THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OR.. FRIDAY. .IUNE ". 1!0S. J CAST VOTE FO HER Daughter of Win. J. Bryan Has Been Named. as Delegate to Colorado State Convention. EVICTION OF CHAMBERLAIN IMPRESSES WASHINGTON DENVER, Col, June 5. It is not im probable that Mrs. Ruth Bryan Leavitt, daughter of Willinm J. Bryan, will have tao honor una supreme satisgaction of casting ;a vote for her father, in ,the democratic convention at Denver. Mrs. Leavitt had not dreamed of such distinction, until .she was .. named on . Thursday as' a dclcgato nt lingo to the , state demoerutie convention to be held at, Glcnwood Springy June 13. She will head the delegation from Denver county in which she resides, and toduy promi nent democrats who wield much influ ence in the state convention were dis cussing hor chances for election as a dol egatn to the nationnl convention. MUCH AGITATION OVER AP POINTMENT OF ARCHBISHOP ROME. June 5. Because of the ani mosity that has entered into the dis cussion ubout the appointment of the coadjutor archbishop of San Francisco, no one wilt be delegated to the post for an indofinito time, according to a statement made to the t'nited Press to day by a high prelate of the congrega tion of Propaganda Fide. The infor mant said: "The troublo arose over the insist ence with which the numerous support ers nf Dr. Hannah presented his name t the congregation of the Proparanda Fide. Tho archbishop of San Francisco and his clergy gave the impression at Rome that he was trying to dictntc the appointment of Dr. Hannah. The dispute about Dr. Hannah has beon carried over into the college of cardinals. Cardinal Sartori is a very warm supporter of Dr. Hannah and is working for him continually, but other cardinals oppose him because of the modernism charged. STANFORD STUDENTS ARRIVE IN CHICAGO CHICAGO, June Th Stanford university athletes arrived here yes terday confident and in excellent condi tion for the try for the western cham i pionship which will be held Saturday. The Stanford boys took up their quarters in the Del Prado h tel and were tho objects of much attention by field sport enthusiasts. They held their first "limbering up practice" after their long trip in the morning and made a good showing. Conch Stugg of Chicago university looked the lads over and said he was confirmed in his belief that they would Jonrry first honors in tho eont fit. Tho Califominns, however, look with Home question on the nsHurnnces from Stngg. It is a well known custom of Chicago university to crack up its op ponents to contests of all kinds. WATER TESTS BURST PIPES ON FOURTH STREET WASHINGTON, D. C, June 5. The election of Chamberlain has absorbed Washington politicians. The Times and Star both comment that the popular election issue is well defined, and hence should be aasumed the popular mandate to be carried out by the legislature. The Star says: "Republicans voted for Chamberlain knowing his politics and that as senator he would act with the democratic party. He who took this stand put his personality above party considerations. There could have been no understanding to the contrary, for Governor Chamberlain's character and popularity repols the bare sugges tion. Should these instructions be obeyed, undoubtedly, illogical as the re sult is, it will represent the popular Will, and show that ours is a govern ment by majority. People of Oregon have spoken and with full knowledge of the matter before them. Thev knew Governor Chamberlain's political views of tho office, to which he aspired, and have expressed preference for him to represent them in the senate for th1 next six vears. " MAN DISAPPEARS; FRIENDS FEAJft FOUL PLAY SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., Juue S. De tectives who have been working on the case discovered no clue today that leads to the solution of the mystery surrouud ing the disappearance of Daniel B. Wy &udt. the