THE MED FORD DAILY TRIBUNE, MED FORD, 01?., AVEDNEHD'AT. JUNE 3, 1908. J j SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Hiss Katie Toft left Sunday evening for Portland to attend the rose enruivnl and spend a few weeks visiting rela- Uvea and friends, If you want ice cream, give vour order to the Book Store Creamery. Miai Ella Oaunyaw, stenography and typewriting. Room 4, Palm bloek. An interesting Bible leeture will h given at the Christian ehurrb on Thurs day, June 4, evening nt 8 n. in., bv W. H. Bundy, V. D. M., returned mis- aionary from Chma. All.uigfac reataurnnt nt the Em irt : until fuuer notice. Mrs. R. P. Anderson, who tins been II Ill t . A J :. lor aceveroi weKs, la rapidly reeover iat- .urs. Agnes Hale of Decatur. Ill,, nr- rived m Medford ednesday morning to visit her sister, Mrs. MeOlasliun. She will remain on the eonst nil Kiiiiimer. Hugo W. Faussig of tho wholesale firm of Louis Faussig, Sun Prnurisro. and Professor Ames of the University of California sneut Tunsdav evening in Medford. They are on their way ( Seattle in a 40 horse rower Putin Hurt- ford automobile B. G. Pharres and It, (.'. Hpoiu-er f Bntte rails aro spending a few days in Medford laying in supplies and hnv ing a good time. O. Bell spent Wednesday in Medford. Mrs. Page, wife of Dr. Page, togcth er with her mother and daughter left Wednesday for a short visit in Califor nia. E. F. Orahatn ia down from Prospect on business. ,Xatet designs needlework, infants' outing fits, shirtwaists, centers, under- wear, etc. Needlueraft Rliop. 3S2 Wash ington street, Portland, Or. ' 50 8. L. Howard and C. H. Frost, who recently arrived la Medford from Kan- bbs, have joined partnership and will engage in tne cement business. 'Jhoy have a concrete mixer which is ihe first oneo f its kind in Medford. The firm will establish brunch offices Ashland and Grants Puss. . TC you want sweet ereain or butter milk, order from the Creamery or watch for the wagon. Deliveries mndo every day. Phone No. 923. Postmaster Woodford hns had his snl ary increased to $2300 per annum with ab extra allowance for clerk hire. This "in ' well deserved The Jacksonville Juvenile band un der the skillful management of Prufc sor J. A. Norling is making rapid head - way. The eitizena of Medford have linen regaled several times by its music. Robert Tolfer. was down from Big Hutto Monday. ' Ho was accompanied on Ins return by Miss vera Merriman. A number of tho Hodmen of Med ford wer at Ashland a few nights ago to assist in tho adoption ceremony set f r that date. The evening was profit- niiiy ami pleasantly spent. E.. 1. Gurncn of Gold Hill mid E. W. King of South Medford, the eleelil - cians, will soon leave for Poos Bay a business trip. George II. Aiken, the expert lumber man, was in Jacksonville Monday his way to tho tall limber on Upper rtogue river. Any one wanting help of any kind phone 051 or address W. H, West Ki ployment Co., Medford, Oregon. Office In jewelry store, corner Seventh and C streets. Reliable help furnished on short notice free of chatge. Charles O. King Is nnvignting crutches, having sprained his nnklo n few flays since. B. B. Lamb and his wife, who have i been residents of Jacksonville for some time past, left for Cottage Grove Tnes day evening, having sold out nt the county seat. Clarence Meeker, the dry goods mer tuui, in nmong inn many wlin lire enjoying the rose cnrnlval nt Portland. Mrs. J. Nunan of Jacksonville was among her Medford friends Tuesday n't ernoon. Just arrived, a rnrload of sewing ma eatnes. nee a. W. Johnson nl Die Medford Pharmacy. Miss Marian Nell of Ashland - has been visiting Medford friends. iioh. "nircr nioore, rormer represen tative from Baker conntv, who is now a resident of Phoenix precinct, nn, In Medford Tucsdny. While here le vol uuinriiv represenrcn n young man charged with asking a prominent fen for the price of a meal in Record er Collins' court, nnd gn him off with sentence of two