THE MEDFORD DAILY TRIBUNE. MEDFORD, OR.,THURSDAY. JUNE I, 190S. 3 PARK OFFERED ON BEAR CREEK Attorney Phlpps Will Deed Two Acres to the City-Road to the Tract Must Be Secured. MOEE DISSENSION ON THE KLAMATH PROJECT Tho Commercial Club held its regular me&ing Wednesday night. Tho president and vice president both being absent, J. A. Perry acted as chairman. The minutes of tho meeting held May 211 were read and approved. The band uniforms committee reported that definite arrangements had been made to have the boll game Thursday, June 11, and that tho business houses had agreed to close from 2 until 4 o'clock. Tho committee on ordinances reported that thoir chnirmaa, Mr. Root, had gone before tho city council and asked that several matters be taken up, among which wore tho removal of poles from Seventh street, and that a crematory bo erected to bnru the refuse of the city, instend of buying a dumping ground and having all the garbage, etc., dumped whero it would rot and cause stench and disease. Mr. Phipps stated that lie had offered to deed to the city a tract of land con taining about two acres. This is about a half mile from Seventh street along the creek, if the committee could get a right of nay along the creek for a driveway and would muke the two acres into a park. As none of the committee having this matter in charge were pres ent, the matter was not acted upon. A motion was made that the secretary arrange to furnish literature to Miss Coss, who expects to take a trip offered by Mr. BatcB of the Pacific Northwest through the eastern states, and that tho matter be taken up with the Commercial Clubs at Ashland and Jacksonville. The motion carried. J. M. Sweeney of Detroit was present and made an interesting talk. CLEAR LAKE DAM BIDS HAVE BEEN REJECTED KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 4. Local officials of thet reclamation sorv ice have been advised that tho secre tary of tho interior has rejected both bids that wore filed on tho construction of tho Clear Lake dam in the Upper Klamath project. Tho bids woro by Mahoney Bros, of San Francisco and by Muney Bros. & Co. of Nevada. Tho grounds for rejection were that they were much higher than tho gov ernment estimate, and that tho required per cent of lands in the upper project were not signed for government irriga tion. The government requires 85 per cent, nud so far only 7" per cent lias been signed. It has not been announced what ac fion will be taken, but it is very prob able that the work will be undertaken by force account just as soon as the necessary lands ore signed. CUMMINS DEFEATS SENATOR ALLISON DES MOINES, la., June 4. While both sides in the senatorial contest claim tho victory in republican prima ries, the indications are that Governor Cummins has defeated Senator Allison. This is tho first test of tho new primary law. There wero many surprises in tho returns. Southern Iowa seems to have gone through a revolution. The city of Clnrinda, home of Congr-ssinan Hep burn, gave Cummins 5-0 and Allison only 2(01, and this victory by the gov ernor is taken by his adherents ns a sample of the results that will be re ported from the siand-pnt territory. At tho same time, the governor is holding his own or showing gains in northern Iowa, which is the unturnl progressive territory. OIOANTIO POWER PLANT UPON SPOKANE RIVER SPOKANE, Wash., Juno 4. Work on n gignntie power plant, c -sting from $500,000 to $1,000,000, hus been Btnrt ed by the Washington Water Power company at Little falls on the Spokane river, near Reardnn, Wash. A head of (IS feet will be secured and 30.000 horse pow r developed. This will give the company n