TIIM MKDFOIfT) DAILY-TKTBDNE, MKDFOKP, OR..TITURSDAY. JUNE 4, 1008. Pub! A the Oue I pro per up i till bo. bii 80 toi at Ju il be f e ft i w tf 1 I r I i .1 v 3 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL G. Heitkompor, Jr., Mrs. C. J. Lewis 1 Bud ion, Mrs. R. 8. Monro, Mm. Frank Ira White, H. Boivin, E. WhitWk, Mr. and Mr, L. F. Willlta, H. H. Uritfhum, Mrs. E. R. ftonmon and Judge il. L. Benson formed a party of Klainuth Falls people who paused through Med ford yesterday en route to thu Portluml rose carnival. If you wuut iee cr;am, give your ; order to the Book Storo Creamery. Railroad men Ktate thut the Kluimitli Falls Transportation company cloned Uk office at Pokeama on June 1 and is now transacting all of its business vin DorrU, Miss Ella Gaunyaw, stenography nml typewriting. Boom 4, I'ahn block. Edwin Karnes is seriously ill ami baa had tiro physician In nttcmliiiice for several days. All iiigbs restaurant at the Em-jri -k until fuitVer notiee. District Attorney HVuim und his .wife were over from Jacksonville Tues day evening. Henry Gordon, George Kline and L. W. Copelnnd, some of Fort Klainuth .stockmen, did business in Medford the fore part of the week. K. A. Burehell wns in Med ford Thurs Dr. K, R. 8eely has been appointed an examining surgeon for the commis sioner of pensions to take the plt.'ee of Dr. Walter Jones,- deceased. Latest designs needlework, in funis outing fits, shirtwaists, centers, under wear, etc. Needlocraft Shop, 3S2 Wash ington street, Portland, Or. f9 Mrs. Bam Tavlor of Jacksonville has sold her large furnished houso to Mr. filade, a newcomer here for $-1500. Mr. Blade Intends to make it his home. If you want sweet cream or butter milk, order from tho Creamery or watch for the wagon. Deliveries mnde every day. Phone No. 923. Miss Ireno Itippey, formerly of Cen trfal Point, was tho valedictarian ut the recent commencement exercises at Pendleton. Mrs. James and her daughter, Mrs. F. B. Neil, of Big Butte, wero in Med ford Thursday on land ImsinesH. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Gore are in Tort land attending the rose carnival. Everett (J. Trowbridge, lato of Han cock, Mich., and Thomas K. Flynn, two excellent elocfriciaus, will engage in business together in Med ford in a short time. Any one wanting help nf nny kind phone 651 or address W. H. West Km ploy meat Co., Medford, Oregon. Oflb e in jewelry sfore, corner Seventh and C streets. Helinblo help furnished on short notiee free of charge, Joel 8. Smith, veteran of tin- civil wnr, him lost his pension warrant. Wlin ever finds it should ret urn In SclM.vV ploee. Just arrived, a cnrlnad of sewing urn "cfiiResT See 0. W. Johnson at the Medfnrd Pint mine v. " Oolc.tln Mineral Hpriiifp HoM n,,,s June 15 under new management. Mrs J. D. Stone, lessee, 1 7 Harry Cnlbertson, general contractor and builder, cement work n specialty, Medford, Or. day. He is located on the farm near Woodvillo that he recently purchased. Ice cream delivered to any part of the eity. Order from the Creamery or Book store. Mrs. Vnnherdenburg and grand daughter. Miss Margnret McCoy, leav this week to visit with friends in Lane county, Missouri. ' Mrs. A. B, Ellison of Grants Pass has been Tislting relatives in Medford. M. Marshall, democratic candidate for ,t( Bfled her up. Instead of n brood of county commissioner nt the late elec- chickens there was a bunch of snakes tioB, npent n few hours in Medford little sleek, black fellows, each wrig Thursday. gliug furiously. W. 8. Barnum, president of the If.'- M"- VYIhp promptly dispatched the R. V. Bailroad company, and his wife 'aakes, 11 in number, and the hen was have returned from Portland. While disposed of by having her neck wrung, there Mr, Barnum bought the rails for, w'f" nd no use for a hen that tho spur that will be run to the gravel 'ould not tell the difference between n pit near Jacksonville that will furnish cuke's egg nnd her own. muterial for the improvements of the , trets of Medford. The steel Is already BATTLE OF ROSES FEATURE on the ground. ' OF PORTLAND CARNIVAL Mrs. IT. J, Rchuetto has gone to Port- ' - land, to attend an assembly of commn PORTLAND. Or.. June t. Beautiful nicants of the Nazarcne