Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, June 20, 1908, Page 4, Image 4

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Certain Slanderous Statements Placin g Blame for Uusoasonable Wetness Now
Prevailing in Jackson County Upon a Favorite Candidate for Mayor Re
futed and All Credit Placed Where it Belongs, Upon the Shoulders of a
Celebrated Mascot, Whose Editorial Support Always Brings Victory to the
OUior Fellow.
"I don't wont people to bluiue me
for this wetness," said Kd Root, inde
pendent candidate for mayor, in com
menting upon Judge Ilniiun'a decision.
"Why, it's so wet that the fanners
can't make buy. Hut I didn't do it.
T 'ain't my fault.
Its a Bliton Victory.
"Its another liliton victory," contin
ued Mr. Hoot. "I never saw anything
like it. The Medford Mail wins at
every turn. It's a fine mascot. Just
look at the list: There's (Ins Xewbury
he wus nominated by the Mail, nnd so
w.ib Hlinky and the moral sipuid. That 'b
why (Jus is district attorney now.
"Then, thorn was Sheriff Jackson
and Judge Dunn, who tho Mail elected
to get county patronage, on which it is
(railage, on u,c. "
fat," continued Mr.
likely to grow
Koot. 'And then there was Cake made
into dough. Thero waa Joe Hummers
ley nnd Henry Kubli for whom the
Mail repudiated Statement No. 1. Look
at what the Mail did for them, and
now look what it did for the prohis.
Tell you what, I'm mighty glad the
Mniffls supporting Shorty (larnett in
stead of me for mayor.
"Speaking of Joo llammersley re
minds mo that Jon wns so sure of being
elected thnt ho wrote down to Salem
telling 'em which sent he wanted re
served for him in the house. Why, he
wns cock sum of it. Ho had it figured
out thnt ho was elected hands down,
when Bliton came out for him. And
Kubli, why, there nin't anyone seen
him since election. He's hiding nut In
the brush somewhere.
Stole an Editorial.
"(,'omo out nnd celebrate," snys 1
to Bliton, when we hears of the Mail's
latest victory. 'The drinks Is on me, for
thnt editorial telling the judge what to
do wns Olid T didn't write. The editor
looks around to see if anyone was look
ing, nnd when he sees they wasn't, we
starts down the street, and T takes him
to Bob llalley's pump next door nnd
fills tho dipper. Ho seems kind of dis
nppninted. Then to cheer him up 1
congratulates him on having Senator
Social and Personal
1 1 Th Twins" lire .Iiinniiig n r
ii h ion.
,f. V. HlinKor unci Y. lhinlcy worn
down from Lnko Creole durinn Mm woHi.
limit h Lon of fVntral Voinl was nn
AhIiIhihI viNilor Pritliiy.
II. H. Kuwrv of AkIi.iiihI wuh niiimig
Mio many in Me.Ifnnl l'riiliiy moriiiiitf.
L. TWyer of Vliiifiiix wan a MYdforil
vUilor J'Tirfuy.
Jlarry lVllctt, iho aulo expert, mm1
n trip to Ashland Friday.
'Mr. Simpson, who in in idiarjje of tin
HonMieru Pacific Htation at (llcndnlf.
Hpcnt si'veml liourH in Alcdfmd Friday.
(larrt'tl HIovcoh and K. (J. Col.-iniin
of Phoenix prerinct triuiHfirtprt lunineHH
in Medford onn day thin wnok.
Hunt LewiH, owner of tin fninnim
Hear Crock on-hunlH, in vinitin in
(Mian. (, Conk, repreKentin the Pa
cifie CohhI ItnMtrr Co., of Portland, wan
in the city Friday.
.T. F. Iilvorth of Ppper Kojiup Hi v
er him been called to I Ilium by the
Herioun illnen of a brother.
). W. Alcorn wuh on the Nouthboiiinl
train Friday en route to Talent from
Hnseburtf. Ho in a pioneer of ,liiiknou
county and nearly V't yearn of ao.
K. K. Hurt of Imvn in one of the
owner of the Crater hake Lumber
company heavy invontorn in Medford
nnd Jaekxon county.
Have you neeu Collin' Wiri'h
Phone f The ninth wonder. No p.den.
no fireH, no frauchiiie, no cenlrnl. What
doen it tnen n f J t men tin one of t he
greuteflt money milking invt'nlmeiit ever
offered. Where can it ln HeenT I'em
oiiHtrntin instrument can I to seen at
room 42, Hotel Moore, K. If, llosnier.
fiscal HjffMit. 7")
Tho enjitiiinoiit of Mr. W. tlroolir
to Mis Klhel Tliomptni of t:iltimore
in announced. The mnrriano will tako
fdacft In Ilaltimore in July. Mr.
left for the east today.
