Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, June 25, 1908, Page 1, Image 1

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    The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined
By far the largest and l. st news report
of any paper in Southern Oregon.
DllSedferdl Daily
The Weather
Kfiir weather is promised for tonight
and tomorrow.
Xo. 84.
f . ;
DK.NVKit. Col., .1,,,,,. J.-,. Sup- Z
porters of William ,T. Hrynn in liis
cotitost fir a third uomiimtiou nn sV
js the democratic tit-kft today de-
; clarod tliat t h.-v were sun- of at
least Toil .Hi-!. l'r him n Hi,, (irst '
ballot ami that they probably will
Anti-Saloon League Divides "
J all nth,
Mate Into Districts and
Assesses Each for Funds
for Salaries and Warfare
lia i' sou.
A t.ilai ,.f i;:.', two thiids of the
oto in the convent inn, is ro.juir
. .1 for nominal ion.
Tho Hrvaii m,n say that tlinir
vtiniute .Ions not exclude III,. New
- York delegation
They say that Uryan will win l,v
ivei whelming ma ioi-jtv
efforts that Tin lit
'" jitii inriii in the oi
posit Inn.
; : Even Break in Preliminary Races-Big Event this Afternoon
Cabinet Officers and College Boys Mingle in Enormous Crowd
Which Swarms to New London-President's Yacht in Harbor,
but He is Obliged to Forego His Plan to Root for Harvard.
Statu Superintendent J. U. Knodell
of the Anti-Saloon league spoke to two
iimlieiu-es at the Ilaptist ehureh Wed
nesdny. The afternoon, meeting was
more of a conference of workers in the
muse uf dryness than a mass mooting.
The evening meeting was well attended.
.Mr. Knodell stated that the recent pro
hibition campaign in Jackson county
cost $10to.
Air. Knodell is an interesting speaker,
au organizer of inure than ordinary abil
ity, u shrewd politician and a good
business men He spoke in the after
noon meeting of the reorganization of
tho league, mid told of the prohibition
victories in the state, and plans for
stato prohibition.
Oregon will bu divided into three dis
tricts eastern, central a ad stmt hern.
Kaeh county in the various groups will
report to district headquarters, which
report to stale. The present county or
ganization, consisting of a central com
mittee working through precinct com
initteemen, is to be maintained.
Districts to Baiso Com.
teach district is to raise a certain
amount of money annually, apportioned
according to population iinioug the coun
ties. The southern Oregon district will
raise approximately .f'oOul) annually, of
which :f"12.")0 is to ze secured in Jackson
I count v. The monev so rinsed is I'1 the
as follows: One-fifth to pay salary of
the state superintendent, two fifths to
go to tho state fund for a slate lawyer,
tiehl secretary, detectives, etc., and two
XKW LONDON Conn., Juno !I.V-Uiir-vard
and Vale divided honors in the pre
liminary races, the blue winning the
'varsity four-oared race and the eriin
son carrying the honors in the fresh
men eights. This division gave alt the
more interest in the big eight-oar con
test of the afternoon.
In the four oared nice, the Vale crew
got off in the lead by a half a length
and gradually forged ahead inch by
inch till at. the end of the two mile
course they had extended the advantage
to a full length. The official lime was:
ininiiGai ractory in Basement N-aM i nut.. ami seconds.
f i , ,. .. ! The Harvard freshmen wore grimly
oi Large Tenement Building. .i.-K-n..i...-.i t.. retrieve ti. day tor n,o
I crimson and got off with a terrific
J stroke. They took the lead at the start
and rowed uway from the . .ew Haven
crew m the blue shell, wining by two
and a half lengths. The official time
Many Lives Endangered by Bad I
Fire. Caused by Explosion in!
