Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, June 30, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    ...J. ......
The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined
By far the largest and best news report
of any paper In Southern Oregon.
The Weather
Pair tonight and Wednesday; con
tinued tvftiut; north to east wind a.
NTo. 88.
Aberdeen Millionaire and
a Former Mayor Leaps
From Hotel Window at
Salem, Crushing Skull
SAI.EM, Oil'., Juno 30. .loliu Lind
atrom, a tniUionaire, ox-mayor of Aber
deen, Wttsb., and a shipbuilder of that
city, who cnino to Salem yesterday from
Portland, committed suicide about 2:30
o'clock this morning by leaping from
tho ledgo that passed directly beneath
the window of bis room in tho Willam
etto hotel. His skull and both legs
wero broken by the fall which wns from
a four-story window onto a pavement.
A check on tho San Francisco Xa
tional nBnk signed by ('hurled H. ilig
gins for $700 was found in his clothes.
There were also two telegrams. One
was from Aberdeen, Wash., aud was
signed by ('. li. Green. It read: "Can
not accomplish anything without you.
Ilagen advises return at once and com
mence action for blackmail. "
The other telegram was from the Hen
dixen Ship Building Company of Ki
reka, Cal., and was as follows: "One
week notice required. Will call meet
ing July 0, unless this wire is inter
cepted." Tho night clerk at the hotel says
IJndstrom went to his room about 1.
' o'clock, and appeared to havo beeu
' drinking. When found there were no
clothes on the body except a night shirt,
i He had taken off everything, crawled
from tho wind.iw onto the ledge and
,jnmped-'nr fallen off. The door of his
room was"' unlocked.
SAX KltANCISCO, Cal., June HO. At
'the office of Charles II. Higgins of this
city, it was said today that John IJad
strom" was u pvominent, wealthy and
substantial shipbuilder of Eureka, Cal.,
and Aberdeen, Wash. He had business
dealing with Higgins, who is engaged
in the ship stores business. This ac
counts for the check for $700 signed by
Higgns, which Lindatrnni had in his
pocket. No possible clew to the mys
tery could be suggested by the '11 iggins
While iu Minneapolis, Kd Andrews
visited bin old friend Governor John
sou, Bryo n 'h domoc rutin prosidon t in 1
rival, and had a long political chat with
him. Johnson in working hard to sfeure
the office and pr misea to do things it'
he gets it. Conservative democrats from
nil over tho middle west are reported
to lie strongly for him, especially i the
big cities and in' his own state where
his popularity is -very great. The New
York delegation is solid for Johnson.
Whether a presidential candidate or
not Johnson is going-to make r trip tn
the coast next winter, and Kd says John
son has promised him to come to Med
ford, see our wonderful ooun'.ry and
delver a speech.
KOMK, June ,1". It was learned that
the congregation of the propaganda has
been cabling to Snn Francisco making
inquiries as to the antecedents and gen
eral reputation of Dr. llanaa. This is
taken to mean that the holy father
has agreed to set aside the charges of
modernism against Dr. Hnnna and that
he will shortly be appointed coadjutor
to Monsignor Hiordnn nrebbishop of the
' djoreso of fan Francisco.
Tho announcement some time ago
fiom the Vatican that the cond.jutnrship
of the San Vranvisen diocese would re
main vacant for some time, caused no
little surprise here. The reason given
wns that Pr. Ilanna's friends had been
making too strenuous a campaign for
him and that the pope wns uncertain
concerning the charges of modernism
that had been brought against Dr.
The Vatican is evidently satisfied on
this latter score and it i" "aid here
that Dr. Hanna's friends have been
quirt for some time.
MAN F II A NCI WO, -al., June 30.
Archbishop Riordan's secretary today
sai.l that no notification of the np
"... if---. n .lie noiition
poimmenr or it. nu"
of eoadjutor had been receded here.
Fifth Death Occurs From
San Francisco Outrage
Blew Up Wrong Man's
SAN KUANCISUO, Cal., June :so.