totnl of 61,000 horse-power at its throe water power plants, besides a 20,000 horsepower steam plnnt reserv ed for emergencies. BARNEY OLDFIELD TO QUIT AUTO SPEEDING LOWELL. Mass.. June 4. Barney Old Held has made his last automobile race, so he says. "Last Sunday night's accident was enough for me,' he said. To show that he is in earnest. Old field has obtained employment as a chauffenr for II. W. Whipple, an And over banker, whose only car is a 30 horsepower. and probably could not go over 30 miles an hour. Olilficld says ho has cancelled all his engagements for races. DORRIS NOW HAS TELEORAPH 8EEVICE DOliltlS, n., .lone 4. The Western Union Telegraph comprinv has been com pleted to this town and n service is now established. The line will not be ei tended from here until tho railroad is farther a.lvnneed. Practicallv all of the business from Klamath Falls no' goes over this line. All of the mail from Klsmath Falls now comes via Dorris and all of the business for the entire Klamath coun try puses through here. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 4. Already there are signs of dissatisfac tion iu the Cpper Klamath project be cause the bids on tho Clear Luke dam were rejected. The land owners under that part of -the Klamath reclamation project have decided to hold a meeting in the near future for the purpose of discussing the question of discon tinuing relntious with the Water Users' associution and also the entire project. The people of that section of tho county feel that the refusal to accept either of the bids means that nothing will be done iu that section this year. The proposed meeting will not be held until after the adjourned meeting of tho association, which occurs on June 5th. Last year there wus much dissension in the upper project, nod it now appenrs that this year is to be a reptitiou of what occurred during the last working season. Classified Advertisements One Cent a Word No single Inser tions lest than 15 cents. 8U Insertions for the price of four. Seventy-fire cents a line per mouth. WANTED Largo house or apartment, suitable for furnished rooms. Address M, care Tribune. 65 SENTENCED FOR LIFE FOR MURDERING WIFE BELLINGHAM, Wash., June 4. Li Wing Hi, the Oakland Chinaman who by his own confeccion, aided his alleged wife to cut her throat iu tho Somas de tention house April 2d, is guilty of mur der iu the second degree, nceording to the findings of the jury, which returned a verdict last night after being out for an hour. It is likely nu appeal will be taken if the Chinaman can raise the fuods required for such action. When it Avus nunouccd that the jury was ready to report to the court the prisoner was brought from the county jail and look his place lit the district attorney's desk, lie appeared neither to know nor care what was bning said as the foreman of the jury anuounced the decision of the 12 men. No inter preter was kept to tell him of the fate which awaits him, if he is unable to ap peal his case. SUCCESSFUL LAMBINO SEASON IN LAVA BEDS I. D. Applegato camo up from the lava beds yesterday, where ho has been for somo time looking afte: his sheep interests. Ho reports a very successful lambing season, saying that most of tho sheepmen made better than 100 per cent, and that 105 per cent is about the average. Shearing is about to begin in that section and the clip will be verv good. At this time there is no strong market tor tho wool clip, but it is thought that buyors will soon bo in the field and that a good price will bo re ceived, says tho Klamath Falls Her ald. All of the sheepmeu hnve secured' p- runts for grazing in tho Modoc re serve so that thero will be