longer sell according to form of con tract put out by eastern buyers, but will dictate the term of tho contract or not soil ut nil. The new contract contains a number of provisions favorable to I lie rtgin paekers. It gives the pucker unlimited choice in select Ing an arbitrary case of dispute whore, as in tho past, the arid tnitors have been chosen from tho New York Fruit F.xehnnge, Tho new contract gives tho packer the privilege of tilling ht contracts with smaller siv.es of prune if the crop contain the repiire sle. produced doe uol quantity of large ACCUSES HER FATHER Or MURDERINO A MAN WOOHLANH, Cal., July I. Authori lies uf Napu county today aro invest! gutiug the sensrlioual story told by Mm. Ueorge Dabriu-k, who signed an af fidavil accusing her father, James L. Shrover. of complicity iu the murder of .lull n Wood apple, whose body was lun nd in the embers nf his burned cabin some time ago. Mrs. Hubcock ac uses Lawrence Tnnd, Shrover 's em ploye, of the actual commission of the crime, According to the nuiuan's story, iho. Shrnvi-r and Lund, who were neighbors of Wooditpple nf Marlarky canyon in the Napa mountains, wore prompted bv avarice. WooJappln iv. supposed lo keep his savings in a mysterious box. which Mrs. Habcock ssys her father and Lund stole after tbe rancher had been struck down by a neckyoke and his cabin set on fire. When Mr. Habcock appeared before the district attorney here and made an artidivat accusing the men of Wood j apple' murder she explained that her! conscience would not allow her to con en I her father's miill. I HAWAIIAN DEMOCRATS START FOR CONVENTION SAN FKANCISCO, Cal.. July 1- Four of the Hawntian delegation to the Denver convention aro horo preparing to start for the convention city tomor row with the Calif 0111 in debg.ttes. Tho four from th Herbert, W. ' islands are F. Harvev, A C. McDon.isjIe and K. M j HeSTcrt will oroS S linv- tl. Al tinctton nf -ij 1 fst dolegrr nt Donvor. Hp in 7 vrRr, -i.i i.-. been a resident of tbo Wands for over forty yearn. lUrvy L tho only nat W j orth.1,.lv.o,. of Uaha COUaty. Social andPersonal Mcdford Tribuue, flfte per mouth. Mnyor Roddy ik making Kau Francis- u business visit. C. M. Ituch and Will Hay were over from Applegato Wednesday morning. Win. Mack, the miner, was over iroin Siskivou county, Calif., this week. A. W. Walker hns established a fine garage at Asniauo, warn- u- ri-i--i -i earload of nuto of the iteo nrann. s fc Aiken and Irwin Mcl qM oame down from Prospect Wednesday, op a short businos visit. Ooo. L. Davis, president of tho Jack sonville Hank, was among hi Med ford trUfids Wednesday evening. A. ,L Voung came down from his homestead in Trail preeinei Wednesday and went to Ashland the next day. B. F. Carter of Woodville and Irwin Itav of Hold ttiii upt-nt several hours in Mcdford WednedAV. Marrv Culbertsoi., general onlraotr mid buidor; frmont work a specialty Med ford. Or". (loo. Hlaloek of flinve Cm-k districl, the veteran minor, transacted fiiiHinos at Jacksonville Wednesday, Frank Pediier of Winter pr - inct was in Modford the first of ill- .week land buHinoM. W. 0. Miller, who live near Central Point, made lohjtivo living in Med ford a visit nHturday. A. C. Howb tt of Fuirle Point wflh among tho many who transacted busi nes In Modford WodiieudftV, Prof, A. If. Peachy, the successful eduentor, was over from Mellon on Wednesday. Ccorge Fitzgibbon, tho genial nmba sador of commorco, was among his nu moron customorH during the week. C. C. riilehrist of Sams Valley, the ell known horse breeder, was in Med ford and Jacksonville Wednesday. Hogs commit nd a good price iu the Portland market, being rpiotnd at 0 to per lOo. a Mrs. Jfofco Applegate of Tlacksonvilb wont t o A sh I a nd Wed nnsd ay to v i 1 her parents. Mr. and Mm, Payne, Medford's barbershops will be closed on the Fourth nf July, ns well as the following day. Bort II u rd