Detectives nad police are baffled in
their efforts to explain the explosion
which destroyed two buildings and cost
the lives of five porsons yesterday and,
though they are unable to substantiate
it, thory still cling to I ho accident the
ory. Special agents- of I hog raft prosecu
tion are investigating the statement of
.Mrs. Strenime, who lives near the scene
of the explosion, and who says she saw
man miming away from tho place
after tho explosion. Mho guvo thejiinder the influence of liquor, engaged
sleuths n detailed description of the riu battle with Chief of Police Barclay
man, and many other clues. Thev are fand his force of three men. The chief
ngaged in vigorous efforts that may
lead to an arrest today.
Fred Sweeney, son of Johu Kwoenev.
owner or the destroyed grocery store,
who was killed, positively denied today
that there was any gasoline in the Htorn,
and tho police, who s?ek to prove this
theory, are endeavoiring to show that
tho gasoline was illegally kept for sale
lo automobiles.
The belief that the explosion was
the work of dynamiters, however, is
strongest among those who have aeeu
the ruins. Investigation showed that
Thomas J. (iallagher, to whom the build
ing was leased, is a half brother of
.Samuel I,. Johnson, who conducted a
saloon on the site which was destroyed.
He is mi relation of the Thomas J. Qnh I
lagher who is I he brother of former'
Supervisor "Big Jim" Gallagher, who
has bee a t li e oh jec t of repeat ed dy
namiting ontrag s. Members of the graft
prosecution believe, uoverthelOMH, that
the thugs who blew up " Big Jim's'
property were misled by the names be
ing identical. Having found all of fial
lnghcr'n property carefully guarded, it
is believed, they went over the records
in the recorder's office and hit upon
the property as an opportunity for a
new attack. Ttic ruthless criminalitv
that would lead lo such ruthless sacri
fice of persons in no way connected
with the objects of their diabolical
plots has magnified the necessity of
running down Hie dynamiters in the
new of the graft prosecution.
The fifth death was added to the list
at midnight, when Mrs. May Disscniey
ere succumbed to the injuries she sus
tained. Fred Kweeuev who is bndlv
hurt, has been reported to be doing
well at the hospital today
SAX FRA.WISCO, Cal.. June 3o.
The ousting of Thomas A. l,awson from
tho Buporintendoney of the western di
vision of the Southern Pacific railroad
is believed to be an aftermath of the
recent investigation ami indictment of
that road for alleged rebating. Lawsoti
handed ia his resignation last night and
it was immediately accepted.
Officials of the railroad refuse to dis
cuss 1. ii u-s. m's retirement, ami he do
clares that he was prompted ony Iby his
tesiro to return to the enst, where he
says several good positions nwnit his
selection. ,
Lawson came to Son Francisco from
Chicago ia November, 1!)07. He was
formerly operating superintendent of
the one division of the Chicago ft North
western railroad.
Assistant Superintendent A. W. Dakar
is in temporary- charge of this division,
pending the selection of T.nwson's suc
cessor. J. H. Wallace, ctigi'aoor of nminten-
ance of way nf the Pacific systVm of
1 he Southern Pacific, resigned todnv
and will enter another line of business
Hi- h.iri been with the railway 2s!
vi-ar". John Uuuicv imrlow. former
,i,.t oi.uinaer i,( tl.O VlotJ)-n f i r-
i t ..-Ml U'nllr.
The carnival fleet, r.-hirh ad-
.,.;.. .1 Mi.lf.n,' and cmtliern Oroffon
in the roe carnival parade at Portland
c.nlv in .Tune and n. ordered "lllpr-en
here ban arrived in good condition and
be te.'n at the Taire wnrehousr1
pbifform. The float i n very h.'-ndsome
ene and stood the journey in good snap.
The float i now Hie proj.erty of the
ciry city nnd was "hipped through the
roiirtev nf the Southern Pacific, Tt
II be sent to A-hland for the Fonrth
'of July parade. '
Soldiers Mob Office and
Break Windows-Become
Indignant Over Published
Story of Vandalism.