no trouble over range this summer. The feed is very good nt this time and sheen are doing well. PORTLANDER AS REFEREE IN UNUSUAL FIGHT NEW YORK, Juno 4.!. L. Mac- Leay, n mine owner of Portland, Or., told the story today of referocing one of tiio most remarkable fights ever pulled otf. MacLeny arrived on the Mnuritinnia. While crossing the ocean he fell in with C. L. Perkis, a Cambridgo gradu ate, and somo strangers. Tho latter were card sharps and swindled their new friends out of several thousand dollnrs. Perkis caught one of the swindlers cheating nnd challenged him to a duel with fists. The men went to tho main leek and, with tho Portlander ns ref eree, started the fight. The ship's of ficers interlered-alter the gambler had been bndlv beaten. JUROR PREFERRED WORK TO HEARING ARGUMENTS PORTLAND, Or., June 4. Eleven memheres of the jury in Ihn Roonoy damage case, which is being heard here lodoy, look with a great deal of amuse ment upon H. B. Dakin, the twelfth member. Yesterday they wero cursing him. Dakin, who is n tile layer, got a job repairing tho tiling at the Concord building yesterday while on his way lo lunch. He thought the work more im portant than the ense, so, taking oft' his coat, he set at it. After jurors, attorneys and spectators had fumed nnd fretted for half an hour Dakin en tered his sent in the jury box. Ho es caped with a severo reprimand. BILLY NOLAN ARRANGES MATCH FOR M'FARLAND CHICA(il), June 4. Billy Nolan, manager for Packy McFarland, has almost closed arrangements for a fight between MeFnrlano and Freddie E. Welsh in San Francisco Wednesday night, Juno 24, before Sam Rerger 's club. Both fighters have agreed to sign n set of articles, but R difference of one hour in the weighing time is holding back tho deal. It. is expected that this will be sottled today. Welsh is in Los Angeles, and his manager expects to nenr Irom hnn as to the mooted point before the papers are signed. Mail Changes at Klamath. KLAMATH FALLS, Or., June 4 Postmaster It. A. Emmitt has received notire from the postal department that beginning June I mail for Klamath Falls and vicinity will arrive over the California Northeastern railway. This will bring the mail into Klamath Falls at 7:30 p. in. if the train nrrives at Dorris. the terminus, n schedule time. The new route will mean that mail from the south will arrive 20 hours ear lier, and mail from the north four hours Inter. FOUND An umbrella, on Eagle Point road. Owner can get same by paying for this advertisement. Tribune oftioe FOR SALE 10 Jersey cows, 3 year lings and 5 calves. Call on or addresB L. K. Baak, Eagle Point, Or. 60 LOST Two pairs of infants' Rubens shirts. Return to Tribuue office 62 FOR SALE Large corner lot in West Medford, just outside city limits; two thirds of nn acre; fronting ou good county roud; sightly building spot; price $150 if sold at once. Write Box 50S, Medford tf TO EXCHANGE A quartz claim, good paying ore, partly developed; will ex change for homestead or timber claim. Address A. Miner, Applegate, Or. 64 FOR SALE 20 acres Hi miles from railroad station, old bouso nud barn and good spring oil ptuco; prico $1200, payable $200 down nnd $10 a mouth without interest. Address P. O. Box 571, Medford, Or. 64 LOST A black Stetson hat, Saturday night. Fioder please leave at. this of fice. $1 reward. tf FURNISHED ROOMS The O'Dell, over postoffice. FOR SALE Olio Jersey cow. Itiquirii C. F. Cook, It. R. Depot. 