I'll ICAdO,
June 25. Ono iiinii, one
woman ami four children were burned ' was: irarvni',1 ! minutes iin.l ,'IS seconds,
to death am) eight girls ami two limn ! Y,,l ! "'",,'s and 47 seconds,
worn s,,-iosly linnmil toilay in rii-n! XMW T.ONIUNOnnn., .Iiinn 2o. A
lollnwnif; an explosion !' i-lii-niiriilN in s,ankinK lirmv.n wliii-h is kii'ltiiiK up
tin. liiu' fai-lnry nl' tho I'alist Chniniral tho I'onrso on Ihn Tliamns river totlay
I'oiiipaiiv. throati'iis to fnrro a post ponnniont of
The exiih.sinii on'iii'n'il in n i-,,.n !
where many wnmeii anil men were al !
wm li. A tile slai teil imineiliately after j
xplnsinn am the iinrnito. ,-li,nii,.lu '
Iresses nl eiirllt L'il'ls llfirn.
; All (he men ami w-ninen in the room i
I'leil to the innl. t'eariny a general enn-
j flai;i'atinn. Tin winil fanneil the fire!
in the w, mini's ilresses. The men tried!
imii'0 or President Koosevelt, to wlmni
Ihey looked for great, eiieouragemenl.
They had been cheered liy the thoiiKht
that his iiptieartinee in the erimson
the Vale-Univai'd boat moo until lute
in the afternoon.
The Vale eiKii in the favorite in the
vent and a number of lai-j;e betH
were leeurileil toduy at 10 to II and 3 to ranks would inure than offset the ex
I on the sons of Kli. j peetod liesenee of Seerelary Taft in
The Harvard men, however, are con-1 'ho blue
fideiit. The Kenernl npiuion is that The broad river is filled with yaehls
Hie erews are more evenly matehed '"t all kinds and Ihere are hundreds of
than usual and that Vale is giving I'lillluR and ,-hui;itini launelies. all dee
on the streujrih f itB past vietories. 'oruted in the colors of the lompetiuK
The ya. lit Mayflower, with the House- ;, rows. The sight, is the most beautiful
veil fiiinily, made its nay up the rivre ever witnessed here, as there nre more
between Die hundreds of liouln that line. boats and a greater profusion of deco
the course and took a position near the 'ration.
liuish line. j jfK( Mjjt a( (,1(.lv tris have
I'resident Roosevelt was absent from been bringing thousands of visitors
lie- Mayflower, having given up the to give this sleepy old New England
trip on necouiit of the death of former town its annual wakening, and tickets
I'resident Grovor t'leveland. for the observation trains on both sides
The I'nited States cruisers Olympin ' nt ,t' river nre in big demand and liun
aud Chicago and the moliitor Arkansna ''reds of visitors have gone up the river
entered the harbor this iiioriiiui. At tho R' "H ',,,f4' positions at the finish
same time the Sylph, with Assistant .Sec- ''". "mir '"'h'H above the starling poinl
lelaiy of the Xnvy Xowlierry, enine ill. ! This is the lAI an una I race. Vale
The trim liltle Slvph took up a position has won n ml llarvard IS. Vale holds
of vantage for viewing I he race. ilhe having covered the lour
' Thcrn is much disappointment mining miles in IHXK in iln miiUit,.s and In see
the ITaivard men at the enforced nil- nnils.
l'l.i:Vi:l.ANI, I)., .Inn,. 2.5.
At I) o'clock this morning the doc-
tors attending . lames S. Sherman,
republican candidal,' for the vice-
presidency, auuonuced that their
patient hud passed a cnmfolluble
aiglu and was considerably re-
, . .vi.i.-i. ,,.s ,-oii.ui ion snows geo-
oral improvement, but it has beu
agreed ihat be will uot leave the
linspiial lor another week.
In Keeping With His Unpreten
tious Character There Will Be
Nothing in the Funeral Service.
to Indicate His Prominence.
Shah Issues Orders for
wholesale Executions
Foreign LegationsCrowd
ed With Refugees.