church. girls bombarding one another with fin George Brown of Eagle Point, conn-'grant roses was the spectacular climax ty. commissioner, was in Medford Tues 1 of the fourth day of the Portland fiesta, day nnd seemed pleased with some of The battle .if roses occurred during the th election returns. ' ; floral parnde in which hundreds of lav- Lynn Furdin and J. W. Beemnn were ihlv decorated enrriages participated, among the Gold Hillers who were In ! With the nutomobile road races, the Medford during the week. parade of the East Side school children. Dr. E. B. Plckel has gone to Portland .the New York symphony orchestra con to attend a meeting of the state bonrd cc-rt and Madame Xnrdica. this has of health, of which he Is a member, been one of the most eventful days of Mrf. Pickel accompanied him. 1 lie carnival. I We Can Save You Money On June Purchases Stocks in Ample Condition to Supply Your Needs Juno, the month of Ivoses, is certa inly preparation month. The jicttiiii; tonvthor of all those little necessaries one is bound to need while cmnping or sojourning at tin seashore, mountains or springs, or even at home. The weather will be too warm to sew in July. Why not get the sewing done now f PJKCIO (JOO.DS will be cut to almost actual cost and in some instances less, because we expect to invoice our stock in July and must clean out the wash goods. Muslinwear and White (foods will be on sale to close out. We want to clear the house of these goods before July first, so come and make selections that will save von money, HOSIERY AND UNDICRW EAR is looked after very carefully at this store, aud you will find exceptionally fine assortments in each line. IfOKIKKV for infants, ch ildren, misses and ladies, in tans, white, black and fancies. Prices right 10r and to $1.75. . . UNDER WRAI? for infants, children, misses and ladies, iu separate garments and union suits; most anything you desire, and the prices are low 10 ami uhii to ?2.00. RBADY-TO-WEARS are here allmost iu profusion for ladies, misses and children. This is our specialty, and more than two thirds of our stock is devoted to ready-to-use goods. Ladies' Suits (on sale). Ladies Princess and Wash Dresses ($2 to $25), Chil dren's Dresses (white and colored) priced low, Ladies' Skirts and Waists (on sale). Khaki Suits, Sweaters. Summer AVraps. IVtti 'op.tS) pff.. Exceptional values. WARN Kit mtovi' V. D. C'OKNKTH A trial of one of - 'ease. HiluH McKee, forest ranger, is lying v e ry sick with kid uey d i b en se u t t lie home of his sister, Mrs. F. Hubbard. Profenuor J. A. Itish of the Grants Pass schools is visiting Medford, his former home. Clinton Cory of Stringtown was in Medford Thurnday, accompanied by Mr. Sinclair of Washington, who is a rela- tive. Judge Neil and his son, Frank, who resides near Hutte Falls, wero among those in Med ford Thursday on land business. Mrs. Judith Jimea ban gone to Onk - lnnd. Cab, to visit her daughter, Mrs. Mabel Jones Stewart. Jotieph 8. Murphy, proprietor of the C street tonsorial parlors, who has been (mio siek. is able to be about again. W. fl. Heighten and Dahack Bros. were over from Eagle Point precinet Wednesday. J. Stilwell Vilas has returned In his orchard in Mound district after a short business trip to norlhcru points. Sheriff Jackson was in Medford on Thursday morning on official business. E. P. Vickroy of Forest Creek has been in Medford several times this week. C, V. Cook, the wide awake agent for the Oregon Nursery company, has es tablished headquarters in the R. R. V. Ituilrond company's new depot. Mr. and Mrs. Dee Roberts and Miss Ida Boeck are rusticating on Upper Unite creek. S. M. Nealon and J. (I. Pendleton we-re over from Table Rock Thursday m n ruing. G. C. Culy of Steamboat, tho well known stockman, was among the many in our city this wenk. Owen Dnnlap, A. Ord, A. Johnston and E, G, Coleman of Phoenix spent a few hours in Medford this week. W. H. Stalker, who has been east for 4ome time in the interests of our city and valley, returned on Thursday morn ing's train. For Mile, one of the nicest, most mod ern and best located homes in Medford. Address P. O. box 44S for particulars. Mrs. R. M. Whiteside of Central Point was in Medford