70 FOR SALE 5-room bungalow, .lust fin ished; cheap if sold soon. See Guy A. Childers. WANTED Ton teamsters with teams wanted by Western Oregon Orchards Co. at once; good wages. WANTED One or two utifiirnuishod rooms for light housekeeping, near railroad depot, with outside entrance. II. Wood. WANTED 10 or 20 acres, improved, close in. Give description, price and terms. Prefer to deal with owners. Addross E. H. Bliss, Box 586, Med ford. tf PARTY wishes to get loan of $.100 on 40 acres of raw land thnt is worth $1000; good abstract; will pay 10 por cent. Lock Box 656. FOR SALE Runnbout, $300, thorough ly oquipped with odometer, neotolyno lights, top, etc. A. O, Allen, Medford, Or. FOR SALE A good business in Med- word, paying $700 a year; two days u month will take care of it. Very cheap. Address P. L. C, care Tribune. 64 FOR SALE One U. S. Cream Sepa rator, No. 6; 500 capacity; good as new; cost $80; will sell for $50. R. C. Hensley, Central Point. " FOR SALE 8. N. Subdivision is in the market now; ehoiee ten-acre tracts, best location in the valley. L. Nee demeyer, Jacksonville. FOR SALE 500 head of full blood Rnmbouillot stock sheep; largo, heavy shearers of fine wool. John S. Her rin & Son. 84 FOR SALE Five room house, beauti fully locatod, with lo 50x143, ten bear ing apple trees; this is a snap and will be sold at a bargain. Address Lock Box 125, Medford, Or. ' WANTED To buy from 100 to 300 bead of stock sheep. Write Box 131, Medford, Or. BUSINESS CARDS. H. E. MORRISON, Physician and Surgeon, Offico: Medford Nutionul Bank Bldg. J. T. ANKROM, WBUi DIGGER. MEDFORD, OR. Prices right. Pumps Famished when Wanted. BALL & GLOSCOCK, Contractors nnd Builders. All Work Ouaranteed. Office with O. H. Pierce Sou. Phone 053. P. O. Box 771. WILLIAM O. DEBLEY, Resident Tuner. Special Rates by the Year. Headquarters at Hale's Piano House. All Work Ouaranteed. P. O. Box 569, MEDFORD, OREGON. DR. A. B. SWEET Physician and Surgeon. Office at Residence. Wn M. Colvlg, Medford, Or. COLVIO k DURHAM, Attonteys-at-Law. Geo. H. Durham, Grants Pass, Or. Medford Furniture Co., Undertakers Doy phone 353; Night Phones: C. W, Conklin 405; J. 11. Butler 148. Instructed for Brysn. LAKEYIEW. Or., June 4. The dem ocratic county centrnl emmitt e recent ly held n meeting here and elected ns deloifntes to the tnle convention Dr. B. Daly nnd Joseph S. Lrne. They were instructed lo support William Jen nings Hrynn for president. Dr. Daly wns also elected state comisittecman. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AND COL EECTION AGENCY. Lock Box 80S. Medford, Or. E. R. 8EELY. M. D. Phytieian and Surgeon Modern Equipped Operating Rooms. X-Ray. Office Hours, 10 12, ! 4 P. M. Office In Jackson County Bank Bldg. OO TO DR. OOBLE TOR YOUR OLA8SB8. PORTLAND FESTIVAL To be held in PORTLAND, OREGON JUNE 1 to 6, 190S. Will he the most brilliant FLORAL FIESTA AND OTVIC JUBILEE Evit lu'M in the Pacific Northwest. ' Just Received- A Carload of Extra Heavy Green Lath CEDAR BEVELED SIDING 1 ANYTHING MADE FROM TREES Quotations promptly and cheerfully furnished Woods Lumber Co. KILNS AND MILLS AT OLKXDALK OREGON VALM) AND OF KICK AT MED FORI), OREO OX. Portli. n1, "The Rose City' will bo a scene of splendor nud the center of world wido interest for otio week. Several iiiijortaut conventions to bo held in Portland ou that occaaion. TIIE SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. Will Sell Special Tickets on This Occasion from MED FORD to Portland and Re turn nt $13.20 .'or particulars call on A. S. ROSENBAUM, Local Agent. VM. McMlTKRAY, General Patcner Agent, Portland, Oregon. The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Purnislu'S hot water tor ten cm very short not lee It ran b: used on the ten tablo or in the kiteheii Attaches to any electrolier durablu ROGUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Successor to