THE MKDFOKT) DAILY-TRTTCUyR MF.DFORT). OREGON, TUESDAY. .1 UN' R Hi. 1)ttS. OPPORTUNITIES FOR BUILDING X Now Is the Time When Lumber I and Materials are Lower in Price than lor Years. .' Jguoranre on the part of an imlivid ua), community, state or nation may nof bo excused when every facility and r every opportunity exists tor its re moval. Juat now tkt building trade, of the United Htutca is unsatisfactory because ?- of the general indifference or neglect of i- the business educational taetora. im - time to build is' when material and la bor can be secured on most advahta , tjeous terms. That time is now, iyn the .;- American Lumberman. Iguorance of the present unusual op . nortunities, and the failure to take ad va'ntage of conditions which may not again present themselves for years, are . inexcusable. This ignnfanee is duo to carelessness, negligence or oversight on the part of commercial educators, as stated. it should ;be charged mi .to the shortcom ings of lumbermen, dealers in hardware. real estate men, bankers, commercial ; organisations and industrial assoc "' tions. ; . i -' - The Time to Build Is' Now. time to build. This country is : suffering, it.ut all, with suppressed en thus'iasm. The warehouses are full: stocks' of "'lumber, building hardware. lime, cement and all other classes of build tug: uiatoi'iiil. urt; more than sum cient to supply the present demand, ' . Nominally some iiinnul'uoturers of build iug marn:i:Ui havu nut lowered their prices', Hut in every line, owing to too slack demand, dealers are willing to . make concessions to secure business. . This is true of the glass makers, lum bermen, hardware dealers, brick and atone men and' of 'producers of almost everv ftrfielci that enters into the con struetion and even reconstruction, of dwellings, warehouses and-office build . Ans. :i It ip''"tru in everv line of nidnstry in ( nthio trailed States and each particular department of trade is waiting for :ftou)P.hing .to start. ' Vow is' (he time to start it. Labor and Material Cheapest. Material and labor can be secured t nn mo"rfr.;ftdvautageous terms now than at afliv other, tliiie within the last five years, and probably more cheaply than will be possiblo at any timo after 1908. Mills and factories are being operat ed under reduced schedule. Some of them "aro closed down entirely. The .' workmen who manned these institutions are idle; some of them are walking the streets -looking for employment. They are able and anxious to work and under present conditions will give great rtr and better service in exchange for less money now thau they have been accustomed to give in the past. Lumber is now being offered nt prices which appear ridiculously low when compared with market values last year. . Where the. manufacturer or dealer re fuses to make heavy concessions in prices no inc. 0110 elso wilt to do so steps ' in and takes the trade. This year a great deal of lumber has . been' sold at prices that did not yield sufficient to cover the actual cost of . producing the stock. This, of course, has not been the case generally, but the lumber trade, so far this year, has . been ronchtcteftV on about the same basts : as the business of the man who trades a dollar for 100 cents. Yellow pine, hemlock, northern pine, . spruce ami hard woods in nil sections of the country am now being offered . at prices ranging front $2 to $10 below ' last year's schedules. Shingles, dars from the west, are bringing $1.20 -- to $1.30 a thousand below hist year's ' level. Trices- of mill work are on npprosi. match the" same footing. Other kinds . of building material also are being of fered at bargain prices, j' Soon the railroads and other heavy consumers must come into the marketT and the instant they do prices are go ing to advance 10 to 2:1 per cent, and the individual who delayed building In the hope of securing even better terms is going to boleft. KLAMATH COWOHtL QUEEN IN" TROUBLE Six indici'merits" and one not true bill ; were returned by the federal grand jury at Portland last week in the United States circuit court. Among; .those - charged with various offenses is Mrs. Nellie E. Tin pan, former assistant post 1 jnistress at Itoyston. Klamath county, who hns been indicted on four counts of rifling the mails. Owing to the fact that warrants have not been served the names of the other persons indict ed have bef-n temjM rnrily withheld, hut it is known that a true bill has been returned niiinst another prominent res iifent of epntern Oregon in mnnect inn with the Vina t ilia Indian reservation land frauds. Mrs. Ttagan, better- known in the Klamath country by the sobriquet of 'Towgirl Queen," is nccused of having violated section 54t7 of the revised statutes dealing with the looting of the t'nited States mails.