If You've Anything to Buy or Sell, Try UNITED PRESS DISPATCHES By far the largest and b. st news report furnished by any paper south of Portland THIRD YEAR. CAPTAIN Accused Spy is Attacked Before the President and Cabinet of France by a Rabid Hater of Jews. (By Francis WnltinUm Dnwson, miinii cer PnriH Bureau. Copyrighted by the rnitt'tl I'rosw Asosciation, 1903.) PARIS, .Tunc 4. M. Oregon, mili tiny nlilor of Ln Oaulnia, who hail been standing by my aide for several minutes today, suddenly quitted the crowd .of newspaper men with who I was, walked directly up to Major Alfred Dreyfus nnd fired dpoint blank at him twice with a revolver. Both balls took effect in Iho right nrm of the man whose fame spread around tin- world when he was eiiled for a treason charge afterward dis proved. Major Jireyfns, though surprised by the sudden attack, uttered uo cry : or exelumjition of any kind. ' Gregori darted into the crowd in .ari attempt to make a hasty escape, but M. Moucpiin, head of the municipal police, was near nt hand and pounced upon the fleeing editor. The officer quickly sub dued the prisoner, took Ms pistol nnd turned him over to a gendarme who hur ried him away to jail.- ' Dreyfus' Presence of Mind. The sensational affair took piano near the close of the exercises in celebration of the transfer of the remains of Emilo Zola, tho famous novelist and defondor of J)rcyfus, from Montmartrc cemetery to the pantheon, the French hall of fame. Tremendous crowds were pres ent and trouble had been feared in ad vance because of thu feeling revived by the remembrance of the Dreyfus ease by which Fiance was torn nsun der. After tho shooting Dreyfus displayed the most romarkable presence of mind. He begged the people about him to be quiet and not let it become known that it happened. Ho then walked unassist ed to an automobile, which ho entered nnd was rushed away to his home. After an examination, the surgeons announced that Dreyfus1 injuries are not necessa rily serious. Gregori stood within three feet of President Fnllieres. As a patriotic song was being sung, Fnllieres, closely fol lowed by Dreyfus and Minister Don mergue, started down the steps to re view the parade. As they passed the press table Greg ori arose with the others, and as Drey fus approached, he exclaimed: Asasilant Badly Beaten. Thereupon he stepped up to Dreyfus und fired. The coolness of Dreyfus nnd the president alone fould have snved li disastrous scene. All the offi cials deserve great credit, including (Tnited Slates Ambassador White, who ealtuly walked on nnd reviewed the pa rade, showing no signs that he know anything hail happened, though he was near by when the shots wero fired, It was n few minutes before the gen eral crowd learned of the attack on Dreyfus; then there was wild excite ment. A mob set out to overtake the gendarmes in charge of Gregori. A fight followed, in which Oregon sus tained several slight cuts from the sa bers in the hands of the gendarmes. The crowd fell upon Gregori with great vio lence in spite of the efforts of the offi cers, and he was badly beaten before he reached the police station. Hated Dreyfus Bitterly. As military editor of his journal. Gregori was brought in close touch with all the affairs of the army and followed the Dreyfus case carefully from the be ginning to the end. His sympathies were all ngainst Drevfus anil his hatred was particularly strong against Zola for his defense of the soldier. He consid ered the transfer of Zola's body fo the Pantheon to be a sacrilege and had open ly denounced the government officials for permitting it. He was looked upon ns being almost fanatical in his tactics. He printed a bitter article yrsterday in which he charged that the Pantheon was being turned into a sewer by putting tho-body of Zola there. The exercises began nt 0:.V o'clock this morning. After the singing of the Marseillaise. Minister Doumergne de livered an address in which he praised Zola and eulogized him as one of the great thinkers of France. He lauded his literary and political career and WOUNDED BY i ODtedldirril DREYFUS IS SHOT TWICE AT ZOLA CELEBRATION PLOT TO WIPE Can of Kerosene and StiGk of Dynamite Placed in Theatre Auditorium. Ol.KXDALK, Or.. Jumt I. A pint to wipe out tho outirc population of Ulen- clalo with u dynamite bomb has just been discovered and every rnsnlout