I'llll'AliO. .In no liiA dispatch to
ilhe I limine ti-om Jersevville, III., snys:
Daniel Mathews, aged lit, Ihn "most
l,nl,fi,l ,...., ;.. in:.,:a ,u
la-liKNK, Or., ,le ".-..-The corn,.- I ,,.,. , fmll.h . , T
rs jury in an inquest over the honv t,,.,. t M i,.rt . i ,rn ,
fifths to be spent locallv in the district ,,n ""Oht the tlames. but did not sue- ''bfford Viekers, Hi years old, who r.iir honr ai(( j( if ' "
raising the coin. ' ;''"' ""til the girls had b, severely j -nine here recently fro... Denver andfor Ilim () tho huV
A vote of thanks was given lo I 'hair- ' urinnl, and it is thought several of ,wlm died suddenly in the office of Dr. hjm, ()f . lMnrut Fr.l7i , ( A
mini i ne nev. uani . .Mclienry oi 1 im-k.m m mm unt ru,n
Ashland, and the members of the ro ) rescin d the girls and men liifii-r the physician hal given him a
bibitiou central committee, iancludino . ,,'"ltl 'he roof and put out the fire in the f eat ment of diphtheria antitoxin for
II. f Garnett. A. ('. Pab v. A. M. J.u k ' 1:" '""y below. John Di.odv, a firemnu. lasth.iut, returned a verdict that the
was hadly htidly hurt by exploding chem boy came to his death through criminal
icals in the factory, which sputtered I cnrelesnrss on the part of the phvsi
man, Ke
Shields ami others.
Judge Ha una Grilled.
At the evening meeting the Med lord
charter was discussed, and Mr. Knodell
held that the supreme court would re
verse .lodge llaana's decision upon the
ground of righteousness. Me grilled
Judge (fauna severely by iuuendo, being
careful not to men t ion his name. He
said that certain judges had been in
the habit for b' years of absorbing
liquor themselves, so that all their
ideas aud judgments were "colored by
the sparkle of the wine in (lie glass.''
Jle also said that being for long under
corporate influence and accustomed to
decide cases in favor of corporat ions,
contain judges got in the habil of de
ciding matters in favor of special in
terests, like the saloons.
Rev. Mr. Williams of St. Mark's in
vited all to come to his church Sunday
morning if they wanted lo hear "hot
shot,' as he was going to preach upon
"Church s Saloon" in reply to crit
ieisms made upon his participation in
the prohibition cause.
tire in every directum like an exhibi
tion of fireworks.
An unknown man was found dving
from bums in the lower portion of the
building. His features were nlmost un
recognizable He li:n been caught in
the midst of a pile of exploding chem
icals and bombarded on nil sides by
explosions until he was unable (o es
cape. The firemen found the bodies of a
man and woman and four children in
the room ia which the explosion oc
curred. They had evidently been knock
ed down Ijy the force of the expulsion,
which occurred near to their table, and.
overcome by fumes before (lirv could
escape from Die death trap.
It i thought that more bodies may be
found before the s.areh has been (.,,ni
pleled. It'irstii.g package of chemicals were
thrown in every direction bv the first
which occurred in the mixing i dermic injection.
I r HeTtnr, former!
V K I AIT, Cnl., June 2.V-liy a decision
handed down by the supreme court, one
of the longest and bitterest legal bat
ties in the history of the tsate has been
practically ended and attorneys for both
sides are today inak ing arrangements
.for the final trial of the eae a mliujj
to directions given in the decision.
The unit involves title to 1 MO nere
.of fine redwood forest lands and was
brought against capitalists interested ia
the Xnrth western Pacific liailroad com
pany. These men obtained options on
the land ahead of the railroad, and
when tho road camp fleorije and Hale
McGowen, who owned the land, refused
to sell. They obtained judgment in a
suit in n lower court on the ground that
it i ngnint public policy for tracts to
be secured in advance of the railroad.
The oiprerne court p'erned (M deci
ion and ordered (he re entail on pure gri Oiid". O
room of tin- chemical factory which
; oe.-upied the basement, whirl, was fol
lowed immediately ,y several others in
rapid succession. Simultaneously with
'I xpIosioitH a fire broke out. fed bv
inflammable chemicals, and all the ei.i
doves in the basement had a hard time
renchiug the ground alive. The fire
and explosion cut off the escape of
everyone on the second story, which
was occupied by the I. I,. N'ov'elty com
pany Seventy five employed of this
concern were compelled to' jump from
the window ,it once for their lives and
m.-tny were hM,t when thev reach
tin the lodging h.iuw oi.-the upper
floors there was great confusion. Cut
off from escape hy stairs or elevators
by the fierce firo hclow, which, com
bined with the explosion, hn.i VLr,.,,b..A
jciau. That part of tin verdict reads
jus follows:
"We find Ihat death was caused by
er.minjil carelessness of T, George
lO'B. DeRar. said Dr. Deltar at the time
of giving diptheria antitoxin knowing
the pro) table fatal consequences. Also,
that he further administered this anti
toxin without consult ing the father of
the deceased, of the probable outcome
whbdi the hypodermic inject ion might
have with a patient affected with asth
ma, or wtlliont calling any other phy
sician in consultation before adminis
leiiug the said antitoxin.