of Mound precinct, the on orgetie road supervisor, was a business visitor in Modford Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McMahon, who have been spending the week at their cottage at the Ajhbipd sulphur springs -ire at homo again. J. H. Pilkingtoii of Portland, who grows ornamontnl and fruit tree, shrub bery. etc., spon! a day in Modford Ihii week. Prof. Hanby. F. M. Amy. K. L. Farrn and J. W. Jacobs of Central Point were in Modford Wednesday. The two last named went to Jacksonville. Mr. Harrington, who has been stop liing in this section, loft for Corvallis WednoNday evening, nccoinpauled by )is niece. Miss Harrington M. ('. Messenger, who i engaged in farming near Agate and on Trail Creek transacted business in Modford or Wednesday. The H. P. Co. will run special trains to Ashland Jul v lth, which will give re diicod rnte to those who wish to attend the celebration there. Ceo. W. Winel rout, for many ye:u siieeessf nlly engaged in farming on Thompson Creek, has bought the Munch ranch, on Applegato, one of the best iu Josephine county. J. W. Hick of Willnw Springs dis I rid , who introduced I he Thompson fs seedless raisin into Jackson county, spent a few hours in Modluld Wed lies day. The Oregon Supremo Cunt, through a decision of Commissioner King, has atlirmod the judgment of tho circuit court for Josephine county in the case of Samuel Alderson vs. Lee Bros, el h. Mrs. Joseph Moss (nee Jennie Jack ion) of Jacksonville was elected di rector of the Crauts Pass school dis Irict, boating J. F. llalbralth of the Observer by a vole of M to ltd. Clatn LeMuv Moamber of Vrokadied ut the Southern Oregon Hospital at Ash land recently, of chronic appendicitis aged 'M vears. Then are manv who will regret to hear of her untimely demise Do you use Davis' Best Flour f Don 't lot your grocery talk yon into buying other brands shipped in. Davis Best sells for less money and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try n suck and I convinced, Mrs. C. Vmomuii, a former resident of Modford. who has been living at Hiv erside, Calif., with her daughter, Mrs, V. A. Jacobs, arrived here Tuesday ev cuing and is the guenl of her sou, Chas. Strung, and his famly. A ton stamp quart?: mill will soon be leady for operation ut the Ashland mine, tho well known property which has re cent ly boon t a ken in hn ml by a com pauv of Los Angeles capitalists who pro pone to develop it furl her and start ti milling its rich ores. M isses Marv Pater and Fa v Sears were thrown from a buggy at Jackson ville n few days since, but fortunately sustained slight in juries, although the former was rendered unconscious for some time by tho impact. The accident wus caused by tho horse thev were driv ing stumbling and falling down. James M. Ilaelwond of this county, who was arresled at Witnor on account of ii n indictment for perturv, found linst him in the Culled Stale district court, has pleaded not guilty and will i probably be tried next fall. He is con fined in the Multnomah county mil at present. STEVE ADAMS WITHOUT FUNDS FOR HIS DEFENSE Oil A ND JI'NCTIOV, Col.. Julv 1 I Steve Adams is without funds to 1 I duct his defense and unless tho state fi(rees to defray the ot pontes of nub poeuing wttnoto.es it i likely that no one will appear to testify for him. The court has under consideration todav a proposition made by Adams' attorneys that tho tatotiuen he called at public expense. Tho inwvors doc I nro if mich j an order is not en t ored, they will he iinuHe to put in the bulk of their ovi deuce. Adnms is being tried for tho murder of Arthur Collins, n mining u priMondont, four ) years ago. Medford Tr.bun., HOo pet month. BIG SUM OFFERED TEDDY FOR STORY OVSTKIt HAY, L. I., July 2. S. 8. McCIure and Casper Whitney, editor of Outing, nro today guests of Presi dent Roosevelt nt Sagamore Hill. The publishers are endeavoring to arrange for the publication of Roosevelt' ac count of hi hunting trip in Africa. It is understood that they are endeavoring to hnvn Rqosevc-lt write tho history of his travel for a monthly, which is oxpeeted to pay haudnmc)y fui tho to ris. . 