hours' Imprisonment. Joseph M. Almntt of the Ashland cigar factory did business In Medford Tueadav. W. R. Rullnck is being visited by one or nis 01.1 friends. George llrower of Blanebard, Ta who is well pleased will, our city and vallcv. Harry Culbertson, general contractor and builder, cement work a spceinltv saeaiorn. wr. O. 8. Melssner, who was kicked the head by a horse he was drivinn. re celving painful Injuries, is rnpldlv con Tileacioff. Mr. Daknr of Ihe Paker llntelisson company and his wife are snendiiiir the witea in .romand. l , . . I ITm t. t. t t. . , , -I , ... i, n Mi,, i ner (T ji 1 1 1 r 11 r r " nw mim jvnie -jott, are ttendina- the rose carnival at Pnrtl,. D. R Ream. k;. ,u. I N hare been siinininue as witnesses in a land case beine- investigated l.v the I'nlted Ntates grand jury. J. Wrljrht was up from Phiieniz few dai-a einee. Ila Itifnrm. l,.l i -4he members of liis fninilv, who have been very sick, are convalescing. Alei Thompson, Owen Kceffnii and Frank Kaashafer were nmonjr the .Tnck--sonvlllains who were In Jfilford on Decoration day. Ie trram a.i;.rj . .1.. eitjr. Order from olenmerv nr ruff Book store. , TT -M T 1 , n, r. jshhcs lias ptirennscii a town lot from V. R. Merrick, the rnnsldera tion being 4750. Mr, Merrick bought the property a year ago for 420. There will be a tryout at the ball "U Rnndav morning to pick team v"l)lar (laid Hill. Every one Inter I ""-mid go out Sunday morning. AMUSEMENTS. Oeorgia Harper in "Camllle." Another delimited nudieuee filed uut of the opera house lust uiifht. with nothiiiK but wurda of praise for (ienriia Harper and her elever eoinpany. Xo time this seaum have wo had hotter eostiiinmu. better srenerv und mount ing or Letter noting. I As Diiiiiuh' heroine, Minn Harper is heeu ut her bent, hhe in uu ideul ('a Iniille, and for onee the press ngent ha not "numerated lu this role she eertuiulv ranks with I the greati-xt living aetrosses. Lust night he did not act Cnmille he w:is Imille. Kvery ehord of the gamut of nuniHti ciiuit ioiiH whs touched nn'l each lone rnug true. Mis Harper H yowns, delighted the feminine' portion of I . ' of hxmnf,x company. .Mr. I Joseph Detriek in the ruther thankless part of Armnnd, deserves ejpeeiul men tion, nltlioiigh there win no llnu' nnv where in the east. Mr. Detriek should I iiuike an ideal rector in tonight's piny. I" The Little Minister. Medford theatregoers should turn out fnl1 r"ri'0 'luring the bulunce of th Hurper cnnipaiiv's engagement, for Mauag'-r lliic.eirigg nas ceriuiiiiy onereu ""thing this senson where they hnve I received more value for the inonev or time spent. Toil 8AI.K One Jersey cow. I mpiire ('. l' Cook, . II. Depot. Coal for Sale. Wu nre iow prepared to furnish hiiud lucked coal at the nunc, five mile ast of town, in any amount desired NOTICE hereby given that the undersigned wi" "I'P'.v city council of Med f,ir''- 0r- ' meeting to be held June " ,,m f"r license to sell malt, vin """ apiritoua liquors in less qmin ''-' "'" "" fr a period of sii 10 ttni u hl,"'k 4r. Medford, Or. MOORE. Dated May 8, 1008. The Most for the Money. Tho Auburn automobile is the most roomy and best machine ever offered 'or the money. See it before buying. L. B. Brown, agent. time.' THE OLD HOWARD RANCH I'lirne mili-B south of Medford und 2 miles west of Phoenix, is now cut up n small tracts to suit the purchaser, liie-fourtli cash, bnlnnec in three pay ments. 