or the t,owu is contributing today to a re ward which will be offered for the ar rest of the porpct nit ins of the plot. The plotter placed a" IiernSfiie can full of dvnamite in the auditorium of (he local theater, which was jammed to the doors. The defectiveness of a fuse saved the lives of hundreds of people. Tho theater produced tho "Blue and the Grey" hero March 7. The whole town turned out. and standing room was at a premium. After the performance IT. O. Sonneman. nianngi'r or th then ter, found a (runny sack containing a harmless appearing kerosene ran near the door of the auditorium, llelieving that some patron of the house had for gotten tlie Vmndle, he placed it in hi" office. After waiting two months for some one to claim it, Sonnemnitn opened II last night and found that it contained 21 sticks of dynamite. Tin; explosives were blackened by the fuse, but the enp hud failed to explode. Thninnd of dollars, if necessary, will bo spent in running the dynamiters to earth. said his body had been given its right fid honor. Shots Pall to Injure Much. I have mixed with the crowd, and 1 find that the general temper in good nnd the persons of vnrimm clashes with whom T talked nppenred to In inclined toward pleasure and celebration rather than mischief. Editor CJregnri when tm-ni imied lir the police aid: "I did not fire at Drey fus. I fired at Dreyfus' hat. T was sorry the imbles of Trance mixed in ft celebration ft tin- governmental ene my. ' ' Dr. Dniir-i. nl(. i attended Dretfus at his homo, announced thi afternoon that the first bullet grazed the arm nnd failed to do any harm; the second went into the forearm, but did ud do nny serious dnmrtge. Dreyfus i in no dan P. . Mtfahon is visiting Eileen and OUT GLENDALE jtbt Blue Ledge country. MK1)R)RD, OR..T111TRSDAY, JUNK 4. Medford's Float at Portland's Rose Carnival MOTORMAN RISKS LIFE TO SAVE PASSENGERS Dragged Nearly a Hundred Yards by Flying Car, He Managed to Regain Place and Shut Off Power Life Is Despaired of. AUKUDKJSiV, Wash., June 4. Samuel DoremuB is lying at the point of death after risking his life to save tho pas sengers on the CoRinopolis ear of which he wan mot or man Jnst night. After be ing stunuod and blood gushing front an itrtery at the base of his brain, he drag ged himself aboard bis flying ear and resetted tho passengers. While tho car was crossing the Che halia river bridge Doremus thought In board a cry. Opening the doors of the vestibule, he looked out and his head struck a bridge beam. Tho motorman was knocked off the ear by the blow, but managed to grab the handrail as he fell. After being dragged nearly 10(1 yards by the flying car, he managed to regain his place nt the controller, shut off the power and applied the airbrakes. Then he lost consciousness and was found a few minutes later lying in a pool of blood. CAPTAIN M'ALLISTER TO FACE COURT MARTIAL SAN' FRANVIWO. f'al., June 4. Captain McAllister of the Thirty eighth company coast artillery, who disappear cd for about a Keek from tho Presidio post, is to face a court for having been absent without leave next Saturday. Mac A Mister has been under iim-st at the post since May 2, but the ab sence of General Kunstnn prevented the court martial. Funston has wired or ders for the ti ial, and Colonel J. A. I.nndcen has filed the charge. It is expect eil that Mac A Hist er will plead guilty and take dimisnl from the a rmw STRIKINO STUDENTS FORCE UNIVERSITIES TO CLOSE VIENVA. Jimp 4. All the leading universities of Austria are cloned to day and most of the high schools have closed their doors as the result of a double strike of clerical studi'iits. Over 0,ooO students have ipiit. The trouble slnrted over fl fcpeech of Dr. Wahrmund. professor of Catholic 'cch-iatical law in the Iitm-sbruck uni versity, in which (ho ethics of the to man Catholic church were severely crit i fined. The ntudents rebelled st the in -Indents ndielkd at the institutions and they wert rinsed. Th noli clerical sin dents walked out until Profisor Wahr round's academic freedom shall be re stored to him. Advertising Baity PASSES AWAY George Ormsdorff Who was Hurt in Runaway Dies from Internal Hurts Early Tills Morning. (ieoigo Oruisdorf f, who was injured in n runaway accident Wednesday eve ning at Seventh and I) streets died curly Thursday morning itt the Xash hotel, where he was taken