1 Another rumor is that the publisher of a weekly magazine is to pay Rooso- It jkiftOOOft for nu account of h'B ventures. ' There Is a mad rush of publish r to Ovstor Bav, every publisher realizing that the story of the president's bunt ing trip will bo the. literary beat of the ir. It is nndoratood that tho prest dent ia boon toiujerrd tho b'gges sum over offered, fpt a, sin gin soring pf ar- Iiflrs. BETRAYED TRUST; HA FltAXCISCO, Cal,, .Ty 9. Walter J. Rartnott. attorney for the wrecked California Safe Deposit & Trust company, convicted of hypothnticating the Colt on securities, was sentenced this morning to serve ton yours in the San Qnentin prison. There was n scone in the courtroom when the sent once wn announced, upd Banned! 's attorneys were hardly able to control him. Ho is believed by many to ho losing his mind. TEN TIIQySANQ KfLLEI IN RAILROAQ ACCIDENTS "That the aeeldeul record uf Amerl can railroads, even though t here I popularly included iu it much that does not belong there, i appnlling, no one will deny, certainly not tho officials whose duty it is to operate thotto rail road and tfl whpm (he fearful ennf uf life makes its daily and hourly appeal. The latest official figures widely pub lished on Iho authority of t)ie interstate cuiiimnrco. cotninnon flre fi)iniliqr,bul none the less astonishing. They show that lO.filS person wore killed nnd 07.7011 In.luied during the lust yettr otVu-ially reported, " writes Julius Knit t sch nil t, director of maintenance and operation of tho Pnion Pacific sys teni and Iho Southern P.'it'ifif entnpfl,ny in tho July Appleton's. "Vet. appalling as these totals are. it is ii t my opinion the duty o,f rail road mu angora rather to give thn'n greater publicity than to minimize or conceal thorn. They concern us all, railroad men and public alike. They point to conditions which ought to be remedied. ' ' 4- COMMUNICATION. I'o tho Kditor: Will you kindly toll me what manner of people livo in your town of Mcdford? ruosdav, when Iho til rum was sounded ha need to bo on Iho street and with 1 ho rest watched the fire bovs make the run to tho fire, and not one word of encouragement to llo'm did I hear. tiling but .jeers ami laughter on all sides. It. seems to mo a thankless task those; men nnd boys have undertaken, assuming a responsibility t hat is not appreciated, at least by a great many. Do the merchants nnd loafers that riisi to iho doors of diffoicnt business houses and si 11 nd with 1 heir hands In their pockets and laugh and mnko slighting remarks as the boy pass rea?.o thai those snme men are taking their lives in I heir own hands and are willing to do and die to yave another's property and perhaps his life? Do they stop to think they draw no pay nnd aro all, or nearly all, laboring men, who must luavo their work and rush to the fire house before they can answer a calif Senilis lo me a word of encouragement would be lots bettor. Make them think at least that their efforts aro appro dated, oven if they aro not. If they go for a trial run the crowd will stand and hoot and yell until they rattle the boys, then will laugh as though they hail done something smart. ' Tell me, Mr. Editor, what manner of people have von horot .1. II HltlNOTO. Fourth of July Special Rouud Trip Rates, (hie and one third faro fur the round trip to any point ou tho Southern Pa eifie system. 