Wednesday, accompa nied by her son. Ward. AUGUST BEBLMONT WILL BREED FINE HORSES LONDON, June 4. In spite of the failure of his horse, Norman ill, in the derbmy August Belmont announced today t hat he had decided to go in extensively for racing in Great Britain. He is looking out for suitable stables in Ireland, where he proposes tu tinted fine horses. His colors will be promi nent i next year's meetings in In-hmd ami Kngland. ItelniMiit disagrees with Kiclwird t'ro- mt Ih :il lielnml is a better training) grmnl tor flat nicer I ha it l-lugland and most of his f hit nicer will )i I rained nt New market , Knglnud. .lames .1. I'm It iusoii, who was If if h aril Yokrr 's first I miner, will have charge of Hie llclmout stables in he In nil. 1','irliiiisnn has been commissioned ' " """ .' " i """ ", ' , "" v, ' paring Hie horses immediately for the next sen no n. liclinnut in t rving to se cure lie exclusive services of Danny Maker to ride for him. Maker wants 10.000 a year to ride only on the flat. TRIED FOB CHICKS, HATCHED OUT SNAKES El, WOOD, Ind., June 4. Peter Wise had the surprise of his life when he pulled a setting hen off the nest. He had noliced the fowl setting for some time and suspected that she was set ting on a nest of spoiled eggs. When our models will Q Street, HOW TO DISPOSE OF SUB PLUS PUZZLES FLEET COMMITTEE SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., June 4. How to dixposi of a surplus of 47000 ! is a (jueiitmn which is puzzling the fleet reception committee. ( After the sub committee report were completed it was learned that that amount wiih on hand, and now the corn- inittee i trying to figure seme way to ut.e up the money without creating any dissatisfaction anywhere. The t Salvation Army wiinuU some of it to : meet the expense of its waterfront h cture room and cufe. Several organ Jizntions also want the cnnimitlee to give them u sum of money equal to thai which they spent for bands in j,,H' parade. A solution of tin- problem may be '"und in the donation of the entire amount toward the founding of per ma i'val club, j STUDENTS CAPSIZE; ONE OF PARTY IS DROWNED SAX FRANCIS 'O, Cal., June 4. Neurehers today failed to discover the body of Walter It, Heilmann, a young student at the Sacred Heart college, who was drowned in the capsizing of a sloop in the bay Wednesday afternoon. Three other student of the same insti lutioa M. Bohma, Thomas Ryan" and Francis Derhaui were in the little boat ami saved their liven only after a desperate struggle in the bay. The boys were out in on tho bav on a pleasure excursion, when tho Occi dent happened. The waoter was choppy and the weather squally. Twice the students put to shorn with the boat. An accident to the sail rendered it unmanageable and suddenly a gale came up and capsized the boat H00 yards from shoro. A launch put out from shore, but Heilmann could not keep afloat till it reached them. NOTICE. Is hereby given that tho undersigned will apply at the city council of Med ford, Or., at its meeting to lie held June 0, 1008, for a license to sell mall, vin ous and spiritous liquors in less quan tities than a gallpn for the period of six months at lots H) and 11, block l.'i, Med ford, Or. T. H. MOORE. Dated May iiM, BIOS. Stomach Troubles. Many remarkable cures of stomach t roubles have been cD'celcd by ( liam berlitiu 's Stomach and Liver Tablet. One man who had spent over two thou--mnd dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tab lets. Price cents. Samples free al Raskins' drug store, win For Sale. Five acre tracts just within and ad joining Medford city limits on five vears ' 1 ime; $100 invested now, it is believed, will pay you $."i00 profit with in one year. Gold Kay Really Co., 20(1 West 7th street. 