- - - The first count In the indictment re cites that on November IS, 1P07, while . in charge of the pnstoffico nt Royton. b emferKftled nekt differed to Ads Frb, niy. Or., containing a postcard ofa pillow. Jnnuary 20, 19oS. it j al leged that Mrs. Ragan anneied a corset dirrtved to Mrs. J. C., Ed sail, Ply, tu.JUldon March 1 converted tn her own use ii package'ndrTresseT to Maggi LHnard, lily, Or., containing one petti rttt foot ttirs of hot, two- nnlon ; SPORTING NOTES, i Grants I'nss beut Jlusvburg ou the hum grounds iu hollow fashion. Oood reason: iVrnoll, the southpaw wonder, was. its pitrher. The ItnuvtTH have wuu lio of the -S games played ou . the home lot, and have taken 2-r of the Xi games. The syndicate which is arranging for the visit to Australia of 'Tommy Bums, the heavyweight pugilist, has deposited $10,000 to bind the match between. Burns and Lang, the Austra nan uoxer. . ine ngnt is to take place at Sydney in August. The svndicate also has the optiou of arranging two ad ditional fights at $7500 each. - The Oakland team of the California State league has about set a new world s record. It has lost 2.1 games and not won any this season. . The Portland nnd Oakland teams passed .through Medford Monday en route to C'ai'ifornia. Tlio Heavers will spend suveriil weks there trying to get to the top of the Pacific Coast league. They are only a few points behind Los Angeles, the leaders. Rattling N'elsoa coiih-h in for a nice toasting from Inhnlz for breaking into print and saying that the Biter laid down to U a us, i'uholz savs t hat On in is lots whiter thau the Battler, and offers to fight the . Dane for nothing after flans gors through with him. RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. W'uti touku rTiiliis Nib ii', Improved Order Unl Meu. Hunting li rounds of Medford. .Oregon. Juno 10, Urns. $ Whereas. The tireat Spirit whieli eon itrols the ai't'ulm and destining of man I kind has seeu fit to remove fror.i among I iw ..hi- it.-.. ti... t tr.i i iho sentiment of the Tribe that our foolmgs of sorrow and regret should ho iu some way expressed; now, theri fore, bo it Resolved, Thai iu the death of liioth or McKee Weatonka Tribe feiils that it has sustained an irreparable loss and that in the passage of this resolution the' Tribe is onlygiving such exprox sinii of its feelings us the imuUMpuicy of language will permit; and be it t'ur ther Resolved, That the must heartfelt sympathy of the Tribe be end is ex lendeil to the bereaved family of our late brother, ami that a copy of those resolutions be transmitted to them in token of our sympathy Submitted in K. K. and CV . ,T. W. PITZ(iKltAM, ; (). M. SKLSBV. L. L. JACOBS, J Committee, MAN FROM l RS LEARNS . HOW WE RUN RAILROADS Apples Bring Sleep. London tilobe. The apple is sueh a coinmou fruit, i y s a medit-al writer, that v v ry f e, w peistois are familiar with its lemarku My ef I'ii-arions mediriua! projn'rt ied. Kvrryhody ought to know that the very hist thing they can do is to eat applet .ju.u before retiring for the night. Per sous u uiu h iated iu the mysteries of fruit are liable to throw, up theii hands in horror at th:( visions of dys pepsia which such u suggt stiou may summon up. but uo harm can come even to a delicate system by the eating of the ripe and juicv apple before go ing to bed. The apple is t xeelleut brain food, because it has more phos phoric ae ill in easily digested shape than any other fruit. It excite . the ai'tiou of the liver, promote.