'hildron !t to l'J years, half 1 e. (iood for return July 4, o and 0. For fnrthor particulars, apply A. S. HoM'hhanni, local agent Southern Pa fie. Special t rains from all Rogue River points for Ashland will leave Grants Pass 7 a. m. Time leaving Medford later. Itelnrning leave Ashland 10:30 p. in. 0! CIRCUIT COURT NEWS. A. J. Olxea vs. (leo. W. Dunn et al. Demurrer lllol stating that complaint i"cs not state fact sutllclont lo oonsti tuto a cause of suit. M. B. Whipple vs. Ceo. W. Dunn et nl. Demurrer tiled, same as aboo, I,nrrv lM' V!t- w- ,)ll,,u Domnrror tiled. s;,mo as nbm o. THE OLD HOWARD RAjfCH Throe miles south of Medford and 2'i miles ffi'sf of Phoenix, is now out up in small tracts to suit tho purchaser. One fourth cash, hatanee in throe pay meats. This is a rare opportunity fur mou of small means. Listed with all tho agents MARRIAGE LICENSES. KUlNtlTON HOWE In .laek.ooville. nu Juue SO, Ittos. by Rev. tl A. Trav, J. N. Kdtngton and Lucy M. Rowa. Reduced Rates Special Crain. A apucial train will leave Modford shortly after 8 a. m. next Saturday, ! July -t, for Ashland. This special will have on board the excursionists from tho northern portion of the valley. The round trip full fare to Ashland will be art cents; hafJ fare 30 cents; ticket good going on all passenger trains 3d and 4tb and good to "return until and , including the tith of July. The special train will reach Ashland '. in ample time for the commencing of i tho exercise and will return after the cekhrution or about 10:30 p. m. j Ticket will be on sale July 3. Get j them early and avoid the rush. Tieket ! window at depot will be open all day I of the 3d and at 7 u. in. of the 4th, thus Jiving nil amide time to secure tickets, 9i Buy Tickets 07 Wire. 1 Hornet liiug whipi is nf rpnsiderahle interest to the public generally and which is perhaps not gouerqily knowT. is the system of prrp:iii orfpirs flow in effect bo l tyre): stations uf the Houtbern Pacific cum pan and all points in the United HtntPi, By means uf this system tickets may be purchased at Modford from any place iu tbe United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sloe pel Accommodation and, a,m,oiiuts of cash Connection with these tickets amy alsa he furnished at tho saint time.' - - Tr",!- TreesI yruit Trees. Tbe old reliable Albany Nurseries. I have the largest stock of fruit trees on the Pacific coast. Pear, apples, peach, plums, apricot, nectarines, ehor rirs, Knglish walnutR, Bhade and orun mental trees, berries, roses and shrubs, all of which T offer nt lowest prices consistent with, firt-elass nursery stock. Having been with thi nursery lf vears, 1 can guarantee all stock to be true to name and free from disease. T handle nothing hut Oregon grown tree. B. WARNER, Med.forO,, Or Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single Inser tions less than 15 cents. Six lusertlons for the price of four- tteveuty five cents a lne per mouth. FOB RENT. mm km. nt Two front office room nnd nae largo room .".tlx -to iu M iles building. I nquire fit promises or at Tribune office. FOR RENT Furniiht.d looms, electric light and but In. Mrs. If. L. Hale, D h! reel near 1 Itli. tf FOR. SALE; Foil SALE One heavy team, 2i0ti, ti and X years old, price reasonable; also big wagon. A ply Clark place, 2 1--miles north of Jacksonville. 2S Foil SALE -Choice house lot, five blocku from railroad station, near Cath olic school, High nud sightly location; easy term. Write Box flus, Medford. FOR SALE Lot, 48x164, $175, 0110 half down, balance on time; also lot in Ross addition, .10x120, $lo cash takes thi corner lot. J. E. Payette, Medford, or 87 FOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten acre tracts, host location in tho valley. L. Nee demeycr, Jacksonville. " 'Oil SALE One Ciplillne runuboul, newly paiuted, iu first class condition. Price li.10. W. .1. Van Schuvor A Co.. Portland, Or. 00 FOR SALE--Small business: fine loca I ion. luipiire Tribuue. LOST AND FOUND. LOST On st reel of Modford, light col ored tinsel belt , with cameo buckle. Finder please leave at Tribuue of fieo. 91 WANTED. WANTED To buy from 100 to head of stock sheep. Write Boi Modford, (Jr. aim Ltl, BUSINESS CARDS. J. T. ANR.BOM, WELL DIUOER. MEDFORD, OR Prices right. Pumps Furnished when Wanted. BAJUL It GLOSCOCK. ('uulrnutors and Builder. Ail Work Ouarautosd. Offlcs with 0. H. Pierce A Sou. Phone 053. P. O. Box 7 Q. M. JONES, City Scavenger. I liurliae of all kinds removed oa slinrt nuliee. Leave orders with ebiff of poliee. DR. A. B. SWEET j Physii-ian ami Hitr'.m. Offiee at Heaideni-e. 1 COLVIO ft DURHAM, Attorneys-at-Law. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Wni M. Colvlg, Medford. Or. CHISHOLM MARTIN House Painting, Paper Hanging and Tinting. All work gnarauteed. I'lione :!-'!. I.iwkliox I'J.'i, Medford, Or. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Dav phono 353; Night Phonos: C. W Coukliu :.!; .1. IL Butler H. PRIVATE DETECTIVE ANU CoL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 808. Medford Or. E. R. SB ELY. M. D. Physician and Surgeon Moilera Kquinped ()ierating Rooms. X Kay. Ol'fioe Honrs. 10 12, 8 4 P. M. Office Iu Jackson County Bank Bldg. 00 TO DR. O0BI.E TOR YOUR OLAS8B8. 0itiial Parlor in Perrv's Warhuiise, SKVENTH HTRKKT. "Be Baa No Other Business." J. K. KXVART.Prcsid eut. J. A. PERRV, Vice President. The Mcdford MEDFORD, OR. OA PITA 1 0,000 SURMA'S 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A (iciieral Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage State Depositary, ' Ktul,lihpfl vssi. OAFTTAJj AND SURPLUS $115,000. (Kl W. O. R MEDTORD SASH it DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixlurea and all kinds of planing mill work, including turned work and fancy grills. r, BETWEEN GTH AND 7TH STS. PHONE l3. RESIDENCE LOT S Have yon tried our wpecial 25? and ."."c Coffees, or our Pyra mid Tea yet? ThVy are tho best iu llo land; always good, al ways the same. Wo are now showing it nice hue of Cut Olass and Dinner Ware. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEEHOUSE 'lii WEST SRVMNTIl KTKKKT. MrGXAfiflAN & JUNKEN. Props. The Red Cross A STYLISH SHOE THAT IS ABSOLUTELY COMFORTABLE. New Shipment Received C M. KIDD, The Footf itter Don't Bother to ook It's too hot, Get what you want alret 1v prepared; we have t. We cater to those who want the beat. THE DELICATESSEN O, STREET, NEAR EMiHTll TUN TION WIT I RES 11NE ORCHARD LAND, CLEARED AND IN CULTIVA JWE MILE FROM EAGLE PQl NT. JUU DOWN AND $10 A MONTH UT INTEREST. . Daily & IVIcCoiyiI O'TICE. ROOM 3.1, There Is a Reason WHY THE MEATS YOU BUY HERE ARE BETTER THAN WHAT THEY SELL ELSEWHERE: WE HAVE A COLD STORAGE PLANT AND OUR MEATS HAVE THE GREAT ADVANTAGE OF BEING HUNG IN AN IMMENSE ICE BOX UNTIL THEY BECOME PROPERLY SEASONED. THAT IS THE PROCESS THAT MAKES TENDER MEATS, AND THEY DON'T COST YOU ANY MORE, EITHER." MEDFORD MEAT CO. Successors to lott iugpr. Next Hotel ';isli. W. W. EIFERT, The JOHN H. ORTH. Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t t'Asnier. National Bank Realizing the Importance i.f i,i,nl J,twiklii f:i-iliti,'?,. Ill,' ul'ti wu ut' I Iju .1:'Ksimi Coinily Hutik um fvi'l- ri I -rt Hll,l pron'usivc ill lh, I'lahlisluiirlll of til,' most tuft,! (I ll etltin,'lit uml - :tii.ivf.l metli ,h. Vuut .'u'Ciilllit, sillijri't t-t rlieeli, U ertntiulty init,',l. I. VAWTER President LINDI.EY-. . Casbler Plfti'i-n flnrirp lots for sale, lot-uted five rninntes from (le,Qt, near aruoul; '.Iihnu aiilil in block or HOjuiratuly; ciwy tiTiiiSi the bnt lrnyn in the city. FRED'K C. PAGE PHONE 1051. J ACKSON COUNTY BANK BUILDING Taking Steps to foitlir your l."t intre.l. i. to fur tlier our oku as well. We aerumplih Ibis ol.j.vt bv giving you full value for your money. N,, tuailrr where you may lirel your f,ilM..., fr tailoring n,.rk. we doubt it' n 1 able" lii gl any where m ar a g 1 fnbrii-s an.l ti, luring w.uk.a lo -i... Hur ml ,uj, are going l I.,. . Why not I'la.r your uit now ; French Dry Denning and Presilng Neatly Dune. A Fit llu.iranteed. City Tailor, Medford