The Tribune Prints More Live Telegraph News than all Dailies in the State of Oregon South of Salem Combined UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By far the largest ami b. st news roport of any paper m Southern Oregon. fllltedferd - HDaily Cirolbtmiroe The Weather Fair weather in promised for tonight and tomorrow. THIRD YEAR. ME1)F()1?1. ()lE(i()N. FIJI DA V, JUN E lit, 108. No. 79. MOST DECISIE BY WETS MEDFORD CHARTER UPHELD: COURT MAKES PERMANANT INJUNCTION ON PROHIBITION VICTORY IS WON REPUBLICANS NAME SHERMAN AS TAFT'S RUNNING MATE GOLD 11. JACKSONVILLE MEDFORD WET BY COURT S DECISION HUNO JURY IN CASE OF MBS. ZENA POLLARD SAX I'HA.NCISCO, (ill.. .1,11,.. 1!i Alter having lioen on! fur 111 4- hours, llio jury in the raso of Mrs. Zona I'ullnril, rhargi'd with at- li'inptint; to inurdiT hi'r husliand, the well knonu iii-tor, Horn- I'nl f lanl. tortny niinomiiHMl that it i-iuiM not njjrro on a vonlirt. Circuit Court in Lengthy Opinion Sustains j (J5J Ff Injunction Restraining County Court from Declaring Prohibition in Effect in Jackson County"-Demurrer Overruled TO SAVE CHILD TAFT QUITS: COMMENT SUCCEEDED UPON TAFT BY WRIGHT! BY BRITISH , i OH ADJOURNS m M E FOR VICE-PRESIDENCY In iin exhaustive nnd lengthy npin ion in which ho went into decisions lit length, discussed text books and tun statutes of tho static Circuit Judge H. K. llniina Friday morning innde per--nuuient t ho temporary injunction grunt ed last week in the ease of J. C. Hall vs. (i. W. Dunn. restraining the county court from declaring prohibition in ef fect in Jackson county on account of the provision of tin Medford city char tor, which the e urt hold nullified the local option law in Mod ford. Sweeping Victory for Wets. Judge Hantin's decision is a sweeping victory fir the wets, not only in M"d fold, hnt throughout the county. The provisions of the local option law re quire that the county court declare the re suit of a county election within a cer tain period. Inasmuch as this court is permanently restrained front tins dec laration, nil those pri'i'incts in the coun ty which vot I'd wet will he wet. and those that voted dry will ho dry. The injunction virtually nullifies county prohibition, hut leaves precinct prohibi tion in effect, nold FT ill and Jackson ville Will therefore be wet HH well as Modford; and Ashkind. Central Point, Woodville, Eagle Point, Phoenix. Tal ent nnd other dry precincts will remain il ry. Appeal Is Taken. Judge Hunnn overruled n demurrer filed by Special Attorney V. M. Colvig for the prohibitionists, nnd notice of appeal to the supreme court was filed. A crowded court room heard the deci sion, which will, oral and hd hour or more in length. Med ford 's charter, mid or which the action was brought, reads as follow: "The city council shall have power and authority within the city limits of Med ford to license, tax, reflate or pro hibit barrooms, drinking shops, billiard rooms, bowling alloys, dance hnlls, and all places whore Bpiritous, mnlt or vin ous liquors are Bold or kept for sale, ir respective of any general law of tin state on this subject enacted by the I gishti ure or by the people at large." Charter Is Sustained. Prnet ienlly nil the contentions raised by the plaintiff's attorneys were sus tained by the court, who tided that Mcd ford 's charter superseded the loenl op tion law in Mod lord, as it was passed by the legislature after the loenl option law, expressly to modify it. The eonsti tutioimt amendment adopted in lOOb was discussed exhaustively as was the initiative and referendum net. The decision was a calm nnd dispas sionate discussion of the low. The wets were