The boy came to Kugene only it few
weeks ago with his father, K. T Vick-
rs. trom Denver, in the hope that the
haiige of climate would benefit hi
heah h. Getting no better, his father
took him to Dr. Deltar Pridnv, and the
doctor administered this treatment. He
died within ten minutes after the hvpo-
pract iced in .Trick
so.iville and is well remembered bv
mrtnv residents there.
d the
turned to the roof, fro
were r-n ued by f i rem j-n
Mnnv of the women in the
I Tin. im-e in lh, Wimt i:ise u:i com
pbded Monday night. The case was
called and the prosecution stated to the
jury what it proposed to prove. Follow
ing this began the examination of wit Clarence Harris, the com plain
ing witness, being the first to he exam
The matter of the two calves in the
case was frequently brought up. and the
cow and calf, the one which Arant is
charged wil h stealing, were sent for
aud introduced in the ne' as evidence.
jews was elsewhere. Later Danied said
he wanted to be married more than any
thing else on earth, that he really in
tended to fueo the altar, but that some
thing he does not know what prevent
od him from getting there.
Miss Frazier admitted she was willing
to give (ho bashful man another chance
They will attempt to overcome his tim
id ness today with u nrivato cereinonv.
riic first time Mathews promised to
go before the minister was two venrs
ago, when he wns to marry Mrs. Mary
Miller lit Kosedale, Jersey countv. He
failed her.
A week later he was ngain led (o the
n;ti in uosenaie to u.arrv the same
lady. He ran away and took the first
train out of liosedule for Jerseyville.
The next lime Daniel went to the post
for the race o ('matrimony was on Sun
day, June 7, when he was to have been
married lo Miss Frnzier. He bolted be
fore the barrier was sprung, and stayed
away until his bashfuluess died out.
Then he again took up his wooing,
and all went well until, her anger ap
penned. Miss Fra.ier consented )n try
ii again yesterda v.
The many friends nl' Miss (lriuri
Whitehead are loduy experiencing th
surprise which the knowledge of her
marriage in flrauts Pass last evening oc
easions The groom was Air. John N'or
man of Ashland mid the wedding of tin
young couple was not ill the least an
ticipated Ij.v friends of either parly,
-Mr. .1. A. Strauss aeled in the i
pacily of host man Id the groom and it
was ul his home in limits I'ass at It'
o'clock last evening that the eeremonv
took place. .Kev. Alexander It. Mcl.cnu
t drains I'ass officiated. Miss Do-
rothy I'iekens wan Ihe bridesmaid. The
only oilier persou present wns .M. ft. If.
Whitehead, father of tho hi-ide
The newly uiarri,.! pair left this morn
ing for I'orllaud and will go from there
to Salt Lake City on their wedding
trip. When Ihey return Ihey will reside
'-1 Ashland, where the groom is emnloved
with the Southern Pacific company.
The livrv men I. "lay nr.. rejoicing over
a novel situation in the city. When
Hie heard of supervisor, opened lii.N for
the furnishing of rigs to the eily, th.-re
were found to have lo
W'itu Ihe same price. Aff. r considerable
discussion in which charge, of collusion
were made it w as deride! that the price
wn fair anil an order was passed grant
ing the contract to all of them ami slip J
olating that the business bo divide). '
' Hire imver portion of the I din, The other calf. tl e which cause
""' """""- " " I'l'"r floors were -the litigation ill the justice- court, died
pauic stricken. Mrs. Nolan and her chit-j s. tin,,. K. 1,, the hide h:u 1 n
die, were cu-licl lo death in the mad 1 preserved and il is alio used as evi.
ru-li t..r the windows. Despairing f dence in he case.