.John C. Macbeth and Lillic M. Moni
mm of Orillln Creek were Horiously in
j u red by n piiHisng auto while driving
in ft buijtfy to AHhland Tlmrlnv even
ing. The nnto, driven by unknown par
Notice to Water Consumers
For (he purpose of
water mains that
laid, the water will
mains in the city from 8:00 o'clock a.
in. to 8:00 p. m. on
and from 8:00 o'oclock a. m. to 12.00
m. en Tuesday, June 23. You are,
therefore notified to prepare for the
sfcme tor the city will not be held re
sponsible for any accidents that may
arise from the same.
Julius Ciiesnr Burrows on liis staff, and
tin Ha v 'I was a most remarkable
tiling, but the senator stole the Mail's
eilitoriul unil delivered it as a speecn
to open Hie republican convention in
t'hicayo twelve hours afore It wiik
printed in the Mail na an original
"Say, you know the Mail told llio to
sit up nnd take notiie nf their ails last
Sunday," continued Mr. Koot. "Well,
1 ain't got much time to waste that
way, but when I went into hurley
King's to get a drink of near beer, it
being Sunday, I'harley was chuckling to
beat the band. I asked what the mat
ter was, and he showed me a half page
ad. in the Sunday Mail. Hays it only
cost him o'l cents, nnd lie had spoken
,,,, vorv Sl,(,,lv, ,,ro,vi,l0d
I ( , , .( w
take it out in trade.
Ill the Near-Beer Joints.
"Say, did you know there was a
fearful excitement among the near-beer
resorts this week! Well, there was.
They talked of Sunday closing. One
of the near bar-tenders circulated a
petition to abolish the blue law and
permif nenr silloons to keep open Sun
days, but the others turned him down
said if tin real thing had to close, the
almost but not ipiite ought to also, in
the interest of a srpiare deal, which was
pretty square for a pop bottle man.
"When Shortie found I was really
goiug to run against him for mayor
next winter, his chances looked so
pecked, he got mad. ' Von ought to
know bettor than to get interviewed,
snys Shortie. 'This is a free country.'
says 1; 'a man's got n right to be
Interviewed,' says I. 'The trouble is,
you know got you beat says T, 'and
yon re sore.' liy it s just like taking
candy from babies or booze from prohtH
for me to run agin Shortie. 1 feel
utmost nshamcd.
"Well," concluded Mr. Hoot, "it
seems that wetness is llio order of the
day, so having discussed the Meilford
Mail, 1 will go and take n bnlh, bul
not: a-u imiiiuultv bath."
tieH, erahlied into their bugy from tlie
rear. The injured couple were taken to
AHhland for treatment Mihh Morritton
had a litub broken. Mr. Macbeth wan
injured internally. The buggy was de
K. 11. Hanley was in Medfnrd Fri
day on a whorl, business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Hmock of Josephine
county arrived in Medford Friday morn
ing fin' u hIioi'I. stay.
Air. and Mrs. A. Karhart, who live
near Woodvillc, visited in Medford Fri
William Htnnv was in Medford Fri
lay. No is conducting ft livery stnhl
Kaglo Point.
Mr. and Mrs. 1, f (VMInve of North
lacksonville precinct are being isite
ry relatives liing in Wnsliinglou.
Mrs. A. Merriman. one of tho pionec
winnen of southern Oregon, who hn
been visit ing relatives living in Me I
ford, went stmt h Fridn v morning.
Mrs. .1. I). Heard of Sterling was in
M edl'ord Thursda v. She reports that
lelr Heard is ttlowly recovering from
i sere attack of rheumatism.
Mrs. Charles N'iekell and her daugh
ter. who have been vmt nig relativi'
living near Napa, Cal., returned home
l he I wins: t olesl in water am
health, "
Mr. and Mrs. Itanse Uouse, Mesdanic
Itmdv, Ward and Miller of Ashland
attended the funeral of Ih.- late Mrs.
William (ianett.
Mis. Margaret Mt Onuald was in Med
ford Thursday on business eonnected
with the estate of her late husband
having been appointed administ ratrix
thereof by .lodge Ibiiin.
Mrs. C. I, Hutchison and her daugl
ler, Miss rem, wtio have been visiting
resident of Portland during the past
Mght mouths, ichimed lo Mediord Fr
ilny morning.