Stockton man who dropped out of s bight suddenly Tuesday. Wvaudt had been staking with friends here and was last seen when he left the bo uno Tuesday afternoon. As there is no known reason whv ue should have committed suicide, it is feared that he has met with foul play. He had consid erable um of mouey in bis pockets when be left borne. BY AN GAVE MONEY . TO BRYAN CAMPAIGN TOMATOES AND RED PEPPER BREAK UP EXERCISES SAN RAFAEL, Cal., June S. Ripe tomatoes and red pepper can be used with great success in breaking up grad uation exercises, s demonstrated iu the high school here; when a chorus of sneezes and coughs greeted Professor E. Percival Lewis of tho University of California, the principal speaker. Before the exercises were opened on Thursday night some mischevious per son very carefully sprinkled red pepper iu large quantities around the room and then stood near, armed with over-ripe tomatoes. Everything went well until the scuffling of feet began to stir up the popper." Presently Professor Lewis mounted the platform. When ho heard the sneezing and coughing he felt in jured, but after he had scraped his feet in embarrassment for a few seconds the pepper began to rise nnd he joined the sneezing chorus. The professor then presented the dip lomas, after experiencing a hard time of it, ending tho exercises, for the to matoes began to fly thick and fast, everybody dodging the red vegetable. PORTLAND ROSE SHOW PROVES GREAT SUCCESS PORTLAND' Or., June 5. Millions of roses, hundreds of miles of bright bunting, tons of serpentino, myriad flags, scores ot novelties, big daily parades and special features are all do- injr their full share to make the reign of roses an evently week in tho history of Portland. But tho keynote of success, the fen- ture which is giving the annual festival its unparalleled success is the respon sive enthusiasm, of tho people. This spirit of loyal support has been mani fest from the first, nnd with the suc ceeding days of the celebration thero has been no falling away ot loyalty. Rather it has been increasing. BELINGHAM CANNING SEASON HAS OPENED Work upon the water system, which has been rushed with all possible spend, received a slight setback yesterday morning, when an all-day test under wnter pressuro of tho pipe, which hus already been loid, planned for yesterday, waR abruptly terminated early in tho forenoon by the bursting of Beveral sections of the pipe which had been laid on Fourth street. Tho accident was not serious, and after a short do lay required to replace tho defective pipe, tho entire first section which has now been completed, will bo subjected to a high wnter pressure and then the open trenches nt prosent a serions mon aco to public safety will bo filled up. The steam ditcher has been moved to West Seventh street and started work ing yesterday opposite the Hotel Moore. BELLINGHAM, Wash., June fi. The salmon canning season was opened yes terdny by the Pacific American asso ciation in South Bellinghnm and thou sands of wheels, belt and pulleys were set in motion for the first time in many months, preparing the most commercial fish of tho season into a delicious table delicacy. Not many fish were canned, but the few which were brought in from the salmon banks. The compnny ordored shipments of from 10 to 20 fish each day until th first of July, wheu a big run is looked for. When the canning season is at its best six lines of machines will be running. CHAMBERLAIN HAS CARRIED SALEM AND MARION COUNTY ORANT CASE DISMISSED IN THE FEDERAL COURT Upon motion of Trnccy C. Beckor, spe ciul nnistnnt to Attorney-General Bona parte, the rase against the I'nited States and the Attorney-General brought by John R. Ilerrin, nnd others against southern Oregon and Coos Bay Wngon Road land cases has beon dismissed by Judge Wolverton in the circuit court this morning, on the ground that the court hnd no jnurindiction. GREEN APHIS INVADES