1 his is a rare opportunity for men of small means. Listed with all - he ngents. Why Pay $800 an Acre wlirn ymi cull liny Iih fNiod ami sonir ItfttfT In ml in SuuiH Vnllcy nt t'rnni M) to .t"." jut acre. HO iutph, 7- in fnl In, Hiiuill (irrhanl, kimhI IniildinjjN. per tici'i' li'iniH. Other hi nd clump- (lilrliriitl, SnniH Vnlli'v. 70 Xroutut thf World m Nitwivvn Xine Tvddv w ill Surely Cut Shine. After Teddy lint heen released from office of president, he will take n trip around (he world, and hunt lor the I letiMire reMiits of 1'nrope, and all the ther eountlie of w World. Hut the itit'iis of M id ford do not have to Imnt all over Ihe world to ge( tho hesf igais. They eau find tloin at home o suit the most last idious. Our Med ford ."ie II. K. V., loo nnd Del Murvu l.'e i-iaiH are the lieni in' r. Mann l.lrtUK'd l R. R. V. CIOAR WORKS. Medford, Or. Time Tabies SOUTHERN PACiriC RAILWAY. ! Northbound. o. llllOreyon Kxpress... R:M p. Ill !:-)() a. Ill 10:15 a. Ill 10: M a. m 1:50 p.m. 0:15 p. m. No, 14 1 Porl IhiiiI Kspicss.. No. HS.ljPor Aahlaud Southbound. Xo. IftlCatifornln Kxprcss. .N. 13Sun KrnncMco Kxp, No. 1'25 ' From Grants Pass.. PACIFIC A EASTERN RAILWAY. No. 1 Leaves Medford Leaves Medford Arrives Medford Arrives Medford 7:50 a. m. 2:.K p. m. 10:50 a. in. 5::t0 p. m. P10 '1 0' - VT.. A t . . - ........... UUti HIVliK VAltil KAJliWAY. - n , - 1 "v -"cn.oi.i . io.,u a. m. o. 1 Leaves Medford , Leaves Medford, . . . 5:55 p. m. "lor Lenves Medford.... 8.00 p, m. """rl leaves niouioni 0:00 p. m, Vo. I Leaves Jacksonville., No. ,1 I Leaves Jackson vllle. :00a. ni 1:M p. m Motor' Leaves Jacksonville. 1:00 p. m. GnindBallFourlhJulv IN BUTTE FALLS, AT THE ALBERT HALL Come one, com nil. Mimic, Wood OreheVia. Tiekelii, tnrludiu up er. !..". .Mnn.-itfer. Albert & Jtnker. Seven Room House on two lots, on Nye creek, Newport Oregon; $UiOrt If taken rpilrk. OU8 SMITH, 411 Buchanan Blrtg., Portland Or. Do You Use The best flour that can bo milled from the best wheat money can buy? Davis Best Flour js "best oy everv lest it sens f,.r less mouev and gives twiee as ltiiu-h satisfaction. Don't let your groeer talk you into buying other brands shipped in. Try a sack and be eon vinced. MEDFORD OPERA HOUSE ('HAS. H AZKf.KKiO, M AN AH Kit ONE SOLID WEEK, beginning Monday June 1st. Tli Popular T.fniiiii Womiui, GEORGIA HARPER ami a SplcntlM Company ENTIRELY NEW REPERTOIRE Carload of Scenery Elegant Costumes Populur prices. Seats on sale Thurs lay, May 28. Golden Grain Granules 101) VVM (!KNT VVUK It liislcs like ctif'fon. It looks like curi'i'c ;t 1 iil it sni(lls like I'lil'fcc, lint is jmre nmstcd iiT.'iinx, hlt'iiilt'd so 11s to pro cure Hit' ln'st flavor, the ivnlt'sl stroiijrth and an ar ticle which voting and old may drink morning, noon and night. (tuition drain Granules is especially vocoininended to I hose suffering from heart Iroiilile, nervousness, consti pation, indigestion, dyspep sia and stomaeli trouhles. Xcdrli '2-1)01(11(1 pnekaye, for 'Joe, all retail groeers. Wholesale hy P. B. Theiss & Co. Medford, Or. Ask Any One Who Knows (ind they wilt tell you that for a place In Medford to buy Drug Store Goods, whether It Is PRESCRIPTIONS TO BE COMPOUNDED. PROPRIETARY REMEDIES FINE PERFUMERIES. TOILET ARTICLES. STATIONERY OR POSTCARDS The EAGLE PHARMACY Is Best A. K. WHITMAN', Manager, Palm Block, Medford, Ore. Ladies will find jnircHt DRUGS Finp Stationery, Perfumes and Toilet Articles of fill kinds, including New Hum Hpwiiktf MMi'tiitwHi nt tho I MEDFORD PHARMACY , Inc. , Tha Big Drug Store with Little Prices. J near the Postoffice. : i '! y Gilbert ! VroHcriptionist i F. Xturkn Secretary State Depositary. Kstablished 1SS8. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $115,000.00 jareproap. oftEooiJ Have you tried our tmeeiul lie and Hot' Coffees, or our Pyra mid Tea yet? They arc the best in the laud; always good, al ways the same. We are nmv showing a nice line of Cut Glass and Dinner Ware. MEDFORD TEA and COFFEE HOUSE 21() WKST SEVENTH STREET. McGLASHAN Sc JUNKEN, Props. PHONE 1051. SpecialBargains in Heal Estate f). 80 acres, all tillable, nice location, nice five-room ottiige house, large harn, 21-2 miles from Medford, well watered, in reach of irrigation ditch, team, harness, wagon, live Jersey trows, cream separator, new gang disk plow, 'valuing plow, rake, mower, disk, smoothing harrow, stove nd some other furniture, all go with the place, and the resent growing crop. Price only $0000; a genuine snap. 2(i. IVJ0 acres, fine stock and fruit .ranch, well im proved, 100 acres under plow, (i acres orchard. Price )")()(). This place with ."