Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, June 18, 1908, Page 3, Image 3

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Preliminary Organization Affected--
Will Prepare for Big
Shoot Next Fall.
Preliminary organization was effect
ml WednesJay evening of the Medford
Hod unci (inn elub at theeity hall by
the election of J. E. Euyart aa tempo
rary chairman and Ben E. Collins as
tompornry secretary. Permanent or
ganization will bo effected next Tues
day evening at tho same pluco, when
everyone interested is expocted to attend.
The club will arrange for a regular
series of monthly shoots and will co
operate with state authorities in on
f- reing gnmo laws. Tho primary object
or the organization, however, is to pre
pare for a shooting tournament early
in the autumn, in which every marks
man of note in the country will par
ticipate. This tournament ia expected
to be tin- greatest advertisement possl
ble to nirnnge of Medford among sports
Every uutuinu for three years the
world's champion lnaiksmcn hnvo vis
ited Medford, and though there was
no tournament - last yenr, tho local
sportsmen prepared such an Interest
ing program uf entertainment that the
visitors expressed the determination to
return this year, provided a tourna
ment wus arranged. This it is proposed
to do, on a much moro extensive scale
than ever before attempted hero.
Eucli previous visit of marksmen has
meant (he investment by some ot them
in valley property and several orchards
are now owned by champion shots.
Among thoso expected to join tho
Hod and Gun club aro the following.
tiifert, Boyden, Elwoood, !???,
Perry, Senly, Orr, Biden, Collins, Mi
nnrd, Perkins, Bonshaw, Pnttorson,
Smith, Shorty Miles, Coloman, Burnott,
Antol, Brooke, Wilkinson, Alford, Hall,
Hafer, King, Eeddy, lloss, Leever, E.
Biden, Hoot, Nicholson, Gnrnott, But
ler, Hay, Olwoll, Mrs. Enyart, Mrs. Pat
terson, .Miss Ulriili, Leon Haskins, Dr.
Pickel, Ilollis, Butler, Kentnor, Dan
iels, Helms, Bates, Kennedy, Murphy,
Downing. Harrington, Sid Brown, Sols
by, James Bnss, Wilkinson, Isaacs, Bun
dv, Moore, Sours, P. M. Wilson, Vaw
ter, Ooulder, Uickoff, A. C. Allen, W.
Muller, Gregory, Fay Anderson,
.TelT Heuvd, A. E. Rcauies, C. L. Roames,
B. F. Mulkey, Crowoll, Kcntner, Brown,
Merrick, Eifert.
Moro interest than usual was taken
in our annual school meeting. Twenty
six voters were present.. They signi
fied their desire that a te-.m of eight
months' school should bo held.
The officers elected were S. M. Noa
lon. director, and K. O. Bissell clerk.
Dr. Swedenburg was called to the
home of S. K. Adams in ntteudanco on
Mrs. Adams last week. The lady is
now improving.
Miss Alice French of Ashland visit
ed with friends hero last week.
Our baseball team met nnd defeated
the Siims Valley elub on our home
grounds last Sunday.
There was n large attendance at the
picnic of the Sunday schools held Sun
day in tho Bybeo grove on the bnnk
of Rogue river. Moro than 3011 people
were present coming from Table Rock,
Agate, Eagle Point. Tolo, Central Point
Nnms Valley nnd Rcece creek.
The schools of Tablo Rock and Agnto
had suitable programs, which were well
carried out. Rev. M. C. Davis, who did
miteli to make the affair n success, took
up the children's day offering, which
amounted In in.Sfl. Rev. Hewlett
brought n largo delegation from Eagle
Point nnd took part in the sen-ices. The
dinner was excellent nnd had full jus
lice done it by tho healthy, happy, well
ordered crowd. Tho recitations by Miss
Bessie Ilazleton and Margaret Nralon
were very appropriate and rendered in
n manner that received tho applause
of all who heard them. Young and
old enjoyed the day to tho fullest and
went home glad they nttended.
To the Editor:
I see bv vour local eulumus that
"Pernoir is charged with defeat of
the local tenm of Grants Pass in their
game with Roscburg last Sunday,
which certainly is au error, as Mr. Per
uoll is in no physical condition to take
part in the game at present.
The lineup was us follows:
S. Fnubiun c C. Hannan
Riggs p. . .-. Mitchell
Stevenuou lb.. Carter of G. P.
