3 THK MEDFOIU) DAILY Wmiv MnUOUr). OREGON. RATrrnnA .TtTXT 13, 1908. Medford Daily Tribune INCREASE IN SALARIES TOE OREGON POSTMASTERS Published every evening except Sunday Medford Publishing Company. O. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted aa Second Clam Manor in tie Postoffica at Medford, OtfK Subscription Bates: One month, by mail or earner. . .$0.50 One year, by mail '"" CAKE'S SOUND ADVICE. H. M. Cake, defeated candidate for United. States senator, ta out with a statement to republican members of Hie i.i.io(nrA who simiod Btatement No. 1 advising then, to live up their pledgee and vote for Chamberlain. Hun Mr. Cake atood a. steadfastly by the Stale t .ft., hiii nominution iih he did bo h. mild have been oleeted, but - he has learned the lesson and it will v,. -.11 for othera to. also, for tho peo plo are In no mood to "land betrayal Mr! Cake! i' letter to the Portland telegram, b-. "The official count being complete gnd Governor Chamberlain having ro i.. nnn.ilnr vote for United State senator,, the question haa been raised a. to the duty of the legislators i- ti .,lm who have sinned State- m- nt No. 1. There is only ouo answer they ahould live up to their obligation ana vow r i , ,, .l.!. i;tv nn mm. but to mum n..nAinp nf plertintf United State senators by the direct vote of the people, nicvii. it I. rnriillv admitted that ...... -j ui.iu. uNNinni Hhotild be limina mm'-n n- -,.....J , 11, u nennln. null the tiontttltll tion of the United States ahould be amended no as to provide tor sucn im , . .. .. nnnHClt tO tile liri'S- ent system, and the obligation involved in Statement No. I. By many such there haa been a moat determined onori "" to defeat the law by electing an un . j ..a i :iut.. nr riniterilic it pieagea iriBiBiui odious In the eye of the people by elect .. j aemitnr from a ropub lien state., but. I believe tbnt aueb a ... mistaken one. and that . i. .;n e..n i SUCH rilOIIB TT.Il . . KD.lLa.ifirB T nln that any political parly In the slate or Oregon 'will intimately suffer dofcul nr. less it fully acquiesces in the desire of the people to participate In the elec tion of their senators and to bind the i...:.l.(,.r In cHrrv nut their will, as expressed in the .Tune election. "H. M. OAKK. tu. l... fi.st nf .lulv the sularica of presidential postmasters throughout the country will be readjustis! on the basis of receipts of their respective omcos. 'ortlaud, as heretoiore stnuu, win get an udvnuco of iuin, placing me pi.slumster in the jJtiUUU class, uiuer ehauges take place at tne uegmuiug u. the fiscnl year ara as follows: Oregon. Office I!"-'1- Albany 2. Arlington 1,10 Ashland Astoria a,'J" Baker City -',' Dundee 1.100 Brownsville 1.00U Burns l.' Cliitskau'ie 1.100 Corvallis 2.100 'ullage flrove 1.00 Drain KliTin 1.300 Rntftrprise 1,-00 Forest Urnv rirmits Pass 2.I0U Oresham .10 Hillsboro 1,100 Hood lliver 2.200 Huntington 1.1 1.400 i,:too l.llOll 1,100 1,0110 2,000 Independence Klltiiiuth rails l.akeview .... Lebanon .en Is MaisliHeld Medford 2,000 Mvrlle Point M00 Ncwberg 1.000 N'orth Bend 1.400 llnturio 1.000 for! loud r',00 Kainier 1,400 Hoseblirg 8.-"0 St. Jolilis IclOO Hnlen 2,00" Sheriilun Hilvertoil 1.100 Springflidd I.'OO Suinpler 1,100 Tillamook 1.S0O Ciion 1,100 Vale 'OO Wasco I."' Woodbnril l.00 11)00. 2,400 1,200 2,aoo 2.70J 2.U0U I.20U 1,200 1,200 ok.,200 1. 