.-.cape through the windows, the crowd 1 Other witnesses eiamii,..,! ... II,. r.
whore they'ri,. jfru Harris and Joe K-llev. The
with ladders, examination of witnesses is oolnir verv
upper floors 'slowlv and it will likelv Like ..-,.rr.l
burn.-d l.y the flames before they ', lavs to conclude Ihe evolenee
and other, were The courtroom has been crowded with
g. t to the floors spectators and the nrmedini7s nre hclno
'bove. ! watch. , with a great deal of intere.t.
Fireman John In.,lv was badly burn-i The fact that five nttoriievs are lined
d while he was running up a bi'hl'-r to up on the side of Ihe nroseciilio.. nml
lefense makes everv step
Colli. 1 Tea. h the
hurt iii the cm
the windows of the third floor to rescue 'three
scute Six of Ihe in.iimrcd are
not expected t.. live, and firemen are
'.arching the ruins for more bodies.
tl it i.
.n the
n legal battle
Harry Miller, the druggist, who madi
Jacksonville !ii former home, a visit
h."s n tunic! to Iliirliiieame. Cnl.
"Do ytiuf
Aged Indian Dlea.
SISSOV. cl.. June 2.-,." Indian
' harlie." one of the oldest of Ihe red
men in this vicinity, died here yester
day. o one seems to have known bis
age, but it is iirobahlo ho wnn nenr the
century mark.
SAN I'FtANl'ISCO. Cal.. June 25.
t.Sevora! mining brokers in this city
have been victimize) to the CTtent
of $2.-11111 bv the purchase of formed
mining slock, i nrding to information
of the police, aud two men are held in
'ioldlield. charged with the crime The
a sod men are II. Chancy, n cerk in
the (Ioldlield offices of the Consolidated
Mining company, ami M. It. Leavvs
Chancy, according to a confession he
made to the pol said he took eertifi-
ates of stock from the Consolidated
nmpany's office and gave thi'in to
vs. who had forged the necessary sig
natures .and disposed of the slock here
The complaint is sworn out bv J. If.
Simpson, manager for the br.d,
firm of X. II. Norwood.
era ge
SAN I'llANrlSCO, Cnl., Jii::,. o-..
Benjamin Franklin Smith, h (Irand Ar
my veteran ami u promiuen) merchant
of llellinghum. Wash., is todav minus
a tl'nil gold wiit eli and H!0 in pold and
currency because he put loo much faith
ia a young man with hllwk h-'ir and
honest eves, who proved u good listener
v.-h. n Smith spun yarns.
Smith left llellingham several ill
ago lor tins ,-ity, coming bv wav of
I'ortland. Al Ihat city he shared hi
-..-.ii wna rue young man. I he veteran
e;-' rluinc.l his companion far into the
night bv telling slories of Indian fight
ing in New Mexico.
The pair arriied in thin ,-ity last
night ami th younger man suggested
ihat they take rooms togeiher. The
suggestion met will, Smith'.; i-pnroval
When Smith woke up this morning he
iiiutiil he had been robbed.
1'UINCKTOX. X. J., June 23.-The
funeral services of former l'resideo'
(Irover Cleveland will be held lit r,
o'clock tomorrow afternoon and will be
simple, by wish of Mrs. Cleveland in
this pailieular being cui-ofully cnri-iod
out .
The line of the cortege will be roped
on both sides and guarded by special
police o prevent the crowd breaking
and interrupting the procession
It has been arranged for Ihn cor
lege to pass Ihe buildings of Princelnn
university. Detnihl plans as to Ihe
services will probably be given out this
Kdwaril Wilson, Ihe sculplor, lodav is
making Ihe death musk of the former
piesi.ieui. It. shows that he failed (treat
TEH K KAN, June 2.1. Tho shah to
lay ordered the execution of the prison
rs captured in tho uprising ot ,veter
lay ami Ihe day before, uud wholesale
aricsls are being made following the
rder for the death 'of nil participant
in tli.v riots.