Thrasher, McKeuzie 2b. Neil of Ashland
H. Fnubinn 3b Eastman
Schmidt ss Gray
Smith If Jackson
Jarvis, Williams. . .ef Miller
McKenzie, Jarvis. .rf Gilvin
Iu the seventh inning Thrasher's fin
ger was split and he was forced to re
tiro from the game. The score .was 15
to 9 in favor of Roscburg, As the Grants
Pass tenm is in u crippled condition,
practically without its regular catcher
(Phelps) and using its pitchers in the
field, the gumo wus a farco from be
ginning to end.
Hoping you will be gentleman enough
to correct your error and give Pemoll
his just dues, I am, respoctfully yours.
J. F. KLEIN, "Scorer.
Grants Pass, Or.
Proposed Law Authorizes Speda!
Tax Levy not to Exceed Four
Mills to Boom Localities.
Eilitor E. Whnhorly of the Hosoburg
Review ntittos thnt one of the soeinl
lull nt linsehurg hns already provided
an nnnift in tlio desert of prohibition
which will envelope southern and went
nrn Oregon after July 1, by purchasing
ttio entire Mock on hand of the Rohp
burg brt'Wery, eoimi sting of over 200
kegs of beer. The life-saving liquid
will be kept in eohl storage and drawn
upon as needed. The brewery will bnsy
itself producing "near beer," a very
popular leverage in prohibition state,
whieli tntes and looks like ordinary
beer, hut contains only 2 per cent of
alcohol i unload of the 4 per cent the
ordinary beer boasts of.
A railroad employe living in Rose
burg told Mr. Wimberly the other day
he helped unload 27 kegs of beer and
three barrels of whisky at "dry" Eu
Bud Pernoll, the Grants Pass south
paw pitcher, who has been with tho
Portland team since last fall, has been
sold to Aberdeen M McOrdie.
Wednesday's Games.
At Oakland Portland 7. Oakland 7.
Tailed on account of darkness nt end
of l.'th inning.
At l.os Angeles T,os Angeles 4, San
Francisco 1,
Coal for Sale.
We re tow prepared tn furnish hao4
picked coal nt the mine, five mil
bast of town, Id any amount d Mired
George Weat, forest ranger, has gono
on a visit to Ashland to see his wife
She is improving in health.
E. S. Hildreth and wife have gone
to Medford on a visit.
Mr. Pierce of Sittkiyou county, Cali
fornia, has been to the Iowa camp
inspecting road conditions with a view
of placing a traction engino on tho line
between the camp and Medford to haul
out tho lumber of the Crater Lake
C. P. Hall of Browusboro and Little
Butte hat been appointed a notary
public, which will bo a great conveni
ence to residents of thnt section.
The citizens of Butte Palls are man
ifesting a spirit of improvement in lo
cal conditions. Committees are at work
cleaning the park grounds and arrang
ing stands, etc., preparatory to the
Fourth of Jttlv celebration.
There in an onereasing demand for
finishing lumber as the new schoolhouse
and soveral new residences will re
quiro a considerable quantity.
Will Isaacs, tho Toggery man, ac
companied by Mr. Noo of Modford,
drove up Thursday and spout a few
days angling in Butte creok with great
success. This section is becoming fa
mous for its fishing and hunting.
Tho country seems to be full of land
inspectors, as nearly in every direction
they may bo found. Election is com
ing on and the treatment of homestead
ors will count in the summing up the
School eloetion resulted in the elec
tion of C. P. Briggs as director and Ed
Watson as school clerk and a determin
ation to build a two-story schoolhouse
nftor Powors & Bronson's plans.
Will Chambers and family have gone
on an oxtonded visit to KlaimTth coun
Sevoral strangers havo been visiting
in and around the Falls during the
woek, but whose business your corres
pondent did not. learn.
W. F. Entrop, the noted Butte Falls
pedestrian, made his weokly walk from
his homesVend to Medford, walking tho
35 miles and reaching Medi'ord at 3
p. m. of the dny ho started.
II. II. Harris aud .1. II. Hillor took a
brief run to Medford during the week.
M reliant Hughes has moved into his
now business house and wilt stock up
with it largo assortment of merchant
able goods.
Ben Fredonburg supplies our towns
men nnd hotels with a fine quality of
fresh meat each week.
Thanks nro duo Messrs. McOowan
and Dr. Bnndy for placing 30,000 of
rainbow trout from the Oregon City
hatchery in the waters of Big Butte.