1'OltT TOWNSKND, Wash., June an.
liesenting a published newspaper sto
ry that was taken to criticize soldiers
for an act of vandalism, member:! cf the
artillery garrison - from Port Word en
came to Port Towusend Inst night and
started u demonstration of complaint
that grow into a riot. The giujs front
of the offices of the Evening Call was
broken in by missiles thrown by por
sons who haven t been apprehended. A.
Mnzeu of the crowd who norma red tn he
was severely beaten.
A report of the trouble, which wns
rapidly assuming morn Herious propor
i tious, was made to Colonel Cummins,
commanding the fort, who responded to
au appeal for help with post awards.
land included every available man from
Fort Worden. Kverv soldier found was
placed under arrest and taken to the
The newspaper story that was offen
sive to theai was published during the
time they were restricted to camps
about the big guns of the fortifications
of lower Paget sound. - 1
GAVE $12,000 BOGUS
VHKIvA, C.'al., Juno -11. A genuine
ease of "frenzied finance" has devel
oped in this county. A man giving his
name as Charles (!. Harrington called
on A. L. Itanium, a rancher at Sheep
liock, which is about twenty miles from
hero, and informed him that he was a
rancher from the vicinity of Callahan;
that he had purchased a large ranch
over there, and wa about to start a
dairy, and wns looking for several more
ranches and all the cattle he could buy.
Oave Check for Amount.
After looking over Itanium 's ranch
he concluded to buy it. II e wrote out
an ugreemnt, which lie had Raraum
sign, to sell him his place, which con
tains about'HlKJ acres, for $12,000. When
riurnum hail signed the agreement. Har
rington drew a check on the Siskiyou
County iiaak for the full amount of
lL',(lfii), and gave it. to Harniim. This
was oa the Slid. Oa the following day
they were to come to town nad have
Ihe deeds drawn up and close the deal.
When about ready to start for this
dace, Hum inn's brother ie law told Har
rington he had bet'er stay there and
look at some cattle which Harrington
wanted tn buy or trade for, which he
In the meantime itarmiui came to
town, bringing with him the check and
also a letter to ao abstract company,
which Harrington had giveu him, for an
abstract of the land, illinium first
mill -I nl the bank. and. to his astonish
inent. he found that Harrington had no
funds there; nor was he known to the
b.'iak officials. He then took tho letter
to the abstract company, and its oflicers
l.nw nothing of him.
The matter was l lieu placed ia the
otlleer's hands, and Harringtor. wi.s ar
rested and brought to the county jail.
It now develops that he is the same
man who passed a couple of checks at
Fdgewood recently, one oa H. H. Pat
terson and the other o'i Kd Cavaneugh.
As they got their money back from him.
no charge was preferred. The district
r.'lorni'V i in ei ign? ing 'he rn""or.
j -
t HAY FHAYflSf'O, Oil.. June .to.
Americans who have iut returned from
.lanan tounv exnresH the he hef that the
' m 1 If.rlrt anonlro to r,n tUa c-n f
: nsoei A-. :.. i rri
great financial depre.nion
that the wnve which was recently Rweep.
ling thin country in .just reaching the
I orient and the f'hineae bnvcnlt ia linv
ing a marked effect on buainemi.
Frel A. llardner, chief engineer ef
the I ninn Iron work., end Hcv. 17. Ilro-
!kaw. who returned to thin country on
I'ne len )o .Marn. holfl tlie name view
Ion tni. .object
Thev ntfrec that there
i is little chancn if Japan enenping se
rioiis faults frotn the nendinif denres-
L,;..n '
" ineU.' Kino nf Illinois, second vlce-pres
... ,.ltJ.-.. m wint.m .Tr,i,r. ftf Kan.