200 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,700 2,300 2,300 1,700 2,300 1,300 1,500 1,400 1,400 1,500 1,100 2,300 2,300 1,200 1,700 1,500 I. OIK) fi.OOU 1,500 2,300 1,1100 .'1.000 1,100 1 ,200 1,200 1,400 1,1100 1.500 1,400 1,200 1.000 Classified Advertisements One Cent t Word No lngl iniet- tlona lew than 15 centt. SUt lnaertlons for the price of four. Bevsniy-iiTu cents a line per month. LOST Mav 2, between Ninth and .M and Twelfth aud K streets, an alii eimtaininif private let ters and papers, keys, and gold ring. Finder return to tuis omce u .oive reward. Mrs. Laura O. Oarduer.76 MMif iii.ai'K TO KAT Corner A aud M..vnth. near bruit!'-. Boarders wain ed. ' Fl'IINISHKU BOOMM The O'Dell, i.ver ostoffice. Fuli I1KNT Wn room nousti, mi" June IS. Inquire at OsenDrilgge . l 11 FOIt SALK 27 ucres foothill land, goou soil, easily c leared; grcuier pan Iv level: one mile rrom n.uv (ion) 30 per acre; 300 cash, easy Kruis on balanco. Address P. O. Box I, Medford, Or. 2- FOlt SALK One span ucavy ,.u, l.iirness. heavy wagon, -" "- Box 435, Medford, Or. 78 FOIt HALK-Corner lot, 50x100, on C slreet 4 blocks souin oi e ..... Catholic school and adjoins fine residences; the locat.oa is unsurpassed in Medford; price $050, 2.-,0 cash, and balance on easy tcrmfl. - r.na Lfc write loa '" fITZ TELLS HOW TO REDUCE YOUR WEIOMT FLAG DAY SUNDAY. ii i f i lie dei.ths of his knowledge ui the training of the liiiiiiaii body Bob ,'ilzsininious has dropped a lew hints m HimI IroiihollB oiieslion; "now can mil rlil of some of Ins weiulilT Man and winiinii alike seeK inn stun nn IVrhni.K tun lldvice or Hie ex .i oTin-ilv what vou need; it s pnrlicnliirly for tho business man np ,F.n,.l,in,i miilille nee: Absliiin from the use of nil latly nun .i.m,l.v f.in.l Ent nil varieties of ureen .ireiohles. fruits and drv toast, and Irinh vour ten wilhniit siicrnr. Do 1101 :it potatoes, milter, fresn nrenii Tlu.ro Ilie d el: now ror tne cxer ses. T lev lire not. nitricun. aim v ill give you only two movements'. Tu Ihe tlrst, you must lie run on iiiol then mi se vour leos up ogelhiT so they will be nl right angles villi vour body, then slowly let mem lown In the floor. Pr this 20 times ,....li ninrniiii and evening;. In I ho second movement yon must in down on your Btoinnch. When In his position plnce your bunds on Ihe floor near vour chest, and, without 'ending Ihe body, push yourself slowly ,ip lo Ihe full lenijiii or your arms, no his leu tunes eneli morning nun eve 'ling. Above nil things, you must lie regu DIED. ,.,ivvi. Ki, Butte orecinet, May 26, Ida May, the wife of W . Lee Kdmondson, aged 34 years, 2 months ul 12 davs. ...-,, i...ln,l .lone 3. Elir-a, ill ri " - , , , , wife of John P. Hupp, formerly of Med ford, aged 53 years. M'KKK In Medford, .lune 8, Mas L McKec, a native of Jackson county, ai-ed 37 vcars, i months, 11 days. rOHNSON At Lakeview, Juno J, or cousuii.pliou, Florence, daughter of CI. W. and Dollie Johnson, aged S years, 10 months, 14 days. LESLIE In Douglas tuu.,, .- it I, Kobert Leslie, of dold Hill, aged ."i!t voars. . (; H1I At Ashland, uue , of tubir culo'-is, John W. Cash, aged 34 years, 4 months, 8 days. WGI.E At Ashland, June u, Alice, wife of Levi L. Anglo, formerly of Medford, uged d years, n iq dnvs. WANTED To rent, a furnished or un furnished hnuso for the slimmer. r..v Box 50S. Medford. " FOIl SALE Extra line driving team oi voung mares; driving rig compicto 10 o with the same, including new road wagon, single and double harness, sad dle, robes, etc. rwcrincu price oi. .... if taken soon. W. T. York Co. Coal for Sale. We are now prepared to furnish hand nicked coal at the mine, five mils ,ast of town, Time Tabies Southern paoitio railway. Northbound. No. 16!Oregon Express.'