Fishing has been excellent the past
week nnd many have taken advuntnge
of it nnd been favored with fine
to the voters of said eumitv, who shall
vole yes" or tim' thereon. If the
siime shall receive a majority of till the
votes i-ant for and against the proposi
tion at xa ill election, it shall be con
sidervd carried, and t he county court
Khali levy the said tax according); but if
the same shall not receive a majority
uf the ' vote eat for and against said
proposition, it shall bo considered de
feated. "Section 4, In as much as there is
a pressing need for immediate aetiou
looking to the most effective advertis
ing aud promotion of the unlimited
resources of the state, au emergency
therefore is hereby declared to exist,
for which reason this act shall take
'fleet and be in force on and after its
approval by the governor.'
The proposed law permitting cities
to spend money for advertising, in
dorsed by the Medford Commercial
club Wednesday night, is as follows
"Au.uct proposed by tho Astoria
chamber of commerce tu provide for
adequate, equitrble tax for municipal
advertising to be presented at the
com'ug session of the Oregon legisla
ture iu January, n)08.
"Authorizing the several counties
mid towns of the state to lew taxes
for advertising and promoting the re
sources thereof.
"Be it enacted by the legislative as
sembly of the state of Oregon:
"Section 1. That any county or
town of this state is hereby authorized
and empowered to levy a special tax of
not more than -4 milfs for advertising,
printing and distribution of literature
in such manner and forms as may be
determined upon, for the purpose of
making known tho various agricultural,
horticultural, mining, inanuf eturing,
commercial aud other resources, or for
the purpose ot promoting manufactur
ing and railroad building enterprises.
".Section That the funds thu
niised shall bo turned over bv the couu-.
ty court to any chamber of commerce,
board of trade or commercial elnb, or
other organization formed for the pur
posn of advertising, promoting or other
wise furthering the commercial and in
dustrial welfare of the community, as
may be designate.! on the ballo cast nt
the electiou in which such upeeinl tax
is voted.
Provides for Petition.
Section 3. That upon a petition.
signed by 10 per cent of tho legal vot
ers at the lust preceding election, who
are taxpayers of the county, being filed
with the clerk of tho county not later
than :10 days prior to the eletuion at
(I... ,ftllnoi.: P i ...
" ,MV I""!'""""' :vyillK SUCH B nhrMli.tUl. I'l. i-..- I.'...
tax is to be voted upon, said clerk ! UhTittnrn, On.iiin. Fr--nHi' Spaiii-th, 'liiMry.
shall cause said proposition to be print- ''TrS
od on the ballot for said election, and ii;i'AjiTMi;vr ro'ii ti:a hlhh
the same shall thereby be submitted IIQISTXAR, imiVCIIMTY"'0 OREOOIf tEUQEHft IREMN
SALKM, Or., June IS, People from
every other part of the Vnited States
us well as from every section of the
state of Oregon continue to write the
attorney-general for advice regarding
'the possibility of acquiring a prior claim
to quarter sections in the Oregon &
California lund grant, Timber sharps
aro offering to locute anybody on a
quarter section of this valuable land
tor all kinds of privet,-and many peo
ple are biting.
1 I he people must learn that no at- j
toraey or timber cruiser or company of
either, ' says Attorney-General Craw
ford, "can locate any person on a quar
ter section of this grant-for either $50
or .m."
A recent communication has come
from Minneapolis from a man who says
a company there has offered to locate
him on a claim in the Oregon & Cali
t'oruin land graut for $i0, and that it
tho government is able ,to reclaim the
Inuad he will have a prior claim to the
section upon which he has been locatett.
At fixed to the letter is the phrase,
in the handwriting of the eorrespoudeut.
Minneapolis makes good. The at -
toruey general remarked that it is Uu
wondetr they make good in Minneapolis
if all am as enterprising as tho tirtu
of timber sharps who for will give
my person a prior claim to valuable
timber, Gie ownership of which is now
vested in the Southern Pacific iu west
ern Oregon.
.it. nn xx n .ii. i. v :ti, utoa
Judge Jewell of the Josephine county
court has ordered that all saloons be
closed In Josephino county on and after
July 1. The liquor denlers have been
notified, and so far ns now nppenrs
no objection will be made to theo rder.
The ten snloons of Grants Pass nnd
uenrly all the country nnd mining camp
saloons of the outside precincts nre al
ready preparing to close. The goods on
hand are being, disposed of ns rapidly
as tho thirsty will buy, and it is evi
dent thnt after Julv 1 there will be verv
little liquor on hand in this county. A
few of the saloon men wil Heave for
other parts, hut the majority, who are
men with families and comfort able
homes, will remain here nnd engage in
other pursuits. Plans are under way
for converting the brewery at Grants
Pass into a denatured alcohol plant.