. n,cko,d Hm. , P Bexford'aa.. board of director.; Mr. Frederick,
of Wenntchee, W,h., for npn.rd. of
Grand Maneuvers of Mika
do's Fleet Ordered at the
Same Time Americans
Are at Manila
TuKlO, June ;t0. It was announced
today that the grand naval maneuvers
will begin October lo and continue
uutil the emperor s general review of
the lleet in the latter part of November.
SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., June 30.
Tho announcement of tho grand naval
maneuvers of tho Japanese, fleet was
received with marked interest when
transmitted to o ulcers of the American
fleet in the harbor here.
Tho American ships aro due, accord
ing to tho schedule, to arrive at Yoko
hama on October 17.
The net result is that the navies of
I America and Japan will bo in active
trim, ready for a "frolic" at the same
time in the waters of Japan.
The American fleet will be at battle
practice in Manila Bay nt tho time of
the general review by the emperor,
when tho whole Japanese navy is ex
pected to be mobilized nt Yokohama.
Most positive denials are made that
them is anything extraordinary in the
announcement of Japan's naval plans,
it is said that the review' and maneu
vers are regular set performances, and
it. is ex fiected that it is only natural
I hat the Japanese should want their
hips to be in fine trim and make a j
good sliowing when the Americans visit
their shoreH.
SISSON, Cal., June 20 In the state
fish hatchery at this place there are I
now over o,nno,0ni baby llsh or " trout I
fry," from one to two months of age.
They require forty hutching troughs 1
for their accommodation, there being I
,000 "babies" in each trough.
There are llio.OliiJ grown or growing
trout ia the hatchery, including the j
rainbow, steelhead, Eastern brook, Loch ;
Levin, dollv varden, flerman brown and
grayling. The last is a very ilillicult j
llsh to propagate nrtinciully. Of all j
these varieties the raiabow is the favor-
He throughout the worm, both ns a
table llsh and one that gives the angler i
satisfaction iu boing gamy.
As is well known, fish are distrib-
uted all over the world from the Sisson
hatchery, through government agencies.
Several shipments have been made to
New Zealand, Germany, Kngland undinn, ,., ff t. w.ltcr supply. When
Australia, and even lo Central and
Soul n Africa.
The first purpose of the hatchery is.!."..,..,,,.., ji TK, kilchen of tho place,
however, to keep the streams of Call- '
tornia well stocked, replenishing those;
streams that have become depleted by '
onstant Ashing or other causes. The:
hatchery supplies the fish to earnest np-
plicants who will properly receive th r
try and distribute them to suits ble ,
waters. '
What is needed most alter Ihe slo.k-
ing of stream is that the yliung fish ,
shall have time to establish themselves i
in homes and go to housekeeping, as,
it were, n lanes a r.roui tnree years
to reach a size that they may be law
fullv tuken. Thev ought to lie pro
tected nt least five vears in restocked
(reams, fisherv officials maintain.
IIOSTOX. Ma-s., June gil. "The reg
ulurs" were defeated today in the elec- the Indian out here to be known ai did much work trolay. I ti uegro
tion of nfficeri. for the Federation of 'The Pacific I ml. I though! it would jpioa a on the road early thin morning
Women's plulm. which in in biennial c
here. Mr. I'h in Mnorn of Ht.'tbe Meo-toirt Hlio..r. nnn nave .men
n'T.nlMW IllinDOrted tV the WCftt. dcft'ntM
Virion W-irrt nf ltn.itr-.ri 1
-iiNt 'm rrinrlidiitc for the nresidonry, by
il vol
of .".in to Mil. Thin wan the onlv
,ntet and fcling rcn high among the!
Mr. Moore wa tint vice president
from Hint until 19oS and ha erved tlie
jrederation of Women' dub. in many
capacities, nnc in ug iimmi' in i
snr rnlleue. Tho other officers eWtM
are ns follows:
I Mrs. Josiah K. ('owles of Tjos An-
r'nl irvt vice nresident. Mrs.
N. Sbleck of Wheatland, Wyo cone
ponding teereury.
Ten Millions Distributed
in San Francisco by Sav
ings and Commercial
Banks to Stockholders.