Condor Wntor Power Co. Of fice 200 W. 7th it., 1 opp. big electric sign. Phono 855. MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE Chas. Hazki.rioo, Manaher ONE SOLID WEEK, beginning Monday June 1st. The Popular I ending Woman, GEORGIA HARPER and n Splendid Company ENTIRELY NEW REPERTOIRE Carload of Scenery Elegant Ooatiiinen Popular piiroH. Heal on sale Thurs day, May Around the World in Nineteen Nine Tedrlv will Surelv Cut ft Shine. After Teddy hn been re-ncd from ttie office of president, ho will take a Irip around the world, und hunt for the pleasure reports of Km rope, and all tho other I'ounlrifM of the world. Hut the riti.en of Medford do not liavo to hunt all over Ihe world to get tho best cigar. They can find them at home 'o suit the inn! faitidiona. Our Med ford T,v li. If. V.. Mc and Did Marra l."c cigarn are th" bct evT. Mann fartured by R. R. V. CIOAR WORKS, Medford, Or. L Just Received! A Carload of IMPORTED CEMENT of the highest grade Guaranteed to stand any test. CRATER LAKE LUMBER COMPANY AUTOMOBILES 1908 MOTOR CARS EXPERT REI'AIRIXO. ALL WORK Ci UARANTKED. SUNDRIES' FOR SALE. I'lHiLM! (IARAOE. OARS STORED AND OARED FOR. Reos Premiers Fords Kisel Kars AVE ASK VOU TO NOTICE OUR LINE FOR 'OS. CAN voir I SEAT IT MEDFORD REOS 10 II. P. single r liiHlor Runabout, with folding seal .'. .$ 650 20 II. I'. double-cylinder Roadster with jump sent. .$1000 20 II. I'. ! iilI;-'l i iilri- Touring Car, detachable tonneau $1250 PREMIERS 2I-2S II. I', lour-evlinder Roadster or Touring 0ar..$2250' ::o-:..". II. I'. four-cylinder Roadster or Touring Oar..$2500 . :!0-:i. II. I'. foiir-cvlinder Roadster or Touring Oar, double ignition $2600 -KM.) II. I', six-cylinder Touring Oar, 7-passenger,.$3750 FORDS 1") II. I'. four-cylinder Runabout 1$ 500 ; Same with mechanical oiler, running-board and lamps, etc $ 700 10 II. I. six-cylinder Touring Car $3000. KISSEL KAR :r-IO II. I'. Touring Oar or Roadslcr ..$2000 CAN VOE I! EAT Til EM? Prices E. O. li. Factory. AIITA A. W. WALKER, .Manager. flu 1 U lu., (Uim ,w V, ,stm,t"-" ' 1'hone Mam 21.1. Optical Parlor in Perrv's Warehouse, KKVENTH STREHT. "Hs Has No Other" Notice. I wish to announce that I harp pur based (hs office sad prsrtic ef the ite Dr. M. 8. Jones. My office will located at the same place as lr. !onca' and nffire Lours will he from in a. m., 2 4:30 and 7 to p. m. R. .1. CONROY, Pbyeielai and Burgeon. Something New In RiiMior Tires lhat it will pay you to investigate. COMPLETE STOCK, prompt work, satisfaction guaranteed. Mitchell & Poeck GENERAL WAGONERS. Kast 7th Street, mar of Murriman 's Blacksmith Shop. Mi-dford, Or. JUST A HINT WHEN YOU WANT MEATS OF ANY KIND, VEAL OR CHICKEN, THAT j IS REALLY FIRST CLASS, WITH THE PRICE NO MORE THAN ELSE WHERE, THE PLACE IS The Medford Meat Co .NEXT TO THE HOTEL NASH, FOR MERLY POTTINGER'8 PLACE. TIIE LIST OF PLEASED CUSTOMERS IS j GROWING EVERY DAY. j IF YOU ARE NOT ONE OF THEM, j WHY NOT? SATISFACTION AND ECONOMY HERE. I IT IS TIME TO ' I WAKE UP! Small Orchards On Easy Terms. Qity Property and Ftuit Groves for Sale Seven Room House on two lots, on Nyo crenk, NVwitort, Oregon; H'"I if taken quick. OU8 SMITH, 411 Buchanan Bldg, Portland Or. Fin und Tni-Arrr Orchards on the iiifilallwail i)l(in. The right hind of soil, Ihe ritjhh hind of Irrcs and the, riihl firicrs. Tncul n ncars' experience in fruit raisin tj hacks oar jadrmen. We. have sold half he orchards in (he valley and hare icl lo see a purchaser dis satisfied irilh his bargain. lie fore hnijinf see I f you have lost or found bill li'.' U I( ' 1 . .SB something to sell, it ibwr.'! 1 matter what y.m. .';"""" 1 a Wetit - - JrjitBibn Building