represented by Attor ney Robert O. Smith and Judge E. E. Kelly. The drys by the district attor ney and W. M. Colvig. Mother Sacrifices Herself t Rescue Infant. From Horrible Death Under Car Wheels. Secretary Resigns From Cabinet to Take Effect June 30-Tennessee Man His Successor Case Of Love Me Love My New York Congressman, Banker and Lawyer UIMJ JdyS rdll Mail CPrtpH n Make Pnre with Tnft Unrip Joe Cannon Seconds Nomination and Se cures Much Applause in Witty Speech. zette Gets State Craft From Brilliant Master LONDON', June !!. Tli afternoon The story own lige TACuMA. Wash.. June l!. of :i mother saeri firing he to save that of her infant is told in describing the terrible fate of Mrs. Oeorgo Sloan, who is dead today, hav ing been run over by a fust train. Mrs. Sloan was walking on a curve of the interurban electric road with her bnby in her arms, when a train bore down on her. Being partly deaf, the woman was not attracted by the frantic efforts of the motorman to warn her. She did not. realize her peri h-us posi tion until the train was about to. strike her. She tossed he i' baby to one side o,' (tie trail; und n moment Inter was struck and knocked down, the forward IhHh of the first car running over her hHs. She died lamest instantly from tin' shock. The accident occurred on the grade on the east side of the Puy nllup river. The infant is still alive, but it is feared it will die from ex p os ure. INCREASED PENSIONS FOR OREOON VETERANS JAPAN TRIES TO BUY OFT THE CHINESE BOYCOTT POIfTLAXD. Or.. June Hi. That the sum of biO,000 has heeu offered the Ai Jai Gut Fa of the Japanese boycott, or the power behind the boycott, is the substance of private advices received in P rtlnnd. Chin Sin, a Chinese capitalist, U uu thurify for the statement that four emis saries from Yokohama, Chinese promi nent in the mnnufacturing world, have gone to Canton, where the headquarters of the Ail Jai Cut Fa nre situated, in uu effort to nrrangeforms under which the the boycott may be called off. According to the advices received by Chin Sin. an offer of 100.000 has been hinde to Chin Fi Poo, who is n relative of his. and the president of this society, if he will use his influ ence in persuading the ( hinese again to patronize Japanese industries. That this offer will be futile is the foregone conclusion of local Chinese, any Chin HORSE DRIVES OUT BEAR FROM CAMP IN YOSEMITE ELECT CHAMBERLAIN, ADVISES BENSON YOSEMITE V ALLEY. Cal.. June 10. "Nigger." II hot we ntt liej by Ir. E. K. Johnston, surgeon of the Fourteenth cavalry, now stationed in the V.memih reservation, is t he hero of the vub-ly today because lie drove a big grizzly bear from the w ood ut rounding the camp of tho cavalry. "Nigger was loosed from hi corrnll and private 'urran went to look for him. He esnnc upon the black charger with his nose to the ground, making little dn-die forward with his ears laid back and hi dilated with anger. In front of the hone. at a b-nr. re treating with every advance of the quine. Finally the bear turned and made for the woods. " XI g r ' was formerly on nod by fleneral Fnnston and has attracted at tention in the valley by neighing in answer to bugle calls. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 19. "J can see but one thing for the legis lature to do, and that is to elect (iov ernor Chamberlain I'nited States sena tor on the first ballot. ' said Judge II nry L. liensuu. "1 very much regret the defeat of Mr. Cake, but for the good of the republican party in the state of Oregon, there is but one salva tion Chamberlain nnl be elected in accordant", with the popular vote. If the wishes of the people are disregard ei in this mutter, it wilt mean the do feat of every republican candidate at 'lie next election." Judge Renson has just returned from u visit at Portland and the state cap ital. He says that while at tho:o pbice hi- met most of the republican lenders of the state and found that his iews on this matter eoiro id d w ith I hose of most of the prominent republicans of the state. EtOPINO COUPLE BOUND OVER TO CIRCUIT COURT C. W. Stimon. the pointer, and Mrs. Lottie E. Simmons, the eloping couple, whose week-old roiuniiee was cut short by their atretf tit Kennett, waived pre litninary hearing in Justice Stewart's coiitt and were bound oer io the cir cuit t onrt under .no bond. The wom an furnished the required bond, but Hu man is still in j:l. NOTICE TO REDMEN. All Uietllbl-H of Ve;itoi,t;n Ttibe ;nid i4iting brothers are rfM-Me,) noiet at their Wigwam.. Saturday evening. Julie at s j, m.. for the miih. of initiating a larg-- cl.n-s of pab-fnees. Lunch w ill be nerved. The Oi iental Iigrec will be pnl on i mrio d iat ely u f I er initiatien. COMMITTEE. Abe At t lt and Ow.m Moran will i t again. Promoter Jimm v Cnff roth has signed the fight'-rs for Labor day at San Francisco. WAHniNOTOX, June 10. Hon. W. '. Hawley, represent at ive from the First congressional district of Oregon, has been advised that the following vet erana or their widows in his district have been granted increase of pension: Louisa Armstrong, Aurora, $H per month ; Jeremiah Ituekloy, L'osehurg, ti'n; Christopher Heck, Sheridan, 15; Felix Iterry, Albany $12; John Duulap, Kosebiirg. Eliza Dinmiir-k, Elkton, .n; William E. Elesher, Sublimity. 12; Hiram M. Fish. N'orth Bend, lh; Mn I'iah Keen, ('rants Pass. $10; Milton n. lloffstatter, Tillamook. 12;; Edwin l. Hag n. Selma, 12; William (i. linger. Hillsboro. .il2: William Hftnurgun, f'er ais, 12; Anna C. Hemtine. Oakland. s; Lumai. X. Judd. Ashland. 24; Itus e J. Kiniie. fioshcn. 12 ; Thomas J. Loniiou, Oregon City, 12; Herbert F. I,. 'Hie, WfiiKliis. .Ti,; Aiexau.ier living ,.eanup stone, Crants Pass. 2'; William H. iia(.(V1,, Morris. Ifock Point. ".; Peter Miller. )tr Hiiell. 12; William J. McAllister, Itose ; burg. 1"; Isaac Phillips, Dallas. 12; Hiram S. Pow-ll. Saginaw, f2o; MeCtil lorn ItiisoeM, Independence. 20; Wil liaiii Shepherd. .Vnrlh Yainhill, 12; William M. Spayd. Sabm, 20; Henry E. Sanfoid, Orants Pass, 20; James P. S:ivb Ashland, 1m: JulitH S. Smith, Ashland. 12; James A. TuftH. Oregon City. 12; Edmund E. White. Ashland. 12: Edwin Wh-eler. Eugene, ft.,; .Inch P. Wort Kington. O-weg... !i.'. WASIII.NCToN, June 10 Sivretary Tuft today announced officially that - l,uPt,rft comment on the nomination of he will rosign as secretary of war and ' W IK TK,t U' 0,0 rquMiiinB: Tim iii-ii hiu raui ...ti, , tt-jii i ft' . i ''"""""i ieci;ircii uinr mn comes py June :to. hi.i statecraft from his brjlliaut master, ! and adds that he possesses a mind of his It was formally announced tJiut (ten own and has ability, era I Luke E. Wright uf Memphis, Tenn., ; While pmising tip- lejmblicaa noin former governor of the Philippines, will '""i 'ho (ilobe doen not deem that his succeed W. II. Taft as m'cretary of ; ' lection is by any means certain. It war. Taft handed in his resignation to ":,.VH ,N1" ran is certuin lo give his the president today to take effect on j 'MP"unt 11 hard fight. June. ;ti). A few of. the papery are disposed to The White House practically has abau i sneer at Tuft as aubservienl to Itoose doned all sources of convention reports ! velt. The Pall Mull (.!aette Bays that except those of the United Press as-, the nomination i' Taft by the republic Hocintionn. I