Children wax fat and strong when
ted on the good, pure nutritious brea
and biscuit made from "Pure White'
Hour. Sold by Allen A Heagnn. SO
lo you know of ' ' The Twins? ' '
Miss Mary (littins, daughter of lie
K. (iittins. ho was fornierlv a rrsiilcn!
of Jacksonville, represented the Willain
et to university and other colleges o
Oregon in the annual interstate prohibi
tion contest held at Sjm Jose latelv am1
testing the new
have recently been
be shut off all the
Monday, June 22,
was awarded second jdace. The first
honors were given to a young man from
Lim AugeleH, principally because be rep
rest-n ted California, all of the five
judges but one being from that urate.
Huii. H. vonder Hellen ni-nt a few
hours among his Medford friends Fri -
Wanted Poseition as bookkeeper
and tonogrnpher in office. Address I.
O. Box 4S2.
Mr. a ml Mrs. K. C. Parkins of Grants
Pass were git sts of Mr. and Mrs. H
H. horr Friday.
S. Walsh M. H. Roundtrre and ('. K.
Textor wre over from Jacksonville
Ludies, bring vour hair work to Mrs,
L. Ij. Iteames, eorner Fourth and J,
Medford, Or.
K. 1. Jouoh, the well known miner,
emtio down from the copper belt Thurs
day. bo you use Davis' Beit Flour I Don't
lot your grocery talk you into buying
other brands shipped in. Davis Best
sells for less money and guaranteed to
give satisfaction. Try a sack and be
Mr. and Mrs. P. .T. McMuhon are en
joying an outing at their eotlago at
the Heluiau baths.
' Colesttn Mineral Hprings Hotel opens
June 15 undor new management. Mrs.
f. I). Stone, lessee. 1 7
V. J. Marlowe, formerly a resident
of this county, died ut Vreka, Cal., not
long ninee in his 71st year. He is sur
vived by his wife nnd six grotvn sons
and daughters.
Have you seen Collins' Wireless
Phone! The ninth wonder. N'n poles,
do fires, no franchise, no central. What
does it meant It means one of the
great eat nionoyinaking investments ever
offered. Where ean it be seen! Dem
onstrating instruments can be seen at
room 4-, Hotel Moore. K. H. Hosraer.
fi(M-al agent. 75
Fifty Dollars to (Jive Away.
The Harrington patent elothcB wash
er just improved. Its weight, is three
pounds and u half; its force is com
pressed air; tho price is $.1, It is all
c pper ami is durable.
My Offer.
I will give fifty dollars to any party
that can find uny two high price crank
or levor washers in tho United States
that ean do the work of ono of the
Harrington washers in all kinds of
washing, both honvy nnd liglit. It is n
free gift. Keep your money in your
pocket. Agents wnoted.
Can be seen for a few days at the
Hotel Mourn,
811 - Corvallis. Or.
Kxelusivo passenger trains will be
put on the Corvallis & Eastern Kailroad
by the Hai-rimnit interests, on June
This will be the first time In the htwtnry
of tho toad that his line has had any
thing but mixed train service. An addi
tional train will he put on the run be
(ween Albany and Vno,uina, making two
trains a day in each direction.
The additional train to be put nu will
be a mixed train, carrying both passen
ger and freight cars. It will leave
Albany daily except Sunday at 7:10 A,
M., arriving at Vaipnna at I: Jin I. M.
Ueturning, the train will leave Vaquina
at 7 A. M., arriving at Albany at 11:5."
A. M. Tho regular pnsHenger train will
leave both ends of the lino at the same
time na at present, pulling out of Al
hnny nt l'J:4n V, M., nnd arriving at
Yaiiiiinn at fi:,'lO P. M. The passenger
ti'.iin will leave Ynqiunn nt 2:lf V. M.,
arriving at Albany nt 7 P. M.
Hotel Nash Arrivals.
D. Cormur, St. Joe, Mo.; Miss .Tulien.
Vreka, Cal.; E. M. Juda, S. F.; L. Low
engnrt, Joe Kllison, P. V. Pelmet t,
Portland; F. C. Itnstor and wife, Se
attle; Fred L. Brown, lioseburg; F. C.
Kelsey, Portland; 0. E. Reinhait, St.
Louis; !. W. Cnmpbell, Mrs, E. Camp
bell, Miss J. E. Campbell, Denver; A.