SAX KKANCI8CO, Cal., June 30.
Ten milliou dollars will be put into
circulation tomorrow, when semi annual
dividends are paid by commercial aud
savings banks aud industrial institu
tions of San Vrancisco. The saving
banks of the city have announced that
they will pay dividends for the half
year muling today on a basis of 4 per
cent per annum, and the average divi
dend of the other corporations will
amount to about the same.
While the money to lie paid out in
dividends will not go iu large amounts
to any few individuals or groups of in
dividuals, most of it will return to the
savings banks and be available for
loanH on real estate.
The time for distribution of dividends
is generally marked by a derided bet
torment of financial conditions, and this
is so to a greater degree at the present
time than usual.
Shortage of monev has caused the
banks to keep their loans within n nar
row margin, and every saving in loans
has been efleeted in order to meet the
dividend payment tomorrow. The mon
ey which has been lying idle will go
into circulation immediately and will
giving a strong impetus to
jbuilding, both in downtown and resi
dentinl districts. Property owners, build
ers, business and Inboriag men wilt re
ceive most of tho benefit from the div
idend and will seek better paying in
vestments as soon as they receK'e their
money. '
Depositors in savings banks will re
ceive more than if.'l,(lit0,00n, tho stock
holders in commercial banks will re
w a"'- "monnia, trust
companies ana nuucing mm mm ao-
'''aliens will pay anu .alius.
corporations win ,,,,.,:
" ' "
DLUiV 1 INlu tllvt
a AX FUANI.'ISCO, Cal., June ;I0.--
'J,jculouuut Joseph llolau uud Joseph
o rfrien of Company 111, fire depart
meut, were injured tday in it peculiar
accident at a fire in u Mission Btrcet
restaurant. Dolnn was not badly hurt,
j)ut o'llrieu was rendered unconscious,
'p(, . H( hold of the nozzle when
(. hose became kinked in the Btrcet
someone straightened out the kink the
;,,. , ,. ,. iidilen kick and threw both
w,j,., lv,la seething furnace of l'luino.
i,,i,ul scrambled out, but O'Hrieu
i1JI(i . tf. rescu-d.
n, ,MHU,. i,,ne bv fire was about
jonnn. Lodgers in a hotel next door
,-11P.lioil out into the street iu their night
r.s. but were sent buck to their beds,
, ),; levari, president of the Med
fllrrj (, .,,! (; ,,h, ha
the following from K. I'. Huh), one of
the crn-k marksmen of the northwext:
Ta.-oma. Wuh.. June 27. Mr, J. K.
Knyurt, Mfdford, Or. Dear Sir and
Kriend: How is the f-dford shoot
project coming on f The hoys are all
looking forward o it, and you will have
li j;ood crowd. Hope yon yn) flic regis.
(ration this we'k, I have word from
Justin at Frisco that he will mindy
be then1.
There is another proportion afoot.
' We are going to organize a branch or
We are going tn organize n branch of
be a ...! plan t" lormally organize at
1 ..... . . . . 1 . 1 ..
Hip Iiovh
II would be rathe
. nice.. I IIIIIIK, in ' " '
Ho weitem Indian., destined to
'be a big organization, wan mnpire.i nnn
formed nt the Mdford lloonteri.'
My bet regard, to nil. Very truly
V. (!. Itl'llT..
Kather Van left for Vortland Monday
evening, on Mmness eonneciea wun uieiiooKen in pcneei ronnmuu,
proposed Misters' hospital nt Medford.l
Mr. and Mm. Mmnford have returned
;to Portland, necompiinied by the bitter's
.mother. Mrs. V. Carroll.
- Owen Dunhvp and T. H
F.ngel wore
1 recent builnem v 1,1 tor. In Mcdford.
Eighteen-Year-Old Girl Car
ried 0 by Robbers Who
Demand $5000 . for Her
Return-Posses In Search
FUEriXO, t'alj, June 30. "Jf you
don't pay ua $5000 for your daughter
befort) night, we will come back and
kill you."