an parly is tin example of " Lovo me. After the first day the only d'spatcho ; love my dog. ' '. rend by President Kooseyelt were those - of the United Press. HUNTING FOR BECTION THAT The United Press operator at the1 GROWS THE FINEST APPLE White House tukes triplicate copies of - tho reports coming over the assucia i HOOD MV Kit, Or., June IS. Dr. t ion 'r direct leased w ire from the Col Samuel Adnnm Hobimion, SO years old. ineuni. ) "eulthy, optimistic and looking for the One copy is placed on the president 's j ,i,lf'Ht I"" '- whi,, P't private ilesk, one on the executive desk ! tm" fnvni trees in order lo raise the and the third is delivered lo Mrs.! Iin,'t't "PP1''" in tho world, is ut Hood KooHcvelt. J 'f'Ver. Dr. Hobinson ia lately of Coves- A premature aiimuinceinent of Taft n ' vi,,,, Vn,, but is well known in Ore- nomination came over another wire bo fore enough votes had been actually cast. Secretary Loeb waited for the flash over the i mtM PreHs ansocmtiou h goii. Recently he disposed of an en title in Virginia on which were many acres of the celebrated Albemarle Pip pin. From lime immemorial tho Albe ,inarlo Pippin hat been the favorite wires and then informed the president ! "PP" ,,f LugbOi royalty und tickled Mint Hie iTetarv of war had won. I heir palates long he ion- Oregon was I geographically located. In the orchard BIO CLEANUP EXPECTED j disposed ot by the doctor were trees IN TANANA DISTRICT ! "v,,p so .V,!I,,H 0,fL thm' f,',, ,n,l' , ,, ; still bearing. In fact, one of I hem bore SEATTLE Wash. June 10. The ; rilM tiny amount of 20 barrels hist yeur. spring cleanup in the Tannna district ' T!l" doctor was not happy. Having beeD will exceed nil expectations and may . Hood Kiver several years ago he dis reach, says u litter that has I ' "Vered there nus a jdaco that put hit been received here, from Falcon Jostyn, j '"doved pippin far in the nhare, and he president of tin? Tnnann railroad, iast '""king for u change of base, year what is technically known an the Hut ho wants tha best and in seek Tannna country produced approximately I ing it. Although it firm believer in the s,noMMo in gold, und Joslyn est i mat ml i-xcelb-me of the Hood Hiver orticlo, that the same country would turn out about I2,0o0,000 this year. .Surrounding listriet in Ihe same region. Joslyn esti mated, would bring the total up to 15,- OOO.ftfifl. He believes now that the esti mate will bo exceeded. Delay in the I. believes there may be some other -pot in Oregon morn favored and he wauls to find it. When he doe he will plant an orchard under the direction of a trained, practical and theoretical or hard int. I hat has never hud its like, have occurred because of the i Trees of pedigreed stock will be se d onson and a scarcity of wa t leded and methods of cultivation, iirun- ' ing and spruviiig adopted that are the - - ! remit of the combined eipcrience of SEATTLE RACING SEASON ! the best nrchardiMti in Ihe world. Ex OPENS SATURDAY pens is a secondary considernMon with - i this ardent old orehnrdist, whose nmhi SEATTLE. Wash., June 10. Finish- i lion is to raise an applo so fine that ing touches are today being put on the, when it is placed on exhibilon it will tracks for theo pening of the racing 1 win all the prices in h walk and (here reason here next Saturday. will be nothing elso to it. Horse owners und their racers and ! From here Dr. Robinson will go ( jockey have been flocking here for the other fruit growing sections io th j pat few days. It is estimated that ( northwest in his quest nf the promised when the racing begins 600 hows will land. He does not say he will no! re 1 be in the