() head of hogs and .r head of cat- le. all farm implements, lilacksmtih tools, hay, fruit and eget aides for $7000. -17. -1 10 acres, a fine stock proposition, 40 acres in alfalfa, irrigation, good buildings, in a splendid section for hunting and fishing. Price only $14 an acre; terms. (:. acres, 2 miles from Eagle Point on Kogue iver, .10 acres cleared, considerable fruit and alfalfa, pri vate irrigation ditch. This is a splendid proposition to develop, about half good bottom land, nearly all can be .inder plow when cleared, sehoolhouse handy, fair improve nents, team, harness, wagon, some cattle and farm imple iients go with the place. Price $t000. This ranch will bear lose inspection, as it will make a lot of money for someone. (7. A fine alfalfa ranch of 80 acres near Butte Falls, Irnest ream and springs, nearly nig and hunting, buildings. Price only $1200. 80. 80 acres, 4 miles northeast of Eagle Point, will be lose to the new railroad. 50 acres under cultivation, fine ilack land, mostly in wheat, crop goes with this place. Price f 1200. $2200 cash, balance 2 years, 7 per cent. C. H. Pierce & Son The ELECTRIC TEA KETTLE Furnishes hot water for ten on very short not Ice It can be used on the tea table or in tlic kitchen Attaches to any electrolier durable EOOUE RIVER ELECTRIC CO., Successor to Condor Water Power 'Co. Of fice 206 W. 7th St., opp. big electric sign Phone 855. STRONG, CAPABLE SECURE Willi large roaouriM's nnd eompi'teitt iiiuiiiiirtMneiit, with all the interents of l Iiih dunking instil lit iou in a sound mill Klallc condition, it ih amply justi fied in it.H statement t but it offers every Milking privilege ami nccoiinnodntimi coiiHiHlent with wafefy. The acfounts of firms, corporations, cstatfH, societies and individuals are re-spi-et fully invited. W. I. VAWTER President G. R LINDLEY , Cashier WE SERVE ON OUR BILL OF PARE every good disdi in nensou. We are always the tirst to add to our menu the new tilings to eal. Imt they taste good, too, lh) way we cook them at this restaurant. J f you have a favorite dish route in and try our way of serv ing it. If you enjoyed it before, you'll lie absolutely delighted with the eat ing of it here. Nash Gafe all level land, splendid fish-1 Ladies Suit Sale EVERY SUIT MUST GO y rv g for Hints that former- p JJ ly gold at $10,00, $12.50 and $15. 00. Satin lined; long sleeves; durable eluths; selling nt less than cost. $1 A AH or Sl"ts that were IU.UU formerly $20.00; na vys, browns, etc. BAKER-HUTCHASON CO. C ST., JUST NORTH OF JACKSON CO. BANK. We Want to Realty Bond Oregon W. Jackson County Bank Annex Ra W. GRAY, Builder COLONTAL PORCH WORK, GRILL AND LATH WORK, PATTERNS, ETC. TELEPHONE 471. JOB PRINTING AH Kinds of Job Printing done on short notice. It does't matter what it is in Printing, we do it for you. Our Office is now the best equipped in Southern Oregon, our workmen the most skilled and output superior. Only union Print Shop in Rogue River Valley. Portland prices ovr sched ule. We pay the freight. The Tribune 21 Central Ave. Your Opportunity Tf you are going to need a suit even this fall, why not buy it now? Wo aro showing nlmost the identical styles that have been decided upon for fall, 1908. The sleeves, lengths of jacket and the colors aro nil here and we are saving ytm big money on stylish, dependable suits. SuitH thnt are nice enough for all summer wear and will bo except iunnlly fine for this full, if not for best, then for second heat suit, to wear when it is bad weiither. $16.00 for Suits thnt were formerly $25.00; na- vys, browns and fancies. Cr A A for Suits wortli $35,00 ipiy.UU and 37.S0, in hand somest browns, navies and fancies. $25.00 for Suits that wero formorlv $45.00; only a few of these left. Buy Lands Syndicate of H. Stalker prrpfafv secretary MEDFORD, OR, MEDFORD