... No. 14 Portland Express... No. 225 For Ashland.' Southbound. No. lSICalifornla Express. N. 13San Francisco Exp. No. i25From Oranis i 5:24 p. m. 9:49 a. m 10:15 a. m. 10:35 a. m. 1:50 p. m. 9:15 p. m. PACiriC t EASTERN RAILWAY. No. 1 1 Leaves Medford No. 3Loaves Medford No. 2 Arrives Medford... No. 4 Arrives Medford . . . 7:50 a. m. 3:20 p. m. 10:50 a. m. 5:30 p. m. J. E. ENYART.Presid ent. j. A. PEKRV, Vice-President. JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Ass t Cashier. The Medford national Bank . 90UE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY No. 2 I Leaves Medford... No. 4 Loaves Medford Motor I Leaves Medford Motor i Leaves Medford No. 1 i Leaves Jacksonville. . No. 3 Leaves Jacksonville.' M.itorjLeaves Jacksonville. 10.40 a. m. 5:55 p. m. 2:00 p. m. 9:00 p.m. 9:00 a. m 2:30 p. m. 1:00 p. m. Medford Opera House CHAS. D. HAZELRIOO, Manager. THE LAST SHOW OF THE SEASON ONE NIGHT MONDAY, JUNE 15TH 'nit SALE Choice house lot, 5 blocks from ruilroud depot, corner lot, high .....i drained: L'ood soil for gar den; siijlitlv locution near Oatholic school; property values are increasing fast in this vicinity and thero are n.is nn the market: n boou buy for someone; complete abstract; easy terms. Write M, euro oi irmssr, .Medford, Or. WANTED Man to work on ranch. Seo Bert Anderson, Medford. SPECIAL RETURN ENGAGEMENT OP GEORGIA HARPER IN ZAZA iv hut nri Wnnliini and ironinn done; nriccN reasonable. Mrs. Darling, Jio The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water for tea on very short notire It can be used on the ten table or in the kitchen: Attaches to any electrolier Simple, safe.con vcnlent, durable MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 . Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Tour Patronage ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Successor to Condor Wutor Power Co. Of fico ST; W. 7th at.,' opp. big electric sign State Depositary. Established 18S8. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 A COMPLETE RECORD Put your money ou deposit with tho Jackson County Bank and pay your bills by check. In this way you have a complete record of money paid out, and in the canceled check you havo the best legal form of receipt. A check is a safeguard against disputes as to the amount and date of payment. We very cordially invito you to avail your self of the advantages of paying by check by opening an aeconnt with the Jackson County Bank. W. ' I. VAWTER President G. R. LINDLEY... Cashier Phone 855. Ninlh street. 73 WANTED 10 or SO acres, improvert, close in. Give description, price aim terms. Prefer to deal with owners. Address E. II. Bliss, Box 586, Med ford. tf n.j .lone 14. is tho Kilr.t mini .. ' ii,A o.lnntmti hv conuress of the American flag. Ihe Star Spangled Banner. i,...K. Tlmt the flat? of the thir ..n ir.,ii,l Slst.es be thirteea stripes alternate red and white; that tun rnion by thirteen stars, white, on n nine nein MnMMntlnii a new constoliilt ion. " 1 hA arlv nnrt or tllO revoiui loinir ar thor was nn nttemnt nl a national i uui. nnlnnv troon or orivnteeT pleasing itself. The pine, tree B.viiibol urA th rnttlesnaKO were useo in n.nnar nll.MI 1n!a,nB. r 1777 