-: sound acd healthv sloop and . thoroughly dis infects the mouth. This is not all. The apple prevents iudigest ion uud throat liseiises. ' TWENTY-FIVE MINERS SENT TO BLUE LEDGE Bargains for Sale. See us for bargains. We have farms for sale, well improved; good orchards; rich soil; $20 to $00 jter acre. Pears & Pirtle, Brownsville Land & Investment Co., Brownsville. Oregon. tf Goal for Sale.. Wo nre iow prepared to furnish haM picked coal at tho mine, five mile ast of toiru,. in nnv. amount desired Twenty five more workers, have been sent for from the Blue Ledge, making 40 on it that will be worked this sum mer, tine shift at the mine. and. the bal ance on the diamond drill which is now at work on the south side of the Sis ktous. Mr. Luugren of the niiiit spent Monday in Medford. The Most for the Money. The Auburn automobile is the most roomv and best machine ever offered for the money. See it before buying. L. B. Brown, agent, " time." IIow do you manage your railroad: in. this eountryf '. inquired the Mnn from Mars. " In those countries of what you called the Old World, which I visit cd, they are owned and managed by tin government. " 'In as much as I have never been abroad." replied , tlw politician, must, of courVu, com-ludc that their methods nre purely thoorct-ical. We. in this country, pride, ourselves on being practical. 4May 1 ask you to explain said tho Man from Mars. 'Certainly," replied the politician. "Our praetico proceeds on the theorv that the government is too poor nnd too tnontciont to own nnd manage our rail ways. Accordingly tho work in turned over to privnte individuals." "And aro the individuals trustwor thy?" "By no means," said the politician. We have to appoint railroad com missions to watch them." "The commissions, then, aro to be depended upon!" '.Not at all. Thev are watched b' the legislatures." "And tho legislatures?" "They in turn nre watched by the magazines. "Oh, I see, the magazines aro the final arbiters. That is verv interest ing." 'o, yon nre mistaken. The maga zines' aro wntched by the people." "ui course. It fmallv irets back to the people. They act upon the infor mation provided by the magazines. Sure ly the people do not need watching." wrong again. 1 hat's whero we come iri," said tho politician, proudlv stick ing his thumbs in th nnulioles of his waistcoat. "We have to watch the peo ple to keep them from watching us." Aiut how does it nil work?" in quired the Man from Mars. Wo nre living very easy, thank you," answered the politicinn. Stic- ess Magazine. , ; RESOLUTIONS OF CONDOLENCE. Weatonka Tribe. No. 30, Improved Order Red Men. Hunting Grounds of Aleittord, Oregon, Juno 10, 1908. Whereas, The Orent Spirit, hns seen fit to call from among us Chr. Boeck, tho beloved father of Brother V.. P. Boeck, and Whereas, Our hearts go out in deep est sympathy to our brother in his meat bereavoimmt, now, therefore, be it Resolved, That Weatonka Tribe, No. :to, Improved Order Red Men, not be ing in possesion of adequate means. of expressing the individual sym pithy of its mcinhers tor our sorrow;:ig brother in his great affliction, ndoptn this moth od of extending to him as a body the profound sorrow and heartfelt svni- psthy of liis brothers in this his hour of sadness; ami be ii further Ilesolved, That these refdlu turns be spread upon the records of the Tribe and that a copy of the name be trans itted to our bereaved brother. . J. W. PITZOKIIALlV O.. M. SKLSBV, X. L. JACOBS, Committee. IV I aae in New York m dressed. T is a comfort to know that you are properly " Benjamin " Clothes leave no room for doubt, they are the Standard of Style in Fashionable New York, and they are the best that can be produced. The Prices are always right. We are the sole distributors in this city. DANELS Seventh St. New Clothing Store JUST RECEIVED Ladies' and Misses' Tan Oxfords. C M. KIDD, The Footfitter. Nah Hotel Arrivals. E. M. llron-n. Oiiinli::- v Ifm. demon. Run Prnnrinoo: O. Mil. lioll nln.. IiMgn;' I). Willinmsnn. I'mtliiml; H. ' X. nirwen, rvj v. r. Kriwr, v. Htnn. Sun Frnnciwn: I., rnvunniiuh. Kf: r Juliiif Solgol,, San Fr.wisco; 11. A. I.ovcll, Pnrtlnml: .T. P. M.'Dotinlil, Sun rnneuvo; . M. llnllinKcr. M.irion: 1'aul Mai H. vnr.liIs. Mr. i.iM M Ilr. r.'ll. Mr. nnd Mr- Mnyn, ar).pr nuintr. NOTICE TO WATEE CONSUMERS. For the purpose of testing the new water mains that have recently been laid, the water will be shut off all the mains in the city from 8:00 o'clock a. m. to 8:00 o'clock p. m. on Monday, Jane in, and from 8:00 o'clock a. m. to 12:00 m. on Tuesday, June 16. Yon are, there fore notified to prepare for the same, for the city will not be responsible for any accidents that may arisefrom the same. BENJ. M. COLLINS. City Recorder. Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Gity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale I'irc iititl Tcn-Arrr Orrlxtrtls on the installment pliin. The ritld hind of mil, the riht kind of trees and the rifhl i7T.v. Tire n tif iefirx' rx pen en re. in fruit rnisini) hneks our jndijnieiil . We have sold half the orrhnrds in the valley and hare, yet to Hie, it. purchaser din-, milisfird with his hariain. . lief ore liininf nee We Now Have DRY Shiplap but for a short time only CRATER LAKE i. LUMBER COMPANY Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Lath . H EADQUARTERS FOR SASH AND DOORS ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. "KILNS AND MILLS AT GLEXDALK OREGON YARD AND OF KICK AT MKIiKORI),' OREGON. IBi why... is.. it? - Ji Tlial each moiilli in nil the Iest liomcs in lliis country, on the library lalih;, nn:l in every club rcaclincj room, yoU find the METROPOLITAN ' MAGAZINE It is because it keeps you in touch with those great public' and human movements on which the American family depends: It is because its stories are the best published anywhere. ; It is because its illustrations in Color, and black anj white,, set the standard. . It is because its articles are the most, vital and interesting. If is because there is something iu each copy for every member of every American family. A YEAR'S FEAST 1800 Beautiful Illustrations. 1 560 Pages of Reading Matter. 83 Complete 'Stories. -75 Good Poems. 50 'Tiujely and Important Articles. , . 1000 Paraornphs presenting the big news of the "World at Large." 120 Humorous Contributions. . ' Wonderfu) Color Work, presented in frontispiece!, inserts and coven. All Vourv for One Year's .Subscription to THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE I'rlrr ..Sl.iO prr Ycur ur M CViiH u (lopy 'liie publlHliera of tlio .SOUTIUUIN ORDOONIAN have made a spoclal airaiiKOMout with TUB METBOPOLITAN which they are enabled to oner the foUowiug exua- . ordinary bargain: The cost of one year's ulcription to THE METROPOLITAN is It. 00. Th cost or 12 iiiouthn' subscription to the SOUTHERN OBJUOONIAN is J 2. 00. We offer both for f'Alto. . f THE OLD HOWARD RANCH rhroo milrs snuth nf Mdfiirl anl mih's WMt of . I'hof.uix, in now cut up in small tracts to suit Uin purchaser. One-fourth ensh, bfttnnfe in three pay ment. This is a rnre opportunity for men of smtM menn. Lftert with all the agents. Rogue River Land Go. Exhibit Bui id ing rirv TRKAsrunrrs. xotk.k. ri(jon,' Jtinr Htb.- ' Noiit-c m lit r'ny ivn thut tht n um fanlii In th i t r xvamTy for ttm r rtrrtiptmn nf nil (mtMtni.'iinu wnrninN itU'''t ay.iiiil iho litit Hint wutfr fun. I, UrnfutM irlor-to fWi-inW .ih, l.M7. liiti'Vcnt (Hi tlif wit in1 tn ri'iirW Hftcr 1 nbovt- tniv. 72 'ity TmnmiTPr. Something New In Kuhber Tins that it wilt pay you to Investigate. COMPLETE STOCK, Hurry CuUieiUon, general rmtructnr ,ana nnililer, aement work ft speomtiy, Medford, Or. Buy Tickets oy Wire. 'Honiethiiif; whti-h is of considerable Interost 'to flie public (eiienilly nnd nlfj.-h is perhans not ennrally knnwr. in the syfttein of piepiiid ordors now in "ffeet between stations of the Southern I'i.eifie companj .n,d nil poinls in the prompt yrorn, action RusrantMO. I'niti d States, lty nieaiis of this system I liekots tuny lie purchased nt Mmlf onl I Mlt-fVlCkll fi, Pftf from any place in tho United Hlntc ami U IIUVVIV mailed or teienriipneu nircci 10 m i party wishing to come Here. . nieoper i GENERAL WAQONERS. aeeoiiiinodutlons ftud snmll amounts ot I. rash In conneelioit with thMe ticket. KB,t 7th ,, Tea, of .!,.. maT nlss ie Turnisiied at ine samr time." ) niacksmith Shop. Medford, Or.