after the mishap. Internal injuries caused his death, lie had three ribs broken and was other wise injured. Mr. Ormsilorff was loading a cur with hoiiHctiold goods preparatory to moving lu Wood villi". The car stood on a side track near the Exhibit building. When Xo. t' left the horses became fright ened and Mr. Ormsdorff grabbed them by the bits to hold them. He lost his grip, fell and tho horscrt and wogan crashed over him. The team danhed up D st reet, 1 urned up Eight h and smashed again! a phone post. Drs. S'-ely and Conroy altendid the injured man. The deceased, with Dr. Keith, id the owner of the Heed ranch. RESULT OF ELECTION IN DOUGLAS COUNTY State neiintor Albert Abraham, re publican, .Statement Xo. 1, Represent at i von yu R. Applegate and (ieorge Jones, both republicans, the latter Statement Sn. I, the former nun committal. Sheriff II. Kent on, democrat , Clerk E. If. Lenox, democrat. Treasurer J. K. Sawyers, republic an. Assessor -E. L. Calkins, republics n. Surveyor C. f;. Roberts, republican. School superintendent -Thurman Cbu uev, democrat. Coroner---.V. T. Jewtt, republican. Prnhibiton - Yes. CHARGED WITH TWENTY FIVE ROBBERIES CHICAGO, .lone I. Frank Stanley, a voulh of -I, was arretted hen to day and is being held for the Denver ?tnl horitie. who charge him with hiv ing committed 2't burglaries In Denver recently. Stanley is accused of having stolen 2moOO worth of cutlery nnd Jew els, Tho police allege that he baa eon fened to 15 burglaries. FROM INJURIES in the Tribune-It Brings riltoiois 10K in Tuesday Night's CAPITALISTS FROM SPOKANE IN CITY Twoliy Brothers and J. P. McQoldrlck Hero May Take Hold of Pacific & Eastern Aro Well Known Railroad Contractors and Builders. D. I). Twohy of Spokane, Wash., .1. W. Twohy of Sail Jose, Cul.( and .1. J. McOoMiick of Spokane are a party of capitalists who returned with Edgar ali tor, manager of the Crater Eaku Euro her company, from Portland Thursday. They are looking over tho country with a view to making investments. Twohy llrothers are owners of the Old National bank at Spokane and well k now a rail road con t met ors. M r. M Hold rick is a wen It by timberman. Some timi; ago J. W. Twohy visited Med ford and went over the line of the Pacific & Eastern, it is understood, with the iew of building the road. MEDFORD FLOAT IS IS HANDSOMEST IN PARADE Edgar HulVr and others returning i from tho rone carnival report that I he Med ford float was one of the prettiest in the parade and attracted a great deal of attention. It bd the division and re ived applause all along the lino. TRAIN CARRYING $ If. 0,!00 IN BIG 8MA8HUP NEW YORK, June 4. A New York. New Haven and flarlford tiain, carry iug eight Adams Expn-ns company cars, one of which contained loH.ooo in cash, collided with a switch engine in the Itroux today, sinn-diing both engine and derailing the cars. A dense crowd collected about t ho scene of the w reck, and the reserves were called out to protect I In rnouev which was loose, on the floor of the car The police formed a line about thi wrecked cars and held back the crowd until the money could be removed to place of Nafety. Three men were srriouly injured iu the smitshup. and are not exnected NEW CASES. (lertrunV . Young v. Voniig. Soi for divorce. P. nltoiney for plaintiff. Alein mlei M Calkins Two Saloon Licenses Granted. At the cily council n ting last nigbl license were granted O. M. Hdsbv and V.nnn L II... ...!.... .1. ..u.nlk.1 i An opinion win given by Attorney Kel Iv slating that tho crantiniz of llccn would not of feet t he Tho regular tnow1 were p' Parade -V- - -'4 mmmm i..!j-.s.VTI"M--S IE ReGall Amendment to Constitth! tion Adopted and Effective at Once Cake Loses Marlon. I'OltTEAKl), Or., ,ln no 4.o,ir(.ruur Chamberlain ' plurality over IE M, Cuke in Iho I nited States senatorial contest is more than 1800 votes, uccording to tho latest estimates. Most of the coun ties have completed their count, and many of them show that the governor has a heavier vote thun had been es timated heretofore. (lis lead in nlreudv I Mil. Positive announcement wa made to lay Unit tho recall amendment to the 'onititiit ion of the state was adopted bv the voters in Monday's election. The iiueudmeiit is self executory und will be effective itnmediatiily on completion of (he official returns. SAEEM. Or., dune -I. Complrte un file in I count