This is the threat that three dospcru-
doett hurled at Antone Domeogiu, ns
they carried away hit) beautiful 18-yeur-old
duughter at tho point of a revolver
iirly today. - '
Domuntriue lives in A ranch houBO
iicur Voaligu, find he burried to tows
today with a story thnt brought tho
wholo town into action. Tho two kid
uupem rode up to t he boune iu t h i
Hiuall hours of the morning uud set fire
to the burn und outhounet.
The members of the family, frightened
by the crackling of the flumes, rushed
from the koune iu I heir night clothen.
The men were there ready. They forced
Ihnneugiiie to throw up his hundH and
ttdd hit wife she would bo killed if nbe
moved.' Then one of the bandits went
to the house and took their vuluubU-s
There he diHcnvered Kdnu, the 18-year-old
daughter, and pointing his revol
ver at nor forced her to walk before
him into the yard.
By Ihe light of the bluJug bum they
forced I he girl to get into ii ranch
wagon. Hie mottier wept bitterly ana
importuned them' to Mop, but to no
avail. They spoko gruffly Hnd told her
that if who did not. h top "(miffling"
they would shoot her. The father wan
enraged, but could not defend hi daugh
ter for fear that he would be killed if
he made a movement.
The girl wns forced to sit in the mid
dle of the wagon seat. Then one man
sat on the Hide und held her. With
urses, I hey hurled the purting threat
at Pomougine, who had on weapon
and feared to follow.' Tho mother
Mwooaed oh she saw her duughter car
ried off unci heard ber ncreamH as tho
wagon rolled off down tho roud. Tho
father hastened to the nearest house and
securing a team and fireurins, Ret out
in pursuit, but lost the bandits from hf
lelay mi netting help.
KV VOKK, June .W. After lying
nt the point of death' throughout tho
night, JJisliop Henry ('odiniin Potter,
who has been ill ftt bis Cooperalown
homo sinci; June 5, had not improved
today, and it is feared that he will be
unable to urvive. Fresh air, rides,
walks anil frequent sailing trips on
Ohego lake had made, a rcaiuikablo hn-p.ovr-ment
in Bishop 'otter's condition
and hopes for his complete recovery
were entertained until lut week, when
he broke down uDder tho tutrenie heat.
Fntil (hut time the bishop whs confi
dent of bis early recovery, lie was at
hi office in the (')ark Kstate building
almost dealy and was exceptionally ac
tive for a man in his THth year. When
the bishop's liver und utoniah trouble,
iiHiH-vated by the heat, forced him to
retire to his bed. Dr. J, I. damn of
New York and Ir, KiHsett of Coopers
town were called and have been in al
most constant atteoduni-e since.
MA.V KKAM'IMI'O, Cul., .Iun X'l.
Neither .loe l.aioi nor naming .ei-nn
,o log. ami am ,, ..,.,, ,..
lid ft little gviunaHiuni Work, rnllnw-
ing his eiistom, he- Hinuniited honnjit
from his program of training, " It
won't, do me any good to hot," said!
(inns. "If I wanted to put on thel
gloves to prepare for this fight I would!
have to knock out a sparring partner
several times a day. You can't bot
Nelsimj you have to fight him, so
am savina my hands."
I The negro weighed 1M pounds
Nelson appears to be In better mu
litlon than he hna been thin near
Itlght for neveral yeum. He U confident
of victory. Last night the Pane bet
on himself to win aguinst $1000
put up by Ben HehR. The
I odd, are two to one today, and there
itc plenty of Can money in light. 8e
Parker's Arrival at Denver
Tomorrow Opens Fight
to Finish With the Bryan
(By Juku E. Neviais.)
1H3NVKR, Col., June 30. With the
arrival tomurrow of Alton B. Parker of
New York, conservative of - consorva-
tves. and the big Ihtsterp contingent,
the wht ou 'rAdicali!lr,, in tbo demo-
ratic national convention will be on.