Karly today the shah's troops begnu
tho work of arresting prisons, and ia
many cases the loaders nf tho Ahnju
mans and other political club wn shot
without trials. The Cossacks began the
work of arresting at daylight- and in
some enses tho houses nf the revolu
tionists were broken into ami leaders
lul,en from their beds to be killed.
The shall is in complete roulrol in
tho city ilself, although lie is expecting
trouble from tlm north and south, whom
troops are mobilizing to assist the rev
olutionists nt the capital.
A irding to forelgnors and dbenter-
esled parlies, tho first, shot in the riot
around the pariiau t house waB fired
by Ihe Ahiijuinaiis. The Cossacks had
surrounded Ihe parliament buildinm, .,,!
leinaniled Hint the revolutionists surren-let-
to them a inimbur of poisons whoso
arrests the shah had ordered. This re-'-'
piest was met by shots nnd bombs and
ml soldiers worn killed heforn thev
the Intest vpiclutes of him
re taken, ft is feared (lint Ihe mask I fired a shot; then nrlillory was brought
up an. i ine parliament houses demolished
In Ihe presence of about .'III friend,
l.ouis Klwood. son of M. Klwood, Hi,
jeweler, and Miss Charlotte Moore
laughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. 1 1. Moore,
nere married last evening at the home
of the bride. Itev. Mr. Clack of IN.
nth Hay Adventisl church per
loinied Ihe cereinonv. The rooms were
elaborately decorated and t lo 0welding
was as pretty a one as has taken 9 lace
line. D
Mrs Otis Kraiis'a sang. The bride
MANILA. P. .. June 2o.-An in
tlamnialory anti American eirculnr.ha.
been imucd here anonvmouslv and dis
Iributid )f bears the eahnliS'ic signs'1" M'-dford forsonie ti
of the old PTalipunaiO soflelv, nnd d
nonnees the Americans, saving tlf.j
have brought tyranny instead of liber
ty, and that their purpose is to rob and
enslave the Filipinos. Il calls them
shameless, dishonest, drunken taieves.
attacks Ihe mhnrnlitv of American wom
en nnd accuses the government of graft.
Pending open revolution, it urges a
rnmpaign involving the assassination of
individual Americans, burning their
homes, willing their nnltnnls, nnd con-
eludes with the wish for "long life to
the Filipinos" and "denth to the Amer
ieBns, "
Il Is doubled If th circular will be
productive of any iorlont results. ' "Do yout"
will mil present a very great lik ss
to Cleveland as he was known by his
friends. The musk will furin 11 part, of
Ihe collection presented to Princeton
univeisily by th. late Lawrence Hut
ton, author.
Messages of sympathy continued to
arrive all dav.
The following list of pallbearers was
ami., lined today: Paul Morlor. former
secretary of Ihe navv: Commodore H.
Itenedict of New- York. Dr. Henrv
Van Dyke of prii Ion, John Hibben,
professor of logic, Princeton; Prnfewme
Andrew West, denn of the gradunle
'ollege al Princeton; President John
fill Icy of the colleoe of Ihe Cilv of Vow-
The choice of Ihe minister lies be
ween the Itev. C L. Haker. the Kev.
Sylvester, lleach and Dr. Van Dvke.
message nf condolence was received
this morning from Huron Takuhiin of
In pun. The delails of the funeral of
former President drover Cleveland will
not be completed mil il President. Ttooso
vell arrives here at noon tomorrow-.
Mrs. Cleveland today announced her
positive dclet-minatiou not to permit Ihn
bodv to lie in stale. She is hittorlv
pposed lo any display of any kind
the funeral and does no! wish a
great crowd to be present.
The coffin has been made in the sim
plest design, without any decoration.
The plates are plain and bear only the
following inscription:
''Stephen drover Cleveland." j
" Horn March H. 1W. "
" Died June 21. Hills."
