THE MteDFOlil) DA1L1 TRIBUNE, MKDFOR1), OR.. 'FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 1908. Medford Daily Tribune A XttTtt Fpat 111 a Liv Town. Published every evening except Suoday Medford Publishing Company. 0. PUTNAM, Editor and Manager. Admitted .as Second Class Mutter in the Pontiff ice at Medford, Oregon. Subscription Bates: One month, by mail or carrier. . .$0.50 One year, by mail 5.00 OEEOON LEAI8 THE WAY. Oregon people are determined to try popular governments Kvery election in the past five years proven thia. Kv ery time the ballon are counted the majority for popular government grown greater. The old duyn, the days of partisan appeal, of stacked conventions and of systematic corruption of lgis laturei, has passed away, and thero is little likelihood of tbelr return. Direct primaries, popular election of senators, initiative and referendum have come to slay. Each iWtton the peo ple increase their authority. This year they force a republican lugiHlutnre to' elct a democrat ar senator, and adopt the recall to punUh official, who be tray public trust. They pnas a law by a tremeudous majority declaring it Uir will of the people that every legislator be forced, to vote for. the popular choice for senator, and though it is only for -moral effect, it indicates public opiit. ion. They aluo pans a law limiting cam paiga expenses, to curtail corporation dictation. Is popular government a fuiluref Not it has been thoroughly-tried. Tt is not a failure iu Switzerland, where the iuitiative, referendum and recall are used to govern nearly 4,000,000 poo "pie, where officials are simply figure heads to carry out the will of the peo pie. It is not a failure in New Zealand, not a failure in Australia. Ia any of these countries even in the monarchies of Europe, the "com mou people" have more Tights than they have under representative government In America, where municipal, state and federal government has been prostitut ed for the benefit of big business iu terests and the rights of man bartered away for the pecuniary advantage of corporation, who fatten upon illicit earnings through the tariff, through stealing the public domain, through a thousand channels that divert the earn ings and property of flio many to ere ate a few multi-millionaires. Oregon -is the pioneer of the Mitten in popular government. She "flien with her own wings" nnd leads the way to the overthrow of corporate control that through representative government hue seized possesion of the resource of the nation. NONE SO BLIND AS THOSB WHO WILL NOT SEE. i . Hen ut or Fulton is lending a lit t It band of machine politician!, wIioho heads ure so thick that a crowbar must be used to get an idea into them, iu a futile sud vain effort to sweep back the ocean of popular government that is overwhelming (hem, One would thiuh that Heuator Fulton would have learned something from hit own defi'Ht in the primaries, and by the smashing by the people of politi cal machines, but the rcpublii-nn con -yeotlon In Portland, held afterward and controlled by him, proceeded to defy popular rule and defeated the re publican candidate hv turning down Statement No. 1. Neither the buzz-snws of primary am; election have opened Mr. Fulton s ey to the handwriting on the wall, and hr is. out with a statement ndvimug legis latere to defy public sentiment, to ig nore the people, to repudiate the sol omn pledges upon which they were elect ed, In order to elect a partisan candi date,- presumably himself, to the sen ate. Mr. Fulton says: ."I regret very much the defeat Mr. Cake. I am not going to believe, however, that a republican Icgmlaturr will elect a democrat to the United States senate until 1 witnma the actual faxt. 11 T am on record as conteuding when he direct primary law was adopted that the people did not understand tha under any ctrcumstanm a republican legislature would be railed upon to el a democratic senator, or tliev novo Would have adopted the law. In nn judguieut, in selecting a senator and taking the oath of office to support the Couetitution of the rutted States if the legislator selects anyone for th senate who in his judgment does n.ii represent the principles and policies- that are for the het interest of tli people, he violates his oath. "Hence t say the republ can leginla ture will not elect democratic senalorw, The people are not so denne am Mr. Fulton is, or pretends to be. Thev