60 Kodol will without doubt help anyone who lias stomach disorders or stomach trouble. Take Kodol today and continue it for the short time that is necessary, to give you complete relief. Kodol is sold by Eagle Pharmacy. iu WANT ADVKKTJSTNG. And there is surely voth iiifj else in which reasonable pcrsisfoiee is co certain of reward. Our circulation is Ivrjiti male and lanje for a city this si:elartjer than any other paper in Orecon can show for population. People do not appreciate stnucthintj for nothing is human natnre to value onljf that which is paid for. The Tribune's circulation is paid. The lirsl "try" in any line of c f fori is not u s u a 1 1 y cnonli. "Try aain" is a slo gan as nll as cxpcricncr of human affairs. Medford's Leading Ladies' Shop &akerHutchason Co. Ine ju.t ortU 0f jackson County AMUSEMENTS. Georgia Harper Co. in Little Minister. The largest house of the week wit uesged the Georgia Harper production of Barrie's popular play, 'Th Little Minister," at the Medford opera bouse last night, and to say they were well pleased is putting it mildly. Miss Harper iu Maud Adams' famous role, Lady Hubbie, had a chance to dis play her versatility, for the part is totally different from either Nell G wyune or Cainillo, and while some may prefer Miss Harper iu one of the other characters, to the writer she was an ideal Lady Babbie, Mr. Detriuk made a splendid "Little Minister," an was to be expected. Mag netic and tender iu the lighter scenes, yet firm aud convincing wheu the occa sion demanded. A word of commenda tion is also due Mr. lierrell for his character work us the old Scotchman, Thomas. Tho scenery and costumes were in keeping with tho rest of the perform ance, and went fur towards the enjoy ment of the audience. Medford play goers are just awaken ing to the fact that they are getting almost ns much for 50c as they have been paying Jfl.oO for all season, and the house will undoubtedly be packed tonight for "Sappho," and for the re maining four performances of the engagement. HOW SPINELESS CACTUS WAS FIRST PRODUCED Few persons among the I liousauds interested in the thornless cactus have the slightest idea .of the work required by Luther liurbank from his asistants and correspondent!! in improving the breed. Ju his interesting little pamphlet on t !ic cactus we learn that he obtained the best varieties of opuntias before he began his work. His collectors and oth ers sent him the best obtainable speci mens from Mexico, Central America, South America, North and South Africa. Australia, Japan, Hawaii and the South Sen islands. The t'nited States agri cultural depart uient at Washington, I h rough Din id C. Pnircliild, obtained for him eight kinds of partly thornless varieties. TIichc came from Sicily, Italy Era nee. North Africa and some of the wild reiuiis nf Mexico. In addition to all t hese varieties. Mr. linrbauk had himself obtained some hardy wild spe cies from Maine. Iowa, Missouri, Colo rado, California, Arizona. New Mexico, Dakota, Texas and oilier parts of the Tinted States. He tells us llmt all of these varieties were grown ami their values were stiu ied and prepared wh li pat ient cure. Many part ly t hornless variet ies were obtained, but not oue among the many thousands under observation was f rep from thorns or spicules and even worse, the most promising varieties iu these respects often bore the poorest f ruitfi were I he most u n prod net ive of fruit, or produced less fodder, or were less hardy Hum the wild and thornless spe cies and varieties. One may gather an idea of the meth od of Mr. Murbank 's investigations when he recalls the fact that the lirst work was to select the best of these varieties, cross them, raise thousands of seed less, select t he best of these, and so continue hoping for improve ment. The thornless varieties now promise to be about the most important food producers of this age. Some of these new creations yield fully ten times ns much feed ns others under exactly the snine condit ions. JACKSONVILLE ITEMS. JIi'bs Amelia l-Utn.-r li-ft for Portland ono day lust work for a w-vi-rnl wcok -Nit with her son. Ernest. Miss Mmiile irim lias returned from Mntle l-'nlls, having just finished teneh ing n tniet'essfiil term of sehool. John Trenilierth, who returned from Idaho recently, U laid up with ft severe nttaek of rheumatism. Jliko Sidley was down from Imke Creek one day this week. A nuinher of Jacksonville people nt lendid llo'O eorgift Harper perform ance at Medford li.ith Monduv nnd .Wednesday nights, nnd wero well plensod witn tho show. ('has. N'iek.