ti. nresenr rorm w is iiri.i used, having been Improvised and run un nr enntured Brlllsh standards at Aumist H. after the battle or Oriskany. A r-gulnr flag wns carried at. the battle or Mramiywine. - . September 11. Historical pninlings are I ' fura wArj. tfenernllv in A circle. Th rirst etinnire was in lll'-i, wie-n in slrioAM nud two slurs were lidded for Vermont and Kentucky. Ou April 4, 1818, it, was ordered that 15 stripes be reduced permanen ly o 3 lo mem- ,,,., t lose weieht ory of the 13 original colonies anrt tne . (mn f.yf .,n.l n weV. You must Impress it upon your mind. 'lowever, that there must lie no weaa- iiiiu' nn the tasks that vou have bud lowil for yourself. 1...I.1 innrnillirs vou will iret tin lossibly nfler a hanl night, reeling inn .r.ii.l itiul nnref resheil. Ilistcnu nt tnK in? vour cold bath, rtibdown and exer .ises von mav be tempted tn say, "Oh! I 'II list skin II this once, and lump :nlo in v clothes. Such weakness is fatal Perseverel 'v,u 1.1 NT Two front office rooms and one luriro room 3I0 ill Miles building. Iiiipiiie at premises or nl Tiilmiio olTiee. I'Ol! SALE Runabout, $300, thorough Iv eipiipped with odometer, ncntclym l'iRlils, top, etc. A. 0. Allen, Medford, Or. " en tu .nil.' : flood investment property in Kansas City, Mo., worth $."000, to trade for Rogue Hiver irint lauu. . I), (iolilsbv, 4212 Main at., Kansas City Mo. LOW RATES EAST Will he made this season by SOUTHERN PACIFIC Lines in Oregon FROM M KDFORD, ORE as follows: Vou eiiiiinil hiinn to stick lo tins diet Miese exercises for two or three ,.,i.,i.,rf nml llien iuiiin oa the scales d find Hint you have dropped rive .ir I en pounds. It will be at least I wo or three weens Coffee placed inside out Electric Pulverizer is reduc ed almost to a powder. Place litis powder in a cloth such arid boil in the usual way and male your coffee clear and free from sediment. It will in this way make more cof fee and belter coffee. Allen ct lieagan (ahead as usual) LUNCH, DINNER OR SUPPER served at all hours of tho day. The good liver always comes horo hwen he wiiuta his chops, steaks, oyseters or any ol the appetising dishes that we make a specialty of cooking to please tho fastidious. If you wish to enjoy a well cooked meal, that can be prepared i i.lv by an artist, visit Nash Gate MEDFORD SASH DOOR CO. Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixtures and all kinds of planing mill work, lncl M ing tnraea wo am. fancy grills. F, BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH STS. PHONB 53. RESIDENCE LOIS Fifteen choice lots for sale, located five minutes from depot, near Bchool; these sold in block or separately; easy terms; the best buys in the city. FRED'K C. PAGE emi oat.k Ono II. S. Cream Sena rator, No. 8; BOO capacity; goon as aew; cost 80; will sell for .)0. R. (1. Hensley, Central Point. " Ruth Ways. One Way Through Via Portland. California. TOR SALE S. N. Subdivision is in the niirliet now; choics ten acre tracts, licst locution in the valley. L. Nee ileinever, Jacksonville. I'Oll S;i,E 500 head of full blood Itnllibouillet slock sheep; largo, heavy shearers of fine wool. John S. Her rin Son. 84 Chicago Nt. Iiouis St. Paul Omaha Kansas City ..$82.40 .. 77.40 .. 69.90 .. G9.90 .. 09.90 .