knew just what the direct primary law pro vided. They wanted ft democrat elected to the senate by the republican tegixla ture, nod voted for it, understanding the situation thoroughly. Where publicans refused to promise to vote as the people demanded, as they did in Tacksou countv, democrat were elected in their (duces, ho that a democrat Would be sent to represent Oregon, and a democrat will succeed Mr. Fulton, The party cry is always the refuge of the politician, a last hope to bolster up a failure, sud to rally suppoit from the unthinking and prejudiced for a re TntdUted individuality. In this ease Mr. Fultou ainly hopes to Nrainpedr the legislature from the Hecepted choice of the whole people ut the rejected of his own party. Methodist Episcopal Church, B Street. "The Orestest Character Huilder will be the subject neit Hahbnth at 11 s. m. X. might the theme will be "The Ulorics of the Christian's Bins," Kp- worth lesgus 7 p. m. Sabbath school NO MORE JUNE CT4TC ri CPTIAMC JlAlL LLLVJ I IvilO ' Laws Passed by the People ia Effect . Recall Strex gthens Statement No. 1, Both Fishery Bills Probably Passed. Woman's Sultrage Defeated. HAL F.M, Or., June .". The constitu tional umendmei ts and bills adopted by the people -nt the election lust Mon day will go Into effect as soon as Un vote thereon cau be canvassed and the result proclaimed by the governor. This will probably be three weeks yet, as some of the county clerks are always slow iu sending lu returns. Most of the amendments and initiative, measure- have no immediate effect, however, though thev will be iu full force soon as the proclamation has been is sued, i . ; ' , ' - Recall Effective at Once. The ; recall amendment is self-emeu-tory and will be effective at once. It provides that 25 per cent of the voters of an election may compel an officer to - stand for re election ut a special election to be held within iiO days for which election other candidates may be nominated. Tho reasons for the' re call nnd the defenso of tho officer may be printed upon the sample ballots hi not to exceed 200 words each. No pro vision is made as to the manner in which nominations shall be made for the pecial election. Recall petitions can not be filed until nn officer has occu pied his position six months, or. in the case of a member of the legislature, until the legislature hus been iu session five days. No More June Elections. The act instructing members of the tegiHlaturn to vote for the people choice for senator will, of course, never he effective as an imperative law. hut as a moral influence upon the legisla ture its significance will be determined next January, The nmendment changing tho time of holding elections from June to Novem her will take effect in 1010. If the ameudment has passed increas iug the number of supreme judges from three to five, though it now aeems im probable, there will be two judges te elect iu the November election this year, for il is so provided in the amendment. Nominations muat be by convention, ns sembly of electors or by petition. If both fishery bills have been adopt ed, each will stand, except that if there be any conflicting provisions of the ac receiving the largest affirmative votr will prevail. TEN MILLION IS COST OF OREOON EASTERN The Oregon Fnstorn will cunt iu the neighborhood of $10,000,000, nnd branch to Klamath Falls will coat $2, ooo.liooo more. There is also a line sur veyed north from this line to Mtidrns that, will coxt a silitnnr sum. T h e (t nose 1 At k c Vail ey ra i I roil d uorporutcd Insl week by K. K. Calvin William Hood and W. F. Hcniii, head officials of the Southern Pacific, is nrac f icn lly an Oregon project, nnd its cost h tNtimalcd to he the amount of the capi tal stock mimed iu the incorporation $1.1,01)0,000. This sum is cHtimntcd to sufficient to build about 400 miles of road in the country between Anderson Cal., nnd central Oregon. The route of the main line of this road will start ut Anderson nnd follow the general direction of tho Pitt river to its headwaters, and pass around the east side of Goose lake and north to Lake view. From this point it is sur veyed north he t ween Warner and A I Itert lakes to a point on the main line of the Oregon. ROOSEVELT LEAGUE URGING SECOND TERM r.v; r K.i.M im i, t in. thine ri. Members of the Kormevolt Second-Turin league are endeavoring to create California more aecoiul term sentiment favoring the