OREGON GRAIN FIELDS Report-comes that the green aphis is invading the grain fields and orchards of portions of eastern Oregon and a great loss is the result to farmer. Even the alfalfa fields have been attacked and some of them present the appear ance as though a fire hnd swept over them. The bug; swept over the Innds in perfect clouds. SALEM, Or., Julie 5. Comph to unof ficial count in Marion county gives Chamberlain a plurality of 13K votes. The county stands as follows: Cake, 314.1; Chamberlain, 3283. The county is wet by a majority against prohibition of 553. One pre cinct, Scotia Mills, went unanimously wet. Throe precincts in Salem are dry and the city of Salem is wet by the small margin of (14 votes. Tho univer sity appropriation lost by a majority ot 1440 and equal suffrage lot by a ma jority of 1260. CONTESTS WILL; CLAIMS BROTHER USED INFLUENCE ALBANY. Or., Juno o Because she onlv received $-0) from her father's 75,000 estate. Miss Alameda Caldwell accuse her brother, Georgo W. Caldwell, an attorney of Portland, of using undue influence over their aged father. Miss Caldwell has filed contest ngainst the will of V, H. Caldwell, who died April 8 nt tho ago of 77 years. Caldwell left 14 children, and the will provides that seven nf them receive $.ViO each, while the other seven are bequeathed from tl to $1500 each. '-UKCOLX,b., Juno 5. William J. Bryan today couflrmed the story that Thomas Fortune Ryan, the New York tractiotf magnate, contributed $1",000 to a fund to be used by Bryan ia the state campaign iu 19tV4 and ut the same time the commoner announced his determina tion to pay back the mouey to Ryan out of his won pocket. When the report was first published Bryan denied any knowledge of the contribution, but at once made an inves tigation. Returning from his northwestern Ne braska trip todny, he said it was true that Rynn had given tho $15,000. Tho question now arises as to whether Ryan will take the money if Bryan otters to roturn It. The traction king is not noted for refusing ready cash bul his attitude is awaited with much interest. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single inser tions less than 15 cents. Six Insertions for the price of four." Seventy-five cents a line per month. . FOB SALE Large corner lot iu West Medford, just outside city limits; two tliirtlR of an acre; fronting on good county road; sightly building spot; price 1S0 if sold at once. Writo Box 503, Med ford tf FURNISHED BOOMS JThe O'Dcll, over postoffice. FOR SALE One Jersey cow. Inquire 0. V. Cook, R. R. Depot. 70 FOR SALE 5;room bungalow, just fin ished; cheap if sold soon. See Guy A. Childors. WANTED Ten teamsters with teams wanted hy Western Oregon Orchards Co. at once; good wages. WANTED One or two unfurnuished rooms for light housekeeping, near railroad depot, with outside entrance. II. Wood. 08 WANTED Waslung and ironing dono; prices reusonahle. Mrs.' Darling, 316 Ninth street. 73 WANTED 10 or 20 acres, improved, close in. Givo description, price and terms. Prefer to deal with owners. Address K. H. Bliss, Box 586, Med ford. tf FOR SALE Runabout, $300, thorough ly equipped with odometer, acetolyne lights, top, etc. A..C. Allen, Medford, Or. FOR SALE One U. 8. Cream Sepa rator, No. 6; 600 capacity; good as new; cost $80; will sell for $.50., It. C ITensley, Central Point. FOR SALE 8. N. Subdivision is in the market now; choice ten-acre tracts, best location in tho Taller. L. Nee demeycr, Jacksonville. FOR SALE 500 head of full blood Rambouillet stock sheep; large, heavy shearers of fioe wool. John S. Her rin Sod. 44 FOR SALE Five-room house, beauti fully located, with lo 50x145, ten bear-, ing apple trees; this is a snap and will be sold at a bargain. Add rem Lock Box 185. Medford, Or. WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 head of stock sheep. Write Box 131. Medford, Or. ' BU8INEB8 CABDB. H. B, MORRISON, I'bvsteian and Surpeon. Of