Williams. Portland: W. W. Frezzell and
wife. J. P. Boyd. Oklnhoma City; J. P.
Conk. Oeo. A. Steel. Three Pines, Ore.;
A. Panky. Central Point: .T. D. Buell.
Eugene; It. H, Cooper, Chicago; li. (1.
Smith, (irnuts Pass; K. E. Kelly, city;
(has. Lake, .Toe K. Oppenheini, J. 1J.
Agee, Xew York; Harry E. Lee, Chi
cago; V. W. Adams, L. A. McCargnr.
S. F.: Ceo. A. Peil. S. P. Fox. Portland:
W. .T. Koberts. Pullman.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dersigned will applv to the City Council
of the City of Medford, Oregon, at their
meeting on July 7, 1908, for n license to
o-ll spirituous, vinous and malt liquors
in quantities less than a gallon, for the
period of one year, nt their place of
business nt lots r. u 7 and . in block
20, in the City of Medford. Oregon.
Dated June 19. 190S.
The nndersiuned has been appointed
administratrix of the estate of Randall
McDonald, deceased. AU persons having
claims against said estate are requested
to present same to the undersigned at
Brownsboro, Oregon, June 20, 1909.
within six months from date of pubticH
tion of this notice. SO
nrnciiASK ok ask i.axh
will hp rroMvrI by tho citv re
onltT up lo July 1st, noxl, for t )ir pur
fni.o of ii triit't of litrm on (nittito
trt"t. known nn the I'tonvor pl:inin
mill or ice plant proporty, hiuI hIso for
piir.-h:iso of the huiMini nnH m
it of 1 1 1 Alilii(t flouring mill..
an. I nUo for our laru ImiMmjr. uiui a
"Jiinoko" hoii.o on the A,M:tnd Flour
inu Mill l.-iti.l. The flouring mill ma
rhiuoiy i coninlore n- tho mill i. now
in operation.
l-'or further information npplv lo citv
rivontrr, A.Mnnt. Oregon.
The city enuneil rv.orve. the right to
rejeer any unit nil blflu.
onter of the eommon eennril.
Christian Science.
Christina Sen-nee services are held
tvery hunday luormng ut 11 o clock in
the Coam.erciai club rooms. Hubject
lor Juut 1. " U 4 he L'niverse, Iuelud-
', ing Man, Kvulv. d bv Atomic Force!
I AU are web ome.
Notice, June 20, 1908.
All accounts due the Woods Lumber
company prior to January inh, li08,
are payable to K. L. Burdie, as he re- j
tired from the company at the above
date. Payments received at tho Woods
Lumber company's office.
Classified Advertisements
One Cent a Word No single inser
tions less than 15 cents. Six Insertions
for tho price of four. Seventy-five !
cents a line per month. j
W'AXTKIJ Ponitiou as bookkeeper and
stenographer in office. Addrss P. O.
Box 4v
WAXTKD Time loan of 10,UUU, gilt
edged security. Write Pox 47S.
WAXTKH To contract the hauling of
nOOO cords of four-foot wood to respon
sible parties owning six or seven two
horso wagons and teams. All down
hill. Distance half to two miles. Pay
$1 per cord. Northern aliforuia
Lumber Co., Hilt. Cal. 84
WAXTKD hiiiing r i girl. Hotel
FOR SALE Only 2 each of those 2
and ii acre tructs left, 1 1-2 miles from
7th St., on main county road, suituble
for garden, fruit or chicken farm; all
under Fish Lake ditch; water only
$2.."0 per acre per year; price $100 to
$1"U per acre, easy terms. James Bow
ling, 7th and P streets, or P. O. Box
812. 83
WANTED Board and room in private
family by young man, good habits, not
particular, bul want a clean place with
plain food, not more than $li per week.
Answer I). V., eare Tribune.
WANTED Kxponeneed man to ' take
charge of an on-hard. Write fully, stat
ing experience, qualifications and sal
ary expected. Tribune. Medford, 83.
Ft Hi SALE Small business; fine loca
tion. Inquire Tribune.
FOK KENT Furnished rooms, electric
light and baths. Mrs. It. L. Hale, D
street near 11th. tf
Seventh, near bridge. Boarders want
ed. '
FOU KENT Six-room house, after
June in. Inquire at Osenbrugge's res
idonce. tf
FOU S A LK Two choice lota on im
proved street. I no, in re Med font Tea
& Coffee House.