reuoiniiiation of Thoodorr Roosevelt for the preaideucv bv circu lilting htidges and circulars, which ha hecn generously distributed among Cal tformu delegates to the national repub (lean convention. The headiiuarteiH ol the second term organization are 'hicago. "he Inidges are made out of celluloid ire oval shaped and show a phoioghuph tc portrait of the president, around which is inscribed: "A square de;l,' ' Minis, "Making good," and under (he picture are the wolds: "Itooscv second t'rm,' " hv votes of thf pen pie. ' ' TOWNSEND ARRIVES TO BEGIN LAND GRANT SUIT IV l. Townsend, special assistant to the attorney general of the Cnited Stales, who is to be ssosciated with Tracey C. Hecker who holds a similar position, iu tho suit lo be brought hv the government to compel the Oregon A l Mlirornia Railroad company to dis pose of certain land grants muter tht recent net of congress, is in Portland Mr. Tonuseud has been working on the use for months. It will probably be two weeks before the suits will he filed iu the federal court. MAN WHO FIRST HEARD VOICE IN PHONE DEAD ClllCAOO, June 5. William Ham niond Hubbard, said lo be the first per son to hear the human voice reproduced the telephone, died yesteidav at eke Forest, III. He it was whom Alexander Hrnlmn Melt, the inventor f the telephone, in the late '70s, se teil to aid him in making tests for the scientific dicoery that revolution ised the world. "Heller tti.ri eer.' If von are in tcrcfrd in seeing ,. hwi11 gtnt i men and iroilicu -in fine niusta in Ti in llilile study in eokerv and lots of other thiiidii, send posts! at once fori further information. K. O, Chautannua Aaiociatuin, Ashland, Or. M j Buy Tickets by Wire. -'Something which is of considerable l public generally and j which is perhaps not generally knowr. t is the system of prepaid orders now in I effect between stations of the Southern i Pacific company and all points in the I United 8tates. By means of this system tickets may be purchased at Medford from any place in the United States and mailed or telegraphed direct to the party wishing to come here. Sleeper accommodations and small amounts of cash in connection with these tickets may als be furnished at the lam time." THE OLD HOWARD RANCH l'hrwe miles south of Medford and 2 miles west of Phoenix, is now cut up in small tracts to suit the purchaser. Due fourth cash, balance in three pay ucnts. This is a rare opportunity for men of small means. Listed with all the agents. Tho Most for the Mouey. The Auburn automobile is the most roomy and bent machine ever offersd for the money. See It before' buying. U B. Brown, agent. time." Coal lor Bale. We are now prepared to furnish baud picked coal at the mine, five mtlr ..ast of town, in any amount desired Golden Grain Granules 100 PER CENT PURE CEREAL COFFEE. Tt tastes like coffee. Tt looks like coffee and it smells like i-offee, but is pure roasted grains, blended so as to pro cure the best flavor, the greatest strength and an ar ticle. which young and old may drink morning, . noon and night. Golden Grain Granules is especially recommended to those suffering from heart trouble, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomach troubles, X early 2-pound package for 2h all retail grocers. Wholesale by P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford, Or. Time Tabies SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILWAY. I Northbound. n. ItijOirjjon Kxpn-M . , . No. 14 ! Portland Kxprcs!.. . No. m j For Aahlaud p. in :! a. in 1U:15 a. ni 10:35 a. in. 1:50 p. m. 9:15 p. m I Southbound. So. IjU'alifornia Kxprf.m. N'w. 13!San KrancuuMi Eip. No. Ji'fi'Krnin Oranta Tana.. PAClrlO ft EASTERN RAILWAY. No. 1 So. 3 Leavea Mnlford I.tavoa Mtdford ArrivM Medford..... Arrive Mrdford 7:50 a.m. 2:30 p. m 10:50 a. m 5:30 p. ni. No. li No. 4 0OUE RIVER VALLEY RAILWAY. No. 3 Leaves Medford. . . ." No. 4 I Leaven Medford Motorf l.eavea Medford Motor Leavea Medford .... o. 1 'Leave Jacksonville.. No, 3 Leaves .laekaoiivilte. ' 10.40a. m. 5:55 p. m. 8:00 p. m. 9:00 p. m. 9:00 a. m 8:30 p. m 1:00 p. m Motor ! Leavea .lackaonville. Why Pay $800 an Acre wlien von can liny as good and some liotter land in Sams Vallev at from HI to $75 per aore. So acres, TJ in alfalfa, small orchard, good buildings. "ol per acre terms. Other land cheap er. Gilchrist, Sums Vallev. 70 GrandBallFourthJuly " TW WTTTTt r.l T fl ' IN BUTTE FALLS. AT THE ALBERT HALL V.""' 