ficc: . Medford National Bank ldg. J. I. AHXBOM, WELL DiaOER. MEDFORD, OR. Prices right. Pumps Famished when Wanted. BALL It OL08000K, Contractors and Builders. All Work Guaranteed. Office vita O. H. Pierce k Son. Phons 633. P. O. Box 77 STOCKTON SCHOOL TO ELIMINATE STUDY OF MODERN LANGUAGES THE '-'HUB" BOOMS QUILD TOR VICE PRESIDENCY BOSTON, Mass., June 5. Campaign buttons booming Governor Guild of Mas sachusetts for the democratic vice-presidency are being scattered throughout the state today by li in supporters. Thanks for Floral Tribute. MEDFORD. Or., June 3. We, as member, of the Chester A. Arthur W. R. C. No. 31, wish to extend thorugh the columns of your pnp-v our thnr'k. ti Rev. Mr. Mall and those who ren derd their assistance in the memorial erereiiM-. on Memorial day, also to Mr. " P. Pierce fi r floral tribute she r r. tnliuted to the memorial service. NANCY D. WILSON, Sscrettrr. STOCKTON, Cul., June ."..After weeks of investigation the city board of education deeided today to eliminate the study of modem languages from the schools here. Greek in also includ ed in the language under the ban, the board taking the position that they take too much time thnt might he spent on other studies. The action of the sehool board is seored iu some parts as radical retro gression. It has provoked a lively dis enssion. Is Champion Rifle Shot. WASHINGTON. June .". Company C, Fourteenth infantry, made the be.t target record f'r Hie season of 1007. according to figures made poblie nt the war department today. The individual figure nf Troop D in the Philippines was 8s. 79. considerably higher than in the t'nited State., where the individual figure of merit was "9.63, WILLIAM O. DEBLEY, Resident Piano Tuier. Bneclal Rates bv the Year. Headquarters at Hale's Piano House All Work Guaranteed. P. O. Box 883, MEDFORD, OREGON OB. A. B. SWBET . Physician and Surgson. Office et Residence. Win M. Colig, Medford, Or. COLYIO fc DTTBHAM, Attorneys at-Law. Oeo. H. Durham, Otanti Pin, Or KNIGHT TO MAKE SPEECH i SECONDING TAPT'S NOMINATION 1 SAN FRANCISCO. Cal., Juue .V George A. Knight, the republican ora tor of California, todny coufirmed. the report that he wilt make a speech sec onding the uoiniiiutioa of Secretary Tnft at the Chicago convention. He said that his remarks were entirely extem poraneous. " I will wail uutil f get to Chicago before 1 eveu cousider what 1 shall have to say iu seconding the nomination of the secretary," said Knight today. 'ln order that I may note political condi tions and aunte my remarks ncocrding ly. I will make such ft speech as iu my judgment the. facts dictate. V ADVERTISED LETTER LIST. Mr. Delia Allen, L. Beruheimcr )2), Mrs. K. A. Brown, Roy Coffniau, J. E. Crawford, W. F. Crawford, R. H. David son, M. F. Doyle, Rev. R. E. Dunlnp. Mrs. John Fitzgerald, Ewatd Glass, J. D. J. Hauberg, Arte Hood, Alex Hunt er, T. M. Huff, Elmer Inioden, R. W. McLeod, Herman Moodc. W. S. Mor ton, Rev. E. E. Nlielknuier, Mrs. Wm. Taggitrt Tuggurt, Harry Williunis. Notice. I wisli to announce that I have pur hnsed tho office and practice of the ite Dr. M. S. Jones. My office will loented at the same place as Dr. 'ones' and office hours will be from 10 a. m., 2 4:30 and 7 to 8 p. in. R. J. CONROY, Physician and Surgeon. All t.iiidn of job printing et Portland prices. PORTLAND FESTIVAL To be held in PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to 6, 1908. Will he the most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND CIVIC JUBILEE Ever held in tho Pacific Northwest. Portland, "The Rose City," will be a scone of sptcudor and the conter of world-wide interest for one week. Sevoral important conventions to be held in Portland on that occasion. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. AVill Sell Special Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn nt $13.20 For particulars cull on A. S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent. WM, McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon. sr The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water for ten on very short notiee It can be ikcJ on the tea table or in the kitchen Atttt"hes to any electrolier durable ROOUB BIVER ELECTRIC CO., Successor to Condor Water Power Co. Of fice 206 W. 7th it., opp. big electric, sign. Phone 855. 1 11 U.l! medford OPERA HOUSi Cham. Haxv.i.ricq, Managek ONE SOLID WEEK, IDUSEl F.n I beginning Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers- Day phona 333; Night Phones: C. W Conklin 4i)5; J. H. Butler 148. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AND COL EEOTION AGENCY. Lock Box 808. Medford, Or. E. B. SEELY. M. D. Physician and Borgton Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X Ray. Office Hours, 10 IS, 8 4 P. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldf . Monday June 1st. Th Popular Loading Woman, GEORGIA HARPER and a Splendid Company ENTIRELY NEW REPERTOIRE Carload of Scenery Elegant Costumes Popular prices. Heats on sale Thurs day, May 28. Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Lath CEDAR BEVELED SIDING y - ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished f- Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT GLENDALK OREGON . YARD AND OFFICE AT MEDFORD, OREGON. ' ' Just Received ! A Carload of IMPORTED CEMENT of the highest grade Guaranteed to stand any test. CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY AUTOMOBILES 1908 MOTOR CARS EXPERT REPAIRING. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. SUNDRIES FOR KALE. PUBLIC GARAGE. CARS STORED AND CARED FOR. Reos Premiers Fords Kisel Kars WE ASK YO U TO NOTICE OUR LINE FOR '08. CAN YOU P. EAT IT REOS 10 11. P. siiifle--cvlin(lcr Rimiihoiit, witji folding seat .' 650 , 'JO H. P. double-cylinder. Roadster with jump seat.. $1000 '20 II. F. double-cylinder Touring Car, delaeliable toiineau $1250 PREMIERS 24-28 II. P. rotir-c.vlinder Roudslor or Touring Cnr..$2250 :!0-3.j H. P. four-cylinder Roadster or Touring 0tu.$2500 :t0-:)." H. F. four-cylinder Roadsler or Touring Car, double ignition .$2600 40-4") II. P. fiix-cvlinder Touring Car, 7-pasenger..$3750 . fords 'y-A. 1.") II. P. four-cylinder Runabout ? 500 Same with mechanical oiler, running-board and lumps, etc L. '. $ 700 40 M. P. six-cylinder Touring Car $3000 KISSEL KAR :r-40 U. P. Touring Car or Roadster $2000 CAN YOU MEAT THEM Pri.-es F. O. 1J. Faetorv. MEDFORD AUTO CO., A. V. WALKER, Manager. Oarage; Eighth and I) Streets. Phone Main 2Kf. OO TO DR. OOBLE FOR TOUR OLASKB8. Optical Parlor In Perry's Warehouse, SEVENTH STREET. B Hu No Other Builaest.' Something New In Ucilihrr Tins that it will pay ymi in investigatn. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL WAOONERS. East Ttb Street, rear uf Merriman's Blacksmith Bbop. Medford, Or. JUST A HINT WHEN YOU WANT MEATS OF ANY KIND, VEAL OR CHICKEN, THAT IS REALLY FIRST-CLASS, WITH THE PRICE NO MORE THAN ELSE WHERE, THE PLACE IS The Medford Meat Co NEXT TO THE HOTEL NASH, FOR MERLY POTTINOER'S PLACE. THE LI8T OF PLEASED CUSTOMERS IS OROWINO EVERY DAY. ir YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM, WHY NOT? SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY HERE. IT IS TIME TO WAKE UP! Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Qity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale ; Fivr and Tcn-Arrr Orchards on the ' nihil r nl plan. Thr riflht. hind of soil, the. rifht. hiinf of trees anil thii rifjld jirices. T ire nil ienr.i' c.r peri r nee in fruit rnishii hnrkst our judgment. Wc hove xold half the orchards in the valley and hare- iet to see. a purchaser din sal is fied with his hariain. tlefore hiuiiKj see If you have lost or found i Miivtliinrr. irl work, nv luivc something to sell, it doesn't I waiter what you wunt is, try a "Want Ad in The Tribune. Ro&ue River Land Qo. Exhibit Building