Kvery prospect pointa to an old-time
democratic tight to a finish and the pros
pect Deems to be pleasing to the leaders.
The main battle will center around the
antl injunction plank. Parker, a judge
und a lawyer, wil oppoae bitterly any
step that might be construed as an
'uttark ou the courts."
Tlie conservatives plan to make a hot
Hinputn "all along the line, and eren
folk ubout beating Bryan for the nom
ination, which appears to be itupoaible.
The iuuuuger,s of the campaign of
fudge Gray of lie!warfl will open head
i)unrters tomorrow. He is the favorite
if the conservative and they will rally
around his .suite, iu the Savoy hotel.
The main body of the supporters of
Hovernor Johnson of Minnesota are ex
pected tn orrive this evening.
The Bryan ineu are confident that
Ihey will be able in cuntrol the forma
tion of the platform and predict that it
will be the kind of platform that Bryan
JXCOI-hV. Neb., June 30. Tho Bry-
unites unnouueed today' that they are
not iu the leant frightened at the claim
of Judge (tray's friends that he will bs
l fuctor iu the convention. They de
larcd that Gray's only possible hope
is for second place on the ticket.
Arrangements already have been made
for notifying Bryan of his nomination
at Kuirview farm.
The Twin J'ail.- capitalists interested
by Rd Andrews in the possibilities of
this vnlley are txpected to arrive here
some time in .July to personally inves
tigate (hi; land nbont which they have
heard so much. Their plan, if every
thing comes up to I heir expectations,
Is to buy a large tract and send oat a
Colony of settlers. The schema is sim
ilar to several which are already being
tried Iu various parts of the vnlley.
I be print- of the land hero strikes
them ah a little high, but when they
have seen with tlieir own eyea its ftiar
tcIous capability, Ed has no fear but
that they will be more than satisfied.
SAX FKA.ynHCO, Cab. June SO.
('Oi' jriiei'.iit secret stfrviue mon are to-
(t:y in' stip&ting one of the most mys
terious robberies that, bus yet occurred
on gnrernmcnt property. The beaut'
fnl wedding powu of Mis. Hhorb-WMte
Lick, wife of Captain Carroll O. Buclf.
'Oii-'tliei1 with u tray of valuable je. flf,
w. st!d from Mr. Buck's trot, m
f.iMt' J'in raticieo from MutJU it
boaid the urmv transport flhern- m.
I nuil; was t hit- padlocked and 'n tin
strong box snd wos under guarn most
of the time.
The theft was not discovered mm; il
the trunk whs delivered t.o tiw home of
Vn. John A. Murtagh, Mrs. Boei.'a m
ter, here but night, and every eff'orr
litis bceri n 'e by the' snny rn?n to
ki-ep tue theft n secret,
frs. Mu"tiifdi brought: (he tnin.f; wirh
IH treii'.iiitM fo this i-oniitry for Afi.
f:ue, .bt ix P trying in fh Pl.'lfiPiirts"
Is! itj'lt v. t(tt h'r husbiind, . ,
f'V -f Ihe trunk bears. yb.o!it.e-
ly oo evidence of having ben tampered
with and Ihe whole affair seems hi
rival A. Consn Doyle mystery. The
soii-r on guard over the-tmn, is suid to
be above suspicion by the offWem ot
the Hhermnn. -
Mrs. Ine fthorb-White Buck wm the
1 eader of -Han .VmncicoV.nart set,
h,(.f0re shrt naM for ManiU to become
MMrs. Captain Buck several weks ago.
1 -It in thought that, the robber is re-
s-ndlvA i nQmf. wfty to tbe thiet who stole
i wealing wnn ana jewelry nere. ;mo
- U,, i nA& t0 be systematifially work
ing among the smart set on the coast.
li(j also bet 5011 even money with the
Dune that Clans would win in SO round .
Jack Wel,b paid a visit to NeUoD'l
camp at Colmn today. Be wll viilt Can,
tomorrow. .