FOU KENT In private family, fur
nished room and suite; bath, electric
lights nnd all modern conveniences;
three hlocliH from business center. In
quire at this office,
Foil SALE Surrey, almost new; rare
ba rga in U' t a ken a t mice. A dd ress
Box Sli. Jacksonville,
l-'tlR SAI.K I'hoi.-e house lot. five
hloflis from rnilroal stntinn. near Cath
olic school, High ami sightlv location;
easy tonus. Write Mux f0S, Modford.
VOK RENT Two front, office rooms
ntul one Inroo room .'10x40 in Miles
building. Inquire at premises or at
Tribune office.
FOR SAf.K RunnboutTWO.'thorouK
ly euippcil with odometer, ncotelyne
lights, top, ete. A. O. Allen, Medford,
FOR SAI.K S. N. Subdivision is in the
mnrltot now; choieo tennero tracts,
best location in tho valley. L. Nee
demever, Jacksonville.
LOST A gold backed comb, between
Hold Ray and Medford; letters M. T!.
R. engraved on eumh. Finder please
return to Tribune office and receive
FOR SAI.K A refrigerator, good lis
new; kitchen treasure cooking uten
sils, throe porch shades. Inquire Mrs.
W. A. Ilandley, .'Id house II blocks
north Jackson County lmnlt, North C
si reet. t f
FOR SAI.K .100 head of full blood
Rambonillet stock sheep; large, heavy
shearers of fine wool. John 8. Her
ri n Son. 84
WANTEH To buy from 100 to 300
head of stock sheep. Write Box 131,
Medford. Or.
1 L I
Prices right. Pumps Furnished when
Contractors and Builders.
All Work Guaranteed.
Office with O. H. Fierce at Sou.
Phone 633. P. O. Box 771.
Physician nnd Surgeon.
Office at Residence.
Oeo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or.
Wm M. Colvlg. Medford, Or.
Mouse Painting. Paper Hanging and
Tinting. Ali work guaranteed.
Phone '-'-O. Lockbox l'.'o, Medford. Or.
Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers
Pay phone .'tj.'t; Night Phones: C. W.
Conklin 4!.1; J. H. Butler 14.
Lock Box S0.1. Medford, Or.
E. R. SEELY. M. D.
Physician nd Surgeon
Modern Kquipped Operating Rooms.
X TJay. Office TTonrs. 10 1?. 2 4 P. M.
Office In Jackson County Bank Bids.
Ontle Parlor in Perrv ' Wnrehons
Building a Business
We ape honestly tpyiug to build a business that will long live in the minds of the
people of Southern Oregon. How? By selecting and keeping on hand the best
assortments possible of the best goods the market affords and by selling those
goods for cash and at very small profits. AVe guarantee everything we sell to
give perfect satisfaction or money refunded if you desire; consequently we must
carry the best goods in order not to have anything come back. We treat every
body courteously at all times. When we get attractive bargains we share thein
with our customers. We buy in small quantities, and often thus showing the
new goods almost as soon as they come o ut. Wo honestly trv to save vou money
King's Fountain Specials
Strawberry Cream Puff, Cantaloupe Sundae, Cantaloupe
Split, Cantaloupe Parfait, Oreg'onian Special,
Orange Sherbet, Fresh Fruits
We Have the only Fountain Expert in Town
on all you buy. One price
Jacket Suits That Wash
Very Pretty and Serviceable
Just received, another shipment of beautiful little short
and three-quarter length Jacket Suits in white linen,
linen repps and linen finished duck. These suits are
shrunk and can be laundered to perfect satisfaction.
We invite a look at these splendid values.
$4.50 TO $12.50
Our Goods Give Satisfaction
C Street, Just Notlb of Jackson County Bank
You've often heard folks make this remark: "Jf it
wasn't for eating we'd soon be rich!" I guess eating is the
first law id' nature. What would the merchants and manu
facturers and the millions of working men and women do
for a living if everybody quit eating? Besides half the
pleasure in life is in sitting up to the tempting viands with
which we satisfy our appetites. The people that don't eat
well, don't half live. I 'a says he didn't know what good
living was till we came to Medford and 1 got my job with
Miller & Ewbank. We surely have the dandiest assort
ment of gootl things to eat of any store around. Have you
thought particularly about your Sunday dinner this week?
Then walk down to the store after supper tonight and get
something good to tempt- the man of the house. We're
open till !) p. in.
lJcmemher, we save you money by selling for cash.
to all is our fair way.
Come in and Try Him
BENJ. M. COLLINS, City Recorder.) ;
" Cltr Recorder.
J "Ue llu No Other BusiMe.'