various stables. The truck mm. but admits thai he may not. In lis in fine shnoe and Ihe ioim ut aov ' the twilight of life he still believes he BEINO ROBBED OF GEMBleral re. oids it predicted. Johnny Lvons ' will live to grow apples whose glory winner of the too; derby, will be one , -haW outshine nil others nnd open n of the starters. The opening handicap rnw wav to the orchards, will be Torth HO'MI. DREAM HAVES GIRL FROM -Mi! ALA f EDA, Cal.. June 19. llyce p. Schwab of Oakland is con grntijlating herelf todav I ante she put faith in a dreuin. The girl dreamed that "he would be held op and robbed of her j-welrv. and when she y.nt rid i ig t lie m ( looruillg she g:: Ve her mother all Iot ring". She hnd not g-ine far out of tuwn when vhe hel up ALL BANKS OF RAWHIDE FORCED TO CLOSE DOORri ROOSEVELT WIRES HIS . , RAWHIDE. Nev. June 111. -Owing I.. Ihe cvlosinif of the Hank of Hawhide Pn-nideul Roosevelt today wired ( the bnviiiess situation is fteriou here nn follfv: BALLOT FOR THE VICE FREHIDENCY v Jas. H. Sherman Mill Curtis (iuild 7tl Franklin Murphy 77 tieorgo L. Sheldou Pi 4- C. W. Fairbanks 1 COLISEUM, Chicago, Ills., June 10. The couveution was called to order at 10: 111 o'clock today by Chuirman Henry ('. Lodge, who just previous had said: "There j nothing lo il but Sherman for the vice presidency, " and Sherman il was upon the tlrsl, ballot. Speaker Joseph O. Camion entered tliM Colisiuim and received a bg oxation. There were cheers all round the halt for " Uncle Joe.' The prayer was offered by Ituhhi To bias Schanfarber, who expressed thanks for the nomination of a man "of rig mind, true heart, with a strong will but open to conviction; one whom I lie lusl id' office canuol buy. ' Chairman Lodge formally announced the nomination of Tuft ut 1 0 : ;t I o'clock. The untiouncemcni was rocoi vi d by great applause. Sherman Is Nominated. The New York delegat ion t hen en lered with a banner bearing a big pic lure of James S. Sherman. The band played "Hot Time in the old Town." Sherman entered shortly afterward and was given a big ovation. When the roll call for nomination was sturted Colorado yielded its place to New York. State l 'hairmaii Timothy L. Wood rnlf of .Vow York then was recognized. A motion was passed limiting the noin hutting speeches to ten minutes and the seconding speeches to live minutes. Woodruff prtist nted the name nf Sher man, who nat smiling in the middle of New York, nnd said in part: ' ' We feel that unless the state is given I he second place on tho ticket . a Her we have unsuccessfully presented the iiame of a presidential candidate, wo will be returned to the vast con stiuenev of New York without certainy thai the ticket wilt meet with -success. ' ' He aid no national republican ticket with n , .New Yorker ou it was ever defeat ed except w hen th" -democrats placed n .New Yorker at the head of their ticket. He paid high tribute to Sherman for hi" services in congress and said: Is President of a Bank. "Our (andidate in one of the strong est in the nation. As president of a notional bank in u strong financial re 'ion, he is well verse. I in the intricate problem of business nnd llnance." When he namd She r man, the New Yorker w-as given a great oation that settled it in the minds of everyone pre eot that he w outd win. and aspirlatiotis of Ihe American pco pie.'' He congratulated tho men upon the nomination of Taft. Ah ho conclud ed the voternn speaker of tho housti of representatives was given far the great est ovation yet accorded a speaker. tlovrnor A. E. Wtlltton of Kentucky also s tided the nomination of Sher man. Negro as Presiding Officer. F. A. Dciinirioii, an