Motion Pictures-New, Refined, lptoDate
9 PICTURES 2 80X0-8
Orchestra chairs on elevated floor. Always cool.
Two performances: 7:45, 9:1-"). Admission, 1()c.
NECTION, bout, rcsirlpin'0 section.
Small Orchards
On Easy Terms. Gity
Property and Ftuit
Groves for Sale
Chnrlca W. Stinson, a tminhr. who
lopi-d ii nook ugn with Lottie E. Sim-
limns, wife of .loli n Simmon of Mod j
ford. dMortinj? Iior hiiHhiind ami four I
childron, wiw apprehended at Kennetth !
with hi neinesin, and both brought i
ba.-k tn Medford by Deputy Sheriff !
Tull Wednesday. .Imtiee Stewart held
the couple under bonds for pre
liminary hearing Thursday aflernoon.
The womnn (rave bail.
Buy Tickets n; Wire.
-'Something which ia of considerable
Interest to tbe public generally and
which ii perbanii not generally knows
is tbe flyatem of prepaid ordore now in
effect between atations of tbe Southern
Pacific company and all point in tbe
United States. Bv means of this system
tickets mav be purchased ot Medford
from any place in tho T'nited States and
mailed or telegraphed direct to the
party wishing to come here. Sleeper
Accommodation and small amounts
cash in connection with these tickets
may nlss be furnished at tbe same
Vice (Did Ten-Acre Orchards on the
installment plan. The. right kind of
soil, the right hind of trees and the
right prices.
Twenty years' experience in fruit
raising hacks our judgment. We have
sold half the orchards in the valley
and have yd to see a purchaser dis
satisfied with his bargain.
Before haying see
Rogue River Land Go.
Exhibit Building
Ladies' and Misses' Tan
r'- C. M. KIDD, The Footfitter
We Now Have
DRY Shiplap
but for a short time only
Kisel Kars
FOR '08.
10 11. P. singlftevlinder Runabout, with folding
scat .'. 650
20 II. P. double-cylinder Romlstor with jump seat..?lOO0
20 II. P. double-cylinder Touring Car, detachable
tonneau '. $1250
2-1-28 II. P. four-cylinder Roadster or Touring 0ar..$2250
:S0-:C 1 1 . P. fouv-cylindev Roadster or Touring Car..$2500
:0-.".") 1 1 . P. foiir-cvlinder Roadster or Touring Car,
double ignition $2600
10-4.") JI. 1'. six-cylinder Touring Oar, 7-passnnger..?3750
1.") II. P. four-cylinder Runabout $ 500
Saint! with mechanical oiler, running-board and
lamps, etc $ 700
40 II. P. six-cylinder Touring ('Jar $3000
..')-40 II. P. Touring Car or Roadster
CAN YOU BEAT Til EM? Prices 1 (). B. Factory.
A. V. WALKER, Manager.
Garage Eighth and I) Streets.
Phone Main 21:1
Every Woman Loves a Man
Who buyi HOLEPROOF SOU, U-cium IIOLEI'KOOK i- iuiru NO r)anuo.
flaleproof iosiery
Wears Six Months Without Holes
We guarantee any ixirrhaier of Holeproof Slorklntri tint hr.y will need nri rijmlnit Utr Six
Month. II llipy ilioulil, b aKTrr in rrpUrn ihem with new on, iiroviitad (liny .tie returned to us
within sis uujiitlu Irom da ul ult tu er.
Are Your Sox Insured ?
Here's tho way to lift the burden of the weekly darning.
Here' the way to stop the entile a drudgery uf mending hcel
luoftaiwl toe-lens stockings.
HOUvPROOI' is Stockititf luxury, hut not extravagance
His economy of money, time nnd fctrength.
IIOU-PKOOP is itnit of I-gyptiau cotton, by special
rroces and the parts subject to hardest wear aro reinforced,
t id soft and flexible, yet wears lilte woven wire. Holeproof
Stocking art as handnotne in appearance as aiiy you ever
aw; they retain their orhrinal rthape nud are always easy on
the feet. Once you test them for yourself you will never wear
any other.
MRN'S IIOIiRPROOP SOX are made in fast colors-Wack, Tnn
(llf'ht or dark) I'earl and Navy Blue. Sixes 9 to n. Medium or light weight.
Sold only iu boxrt containing six pairs of one size assorted colors if
desired six month's guarantee witU each pair. J
Vmr box of blx Pairs, $2,00
If you've never before ht-aid of MOTHPROOF
HOSIKRY, make sure of a trial llox now, and throw
way your darning needle.
mm & m mm a. im1 m v m m