There will be nothing lo indicate that
he was more than a eitiwri of the l'nlt-j
cd States
The obsequies in every way will be
lesig I lo carry out the simplicity
and unassuming and unpretentious char
acter of tho great democrat,
The friends of Mrs. Cleveland say
that she believes he would not, have
desired any display or show of grand
eur; that he would have wished lo be
buried as a plain citien of the country
lie loved and served in the hiirheflf en-
.Mi imperial order issued last night
declared that the city of Teheran was
in a stale of siege The shah gave
orders for the bazan, to re open or that
I hoy be demolished, and tho shopkeep.
ers timidly opened their doors.
The city is far from quiet today, how
ever, mid more serious trouble is expect
ed before night. The Jlritish legation
is filled with refugees and the Cossacks
are again looting the city. Although
Ihe shah has given strict orders that
no foreigners are to be killed, the gen
eral feeling here Is Ihat foreigners are
unsafe und trouble is looked for. (Treat
Hrilain and Russia have sieuificl their
intention lo keep their hands off tbo
row unless the situation becomes more '
ST. Pi:THKSBI?ItO. June 2o. DIs
putehes from Persia today say that the
rebels are marching on Teheran from
U10 norlli nf Persia and that the shah
has dispatched liuOfl soldiers to meet
t hem. The situation in the northern -
provinces is critical. In Hie south Prince ,
Xeil es-Sultaii is reported to bo gathering
1111 nnny to march against the shah's
troops, ihe prince is frlenly to Great
Hrilain and is at the head of a strong
Today dispatches stats that a general
uprising ngainst the Persian monarch
tuny be expected in a few days and that.
the powers may be forced to Intervene.
POHTI.ANI), Or., June 2a. Charged
with impersonating a specia) agent of
Ihe interior department, which enable.)
him to exn.-t various amounts of money
from land owners in the interior of the
state. XI Thomas has been brought to
this cily from Prineville and lodged in
the county jail. Thomas was indicted
by the recent federal Brand inrv on a
harge of representing himself to be a
government official. Ho was arrested
Monday ut Prineville, Ihe scene of hs
recent operations, but Deputy I'nited
pacity as long as any man has been per-
milled lo hold the greatest office in States Marshal Terry
the gill of the oeonle. Thomas' came consisted of .orewenl-
ing to purchasers of public land that for
was given away h her father.
Americans Slain in Island of Negros
MANILA. June 2.V Word wns re
eived hero yesterday thai II I). Kv
erett, a foresler in the eninloy of the
I'nited States government, nnd T. R.
Wakerly. n teacher, had been murdered
by the trib. s in the island of Negros.
According lo Ihe advices, the tribes
men are in open revolt nml are becotn-
ing more bold.
Mis, Cleveland is homing up well un
dei- the .train, and those who have heen
with her say Hint her thoughts lire with
her children aud that, her great love
for Idem will make If easier for her
lo bear Ihe bereavement.
The ,-itv- is filled with visitors, many
of whom nie friends of the family, but
the main body i made ill. maav oL the
t'ricds who hastened here to attend the
fiernl. Ol!ffoils are being made J
prevent sightveers from gath'-ring'about
the Cleveland home, and the police have
been ordered to ask them to move on.
Precnulinns are being taken ngainst
any action by fnnnties who might come
1 here.
onslderation he would hn.ten all such
lands to patent throna-h the general land
office so that no tpiesl ion ever would
arise as lo their ownership. To Ihe pur-
haser of an unusually lare tract of
land Thomas is alleged to hare called
repeatedly and threatened the purchaser
thai unless his services were employed
in perfecting title to tli lam's Thomas
would cause the Inndlorrb nil sorA of
SAX FUANOiacO. Cal., June 2S.
The departure of tbo second division of
OYSTER HAY, June 2.',. -President 1 the Pacific fleet, whicb was scheduled
Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt will leave Wot toduy. boa heen postponed for a
here for Princeton tomorrow afternoon 1 week, acording to advices from tlin navv
nt 1:40. They will go on n special (department at Washington, the ships
trnin 10 i.nng island i itv. A nnni will
onvev them from there lo Jersey Citv
Troops are being rushed to the island from where thev will continue the lour
10 Btnmp out Ihe rebellion. Inrv on another sneelnl train
"Do von!"
The four cruisers and three torpedo
hoat destroyers whicli compose the sec
ond division have been orderel to fhe
waters of southern California 1'or a