Illinois negro, wus called to the chair and provided over the convention while Chairman Lodge look Ihe floor and placed in nomination (iovernor Curtis tliiild of Mustuichusetts. C. S. Oshorn of Michigan second the nomination of (iovernor 'iuild. Hobson Mel alter of New Jersey then placed former I Iovernor Franklin Murphy uf thai state in nomination. Ah the clerk pro led with the roll cull, Mississippi seconded Slienuaii, as did North Caro lina and Oklahoma. Slorman was nominated uu Ihe first ballot, the total vole for vice president being: Voo Ppon Vice-Presidency. Sherman Hf, (Iuild 7H, Murphy 77, Sheldon lo, Fairbanks I. Sher ma a 'a nomination, was uiude niton us. I ongratulatory inensuges promising support of (he ticket were read and Ihe convention adjourned sine die. The vote was as follows: For Sherman Alabama 10, Arkansas IK, California .", Colorado 0, Oonnecti cut blank, Delaware H, Florida 10, flcor- giu 2i', Idaho fi, Illinois .11, Indiana 2t. Iowa l"i, Kansas 10, Kentucky 2tf, Lon isitiua lo. Maim 0. Maryland HI, Mas ichusettH none, Michigan 20. Minnesota 2. Mississippi 1t, Missouri :tli, Montana li, Nebraska 12. Nevada H, New Hamp shire h. New Jersey none. New York 7S, Nort h l 'ni-otiuu 21, North Dakota M. Onio 2'1. Oklahoma 11, Oregon H, Ponn- sylvniiin tm, lihode Island H. South Car idina 17. Soulh Dakota H. Tennessee 2. Texas 2d, Utah il, Vermout S, Virginia 21, Washington o. West Virginia Ll, Wisconsin I. Wyoming fl, Alaska 2, Ariz onu 2, District or Columbin , Hawaii 2, New Mexico 2. Philippines 2, Porto Iticn 2. For M urphy -Alabama 2, Colorado 1, Connecticut IL Illinois .1, Indiana -i. Iowa I. KausHs I. Lonisinna 2, Misst" sippi I, New Jersey 2-(. South Carolina I. Wisconsin 2-. For Cnihl - Alabama I. Iowa 7, Lou- isiaua I, .Maine I. MassnchuscttH 32. Michigan 'eblaka 4, Wise nsin 0. West Virginia cast one vote for Fair banks. (iovernor O. L. Sheldon recniyed votes from Wiscioisin. Jameji S. Sherman of Ulleit. X. IT., ws born in I'fica, X. V.. in 1H".. He grad tinted fr.mi I la mil ton college in I ft 78. He is a lawyer bv profession, a banker 1 n capitalist, la politics be has been a!1i"d with the odell faction. HORSE DRIVES OUT BEAR FROM CAMP IN YOSEMrTE The nomination of Sbennun was see YOSEMITE V ALLEY, Cr.L, Juno 10. GOOD WISHES FOR TICKET b onded bv Sneaker Cnnnon. wbofid inU " Nigger.'' a horse owned by Dr. s,pnrt: IF., K. .lotinslim, surgeon or tne rur i . . . Unde Joe would Briber be n door Iteenlb cHviiUy, nw atatbmcd in the keeper in the house of the Lord than lYosemite reservation, i the hero nf the by a liiihwavman. She had a diamond I tudav. as the citv is mew without any Aci.epi my hearty contfratula to dwell In the tents of the wifltM," valley itxiay necnuse nn nroo a nig br h with her atid'was force. to give 1 tlnsiicial institution. ' s tions and earnenl good wlshea for Whi statement was gretei with grent 1 grizlv lenr from the woods surround rf op. The jewels Hint she gnv mother are valued at 20tio. her The othert wo bank of Rawhide ; the uer nf tb ticket, Taft and lch-ering and he wan forced to wait until closed their doom ten davs Biro. The - Whatman. slouiet wus restored. Then he added; directors of the Paok of Rawhide ny 1 ' THKODOBK HOOHF.VKLT. 4-1 "Since its organl itbrn. bv its law J. II. Thompson was over from .lack-1 that th closing of 4he hank la a pr- laud in its widom. th- repuhlvm party conville Wednesday morning. ing the camp of the cavalry. ' ' Nigger " wns formerly owned by iJenernl Fnnstoii nnd has attracted nl teiitiou in the valley by neighing in cautlunarr measure. befl faithful to the hopes, idetil answer to bugle calls.