'n" all. Music, W.vid ruff Orchestra, Tfcmu( inrtuditll? Slip wr, 1 .111. Managrra, Mh . m.nir' in SUMMER HAS ARRIVED. and with it the necessity for a new light weight unit. If you wnnt j-our clothing to be the nemo of stylu nud elegance you should ehoose your fab rics from our superb assortment, aud we will fit them perfectly, and give individuality in style such us you can't get with ready made garments. JohnKreuzer r CO. Importers and Tailors PALM BLDG., Hooin 1 T1IK OXLV PLACE JX MEDFORD TO GET Ready Prepared Lunch Goods .ROAST CHICKEN'S, ROAST PORK, VEAL LOAF, C1IICKEX AND POTATO SALAD Alway Fresh, Everything Cleanly 'akcd 1 leans, lioston IJrown Bread, Chicken Pies, 10c eadi. Hakerv Goods of all kinds. The DELICATESSEN C STREET, NEAR EIGHTH JOB PRINTING All Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. It does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices our sched ule. We pay the freight. The Tribune 21 Central Ave. We Want to Realty Bond Oregon W. Jackson County Bank Annex R. W. GRAY, Builder COLONIAL POUCH WORK, GRILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERN'S, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. MEDFORD SASH Window and Door Screens, Block Wood Office fixture and -ill kinds of planing mill work. Including- turned work and fancy rrtlls. F. BETWEEN TH AND 7TH 8TS. PHONE 63. The ear manufac tured expressly for the coast. Best for price on the market. $1400 D. T. LAWTON Agent MEDFORD, OR. IP" Q MEDFORD Buy Lands Syndicate of H. Stalker prrpf;irv occicictry MEDFORD, OR. ft DOOR CO. J. E. EXYABT,Pteid ent, J. A. PEBBY, Vice-President. The Medford MEDFORD, OR. CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS 10,000 Safety Boxes to Rent. A General Banking Business Transacted. We Solicit Your Patronage Stat Depositary. Established 1888. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS 116,000.00 Cut Glass June Weddings You perhaps know of some June bride. I don 't. Wo know that they all npprecinte cut glass. No ono receives too much of it in the lino of presents if you are planning n gift that will be appreciated, you can not do better than to see my line of out glass vases, bowlB, decantors, cruets, tumbl rs all use ful and ornamental presents and sure to be prized by your friend. I sell the celebrated Hawkes line of cut glaBs unsurpassed in quality and in design of cutting. The prices on my cut glass have always been popular ones, never too high just such aa would guarantee quality. ' MARTIN THE JEWELER. W. W. EIFERT, The Clean Sweep Shoe Sale TVT3 HAVE REDUCED THE PRICE ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OP Shoes AND ARE GIVING VALUES LESS THAN WHOLESALE PRICES. Child rpn's Shoos, 99, shoos you have been paying $1.30 and $1.73 fur. ladies' Shoos and Oxfords, $1.49, $1.69, $1,79, $1.98, $2.49. SPECIAL CALL EARLY AND GET YOUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS. W. H. Meeker 6 Co. Have yon tried our tibial 2."ic inj 3.'c CoftVos, or our Pyra mid T Yrtf They ire the bst in the land; always good, ml Trays th name. We art now ihowing a nice line of Cut Glass and Dinner Ware. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 21f WEST SEVENTH STREET. McOLASHAN ft JUNKEN, Propa. PHONE 1051. JOHN 8. ORTH, Cashier. W. B. JACKSON, Asa t Ouster. National Bank STRONG, CAPABLE SECURE With large resources and competent management, with nil the interests of this banking institution In a sound and stable condition, it ia amply justi fied in its statement that it offers every banking privilege and accommodation L'onnistunt with safety. The accounts of firms, corporations, flutes,' sociotU'S and individuals are re spectfully invited. W. I. VAWTEB President G, B. LINDLEY 0 a abler WE SERVE OK OUR BILL OF FARE every, good dish in soasou. We nro always the lirst to add to our menu tho now things to cat. Don't Ihoy tastu good, too, the way we cook them at this restaurant. If you have u favorite dink come in and try our way of serv ing it. If you enjoyed it before, you'll be absolutely delighted with the eat ing of it hero. Nash Gate J. REDDY NEAR THE POSTOm.CE To Start Out In search of real value iu good form supplant the thought ','how cheap" with "how good." We always carry iu stock the bast fabrics nnd do at tractive tailoring work nt prices low enough to win your trade. FRENCH PRV CLEANING AND PRESSINO. City Tailor, Medford 10 a. m. AU are invited, O