in .Marion county gives ' hambeilaiu a pluralitv of EH voles. I'lic county stands as follows: Pake ill 1-1, Chaiubcrluin M'JKlt, The county Is wet by a majority against prohibition of .VYl, One precinct. Seotts Mills, went unmercifully wet. Three precincts in Salem ar dry mid the city is wet by the small margin of tl votes. The uni versity appropriation lost by a majority of 1-110 and equal suffrage lost, by n mn jority of l'2W. CARDINAL AND JOHN D. HOLD A TALK FEAST TARKVTOWN. V. V .Tun- 4. Car dinal Eogue left Tnrrytown today affcr paving a visit to .Tohn D. Rockefeller at i he home ,,f Jaiiti s Mutter, at which thti two di"linguiher men h"IH a talk fest. I.oyne complimented Rockefeller on Amnrica. calling it a beautiful country. ami the Standard Ojl magnate replied that he loved his country very much. He ;tdvi'-d the prelate in play golf, stal ing thai it is the greatest bealth gnme in the world. A ftT the conference th cardinal Hint 1tnf1fi.r.ller romed to'ietber "r newspa-per pbotograpbers. ; CHAMBERLAIN'S PLURALITY 1800 I . ....... "wntiwwft. lunlot Quick Results The Weather Fair weather is promised for tonight and tomorrow. Xo. 66. How Measures Froposed as Statutes Were Passed Up -Suffrage Bill Badly Def eated-AIso Reddy BUI Voter of M erl ford are in favor of higher education, votiug for the univer sity appropriation increase bv a maior Uy of . 14t. They favor popular gov-' eminent, voting tor all initiative .bills I'Kcept the Reddy amendment, woman's sntfrago und the single tax. The recall carried by ."42 majority, nnd the bill forcing legislatures to vote for popular choice for senator carried by 623. Phe bills' referred to the people by the legislative assembly carried here ex cept the increased pay for Irgiskitors ' nill. The referendum meusurcH curried oxi-Hpt. the compulsory pn-ss bill. How PeopU Voted. Tim result of the vote In Medford on the various measures was as follows: Referred to the people by legislatum: For increased pay for 'legist at ors-r-Ye ;i7 1 . no 4M. ' . -: To locate state institutions elsr where ihan at Salem- Yea 503, no 209. Tn increase supreme court judge Vek U lil, no To change bieuuial election . to No vember Yes liMtt, no 42. , Referendum by Petition. Amending sheriff's law Yes 623, no - 5; free puss for state officials on railruadu Yet :to0, no 4Hi. For militia armories Yes 453, no UH. For univer sity appropriation Yes Wl, no 34U, , ; Froposed by initiative: , Eiptal sutl'rsgtt For 'MMt against 4H3. For prohibiting fishing near. Astoria Yes 411, no 317. .For prohibiting fishwheels lo the Up per Columbia Yes 517, no 20o. For Reddy amendment against 33U, For single tax 317, against 423. For recall amendment 184, against 142. Instructing legislators to elect sena tors receiving popular indorsement Yes 73H, no 113. Amending election laws Yes 043, no 20H. Limiting campaign expenditures nod contributions Yes 3fK, uo 181. Taking away from district attorney the power of sitting as a grand jury Yen 534, no IHO. Creating Hood River county Yess 400, no 175. ORANTS PASS MAN MRS. OUNNE8S' VICTIM The Logaosport, Ind.t Tribune of May - eontains the following Associated . Press dispatch. ha Porte, Ind., May 2H. Sheriff Smut "r was placed in possession of In for-. matioo tolay that, leads to the belief that ex Judge Hollaud of Grants Pass. Or., was one of Mrs. Guuness1 victims, Judge Hotlund had gone from Oregon to Jopliu, Mo.; and thence to Chicago, , where he was last seen on Junuury 23. 1!07. Hh had a large sum of mooey -and acocrding to the information given the nfticer he is believed to have coujh to Ln Porte to see a rich widow who was in search of a husband. FIRE IN WHOLESALE DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES LOS A NO ELKS, Cal June 4. Fire that staited nt 3 o'clock thi morning in the piertrs of the Phillips Pring tin company on South Los Angeles, spmsd into the rooms occupied by the I'ecil'ic Unrment company, destroying valuable stocks and darning expensive inuchinery. The Mrs is pa teed at bont 3ii,noo. The Mhp, which was In the wholesale district, is believed to have reunited from ernM wires. Nash Ttotel ArrlVits. D. HiielL Vug ni 4. McKVreher. IN NEW LAWS Mn ',,'Bu.,nBA WT", TCO hti.riWtv. nttvt .1. H. T.wsry. ibVeao; .1. AniretM; Henry A. Wlwey. Ft- nlafA; 3. P. MeUoidrleb, Hpoltane; J. W. Twohy, Hmi .lo!e; D. bv. Apokane. I!