$87.ro 82.50 81.75 75.00 75.00 tttra kp par with tlio Mnl number of statM, on th Frtnrth or .inly nrtor Nm1 finrnVilflO ail IV tire hiilil nn Dually in America and many m ill inn n ' aa1 Vittntini nnrl rnttnn flntTfi. Kv- TYwhr th un of flair i incrininR aa a nymboi or pBtnoTtnm. TOU SALK Fivfi-rooin houo, boauti fully lot-Mod, with lo 50x14.1, ten brnr ing upplo trrra; this in a nnap and will W mM nt burRuin. Artilrrw Lock Hot 125, Fo(lforl, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 bead of atock ihttep. wrua uoi i.n, Minlfor.1, Or. VKORPGAOUfl TEAR FOR STOCKMEN IN OREGON Tudlratli.UH ut thin tiiui nro that tblh will b a proporou year for th Ntook weu. In nil parts of the Trnitp1 Htatp hpt muikppH art rnnioliiininiT thtit thrv cannot ftd tnrui?h bfof to supply tlioir ooarrartB, ani Mpcoiaiiy in Tn cnxt art tbT Tirv much concerni'd over tbo an parent nhortajf. Jut reoently th prici' haa fiaen from 1 tn 2 n-utH uu tbt I0n rMMiiiifa. ntifl lbi nrico nnn liritmul one third jfrenrfr tbnn it wmt tho flrnt of June. 1P07. Klamath oountv him MeUiodtat Episcopal Church, B Street. NVxt Sabbath will bo ' 4 'hildron 'a .lav." At 11 i. Vine k a. in. tho pastor will preaeh on "Tho Sovon Pillarod Toniplo of Wisdom. ' Text, Vrov: 9:1. t niht tho program wilt roHHtt ol ttniuH hiiiI roritatuuiM bv I ho yoantl peoplo oi tho Sab- 'liitiit-nn iin1 tif fJto.lv marks. nt thim om.m ,( I 'nit Q Nehool lUld I'UUtf rOHUt IOU. TllO tlM year, hut if the conditions oontinuo I 'hnroh will bo tastefully doeornto.1. Sab as ther now exist the raftlr srowera of Hehonl at 10 a. in. Kpnorth bauo this aeilion will hava a nroanorona vrar. P- "' All are invited savs the Klamath Falls Ilorald. Tka sham raiiui in nriroi is aaid lo bo 1 1 .j.. a.j r..v.... T.n Bnxiti due entirely to tne aDortmre in tne sup ThurtHiiiv ovomui?. Juno IS. th piv uj eniiie lu ion iii.rnri n.iii iiiii'ii.i. I,, (hare is talk in the east of having to save oeer wmcn was exporien ro r.im land last winter shipped hark to this country In cold storage. As a matter of raet, fhe etportntlon of beer from Wen Tork. is practically nothing, and Ihe paekerj ara not able to fill their con tract even with half the amount of beef they have engaged to ship. It is known that a number of pnekers are letting thsur contracts go entirely by the board a4 ax paying their frelglht rate con tracts wlh the various steamship coin psniea and keeping such meat as tbev have la this aonntry. preferring to lose .-.-V"" or me rreigni tuna ( ) )n, freight, togslhcr with being eomnellM to ell the meat In Knulsnd at a much less sum tban they pay for It nn this aids. I. a Aiil s.i.'ii.lv nf Ihe t'lirist'ltll church ivill hold nil experience social nn,l ice cream supper at Ihe home of Mrs. Hen i.jamin (iarnelt near the Christian cliurcll. Koch Indv of the soeietv anil of the 'liurch who earns a dollar will relate lien- it was euiiied. Aprons will ulso he sold. Ice cream and cake 1.1c. Mon- v will he used to amilv on the building fund of the new Christian church. Kv rvbodv come. BUSINESS CARDS. , J. T. ANKSOM, WELL DIOOER. MEDKORD, OK. Prices right. Pumps tarnished when Wanted. BALL ft OLOSOOCK, (Vutractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Olflca with 0. H. Pierce ft Sou. rhone Ofi.1. P. O. Bos 171 WILLIAM 0. DEBLEir, Rosidout Piano Tnner. Special Rates by the Year. Uoadiiuurters at Halo's Piano House, All Work Ouaraateed. . o. Boi .1B3, MEDFORD. ORKOON. DR. A. B. SWEET I'hvsicinn and Surs.Hin. Office at Residence Tirki'ls will he mi sale .inly 0,7, 22, aa. August (i, 7, 21, 22. (ood for return in 5)0 days with stopover privileges at