-ll nnd family spent ft few hours in town Wodnesdnv afternoon. RESIDENCE LOIS lU'TTERICK PATTERNS lUTTKRICK FASHION'S DELINEATOR. CATALOG. ET( I'littcrick patterns enjoy largest sales in the I'nited States. Bank. At a time like tlie present, when some people feel it necessary to safeguard then interests in more careful investment and expenditures, it is even more important than usual to make your clothing money count for satisfaction and srevice. Our organization is equipped for service." Our stock represents the lines of America that are foremost in quality at modest prices. All the-newest style conceits are here in suits and overcoats snappy, modish mod els without the ridiculous ear-marks of foppishness; as well as the quiet, genteel effects favored by the moderate dresser. Remember ours is the only store that employs its own tailor, and we keep your clothes pressed free. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles ('. Oillnui and l-Mith Ilughos. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John l-V MfClnnuhun to James McClunnhaii. 25 acres in town ship range 1! oust; also So nt-res in seel ion li. township :iit, range '1 east $ .1, C. llrown to ii. M. Whito, !M0 acres in township -7, range 1 east A. it. Atkins to Kii-hnrd HeBWiek, property in It. II. Addition to Ashland V. S. to Cnrolinc Winetrout, northeast 1J of southeast Vi section 2t, township UK, range 4 west 10 110 ('uridine Winetrout to II. 11. White head, -10 acres in soction 29, township IIS, range 4 west 1 . II. Whitehead to T. E. Pot longer, 40 acres in section 29, townsliip Its, range 4 west ... 1 R. V. Carter to (1. II. Comer ot ill, land in soction 15. township III!, range 4 west 10000 Why Don't You Got Next? Po yon uso Davis' Best Flourf Don't lot your grocery talk you into buying other brands shipped in. Davis Best sells for less money and guaranteed to give satisfaction. Try sack and bo convinced. Fifteen choice lotB for sale, located fivo minutes from depot, nonr school; theso sold in block or sepnrntely; easy terms; the best buys in tho city. FRED'K C. PAGE Our Clothing Possesses the Distinction of Style and Quality without the Handicap of High Price For Sale: Seventh Street Business Property One two story brick, 50x1 40. Also 230 feet on Sevonth by 50 on Riverside Avenue. See owner. Terms. FRED'K C. PAGE THE LEGAL BLANK DEPARTMENT Of the Southern Oregonian is the best and most complete south of Salem PARTIAL LIST OP BLANKS Warranty Deed M or ttratrp, I.ontr and Short Form SatisCaet'n of MortKne1 Transfer of Lien Power f Attorney Mechanic's Lien Water liipht Hill of SaJc Liquor License Form Notice to TnKpnsern Creditor's Claim Afrainat Estate FOR RENT. FOR SALE, FURNISHED ROOMS, ETC. (on cardboard). MINING Placer Location Itond for Deed Miner's Lien Summons Execution Judgment Transcript Commitment for Trial Search Warrant PROBATE Petltionnfor letters of Administration. Administrator's, Executor's nnd Guardian's H.inds and Deed: Older Setting Apart Property Exempt from Execution; Order Confirming Sale of Real and Personal Property Citation; Commission to Appro hem; Letters of Administration; Inventory and Appraisement: Proof of Will; Letters Testamentary, CIRCUIT COURT Attachment Undertaking and Affidavit Summons Notice of Garnishment for Attachment Cost Bill (1 rand Jury Subpoena Criminal and Civil Subpoenas Execution Indictment Search Warrant Transcript of Judgment Notice to Jurors A complete, up-to-date line of U.S. LAND OFFICE.I'COUNTY COURT AND SHERIFF BLANKS. SOUTHERN OREGONIAN MEDFORD RESIDENCE FOR SALE HEAL ESTATR Quilcliiim'Deed Rond for Deed MortKKi Lease With Tiix Payment Provision Option to Iluy Land Agent's Contracts MISCKLLANEOrS Chattel Mortfrago Acknowledgment Confewdon of Judgment Covers for BUmks Quarts Location Water RUrht Oregon and U. S, Forms Contract to Sell Deed Proof of Ijibor JUSTICE OF PEACE Civil and Criminal Subpoenas Attachment UnderUkinjr and Affl Gamishment davit for Attachment Cost Bill Commitment for Fine Notice to Jurors Jury Order Civil Complaint Warrant for Arrest All printed after the latest and best forms, tjj Orders promptly filled at Portland prices. Give us a trial. OREGON SKVFX KOOMs X1 HATH ; AU ToMonil.K IKUsK; C1TV WATKH Kl.KCTHIC I.IOHTS; SKWER COX MICTION. I"t ri'Milrnrr vtinn. FRED'K C. PAGE 1 i i ti 'Hatli.