pleasure within limits. KKM KM HKR THK DATES For any further information call on A. S. ROSKNIUUM, Local Agent, or write to W M . M 'M ITR R A V, Oeneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. I I Golden I Drain I ii u i mil i IB i ----- Granules RESIDENCE FOR SALE SEVEN ROOMS AND BAT11; AU TOMOBTLK HOUSE; OITV WATER; ELECTRIC LIGHTS; SEWER CON N El 'TION, best residence section. FRED'K C. PAGE R. W. GRAY, Builder COLON r AT, PORCH WORK, GRILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. MEDFORD, OR. 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. COLVIO ft DtJBHAM. Attorneys-at-Law. Oeo. H. Durham. Grants Pass, Or Wm M. Colvlg, Medford, Or. CKISHOLM ft MARTIN House Paintinc, Paper Hanging nod Tintiiiif. All work guaranteed. Phone SS. Lockbox 13.1, Medford. Or. At Christian Church Sunday, Jit) 14. ll:Oi a. in. Sermon. " Manured Pe Insinns. " H:lln i. in. " Seven lllmiders of the World." Hihtf arhnol nt 10 a. m. Y. P. S. C. l-.. at 7 p Christian Bclanot. Christian H..ieu,-e services are held very flundny morning in the Commer eial eiub room' at 1 1 o "clock. Huhiect of ibt lesson termon-for .Tuna 14, "find H - It .11 . ime preserver or jnmn. tu .m we. You are rur.l'.Bllw '.n-ti.j ... nil t !l M nVwlaa , . . , . . Ihe sitilresscs. inlerestlnx. llnn't rit ... hA. I ne llihln school Is v.rv MiKd riaamtisw Co., Uuortwa-rv- Pav phone 353; Nichl Phones: C. W. Conklin !K; J. H. Butler 14S. wwmi mm Lock t i . ntecJMal, Or. Physician and 8ur(t Mmlera Equipped Operating sVioma. V .,. Ilffir. tln.irs in 19 9 4 p. M. Otflcs In Jackson County Bank oo to dbv. ooblb roa toub ubaosas. Have you tried our snecinl 2"ic and 3'ic Coffees, or our Pyra mid Tea yet! They are tho best in tho land; always good, nl wavs tho same. We are now showing a nice line of Cut Glass and Dinner Wnre. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE McOLASHAN ft JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 1051. The merchant and farmer, The salesladii and the clerk I Will find that speculation Will very seldom wore. V I A... 1 - 1, . 1 , ... . .....r m iwrj areaouse. Cloatin Mineral Horluas Hotel nnitnal HW INTn btdvih. for the season .nine i;nn nnoer man j aoem nt of Mrs. .lennle L. Htone. 7(1 I " n. Haa No Othar Bnsla isaa." 1 Speculation is lnvari:,'y a very riy undertaking. Vt hen it romes to biiylifaa igars, there's no tnfeng chances if you smoke our Pel Mareia loe, R. R. V. HV. or The Medford He eigars. They have a reputation for giving aatisfuc- Hon in eery particular. We ask yon In all fairness to give them a trial. - SV V. OKIAB WORKS. It tastes like coffee. Tt looks like coffee and it smells like coffee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle which young and old may drink morning, noon and night, fiolden Grain Granules is especially recommended to thow suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stoma troubles. Xemty 2-pmivi ptckacp fo iV lU Vtvui fMraWTft. Who by P. B. Theiss 4 Co. ' Medford, Or. It Pleases us to Please You THAT IS THE REASON WE AIM TO HAVE THE BEST MEATS AND THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN. ASK THOSE WHO TRADE HERE WHY, AND SEE IP THEIR REASON ISN'T A PRETTY GOOD ONE FOR YOU, TOO The Medford Meat Co. Successor to Pottenger-next Hotel Nash Most People Want the Best DO you? y To Get the Best Co to the EAGLE PHARMACY A. Ii. WHITMAN, Manager PALM BLOCK accuracy in Prescription Work Unequalled si I' r " I r a